I was in Washington D.C. on business on Halloween. My colleagues and I—all dressed as Patrick Bateman from the 2000 cult-film American Psycho—decided to venture out into Georgetown, the biggest SWPL retreat from the black undertow that exists in the District of Corruption. [VDARE.com note: The fictional Bateman was a white guy with a suit and tie—obviously a dangerous character.]Expect a big article by PK a Alternative Right today and, if the cards were played right, a hilarious look at the rise and fall of the National Basketball Association at Takimag sometime soon (hint: it has something to do with the character of 80 percent of the players for that league, meaning that MLK would be proud!).
Wanting to take in the scene, we had our cab driver drop us off near the entrance of the Key Bridge at the foot of M Street, in the very heart of Georgetown.
What we experienced was something that we had only previously watched on crime reports on the nightly news.
What looked like the combined populations of Anacostia and Prince George’s County were wandering aimlessly through the streets of Georgetown. A heavy police presence was on the scene trying to maintain order. It felt like martial law had been declared.
“We need to get our cameras out, in case of a Flash Mob,” said a friend. “Mahogany Mob,” I corrected him, pointing out that the lethal spread of mob and rob attacks across the country this past summer (well, since Obama was elected) have all had one key common denominator: they were all composed of black people—just as the crowds in Georgetown were on this evening.

This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Monday, November 7, 2011
But Madison, Portland, Boulder, Austin, and Seattle had no Violence on Halloween: the Latest PK at Vdare
Halloween In Georgetown: Africa In Our Midst? Read it there and comment on it here (but spread it far and wide on social media!). Here's a tease:
Read the latest from PK at Vdare:
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Paul, I hate to "off topic" you, but did anyone see what happened on "Pan Am" last night? The wonderful, heretofore lily white setting of the early 1960s escapades of Pan Am pilots, stewardesses and businessmen was thoroughly and irrevocably shattered! The most beautiful stewardess character (a gorgeous blonde gal named Laura) fell for and fucked a common ass black enlisted sailor from Alabama. I was literally swearing at the TV set. Thanks, Hollywood, you fucking sons of bitches.
Please forgive my rant, Paul. But I blame you and your magnificent website for making me hypersensitive to BRA's utterly fraudulent depictions of black life in Amerika!
Carry on.
Another excellent column at VDare Paul; I enjoyed it. One thing you didn't mention in your litany of Halloween crimes was something I actually saw a tiny mention of in the local paper. It concerned a group of teens beating some kids because they wouldn't give up their candy. No mention of race involved, of course. I wonder if you heard of it, and/or if it was black on White or black on black?
We kept our light off again this year, and quite honestly I forgot it was even Halloween that particular day. The only American holiday there is any evidence of here is Christmas - although a number of Indians and other non-Christians put out lights because they do not consider Christmas a religious holiday, but a secular American equivalent to their own Depavali. Heck, back when I still tried to do "good works" and was tutoring an Iranian immigrant woman in English, she had a Christmas tree!
A nearby neighborhood is well known for its extravagantly decorated houses; perhaps one in ten has anything Christ-related amongst all the overblown decorations.
Keep pouring icewater on the sleeping giant! You're waking up an entire nation, Paul.
May the Father continue to give you His strength and wisdom.
Godspeed, sir!
To the first anon post above.
That's another reason that I almost refuse to watch any television at this point in my life. I gave cable TV up back in 94', but I still get 2 PBS channels and one ABC affiliate, via antenna.
The powers that be in Hollyweird have an agenda to turn us all brown. That's why I believe they promote that bullshit so heavily. What other reason would they have in doing so? I think they want to destroy the white race and turn us all into one race: Brown!
What they're doing is sickening and most of the producers of these shows are homosexuals to begin with. Just my take on it.
As you said, welcome to the new AmeriKa.
Very high levels of crime and violence are universal characteristics of blacks. Anytime a sizable group of blacks gather, its a safe bet there will be violence, especially senseless violence.
Is 'white people' an entry on the list of Stuff Black People Don't Like?
I've never actually seen the list.
Sheila: A nearby neighborhood is well known for its extravagantly decorated houses; perhaps one in ten has anything Christ-related amongst all the overblown decorations.
If you want to have your appreciation of Christmas thoroughly reinvigorated make a trip to the Philippines for the yuletide.
