PK Note: Yeah, this story is a few days old. So what? It's hilarious, and cuts to the heart of why universal suffrage and democracy are headed for the ash heap of history.
Odds are good: She's on EBT/Food Stamps |
For those who served in the armed forces - or who still serve - remember that
26-year-old Lonneshia Shafaye Appling represents, no, epitomizes, all that you defend. She is the pure embodiment of freedom and the story of her one-woman war with Piggly Wiggly in Athens says more about the sacrifices of tens of millions of soldiers than any victory in any war America has ever waged. Courtesy of the
Athens Banner Herald:
A woman who punched and pepper-sprayed employees who caught her shoplifting at the Lexington Road Piggly Wiggly last week also spat on one of the workers and claimed she had HIV.
She asked the arresting officer to write his report in a way that is would be “more interesting so that her arrest would make the police blotter” in the local newspaper.
Those are among details of last Wednesday’s assault included in a police report that wasn’t publicly available until Friday.
Additionally, 26-year-old Lonneshia Shafaye Appling challenged officers to charge her with as many crimes as possible because she claimed she’d get a plea bargain in which half the charges would be dropped, according to the report.
Appling is a career shoplifter, and at the time of her arrest was wanted for thefts in Athens-Clarke, Oconee and Fulton counties, police said.
She wreaked havoc inside Piggly Wiggly last week after a customer saw her hide items in a large canvas bad in her shopping cart, then pay for just one item at the checkout counter, police said.
The customer alerted an employee, who tried to stop Appling at the exit, police said.
That’s when the woman pulled out a can of pepper spray and shot a burst of the blinding mist into the employee’s face, police said.
When other employees tried to help, Appling dispersed the spray all around her then ran out a side door, according to police.
As employees closed the distance between the 340-pound woman outside, they saw her dropping cans of beer she’d hidden in her purse, police said. As they followed her, Appling punched one of the workers, then spit in his face.
She also offered the employees money if they would stop following her, according to police.
The employees still were following Appling as police arrived. The officers found that in addition to the cans of Coors Light, the woman tried to steal vegetable oil, five packs of cheese, five packs of bacon and two packs of chicken wings, police said.
Appling, of 115 Sena Drive, was charged with felony theft by shoplifting not because of the value of the items she tried to steal — $88.27 — but because she had more than three previous shoplifting convictions, police said.
At the Clarke County Jail, and as officers figured the various charges she would be booked on, Appling spoke about the plea bargain she’d get in court and mentioned she was mentally ill, a claim officers didn’t buy, according to the police report.
“She seemed to know what was going on,” Senior Police Officer Nate Franco wrote in his report.
Appling “also commented that store personnel shouldn’t chase people like that because they could get themselves hurt,” the officer wrote.
Franco knew that one charge on Appling would be aggravated assault because of the blast of pepper spray she gave to the Piggly Wiggly employee’s face.
“From personal experience, I know that pepper spray has the ability to completely incapacitate a person,” the officer wrote in his report. “Being pepper-sprayed is the most pain I have ever felt in my life, and I consider it a violent assault.”
Franco wrote that he needed to confirm Appling’s claims she had the AIDS virus because “additional charges could be added based on her having HIV and spitting on another.”
Appling has a flair for the spectacular, as evidenced by a performance she gave when arrested in January for shoplifting at an Ingles in Madison County.
The Madison County Journal reported that when the officer tried to take Appling into custody, she began taking her clothes off and told the officer to lick her because she had AIDS.
As the officer struggled to cuff the large woman, the Journal reported, Appling continued to strip until she was completely naked. She broke free from the officer, who subdued her with a Taser.
For the Piggly Wiggly incident, in addition to felony shoplifting and aggravated assault, Appling was charged with simple battery, disorderly conduct and obstruction of a law enforcement officer.
She was still held without bail as of Monday evening.
On Memorial Day 2012, this story made me smile. Freedom Failed.
Ex New Yorker here...What. She didn't steal no Skittles. Dem sto clerks day be racist. This woman needs to have her own reality TV show. SHOPPING WITH LONNESHIA.
"...The employees still were following Appling as police arrived. The officers found that in addition to the cans of Coors Light, the woman tried to steal vegetable oil, five packs of cheese, five packs of bacon and two packs of chicken wings, police said..."
Somebody forgot to tell Precious that Coors isn't allowed on the Atkins diet.
compared to other cities in georiga athens is faily white.
As someone named Paul Dicandia commented over at The Smoking Gun:
Wow, a fat pig in a Piggly Wiggly stealing bacon. It is like some sort of crazy MC Escher drawing.
Just how incredibly stupid is this 340 pound shoplifting sow?
Three previous outstanding warrants? Check!
Aggravated assault in the commission of a crime? Check!
Using a chemical device in commission of a felony? Check!
Turning a simple misdemeanor into a felony? Check!
Spitting on her pursuers and claiming she had AIDS? Check!
It's choke sandwiches for this sherilla. Several years of them.
Head over to The Smoking Gun for lots of hilarious comments.
the report said that she tried to buy of the employees who were chasing her! fat ass black pig had money to buy off the chaser's but not to pay at the register. i guess her EBT card ran out of money? i mean why should this women pay with her own money. oops i ment the goverment's money. but still this is what's wrong with black america. and she seems to be so proud of her actions. what the hell is going on these days. and the funny thing is all the stolen stuff was for one day of big, big girl eating. what happens if our society breaks down? this fat lard would be sliding through your window to boost your bacon. man this black shit has got to stop. i mean everyday we(whites) are getting pounded. if not by blowbama then his minions. i'm sick of this crap. what happened to the good old day's?
Very good on the armed forces bit. I've tried to explain this connection to people for years. All I get is deer in the headlights. Democracy sucks and freedom isn't for children.
When they get really large, negroid females can be dangerous. Use enough gun.
To Anon @ 5:06...
That's because it's home to the University of Georgia. It's a typical liberal-leaning white college town with black pockets here and there. This sheboon is a fine representation of some of the more exotic subtypes of negroes living in Athens. I should know, I lived there for 5.5 years.
Paul, freedom has failed. Memorial Day, the day when Americans never forget...until the tenth beer.
-Ulick Varange
I have seen first-hand, or have heard about, some pretty wild behavior by negroes. Many of them have, of course, done far worse, including taking lives.
But for the very life of me I just cannot fathom what goes through the mind of someone who does this sort of thing. It is beyond appalling!
I wish to ask a question of any of our middle-aged or senior readers who grew up in the South: did any of this sort of thing take place in the days of segregation? Given that the negroes had their own shopping districts, did the merchants in those stores have to put up with this sort of thing?
Under Jim Crow, and even when police officers could deliver an on-the-spot beat-down to drive the "Thou Shalt Not Steal" message home when the feeble brain can associate it with the act (like spanking a 2-yr-old), I'm sure these things happened seldom.
If Blacks could run grocery stores, would she just have been shot by the management, and would patrons have walked past her moaning and bleeding to do their own shopping? Would nobody give a damn?
We've come so far since the Civil Rights Movement...
'steal vegetable oil, five packs of cheese, five packs of bacon and two packs of chicken wings'
I think you're being too hard on this woman.She was obviously starving and just needed a little food.
Hey she forgot the Tide and Kool cigarettes.
I appreciated the clip from Starship Troopers! It's from the History and Moral Philosophy class detailed in the book.
C'mon, we all know the only reason Lonneshia had to shoplift is because of 200 years of psychological racism, combined with heterosexual white male privilege, an unequal distribution of wealth, educational disparity, being forced to live in an under served community, Jim Crow laws,...Did I leave any out? Oh yeah, she probably paid for all her items and the YTs conspired and just accused her of shoplifting. They were probably tying a noose out of plastic bags and she had to flee for her life. Anyway, she is not white, and therefore is not capable of wrongdoing. This is clearly YT's fault
I can't decide. Are these human or something else?
