Years from now, when American patriots have restored order to their nation and secured a future for “our posterity”—in the words of the Preamble to the Constitution—historians will look back on the early part of November 2011 and say that State College, Pennsylvania provided a perfect case study of the narcotic that fogged so many Americans’ minds, distracting them from the increasingly urgent implications of the National Question.Read the rest there, comment on it here. But please up spread the word on social media, forums, and Facebook on this important article.
Longtime head football coach of Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) Joe Paterno was fired last week for his failure to handle charges of rape and sexual abuse of young men brought against former Penn State defense coordinator Jerry Sandusky back in 2002. Indeed, many within the athletic department and school administration have lost their jobs over this blatant cover-up, and Paterno’s 46-year coaching legacy is now irrevocably besmirched.
Read the gruesome Grand Jury report that details just exactly what Paterno and the Penn State higher-ups tried to conceal.

This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact
Saturday, November 12, 2011
More on Penn State and Joe Paterno
who we already talked here - and child sex ring situation, and how this is just the tip of the iceberg in college football scandals that people turn a blind eye to:
Expect an old school # post tomorrow (and a podcast). Here's PK over at Vdare on the Penn State, Joe Paterno -
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The same "solid conservatives" who comprise talk radio, and FOX news, etc, and who are up in arms over this rape case, also insist that homosexuality - a serious mental illness, BTW - is all well and good. They deny that "gays" and pedophilia go together, and that gays, in fact, despise it. We are not supposed to laugh...
Those same "solid conservatives" who think of homosexuality as a lifestyle choice, also think nothing is wrong with recruiting mildly retarded, violent savages, to play on their favorite college football teams. Go State! Hugh Hewett could tell you more. They rape and assault? No not!! Go State!
So really, who cares? Most "conservatives" out there long ago bought into the MLK myth, and surrendered their right to free association; they bought into the homosexuality as a lifestyle "choice" myth; they bought into the women are equal myth; they are investing heavily in the islam is a religion of peace myth, and will happily allow sharia - because, hey, we have no right to interfere with someone's religion, right? I mean, unless they happen to be Christian, right?
This country is so off the rails, this rape is just more in the natural progression of our destruction.
God help us. Although, I'm sure God is beyond sick of us...
This makes me sick, but then I don't know how things like this could ever happen in the first place. I am still naive enough to expect people own conscience to kick in and stop these things before they occur. I apparently believe in a world that has never existed anywhere except on celluloid produced by the Walt Disney Corporation, up until Walt died that is. The world I actually inhabit has been filled with evil people hurting children. And no culture is innocent of this behavior, Spartans killed imperfect babies and encouraged Man Boy relationships as did the Athenians. The Romans, Chinese, Arabs, Persians, Israelis, Yankees, Rednecks, Africans and Indians have all had "cultural rituals and practices" devoted to preying on children. The Islamic tendencies towards little boys and girls go so deep as to expect endless virgins to rape as a reward from their desert moon cult. The real problem is I can't find a gun big enough to shoot Evil itself and kill it all with one bullet. The struggle falls to each of us individually to decide that this behavior towards children is wrong; is not connected to any one race, culture or sexual preference; is not acceptable under any circumstances. The struggle falls to us to weed out these practices and pedophiles one at a time and punish them for their actions. Now on the idea of punishment I am all for much more extreme and severe forms of retributive punishment. I may not agree with ANY of the tenets of Islam but their handling of their criminals leaves a lot to be admired. I say if you steal (not bread to eat or anything but really steal) off with your hands, if you rape (one female witness is enough in my book) then off with your dick; if you're a girl and you rape then off with your tits. If you kill then I will let the family members of the victim have some "quality alone time" with the criminal and no questions asked. I am done with thinking any one race or one religion or one culture is "The Problem". The problem is the complacency and apathy that resides in each of us. The problem is that "society" will punish those who take it upon themselves to correct criminals. The problem is that sometimes there aren't enough rocks.
A good thing about the article is that it explicitly mentions that Blacks are disproportionately represented -- grossly so -- where criminality among college athletes is concerned. This problem has obviously (as shown by just anecdotally following the news) grown in recent years, growth that corresponds to the lowering of admissions standards to accommodate Blacks (let's face it, this is the reason standards are lowered). Just as obviously the media never mentions any of these basic facts.
