Conspiracy theory? Yes, this is a still photo from the $2 Waffle Maker brawl at Wal-Mart |
Black Friday has once again passed into the history books (though economists will continue to look at the sales data from the day after Thanksgiving to determine if consumer spending was flat), but not before providing another glimpse into life at the end of history.
Last year was a hilarious reminder of why one should avoid having a Black Friday shopping experience, instead opting out for the no-hassle shopping experience that
The brawl-for-all in a Atlanta-metro Wal-Mart between Black would-be beauty queens should have been the pre-Thanksgiving warning that provided ample evidence to stay far away from any store on Black Friday; don't tell that to the (race not provided) Wal-Mart shopper who used pepper spray to acquire the desired goods on her shopping list; nor the Wal-Mart shopper in Myrtle Beach who was shot before even entering the store on Black Friday (though a description of the accused shooter isn't provided); not to be left out of the action, but gang warfare broke out at a Macy's; and gunfire erupted outside a Fayetteville, N.C. mall (though no description of the shooter is provided).
Nothing though can prepare one to truly understand the hilarity of Black Friday like a good, old fashioned Royal Rumble over a $2 waffle maker at, you guessed it, Wal-Mart.
So how do you save America? Banish anyone from this land who dared shop on Black Friday from polite society -- we hear Haiti is nice this time of year -- and let all of those who engaged in the Hunger Games (if you haven't read this book, do so immediately as SBPDL will be providing an essay soon on this important trilogy) assault on the $2 waffle maker at Wal-Mart use their newly procured device to cook for them.
Last thought: why hasn't some enterprising Black politician complained on MSNBC that using the term "Black Friday" somehow demeans Black people? Seems like an easy way to garner easy publicity... wage war on using the color "Black" as a synonym for negativity, like Black ice, Black holes, and Black Friday.
So next year, if a Black politician begins a crusade to turn "Black Friday" into "Race Not Provided" Friday, realize the AP got to them first.
A small preview of things to come, people.
Just imagine yourself and La'Queesha fighting over the last scrap of food on the grocery store shelf after an EMP attack takes out the power grid in your area. Gonna be more than a little hair-pulling going on, I'll tell you that ...
Imagine what Christmas will look like after 2041 when Whites are no longer the majority.
That girl with the stomach / ass hanging out should lay off the waffles for a while.
Fox News said the pepper spray gal is hispanic. I was surprised they did.
The video is hilarious. The animalistic screams and grunts are terrifying. Did you see the Black Friday Mahogony Mob looting of the Hollister store in NYC?
Banishment sounds great to me! It's cheaper than locking them up.
I was at a black Friday event in Utah and nothing like this happened! I wonder why?
It is a little bit perplexing and paradoxical to me that black women should fight over a device which makes them do more work.
I'm old enough to remember when Black Friday was simply the day after Thanksgiving; the official first day of the Christmas shopping season. It wasn't some sort of explosive event. Yes, stores had their Christmas sales that started that day, but they were expected (and unremarkable) occurrences, just like their back to school sales, their summer sales, their Valentine's Day sales, etc. While stores and malls were a little more crowded on that day, they weren't the insane mob scenes they are now. When did Black Friday get like this?
Ben n Indiana,
Don't bet that whites will no longer be the majority in 2041. Predicting the future is a fool's game. I am going to be a fool and make a prediction that when the money runs out, the Negroes and Mexicans will have to fend for themselves and not get money from the white man to reproduce.
A pissed off white man is quite a lot more than the minority groups can fathom. Just ask the Japs after WWII.
Christmas in 2041? Forget it, by then Christmas will be renamed "Shopping Event to keep Welfare Tax Receipts Flowing"
The lack of control by these folks permeates their entire lives from lack of restraint when shopping to lack of control when eating (their fattie status).
To be fair it looked like a pretty mixed crowd to me
To be fair it looked like a pretty mixed crowd to me
Nothing though can prepare one to truly understand the hilarity of Black Friday like a good, old fashioned Royal Rumble over a $2 waffle maker at, you guessed it, Wal-Mart.
You would think that Walmart had caught on by now and placed the "door busters" outside in the parking lot with serpentine queues and crowd control security.
Then again, people might not actually go inside the store afterwards to spend even more money; and we all know how that is far more important than a few proles getting crushed or killed.
It speaks volumes about Walmart's predatory business model in how they continue to implement marketing strategies that almost assure customer injuries.
Last thought: why hasn't some enterprising Black politician complained on MSNBC that using the term "Black Friday" somehow demeans Black people?
Patience, lad. Patience.
I appreciate your optimism though I don't share it.
I appreciate your optimism though I don't share it.
I agree with Baldowl. I live in a great place where the only congoloids you run into might be at a gas station or quickmart. I commute about 50 miles each way, every workday, just so I dont have to work with knuckle-draggers. I truly believe they are a different tribe, closer to chimps than humans.
you dont have to be an anthropologist to see the monkey-like traits.
Christmas 2041?
Lily White: When did Black Friday get like this?
Whiskey could probably give you a more thorough analysis but I'll take a shot at it.
At the heart of this lies a pernicious and race-based malaise known as Conspicuous Consumption.
To examine spending by racial groups, Roussanov and his colleagues studied data collected from 1986 to 2002 for the Consumer Expenditure Survey conducted by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Blacks and Hispanics spend up to 30% more than whites of comparable income on visible goods like clothing, cars and jewelry, the researchers found. This meant that, compared to white households of similar income, the typical black and Hispanic household spent $2,300 more per year on visible items. To do that, they spent less on almost all other categories (except housing), and they saved less.
Visible items are those others can see when one is in public. The researchers found that blacks and Hispanics do not spend more than whites on items such as home furnishings that could serve as status symbols but aren't seen by as many people. [emphasis added]
What promotes Conspicuous Consumption? While the above article provides some answers ― mostly related to psychological factors like inferiority complex and self esteem ― there are other less well-known and much less well-publicized drivers that deserve examination.
An obvious one is that Blacks and Hispanics are experiencing a gradual improvement in their quality of life and, to some relative extent, their earnings, especially with respect to disposable income. This makes it possible for them to perceive themselves as being in competition with middle class Whites. The old saying, "keeping up with the Joneses", adequately encapsulates this mentality.
However, there are far more insidious mechanisms at work. The era you evoke in your comment was one during which media was just beginning to feel its oats. A principal component of this was the emergence of television as a replacement for radio. As will be seen, the visual component of television represented far more than just a quantum leap in entertainment.
While television was struggling to usurp radio's throne there was a keen focus upon programming quality. Sales of television sets were a crucial part of this push and well-produced shows drew in new buyers of this relatively expensive electronic appliance.
Once the coup de media against radio was accomplished, actual program ratings became more important. However, this attention shown for ratings had absolutely nothing to do with monitoring and improving the content quality of programming. In fact, this emphasis upon ratings would have exactly the opposite effect.
The reason for this is that broadcast networks relied upon advertising revenues for their profits and in this way, the worm eventually turned.