She was doomed the moment her mother-figure/breeder named her "Lonneshia."
Off topic... Trip to Myrtle Beach for the weekend was not as awful as it could have been. I was nanoseconds away from canceling. We were in North Myrtle Beach and although there were a few bikers there - they were mostly with families - including their children. [NOT an event children should be subjected to, in my opinion.] We were not near the "trouble." Saw a gazillion bikes at Hooters one night on the way to a sports bar after dinner [Overtime] so the guys could watch a pay-per-view fight, but we were the majority, at that venue. Thankfully. The condo we stayed at was managed 24/7, and the woman who was doing check-in at the swimming pool told me that they did NOT and would not put up with any crap and told me that if I had a problem, no matter how small, that I should immediately report it. She went so far as to give one of the black boys playing in the pool with a super-soaker the evil stink eye when he aimed his soaker at his sister who was outside the pool - I'm guessing he didn't do it a second time. She meant business. Saw some sights on the beach - big, big women, in teeny tiny bathing suits [many could be Lonneshia's twin sisters] and lots of tramp stamps covering LARGE portions of their bodies. I don't mean the typical tramp stamp, either, but entire thighs covered, and arms and backs. A lot of "uppityness" from them was the vibe on the beach [but I could be wrong and perhaps I'm confusing uppityness with jealousy? no - NOT on my part - on theirs - white women with long blonde hair and long legs get looked before Lonneshia-look-a-likes]. I will never be able to convince the half of the group that was with us that "they" are NOT like us. And, not for my lack of trying. On Sunday afternoon my husband didn't tell me that he was going, but most of the guys went to Hooters. I didn't learn about it until after the fact - or there would have been a scene, and I would have caused it. One of the men with us said, "We sat next to 'them' and we even talked to 'them,' and you know what? They are people just like us." Oh, he is SOOOO wrong. As we were leaving yesterday afternoon, traffic was a nightmare. The police were out in full force [thank you!], and I did not see a single white person pulled over. It gave me just a small piece of satisfaction, somehow. There were very, very few of "them" at the restaurants we chose [Greg Norman's, Umberto's, and T-Bonz], but I did notice that white servers were the minority... No doubt, the black servers we had at two of the restaurants were thankful that they had a group of middle-class middle-aged white people - we tipped well. Would I go again? Knowingly, to Myrtle Beach during black bike week? Not a chance. Why put myself in that type of situation? Nope. Never again. The Myrtle Beach Police say it will be a day or two before the crime reports are all in:
THANKS for the advice and the prayers!
And, thank you for this site, PK!!
''The Madison County Journal reported that when the officer tried to take Appling into custody, she began taking her clothes off and told the officer to lick her because she had AIDS.''
Oooooh! And I just ate dinner too...
*runs to bathroom*
P.S. You owe me a new keyboard, Mutant Swarm! I'm fairly certain more than a little of my Diet Coke and Captain Morgan spurted out my nose with your, "Somebody forgot to tell Precious that Coors isn't allowed on the Atkins diet."
Something else......way beyond savage...... I'm thinking single celled organism with attitude
@Celebrate Homogeneity
I am in my mid 30s and grew up in the South. You did not see this behavior in the 80s or early to mid 90s for that fact.
This younger generation of blacks seem to have completely devolved into animals. Mindless, unaware animals and polite society is suffering for it.
You can only shove a top on a boiling pot for so long before something has to give. It's going to give eventually.
She is grotesque and believes she is superior to the weak crackers. Blacks really do have a delusion of superiority, yet they prove everyday how low they are.
Democracy only works for isolated racial groups, and then tenuously so due to it's tendency to make said groups politically vulnerable to being exploited by outside groups.
Democracy, as practiced between differing racial groups, leads to communism.
This is due to the fact that it will always lead to an imbalance of political power and therefore an imbalance of civil rights. The pendulum eventually solves this imbalance by deciding that everyone is made 'equal', however illusory, by force of the jackboot (which is still enacted by forcing the rights of so-called minority's/individuals interests over the majority's nationalistic interests.
White people in this country are politically closer to the Russian people (and the German, Finnish, Czech, Swedish, etc. people) than they are the woman who is the subject of the article. Black people truly are a nation unto themselves and require their own country, if for nothing but to preserve the rights of others.
buckeyecopperhead: She was doomed the moment her mother-figure/breeder named her "Lonneshia."
I really have to agree. It's a lot like the The Mohammed Coefficient (hat tip: Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna), when analyzing terrorist attacks.
If you are scanning the news, the more arcane, contrived and difficult-to-pronounce a Black person's name happens to be, the more likely it is that they are engaging in some pinnacle example of TNB.
I swear, when it comes to names like Maneesha, Tavonda, Orencio, Percelle, Lakazia and Swanzetta; the more damned syllables, the more likely that they are going to be effing geniuses at TNB.
Trial junkie here. I well remember (born 1950) the segregated South, having grown up there.
During the 1950s, you didn't see Negroes in the shopping district. I recall family vacations to Florida, everybody you saw was white. You didn't have to worry about crime.
We could go to Nashville and shop the downtown stores, such as Harvey's, the big department store in Nashville. You could park your car and walk around safely. No Negroes were to be seen. SBPDL's younger readers would find Nashville circa 1958 unbelievable.
I remember the summer of 1964 after the Civil Rights bill passed. Suddenly, Negroes were shopping the stores, which you never saw before.
It should be said they were reasonably well behaved at first. White Southerners tried to make it work.
By 1970, the old downtown department stores were being replaced by malls in the suburbs. Nowadays the malls are becoming impossible.
Beth, I'm so glad to hear the holiday weekend passed without any major incident. Here's hoping that the plentiful and cogent advice you received from those of us at SBPDL was of some use.
If anything, you (and any others in your party who were prepared to see), got an eyeful that persuaded them as to exactly why so many of us make a fuss about TNB.
Please check back with any episodes or chimpouts that you witnessed. Goodness knows it will be therapeutic for you to vent a little.
More than anything, it's safe for me to say that I am not alone in expressing how we at SBPDL are glad you made it through this "gauntlet-of-diversity" relatively unscathed.
If needed, after having witnessed +300 pound sherillas triumphantly parading around in thongs and spandex hot pants, you have our permission to rinse out your eyes with full strength bleach.
Glad you're back in one piece.
Anon (5/29 7:43 PM): Something else......way beyond savage...... I'm thinking single celled organism with attitude
Anyone else thinking "340 pound ebon pseudopod?" "Amoebae" would be an insult to all protozoa (living or dead).
I thought Godzilla was green.
First job I ever held was bagging groceries at the local Piggly Wiggly in SC, as a young boy of 15.
I remember seeing the first "food stamp" about the first of the month. It was actually a book of stamps, with different denominations at the time, (1985).
I asked the manager one afternoon what the stamps with the Liberty Bell on them were. He told me food stamps. They were for people who could not afford food. I then asked why I loaded free groceries into the trunks of brand new Cadillacs and Lincolns all day that were bought with "food stamps". He smiled & said that I would figure it out... boy did I ever.
I've been Watching the first two episodes of Hatfieds & McCoys on the History Channel tonight.
4 hours free of TNB.
Keep up the great work SBPDL!
Semper Fi in Mississippi!
Lonn-freaking-eshia? What a story, Paul. Love the photo. Thanks for the laugh. Except it's not funny because it's true.
I see people like this all the time. Morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension. Then, dietary and medicine/treatment noncompliance, end stage renal failure, expensive dialysis on our dollar.
Yet, we are asked to believe that blacks' access to health care be rayciss, [restricted]. Bollocks.
Blacks have a much higher incidence of diabetes and hypertension because of out of control messes as this one, then Precious and her kinfolk don't comply cuz consulted caregivers be rayciss too, not to be trusted. As most things dealing with this species, nothing helps, nothing is ever enough.
Athens is a nice town, several streets lined with beautiful antebellum homes.
