White business owner goes to work.
Four blacks, armed with guns, barge into his store to rob it.
De'Anthony Wiley (one of the four blacks) shoots this white businessman, who happens to the owner of a gun store.
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Jon Bieker dared defend his property from four black criminals... |
But first, the white businessman fired back upon the black males who were attempting to rob the store he owned.
Unfortunately, Wiley - one of the four black robbers - would win the shootout (though his fellow black robbers would all be shot by the white businessman, who was merely defending his property from criminals).
Now, Wiley's defense is actually trying to argue he killed the white businessman - whose store he was trying to rob - in self-defense. [She's a Pistol shooter claims self-defense, KCTV.com, 12-4-15]:
One of the men accused of murdering a Shawnee gun shop owner said he had no choice but to shoot.
These are the four black criminals who came into his store armed, prepared to use their guns in the robbery
Four young men face murder charges for the deadly robbery attempt at She’s a Pistol. Becky Bieker lost her husband in the violent Jan. 9 shootout with armed gunmen.
Thursday, lawyers for De’Anthony A. Wiley insisted his involvement wasn’t murder, but self-defense.
Friday Wiley made a brief court appearance.
The last 11 months for Bieker have been emotional, stressful and challenging. They've made her more determined than ever before to stress the importance of self-defense to as many people as she can.
“The fact of the matter is society has gotten to the point where we have to defend ourselves," she said.
But the issue of self-defense has come up in a shocking twist in the case against the man accused of killing her husband Jon.
Prosecutors say four men plotted to rob She's a Pistol. Bieker owned the store with her husband. He was in back when the robbers came in and made demands.
Bieker was hit and knocked unconscious. Jon got into a shootout with the gunmen.
Prosecutors said Wiley was captured on video as the person who killed Jon.
In July attorneys for Wiley announced he was willing to plead guilty to murder, but prosecutors rejected the deal.
Now, Wiley's defense lawyers filed the bombshell motion calling the killing of Jon Bieker self-defense.
De'Anthony Wiley murdered Jon Bieker (who tried to defend he and his wife's life, as well as his store from four black robbers) and is now claiming in court he did so in self-defense
The basis for the claim reads “…Wiley, withdrew from any physical confrontation with the Biekers and he specifically communicated his intent to surrender to Jon Bieker. Despite that communication, Mr. Bieker continued to advance and/or fire upon the defendant and the co-defendants. The defendant was shot in the spine and paralyzed, herefore unable to further escape. As such, the defendant was entitled to use force to protect himself…”
They went on to write, “The degree of force used by Jon Bieker and/or Becky Bieker exceed that which was lawfully necessary to protect property and a place of business in the face of the retreating defendants, all of whom were shot in the back. As the use of force by both Jon and Becky Bieker was unlawful, the defendant was justified in using deadly force in defense of himself and/or another.”
Bieker was asked by prosecutors not to talk about the self-defense claim, but has faith justice will be served.
"We believe the evidence will show these men entered our business to commit a crime. They came in to rob our store. They had a plan, they had guns and they were prepared to kill to carry out their plan," she said. "They do not get to claim self-defense because Jon shot back and they killed him in the process."
Former Kansas Attorney General and Johnson County District Attorney Paul Morrison agrees and says claiming self-defense in a case like this is unusual.
"That's a very unorthodox defense,” he said. "You can't embark on a felony and begin to commit the crime and then say, ‘Wait a minute, this was more than I bargained for,’" he said.
This is a felony murder case in which prosecutors only have to prove someone died during another violent crime, like a robbery.
Wiley's uncle said his family is praying for Bieker, but they came to the court appearance to support Wiley and want what's best for him.
"He told them, ‘I give up.’ You can't continue to shoot a man, then you are shooting to kill him, after he gave up" said Cedrick Gipson.Of course De'Anthony's grandfather would say his grandson was a good boy who wasn't doing anything wrong...
America is irredeemable. KCTV5
"He told them, ‘I give up.’ You can't continue to shoot a man, then you are shooting to kill him, after he gave up"
The horrifying thing is that in the 80IQ world of a negro this makes sense and they either found themselves an affirmative action or YKW lawyer that would stand up in front of a court of law and cosign this bullshit.
Well, the good news is that there's 3 less black savages stealing oxygen that my chickens need to breathe. You take the bitter with the sweet I suppose.
He is called De'Anthony. I rest my case.
These sub human trash should be put to death. Just like them to cry after they got there asses handed to them so it must not be their fault.
I bet there more upset they can't play basketball and rob someone else for free gibs
Give me a break! If the criminal said he was giving up and the store owner had been fool enough to believe it, the negro would have taken that chance to shoot him anyway. This is just another negro trying to play the victim.
The only thing that would be better than seeing these parasites get the needle is for this wily attorney to get it with them. This is outrageous!
"He told them, ‘I give up.’ You can't continue to shoot a man, then you are shooting to kill him, after he gave up" said Cedrick Gipson.
Legally, I think this is plausible and could be true. The outcome of the case will depend heavily upon whether the alleged surrender is captured on video or not. If not, the surviving co-defendants will lie their black asses off about it and it will depend on how many ape-freakin'-Americans are on the jury. Either way, they very well could be found not guilty. Lawdy, ain't Amurrican justice grand?
2015's media slogan was "YT guns down innocent unarmed teen!"
The media's slogan for 2016 will likely be "YT guns down innocent armed teen!"
It gets back to the point of the Black Li(v)es Matter movement: it's ultimate goal is to disarm white people psychologically and morally.
An unarmed black teen assaulted a police officer and gets shot? The teen is the victim! An armed black teen commits a robbery and gets shot? The teen is the victim! An armed black teen will gun down an unarmed white person in the street? The teen is the victim!
