Nolan Finley, editorial page editor of The Detroit News, pointed out that the city is now 90 percent Black, a fact that is never allowed into the narrative of why the Motor City has declined so quickly over a 60 year span (the population in 1950 was nearly 85 percent white).
Well, Corey Williams of the Associated Press has published an article that completely neglects to mention the racial aspect of Detroit's population collapse, but paints an illuminating portrait of what happens to a city once Black political power drives away white homeowners and outside investments (Vacant Detroit Becomes Dumping Ground for the Dead, MSNBC):
From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.
They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit's vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.
"Detroit is a dumping ground for a lot of stuff," said Margaret Dewar, professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Michigan. "There is no one to watch. There is no capacity to enforce laws about dumping. There is a perception you can dump and no one will report it."
In mid-July, the decapitated bodies of a couple were pulled from the Detroit River and a nearby canal. Authorities say they were shot and dismembered in their home in suburban Allen Park, then driven to a little-used Detroit park and dumped in the water. A man who lived with them is charged in the slayings.
The bodies of two Hamtramck women were discovered in March buried in a neglected Detroit park. Five men are accused in the murders.
Back in December, the bodies of two women were found in a car parked near a vacant house. Six days later, the badly burned remains of two other women turned up in a car trunk. Police believe all were killed elsewhere and dumped in Detroit. A man from suburban Sterling Heights has been charged.
Detroit has more than 30,000 vacant houses, and the deficit-strangled city has no resources of its own to level them. Mayor Dave Bing is promoting a plan to tear down as many as possible using federal money. The state is also contributing to the effort.
But it's hard to keep up. About a quarter-million people moved out of Detroit between 2000 and 2010, leaving just over 700,000 residents in a city built for 2 million.
Census figures from two years ago show 793 people living on Lyford and the other 20 or so streets near the Coleman A. Young airport. Two decades earlier, about 2,900 people lived there.
Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in 12 months' time. And authorities acknowledge there's little they can do.
"You can shoot a person, dump a body and it may just go unsolved" because of the time it may take for the corpse to be found, officer John Garner said.
The bodies have been purposely hidden or discarded in alleys, fields, vacant houses, abandoned garages and even a canal. Seven of the victims are believed to have been slain outside Detroit and then dumped within the city.
It's a pattern made possible by more than four decades of urban decay and suburban flight. White residents started moving to burgeoning suburbs in the 1950s, then stepped up their exodus after a deadly 1967 race riot. Detroit's black middle class followed over the next two decades, leaving block after block of empty homes.
Over time, tens of thousands of houses deteriorated. Some collapsed, others were demolished. Empty lots gave way to block-long fields.Detroit should be walled off, the US Military blocking all roads out as they did to Gotham City in The Dark Knight Rises. Predator Drones should fly over the city to make sure no one leaves, able to import the problem that destroyed Detroit to another city: namely, the population of Detroit itself.
![]() |
Abandoned Areas of 90 percent Black Detroit |
What has been done to Detroit is criminal, and it is the population of Detroit that is responsible for this grave crime (plus the failure of the Establishment and managerial elite in the Western World to allow any discussion of the true reason for Detroit's demise: plus Gary, Indiana; Birmingham, Alabama; Memphis, Tennessee; and Newark, NJ), which the tax-payers of Michigan should not be on the hook for bailing out.
When white people abandoned Detroit, the new Black majority absorbed highly valuable, opulent commercial and residential property, plus an modern infrastructure erected entirely by a people who fled for the suburbs (and rebuilt the city they left there) ; under Black rule, Detroit has regressed to the mean.
Wall it off. Let the world watch the end result of what transpires when a nation enacts policies that can only be described as a fanatical pursuit of equality, with no desire to discuss the consequences of this action.
Fox 2 News Headlines
If you think that's bad, just wait till California collapses and tens of millions of violent, illiterate, welfare case, social services sucking, criminally inclined illegal aliens and blacks spread out in all directions east and north--when they should be heading west into the ocean or south back to Mexico.