Eh, the college in PA that is in State College, PA football team lost today.
Click the link, yeah really.
Who needs joke writers when you have reality?
Perpetual Black Criminals (PBCs?) and Pedos need to be artworked into some high quality Mississippi Wind Chimes.
That, truly, is the best way to deter a good majority (crime will never cease completely) of crimes.
Punishment must be unusual if it is to be noticed at all; to be effective it must also certainly be harsh.
Paul, you are too nice.
Read this.
Can't say I disagree with him.
"The struggle falls to each of us individually to decide that this behavior towards children is wrong"
That's truley ignorant and very liberal. So you say there is no right or wrong. It's up to each of us to decide whether child sex is evil! Outrageous! I don't care who or what culture allowed it, it is wrong.
@Doug, look at it this way, that was written by a man that is such a rabid sports fan that he named his band after a hockey joke.
''One to chase the puck around and FIVE FOR FIGHTING''
And he says the NCAA should snuff that school's football program.
As in end it. Finito. No more football ever.
His words:
If what we know is what we think we know, Penn State Football should be shuttered. If the NCAA's standard for the "Death Penalty" is SMU's covering up of "recruiting violations" how can there ever be another game at Happy Valley?
That's ''liberal''?
As a mental exercise, what if the NCAA shut down the team?
The regular season is now over for the Nittany Lions. All thats left is a possible bowl game.
The NFL was not that lucky. Halfway through the regular season the expansion 'Dallas Texans' quit.
Or more precisely the ownership of the team quit.
Leaving the NFL with two bad choices:
Shut the team down right then and there, cancel the remaining games, award a forfeit victory to the teams scheduled to play the Texans.
OR in essence 'foreclose' the team; The NFL takes it away (and over) play the remaining games and shut down the team at the end of the regular season.
Which is exactly what happened.
In 1960 the NFL tried again.
That time they were successful (Dallas Cowboys)
Will the NCAA do it? Probably not, nor will they ban them from playing a bowl game.
And they should at least do that.
Too many deracinated white males focus their whole lives around what black athletes are doing. It's really quite pathetic. The 2009 movie "Big Fan" stars Patton Oswalt as Paul Aufiero -- a sad loser who will do anything to cheer on his beloved New York Giants. To the point where even when he gets beaten up by his beloved black athletes, he continues to cover up for them. It describes our situation to a T and is really worth watching.
The reason that came to mind was a (somewhat) unrelated post at Lawrence Auster's blog.
It was about the possibility of Greece defaulting on it's debt.
When the NFL was faced with such a crisis
they essentially foreclosed the team.
The still-open question is ''how do you 'foreclose' Greece''?
I have no answer for that.
To anonymous at 2:16 PM: No. Paedohelia and homosexuality do NOT go together. Does it happen with homosexuals? Yes it does; I am not denying that.
But it also is done by Uncle George, the one with a wife and three kids. It happens with camp counsellors with pictures of their senior prom date in their wallets. It happens with clergy. And what about those fresh-faced, oh-so-clean and sincere "youth ministers"?
- the commoner
In short, it happens with any group that either gets trust or is in a position of power over children.
Whomever does this to kids, they are reprehensible, vile, disgusting people who richly deserve some nasty and permanent punishment.
I know that black people think that an overwhelming majority of child molesters are white males. I think that may be true in actual numbers,however percentile results may tell a different story. I have a solution that will help everyone. 1)Death penalty for child molesters! 2)Death penalty for rape! This solution will help all races of people as there is no cure for rapists or pedophiles!
To the first anonymous poster--you are exactly why people turn away from "conservatism." I am a conservative gay male who you wouldn't think was gay in a million years and I am loved and admired by all my heterosexual friends--so you can go straight to hell. Mental illness, my ass. All humans start as female in the womb until incremental washes of testosterone determine that the fetus becomes male. So why is it so hard for people like you to comprehend that maybe something goes awry in this process? Heterosexuality is the norm and that is what 95% of the male population are. That's natural and fine. But that hardly makes gay people mentally ill any more than a left-handed person or someone who is born with a propensity for atheltics or music is. Gay people are not trying to replace straight people--that is the biggest lie told about us--but it would be nice if people like you would stop attacking us and dragging us into issues like black crime and feminism. Gay men are no more likely to molest children than straight men--and don't bring out any phony-ass "studies" that purport to show percentages of the gay population that are pedophiles. Since no one knows how many gay people exist, it is impossible to determine any kind of percentage of that population--I mean even you can comprehend that mathematical truth, right?