It's a straight line trend. And coming to a suburb near you.
There's a law I recall, where you can be charged with murder for any deaths that occur during the commission of a felony. Until now, I did not understand why that law was on the books. That this even made the news makes me think that this piece of TNB happened somewhere without this law.
Wiley was committing felony robbery. A person died at his hands. By any sense of what's right, he should be tried for murder. That particular law was written to kill any "self-defense" claims.
Actually, the way that law is written, if four chimps break into a house with guns, and the owner kills three before the last escapes... The last one is on the hook for three counts of murder. It used to be I wasn't sure how just that law was, but no more.
If this truly horrible doctrine actually becomes legal precedent, it will mean that any victim of an armed burglary, home invasion, mugging, robbery etc etc will have absolutely no legal right to fight back against the aggression of the criminal villain.
A truly disgusting phenomenon.
In fact, I wager in absolutely no legal system in the world whatsoever, not since jurisprudence was first formalized and codified hundreds, nay thousands, of years ago has such a disgusting, perverse and plainly unjust doctrine existed.
What's up with the nation of 1776 and John Wayne?
In a sane America this would be tossed out! But since the dear not my leader " Fundamentally Transformed America " this will be yet another reason to release the negro dope peddlers from jails across America! GREATWHITES this is going to be the longest year in American history until the Kenyan Muslim is walking out those front doors of OUR White-House. I just wonder if Moochelle's mother will continue to squat in the White-House attic once the phony first family leaves the residence?
This is the Defense trying to keep their client off death row, nothing more. Anything they can use to make it look human is what they will do. We have a conspiracy for a felony, which is itself a felony. A Robbery, in which the business owner was killed. This occurred during a crime. All four of the nogs are and should be charged with 1st degree murder, and that is a death penalty crime. And now this. This is the "I'm a victim" writ large. I believe it will fail and they will be sentenced. Regretfully, the judge will not be Judge Roy Bean.
Blacks aren't just lazy, stupid, and incredibly dangerous; they are also absurd. Only membersers of this incredibly stupid entitlement race would try to deny that there is going be some kind of reaction to their actions. And in a gun store no less!
2014 population estimates for Johnson county, KS where She's A Pistol is located are 87.5% white, 4.7% Asian, and 5% black. It is easy to see why Wiley wanted to enter a guilty plea to the murder he committed that was captured on video. He probably won't benefit from the usual black kangaroo justice system. Citizens in white areas adjacent to pockets of undertow need to make it very clear to groids that they aren't in one of their “safe spaces” when they venture into white areas. Beiker did a spectacular job of defending himself against four armed attackers, but odds were stacked against him.
It seems to me that groids are now consistently engaging in their crimes with the initial anticipation of an armed resistance. The current modus operandi of home invasions and other robberies and crimes seems to be that the perps are prepared for resistance and initiate the crime with shock and awe. The perps in several of these recent incidents appear to be groids who have mentally prepared prior to the crime to shoot it out with their victim. In the past, an armed response to an attack would often cause the perps to scatter. Unfortunately, failure to resist only makes it easier for the groids to rob, beat, rape and murder their victims. Personal defense tactics might need to be adjusted to compensate for this change.
The only mistake the late Gun Store Owner made was not to kill De'Anthony with a shot to his Nappy Head. My local Gun Shop has a buzzer at the door and if the owner doesn't like the way you look, he will tell you on the door speaker that they are closed. I can't imagine a store owner would let four of these thugs in, but out in Kansas maybe they're too trusting.
Shout out to Obama, Are you going to come to the defense of these four too, like Michael Brown?
The scumbag's lawyer is probably a public defender. So, to add insult to injury, the taxpayers are probably paying for this.
It takes a negro brain to achieve the level of stupidity required to rob a gun store.
Rex Hymens
Look no further than the Whites in South Africa to see where this is all headed. Just give it time and allow the White demographics to keep dropping. Vibrant Diversity means Kill Whitey. Do not be fooled; they're coming to kill you all.
immediately charge the reggin lawyer with Contempt of Court, then lock it up with the other black spawn.
The level of insanity is rising rapidly. First, our Attorney General Negress in Chief has declared the terrorist atrocity in California a low down, dirty shame because it may cause "backlash" to the skeered Muslim community, who only want to love us and become American. Police officers are put on trial for exterminating vibrant diversity negroes who make it clear that breaking laws, murdering opposing gang members, and raping the errant white woman are their Constitutional rights. Now, four bucks are found to have had their rights violated by being taken out after holding up a....wait.....for .....it.....gun store and killing the owner! Add to this the never ending negro marching and screaming on campus, and America is now a full scale insane asylum.
It takes a negro brain to achieve the level of stupidity required to rob a gun store.
Rex Hymens
Aw, c'mon Rex. Did ya look even look at the four chimps? Not exactly Harvard graduates.......then again, these days, perhaps they are.
Yep, Amurrican justice is grand. It applies to animals and probably insects.
It applies to everyone except the white Amurricans that wrote it. In BRA it's used against them.
You're right. If this, like you say, becomes a legal precedent, you would have to retreat even in your own home!
It would, in effect, be illegal to harm any negro committing any crime against you.
All you could do is dial 911 and "hope" the police got there in time.
If the judge is black, if the jury is black, they'll give the store to this scum and this will be our future.
I'm not a lawyer, but I have a fair knowledge of the laws on self-defense as I teach Concealed Carry classes in Missouri, and have been a Firearms Self Defens instructor for 40 years.