Televisions were no longer the product being sold. You were. Broadcast networks were effectively selling viewers to the advertisers.
[to be continued]
How better to establish the efficacy of sponsor advertisements than by using the metric of product sales? Increased sales were, literally, the bottom line for television advertising.
This new emphasis upon ratings and viewership brought about something which has damaged American culture in ways that haven’t even begun to be understood. In order to maximize a show’s number of viewers, the programming was “dumbed down” to an almost elementary school level of content.
Sophistication and nuance were seen as impediments while utterly gratuitous profanity, sex and violence became du rigueur. This entire phenomenon is known as “lowest common denominator programming” and it has spelled the death of quality in network broadcast television along with a similar decline in overall literacy and General Intelligence.
Now, consider how Blacks and Hispanics who are more prone to conspicuous consumption ― a spending behavior that diverts income away from everything except housing ― consequently pay out less money on books or education and, instead, rely more upon televised programming for their entertainment.
This sets up a vicious negative feedback cycle that only further entrenches excessive consumerism in those who already display a predisposition for it to begin with. Low income Whites are not immune to this same device but a relatively higher racial IQ leaves open more escape routes into higher education and other intellectual stimuli not necessarily appreciated or emphasized in Black and Hispanic households.
Through this remodeled schematic of program ratings and revenue stream, there was put in place an emphasis on consumerism such that, between Madison Avenue and Hollywood, the average viewer was exposed to comsumerist indoctrination like never before. Witness how entire television episodes and, even, feature length movies have been produced, all with a central plot theme of some beleaguered parent frantically trying to get the elusive Christmastime toy du jour.
The public’s entire fixation upon celebrities and the products they endorse is a wholly intentional offshoot of this comsumerist indoctrination. Actually, it is not so much an offshoot as a deliberate strategy to increase consumption by inculcating a degree of individual materialism unparalleled in the history of mankind. Mike Myers capitalized upon this with biting hilarity by way of his product placement clip in “Wayne’s World”.
Author and philosopher Ayn Rand correctly identified the root of this American malaise as an obsession with unmerited fame and unearned wealth. To understand this, one need only examine such so-called “celebrities” as Regis Philbin or Paris Hilton who have no real personal accomplishments to their credit and, instead, are merely “famous for being famous”. As to unearned wealth, state lotteries and television game shows spell out that side of the equation in explicit detail.
There is another factor at play as well. This manifests as a modern stress upon personal wealth over any actual accomplishment or development of individual character. This is shown by the prevalent devaluation of ethics and morals within modern society, especially as regards modern media and television specifically. It also is exhibited in a “win at all costs” mentality that has infiltrated professional sports at every level. Barry Bonds’ steroid use is a prime example of this but there are many more.
[to be continued]
Witness Paul Kersey’s voluminous writing about overpaid Black athletes who exhibit such criminality, poor impulse control and an almost congenital inability to plan for their post-sports career. The extent to which public consumerism is both encouraged and driven by these same sports “celebrities” mirrors the Madison Avenue and Hollywood strategy down to every last detail. (C)rap music with its “bling” and dental “grills” is just another facet of this same consumerism but permeated with a deadly strain of abusive violence and racism that further cripples its mostly Black adherents.
Further proof of this lies in how modern society devotes a majority of its hero worship to actors and sports stars instead of the authors, inventors and scientists that drive true intellectual accomplishment. This downgrading of who the public admires also appears in a growing lack of respect for America’s soldiers. There are some important indicators at play with respect to this decline in the quality of people who receive public acclaim.
NASA astronauts were once some of the most admired individuals in this entire nation. They served a vital function in their role ― a purpose brilliantly covered by Tom Wolfe in his book, “The Right Stuff” ― as surrogate warriors. Descended from a tradition of the single combat warrior upon whose skills entire military campaigns could be decided, modern surrogate warriors are now more often the almost retarded semiliterate mesomorphs that Paul Kersey is so fond of writing about.
This reversal in values can be seen in almost every walk of human life. It bodes particularly ill for the human race and Western civilization in particular.
More importantly, there is one ultimate casualty in all this; Christmas as a celebration of the human spirit as seen in Jesus Christ along with the entire notion of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. What started with an almost recreational reenactment of hunter-gatherer skills involved in finding just the right gift for someone special has turned into an indiscriminate display of greed and depravity.
Death seed, blind man’s greed
Poets’ starving children bleed
Nothing he’s got he really needs
Twenty-first century schizoid man
― King Crimson ―
Ralph: A pissed off white man is quite a lot more than the minority groups can fathom. Just ask the Japs after WWII.
I've gotta go with Ralph on this one. Islam is well along towards learning this the hard way. Due to the subordinate threat that they pose, Blacks are a little further back in line.
Zenster, how did I know that you were a King Crimson fan?
Well, let me see here. Where was I on 'black Friday'? I was deep in the forest admiring God's creation and trying to distance myself from the insanity of post-civilized society. I listened to the wind and observed the deer and didn't give a tinkers damn what was happening in some forsaken big box Hell-hole.
Ahhhhh,this article confirms for me why I was where I was. Thanks Paul.
A lot of Black/Hispanic consumption behavior is related to the mating market. Beta male providers and filtering mechanisms prevalent in White middle class society ("What school did you go to? Where do you work? What are your hobbies") designed to signal both reproductive fitness (risk taking for men, ala Whitewater rafting, mountain biking, rock climbing) that also signal upper class tastes, future time orientation, etc. and those for women (soccer, yoga, pilates etc) signaling commitment to being in shape and thus reproductively fit and attractive, are simply not there in either group.
Moreover, extreme mobility among Hispanics, and collapse of the nuclear family under hypergamy among both Black and Hispanics, means only "bling" signals reproductive fitness. It was not always this way, look at this Youtube clip from the 1943 movie "Stormy Weather" featuring Cab Calloway, his big band, and the Nicholas Brothers dancing:
Grace, sophistication, and a "swing" accented to traditional European dance/music all in perfect unision gave both emotional power and precision (the power depending on the precision) to the music and dancing. That used to be the model of reproductive fitness signaling, now dependent on bling/material exhibition: spinning rims, "grills" of gold/diamond teeth, etc.
Not too shabby of a write up, Zenster.
Also if you have not seen Paul Kersey's latest on VDARE, you should read it, quite excellent.
I do have a minor quibble. While I would not argue against the "opiate of sports" as a major factor in America's decline, I would say that it mostly revolves around the decline of other identities, particularly regional and national, and the ability to express pride in them.
To this I would blame primarily the media as a social enforcer among the worst not best of White middle class women's instincts. While it is true that overt "bling" is not part of what the consumer in America (based almost entirely to the tune of 85% or so on purchases influenced by women) demands, Steve Sailer noted that granite countertops and stainless steel appliances are driven by middle class White women, not men.