Over there Christmastime starts with the "Brr Months", as in all of the months ending in b-e-r.
From September onwards the celebrating begins. As you already know, much of the Philippines is dirt poor so, trust me, the season is celebrated in its true spirit.
Here is glimpse of Philippine ingenuity at its finest:
The Giant Lantern Festival
Contrary to the what the article says, the parols I saw were all operated without the benefit of any computer control. These massive displays are almost 20 feet in diameter and can contain thousands of lights which are sequenced by manually rotating a set of commutator drums whose surface is masked off with tape to provided the sequenced patterns.
Winning the $10,000 grand prize is a matter of honor and many crews spend well in excess of that amount on their entires. The overall effect is quite psychedelic and the artistry is nothing short of astounding, especially when the 19th century level of automation involved is taken into consideration.
Here is a video of the event that I attended in San Fernando on my way back from trekking in the Banaue rice terraces.
This is a video of the prize winning lantern from barangay Dolores as designed by Cesar Secat whose team I shared a massive bottle of brandy with to celebrate their victory.
Finally, a sneak peek at the workings of one of these marvels. You can see the performers rotating the drums in synch with the music.
If being in the Philippines for Christmas doesn't revive your Holiday spirit, nothing will.
Anonymous (November 7, 2011 1:16 PM): Anytime a sizable group of blacks gather, its a safe bet there will be violence, especially senseless violence.
Which is about the most damning indictment of Blacks imaginable. Low IQ, poor impulse control along with all of the other descriptive characteristics usually applied to Blacks simply cannot adequately explain away the propensity for mindless havoc and mayhem that is so common among Blacks.
Since starting to participate at SBPDL, I have begun to give Black behavior in public a lot closer scrutiny. Sites like Niggermania and Unamusement Park chronicle TNB (Typical Nigger Behavior), and the correspondence between what is posted there with the public behavior I see is too much of a match to be coincidence.
As someone who has always prized intelligence and education it is simply incomprehensible how nearly an entire race can be so utterly bereft of such values. I'm glad to say that I have met a few decent and well spoken Black people in my time but they can in no way offset the almost universal thuggery of Blacks in general.
Thank you again, Paul Kersey for your tireless effort towards waking up White America to the realities of race.
By way of prediction, more than any other single factor, endemic Black criminality will trigger a revival of Jim Crow laws, complete with lynchings, as surely as the sun will shine. All that Liberal MSM concealment of facts will do is to make the coming avalanche of White reprisal against incorrigible Black criminals just that much worse.
This entire situation has "seriously unhappy ending" written all over it.
The most beautiful stewardess character (a gorgeous blonde gal named Laura) fell for and fucked a common ass black enlisted sailor from Alabama. I was literally swearing at the TV set.
What else can I say, but Kill Your Television.
Why on earth would anyone pay to pipe the enemy's agitprop system into their home?
One project for anyone opposed to the multicult is to cancel their cable and disconnect their antennae.
This PSA has been brought to you by Red Pill, Inc.
Thank you very much.
Anonymous - I was horrified at the disgusting turn of events on "Pan Am". The miscegenation agitprop never ends.
Go to ABC's message board for the show - and register your disgust. They will remove your post in short order, of course, but....ahem....some posts detailing the reality of Black on White crime, using extensive data, were posted. I have a feeling these sorts of posts will re-appear.
Here in my little piece of the NE/Mid West USA we're experiencing Indian Summer so I'm taking some time off work to get some outside work done before winter and also doing some WWD (writing while drunk) in the spirit of my ancestors, and Dostoyevsky, which I can't hold a candle to.
Anyway, I wrote an introduction in the Mahogany Robs: blog post as an anon. Reading the comments, I can't help but think there is, in the male readership, a serious penis envy. I grew up in a white suburb, shielded from black America until college. To me, at least, it seemed that everything we were brought up to believe, athleticly speaking, was broken down by West Africans. In the venacular of my day, "Six Million Dollar Man," they could do everything we, whites, could not: better, stronger, faster, etc. (dumber was not an option btw).
The sponsor of this page has, I think, a need to express himself athleticly, and that's where the dichotomy comes to play. Like white flight in general, we see the hazards in a neighborhood where blacks tend towards the majority, and move away. But how do we, as whites, rate the athletic prowess of the members of West African gene pool? We can, like the NAZI's, hope there is a great white hope, but that, in the end, is a false hope. West African genes trump all, athleticly speaking, unless you're running a marathon, where, imagine that, East African genes dominate.