On a hot summer day, I was walking up and down one such Athens street when a distinguished looking gentleman working in his front yard greeted me. I told him I was a Yankee tourist interested in antebellum architecture, whereupon he asked me into his kitchen for a sit down and lemonade with him and his wife. They were gracious people who knew the history of their town and the homes.
Sorry such animals as this one sully the good name of a town so nobly named.
Funny, low intelligence and insanity look very similar she may have a point.
I would guess if you have a 70 IQ it is hard to say you are completely able to make rational decisions just like insanity.
Least we forget blacks are schooled in things that other members of the population are not such as evading police, reducing sentences, etc.
I tend to think her claim to be mentally ill should not be dismissed without due consideration. Ahem.
Someone at American Renaissance linked to this wonderful article that shows the total dominance of BRA. It is staggering. There are all sorts of wonderful graphs and charts covering Federal and Private Sector employment for blacks, education spending, the wealth gap and SAT scores and so much more!
Hunting the Yeti: Institutional Racism in the 21st Century
For an added bonus read the article while listening to this :
Standing Stones - The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim
(this Skyrim soundtrack is one of the most beautiful and elegant compositions I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. over 4 hours of original music by Composer Jeremy Soule)
Democracy and equality are great -- among equals -- as it was set up by the Founding Fathers originally.
"The doctrine of equality! There is no more venomous poison in existence: for it seems to be preached by justice itself, whereas it really is the termination of justice. ‘Equality among equals, inequality among unequals’ — that would be the true slogan of justice; and also its corollary: ‘Never make equal what is unequal.’" - Nietzsche
No doubt in my mind she is hooked into every scam there is for getting free Gov't money (meaning white taxpayers money) be it food stamps, EBT, subsidized housing, free medical, WICC for her bastards, gov't money for fake childcare of her sister's childrun and the list goes on and on...
Animals. Madness. When does it end?
Here in Pittsburgh, large black "teen" (13, they caught the bitch later) viciously stomps skinny white girl employee who tried to stop her while shoplifting.
Meanwhile, the video comes from a cellphone of a guy that just taped it and didn't get involved. What color you think he is?
Coors Light? I would have bet on Olde English or 4Loko.
In six months, Lonneshia will be at it again courtesy of the revolving door 'just-us' system, or Obama will pardon her.
Beth--Thanks for the update. I read your earlier posts and was hoping all would be well. Being aware and prepared is the key. Something that separates us from 'them'.
I found a truly awesome gif you might enjoy:
"When they get really large, negroid females can be dangerous. Use enough gun."
Video of the incident. Note the instructions to the officer at 2:10 "If you shoot it, you'll just make it mad"
@ Beth:
Glad you made it back in one piece!
"I will never be able to convince the half of the group that was with us that "they" are NOT like us. And, not for my lack of trying."
In this case, that's a good thing. To convince them might have taken making the six o'clock news the hard way. Better to just steer them to this site, where they can read more of the antics of troglodytes Africanus kersyii.
Sorry about the keyboard, but you wouldn't want all those Chinese slave laborers in the keyboard factories sitting around reading USA Today, would you?
Speaking of blacks and crime, images of what's left of the face of the Miami "zombie attack" victim have found their way online. They are quite gruesome, so be warned if you click on the link. When you look at what's left intact of the victim's facial skin (very top, near the hairline) and at the texture/color of the victim's hair, it begins to look as if this might be another interracial attack. We know the attacker was black, the victim could be white or Latino, *maybe* bi racial ...He doesn't look anywhere near as black as the attacker in any case:
If the victim *is* white or Latino, expect the crime to disappear from the media radar ASAP.
Lots of people online are "praying" for the victim's life. Me, I pray he dies before he regains consciousness and realizes what was done to him. The damage is extreme and irreparable, and it seems he is also blind for life as well . :-( Regardless of the victim's race, death would be a merciful release IMO.
Outdoorsman here:
You know, when you come to think of it, this pneumatically bloated thing, half slug and half idiot, is the direct result of carefully formulated Amerikan government policy. It was bred and hatched in an Amerikan goverment supported rookery. It was incubated, fed and grown to its present saurian dimensions, supported by wealth confiscated on pain of prison or death (just try not paying your taxes) from the class targeted for annihilation by the Amerikan government, namely, White people.
Now, decades of policy patiently and deliberately implemented by the Amerikan government are paying a great dividend to TPTB, in that the first majority non-white generation is being born in Amerika. Farrakhan is dancing on our future graves in eager anticipation.
Those who-are-not-to-be-named have played a huge role in this process. Obama, our mongrel messiah, was specially selected and managed by them to exemplify the new Amerikan man who, like new Soviet man, is intended to arise from the ruins of the "old" era and chart a new, "revolutionary" course, similar to South Africa's.
A nation full of Lonneshias is NOT my nation. A nation that seeks to diminish, degrade and eliminate European man is not my nation. We have no moral obligation it any longer, since the only quid pro quo it offers us for our "submission" is destruction.
We have been targeted for oblivion by calculating, merciless and utterly committed racial revolutionaries, who are unrestrained by notions of red-white-blue sentimentality, or bourgeois notions of propriety or morality.
In the battle for survival, we must emotionally break with the failed experiment called Amerika and its symbols and icons which are used to promote our destruction, as well as antiquated notions of upholding our end of a social contract that has long since been broken.
White people should welcome Amerika's demise as a political entity. As another poster has said, White Americans have more in common with the Russian, German and other European peoples than we do with these disgusting non-humans (that assault and kill our people daily) that are our ostensible "countrymen."
The coming majority non-White Amerika will be even more willing than the old Amerika (if that were possible) to use military force against Europe, the White South Africans or others of our blood on this globe, and to truly play for keeps when it does. That's why I am heartened by the sight of those fine lads parading through Red Square in Moscow every year with their formidable military hardware, and I wish them well.
The alternative to breaking with Amerika is our demise as a race, and the trampling of what's left of our family posterity by the ugly black feet of hordes of Lonneshias.
Let it fall, break it up and build a new state on as much of its territory as we can reserve for ourselves - exclusively for ourselves, no to be polluted by ANY Lonneshias.
Amerika loves Lonneshia, and hates your children. That's why it does everything in its power to promote the proliferation of the one, and the diminution of the other.
Beth---glad to hear you had a nice visit to the place I grew up. We frequently left Memorial Day weekend for obvious reasons, but glad you were able to take in the Grand Strand's beauty. It was nice to see you mention some of those restaurants-took me down memory lane!
I had to endure the huge black women in thongs for 13 years---it's amazing I'M not insane at this point!
Blast from the past: SBPDL #7. Water.
Yes folks, it's rockfish season again and of course ''water be raciss, yo''
Our greatest ally, Water has done it again:
''When 15-year-old DeKendrix Warner accidentally stepped into deeper water while wading in the Red River in Shreveport, he panicked.''
JaTavious Warner, 17,
Takeitha Warner, 13,
JaMarcus Warner, 14,
Litrelle Stewart, 18,
Latevin Stewart, 15, and
LaDarius Stewart, 17, rushed to help him and each other.
None of them could swim. All six drowned. DeKendrix was rescued by a passer-by.
*BOOOOOOO* Should have made it lucky 7.
"She is grotesque and believes she is superior to the weak crackers. Blacks really do have a delusion of superiority..."
I'm no real fan of Donald Rumsfeld, but his often-derided (and yet perfectly true) remark about "unknown unknowns" remains valid: there are indeed things that you don't know that you don't know, and black people just seem to have an awful lot of rather large accounts in that category...
Joking aside, I do think it's a serious sort of epistemological problem. In other words one of the reasons they are so sullen and resentful and exasperating probably really is, that they actually don't have any realistic conception of what it is qualitatively that makes white society more desirable/superior/use whatever term you like.