Just wait America. It's not going to be funny and it's going to happen.
This is so very sad.
12 year old girl Emily, home sick from school working on a puzzle, killed execution style with stolen rifle, 5 black thugs get light sentences or nothing at all.
MSM silent:
I just got back from Detroit..after being gone for 40 years...Jimmy Buffet was playing downtown...white people in straw hats everywhere...Music scene was going ahead full old neighborhood(Allen Park) had white kids playing ball in the street...just like I did in the 70's. the Telegraph cruise was going on...the whole road was lined up with mostly white people having a great time...Im going back in 2 weeks , Im going to search out some abandoned well as my old stomping grounds again...I loved Detroit...
Either the negro has a knack for moving into cities that are on their way down or they actually bring cities down wherever they go.
I sure the latter is the truth.
This the same reason Africa is 99.9% black
The city is looking more like Haiti everyday. And just like Haiti, no amount of financial aid or volunteer work will ever be enough.
What is just as disturbing is how Americans seem to not notice to what has happened to one of their once great cities. Also interesting is how quickly a city can collapse back into itself when it is not maintained. Makes you realize how transitory civilization really is. One wonders what future archeologists will make of all this.
Incidentally, anyone out there have an update on Johannesburg?
You are witnessing the next dark ages falling upon the world as millions of third world heathens take over white lands.
Detroit has 30 thousand empty houses; Columbus Ohio is going to tear down 6000 empty houses out of many more that are abandoned. As expected the city is black run with the beady-eyed Mayor Coleman in charge followed up with the usual horde of sycophant DWLs assisting.
When I read about how empty Detroit has become, I'm reminded of the scene from 2001 a space odyssey where the pre-humans begin touching the black monolith completely unable to understand it’s meaning. I imagine all the Homo Africanus wandering through ruined Detroit completely unable to understand let alone rebuild the white man’s accomplishments.
And so a Great, Black, Iron curtain descends on America.
You are witnessing the next dark ages falling upon the world as millions of third world heathens take over white lands.
Detroit has 30 thousand empty houses; Columbus Ohio is going to tear down 6000 empty houses out of many more that are abandoned. As expected the city is black run with the beady-eyed Mayor Coleman in charge followed up with the usual horde of sycophant DWLs assisting.
When I read about how empty Detroit has become, I'm reminded of the scene from 2001 a space odyssey where the pre-humans begin touching the black monolith completely unable to understand it’s meaning. I imagine all the Homo Africanus wandering through ruined Detroit completely unable to understand let alone rebuild the white man’s accomplishments.
And so a Great, Black, Iron curtain descends on America.
From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.
They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit's vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.
Rest assured that the baby mamas of these two good "yoots" will cry us a river as they wail and caterwaul endlessly but bristle indignantly at the merest suggestion that Black America's policy of "no snitch" helps make this possible.
Wall it off. Let the world watch the end result of what transpires when a nation enacts policies that can only be described as a fanatical pursuit of equality, with no desire to discuss the consequences of this action. [emphasis added]
I have to thank RobertB for recommending the George Bergeron video. In it, George protests that making all people the same is not identical to making them all equal.
Sameness is not equality.
Yet, the Liberal mantra of "We are all one race, the human race" preaches that exact sameness in its abject refusal to recognize how equality is only in the eyes of the law.
As Silent Running noted:
Nature has no use for equality.
Let us take a moment to marvel at the unbelievably consistent sameness of Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Birmingham and Atlanta. Let us ponder over the sameness found at Knoxville, Tulsa, Liberty and so many other sites of despicably heinous Black crimes. Our prisons are filled to overflowing with this sameness. Our inner-city ghettos are congested with this sameness.
No matter how much DWLs insist that we are all the same, Blacks will just as vigorously prove that there is no such thing as equality.
Is this body dumping the new morgue under sobamacare? All hail the glorious peoples republik of Detroilet and its fundamental transformation. Diversity is strength comrade and equality of results for all in the collective.
Escape from Detroit is a good book, by the way. Depressing, but good.