Denise, I took your advice regarding the discussion boards at ABC for "Pan Am". After reading a couple dozen of the entries I am astounded at the number of white women who think that last night's show was wonderful.
Don't worry about Pan-Am.
Taking the race-mixing path on a show that owes most of its popularity to it's outstanding level of whiteness is a sure trip to the garbage heap of cancelled shows.
The sad fact is that the "powers that be" (those who have taken the red pill all the way down to the gullet know exactly who they are) would rather push their brownification ethnocidal agenda rather than make a profit.
Which is saying A LOT considering the money-hunger of these particular people.
I was watching an episode of "I Survived" on the BIO channel last night. In it, a white guy talks about how his store was robbed by a black guy and his undescribed accomplice. The black guy beat them and tormented them before shooting and murdering all six of the people in the store except the man who survived to tell the story. The killer didn't want witnesses to the theft that netted him a few thousand dollars.
I watched this show right after reading an article about a 15-year-old black kid who beat, stabbed, and murdered his own grandmother because she yelled at him about skipping school.
Of course, there are thousands upon thousands of stories like this. Too many to read or watch. Just read through the crime stats for further validation.
I worked at a company in the '80's where a black guy in the mail room slashed a white co-worker's face up with a knife. Allegedly, the victim had said something rude about the attacker's girlfriend. Did he yell at the guy or just punch him? No, he waited with a knife, jumped the guy, and slashed his face up. Over something that wasn't even actually insulting.
One of the key characteristics of blacks is how viciously, brutally sadistic, violent, and cruel they are, often over nothing. They don't just commit crimes; they go way out of their way to mutilate, torture, and abuse their victims. And not just here. Look at Africa - Liberia, the Congo, Zimbabwe, Somalia. Rampant child murder, cannibalism, rape, etc., in chaotic, filthy, corrupt, idiotic societies that seem like they're run by brain-damaged children.
Blacks seem to me to be devils sent to Earth straight from the bowels of Hell itself. They LOVE cruelty and pointless violence and viciousness. They LOVE to jump straight into self-pitying anger and threats. They take to crime like most races take to civilization. I've seen it repeatedly in person and it's confirmed a thousand times a day in the news. Blacks are demonic monsters like something out of the Bible.
It's very dangerous and unpleasant to be around groups of black people. That's simply a logical, undeniable fact and yet the white liberals lie about it in the news, movies, and TV as much as the possibly can while living in their all-white, and often gated, communities. The isolated residents of Malibu screech "racist!" via their TV programs and movies at those of us trying to survive while living near the savages they avoid like the plague and lie to themselves about. What a weird society we've become.
Californian: Why on earth would anyone pay to pipe the enemy's agitprop system into their home?
A fine question and one that all patriotic Americans should be asking themselves.
If you want to see some really well-produced television, please consider viewing a few of the Korean productions over at Hulu.com.
If you are able to overcome the subtitles, there are rich rewards to be had. The spy thrillers "Iris" and "Athena" are world class productions. "City Hunter" is another action show worth checking out. Many of the romantic comedies like "The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry" and "Spring Waltz" are genuinely heartwarming.
Imagine, if you will, a total absence of gratuitous sex, violence and profanity, yet still with an engaging plot line. Also, try to imagine shows where sexual modesty is upheld as a virtue instead of being mocked.
You might also want to check out some of the Korean movies. "Triangle" and "Paradise Island" are both decent productions with some pretty impressive cinematography to boot.
Hollywood's hatred of White America needs to earn it the same disdain and boycotting as most newspapers are getting these days. Once their bottom line crashes, they'll start paying closer attention but probably not a millisecond sooner.
I would like everyone to know I had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with Paul at the H.L. Mencken Club meeting last weekend. He's MUCH younger than I thought he would be, but even more engaging and persuasive in person than he is in the cyberworld. I must add him to the list of "Young Guns" of our movement. These are outstanding personalities like James Edwards, Matt Parrott, Jaenelle Antas, Richard Spencer, Marcus Epstein and Kevin DeAnna, who with Paul Kersey will lead us in decades to come, and from whom I expect great things. Anyone who has met these dynamic young people can only come away full of optimism about the future of our movement and our people.