Much of the day-to-day consumer spending is based on status signaling, often among women (Jimmy Choo, Manolo, etc.) themselves (because few if any non-gay men care about them, only how hot the woman is). What the media has done, was leverage pre-existing tendencies among women to enhance the notion that traditional identities (Southern, American, Western etc) are worthless, that it signals higher status to reject them, "be kind" to illegal immigrants, elect a new people, and adopt the attitudes of the elite class that jets off to Davos. [No one more than women are enamored of princes and princesses, which is basically Disney's business model.]
I would argue the "bitter clinging" to college/pro sports particularly in football is the function of declining identities among White males, as female culture makes the traditional ones no longer acceptable (aping the attitudes of the Davos Set). This explains the scope (from the US to Europe to now Japan) and its absence (in places with little female-driven consumer spending).
My model to explain things is this: Female-driven consumer spending supports a robust ad/entertainment market, that in turn sells the worldview generally of the Davos-jetting elite, which in turn destroys the healthy nationalism and identities of traditional culture which produced the wealth in the first place. White guys cling to football the way the do Call of Duty, because it is often all they have left as a communal expression of identity. Its made worse by modern media society's atomization of people, with no intermediating institutions like churches, social clubs, etc.
[I called this women pepper spraying in Porter Ranch Wal-Mart either Black or Hispanic when I saw it on the late local news on Thanksgiving. White consumers are now fleeing to the internet in more "White flight."]
Off topic, but worth watching . . .
Just another day in the 'hood' (video)
Or, why White people move out.
A blog about black people and your begging for donations of 75 bucks for a borders give away book. Not surprised in the least. Happy Holidays to all Savage Anglo Americans (and beyond), disgusting child pedophiles,butt chuggers alike (tampons, really?!?!), and all creative thieves and crooks all across the globe. You have no one to blame for downfall of America but yourselves. I will gladly return to Africa, but you have to assemble the boat first (lazy eh...). Good day you filthy rodents.
@Ben N Indiana....
a Christmas without White People!?!?! I guess there wouldn't be another Jonbenet Ramsey. God bless the children ;)
"Just imagine yourself and La'Queesha fighting over the last scrap of food on the grocery store shelf after an EMP attack takes out the power grid in your area. Gonna be more than a little hair-pulling going on, I'll tell you that ..."
For me, that is literally unimaginable. Three guesses as to why.
@ Ben N Indiana
here's a video for you, silly rascals.
Dissident: Zenster, how did I know that you were a King Crimson fan?
King Crimson's lyrics remain pretty much unchallenged in terms of iconic historical references and White cultural identity. Their depth of complexity and interwoven meanings set a standard which is, every day, increasingly out of reach for even the best of modern lyricists.
Peter Sinfield's wordsmithing in "In the Wake of Poseidon" (audio track >here<), stands as a monument to the intelligence and enduring glory that classic rock had to offer.
How many rock songs were ever composed about a Rembrandt painting; as in the "Night Watch"? (image >here<)
Alas, how far the once mighty genre of rock has fallen.
AmericanGoy: Not too shabby of a write up, Zenster.
Thank you very much. I would liken the, as yet, undetermined impact of Hollywood and Madison Avenue's advertising cabal to that of all the mood altering drugs which are being flooded onto the market.
Whiskey's analysis is also on the money and the reprogramming of America's core values promises societal mayhem that is just beginning to show itself in full. I'm also quite glad to say that I do not see any conflicts between our respective models.
I continue to wonder how many years from now there will emerge some truly serious downstream effects from routinely dosing a significant portion of our population, especially young children, with powerful mind altering neuro-chemical drugs whose long term mental and physical or genetic effects cannot possibly be guessed at.
Both of these rampant practices present the prospect of a chemically befuddled society that has been stripped of its ethical rudder and left with a demagnetized moral compass, even as the ability to read navigational charts is being held up to ridicule.
Before it gets worse, it's going to have to get a whole lot worse.
Kylie: For me, that is literally unimaginable. Three guesses as to why.
Guess 1: Smith
Guess 2: and
Guess 3: Wesson
Anonymous (November 26, 2011 2:14 PM): You have no one to blame for downfall of America but yourselves.
A downfall in which Blacks having only played the most benign of roles, I'm sure.
I will gladly return to Africa, but you have to assemble the boat first (lazy eh...).
We'd rather that you swim.
Good day you filthy rodents.
Last I checked, it is the behavior of Blacks which most closely resembles that of rodents; right down to the cannibalism and spreading of fatal diseases.
I'm dreaming of a white Kwanzaa.
It's easy to predict where this will lead us. Whites will turn more and more to online shopping until the brick and mortar stores all fail, then we will all be on here bitching because ALL of our cities and towns look like the abandoned downtown areas of those shrinking farm towns all over the Midwest.
It is enlightening to witness Browns, Blacks and low IQ Whites engaging together in an activity they all love. This expands my list of who I would like to view through a well-guarded border fence.
Zenster and Whiskey, you two are a couple of geniuses and don't you know it.
@ anonymous congoloid troll: LOL. Thanks for the laffs.
Zenster, great write up!
The difference between the Scientist/Poets who were reading biblical verses over the radio from orbit around the Moon on Christmas and negroids killing, robbing for pre-Christmas "black Friday" of today is a perfect example of the foul decent of BRA.
"Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the Moon, entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968. That evening, the astronauts; Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot Jim Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders did a live television broadcast from lunar orbit, in which they showed pictures of the Earth and Moon seen from Apollo 8. Lovell said, "The vast loneliness is awe-inspiring and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth." They ended the broadcast with the crew taking turns reading from the book of Genesis."
Compare that to today:
"A suspect in a robbery and shooting outside a San Leandro Walmart early Friday morning has been identified as Oakland resident Tony Phillips (extra dark negroid)... After suspects asked the victims for their items and were refused, a fight ensued. One suspect pulled a gun and shot one of the victims. The victim was taken to a hospital in critical, but stable condition, police said."
Playing Roots Backwards: Whites will turn more and more to online shopping until the brick and mortar stores all fail, then we will all be on here bitching because ALL of our cities and towns look like the abandoned downtown areas of those shrinking farm towns all over the Midwest.
If you want "ALL of our cities and towns [to] look like the abandoned downtown areas of those shrinking farm towns all over the Midwest", then go right ahead and do all your shopping online.
I direct my custom to small business wherever possible. Small businesses create more jobs than the largest corporations of America combined.
Aside from corner liquor stores, fast food outlets and hair weave salons, most Blacks do not patronize a majority of small businesses. Their routine presence in Walmart is testimony to this.
Once you factor in shipping costs and waiting times, many online sites are not cost competitive with brick and mortar establishments.
Smart shoppers will tell you that professional human assistance can often lead to improved decision-making in purchases of all sizes.
While I use online services to locate rare or hard-to-find items like out of print books or vintage blades and cooking tools, I reserve the majority of my patronage for small businesses. They work harder for your dollar and deserve respect for it.