If I read this correctly, this is a Felony Murder case. Felony Murder is a charge where you are involved in a crime, and someone gets killed because of that crime. If you are the getaway driver in a bank robbery, and ANYONE gets killed during the robbery, then you, the driver, get charged with felony murder. This is true even if the person killed was one of the bank robbers shot by a security guard or private citizen, and no one else was injured at all. You get charged with felony murder even though you were unarmed and sitting in the car the whole time.
It sounds like the guy who is claiming self-defense was shot in the spine and is now paralyzed. He and his lawyer(s) are trying to keep him off death row, hoping a jury will pity him in his paralyzed condition.
There's a law I recall, where you can be charged with murder for any deaths that occur during the commission of a felony.
It's called Felony Murder.
"The horrifying thing is that in the 80IQ world of a negro this makes sense and they either found themselves an affirmative action or YKW lawyer that would stand up in front of a court of law and cosign this bullshit. "
That lawyer should be disbarred.
If I ever have to shoot a gun to protect myself from someone else with a gun, I'm shooting until said gun is empty! Overkill? I think not. If I wind up putting 15 bullets into someone , so be it. This country is so bizarre that I no longer recognize it as America. A sewer indeed. It's getting so bad that you're almost waiting for your number to come up.
Hakeem, Nicquan, L'ondro, De'Anthony.......The world now has three less orcs contributing to our vibrant diversity.......sniff.....sob..........and po De'Anthony din do nuffins.....wrong place, wrong time, robbery goan roan.
In the movie, "I Want to Live", Susan Hayward played the role of real life gun moll Barbara Graham, who finds herself in a robbery gone wrong. Graham proclaimed her innocence right up until the time they put her in the gas chamber. Hayward played the role sympathetic to Graham, insinuating that she was innocent for her role in the murder that resulted from the robbery she became involved with.
After studying Graham's sordid life and after the film was completed, Hayward stated that in her opinion, Graham was completely guilty for her part in the murder and thus deserved to be put to death. That was during a saner time in America, before violent, fanatical Muslims and negroes were openly courted, winked at, and given free lunches by our illustrious government.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum said ”The level of insanity is rising rapidly. First, our Attorney General Negress in Chief has declared the terrorist atrocity in California a low down, dirty shame because it may cause "backlash" to the skeered Muslim community, who only want to love us and become American. . . “
AG Niggey probably feels this way partly because leaders from one of her favorite organizations (CAIR) has explained that America is to blame for these terror attacks. CAIR is affiliated with Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and others, and has been designated as a terror organization by some countries, but of course not the US because we admire all Muslims and don't want to hurt their feelings. But don't worry because Obama says they're fine, and he has already welcomed them at the White House. Besides, Obama has explained that these terrorists are not even an existential threat to us apparently because he thinks that they will only kill us in numbers that we can absorb. I noticed that when CAIR was doing their standard act surprised and shocked skit shortly after the revelation that it was a terror attack a black enforcer looking guy stood next to the leaders. He looked like he was recruited straight from the ranks of Louis Farrakhan's organization – he had that ape-in-a-suit look.
still waiting on "Corrected" body count outta San Berdoo. Saw 14 mentioned but some of them was evil yt'z, possibly azn'z. Since ONLY BLM what was the actual body count of those who Count?
How is the victim supposed to know, in the middle of a gun battle, for his life, that the nog was was wanting to surrender because their plan had fallen apart. This is bat-sh!t of the highest order.
Well, it seems the defense is idiotic and will be defeated. My issue is the ability of the gang to gain entry to the gun store. I am sure the prevailing legal climate for the past many years which inhibits freedom of association - and thus security - in order to facilitate social engineering is the reason for the ease of entry of these thugs. To even enter a gun store, in a sane world, should require a privately-issued ID, an issuance unencumbered by Political Correctness.
But the past half century of social pressure to ensure "equal access" cost this man his life.
In other words he died so that others could avoid being inconvenienced.
Sounds fair.
John Ross is exactly right. In fact, this is the law up here in Washington State.
You can see the logic to it. In a running gunfight, how can a defender suddenly be legally responsible to designate one attacker as a "noncombatant" and shoot around him to get the others as they continue fire? All parties who participate or conspire in felony assault that leads to murder are equally guilty and can be repelled with equal force. Further, negros who are falling back to different positions are not necessarily "out of the fight", they may just be looking for an opportunity to reload, fire from cover, etc.
This is the same understanding as when negros attack Whites en mass, 7 or 8 to 1. When the stomping starts the White can shoot into the crowd because all the attackers are equally guilty (though shooting the leader is best and may force a break-off of the attack). I believe this is why negros use the "unarmed" cry when they get shot as they are hoping to sell the idea of an unequal disparity of force (fist and foot against a gun) when the real danger is their mob strength.
So many Whites will never be the same due to brain damage from negro mobs, yet the anger (like in the Mikael Brown case) would be unleashed on a White that fired into a mob, even from the ground. The only example counter to my statement I can think of is that there was a Philadelphia cop that was biking down a trail and was set upon by two SIMBA's who knocked him over, evidently for robbery. He fired from the ground and killed both with shots from a lightweight revolver he had on him and the story was covered here on SBPDL. The Philly PD covered him instantly, completed their investigation two days and declared the cop in the right before any "propaganda" (i.e. He didnit do nuffings) could get circulating.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
" I noticed that when CAIR was doing their standard act surprised and shocked skit shortly after the revelation that it was a terror attack a black enforcer looking guy stood next to the leaders. He looked like he was recruited straight from the ranks of Louis Farrakhan's organization – he had that ape-in-a-suit look."
I saw that too. It has always been that the CAIR and Nation of Islam have been at odds, as NIO is essentially worse than even Infidels, they are Heretics of the first order.