Look--straight up--I don't need or want your approval to be who I am. I knew I was not attracted to girls in the 4th grade and the only "choice" I had in the matter was whether or not I wanted to drag a woman into a relationship that was/is a lie. That shows character--but I don't expect that to permeate your thick skull.
@Doug The point is that morals cannot be forced onto any individual. Morality must first start with the individual decision that certain behavior is wrong. Regardless of the fact that I mentioned later in the piece exactly how I would treat these pedophiles, you seem to assume that I have a sense of moral ambivalence towards the issue. Let me make this a little more clear. Touching kids is wrong. It's wrong when a guy does it, it's wrong when a woman does it, it's wrong when gays do it, it's wrong when straights do it. No matter how strongly I may feel about the issue, it still falls to all the other people in the world, that I don't have any control over, to decide that this pedo behavior is criminal and disgusting. I cannot tell you how to act. I can only hope (naively as mentioned) that your moral compass points in the same direction as mine. Forcing anyone to think a certain way isn't moral so any action resulting from that forced morality isn't truly an act of a moral individual it's an act based on fear of social rejection. As I write this I still have a hard time accepting that this is the way it must be in order to have a truly moral people. Picture a church, sitting in the pews and praying every day doesn't and hasn't stopped those church parishioners from committing all manner of immoral acts upon each other and the children in their care ( see the Catholic Church ) Only by individuals deciding that immoral acts are wrong, will the acts ever truly cease. I
If there was an Easy button to fix the world, I would have pushed it a long time ago.
I understand your concern with allowing individuals to set their own moral standards and the opening this can provide for someone's' "evil" to be someone else's' "good". I never said you had to accept anyone else's definition of evil and good. I just trust that ( for the most part ) if you are here on this site then most of the issues that concern you, concern me, and the treatment that we would both prescribe for any pedos would be a swift dose of .45 caliber medicine. I simply ask each man and woman to search their own soul, decide which side of the issue they are on and stand with me against all crimes of this nature. If you find yourself on the "these people just need love, hugs, understanding, but wait weren't they abused" apologists then prepare to find lead flying in your direction. I don't really care anymore about finding anything other than a black and white solution to the problem of evil, but I cannot make that decision for you Doug. So which side are you on?
If this had been any sport other than football...lacrosse, for instance, the whole thing would have been shut down until further notice. It's football, so forget those pesky sexual assaults of children....are you ready for some football?
Jerry Sandusky, the Michael Jackson of college football. Read the Grand Jury report. This maggot is nothing but a serial child molester.
This piece of human excrement is going to experience some serious "quality time" with his fellow Black prison inmates. He'll be lucky if they lube him first.
Anonymous (November 13, 2011 10:49 AM): If this had been any sport other than football...lacrosse, for instance, the whole thing would have been shut down until further notice. It's football, so forget those pesky sexual assaults of children....are you ready for some football?
This is, literally, the million dollar question. More like many millions of dollars with respect to college football bugdets.
As I noted over in the Joe Paterno thread, I wonder if any of those high profile "donors" that Sandusky was pimping these young boys to will ever see their names come to light?
You saw it here first, I predict that Sandusky will either suicide or expire in suspicious circumstances. This maggot is the linchpin of the entire scandal. His convenient disappearance would solve way too many problems all at once.
As YIH noted:
If what we know is what we think we know, Penn State Football should be shuttered. If the NCAA's standard for the "Death Penalty" is SMU's covering up of "recruiting violations" how can there ever be another game at Happy Valley?
This is going to be a real litmus test when it comes to morals. I share the cynicism of Anonymous (November 13, 2011 10:49 AM) in this respect. There is way too much money and institutional pride, not to mention history, for this not to be swept under the legal rug.
Much to the disappointment of those who might wish for such an outcome, Sandusky is like the proverbial trout-in-the-milkpail; difficult to ignore and even harder to explain away.