Keep up the good work, Paul.
Gerald Martin
Dallas, Texas
I really appreciate this site, but I don't understand the point of it. In the end, I think the usefullness of this site is just to get the message out (that the national media won't convey) so that whites and like-minded Americans can avoid the black undertow. That's it really. There won't be an investigation into the root causes of black misbehavior. Never. Moreover, no reasonable person is going to accept that blacks are predetermined or wired or whatever to commit violence. In fact, I can't buy it. I do think races are different as are cultures, and that liberal policies have destroyed the black family. I was involved in an inner-city tutoring program in Chicago for 12 years. I started as a run-of-the-mill-do-good yuppie, but I left as a raging social conservative. All of the boys were well-fed, well-clothed, had big screen TVs in their houses and were loved by their mothers. Their fathers were non-existent. Sure, some of the moms were hos, but most had gotten married after high school only to see the father leave at some point. All the well-intentioned white boys were just bandaids on gaping wounds. And in the end, the director of the program - a Hispanic guy who had gone through the program as a kid - had the nerve to tell me that they needed to recruit more minority tutors. Who tutored him and got him into a great high school and college? Some Cracker. I quit soon after.
Anyway, I've lived in DC, Chicago, New Orleans and now Denver. I grew up in integrated neighborhoods. I know what GENERALLY to expect from blacks as a group, but I take each one as an individual. I know Wisconsin and M Street - it's a shithole in day light. Every white person who lives in DC knows that. But most of GT is white and nice. So that's the point - whites will just move away from blacks, even if it's just a few blocks, and those that have money and happen to live close to them will have massive security. Most of us will just move away, and eventually there will be many Detroits. But to expect some white uprising is wishful thinking. The elites won't allow it, and they'll use the security apparatus to break it up. In fact, I imagine the FBI is monitoring this site, if not the SPLC.
Re: white uprising never happening - We had white guys getting jumped on 16th Street in front of my office, and the liberal guys in my office were apologetic about it (not apoplectic). But they don't live near blacks, and they can avoid 16th Street b/c they park in the garage. Me, I got my concealed carry. Their reaction just shows you the amount of delusion inherent in most of the population, esp. the liberal elites, which these guys are.
Anyway, thanks for the site. Please keep the info coming. I'm heading to Birmingham for Christmas (I mean, Kwanzaa) so I'll report back what I encounter there.
I have come to the conclusion that the Black race is under a curse. Don't believe me? Ask yourself this: If a race were to be cursed, what would it look like? ............I rest my case.
I also feel the same way about Gypsies: they're also under another curse.
Just my take.
Excellent article, Paul. Thanks. I must say, though, you've got some serious competition from your commenters today. The quality has been exceptional. Well, excepting one incoherent comment that was written under the influence of alcohol. That WWD doesn't work, anon. And once again, our ladies have done us proud. Thank you, all.
Sheila, I commented and linked to that report at Unamusement Park, and made the same point you did. The report doesn't mention race, but the behaviour is definitive. Yep, black.
Californian, also at UP, you asked me a question, which I've been giving some thought to and will eventually reply. My thoughts so far are pretty much covered in these comments. Read Zenster's comment carefully. It is that compulsion to destroy everything they touch that is the essence of the African. Here in South Africa, before the fall of civilization, we had a nuclear research institute at Pelindaba. (Yes, we had the Bomb. We could have, should have nuked Soweto). The joke used to go that they had invented a cheaper way to split the atom: just give it to a kaffir and tell him not to break it.
Paul, I'm going out on a limb and guessing that your article benefitted from the attentions of an editor, and it shows. Somebody else already made the point that you are a significant writer, and should not be publishing work where "then" is used instead of "than". I understand that you're an incredibly busy man, and I want to make a suggestion.
Select a few competent friends, commenters, other bloggers who have some time to spare and could devote a few hours a week to editing your work. Set up another blog, with access limited to your panel of editors. Post your articles on this preview blog, and let your editors pick up any new articles in their spare time and proof-read them. Give them a day in the editing phase before moving them to SBPDL.
Once again, thanks, and keep up the good work.
What else can I say, but Kill Your Television.
Cactus Ed had the right idea.