You clearly have no clue of your own American history (i don't blame you, i would be highly ashamed of my savage ancestors too). As far as cannibalism, you should probably refer to your history text books for that one. (Jeffery Dahmer, White hikers in the mountains in 70's). But I do like your Smith & Wesson reference, seeing that black marksman are among the deadliest, sense we love practicing on ourselves (Sarcasm, just in case you were beginning to get a little confused and lost). Always remember who built the country you cherish (Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Asians etc.). I'll give you credit (that's a funny one), white people are very good at getting themselves in a jam they can't ever seem to get themselves out of. (Vietnam,9/11,Iraq). You people can't even be out in the sun, losers. Have a good Savage Thanksgiving (Rape and Pillage ring a bell?!?!) Don't bother responding, your just going to continue to embarrass yourself(insert your favorite white politician,past or present, here.
@ Zenster
your white rock stars (whoever that might be) will always chase the legendary creations of Jimi Hendrix and Little Richard. Isn't that funny? A white guy following behind a black for inspiration. Have fun with your "imagination", I'll relish the reality of your kind always falling further and further behind. Have a good night, you people have a lot catching up to do.
Anonymous said...
I was at a black Friday event in Utah and nothing like this happened! I wonder why?
November 26, 2011 7:17 AM
Lol, your making this too easy. Please think before you post, you freaking polygamist.
Zenster, something else about small businesses (I shop at them, too) is that the locals who own them/work for them have no problem wishing shoppers "Merry Christmas." They don't have a P.C., anal upper management ordering their whole organization to say, "Happy Holidays," so as not to offend anyone. It's a small thing, I know, but I like to be wished a Merry Christmas when I'm Christmas shopping.
I have to say SBPDL is quickly becoming my favorite site of this nature. Paul does a great job and has a keen eye. Zenster, Whiskey, 10mm Auto, and others make the comments section as enjoyable as the original content.
My thanks to all of you.Kinda funny but I also enjoy the occasional black lurkers who pipe up from time to time. Never has one of you come close to writing anything coherent or of interest but I love the retorts to your stupidity. I will give Mr. evergreen a pass on this his is coherent and can form a complete thought unfortunately he is wrong most of the time.
Zenster: It has nothing to do with what I want. I am only predicting an ugly trend, not causing one.
I learned that I don't have a lot of influence in such matters back when I was still had a "BUY AMERICAN" bumper sticker on my car.
So many shoppers were voting for off-shoring at the cash register that it eventually became impossible to find American Made products.
One weekend I had a shopping list with two items on it: A toilet and a coffee maker. I eventually found an American Made Kohler toilet that I paid close to $500 for after looking at foreign made $100 and $200 toilets all day, but I never did find a coffee maker that was built by our countrymen.
No, Zenster, don't count on me to save the brick and mortar stores. I try to buy from the locals, too, but, in the end, that won't change a thing. Now that most of the people in our country are living on their smart phones and computers, the conventional retailers will soon be in the past with the blacksmiths and the TV repairmen.
I got me a big screen TV in Aurora, CO.
Biggie B.
Zenster said, "'Kylie: For me, that is literally unimaginable. Three guesses as to why.'
Guess 1: Smith
Guess 2: and
Guess 3: Wesson"
You're in the ballpark. Actually, my favorite handgun is an Armscor MAP1.
But in a situation of widespread civil unrest and societal breakdown, I wouldn't bother with a handgun. ARs would be the only way to go.
This is, of course, a worst-case scenario. I don't ever advocate violence and would never resort to violence except in self-defense or the defense of my family and home.
And let me add my compliments and thanks for an excellent analysis.
This is just another racist blog hiding under the veil of "freedom of speech"..
I work at Wal-Mart and, unfortunately, had to work on black Friday. This Wal-Mart is in a small town in rural WI, so not many black people. The customers were cranky and unpleasant but not violent. I used the term "black Friday" and was told not to by my supervisor because "black people would be offended by it."
Lots of good things being said on this here topic. Glad to see we are not wasting the Black Friday weekend at the shopping malls!
A pissed off white man is quite a lot more than the minority groups can fathom. Just ask the Japs after WWII.
I've gotta go with Ralph on this one. Islam is well along towards learning this the hard way.
Good points. Consider how after one terrorist attack too many, the USA invaded both Iraq and Afghanistan, shot up quite a few people globally via the drone armada, and seems to have had a role in overthrowing just about every bothersome government in North Africa.
One wonders what will happen when BRA pushes it a little too far. Of course, the real problem is not so much blacks, but the DWLs who use them as shock troops, as noted by another poster.
I will gladly return to Africa, but you have to assemble the boat first (lazy eh...).
Why go by boat which is slow? And will remind you of slavery when you can go by magic fly fly which will take you there in under 6 hours!
Always remember who built the country you cherish (Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Asians etc.).
Every time I see that line,I ask the gods how many more times we're going to have to hear it.
What blacks provided was labor. Got that?
Lifting,hoeing,digging. And to be fair,a lot of that labor would have been classed as skilled labor-a good blacksmith is wonderful to watch. In fact,just about any skilled craftsman is a joy to see,when they're doing what they're good at doing.
But that's where it began and ended. And before blacks were brought here,that labor was provided by white indentured servants,who in many cases,were treated in ways that would horrify anyone with a shred of humanity left in them.
And the price we've paid for the presence of blacks among us has been horrendous. Horrendous,and totally unjustifiable,to my way of thinking. Nat Cole and Arthur Ashe do not make up for Channon Christian,Emily Elizabeth Haddock,Eve Carson,
You want a boat?
I know quite a few people who wouldn't mind building you one,and I'd help out myself.
Always remember who built the country you cherish (Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Asians etc.).
Want to buy an over the river property in New York?
Plenty of footfall.
Even more Black Friday b.s.
All of this was over bath towels. Dumbest sh*t I have ever seen captured on video to date. I am ashamed of the people in this town.
Oh and I am sick to death of people not including Whites when talking about the building of this nation. This country was built with White know how and mostly White sweat and muscle. You stop revising history to suit your own goddamn agenda, because that is the truth!
" "black Friday" and was told not to by my supervisor because "black people would be offended by it."
The term "black" comes from black ink, used for positive income balances on the registers of businesses as opposed to red ink for negative. Black is positive. Not waiting for the nigras to ever understand this and not complain though.
"You want a boat?
I know quite a few people who wouldn't mind building you one,and I'd help out myself."
Me too. I'll bring the hole-saw!
I understand the meaning of "black friday", and so does my supervisor. He owned a bakery for forty years. We both discussed it...didn't matter. Management said we shouldn't use it.
BTW this same supervisor was once "counseled" for saying "Bless You" to a customer who sneezed.
I went shopping on Black Friday ONCE about five years ago. Since I'm neither ignorant nor a masochist, I've never done it again. While blacks are increasing here, the lines mainly consist of Indians and Asians who line up the night before, along with a smaller number of foolish Whites.
I do my homework before shopping; check multiple store ads and websites to figure out the general price for a specific item. I got my son a laptop on sale a month ago - on Black Friday it was on sale for $90 MORE than I paid earlier. I got a 16 GB memory card for a camera yesterday for $1.00 more than I paid for an 8GB the day before Thanksgiving, and only a few dollars more than people were paying for an 8GB on Friday. It was an easy exchange at the same store, each time honoring a different store's ad. The majority of gifts this year were purchased online - if the price is about the same, and there's no tax or delivery charge, it's hardly rocket science.