- Jay P.
Better idea...sell D. to the Chinese or swap it for debt. Let them sort it out. The USA has vast relatively unpolluted area such as D. which only need enterprising Asian ( or East European?) colonists to recreate urbanity. Blacks who resist or sabotage their efforts can be dealt with in real world, as opposed to American Fantasy Land, rules.
This is very good news. Back when I was a teenager in the 1960's all of the killers from Detroit and Toledo used to dump their victim's bodies in Monroe County. Monroe County had almost no violent crime of its own at the time, but it appeared to have the highest murder rate in the country due to all of the out-of-town stiff dumping.
Every fall, Monroe County farmers would get dead folks tangled up in their combines and corn pickers. What a mess.
This is one of those rare situations in which Black laziness is beneficial to White people.
I lived in Los Angeles for several years and know exactly what you're talking about. I left and now live in an area that is well over 90% white. They have no idea especially when it comes to illegal latino aliens. I try to warn them but there are large numbers of clueless idiots who think that having huge numbers of these thugs around means they get interesting restaurants and colorful mariachi bands instead of increasing crime rates and all the other attendant social problems these parasites bring with them.
However, on the up side, they're well aware of what blacks will do to a community and tend to avoid them.
In essence, they'll reject the idea of swallowing black arsenic (so to speak) but will rush to consume latino cyanide.
The two "yoots" were white suburban kids who went to Detroit to visit an uncle for some unreported reason. They never returned. Friends and family were searching for days until they were found in the undergrowth of an overgrown abandoned house.
White kids should never go into Detroit, especially at night. What happened to these two is exactly why they shouldn't.
If their families were not so insistent on finding them, their bodies may have never been found.
I had to work in Detroit very recently for a week, doing a delivery job. I was amazed at the number of burned out and abandoned houses, plus the grass and vegetation that is overgrown so high that you can barely see the tops of the houses. It's a perfect place to hide a dead body or two.
If you mean Joburg, South Africa then going south would be a good description. From what those who are still stuck there say, it is going to bits with amazing speed and the government is desperately trying to squeeze people for money by any means, fair or foul, to make up for the fact that they are damn near flushing it down the toilet. They literally don't have a hospital left that functions even remotely to acceptable standards.
"One wonders what future archeologists will make of all this."
They'll find the black fist of "joe louis" and conclude that blacks must've built the city (when, ironically, they didn't even build the fist).
Same mistake they made when examining Egypt...until King Tut's DNA definitivly proved otherwise (although many afrocentrists still cling ruthlessly to the myth--it was afterall the singular feather in the africans' ill-hewn hat).
We should start a movement to rename Detroit, Detritus.
Blacks won't know what the word means, and thus won't find it offensive. They'll just think it's a new slang like "Detrizzle".
This could really catch on.
PK: Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in 12 months' time. And authorities acknowledge there's little they can do.
Keep in mind that these are just the ones the groid regime there acknowledged finding in a Ministry of Truth "report." God only knows how many corpses have actually been dumped there. There could be hundreds and who would know?
I note from the story that the Repuke white-knights i n the MI state government just c-c-c-c-c-an't help themselves. Gotta spend some tax dollars to help wipe the endlessly soiled diapers of the groid government. I repeat my previous suggestion of a (final) solution for the dumbass denizens of Deestroydz City: Let the neighboring Moose-Limb enclave of Dearbornistan take it over and impose the tender mercies of sharia upon the worthless negroids who hate YT so much - complete with genital mutilation and chattel slavery. Couldn't happen to more deserving folks.
Only 90%? Hm.
I'll bet that other 10% lives on the veeeerrrrryyyy farthest edges of the (former) city. I mean, what non-afro person would or even could live in the midst of all that?
I thank the great "heysoos" for having my grandfather leave Hamtramck for SoCal in the early 40's.