However, in the continued assault on the White, they have proven useful as well as merely requiring money for muscle. It is a temporary and (if you will pardon the play) unholy alliance that will eventually fail. It maybe convenient for now, but their goals are different. The Islamists want instability for the imposition of Sharia with the far goal of the world wide caliphate, the NOI wants instability for the take down of the White and the rule of Blacks.
I really hope he DOESN'T get the death penalty and instead is forced to live out the rest of his life in a maximum security prison in a wheelchair. Just never, ever let him out until he is room temperature.
Anon 1219P
Wiley was committing felony robbery. A person died at his hands. By any sense of what's right, he should be tried for murder. That particular law was written to kill any "self-defense" claims.
Actually, the way that law is written, if four chimps break into a house with guns, and the owner kills three before the last escapes... The last one is on the hook for three counts of murder. It used to be I wasn't sure how just that law was, but no more.
You're still believing the fairy tale that there is something once known as the "rule of law". There is not. My bet is that this killer will eventually get off on appeal. Depends on how much in legal fees Soros & Co. want to spend to drag it though the completely corrupted court system. He might do some time in MO, where there is still popular support for DP and punishment of criminals. If the squids (who create money by adding zeros to accounts) decide this is important, they'll move it to the federal level, where the judiciary is filled with Clinton and Obama marxists approved by Repukes, and "conservatives" like Anthony Kennedy appointed by Repukes. This has the potential to be a very important case.
Someone at Vox Day's site pointed out a possible plan to abolish the second amendment which involves scenarios related to this story. Once guns are outlawed by treaty (all it takes is 51 votes in the Senate now - thanks to the "opposition" party), the oat-keeper pohleece-goondas will not at first be ordered to simply take the weapons as this could actually cause enough of the stupefied idiocracy to rise up in revolution against the treasonous genocidal regime and its owners (though this is debatable), the oat-keepers might even decide that even their promised 'precious' isn't worth the risk of a significant chance of not coming home that night.
Instead, we'll see a vast increase in Obama's homeland army (that's what BLM basically is) carrying out home invasions against YT (the ADL and $PLC probably already have lists of gun owners from BATFE). Once a YT defends himself and family and actually kills such an invader, the regime's prosecutors will at once charge him will a mountain of "crimes" for which he will not have anything near an adequate defense (unlike squids and their favorites, average YT has no endless supply of funds - and we have the finest justice system money can buy). YT is sent to prison, gang-raped by more of Obama's sons and dies a slow miserable death from HIV (likely untreated as he's not a preferred race). This is how it's done in South Africa, by the way. Repeat this enough times and the grazing morons who watch niggaball day and night and borrow counterfeit money for worthless shit will simply turn in their guns voluntarily. The few who don't will then be hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned - they can be hunted down by the USSA equivalent of the NKVD and Cheka (FBI, BATFE, DHS, etc.) to the accolades of the Ministry of Truth.
This happened in my backyard and I'm livid that a lawyer is trying this defense. That's the first person I'd string up. This crime took place in a suburb that had been all white until Obama started filling the suburbs with illegals and blacks. Gun stores around here are open to walk into but I can see that changing. My only fear is that Johnson County is DWL and TWMNBN central so they might get a stupid jury. I pray they don't because this guy needs the death penalty and I'd give the lawyer 35 years without parole for suggesting such an evil defense.
Here we go again with another example of the VICTIM CONSCIOUSNESS. The victim mentality is so embedded in these peoples minds that to them the guy they killed in cold blood is the bad guy and they are the INNOCENT VICTIMS. These days anyone who defends them self against someone who is trying to murder them is the bad guy. The attacker is the victim.
I had an ex-friend who was telling me about the "gun problem" in America. When I mentioned we have a "crime problem" instead of a gun problem. I in no way made reference to any racial group. He went into a rant about why blacks resort to crime and dealing drugs. It is because of all the racist white people who won't GIVE THEM A DECENT JOB. I haven't talked to him in two years. A strange psychosis seems to be taking over the country. The victim is now the new hero. The white man is the scapegoat for every ones misery. Boo hoo. Cry me a river.
Yes, I always believe it when the guy who just tried to rob my store with a gun, who is also still holding a gun, says wants to give up now.
I'm pretty sure that in every state in the US, if you want to make a claim of self defense as a legal defense to a crime, you have to testify and be cross examined. I really, really hope that they have cameras in the courtroom for his testimony!
Saint Kardashian said...
"He told them, ‘I give up.’ You can't continue to shoot a man, then you are shooting to kill him, after he gave up" said Cedrick Gipson.
Legally, I think this is plausible and could be true.
Nope. But he could still get away with it in today's insane asylum if not for one tiny detail.
He didn't drop the gun. You can't surrender with a gun in your hand. You're still a threat as long as you're armed. Fair game.
If that defense gets up, then you are at war. and its not just with the Nogs.
This is a bit like the proverbial guy who kills his parents, then demands pity from the Court because he is now an orphan.
A defense I've seen before in these cases is "My client wouldn't have shot and killed the dead person if he/she hadn't resisted."
Adding insult to injury, we the taxpayers pay to house, clothe, feed, medicate, educate and pamper these animals and their welfare mothers. When will the madness stop?
@John Ross
Can you recommend a place to take a concealed carry class in the St Louis area?
Most gun stores and pawn shops by me require you to be buzzed in by the clerk, and most of the gunstores I've been in the staff are all openly packing a pistol.
Victimhood is the new underdog story, except for the part where the underdog dug deep and triumphed against the odds faced, the victim cries about unfairness, white privilege, systematic oppression, and being triggered by micro-aggressions. They then bring national attention to their stories and reap the benefits of corporations paying to avoid bad press, or bleeding hearts contributing to some Gofundme account. It's pure lunacy.
Still holding the gun that they just shot at you with!
cant even pronounce those heathen savage's, looks like Im gonna buy more gear, ammo. etc. etc.