This was a good bit of writing. Just as I had kind of written you off.
As for Anon #1. Not hard to predict from Hollywood. James Edwards on Political Cesspool had said that he and his wife enjoyed Pan Am after the first show had aired. I commented that it wouldn't be long before the propaganda would start. Sure enough, two weeks later it was the "Must always hate Germans" episode, where the French girl just could never forgive Germans for what happened in the war. Never mind what the French did in the Napoleanic wars. Doesn't matter how many Germanic people were killed in those wars. Only Germans are evil warmongers. Never forget that.
And of course, the recent episode of the race mixing propaganda. Of couse the woman had to be blonde, and beautiful, and the black guy was "just a good hard working man" serving his country. Complete with evil white bigots who fought him three on one. Yeah, that's how whites fight, right? Funny, according to what I have seen, it is blacks who fight in mobs. Oh, and don't forget the evil white landlord. A staple for showing how bigoted whites are.
I turned it off because I knew how this episode will end. And that will be the last I ever watch of this show.
I generally limit my t.v. time to mindless channel surfing when I'm too tired to read but too stressed to relax and go to bed. I haven't watched any sort of sitcom or t.v. drama in decades - and I literally mean decades (I never watched a single episode of Dallas, or Oprah, or Friends, or whatever the "big" show of the year was since high school). Alright - one recent exception - at my older son's demand, my husband and I recently watched "Firefly" made in 2003 and we now have seen all the episodes made when they've been re-aired on the Sci-Fi channel).
Anyhow, I had read all the positive comments about "Pan Am" being all White. No doubt the Hollywood execs did too, and heard an earful from various black critics, and thus the reported episode of miscegenation. Surely you didn't think they wanted to market a show geared towards Whites? It was bound to happen, given the media's ethnic makeup and intent.
Zenster - thanks for the Christmas recommendations, but in all honesty I wasn't thinking of gaudy lights and brown people a la the Philippines. I've always wanted to visit a Christ kindle market in Austria, and some of the loveliest Christmas decorations I've ever seen (glass or straw) were from Poland. While I was posted in Bulgaria I visited most of Eastern Europe but never made it to Poland, one of my great regrets. I'm of the classic school regarding decorations, where less is more. Some simple lights and wreaths and red ribbons, and the only yard-art I've ever coveted was an unpainted but well-carved nativity scene.
I haven't watched any sort of sitcom or t.v. drama in decades - and I literally mean decades
I went totally without a TV for about a decade, myself. When I finally got another TV and watched it for the first time in all those years, it was like the scene in They Live when Rowdy Roddy Piper first puts the glasses on:
Psychological warfare is being waged against white Western man on a scale heretofore undreamed of in history.
Have you tried to watch kid's shows? Every teacher and authority figure is black-- even in the cartoons. Nick Jr. seems to be the recruiting arm of BRA.
Sheila, you should check out Downton Abbey for a good period drama. Good writing, actors and the sets are lovely. Since it is set on a Yorkshire estate in the early 1900's there are no blacks in the cast.
Sheila: I've always wanted to visit a Christ kindle market in Austria, and some of the loveliest Christmas decorations I've ever seen (glass or straw) were from Poland.
It's sad that you have to lump the Philippines in with other "brown people". Unlike much of the world they are genuinely appreciative of America, especially with respect to its sacrifice in liberating them from Japan. I was usually treated like royalty wherever I went and made some very dear friends during my visits.
That said, you could not do much better than hitting Vienna for the Christmas season. I visited there to meet with fellow counterjihadist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in the fall of 2008 and enjoyed myself immensely. Be sure to hit the Schweizerhaus beer garden and the Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Fine Arts).
Not to be missed in that general vicinity is Dresden's Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault). It is one of the world's greatest art collections and draws travelers from around the world specifically to see the works it contains.
If you go to their web page and scroll down; on the left is a white sailing ship (click image to enlarge). That piece is made entirely of ivory right down to the billowing sails which are lathe turnings. All of the parts are connected with gold rivets and the rigging is gold wire and the miniature cannon are solid gold as well.
I am very selective about what qualifies as art and still my eyes then, swiftly thereafter, my brain simply shut down about halfway through the collection. The degree of finesse and craftsmanship is staggering. You must go through the collection twice to have any real appreciation of it.