I might have ended up a juggalo if he never left. That psyfer 3 video has got me laughing as hard as I did when I first saw Kriss Kross (mentioned on last post) on mtv before the great corruption snowballed. Can't believe rapping clowns are still going at it. They are just as funny as so-called "gangsta rappers" who attempt to be so serious about slangin' & bangin' them bean pies. Like Ice Cube's "steady mobbin'." Can't believe he's slangin' shitty brew again. First was St. Ides malt liquor, now Coors Light. My friend who knows Andrew Coors has inquired "Why???", but alas, he has little say about marketing.
And, one lil' tidbit to the 6 degrees of separation: Art Laffer, Glenn Beck, The lady who invented the algorithms for all our ICBM's, etc... So close. To the point of sharing a fence. Go NSA! You know who I am!
Suck the fat one feds and send a gangbanger to finish me off! You all are pussies! Look at how hard it was for you parasites to get Hal; you "Irish cigarettes" had to try him 3 times with the cards stacked, all the while he helped you, unless you were shitcago commies!
We are White, we BUILT this country and run it, except for the ET's who hover over nuke sites, and except for "those who shall not be named" who run the banking system.
And yes, I continue to build for America every day I go to work! I make the things that go into space and potentially to Mars and beyond! Unlike section 8/EBT blacks, I find grooming my Schnauzer relaxing after a hard Saturday of overtime. What's that you say? Overstimes? Sheeit ni$$a, that honkey be bustin' his ass too hard to make things that be makin' the USA so great so that we's been collectin' ebt off his ass fo them reparayshuns.
Have some fun tonight SBPDL'ers! Drink a good IPA, but try to stay gluten free! Don't get arrested for raw milk! That's only something Whites will get busted for! Go Figure... in this communist state... Those who do not learn shall exponentially repeat, especially with the technology available today. "Pre-crime" anyone???
-WTF in tha muthaf*ckin' house! Beeyatch!
@ 1:57 PM Anon,
You have it backwards. Blacks have already been leaving California for over a decade. It wasn't because California collapsed. Quite the opposite. They were priced out due to their inability (or lack of desire) to compete in the regional economy.
San Francisco has one remaining Black neighborhood, Hunter's Point, and it is already slated for re-development (read: gentrification). Blacks are leaving Oakland and being replaced by Chinese and DWL pioneers. Several cities/neighborhods in SoCal that were Black-majority in 1990 are no longer so (or will no longer be so in the very near future).
I don't see Mestizos forcing cities into collapse as you suggest. It's true that there is a large Mestizo criminal underclass (I'd estimate maybe 10-20% of all Mestizo males? While the Black criminal underclass is probably on the order of 75-90% of all Black males?). Yet Mestizos have kept manufacturing (and industry in general) and agriculture alive in the US while most of White America bought into financialization schemes and a whole-hog transition into the "service sector" and "consumer economy" (i.e. debt-based "growth"), which is the path back towards serfdom.
Sometime in the next 72 months the banking sector will collapse. Government budgets will go into hyper-austerity mode (many municipalities will go bankrupt or dissolve) and consumer financing will disappear to a great extent. When the financial facade collapses and the dust settles, we will see what remains of the "real" physical economy in America. The reality will be frightening. Many suburban Whitopias will be shown to be unsustainable without ever-increasing debt. Black America will be so unmanageable that it will essentially be cut off from the mainline social and physical infrastructure that supports most of the US (very much like the Gotham allusion that PK makes). When the truth is revealed, social upheaval will result and the government will be forced to roll out a massive militarized police state in response (think drones, Batman-style "Tumbler" armored patrol vehicles, federalized police under DHS and technology most of us have probably not seen yet as of today).
I'm going to bet that California isn't going to look too bad in comparison. In terms of real economic assets it has a huge fertile agricultural valley that produces high-margin crops, two globally critical engineering centers (IT in the North and defense in the South), ports that process 50% of the ChinaMart imports we all consume, a nexus point to East Asian capital and significant energy reserves (offshore petroleum, solar and hydroelectric). It also has significant military assets (Navy in SD, Marines in OC, huge Air Force R&D center in the South Bay of LA) and is cut off from the rest of the continental US by the Sierras and some brutal deserts with very limited road access that can be choked.