""He told them, ‘I give up.’ You can't continue to shoot a man, then you are shooting to kill him, after he gave up" said Cedrick Gipson."
Okay, I know we are talking about a Dindu here... and I would expect some ebonics.. maybe a "He's a good boy" or some such... but wtf does this mean? I know advocating for certain people to be put down is frowned upon, but both the reporter wo took this information down and his editor should be shot. Barring that, tarred, feathered and run out of the community on a rail for publishing such an embarrassing jumble of nonsense. Does anyone know what idea, if any the goblin was trying to convey?
This is a first. CNN actually posted a video of TNB. CNN could not condemn it, but they did show it. There is just a huge, empty hole around CNN's reporting of this. TNB goes against their narrative, their tale of dindu nuffins. But CNN did show it. Perhaps PK and sites like his are making a difference.
"Most gun stores and pawn shops by me require you to be buzzed in by the clerk"
You live in a nog infested shithole then. Up here in whiteopia the only place that "buzzes in" visitors is the county jail (I do volunteer work there)... oh, and I don't think there's a pawn shop within 50 miles. You would do well to move to a more homogeneous community if you value your life.
"a possible plan to abolish the second amendment"
That involves AMENDING the constitution, which I can assure you doesn't happen with 51 senator votes. What you fail to understand is that my right to arm myself is conditional only on my willingness to grab my rifle and defend that right.
When he gives up and you put your gun down is he then allowed to beat your ass? If so, keep shooting , at least he won't be alive to tell anyone he surrendered.
Hakeem. Londro. DeAnthony. Nicquan. I`ll wager those names have never been on a job application, and damn sure aren't on a diploma anywhere. The only place you`ll see gibberish like that is on a wanted poster, above a cell door and court documents. No way any of those four were ever gonna amount to shit other than a burden on the state.
Look at those mug shots....Look at them! Case fucking closed.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"He didn't drop the gun. "
The post doesn't say that, and in fact it says he was shot in the back. For all we know, he could have dropped it and then picked it up again after he was shot. But let's say, for the sake of argument, he didn't drop it, and only pointed it up at the ceiling, raising his hands in surrender. Would the store owner then be legally entitled to walk up to him and shoot him in the head? I say no; and if he did, there's a good chance he'd be held culpable. In lots of jurisdictions you can't use lethal force on someone who's retreating. Verbally surrendering and pointing the gun up at the ceiling might be construed as a retreat, depending on who's doing the construing. But, like I said, the video evidence, if it exists, could be dispositive.
Oblamos legacy will be complete when he pardons everyone and empties the prisons when he leaves office. That will be our good bye kick in the teeth from him.
North Floridian.
Analogue Man,
Spot on point made by you! And well taken at that.
The aggressor was most definitely still armed with his gun still in his hand
when he supposedly stated he surrendered. If these knuckle draggers really
had a clue they'd be dangerous. Oh wait, hold that thought, they already are !!!
Anyhoo, that was a great point made right there !!
Prosecution could rest it's case on that point right there within itself..
.....drops mic......
Two white guys burned alive by a dindu with a molotov in Baltimore.
Anonymous said...
Two white guys burned alive by a dindu with a molotov in Baltimore.
How much f**king worse must it get? How much? They are now killing whites at will with the FULL cooperation and protection of the federal government. What else is needed here? How could it have become this inconceivably horrific? I just do not understand this.
This dumbass spook can claim that ignorant shit all he wants. But he will be found guilty. The biggest problem is this happened in Kansas. And even though they have the death penalty, it will never be used. Hopefully they all receive a long sentences. But I wouldn't hold your breath. It's really to bad he didn't drop all four of these pieces of shit.
Gotta give them the benefit of the doubt, remember the Golden Rule guys. You might be burglarizing someones home and need to defend yourself while you go about your business. Keep that in mind before you cast judgement.
This white man and his wife ran a legal business named "She's a Pistol"- no doubt to give women in the area more options for self-protection.
Jon Bieker and one of the robbers who burst into his gun shop fired more than 30 shots in a desperate gun battle on Jan. 9.
Bieker was hit by at least four bullets and died after his aorta was pierced. DeAnthony Wiley barely survived after Bieker's widow, Becky Bieker, fired her weapon at him. She also emptied her weapon.
Wiley admitted his guilt but Wiley's three accomplices have not. A judge on Tuesday found that there was enough evidence to order Hakeem Malik, Londro Patterson and Niquan Midgyett to stand trial on charges including first-degree murder.
Their guilt doesn't seem much in doubt since surveillance video captured the entire gun battle inside the She's A Pistol store.
In part to spare, Becky Bieker and other grieving loved ones, the video wasn't show in court. Instead, still slideshows were shown Tuesday.
Malik, Patterson and Midgyett will be back in court in September. Wiley's case will be handled separately since his attorney on Monday admitted his guilt. A few hours before the robbery, Wiley snapped a selfie of him in his wig before the attempted robbery.
The men took video of them loading up and flaunting their guns as they headed for She's A Pistol.
The guilt of all four doesn't seem in doubt. Punishment is what appears to be in question.
None of the four are eligible for the death penalty under Kansas law.
Prosecutors say that the men staked out She's A Pistol four days before the attempted robbery. Two men went inside in an attempt to buy ammunition. They didn't see Jon Bieker who worked in a room behind the counter.
The men apparently thought Becky Bieker was working alone when they pointed a gun at her and then ambushed her, breaking her nose. Midgyett carried the backpack that guns were to be shoved into, leaping the counter.
As an unconscious Becky Bieker falls to the floor, Jon Bieker bursts from the back firing his weapon.