Keep in mind, there is also das Neue Grüne Gewölbe (The new Green Vault) upstairs which hold the overflow from Augustus the Strong's treasure trove. At the lower left of that web page is the image of a cherry stone carved with 185 miniature faces. Again, two tours barely suffice and be prepared for some serious artistic overload.
For jollies, here is another one of the pieces. Titled, Mohr mit Smaragdstufe (Moor with Emerald-plate), this piece by German Baroque Era Sculptor, Balthasar Permoser, stands around one foot high yet maintains impeccable detail. The platter being carried holds raw emeralds in their native matrix. It is quite possibly the finest Black man anyone has ever owned.
All kidding aside, I also visited the ancient Bavarian walled city of Rothenburg ob der Tauber around Christmastime and its yuletide market was everything you are dreaming of right down to the mulled cider.
It's difficult to express the pleasure of being around ordinary White people without multiple facial piercings or hair colors not normally found in nature. As to driving on the Autobahn, suffice to say it's the most fun you can have without taking your clothes off.
Incidentally, Shiela, this is what Christmas trees looked like when I was growing up. And, yes, those are real candles on it.
In 1998, Salber and Taliaferro reported that the spousal homicide rate among African Americans is 8.4 times more than for whites. Spousal homicide is 7.7 times higher in black-white mixed-race marriages compared to same-race black marriages. (Source WebMD)
The death rate by murder among white men in this age group is 12.5 per 100k, and accounts for 10% of all premature deaths. The death rate by murder among blacks in this age group is 101.8 per 100k, and accounts for 48% of all premature deaths.
The majority of black female homicide victims are killed by a current or former boyfriend, which many refer to as “femicide.” About 93% of all black homicide victims are killed by a black perpetrator overall.
Femicide is a leading cause of premature deaths in African American women aged 15-44. (Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol 7, No. 1)
Relationships with black men dramatically increase all women’s chances of dying young.
Black females aged 15-19 are 3.9 times more likely to die of homicide or AIDS than white females in the same age group. This increases to 4.4 time for females aged 20-24 and 7.3 times for 25-34.
White women who engage in relationships with black men dramatically increase their chances of premature death or long term health problems from murder, beatings, and STDs.
As for black women, 48% of them have genital herpes.
80% of black women are obese.
Anonymous (November 8, 2011 1:45 PM): Relationships with black men dramatically increase all women’s chances of dying young.
White women who engage in relationships with black men dramatically increase their chances of premature death or long term health problems from murder, beatings, and STDs.
Small wonder that so many Black mothers are single.
How much more damning for Black males does it get than to pose an existential threat to the person who is supposed to help you perpetuate your genetic line?
When taken in combination, the overwhelming number of negative behavioral traits exhibited by Black males comes across as the characteristics of some alien life form. They are so counterproductive, self destructive and contrary to the basic laws of evolution and survival that you wonder how Blacks made it this far save by simple over-breeding.
The ability to fecklessly spawn is no sort of commendation for a race. Especially one that is purported to have even marginal intelligence.
Hey Paul, ANOTHER negro tragedy.
He must have invented something, right?
Anonymous - The idiotic White females on the Pan Am MB are just indulging in the "Want to go to the Bathroom Now?" herd phenomena.
Most will get involved with White males. The Mud Sharks will Darwin themselves out.
Apparently Whoopie Goldberg chimped out over the Lily Whiteness.
Enjoyed your Viennese recollections, Zenster. I spent a fair amount of time there 20 years ago, but never at Christmas, alas.
AnalogMan said:
Californian, also at UP, you asked me a question, which I've been giving some thought to and will eventually reply. ... It is that compulsion to destroy everything they touch that is the essence of the African.
I have a little experience in the old South Africa and Rhodesia. When I first went to SA, I was skeptical about the claims made in support of apartheid. Maybe it was because of the American optimism about everyone having an equal shot at the good life.
But over a period of time, you could see the differences between white civilization and black, at least in Africa. Of course, these differences might have been obvious to audiences outside of Africa had the Western media given the coverage it gave to apartheid to the various debacles that were passing themselves off as black majority rule countries.
To give one example: a number of white South Africans made the point to me that blacks had difficulty understanding the long term consequences of actions, and could not defer gratification. Now, I have heard similar complaints from political activists in America--often quite liberal--who have tried to work among blacks.