You severely underestimate the gravity of the situation if you think such a critical center of power will be surrendered to some low-IQ cholo gangbangers with stolen Glocks or illiterate cartel hitmen. When the gloves come off, it will be very lopsided in favor of the state. There will be blood but it will be on the level of a low-intensity insurgency. Much of it will be an intra-ethnic confict between White/Asian-allied Mestizos and the Mestizo criminal class. On the other hand, the South and urban Midwest will see high-intensity all-out civil war. They will suffer disproportionately from the breakdown in global supply lines and the racial demographics are much less lopsided and much more "even" there (and therefore explosive). NYC and most of the urban Northeast will be very safe but only by virtue of becoming a police state citadel. Some race realists are very myopic. You really think it matters if your little 50,000 person suburb is 90% white? When the rest of the county or state is 50+% Black? We live in a civilization that works on a regional scale, not a hyper-local one.
What the U.S. military is planning for people like me and you
Well shortly after 1994 and the gates of hell were opened that allowed the savage hordes thru, the nigerians who have as pets on a leash hyaenas and baboons, hijacked the apartment blocks in johannesburg, thank god those nigerian savages can't have hyaenas or baboons on a leash as they go for a leasurly walk in the city with their pet, not yet, in lagos its a common sight so I've heard.
But these nigerian slum lords that moved into johannesburg shortly after the saint took office, hijacked the buildings from their rightfull owners, that is white people.
Because white flight had already started in johannesburg, the white apartment block owners , wanting to maximise return on their investments, allowed black people to move into the apartment blocks, seeing that there were no white folks who wanted to move in, now that segregation was a thing of the past, having an uncouth uncivilised black neighbour became a reality, so white folk fled johannesburg, blacks moved in.
The nigerian slum lords seeing a business oportunity threatened the black folk with their lives, if they didn't give their rent money to the self appointed slum lord, they would end up dead, so these slavishly easily lead drones paid the nigerian ghetto lords, instead of the rightfull owner of the building.
The rightfull owners of the building tried to get police help to correct the problem, but we all know how scared black police officers are of nigerian slum lords, so nothing was done to stop the hijacking of buildings, in a year the owners of the buildings were in financial problems, the buildings went unmaintained, turned into shitholes as only blacks know how, the owners, didn't pay council property taxes, fast forward 15 years, the council property tax bills are worth more than the buildings, so we're told.
The johannesburg town council now has hundreds of buildings that they got for no cost, most of the building owners have left the country and abondoned their buildings.
Guess who now gets a building cheaply, at the cost of the outstanding council property tax bill, which according to them far out values the property of the building, yeah right.
And the new property moguls are, you guessed, it friends of the ANC run town council.
I for one have always been suspicious of the nigerian slum, lords, this whole fiasco was planned to strip the white owners of their buildings, the inaction of the police, the refusal of the town council to intervene, all part of the plan, I bet now that with the new black owners of these buildings, nary a nigerian slum lord will be insight, if the nigerians try their building hijacking tricks again, you will see how fast the town council and police and anc will intervene.
Google, death of johannesburg, to see how monopoly is played, african style.
These animals deserve to suffer, and suffer greatly
The naïve brow beaten whites, had no idea of the impending war that was unleashed on them in 1994, obviously this carefully chosen plan to expropraite property with out payment was a plot, thought of by very clever people and given to the slaves that run the anc, they couldn't have hatched a masterful plan like this even if they tried, this plan came from elite minds, and the anc thugs had to carry the task out.
Like good communist lackeys
Slightly OT but somewhat one ;p,
This pertains to the body dumping in Detroit. Is there any good numbers or any good way to extrapolate numbers that can only be assumed or that can only be guessed at?
Sorry a bit of a confusing mouthful but Math is by far my weakest subject.
My question is as dysfunctional as black society is how do we keep decent statistics? Let's say for instance domestic abuse. I would say both males and females in lower economic areas abuse almost equally and completely under report. A fat lip and swollen cheek is likely the norm in a ghetto argument no stitches or broken bones so no trip to the ER no record of the event.