I spent the day after Thanksgiving relaxing at home - sort of what a holiday used to mean for White people. The only real stress prior to Thanksgiving was at the grocery store, filled with foreigners for whom Thanksgiving is irrelevant, but who would never dream of letting all the bargains go by. Whites were shopping for the Thanksgiving dinner. The rest, not so much.
Hope the rest of you evil racists here had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and loved ones. You, too, Paul.
This is just another racist blog hiding under the veil of "freedom of speech".
Why can't people be what you term "racist?" You can have every manner of ethnic minority organizing and agitating on university campuses, in the government, the corporate world, etc. Not to mention out and out communists and former leftwing terrorists doing the same (e.g., Bill Ayers).
So why is it wrong to be "racist?"
Or is it only "racism" by white people? No problem with La Raza, NAACP, your local Black Student Union, et alia?
And yes, white people have "free speech" rights. Are you saying that white people should not? Maybe the First Amendment was another of those terrible things which dead white slaveowners invented to keep down black people? After all, "civil rights" activists these days are doing the best to roll back the First Amendment rights of people who want to, say, fly the Confederate battle flag or provide dissenting views on how IQ and race are related.
Has it ever occurred to you that the "racist" perspective may just be correct?
Why don't you tell us where the "racist" perspectives shown in SBPDL's articles are wrong?
But you know what SBPDL is right.
So you have to toss out the label "racist."
Always remember who built the country you cherish (Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Asians etc.).
If that were the case, then why is it that blacks can not rebuild a city like Detroit? Or Birmingham? Or for that matter, why have blacks allowed countries such as Zimbabwe and Haiti to go to ruin?
Where is all that labor?
Always remember that without whites to run the show, blacks tend to undo everything which was built.
I will give Mr. evergreen a pass on this; his [posting] is coherent ...
mr_evergreen at least recognizes that BRA does have considerable problems.
First off, Whiskey, its great to see you participating in this discussion. Even if there is not total agreement between us, I have always relished your personal take on Alpha/Beta gender interplay because of how it obliges everyone involved to examine the very roots of their personal social constructs. Western civilization and America in particular is desperately in need of such introspection.
Even better is how I find us largely in raucous and violent agreement.
As a small example, your early-on indictment of the Home & Garden Channel as a bastion of male feminization, if not outright gayness, was definitely on target. While I don't let my "gaydar" (gay radar) steer me through life, much as with the Frugal Gourmet, Jeff Smith, watching HGC at a friend's house really lit up my gaydar screen like few other shows.
Whiskey: While I would not argue against the "opiate of sports" as a major factor in America's decline, I would say that it mostly revolves around the decline of other identities, particularly regional and national, and the ability to express pride in them.
I sought to address this same issue in my earlier and lengthy comments. In this respect I must give Paul Kersey fulsome praise for his willingness to examine Cultural Marxism as one of the prime movers that promotes White self-loathing.
It is crucial to understand how Cultural Marxism has bred up a stunning degree of disloyalty among Whites, especially with respect to their very own race. It is an unfaithfulness that transcends all reason or logic including the very most basic survival instincts. This goes to the innermost heart of what you note as “the decline of other identities, particularly regional and national, and the ability to express pride in them.”
Although I am unqualified to assess any intricacies involved therein, a prime example of all this is the sound and fury that surrounds debate over representations regarding the Stars and Bars as they appear on State flags and other Southern institutional emblems or insignias in America. Regardless of my support or opposition in this matter, it remains an epitome of what you have identified as “the decline of other identities, particularly regional and national, and the ability to express pride in them”.
Whiskey: I would argue the "bitter clinging" to college/pro sports particularly in football is the function of declining identities among White males, as female culture makes the traditional ones no longer acceptable (aping the attitudes of the Davos Set).
I can only suppose that a few Titanic passengers were found “clinging” to the boat’s anchor as it sank. If all that White males have to cling to is professional sports, then there is something fundamentally wrong with their self image. Admittedly, this is where our respective agendas converge in that the ongoing media-based e-Race campaign is eroding or distorting much of White male identity and White culture in general.
It is also a chief node of discussion in articles at SBPDL regarding the “blackout” of White football players in the SEC. Especially stunning is the massive catalogue of accomplishments that White men, and women, have to cling to but that goes wholly disregarded, especially by those in academia and the media.
[to be continued]
Your identification of the media’s drive with respect to promoting hyper-feminism goes to the heart of this matter. Few better explanations of this destructive crusade can be found than this tidy excerpt from Stefan Molyneux’s, “The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers”: (Video time point ― 56:40)
In our constant quest to perfect human ownership we have found a far better way to break these family bonds and substitute allegiance to ourselves in the form of patriotism and or religiosity. (Ahhh … ) It’s one of these beautiful win-win situations that come along so rarely. Listen, first we raised taxes to the point where it became very difficult to maintain a reasonable lifestyle if one parent stayed home with the children. We also funded feminist groups to the tune of billions of dollars, one of the greatest investments we ever made, to encourage women to abandon their children and enter the workforce.
Not only did this help break the parent-child bond but it also moved women’s labor from non-taxable to taxable, a delightful coincidence of self-interest and practicality for us. With both parents working all we had to do was create a few scares about the quality of childcare allowing us to move in to control can regulate that industry and remaking it to serve us best.
In some countries like the United States, children are effectively removed from parental care by the state within a few weeks or months after birth. In other countries parents receive direct subsidies to stay at home which is quite funny when you think about it and there is precious little room for humor in much of this.
We take money by force from the parents, keep a large portion for ourselves, use another portion to run up debts that their children will somehow have to pay off and then dribble a few pennies down to the mother who then feels that we are somehow doing her a great favor by allowing her to stay at home. (Giggle) Ah, it’s a delicious irony that everyone remains so totally blind to reality that they run to us to protect their children from all kinds of harm while we are the one selling off their children’s future through national debts. It really is like hiring a thief to guard your property.
The amazing thing is this is all so completely obvious and never ever, ever, ever spoken about. [emphasis added]
Molyneux correctly identifies governmental tax greed as a prime mover in the “women’s rights” movement that underpins much of modern feminism. You accurately take note of how modern women are fixated upon the “Davos Set”, in spite of it being intensely racist, something that feminists are supposed to ignore. I guess none of them are going to let a little issue of skin color interfere with their access to mink and haute couture.
For now, let’s disregard how DWL feminists are chief among purveyors of the “soft racism” of lowered expectations that mutes all female outrage over Islam’s policy of abject gender apartheid and the propensity for violent rape displayed by Muslim males. The exact same goes for any justifiable alarm that should be raised over disproportionate Black-on-White rapes of White women.
[to be continued]
Far more weighty ― and totally beyond dispute in this matter ― is the unjustifiable blame that continues to be placed upon White civilization for its disproportionate consumption of world resources. The material excesses of Christmas in America bring this notion to the forefront in the way that mass media both exacerbates this excessiveness through its consumerist indoctrination even while it is just as quick to hypocritically condemn such overconsumption. It represents a merciless hammer and anvil with which the White race and its spirit are being crushed.