Malik flees the store. Patterson and Midgyett were shot but managed to escape the store. Wiley and Bieker exchange gunfire.
Bieker died from his injuries while Wiley was critically wounded, but recovered.
Will you or your loved ones be anywhere a negro today? Look what they do:
BRM, and a picture of my new shirt :)) Enjoy, and make sure to get one of your own!
One of the other blogs I read had a masthead quote the other day: "Keep shooting until the target changes shape or catches fire."
Don't know if I agree with that now, but I'll probably agree with it this time next year.
Wait - you mean that picture of the 4 black guys isn't the defensive backfield of an NFL or NCAA football team?
My mistake.
This is one of the dumbest crimes I have ever seen.
Four dindus rob a gun shop with pistols to get more pistols. They use wigs but not masks to disguise themselves.
They risk a 20 year armed robbery charge and or getting shot to get.......more handguns?????
This is one of the worst aspects of living near Blacks. Their criminals make terrible risk/reward decisions which in turn makes them unpredictable. You can't even own something like a bakery and just assume they will go after a better target. Even if they know a small business doesn't have a lot of money all it can take is the wrong look or not meeting their demands (Blacks will try to haggle over stupid stuff) and now you are on their list. Then when they commit the crime they will do stupid things like take a loaded sawed off shotgun when the employees are college age women.
This goes back to the idea that White people need to pack heavy.
Handguns should only be used when you are away from a home or business. I'm not saying the husband did anything wrong nor am I second guessing him. I just think we need to move towards heavy firepower when at home or at a business near dindus. None of these attackers died and one was able to shoot back.
How is the victim supposed to know, in the middle of a gun battle, for his life, that the nog was was wanting to surrender because their plan had fallen apart. This is bat-sh!t of the highest order.
I beg to differ. Batshit is useful as fertilizer,and does wonders for a garden. The perpetrators of this latest atrocity are not,nearly as I can tell,good for anything at all.
The outrage isn't that this thing claims dindus it is that this filth is allowed to prey on people and reap the rewards of a criminal justice system they aren't suited for.
The libtoids will not attempt to take away our Second Amendment rights by going through the extremely difficult process of further amending the U.S. Constitution to repeal that earlier amendment. They don't have to undertake that politically impractical exercise in order to effectively eliminate our right to defend ourselves and our families with firearms. All they have to do is get just one more Democrat-nominated U.S. Supreme Court justice who agrees with the libotoid legal position that the Second Amendment grants no personal, individual right to bear arms, but instead only confers a collective defense right via an armed militia, hence the first phrase thereof: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, ... ." The libtoids have been making this argument practically forever: http://billmoyers.com/2015/12/04/the-second-amendment-was-never-meant-to-protect-an-individuals-right-to-a-gun/ . The current four libtoid U.S. Supreme Justices (Ruth Bader Ginsburg (former chief counsel of the ACLU), Sonya Sotomayor, Steven Breyer, and Elena Kagen) all already agree with that legal position. Once again, if you're white and have any love whatsoever for your family, never vote Democrat at any level of government, if for no other reason than that they will eventually make you a criminal for owning a handgun or any other scary firearm or accoutrement thereto. You think afro-monsters are dangerous now, just wait till you can't even legally defend yourself, your wife, or your kids with a gun in your own home. Never give power to afro-monsters and a vote for any Democrat does just that.
America will never be the same. Is it number 1 in the world today, except for insanity? Stupidity and debt?
President Obutthead has done a wonderful job of "Fundamentally changing America."
Justice has been "Africanized".
Anonymous said ”This goes back to the idea that White people need to pack heavy.
Handguns should only be used when you are away from a home or business. I'm not saying the husband did anything wrong nor am I second guessing him. I just think we need to move towards heavy firepower when at home or at a business near dindus. None of these attackers died and one was able to shoot back.”
This is true. A white person should carry as much firepower as practical. Bieker might have defended himself more effectively if he had been holding a shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot although the limited ammo capacity of 6 to 9 rounds could have been problem because there were four attackers. Unfortunately, it is impractical and in many places illegal to carry a short barreled shotgun or rifle.
Because of the increasing intensity, in terms of violence and number of attackers, of criminal attacks we need to take another look at what is necessary for effective self defense. Home invasions and robberies are becoming comparable to military attacks on a small isolated bases. The defenders often need far more than pistols for defense. Perhaps we have reached a point where there would be a demand for something along the lines of a personal defense claymore. Businesses could place a couple of these at counters facing outward or in residential homes they could face open spaces or paths of ingress. They could be triggered by a fob worn from the neck. From the safety of her bedroom door a woman could effectively clear a hallway or stairway of would be attackers. Obviously, there are some safety and legal issues that would need to be worked out. The BATFE, another self perpetuating and almost do-nothing agency of BRA, tends to classify devices such as these as destructive devices, or in other words too effective.
Anon crie de coeur
How much f**king worse must it get? How much? They are now killing whites at will with the FULL cooperation and protection of the federal government. What else is needed here? How could it have become this inconceivably horrific? I just do not understand this.
Much, much worse. Most whites still believe the police are there to keep them from harm. Most white police still believe there is a rule of law. Neither is true - both are complete fairy-tales. How did it get this way? One step at a time over the course of 150 years or more. Why do you think a central bank is one of the ten pillars of communism? So are public education, the income tax, welfare and a host of other things most white Amurikans (including "conservatives" accept as legitimate). As I stated above, this case might be a very important test case for the enemy. If you see Soros and the usual moneybags pouring money into the shyster-team for these dindus in KC, they are going to drag it into the federal docket - which is 95% their territory thanks to the Republicans idiots even this forum continue to advocate supporting. The system is not reformable by peaceful means. It's way past any hope of doing that. As I said before, if Donald Trump is serious and not a Perot 2016 put up by the squids to pave the way for either Hillary or Jebbush (or any of the other Repukes in their pocket - which is all of them), he'd have to find some pretext to become a dictator and purge the regime of hundreds of thousands of SJW/Marxists at all levels. That would actually be the least bloody option.