How do we truly determine things like domestic abuse, molestation, rape, and assaults when most of the actors( Victims as well as preps) are of the criminal element?
Like many people said there may be bodies never discovered. So if D'Ante at 20 years old and on his own since 15 is shot and killed would he even be reported missing? The father is neither in the picture or concerned the sow is only 35 and with four other children by 2 more baby daddies plus she is an HIV positive crack head. No reason for her to report her first born missing as she has never taken care of him.
Seems to me the more dysfunction and ghettoization the less chance of any real opportunities for collecting data. I think we all here are probably correct that the dysfunction is much much higher than even reported and much higher than what a White society would ever accept.
Ted Nugent, “Motor City Mad House”
Let's forget the air drops. Do you think they would be capable of sustaining you if the situation was reversed? Hell no, you would be boiled in a pot like a Belgian Missionary in the Congo circa 1960.
Blacks dump things they have no use for. Out of sight, out of mind.
In my neighborhood, the blacks dump old urine stained mattresses, non running vehicles, shoes, tires, fast food bags, poopy diapers, broken furniture and more. In the black ghetto, there are several empty lots with huge mountains of dumped garbage, sometimes the stinking piles are several feet high. The old men then come, and like scavengers, pick through for metal and other marketable items and cart them away in metal shopping carts.
I have seen children playing on the piles, just like they do in Africa. When blacks find a good empty lot for dumping, the pile just grows and grows. Until the white city workers come and clean it up, or the DWL urban pioneers hold a "neighborhood cleanup" campaign when the rats move in, it will fester. I have heard blacks throw litter and say "they pay people to clean it up."
Blacks don't have the future time orientation required to manage their waste, so they just dump it wherever they stand. And since they have no value for human life, I can see how they would dump dead bodies too, just like they do in Africa and Haiti.
Whitey is always around with a broom and shovel to clean up their mess.
Anon August 4, 2012 2:19 PM
Why is this not national news?
Understand that these are not considered criminals. The panthers and the NAACp want them designated as prisoners of war. Also, they are out on bail because too many are represented as murderers in the state at this time.
The family/community should go after the lawyers and judges that legalize murder.
Trust me - what was done to Detroit is happening to the suburbs. Old people's homes are being broken into and 80y.o. women are raped.
There is no where to run in Michigan. To the north is Pontiac and Flint - black destroyed cities just as corrupt and bad as Detroit. There are no gated communities - the blacks wouldn't allow it.
Ex-Detroiter: The two "yoots" were white suburban kids who went to Detroit to visit an uncle for some unreported reason.
Thank you for clarifying. Poor kids. Who knows what they might have achieved.
Outstanding analysis, Anon @ August 5 12:41 AM! Your projection for California is especially interesting. Few people realize that California's Central Valley supplies 50% of the produce consumed by the United States.
Also, if rated as a separate nation, California's economy typically ranks in the top ten of the entire world. No way are TPTB going to let such an economic gold mine slide over the edge.
They may do it to African gold mines, but with Blacks departing for parts unknown, the risk is lowered exponentially that areas of California will be Detoileted.
ex-Lincolnite here:
The fall of Detroit happened pretty quick. I remember the old cheesy movie call Kentucky Fried Movie. In that film there are numerous gags about Detroit being a hellhole. And the blame is tangentially placed on the blacks.
@Anonymous @ 12:41:
I agree to a point on the mestizos. Really the big difference between the Mexican and the black is the Mexican will work. I think culturally, the Mexican can be brought into the fabric of America if we end the welfare state. But there is no hope for the nigger. I worked in a factory and I would say that while I could not understand a word they said, the Mexicans and Guatemalans worked their asses off and we got our job done. The four or five niggers (one supervisor an Affirmative Action hire dipshit) sat around and got paid for being lazy coons.
Yes, and all Spanish-speaking people caught breaking the law should be deported immediately. Then I think we'd have a better country.