Over the years I've made friends from time to time with some very intelligent and interesting black folks. Aside from the fact that I couldn't help noticing that it's nearly always the folks from the West Indies who are the most genuinely intellectually alert (but not necessarily the most likeable), the main thing I can't help noticing about my black American friends is, by and large, their complete lack of interest or curiosity about white culture.
No one is obliged to really like Mozart or Shakespeare or Michelangelo, (or even Picasso or Cole Porter or Oscar Wilde) but to be completely incurious about such obviously towering figures who have shaped the way you live always strikes me as, well, odd. I mean, I like John Coltrane and Miles Davis enough to be curious about them and literate about their work. It's not at all uncommon to see white punk rockers who although they remain punks, still dig Public Enemy or Cee-Lo Green. But it's vanishingly rare to find black hip-hoppers who've ever heard of say John Adams or Brian Eno. Or even Brian Wilson.
Another one of those "gaps" I suppose.
Imagine that there is this culture which is completely, overwhelmingly superior to your own in every way, which shapes and dominates everything about how you live your life, and yet you have zero interest in what it is, how it works, why its practitioners do the things they do.
"I wonder what the city fathers of Detroit would say about that"
And on a related front: fast food places are now accepting EBT cards:
I was surfing around the net recently and came across this (apparently older) article. While it is not directly related to the incident described above, some of you may find it worth reading. Written by a South African professor of philosophy, it takes a look at the relationship between morality and abstract thinking, and why Africans lack the understanding of the former because of a deficiency in the latter. Especially interesting is the section on the lack of written language and what it implies about the limited conceptual inventory of Africans. Very well though out analysis.
@Outdoorsman 6:14 AM:
Tremendous comment. You hit that one right out of the park. Amen, amen, amen. The Banksta Banana Republick is not reformable. Neither is the bogus opposition Repuke party, the useful-idiot Tea Party, etc. Honestly (pace Zenster), even living as a dhimmi under Islam would be preferable than submitting to total extermination at the hands of bloated groid-monsters directed by their slave-power masters. The black flag must be raised.
YIH: JaTavious Warner, 17,
Takeitha Warner, 13,
JaMarcus Warner, 14,
Litrelle Stewart, 18,
Latevin Stewart, 15, and
LaDarius Stewart, 17
Just think of all the tongue sprains that the civilized world was saved from by this one incident.
Anonymous: If the victim *is* white or Latino, expect the crime to disappear from the media radar ASAP.
The victim was a homeless alcoholic named Ronald Poppo. As you can see from the picture at The Big Lie on Parade, he appears to be hispanic. It took the cops 7 shots at close range to stop the groid-zombie cannibal, who was likely hopped-up on some recreational pharmaceuticals. As with Lonneshia, Rudy Eugene the groid-zombie cannibal is the direct result of decades worth of carefully formulated government policy, regardless of whether it was hatched and nourished in a rookery here or imported directly from a third-world cesspool like Haiti. Coming to a nice neighborhood near you, courtesy of section 8! To quote Caudillo Jorge W. Busheron "The Decider" and conservative Messiah from West Texas in the wake of the Grutter decision enshrining racial preferences forever: Diversity is our strength!
Anon (5/30 6:49 AM): Imagine that there is this culture which is completely, overwhelmingly superior to your own in every way, which shapes and dominates everything about how you live your life, and yet you have zero interest in what it is, how it works, why its practitioners do the things they do.
Why would you bother to when that superior culture worships you and does everything for you but wipe your @ss?
RE: And on a related front: fast food places are now accepting EBT cards.
In Arizona, California, Florida and Michigan, a lot of fast food places can accept EBT now. Big franchises (Jack in the Box, McDonald's, Church’s Chicken, Taco Bell, etc.) in several other states want their restaurants to be EBT eligible too. At a time when people have less money to spend, the bump in federal dollars could be worth a lot to the fast food industry.
Anon (5/30 6:49 AM): Imagine that there is this culture which is completely, overwhelmingly superior to your own in every way, which shapes and dominates everything about how you live your life, and yet you have zero interest in what it is, how it works, why its practitioners do the things they do.
Imagine black people having imaginations.
Unrelated but it has came out that the homeless guy who lost his face in the cat 5 chimpout in Miami was white. Of course you have to go to a UK news site to find that out. Lock and load my friends.
Folk's, RedMoonProject's link to the article at White Locust, "Morality and Abstract Thinking – How Africans may differ from Westerners", is mandatory reading.
It explains everything about TNB and, essentially, demonstrates that it will never change. It is IQ related and we all know how likely it is that Blacks anywhere suddenly are going to jump some 15 to 25 IQ points.
Some money quotes:
But, he assured me, it was otherwise for “promise.” I was skeptical. How about “obligation?” We both had the same dictionary (English-Zulu, Zulu-English Dictionary, published by Witwatersrand University Press in 1958), and looked it up. The Zulu entry means “as if to bind one’s feet.” He said that was not indigenous but was added by the compilers. But if Zulu didn’t have the concept of obligation, how could it have the concept of a promise, since a promise is simply the oral undertaking of an obligation? I was interested in this, I said, because Africans often failed to keep promises and never apologized—as if this didn’t warrant an apology.
A light bulb seemed to go on in his mind. Yes, he said; in fact, the Zulu word for promise—isithembiso—is not the correct word. When a black person “promises” he means “maybe I will and maybe I won’t.” But, I said, this makes nonsense of promising, the very purpose of which is to bind one to a course of action. When one is not sure he can do something he may say, “I will try but I can’t promise.” He said he’d heard whites say that and had never understood it till now. As a young Romanian friend so aptly summed it up, when a black person “promises” he means “I’ll try.”
It appears that the Zulu word for “future”—isikhati—is the same as the word for time, as well as for space. Realistically, this means that these concepts probably do not exist in Zulu thought. It also appears that there is no word for the past—meaning, the time preceding the present. The past did exist, but no longer exists. Hence, people who may have problems thinking of things that do not exist will have trouble thinking of the past as well as the future.
In this context, I recall some remarkable discoveries by the late American linguist, William Stewart, who spent many years in Senegal studying local languages. Whereas Western cultures internalize norms—“Don’t do that!” for a child, eventually becomes “I mustn’t do that” for an adult—African cultures do not. They rely entirely on external controls on behavior from tribal elders and other sources of authority. When Africans were detribalized, these external constraints disappeared, and since there never were internal constraints, the results were crime, drugs, promiscuity, etc. Where there have been other forms of control—as in white-ruled South Africa, colonial Africa, or the segregated American South—this behavior was kept within tolerable limits. But when even these controls disappear there is often unbridled violence.
If this is true we might also expect their capacity for human empathy to be diminished, and this is suggested in the examples cited above. After all, how do we empathize? When we hear about things like “necklacing” we instinctively — and unconsciously — think: “How would I feel if I were that person?” Of course I am not and cannot be that person, but to imagine being that person gives us valuable moral “information:” that we wouldn’t want this to happen to us and so we shouldn’t want it to happen to others. To the extent people are deficient in such abstract thinking, they will be deficient in moral understanding and hence in human empathy—which is what we tend to find in Africans.
It may have been Charles Martel who identified the Black incapacity for empathy as playing a large part in their pathology. The article explains in detail why the Golden Rule and other essential components of the Social Contract are, not just lacking, but just as often totally absent in the Black mind.
Finally, given the article's conclusions, coexistence with Blacks under anything but rigid Jim Crow conditions simply will not work. As noted in the article, Blacks require externalized controls because there just isn't any internalalized morality. This stark reality underlies much of the psychopathic behavior presented by Blacks.
The only alternative to Jim Crow is the swiftly deteriorating dog's breakfast of a "diverse" society that we have today.
From YIH's link to "Why don't black Americans swim?", comes this priceless nugget of Black wisdom:
In focus groups for the study, Prof Irwin said many black parents who could not swim evinced sentiments like: "My children are never going to learn to swim because I'm scared they would drown."
Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!
But wait, there's more! Trust some Liberal idiot to blame it all on Whitey.
The major reason behind the problem could lie in the era of segregation says Prof Jeff Wiltse, author of Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America.
"The history of discrimination… has contributed to the drowning and swimming rates," says Prof Wiltse.
In his work he identified two periods of a boom in swimming rates in the US - in the 1920s and 1930s when recreational swimming became popular and the 1950s and 1960s when the idea of swimming as a sport really took off.
Black children in a swimming lesson There are historical reasons why black children do not learn to swim
The first boom was marked by the construction of about 2,000 new municipal pools across the nation.
"Black Americans were largely and systematically denied access to those pools," he notes.
None of which explains how "Bruce Wigo, chief executive of the International Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, estimates that before the Civil War 80 percent of blacks and 20 percent of whites knew how to swim."
Unless, of course, you blame Whitey again:
During slavery, though, swimming was banned. “All of the slave masters thought of swimming as a means of escape from bondage,” Pitts said. “Moving forward toward the 20th century public facilities such as beaches and swimming pools were off limits for blacks,” he said, “It was taboo for a black man to be swimming in the same water as a white woman.”
As always, the legacy of this same vicious Jim Crow ban extended to all lakes, rivers and oceans. So, clearly, every opportunity for learning how to swim was comprehensively denied to Blacks. [/sarc]
I wonder what explanation there is for how Blacks almost unanimously avoid other forms of uncomfortable strenuous outdoor activity like camping, hiking and backpacking?
Given the lack of self-control typically displayed by Black children, urinating in a pool would probably be second nature for them, if only to antagonize any White swimmers.
Anon (5/30 12:13 PM): In Arizona, California, Florida and Michigan, a lot of fast food places can accept EBT now. Big franchises (Jack in the Box, McDonald's, Church’s Chicken, Taco Bell, etc.) in several other states want their restaurants to be EBT eligible too. At a time when people have less money to spend, the bump in federal dollars could be worth a lot to the fast food industry.
Read "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser for insight into how:
Ever since the administration of President Richard Nixon, the fast food industry has worked closely with its allies in Congress and the White House to oppose new worker safety, food safety, and minimum wage laws. While publicly espousing support for the free market, the fast food chains have quietly pursued and greatly benefited from a wide variety of government subsidies.
Subsidized job creation for fast food companies whose central goal is to increase profits by using automation to eliminate human (worker) intervention in every possible step of daily operations. Even as those same workers constitute the single largest group of minimum wage recipients before which only migrant farm workers come first as the very lowest wage earners.
Consider how:
In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music - combined.
A generation ago, three-quarters of the money used to buy food in the United States was spent to prepare meals at home. Today about half of the money used to buy food is spent at restaurants - mainly at fast food restaurants.
The fast food chains now stand atop a huge food-industrial complex that has gained control of American agriculture. During the 1980s, large multinationals - such as Cargill, ConAgra, and IBP - were allowed to dominate one commodity market after another. Farmers and cattle ranchers are losing their independence, essentially becoming hired hands for the agribusiness giants or being forced off the land. Family farms are now being replaced by gigantic corporate farms with absentee owners. Rural communities are losing their middle class and becoming socially stratified, divided between a small, wealthy elite and large numbers of the working poor. Small towns that seemingly belong in a Norman Rockwell painting are being turned into rural ghettos. The hardy, independent farmers whom Thomas Jefferson considered the bedrock of American democracy are a truly vanishing breed. The United States now has more prison inmates than full-time farmers.
The fast food chains’ vast purchasing power and their demand for a uniform product have encouraged fundamental changes in how cattle are raised, slaughtered, and processed into ground beef. These changes have made meatpacking - once a highly skilled, highly paid occupation - into the most dangerous job in the United States, performed by armies of poor, transient immigrants whose injuries often go unrecorded and uncompensated. And the same meat industry practices that endanger these workers have facilitated the introduction of deadly pathogens, such as E. coli 0157:H7, into America’s hamburger meat, a food aggressively marketed to children. Again and again, efforts to prevent the sale of tainted ground beef have been thwarted by meat industry lobbyists and their allies in Congress. The federal government has the legal authority to recall a defective toaster oven or stuffed animal - but still lacks the power to recall tons of contaminated, potentially lethal meat.
Fast food companies be lovin' EBT.
Few things better epitomize the unpatriotic, loyalty-free, money grubbing transnational globalist mentality of our modern financial and political elite than the fast food industry.
Video of large black teen stomping skinny white girl has already been scrubbed
@ Zenster:
"I wonder what explanation there is for how Blacks almost unanimously avoid other forms of uncomfortable strenuous outdoor activity like camping, hiking and backpacking?"
Because you have to plan ahead and be self-sufficient, perhaps? You know, if you don't bring it with you, you do without?
Anybody got any good Yeti jokes?
This just in:
2 Dead in Seattle Shooting.
No race of the suspect, of course...
Liberals are even MORE INSANE than I thought. I'm not sure how to react to this one. These people need full lobotomies. I for one cannot wait for the final demise of this *nation*
Prove Mitt Romney is not a UNICORN liberal group says
I guess it was a reaction to this :
Proof Obama Born In Kenya? Obama Literary Agent Says Yes
Relatively negro-free in the Outer Banks as usual. A little flooding from Beryl today and some white knuckle driving to get around in the storm but no looting so far. :)
It's nice to spend time with the family and find nothing but smiling, white faces all around. The only black people I've seen are working at the grocery store and the gas station and were all extremely polite to us.
Zenster: Regarding Blacks and public pools, you are correct about Black toilet habits. Many years ago In some cities, the public pools were open to Blacks one day a week. After the pool closed on that day, it was drained and refilled for the next week's White swimming. What else is to be expected from a race whose homicide rate is eleven times the White rate?
Zenster -- Black guys have no problem spending all day working out. Indeed you don't get their impressive physiques on some of them without lots and lots of working out. Six Pack abs require a lot of throwing the weights around. Black guys are always up for wind sprints, running up stadium steps, and the like.
Swimming, however, is as much technique which requires expensive coaching, as pure physique related athletic dominance. Being a top wide receiver merely requires genetics + hard work on the field and weight room. Not much coaching or technique there. Look at RB Morris Claiborne, out of LSU, Wonderlic of 4, or (2XWonderlic +60) IQ of 68.
Swimming, I did some as a youth, my brother much better did a lot of it, requires coaching, and perfect technique as well as athleticism. Drag and reduction of same is more important even than pure strength and endurance. Even learning to swim requires a middle class family able to afford early swimming lessons.
That's not rocket science: the collapse of the Black family into single motherhood with two or more kids by different guys guarantees no middle class activities, also explaining the collapse of Black Americans in Baseball. [OT: Angels outfielder Tori Hunter's son is accused in Texas of raping a girl along with others, straight out of "Scoreboard Baby" link here. Apparently it was "Team Snapback" comprised of Black athletes using roofies to assault girls at parties.]
"Bogolyubski said...
......... The Banksta Banana Republick is not reformable. Neither is the bogus opposition Repuke party, the useful-idiot Tea Party, etc."
Bogolyubski please help me out here. You hate both the Republicans and Tea Party, so what type of party or leadership should we follow or do you follow? And do you hate the Democrats even more? Just trying to understand from where you are coming from with your political ideology. Thanks
Shoptlifting bacon to eat?? Wouldn't that constitute cannibalism?
How does Eric Holder have a job? How is nothing being done? What can be done? Is there someone who can start a petition or a lawyer that can do something about this hypocritical race monger?!?
Thanks to RedMoonProject for the White Locust link and to Zenster for posting the excerpts. Fascinating article.
I must admit, observing and analyzing these phenomena scientifically (for lack of a better term) is extremely interesting. This may not make sense, but it's kind of like watching a blinged-out prehistoric alien train wreck.