I guess a killing robber has the right to Stand His Ground?
This country, if you wish to call it one, is already a stinking corpse.
rex freeway:
This dumbass spook can claim that ignorant shit all he wants. But he will be found guilty. The biggest problem is this happened in Kansas. And even though they have the death penalty, it will never be used. Hopefully they all receive a long sentences. But I wouldn't hold your breath. It's really to bad he didn't drop all four of these pieces of shit.
Oh hell, I thought it was in MO (the border between MO and KS is somewhat convoluted in KC. No way they'll be put to death. The Carr coon brothas - perps of one of the most gruesome massacres of whites in recent history (covered up by Ministry of Truth) in 2000 - were actually sentenced to the DP but it was overturned thanks to the prevailing opinion of the "conservative" Supreme Court blackrobe (and likely closeted homosexual or pedophile) Anthony Kennedy, appointed by El-Slowbo Limbaugh's demigod Reagan, who found some penumbras and emanations based on EUSSR law (the finest in die Welt). The Carrs' sentence was commuted to "life in prison w/o parole" (a sentence which is itself under organized attack from shysters with endless funds and time, also likely to be decreed "cruel and unusual" by "conservatives" like A. Kennedy).
This is even worse than I thought, the KS state judiciary has a greater percentile of SJWs than the MO does. There is a higher chance than in MO that the insane self-defense argument will be upheld. There was also a famous tort case which I think originated in KS where a farmer who'd repeatedly been burglarized rigged a trap with a shotgun to get the burglar the next time he broke in. The burglar was shot (unfortunately lived) and sued, winning so that he ended up owning the farm and threw the victim off his own land. Shysters should be on the Mikado's list as well if the blessed day comes. It's more mercy than most deserve.
Well said and absolutely correct on all points.
T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
a M0slem was killing along with his spouse.
As the towelheads fired bullets to murder their share,
we'd be told of "M0slem innocence" by the liars at C.A.I.R.
America's children all nestled into their beds,
have millions of M0slems who want to severe their heads.
When in San Bernardino arose such a clatter,
it was M0slem bullets and bombs that caused the holiday shatter.
Then out of the White House commy 0bama and the liberaltards did come,
blaming Christians, right-wingers and the always "evil gun".
He lectures "on with regulations", and "on with an assault weapons ban",
but it's that n*ggers "Open Borders" policy that endangers the land.
He and the Democrats say it's honest citizen whom they'll love to disarm,
while they flood America with M0slems to do us great harm.
And while the spook and the media search to blame "anything but terror",
it's Americans that are thinking "electing this dirt-bag shitskin was the catastrophic error."
So, if you're lucky enough to make it through Christmas and next year,
Remember, it's M0slems OBAMA and treasonous Democrats that you should certainly
What more need we say ?
rex freeway said ”This dumbass spook can claim that ignorant shit all he wants. But he will be found guilty. The biggest problem is this happened in Kansas. And even though they have the death penalty, it will never be used. . . “
Yep. Kansas is the home of the Carr brothers. Even if 12 jurors in a trial court find the defendants to be guilty and in need of execution, the State Supremes will probably find an error and prohibit execution. It would probably be a waste of time for the prosecutor to seek the execution of these Obama's sons.
"That lawyer should be disbarred."
That lawyer is doing his job. When this gunman is sentenced, no-one will truthfully be able to say that he wasn't given a fair trial, that he was railroaded.
OT. A president of a Christian college urges all students to get training and carry concealed weapons for the purpose of dealing with terrorist attacks. He is very clear that they should put an end to any Muslims who would do them harm while admitting that there are many good Muslims.
Very few people, including Christians, will refuse to defend themselves from a perceived attack. What makes the problem with blacks so difficult is that the majority of whites are unable or unwilling to perceive blacks as a danger. I visualize the problem as being similar to the human body (society) being infected with a disease. The terrorist Muslims are easily recognized as an undesirable foreign body and society's immune system vigorously responds. Blacks are not recognized by our society's immune system as being dangerous just as the body doesn't recognize cancer as a threat, yet it seems likely that anyone reading this blog is more likely to be killed by a black than by a terrorist. How can an appropriate immune response be triggered?
Don't rely on the courts for your justice. They will only provide you with law.
Self defense while committing armed robbery? This is funnier than, the twinky made me do it! Thanks, I needed a laugh today. Also, loved the night before Christmas above.
NRA just released this awesome video. Make sure you spread it far and wide. Goes right to the heart of the matter and blames N*GGERS!!! Totally rams it down Obongo's throat. Classic.
They are protected by the GGC*.
*Groid Geneva Convention.
you have to web search for an image of Jabari Dean. tattooed face etc.
thats link to his n other fake hate crimes of blacks. blacks cant find haters in YT so they make it up.
Anywhere you find black men or Moslems there is potential for violence.
Unlike others here, I hope this POS Asswipe is acquitted. I hope he has to go home to his ghetto-ass Momma and SHE, not the taxpayers, has to deal with wiping his ass and installing ramps for his wheelchair, instead of the taxpayers.
God bless that brave man for protecting his wife and the community by preventing his wares from being stolen, up to and including his dying breath.
@Anon 12:49
Liberty University? Neocon Jerry Falwell gift to Conservatism Inc.?
Maybe something has changed, but take a look at the short recruiting video from a few years ago featuring Humble Tip, some negro hip-hop artiste (actually pretty funny - maybe a good article for PK?):
There is a scene where somebody drops a wallet, a negro finds it and returns it with all its contents! Who says all the miracles are only in the bible?