PK is right, the coon wherever he trod ruins everything. Detroit was once a point of pride for America, now its just a bunch of feral black orcs running wild.
Damn, I hate commies & feral savages.
I dated a couple girls whose families fled the collapsing SA. I heard stories like this, thanks for the reminder.
Africans are animals.
Anon --
I think you fundamentally misread the situation. Stanley Kurz of National Review (yes the guys who purged Derb, but its worth a look) has a post on Obama's plan to "burn down the Suburbs" from his now book see here.
Democratic Politics i.e. "the State" in all nations are, urban coastal elites in "global cities" (New York, London, Paris, DC, San Francisco, LA) ruling alongside a mass of non-White, Black or Mexican or Muslim/North African/Pakistani masses requiring massive wealth transfers from middle class Whites to the non-White welfare-dependent population with graft opportunities aplenty for the hereditary White elites and non-White elites alike.
This is a fairly "deep" pattern of aristocratic rule in just another guise. Being aristocratic it gains considerable White female support, like updated Disney princesses and such.
It is rapidly running out of money (Goose, Golden Eggs, eating thereof) and Obama's plan is to kill the suburbs by: 1. forcing tax revenue to be shared/given to metro areas including city centers and inner-ring non-White suburbs; 2. stop the private auto, roads, etc; 3. Put Section 8 housing into the suburbs.
Elites LOVE this, they HATE HATE HATE ordinary White folks with a passion, and idealize particularly Blacks as magical etc. See any Hollywood movie, like the disgusting remake of the Equalizer with ... Denzel Washington.
What is likely is the elites doing EVERYTHING in their power to KEEP the system going. Tax serfdom for middle class Whites being formalized. Even limiting/stripping voting rights for ordinary Whites as the ultimate AA, and open borders voting for illegals. Using the military, police, and militarized/drone warfare DHS/EPA as shock troops to suppress any White middle class protests.
The military and police will happily go along, as elites they too have contempt for ordinary Whites and regardless, the elites PAY them.
However, this nation is far too big for stuff that works in Britain to work here, "revolts of the captains" or lower are likely as in places like Ghana (see the career of Jerry Rawlings). The elites and their institutions have lost much legitimacy and thus power, over manifest failures.
California has eradicated much of its Central Valley agriculture over Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's desire to protect the Delta Smelt. Much of it has been abandoned, see Victor Davis Hanson at PJM for details on the Road Warrior society.
In short the crisis will look like London August 2011, with the cities burning down by "youths" while the Police arrest those Whites who find that offensive. Until some Flight Lieutenant or something stages a coup and cashiers the old elites, fairly horribly.
I say horribly because though the elites have ruined this country, as a middle class White guy I am likely to one of the first victims of widespread violence and don't do well in chaos. I would prefer reform but don't see the system able to tolerate reform any more. Given the utter decadence of the elites and desire to totally annihilate any opposition.
Machiavelli states that a Prince early in his rule has many areas of leeway for brutal rule, and harsh treatment of any perceived enemies, but one in the middle or later MUST be generous and relaxed, or he is viewed as weak, insecure, and likely to fall. From Putin and "Pussy Riot" to the defenestration of Chick-Fil-A, or that woman on the tube imprisoned for not liking her country being turned into the Third World, I see PC rule decades in being more oppressive and violent, not less.
The way to statistically guestimate the number of bodies dumped in all of Detroit would be to construct a model depicting the average number of vacant lots in a given area--say a neighborhood or perhaps one square mile. Next, you will have to count the number bodies recovered in that area during a specified time period. One year would be the longest, but one could count the months from say April through June. Now we can multiply that by either 4 (if we control for Summer month spikes, say,but only if there are more murders in the Summer than in the Winter)and then we can again multiply by the number of square miles in Detroit.
All in all, a very simple model for statistical analysis. The problem would be gaining access to the data--I'm not altogether sure they would let you. I am also unsure just how many bodies get reported versus the actual number dumped. You might need a team that monitors them yourself. Such a team would require an armored car.