Paul, what's your take on the fact that this was most probably White on Black crime by Sandusky. Do you think this would get anywhere near the media outrage if all the victims had been White?
Methinks the race card will feature prominently in this collegiate imbroglio.
Anonymous: you are incorrect; homosexuality and pedophilia DO go together. According to Vox Popoli, "homosexual men are disproportionately likely to molest children. Although they make up around 1.5% of the male population, they are responsible for approximately one-third of all child molestations." There are further links and long discussion threads at his website, which I won't link here in order to keep this brief. To use an illustrative argument utilized by Vox, someone who molests puppies is committing beastiality (i.e. the age of the creature doesn't change the organs or species involved). So, too, is a man who molests boys (pre-pubescent or teen is irrelevant) committing a homosexual act and evincing homosexual attraction, regardless of the age involved.
"...Heterosexuality is the norm and that is what 95% of the male population are. .."
So, anonymous homosexual, you are saying with certainty that 5% of the male population is comprised of homosexuals. But then you add:
"...Since no one knows how many gay people exist, it is impossible to determine any kind of percentage of that population--I mean even you can comprehend that mathematical truth, right?"
Uh, right...
So which is it? 5% or "no one knows"?
Look, your frothing anger, and your inability to call yourself what you are - you are a homosexual, not "gay", (even you recoil at correct labeling) speaks to the conflict you daily endure. Rest assured that you are not hated, but pitied. You people had to invent a term (gay) to cover for your true identity. Why is that?
I work with a pathetic homosexual. He is about 90% flaming (side question: why is that? Why do so many homosexuals adopt the outrageous, outward behaviors of some exaggerated kind of "female" identity? Na, no illness there...), and spends most of his time throwing out all sorts of sexual innuendos to every heterosexual male he come across. It is beyond sad.
It's great that you don't have the need to flaunt, to shove in our faces, your perversion. But most of your kind lead an extremely sad life, and deeply desire that the rest of us give not only acceptance and approval, but celebrate your "choice"
No, thank you.
If this had been any sport other than football...lacrosse, for instance, the whole thing would have been shut down until further notice. It's football, so forget those pesky real sexual assaults of children as distinct from the moronic fantasies of Selena Roberts and other ignorant morons....are you ready for some football?
Changed that slightly for you with the emphasis on real assaults to contrast to the mainstrwam media's inventions of an assault in the Duke University case.
• Militant gay activists are bullies and they need to treated as such.
• Ever seen a gay pride parade? Why must they include phallic floats? They parade in diapers and jock straps, then wonder why they're not taken seriously at the State House; or why we reject their efforts to invade our schools.
• How many gays are there? Five percent? Ten percent? The 2010 census reveals that the population of San Francisco -- the epicenter of gay America -- is 3 percent homosexual.
Here's the link:
(Expect some militant gay activist needs to access wikipedia and change that statistic; ie, lie.)
Does this mean that Paul is finally realizing the disastrous consequences of sports on American and human society? The misplaced priorities (sports over education, even in universities), the exaltation of the semi-literate low-IQ street thug over actually-valuable people such as the doctor or the architect, the protecting and enabling of serious felons like Michael Vick and Jerry Sandusky, the families ruined by idiotic sports gambling, etc. If I were king of my own theoretical country, I would ban sports like football under penalty of excruciatingly painful summary execution. No kidding.
"But that hardly makes gay people mentally ill any more than a left-handed person or someone who is born with a propensity for atheltics or music is."
Quite so. Homosexuality that one has accepted does not impair functioning in any way, does not cause any suffering to the person himself, nor any harm to others. It is sometimes associated with fairly bizarre behaviour (crossdressing etc.), but that is by no means universal, and by itself not sufficient to classify homosexuality as mental disorder, especially since those behaviours aren't linked to compulsive needs and people can give understandable reasons for those. The original decision to remove homosexuality from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was partly ideologically motivated, but regardless a correct one.
"Gay people are not trying to replace straight people--that is the biggest lie told about us--but it would be nice if people like you would stop attacking us and dragging us into issues like black crime and feminism."
That accusation had definite weight back when the gay rights movement joined forces with feminists and black advocates some decades ago. I suppose it still has some, as a lot of vocal gays are vocal liberals.