Anon 332PM:
NRA just released this awesome video. Make sure you spread it far and wide. Goes right to the heart of the matter and blames N*GGERS!!! Totally rams it down Obongo's throat. Classic.
This link needs to be repeated and spread as far and wide as the eyes can see !!
Yep, we're most definitely not the only ones with our eyes wide open.
Many know the drill and what's at stake for all of us if we don't stop this
madness somehow, someway. This less than 5 minute video, as anon stated, most
definitely goes right to the heart of the matter and blames n*ggers and their
coddling master teleprompter-in-chief's throat. More than just a classic, priceless!
I've already saved that video and the audio from it too, separately in mp3 format.
This video needs to be played on air for a week straight. For any of those out
there that still don't understand, execute them immediately, for they are the
true enemy.
And until something correct is done to fix this ever maddening situation we have
on our hands here we all know it's, without a doubt, bound to get much, much worse.
We haven't seen anything yet, folks. This is only the beginning.
As PK puts it so eloquently well, this country, at this point thus far, is totally irredeemable!
A personal shot out to Bogo. Man, you are truly one intelligent person !!
Your comments, your grammar, EVERYTHING is ALWAYS spot on and nothing less,
at least in my opinion. I know who's side you're on, and that's all that matters
to me. Stay safe out there, brother, and please, never stop educating me.
I owe you for your services, teacher. I've learned a great deal from you that
at the moment I could not have thought of myself. My hat comes off for you....
" NRA just released this awesome video. "
So Conservative INC.'s answer is federal government usurping the jurisdiction of the several states enforcing "gun laws"?
If you read the US Constitution the federal courts have zero jurisdiction if a couple hood nogs decide they'd like to shoot each other in Detroit or Baltimore. If they can't prove interstate commerce, a constitutional question, or the defendant is a foreign national, or if the crime isn't committed on a military base or other land properly ceded (along with jurisdiction over it) by that state's legislature to the federal government there is no lawful jurisdiction. Nor does congress have the authority to pass laws prosecuting crimes within a sovereign state apart from treason, mail fraud, or other interstate crimes.
This is the best your "opposition" can come up with? Let's give the anti-white out of control federal government more extra-legal power? This seems to be right in line with where everything else is going with the whole anti-police meme. God help you if you think the NRA is on your side. They have been a trojan horse for decades.
That was 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back..... more of the same "big government is the savior" NWO bullshit.
IN 2009, white Oklahoma pharmacist Jerome Ersland was accosted in his store by armed negroes seeking money and drugs.
He shot one in the head, and when the felled felon collapsed,unconscious, Ersland put several more rounds into him.
Ersland, who is about 70 now, was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life with no possibility of parole until 2049.
All it takes is one negro like "Unca Cedric Gipson" for a hung jury. His defense is amoral, but not moronic.
ONce a person of colour produces a gun, it means they are never going to surrender.
In fairness to the NRA (and yes they've been infiltrated by cucks and the usual suspects, sad to say), the add nowhere called for the Feds to usurp state gun laws, but to merely enforce their own standing federal statutes - like no felons with guns (though one could make the argument that if a convicted felon can sit in congress and vote on bills, why shouldn't one be able to own a gun?). As I mentioned before, they've not been very effective at fighting gun control at the federal level.
Repeal of the 1968 gun control act would be a good start, eliminating the BATFE, making all federal LEOs subject to felony-murder charges in cases like Waco and Ruby Ridge - with forfeiture of pension, and repeal of the NFA would be some worthy goals. Even significantly gutting certain provisions of the two above-mentioned laws would help matters for YT. This is all a pipe dream naturally because it's based on the fallacy that congress has any actual power. The reality is that congress does as it's told by the oligarchy who owns it. There are at most 2-3 members of 535 who are not actual full-bore genocidal traitors.
Anonymous said ”NRA just released this awesome video. Make sure you spread it far and wide. Goes right to the heart of the matter and blames N*GGERS!!! Totally rams it down Obongo's throat. Classic.
I am unable to find the video at this link. I see the announcement that the NRA sent Obummer a brutal warning, but I can't find the video. Does the video have a name, or can you provide a better link for us unskilled internet users.
"Ersland, who is about 70 now, was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life with no possibility of parole until 2049."
It would be interesting to know if he was offered a plea deal by the prosecution. If I know my Okies, he was probably one of those guys with boundless faith in the criminal "justice" system, and wouldn't take a deal because he thought he wasn't guilty. From a tactical and strategic standpoint, he was justified in making sure the nig was dead. Unfortunately, I suspect the laws in all states are similar. You can't use lethal force if you're not under immediate threat.
So tired of negro shithouse lawyers....
I used to carry my 9mm now and then. Now I have it all the time.
I used to wear my ankle holster now and then. Now I have it all the time.
Times, they are a changin'
Try here: https://www.nranews.com/series/wayne-lapierre/video/wayne-lapierre-how-to-stop-violent-crime/episode/wayne-lapierre-season-1-episode-1-how-to-stop-violent-crime
Anyone calling the NRA full of 'cucks' should look at the video that has been linked. Wayne LaPierre talks about Chicago crime and profiles a very sadistic Negro. If he were a 'cuck' he could have shown a pic of Jared Loughner or Adam Lanza, but the NRA did the brave, anti-PC thing and dared to focus on a sullen, angry, violent Negro.
Can anybody really make the case that these crimes are still being committted by "poor" black males because they have no other options?
Thanks to affirmative action, lowered standards, grants, scholarships and other freebies, there's no excuse for these people not to get a vocational or college education.
These are their choices.
These are their consequences
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