Finally, even a most cursory return-on-investment analysis would provide overwhelming evidence that, stolen or not, modern White utilization of resources has been orders of magnitude more productive beyond that of all other cultures. Be it advanced medicine, high technology, space exploration, bulk agriculture, civil construction projects, aeronautics, maritime engineering, power generation, mass transit, industrial processes or, even, military prowess; White civilization has shamed each and every other non-White culture to precede it regardless of head starts on their part amounting to thousands of years.
SwampThizzle: Zenster and Whiskey, you two are a couple of geniuses and don't you know it.
Your appreciation is gratefully accepted during this time of national Thanksgiving. Thank you very much.
Anonymous: @Zenster
You clearly have no clue of your own American history (i don't blame you, i would be highly ashamed of my savage ancestors too).
If you are a Black person, you certainly have everything to "be highly ashamed of" regarding your "savage ancestors". Even today Blacks have proven themselves incapable of overcoming their most primitive and debilitating character flaws. Whether it is cannibalism, rape, corruption, illiteracy, criminality, genocide and a host of other barbaric practices, they all flourish in sub-Saharan Africa and most of them are present in American Blacks as well.
I feel no sense of shame, nor do I regard my predecessors as "savage ancestors". Both sides of my family are descended from highly productive cultures that have disproportionately contributed to the improvement of life all around our entire world.
I sincerely doubt that you are able to make anything close to a similar claim.
As far as cannibalism, you should probably refer to your history text books for that one. (Jeffery Dahmer, White hikers in the mountains in 70's).
Comparing an exception to the rule is the peak of intellectual incompetence. Jeffery Dahmer represents a statistical polarity with respect to White culture, whereas Blacks in Africa are probably the most numerous practitioners of culinary cannibalism ― as in for sustenance as opposed to any ritual sense ― on the planet.
Put another way, your comparison is a display of total intellectual incompetence.
But I do like your Smith & Wesson reference, seeing that black marksman are among the deadliest, sense [sic] we love practicing on ourselves (Sarcasm, just in case you were beginning to get a little confused and lost).
I'd venture that it is you who are "confused and lost". You sarcastically bandy about a fact that utterly damns the Black race ― its habitual predation upon itself and all others ― when yours should be a tone of horrified exclamation.
Always remember who built the country you cherish (Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Asians etc.). I'll give you credit (that's a funny one), white people are very good at getting themselves in a jam they can't ever seem to get themselves out of.
The reconstruction era and later Westward expansion times you refer to found the numbers of Blacks and Asians at bare percentage points of America's overall population.
Each Black and Asian would had to have forgone all sleep and still outperformed their White coworkers by orders of magnitude were they to deserve the misplaced credit you attempt to give them for having "built the country".
As humiliating and indigestible as it may be for you, Whites built America, with all other races playing a tiny supporting role.
[to be continued]
As Anonymous (November 27, 2011 6:55 AM) so clearly spelled out:
What blacks provided was labor. Got that?
What few Blacks there were, that is. What's more, the true accomplishments of America, such as penning its Constitution, industrialization and exploration were done almost exclusively by Whites.
Let that stick in your craw for awhile so you can get the full flavor of just how little American Blacks have contributed to this country's original and continuing greatness.
I'll give you credit (that's a funny one), white people are very good at getting themselves in a jam they can't ever seem to get themselves out of. (Vietnam,9/11,Iraq).
Your lack of historical understanding is really starting to show. The seemingly intractable nature of all three events that you refer to are a direct result of Politically Correct politicians forcing America's military to follow their utterly ridiculous RoE (Rules of Engagement).
Both Vietnam and our current war with Islam could have been wrapped up in a year if not in a single day.
You people can't even be out in the sun, losers.
That sure explains why, unlike Blacks, White people were the first to circumnavigate the globe. After all, why "be out in the sun" toiling away in the fields like your African counterparts when we can sit in the shaded cabin of a combine harvester that does a thousands times the work for less money?
Have a good Savage Thanksgiving (Rape and Pillage ring a bell?!?!)
No, it doesn't "ring a bell". Not even close. Yours is the more savage race and all around the world the vast majority of modern Blacks struggle daily to prove their complete and total unfitness for inclusion in any civilized society.
Don't bother responding, your just going to continue to embarrass yourself(insert your favorite white politician,past or present, here.
I suppose it would be to much to ask that you consider just how intellectually bankrupt your entire comment has shown you to be. Perish the thought.
'Jimi Hendrix'
How much White and Native was he?
And who created the Guitar and Lectric?
Anonymous (November 26, 2011 6:32 PM): @ Zenster
your white rock stars (whoever that might be) will always chase the legendary creations of Jimi Hendrix and Little Richard.
Have you ever listened to Hendrix's work with Little Richard? It sounds like something a fifth grader would turn out.
Isn't that funny? A white guy following behind a black for inspiration.
Although Hendrix was a master of the electric guitar, there are other White performers that can eat him alive.
As for Whites actually playing Hendrix, try Junior Brown performing, "Sugar Foot Rag", with its note perfect opening of Hendrix's "Power to Love".
As I noted, there are people who can blow Hendrix's doors off. Curiously, they mostly seem to be White. Try Eric Johnson and his insane composition, "Cliffs of Dover". (No video, crank up to enjoy.)
There is also the lead guitarist from Dream Theater, John Petrucci. Here's his piece, "Glasgow Kiss".
A list of modern masters wouldn't be complete without Jeff Beck's "Brush with the Blues". (No video, crank up to enjoy.)
Have fun with your "imagination", I'll relish the reality of your kind always falling further and further behind. Have a good night, you people have a lot catching up to do.
Yes, we do "have a lot catching up to do", with Albert Einstein and not the likes of morons like you.
Comparing an exception to the rule is the peak of intellectual incompetence.
Hi ho Hi ho
It is off to Princeton
I must go!
And if we're going to talk about Jimi Hendrix,here's another point.
It's already been mentioned that Hendrix used instruments and support tech invented by white men.
But what hasn't been mentioned thus far is that Hendrix,and the other popular black entertainers reached their (annoyingly pale) audience largely through the medium of radio and television.
Which were,alas,also invented and perfected by us annoyingly pale guys. And don't start in on the Japanese electronics behemoths like Sony,either. Yes,they took over the industry,and I'm not happy about that. But the initial invention of wired and wireless transmission of sound and images was done by white people.
Not to mention the recording of those entertainment products. Thomas Edison ring any bells?
There is a lot of hate against Black people in these comments. So many of you act as if whites are perfect specimens with no faults. I'm sure, one of you will say that is the case but it is far from true. The fact that you are unwilling to give Black people a chance and assume that all lack intelligence and are named "La'Queesha" shows your ignorance. Why do you complain so much about minorities? You're EVERYWHERE. When the television is turned on, nothing BUT whites. You own everything, steal everything but claim it as yours, what is your problem? Whites are the most violent group of individuals to ever grace this Earth. If you don't get what you want how you want it, you automatically just kill and enslave whoever does. You're right, there is nothing worse than a "pissed off white man". You all are the most dangerous individuals, I'm more frightened of you than I am of non-whites.