Could this be a common racial trait among blacks, regardless of continent or culture in which they are raised? Is it, as the race realists claim, a matter of genetics? Thing is, given the current political climate in the Western world, such questions will not be answered--or even asked.
Yet such questions are vital if the Western world is to survive. If Europe and North America are swamped by waves of African refugees/immigrants, then will the future be one big Detroit?
There might have been a brief period in the USA when people hoped that black dysfunctions could be turned around, whether by the welfare state, or civil rights legislation, or the sledgehammer of the war on drugs. But Americans seem to have given up expectation for such change. Black illegitimacy, black welfare dependence, black poverty, black criminality, and all the rest are becoming just part of the landscape.
This is one reason, I think, that the media makes such a show out of portraying blacks as scientists, doctors, philosophers, etc. It's a cover up for a reality a lot of people do not want to face. It's a Socratean shadow show for people who do not want to confront the barbarians who have taken over the Acropolis.
Which gets me back to Africa. I was in Rhodesia (briefly) during the last days of Ian Smith; and later right after Mugabe took over. You could see the difference post-white rule in terms of just how disorderly and trashy the streets were starting to get.
As for white Rhodesians, once they had given up the power they had a different demeanor. (But at least they put up a respectable fight.) In the end, whites are being driven (ethnically cleansed) from that part of the world. But this does not show up on the radar screen of what is left of the West.
What is so annoying today is how many Europeans and North Americans behave as if they were a conquered people. Yet there is no material reason to do so. The Western world has the technological and military capacity to destroy all challengers (even without nuclear weapons). But somewhere along the line there has been a collapse of willpower.
Anyway, I am interested in your thoughts.
thanks for the Christmas recommendations, but in all honesty I wasn't thinking of gaudy lights and brown people a la the Philippines.
Ra ha ha, classic! Thanks, Sheila.
Unlike much of the world they are genuinely appreciative of America, especially with respect to its sacrifice in liberating them from Japan.
Perhaps those few who still live in the Philippines feel that way. The rest of the population can be found clinging to every military post in the United States (I exaggerate, but only slightly ;)), and these are not quite so appreciative. What I've observed is an affinity for flashy jewelry and expensive clothes, endless romanticizing of their native jungle, and a deep urge to speak Tagalog as loudly as possible, especially around English-speakers. Not infrequently the subject is white people (or "Americans," as they call us).
I asked one nice lady what she would do if the American economy tanked. "I go back to Pilla-peens" was the answer. Like most immigrants, they're little more than economic tourists, and the dumbshit GI's that brought them here are, in my opinion, guilty of treason.
"...blacks had difficulty understanding the long term consequences of actions, and could not defer gratification. Now, I have heard similar complaints from political activists in America--often quite liberal--who have tried to work among blacks.
Could this be a common racial trait among blacks, regardless of continent or culture in which they are raised?"
It could be. There are tropical environments which are just as complex and challenging as sub-arctic ones - rainforests for the most part. Still, only few environments demand long-term planning by definition. Before the introduction of agriculture, Europeans lived as hunter-gatherers. The "hunter" part was largely about attacking the vast migrating herds of aurochs when they crossed your territory (apparently many warring tribes combined to hunt together when this happened). This demanded both sophisticated understanding to anticipate the migratory routes of the herds, and to prepare most of the meat to last instead of eating it in massive feasts. When agriculture arrived, Europeans had to preserve much of their harvests to last them over the winter.
The dwellers in rainforests needed to have sophisticated understanding of what's dangerous and what's not. Very sophisticated, actually. The dwellers in Nile valley and Mesopotamia needed to be capable of some serious planning and organization to harness the full strength of their canal networks. They needed some capability for long-term planning as well, in case floods or droughts ruined harvests. Yet even they didn't face the situation where every year you had to plan for the long term, to save much of what you have now (even if you're hungry) to survive the winter.
Now, what makes you able to plan for the long term? Capability to control your emotions, if need be. One of the things that just about everyone seems to agree upon is that blacks are more emotional and loose than whites, while whites are more controlled and stuck-up. Sure, it's a matter of culture as well. Then again, genetics affects culture, and deep-rooted cultural traits affect genetics. In an environment where long term planning was needed for success, men with poor impulse control would have had worse luck in sexual selection.
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