Then again, in the oh-so-glorious EUtopia, the gays appear to be really split these days. Problem is, the conservative parties may not be their most adoring fanboys, but it's not like they care about shoving them back into closets either (grumbling about annual Pride parades and rather unenergetic opposition to gay marriage is pretty much the worst I've seen). Their traditional friends on the left, however, pander to Muslims and other immigrants, who are often viciously and violently homophobic. Gaybashing has made a comeback, and the a lot of gays don't appreciate it at all. For example, Pim Fortuyn, the man who started the immigration-critical, anti-Islamist movement in Netherlands (and got promptly killed for it by a left-wing extremist), was an open homosexual.
I don't know much about US gay scenes. What I know is that Africans tend to be very hostile to gays, and I've heard things about US blacks being pretty nasty about it as well. Of being a bottom, anyway. Using a male anus as a convenient hole or expressing dominance over some man by raping him ("prison rules") is so very obviously not gay at all.
"I work with a pathetic homosexual. He is about 90% flaming (side question: why is that? Why do so many homosexuals adopt the outrageous, outward behaviors of some exaggerated kind of "female" identity? Na, no illness there...), and spends most of his time throwing out all sorts of sexual innuendos to every heterosexual male he come across. It is beyond sad."
Please do explain why feminine behaviour in men is sick, rather than just unusual. I'm fascinated.
That gay you work with? Sounds like an idiot. Also sounds like an individual anecdote.
"It's great that you don't have the need to flaunt, to shove in our faces, your perversion. But most of your kind lead an extremely sad life, and deeply desire that the rest of us give not only acceptance and approval, but celebrate your "choice""
If a gay doesn't flaunt his sexuality and shove it in your face, you most likely won't recognize him at all. I'd wager you've worked with gays who are fine with acceptance, can live with tolerance, and couldn't care less about celebration. Gays who live a normal life, don't build their identity around their sexuality, and are very discreet about flirting with other men beyond openly gay social circles.
Dislike some gays all you like, but don't think they're the huge majority or anything. And before you ask, I'm straight.
SwampThizzle: Does this mean that Paul is finally realizing the disastrous consequences of sports on American and human society?
I think already answered your question over in the Joe Paterno thread when he noted that:
I call it the Opiate of America for a reason.That's sadly all college football is to me now.
From all of his previous writings, it is clear that football is or was a major source of enjoyment for Paul Kersey.
I would be the first to say that it takes a lot of intellectual integrity to openly admit how one's favored past time amounts to nothing more than a popular opiate.
If all of the foregoing is true, then Paul has every good reason to lament football's mutation from a character-building recreation into the win-at-any-cost moneyball exultation of Black thuggery that it and many other sports have become.
I'm not even a sports fan and this much is crystal clear to me.
what does this have to do with Black people?
I think this is the 'homo phobia'
comments thread.
Anyone notice that the nation mourned a child molester who set up charities to meet young boys 2 years ago? Seriously, what is the difference between Michael Jackson and Sandusky?
"But this I know: We are a school with a glorious tradition, a school dedicated to doing things the right way. Our longtime father figure, Joe Paterno, taught us that."
Read more:
You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!
Other programmes faced the death penalty for various irregularities. This was a cover up since Troy Aikman and the Cowboys won Super Bowl XXVIII.
They have brought too much shame to collegiate athletics to exist any longer considering Duke University shut down their Lacrosse season over absolutely nothing.
"Truth is, if not for Paterno's philanthropy and moral code (until his fatal lapse of judgment), I and thousands of others wouldn't be here right now."
If sports is the opiate of the classes that above statement shows why Penn State football has to go.
Anonymous (November 13, 2011 7:52 PM): what does this have to do with Black people?
Did you ride the short bus to school each day?
What part of Joe Paterno saying, "I often said to friends at that time time that I wished I were black", do you not get?
What part of voluntary e-Race is unclear to you?
What part of Paterno and Penn State's abject "no-snitch" policy about Sandusky pimping young Black boys to wealthy donors doesn't make sense to you?
This entire scandal drips with Black (TNB) behavior being exhibited by bleeding heart Liberal Whites who just can't seem to kiss (or dick) enough Black ass.
Anonymous: Anyone notice that the nation mourned a child molester who set up charities to meet young boys 2 years ago? Seriously, what is the difference between Michael Jackson and Sandusky?