You're EVERYWHERE. When the television is turned on, nothing BUT whites.
Well larks a mercy a racist black dude who refuses to she the over representation of black people on television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
I live in Fayetteville but had gone early in the morning up to Durham with my S.O. to do our shopping. Absolutely packed, but other than some rude people, not bad. It was actually a very nice experience, no yelling, screaming, no violence. I am glad I dodged Fayetteville's Black Friday, it's a warzone here on a regular basis, cheap stuff turns this place into a zoo.
Fayetteville is made up of two people: poor, gang member blacks, and GIs. Which one do you think hovers around the Cross Creek Mall late at night shooting up the place?
10mm AUTO: Zenster, great write up!
Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated, and even more so from one such as you who makes any number of important contributions here at SBPDL. For some reason, that gratifying maxim of, “Praise from the praiseworthy”, springs to mind. Please pardon my out-of-turn addressing of the subject matter that this reply required. I hope you will enjoy it at any rate.
The difference between the Scientist/Poets who were reading Biblical verses over the radio from orbit around the Moon on Christmas and negroids killing, robbing for pre-Christmas "black Friday" of today is a perfect example of the foul descent of BRA.
That is an excellent, if not disturbing, comparison and one that demands a more thorough examination.
America's lunar landing program was probably one of the best investments ever made by US taxpayers. Technologies driven by the moon shot program would constitute a laundry list of modern inventions that drive much of our modern world’s productivity.
The miniaturization of electronics required for Apollo's on-board flight computer was a principal driver in sparking America’s continuing preeminence in fabrication of silicon-based microcircuitry.
Consider how a single 450mm (~18” diameter) silicon wafer of Intel Pentium Microprocessors (116mm^2 per chip) can hold almost 1,500 of these 42,000,000 transistor devices. With well more than twenty layers, each of which can require over an hour to deposit, it takes some 90 working days to fabricate an entire wafer of 3.4GHz Pentium 4 Northwood CPUs. At their current price of $417.00 each, that one dinner-plate sized wafer has an end-market value of $625,500.00. Yes, that's over half a million dollars for one finished silicon wafer.
Another byproduct of the Apollo program was intensive electronic monitoring of human vital signs. This led to many breakthroughs in medical technology, especially in the area of remote diagnosis, a vital function for battlefield casualty assessments.
Clearly, any guidance and telemetry improvements necessary for a lunar expedition had ripple effects with respect to improving the accuracy and performance of America’s ICBM arsenal. This also filtered down to the on-board avionics packages for our fighter, interceptor and bomber aircraft.
All of which played a pivotal role in an apparently unrelated rivalry.
Remember, our nation was supposedly home to the innumerable downtrodden wage slaves of Capitalist America. The Soviet Union’s unbroken string of firsts in space exploration was beginning to cast a shadow upon our scientific and military reputation. Furthermore, due to several millions of WWII losses within their male population, Russia’s “scientifically planned society” had the appearance ― despite it being more a matter related to utter desperation ― of being more egalitarian with respect to women in both the workplace and, even, in space as well. Please recall that the first woman to reach space was Valentina Tereshkova in 1963.
All of this gave the prevailing Soviet kleptocracy a veneer of respectability that would require almost another three decades of internal rot and mismanagement to demolish. America and the free world did not have anything close to that sort of breathing room in the ongoing Cold War. It was critical for us to outshine the Russian Communists in an indisputable manner and do so damned quick.
The Apollo program did that in spades, (every bit of gratuitous SBPDL irony intended).
[to be continued]
At a time when the world’s political balance between Capitalism and Communism depended upon a single pragmatic demonstration of technological capability; America’s supreme competence ― almost entirely White-based, mind you ―rose to the challenge and successfully returned an entire space-borne crew from a lunar landing expedition. And then did it again FIVE more times.
There is no more convincing display of scientific and technological prowess imaginable at that time.
Please try to consider the serious impact this probably had upon “fence sitters” who were still undecided as to whether their alliances should be made with Capitalist or Communist military powers.
An ability to land and safely return from the moon’s surface a civilian crew in equipment that was let out to several thousand lowest bidders of a society composed of thoroughly captive Capitalist wage slaves represented a huge propagandistic ― if not factual ― victory over the Soviet Union.
Even the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission could not cloud America’s reputation. Our resourceful astronauts extricated themselves commendably and the quality of equipment they were furnished with played no small role.
It is easy to imagine the militaries of many smaller countries considering this issue of quality very carefully. A nation’s soldiers understand that well-built equipment is a force multiplier which can change battlefield outcomes quite favorably.
Thus we can see that America’s Apollo program was a publicity machine par excellent. Unbeknownst to most people here and abroad, our moon shots decided many small victories against Communism. Who knows how many nations would have allied themselves with the Soviets had not America so convincingly displayed such staggering engineering capability.
In the end, we will never know just how many Soviet cosmonauts died on the launching pad or during reentry. Such facts were treated by Russia as state secrets and never saw the light of day.
[to be continued]
Here is an excerpt from a Wikipedia page (salt to taste), dealing with Lost Cosmonauts:
Proponents of the Lost Cosmonauts theory concede that Yuri Gagarin was the first man to survive space travel, but claim that the Soviet Union attempted to launch two or more manned space flights prior to Gagarin's, and that at least two cosmonauts died in the attempts. Another cosmonaut, Vladimir Ilyushin, is believed to have landed off-course and been held by the Chinese government. The Government of the Soviet Union supposedly suppressed this information, to prevent bad publicity during the height of the Cold War.
It also bears mentioning that when the Soviets converted their space capsule into one that would seat three cosmonauts, they did it by eliminating any room for space suits.
With the space race on, Yury Gagarin's Vostok had been hastily converted into the multi-seat Voskhod by removing the ejection seat from the descent module. But the "new" model still could not hold three cosmonauts in spacesuits.
Three Russian men paid for this expedience with their lives when a valve opened during reentry, depressurizing the capsule and killing all on board before they even realized that anything had gone wrong.
Think just how much more decisive America’s propaganda victory would have been if these Soviet blunders had gotten the publicity they deserved.
Finally, out of respect for SBPDL, it is also of note that my research can only turn up all of three Black individuals that participated in the Gemini or Apollo programs:
Robert Shurney: A physicist from Tennessee State University, Dr. Shurney designed the tires for the moon buggy used during the Apollo 15 mission in 1972.
Dr. Vance Marchbanks: A heart surgeon and medical specialist for NASA, Dr. Marchbanks developed ways to monitor astronauts' vital signs during space flight. It was Dr. Marchbanks who was responsible for John Glenn's health during America's first orbital flight.
George Carruthers: An astronautical engineer, Carruthers built the camera that was carried to the moon on Apollo 16.