These incidents and the responses they evoke—“the human brain recoils,” “beyond my reach,” “impossible to explain to rational minds”...
Anonymous at 5:06PM on 30 May: "How does Eric Holder have a job? How is nothing being done? What can be done? Is there someone who can start a petition or a lawyer that can do something about this hypocritical race monger?!?"
Congress could be doing something, but the Demopublicans and the Republicrats are too busy "reaching across the aisle" and doing other metaphorical c1rcle j*rk5 to pay attention to what needs doing.
Letters from Galt's Gulch: Thanks to RedMoonProject for the White Locust link and to Zenster for posting the excerpts. Fascinating article.
I'm glad you are able to corroborate the article's quality. It really explains a lot and makes it difficult to imagine that there is any possible of coexistence with Blacks without harsh Jim Crow.
"Even learning to swim requires a middle class family able to afford early swimming lessons."
What are you, stoned?
Step One: hitch-hike to the beach (say, Brighton Beach maybe, or Riis Park, or Rockaway or Breezy; or some lake that's near you). You can take the bus, too, if you like, but as the Ramones pointed out, it's too slow.
Step Two: Jump in the damn water.
Step Three: Swim!
No expensive lessons required! A civilized societal background infrastructure is a big plus, though. Too bad we don't have any of those any more. Wonder why.
"Few things better epitomize the unpatriotic, loyalty-free, money grubbing transnational globalist mentality of our modern financial and political elite"
Wow, it's almost as if you were describing some particular group, whose name escapes me for some reason or other, and it wouldn't get published here even if I could remember it, but man it's just sort of on the tip of my tongue yet I can't quite remember...
Help me out here. Anybody here remember who I'm talking about?
People like us are accused of wanting to set back race relations by 50 years. They lie!
I say 150 years, minimum.
I had no feelings of patriotism over this Memorial Day weekend. The country I grew up in is gone. Maybe it was an illusion all along.
What was the response to the recent news that 20, 30, 40 million Mexicans invading and colonizing our country were turning the US into a white minority nation? "The Next America" and how we must adjust to the new demographic reality. Whites have been presented with a fait acompli (excuse the spelling), and appear to be accepting it without any resistance whatsoever. We bind ourselves with the same laws the invaders broke to get here and stay here, saying there's nothing we can do now that they're here, except to make them citizens (and disadvantaged minorities, too!) It's like meekly turning over the keys to your house and car to home invasion robbers and walking away, wondering where to go. It's sickening.
Do black names follow some sort of pattern, like Vulcan names?
Magnifico: Bogolyubski please help me out here. You hate both the Republicans and Tea Party, so what type of party or leadership should we follow or do you follow? And do you hate the Democrats even more? Just trying to understand from where you are coming from with your political ideology. Thanks
You are correct that I completely despise both Republicans and the Tea Party. This should not be mistaken for any love for the Dems, who are overt communists. The reason I actually hate Repukes and TPs more is that the gang in change of both are there to deliberately destroy the effectiveness of any opposition by presenting themselves as an alternative, when in truth they work hand-in-glove with the left who is openly destroying the place.
For example, just today I had to drive to the bank. I turned on the idiot Limbaugh just to hear what was going on. He featured the speech by Eric "My People" Holder (who would be in prison in any sane country) and criticized Holder for frightening blacks. He (and a couple of moronic callers) went on to repeat the same old Repuke song-and-dance about how the Dems were really bad for blacks, even to the point of making a completely laughable assertion that Obama is in trouble with black voters over gay marriage. Holder's joining with Jesse and Al to oppose voter ID laws was thus all about scaring blacks into voting for Obama.
This is typical Repuke nonsense. Blacks will vote for Obama as overwhelmingly as they did last time (97%) for the simple reason that he is one of them and fully supports BRA, a system which has transferred literally trillions of dollars extorted largely from whites to their pockets. Contrary to Limbaugh's claim, the reason Holder & Co. oppose voter ID is that they want to facilitate massive vote fraud, a regular fixture in every single ABRA section of the coutry - which is never opposed legally by Limbaugh's Repuke friends.
I am for a genuine opposition to BRA, not a phony opposition whose true purpose is to distract and drain all oppositional energy away from BRA. As the outdoorsman noted above, BRA is not an accident. It is part of a plan which amounts to nothing less than full-blown genocide. No actual political opposition allowed - only bogus movements to siphon funds, time and energy. That's why the black flag needs to be raised. The sooner the regime collapses economically, the greater our chances of survival is. If you want a glimpse of the future our overlords have in store for us, look at South Africa. Dhimmitude under Islam (and I have no illusions at all about how horrible that is) is more survivable.
Outdoorsman Here:
Bogolyubski May 30, 2012 8:45 PM hits the nail right on the head. The Repugs are NOT a "pro-White" party by any stretch of the imagination. They are merely a tightly controlled safety valve for Whites who like to deny the reality of racial differences and pretend that propositional Amerika (and its race-denying religion of money) constitutes a sound plan for the future.
For those who require a "reminder" about the true nature of the Repugs, just three examples from the historical record should put paid to any illusions regarding the Greedy Old Plutocrat party:
1) Affirmative Action -- the legally madated penalizing of Whites for being White (and Male)-- was an initiative of the Nixon administration, as was the preferential awarding of government contracts to "minority" owned firms.
2) The biggest immigration amnesty to date for invaders and colonizers of Amerika was passed in 1986 under the tutelage of the Reagan administration.
3) The next attempted amnesty for the Third World colonizers was an initiative of 2007 that was supported by the Repug, Chicano-speaking el Presidente Jorge W. Boosh, and the Repug Senator John "We're all Georgians now" McCain.
The Repugs and the Demon-rats both have the same goal for Amerika in mind: a Brazilian style banana republic in which the elites will accrue vast piles of filthy lucre in return for their betrayal of the old America and the West.
They will probably attain their perverted goal, simply because most Amerikans, infected with propositionalism and White Guilt (TM), and influenced by other government psyops, believe there is superior moral virtue to be found in submitting to self-sacrifice on the alter of the Diversity cult.
The dread-locked, "pro-immigrant," White Anarchist and communist Antifa "activists" who actively attack White "supremacists" (read: Whites who won't just roll over and die) have no concept of the fact that that they are tools of the RICH globalist elites, who use immigration to GLOBALIZE the work force and force down the price of the only thing that most people have to SELL -- their LABOR.
Paradoxically, the only hope on the horizon is the Negro terrorism now being practiced nationwide and the armed revolt that is being increasingly threatened by various negroid spokesmen, which can and will impose an ideology of necessity upon many sleeping Whites when it begins.
Amerika, as a society built on a proposition -- that is, the pursuit of money -- , is done, since there is a lot of cash to be made by the elites in destroying it. Furthermore, it deserves to perish. What must arise on its former territory is a new society based on ORGANIC values, namely the ingathering and strengthening of our race and the preservation and advancement of the high culture of the Occident.
Until that goal is achieved, we must be coldly nihilistic in our attitude to Corporate, Black Run, White minority Amerika and all of the ugliness that the concept entails.
We don't HAVE to perish as Amerika's rulers intend. All that is needed is to actively not WANT to, and all else will follow.
@Bogolyubski-I wonder where Rush got his info, I saw a poll a couple of days ago which said that blacks still overwhelmingly support Hussein, no matter his support for homo "marriage". I wasn't surprised, the GOP is demented or lying if they think blacks so-called conservative social values will ever trump race. Same with Hispanics-the GOP is relying on the highly vaunted "family values" of Hispanics to make inroads into that voting bloc. As with blacks, race and the gibmes will trump those spurious "family values" every time. Hispanics have, after blacks, the highest rates of single motherhood, and it's rising. Once they get to the US and have access to all the taxpayer-funded "free stuff" and subsidised bastardy, those "values" get thrown out like so much unwanted baggage.