Nobody's going to cry when Sandusky gets to play prison wife with his Black cellmates, just like Michael Jackson should have gotten the chance to.
Other than that, the answer is ZERO.
Seriously, what is the difference between Michael Jackson and Sandusky?
One was dusky and the other was sans-dusky?
Judge who freed Sandusky worked for his charity. Daily Mail UK
The judge who requested Jerry Sandusky be freed on $100,000 unsecured bail, undertook volunteer work for the retired American football coach’s charity, according to reports.
District Judge Leslie Dutchcot, who previously volunteered for The Second Mile charity, ruled that the former Pennsylvania State University defensive coordinator be freed without posting any bail money unless he doesn't arrive for court.
Her decision overruled a bid by prosecutors, who requested a $500,000 bail be set for the 67-year-old and for him to be fitted with a leg monitor, after being charged with 21 felony counts for alleged sexual abuse.
Anon at 10:16 AM Nov 13: There's a pretty simple way to determine if homosexuals commit a disproportionate share of child molestation. Count the victims. No need to extrapolate from porn rentals or hits on pedophile websites. And according to an article I read in the Los Angeles Times about ten years ago, "...almost two thirds of molested children are girls." Which means that over one third are boys. Have you any better figures? And please don't suggest that women are doing the molesting. Forensic exams can determine if an anus has been penetrated, but not if a women has committed felatio. Only male molesters leave such unambiguous evidence and turn up in the pedo stats.
Hold the homophobia talk. No need to hate or harass homosexuals, but it ought be recognized that they are a high risk group for certain unwelcome behaviors.
With regard to any molestation numbers, it should be noted that some cultures don't regard sex with kids as being especially objectionable. It's not molestation if the 13 year old said "Uh huh" or "Si".
Anonymous (November 15, 2011 12:12 PM): The judge who requested Jerry Sandusky be freed on $100,000 unsecured bail, undertook volunteer work for the retired American football coach’s charity, according to reports.
Ermmm … doesn't this sort of overly-close relationship usually trigger an instant voluntary recusal based upon prior interaction or immediate personal interest?
The lack of secured bail and electronic monitoring scream "preferential treatment". Especially so, in light of the horrendously high recidivism rates exhibited by male child molesters.
District Judge Leslie Dutchcot, who previously volunteered for The Second Mile charity, ruled that the former Pennsylvania State University defensive coordinator be freed without posting any bail money unless he doesn't arrive for court.
Her decision overruled a bid by prosecutors, who requested a $500,000 bail be set for the 67-year-old and for him to be fitted with a leg monitor, after being charged with 21 felony counts for alleged sexual abuse.
That's one helluva a glaring contrast between prosecutorial criteria and judicial assessment of the defendant's flight risk. I smell a (Giant) Rat (of Sumatra).
Re pedophilia and homosexuality:
It's amazing but even here on SBPDL, we've got the "homos aren't pedos" crowd. This group wants us to believe that a male who will have sex with an underage male is MOST DEFINITELY not a homosexual. Somehow the same-gender thing doesn't register, because it's trumped by -- wait for it -- the pedo IS MARRIED! Yes, that's right -- to a WOMAN! Here's their conclusion: Married pedos are really heteros. Only the college-indoctrinated believe such nitwit nonsense.
Check Arianna Huffington's former marriage the next time marriage is considered proof of the male's straightness. Of course, the many "beard" wives of history serve here (Keynes' "wife" for instance; or Paltrow's "hubby").
Point of fact: A male child is ten times more likely to be molested by a male who is either an outright homosexual or has had a history of homosexual sex -- rather than by a male with only heterosexual experiences. Please check it yourselves as there are plenty of studies. Just don't expect to find pop-culture classifications like "gay" and "straight".
Marriage to a women doesn't mean you are heterosexual. Please confirm this last point with Bishop Robinson.
A headline somewhere wass Joe Paterno prays for the victims.
I think they would have preferred him to have called the cops to stop the abuse but then again I am not Penn State.
New York Dialy News yesterday had a story that the guy who had the story suppressed on the Syracuse abuse was also one of the reporters who had the Sandusky story he worked on not printed.
Why would the media indulge in a cover-up of these activities?
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