Considering that, at its peak, the Apollo program employed over 400,000 people, it is safe to say that this achievement was one of almost exclusively White ingenuity.
MuayTyson: I have to say SBPDL is quickly becoming my favorite site of this nature. Paul does a great job and has a keen eye. Zenster, Whiskey, 10mm Auto, and others make the comments section as enjoyable as the original content.
My thanks to all of you.
You are most welcome. It's a real pleasure.
Playing Roots Backwards: No, Zenster, don't count on me to save the brick and mortar stores. I try to buy from the locals, too, but, in the end, that won't change a thing. Now that most of the people in our country are living on their smart phones and computers, the conventional retailers will soon be in the past with the blacksmiths and the TV repairmen.
Thank you for the reply, however I think that physical storefronts have many decades of life left in them.
There is a phenomenon at banks where elderly customers frequently bypass the ATM and have a teller perform their transaction solely for the human contact.
I predict that this model will prevail for some time before online retail can change things in any major scale.
The fact that you are unwilling to give Black people a chance ...
Let's look at the record: for the last half century in the USA, the American people have given blacks everything they have demanded:
* every manner of civil rights legislation
* affirmative action
* forced busing
* war on poverty
* black studies departments
* hate crime laws
* an EO bureaucracy to crack the whip on recalcitrants
* diversity agitprop in the schools and business place
* censorship of students who might want to fly the Confederate battle flag
* Tons and tons of foreign aid to black run countries in the Caribbean and Africa
* the handing over of Rhodesia and South Africa to black majority rule
And what have white people gotten in return for giving blacks all these chances?
* black illegitimacy rates of 70+%
* massive black-on-white crime rates
* high rates of black school drop outs
* endless race hustling from the sharpsters and NAACP and et alia
* cities such as Detroit and Birmingham collapsing into dysfunction
And yeah, there is some name calling here. What do you expect? When white people try to discuss race matters intelligently, they are shouted down, fired from their jobs, subjected to mob violence and, in Europa, subjected to "hate crime" laws. A lot of people figure there is no point in a reasonable approach as a result.
You own everything, steal everything but claim it as yours, what is your problem?
Whites "own everything" because just about everything of value in modern civilization was invented by whites:
* Science
* Industrial mass production
* Medicine
* Political systems
* The Internet
* etc.
Why not tell us about all the inventions coming out of black majority rule Africa which whites have "stolen?"
You remove white people from the equation, and you end up turning functioning colonies into failed states and dictatorships. Look at Rhodesia compared to Zimbabwe.
Whites are the most violent group of individuals to ever grace this Earth.
Maybe once, but look at the extreme passivity of white people these days as they are displaced from their cities and countries via black and third world mass migrations, crime, and race hustling. But that may turn around, so who knows what the future may hold?
Anonymous (9:19 AM): The fact that you are unwilling to give Black people a chance and assume that all lack intelligence and are named "La'Queesha" shows your ignorance.
We don't have to "assume" anything. Maintaining any "ignorance" of Black stupidity and the moronic names that are typically attached to those who display it would require most people to be clinically brain dead.
Why do you complain so much about minorities?
It might have something to do with their shameless criminality and profound racism even as many of them eternally piss and moan about Whites being racist.
Olivia Manning, author of the Balkan Trilogy, said that, "The only problem with stereotypes is how there's usually reason for them." If there is one group on earth that continually lives up to even its worst stereotypes, it's Blacks, hands down.
That's what happens when you are the first race to sail around the world, climb the highest mountains, dive to the greatest depths and, even, land on the moon. White intelligence has allowed our race to go anywhere it damn well pleases and we do so with exceeding regularity.
Too bad that most other races can't even build a decent car.
When the television is turned on, nothing BUT whites.
What do you expect, we invented the damn thing!
Go invent yourself a wireless 3-D color display with synchronized sound and then you can put whatever you want on it.
You own everything, steal everything but claim it as yours, what is your problem?
Ah, yes, the old "Whitey stole everything and never invented nuthin'" BS. The "problem" is living in a world populated with people who have not yet risen to barely a fraction of our General Intelligence but feel compelled to demand everything from us at cut rate prices, if not for free.
Whites are the most violent group of individuals to ever grace this Earth.
Time for the comedic relief, I see.
Try this little thought experiment, if you can even wrap your brain around such a challenging task.
If Whites were "the most violent group of individuals to ever grace this Earth", then the following possibilities would have a great chance of happening:
1. All Blacks would already be back in Africa because Whites have had their fill of TNB. Or…
2. All American Blacks would simply be dead because of Whites not wanting to waste the money on deportations.
3. Black women would be getting raped by White men hundreds of times a day instead of the exact opposite being true.
4. The entire MME (Muslim Middle East) would be a 24 hour glow-in-the-dark parking lot minutes after the 9-11 atrocity.
5. A tiny percentage of Whites would be responsible for an insanely disproportionate number of the violent crimes and murders instead of Blacks being responsible for that.
6. Rhodesia and South Africa would have simply gone about committing genocide when their respective Black populations got restive. Instead, it is the Blacks who are ethnically cleansing those countries now.
If you don't get what you want how you want it, you automatically just kill and enslave whoever does.
Yes indeedy, that's why so many Whites died to end slavery. Perish the thought that you might blame Islam for enslaving more Blacks than America or Europe combined.
You're right, there is nothing worse than a "pissed off white man".
You can say "thank you, Whitey" for the fact that you aren't speaking Japanese or German today. If the Axis powers had won WWII, Blacks might not even exist right now.
You all are the most dangerous individuals, I'm more frightened of you than I am of non-whites.
You better be. Whites have mastered the art of mechanized warfare specifically so that we never will have to bow to people with room temperature IQs like you.
Thank you for playing, please try again.
Valentina Tereshkova wikipedia does mention that she experienced nausea in her flight. One of the documentaries on space flight stated that she was not fit enough to be a cosmonaut and spent a lot of time asleep in the capsule.
An example of tokenism for tokenism's sake?
It was 1982 before the second Soviet woman went up in space.
"You're EVERYWHERE. When the television is turned on, nothing BUT whites."
Yeah, all those whites in blackface on BET really get my goat, too.
Anonymous (November 28, 2011 2:52 PM): An example of tokenism for tokenism's sake?
Quite easily so and just look at the payoff for Cultural Marxists.
Even today, there are millions of American women who continue to view Communism as a more fair system and a viable alternative to free market economics.
It is these same millions of deluded White women who placed Communist Obama in the Oval Office.
That one little bit of tokenism provided a propaganda jewel of inestimable value.
Thank you for factual, well stated post a couple of spots up. Well done, well done!
Nothing someone with that mindset hates worse than actual facts.
Someone did ask about the term
"black Friday" being racist--
Joy Behar on CNN, a female DWL.
It was explained to her that the
'black' referred to 'being in the
black(profitable)' as opposed to
being 'in the red(losses)' both
shorthand references to accounting
terms-profit/loss in businesses.
Geezerette Did Joy Behar understand the concept of profit?
I mean with her being an Earthling and not a Ferengi.
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