@Whiskey-it doesn't require money to learn to swim. My nine siblings and I grew up fairly poor, but we learned to swim down at "ye olde swimming hole" for free, just as my parents and their parents before them did, and just as everyone I knew growing up did. Competetive swimming is another matter, but just your basic swimming, simple diving needs only a swimming hole (lake, etc) and a rope swing.
Anon (5/30 7:14 PM): "Even learning to swim requires a middle class family able to afford early swimming lessons."
What are you, stoned?
No, it's just your usual zombie Liberal who can't imagine jumping off a pier like I so sarcastically noted myself.
Wow, it's almost as if you were describing some particular group, whose name escapes me for some reason or other, and it wouldn't get published here even if I could remember it, but man it's just sort of on the tip of my tongue yet I can't quite remember...
Help me out here. Anybody here remember who I'm talking about?
Stuff your own lamewad sarcasm. Those Who Shall Not Be Named™ are just one subset of a larger body of transnational globalist New World Order types that thrive on secrecy. These days, anywhere you see a lack of transparency in business or government, you can automatically assume that those people, no matter what race, ethnicity, political leaning or whatever, ARE NOT working in your interests. Especially not those of Western Whites.
Not even that supposed bastion of White preservation, Russia, is doing squat to preserve the White race. We are under attack on all sides and even from within by PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism). Cultural Marxism bred up that dainty little abortion and you cannot tell me that Those Who Shall Not Be Named™ were running the Soviet Union back when the KGB was so busily infecting the entire world with their psychological equivalent of the AIDS virus.
I strongly suggest you stop playing Pin-the-Tail-in-the-Donkey and slip off the way too snug blindfold that you're wearing. Obviously, it's cutting off circulation to your skull.
Start looking around you. Think about it. America's political leadership is overwhelmingly WASP Whites, yet they are dedicated trailblazers in assuring the demise of the White race. So get over your little blame game and wise up.
Anon (5/30 7:42 PM): "The Next America"
There is no Next America.
Either we return this nation to its Constitutional and demographic roots or it is gone forever. No other race will ever be able to operate the engine of America any more than a troop of quarreling baboons could navigate a starship.
All they can do is drive it into the ground just like those apes would plunge their space-going vessel straight into the heart of the nearest star.
There is no better time to review Lincoln's address to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois January 27, 1838: (an excerpt)
Their's was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess themselves, and through themselves, us, of this goodly land; and to uprear upon its hills and its valleys, a political edifice of liberty and equal rights; 'tis ours only, to transmit these, the former, unprofaned by the foot of an invader; the latter, undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation, to the latest generation that fate shall permit the world to know. This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.
How then shall we perform it?--At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
Bogolyubski, your comment at 5/30 8:45 PM was one of your best. Although we are in violent agreement, even as dhimmies under Islam the White race would cease to functionally exist.
Genocide is genocide no matter whether it is Blacks or Muslims who are pulling the trigger. Islam is just a frog-in-the-pot scenario instead of being speared off of the lily pad by Blacks. The end result is the same.
Remember, Islam enslaved zillions of Blacks but you don't see a lick of Black blood in the Arab Muslim races. Do you honestly think they would tolerate White blood with any more (lack of) grace?
Outdoorsman: The dread-locked, "pro-immigrant," White Anarchist and communist Antifa "activists" who actively attack White "supremacists" (read: Whites who won't just roll over and die) have no concept of the fact that that they are tools of the RICH globalist elites, who use immigration to GLOBALIZE the work force and force down the price of the only thing that most people have to SELL -- their LABOR.
[golf clap]
It's got to be the labor. Just look at how fearful the elite are of anyone who can think!
As the Mexican comedic genius, Cantinflas, wryly observed:
Welcome to SBPDL, Outdoorsman. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your well-written comments.
Outdoorsman: Paradoxically, the only hope on the horizon is the Negro terrorism now being practiced nationwide and the armed revolt that is being increasingly threatened by various negroid spokesmen, which can and will impose an ideology of necessity upon many sleeping Whites when it begins.
[encore golf clap]
This is why―if it weren't for the lethal prospect of Islamic terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons―I would place Race Realism ahead of jihad as the primary tool to awaken the White race out of its opiate-induced torpor.
Quite possibly, Black pathology will accomplish what Islamic fanaticism has yet to achieve. Either way, once the sleeping dragon has been awakened, all hell is going to break loose and woe betide anyone who gets in the way. They will be crushed like cockroaches underfoot.
Make no mistake about it, Blacks will do their damnedest to reelect Mein Obama. Howard Stern proved it long ago:
Blacks For Obama Simply Because He's Black
Islam enslaved zillions of Blacks but you don't see a lick of Black blood in the Arab Muslim races. Do you honestly think they would tolerate White blood with any more (lack of) grace?
Yes. The whiter an Arab woman is, the more desireable she is. Blue and green eyes and pale skin are highly coveted traits, just as in Mexican society.
While Whites could probably take over Islam from within if all else was equal, the dysgenic characteristics of Islam (cousin marriage and killing off anyone not sufficiently orthodox, which relates to intelligence) suggest that it's the road to ruin for any race subject to it, whether Muslim or dhimmi. Under Islam, what we understand as "White" would eventually cease to exist as surely as it does under admixture with Blacks.
Zenster: The officeholders in this country may be mostly White, but surely you don't think that they are anything more than puppets, do you? Overgrown boys like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush actually making their own decisions? To get a look at the demographics of power, I think you'd do better to look at the higher levels of Wall Street and the media industry.
Mr. Rational: Under Islam, what we understand as "White" would eventually cease to exist as surely as it does under admixture with Blacks.
So, put another (previous) way:
Do you honestly think Arab Muslims would tolerate White culture with any more (lack of) grace? Just the concept of manmade laws is utter blasphemy in Islam, not to mention a host of other justifiably cherished Western political and philosophical traditions.
The death of White culture means the death of Whites as a race. I will gladly concede that you are not nitpicking for just this one particular instance but, consider this; the Japanese also prize pale skin. Does that mean they are any more likely to accept an influx of White genetic material than the supremely bigoted Arab Muslims?
Face the question squarely.
Do you honestly think that "Ayaranized" Arabs (i.e., those with blue or green eyes and blondish hair), would be seen as anything but illegitimate bastards totally unworthy of placement within the upper echelons of Islam's power structure?
Again, face the question squarely.
Zenster: I know this is Mr Rational's catch, but I had intended to post something along the lines of his comment anyway. Most Whites don't have green or blue eyes, or blond hair, and even when those who do have those traits mate with Arabs, most of their offspring will be brown eyed and brown haired anyway. Moslems have been kidnapping and breeding with Europeans for over a thousand years. It's our culture they don't like, not our color.
Discard: Zenster: The officeholders in this country may be mostly White, but surely you don't think that they are anything more than puppets, do you? Overgrown boys like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush actually making their own decisions? To get a look at the demographics of power, I think you'd do better to look at the higher levels of Wall Street and the media industry.
Don't worry, Discard, I'm with you. But it isn't as if these scum bags are marionettes. They, too, play a role in this and will someday, hopefully, answer for their sins.
You just can't blame Those Who Shall Not Be Named™. They, quite simply, DO NOT have the power or presence to cause all of the chaos that is happening.
Again, everywhere that you see secrecy and a lack of transparency, that is where you need to look. It's all around us and all involved need to be made to suffer in the worst way.
Discard: It's our culture they don't like, not our color.
Well, duh! Without meaning any rancor, your point is?
Blacks and Islam both have the same end point; GENOCIDE. Why this presents any sort of mystery or enigma is beyond me.
It isn't just Those Who Shall Not Be Named™ who wish us harm. They are just a small but potent faction in the forces arrayed against the White race. Better that we maintain situational awareness against ALL OF THEM than worry ourselves sick over one small group.
Again, better that we keep our heads about us so that all enemies are made to suffer when the day of reckoning finally arrives. What use is there in lynching a certain cohort but all the while letting off a mob of anti-White murderers when opportunity presents itself?
My point, Zenster, was a response to your comment at 3:11 PM. Facing the question squarely, I do believe that White Moslems, even blue eyed ones, would be accepted at any level in Islamic society. There are plenty of blue and gray eyed people in Afghanistan, members of the Taliban. I knew a fellow who visited them back when they were fighting the Russians. He took lots of color photos and I asked him about the eyes. The locals attributed it to Alexander the Great.
Turkey is another Moslem country with a lot of Whites, offspring of European captives. They apparently castrated Black males and killed the children of Black slaves, but the children of White concubines were keepers.
Facing the question squarely, I believe that the Moslems are more interested in capturing White genes than destroying them.
Zenster: Bogolyubski, your comment at 5/30 8:45 PM was one of your best. Although we are in violent agreement, even as dhimmies under Islam the White race would cease to functionally exist.
Genocide is genocide no matter whether it is Blacks or Muslims who are pulling the trigger. Islam is just a frog-in-the-pot scenario instead of being speared off of the lily pad by Blacks. The end result is the same.
Remember, Islam enslaved zillions of Blacks but you don't see a lick of Black blood in the Arab Muslim races. Do you honestly think they would tolerate White blood with any more (lack of) grace?
It is true that Muslims practice genocide against infidel populations, plus killing inspired by the element of Arab supremacism present within Islam itself (Kurds - fellow Sunni Muslims - were gassed by the Arab Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein, likewise the whole Darfur insanity, where Arab wannabes who are partly Arab were slaughtering fellow Sunni groids). Even so, there are white Muslims, notably in the Caucasus region, Bosnia, etc. - who have not been targeted as whites by fellow Muslims. Most Americans would consider Turks to be white (though I expect Euros would not).
Whites can certainly survive under Islam as long as they convert, and even to a certain extent as non-Muslim dhimmis provided the Islamic overlords are lenient and/or corrupt enough. Iraq - the very heart of the Ummah - had a sizeable Christian dhimmi population for over 1400 years until our moronic Mahdi from West Texas installed a sharia regime with the blood of white Evangelical boys there at the behest of his Neo-Trotskyite "advisors" (masters) - who are naturally among those who must not be named. Christians are now nearly cleansed from Iraq, and probably soon from neighboring Syria (where most fled), whose Alawite regime was quite open to them (Alawites are regarded as heretics by all other Muslims) as the usual suspects gin up the war machine to attack, complete with a Ministry of Truth campaign declaring Assad as the latest most-evilest Hitler since Saddam himself.
One actually does see a fair amount of groid admixture in parts of the Ummah, Arabia included. Bastard offspring of groid female slaves and their Arab masters are fairly commonplace even in the Magic Kingdom itself (Saudi Arabia). As I understand it such mongrels are very much lower class, though still above the groid slaves. Slavery is still practiced in parts of the ummah, by the way, though they usually don't actually call it that.
My point is that as horrific as Islam is, it is preferable to what the oligarchs in charge of the west have in store for us - which is noting less than our total erasure. Greeks lived under Islam's boot for a few hundred years and managed to throw it off eventually. By the time the vampire-squids of the EUSSR are finished with them, there will be no Greeks left - only proles, zeks and helots to serve the banksta overlords made up of groids, Arabs and mulattos.
Zenster: Do you honestly think Arab Muslims would tolerate White culture with any more (lack of) grace? Just the concept of manmade laws is utter blasphemy in Islam, not to mention a host of other justifiably cherished Western political and philosophical traditions.
The death of White culture means the death of Whites as a race. I will gladly concede that you are not nitpicking for just this one particular instance but, consider this; the Japanese also prize pale skin. Does that mean they are any more likely to accept an influx of White genetic material than the supremely bigoted Arab Muslims?
This is actually a good argument. Living under Islam would indeed result in a cultural death - at least over the long term. But isn't cultural death what we have now? Isn't PCCM even deadlier?
Take a good look at South Africa. There is no group of people on earth who have a greater moral justification than the Boers to use what the Banksta Banana Republick regime in Sodom-on-Potomac would call "terr-r-r-r-r" - against anyone who even passively supports the regime carrying out their erasure. They would be fully justified in planting bombs and carrying out assassinations against police, "journalists", judges, rock stars, foreign business people who prop up the regime there, clergymen, etc.
What do we see instead? The Boers go on obeying increasingly restrictive gun laws enacted by a completely lawless regime, they continue to pay taxes, etc. - meekly going down the road to their own erasure. It's almost as if they actually agree with the sentence passed upon them by the vampire-squids and those who serve them - that they should just cease to exist for the crime of being white and Christian.
Obama Indeed.....fist int he air
Best of all, this book is not about conspiracy theories so much as it debunks them in favor of exposing how secret societies like the ones I mentioned above demonstrate―where a bare few occasions present themselves―an openly hostile agenda to Constitutional America and White Western civilization in general.
The author cites the prophetic Iron Mountain Report and its glimpse of a post-warfare "Golden Age of Peace" landscape: (from the book)
― a comprehensive social-welfare program
― a giant open-ended space research program aimed at unreachable targets (missions to Jupiter etc.)
― a permanent, ritualized, ultraelaborate disarmament inspection system (as in Iraq and Bosnia)
― an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force (a UN peacekeeping force as in the Persian Gulf war or the Balkans)
― an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace (UFOs and alien abductions)
― massive global environmental pollution
― fictitious alternate enemies (Saddam Hussein, Muammar Quadaffi, Slobodan Milosivic, and who ever follows them)
― programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model (the Job Corps, Volunteers in Service to America)
― a modern sophisticated form of slavery (addressed above) [The author cites "A…possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political processes, of slavery. …The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace." Perhaps this refers to the current growing practice of private businesses using prison labor or to “wage slaves”, those so mired in credit that they have lost any option bet to continue working for wages in an unfulfilling job.]
― new religions or other mythologies (New Age thiologies, cults, etc.)
― socially oriented blood games (the National Football League, World Wrestling Foundation)
― a comprehensive program of applied eugenics (abortion and birth control)
The author's comments regarding each (synopsized) line item are in parentheses. His mention of― “wage slaves”, those so mired in credit―certainly resonates with the entire subprime debacle waiting almost another ten years down the road.
Time and again Jim Marrs reveals how we are not confronted with conspiracy but by secrecy. The upper reaches of this world’s corporate elite are, almost unanimously by default, Globalist in nature. As Bogolyubski so astutely put it:
The dread-locked, "pro-immigrant," White Anarchist and communist Antifa "activists" who actively attack White "supremacists" (read: Whites who won't just roll over and die) have no concept of the fact that that they are tools of the RICH globalist elites, who use immigration to GLOBALIZE the work force and force down the price of the only thing that most people have to SELL -- their LABOR.
This "de-Nationalizing" process of Globalization is where the Liberal and Transnationalist agendas converge. Another point of convergence is One World Government, a part and parcel of the New World Order. All I can say is get your hands on a copy of this book. Without any hysteria or pulled punches, it provides a brief glimpse under the skirts of those who have everything to hide and nothing to gain from transparency.
JaTavious Warner, 17,
Takeitha Warner, 13,
JaMarcus Warner, 14,
Litrelle Stewart, 18,
Latevin Stewart, 15, and
LaDarius Stewart, 1
3 kids born in 3 years
Uneducated, middle class (or lower), products of southern living, uncultured and bitter white people are hilarious!!! Your comments are ridiculous were never going back to segregation. Use your God given intelligence and attempt to problem solve you can do it! Upper middle class beautiful, educated blacks aren't part of your comments. We represent 70% of the black race. I don't care for ignorant black people or ignorant white people ( I turn my nose up to you all). You can resolve problems in your community by taking action or sit on website and type hate... Thank God I dont have your lives... Mrtyle beach Wow) thanks for the giggles you all are funny...
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