California's wealth is largely predicated on Federal subsidies. If there is monetary collapse, that will be the end of the Federal subsidies--or are you all forgetting that time when California couldn't pay its electricity bills. California supplies next to zero of its energy needs--especially from Oregon. Oregon is still owed money by California and would love to cut them off.
California's agriculture is enabled by the Federal government and water subsidies--those subsidies have worn thin in the states that supply most of that water and even by Northern California itself. Those subsidies enabled the gutting of farmers East of there. The country can survive just fine without California. It sucks in more Federal monies that many other states combined.
Lastly, Mexicans have an illegitimacy rate of 47%, a drop out rate of 55%, an average IQ of 87, a welfare usage rate of 45%--or more, depending on where they live, and a reproductive rate of 5.5 . This is reflective of even the 4th generation living in this country. I don't see how yet another aboriginal people such as this is going to benefit anyone in the future.
How will California go? The same way Arizona is going. one mile after another, the border will move north. There is a huge stretch of Arizona now, miles and miles wide, that was once American territory, where signs have been posted warning those who can read English, to stay out. The area has effectively been handed over to the new Mexican authorities--the drug the cartels. This vast area includes a National Park. This area is ten miles wide at its narrowest point and 100 miles wide at its widest.
Southern California will disappear into the great brown malaise.
Ah just sits here waitin fada mailman
My observation is everywhere i see white people there is progress,cleanliness,civilization. Everywhere i see black people things are falling down around them,filth,crime.
@Robert B,
Thank you you described it well. My only other statement is bodies are an object and can be counted. I would like someone here to address things such as Domestic Abuse, Child Molestation, and Rape.
I can only assume the numbers are multiple times higher than the reported numbers.
If baby daddy has a child with a 15 year old and doesn't see the child for 15 years I would say that child would be ripe for molestation by his/her biological father.
@fatso - Sure, Detroit is fine when an event that attracts a large number of white people happens. Half the DPD is posted in that block or two downtown area of Woodward during those times. Stray a few blocks away and you won't love Detroit so much. Or go when there isn't some event that requires a large police presence. I think you'll change your tune.
Anon at 12:41 AM,July 5: It's not Mexicans who have sustained whatever industry remains in California and the U.S. Mexicans are not the guys setting up CNC machines, making the jigs that hold the workpiece in place as the cutters shape it, or the other skilled work. They are most assuredly not the engineers and creators. They are drones, whose sole real advantage over Blacks is that they expect to work all their lives. Yes, there are some genuinely capable craftsmen among them, but mostly they do things quick and dirty. They sure as hell are not the ones who sustain IT in the Bay area and the defense industry in SoCal. The state has been collapsing because the minimally productive Hispanics receive the sort of benefits only highly productive societies can provide. California is degenerating just like Black ruled zones, just at a slower rate, and not so far down. Just as Africa is the norm for Blacks, Mexico is the norm for Hispanics, and Mexico is California's destiny, unless there is some kind of unflinching intervention.
You are right that California is much too valuable to be given away, for its size, location, and resources if for no other reason, but somehow, our rulers have done exactly that.
I don't see intra-ethnic conflict between good Mexicans and bad. When the cops shoot a gang cholo, the Mexicans get just as angry as the Blacks do. (Check out the stories about Anaheim on Whiskey's site.) I used to teach Mexicans in a Catholic school, and even many of the best of them are Raza. Several years ago, on another site under another name, I got into a very long argument over the how American the 3rd and 4th generation kids I taught were. I was wrong. Since that time I've discovered that the kids who listened to all-White music, read books by White authors, whose native language was English, and otherwise adopted White norms, were still racial loyalists.
Don't think for one minute that these are sub-construction cheaply built homes. These are brick exterior and take a lot to tear down. That is why the cost of demolition is so high. Homes that stood for over a hundred years in Michigan weather cannot withstand the destruction of a black housed in them for a year. Most of these homes were burnt out because few blacks pay utilities and hookup a jumper cable from the house to a transformer outside.
Well they got what they wanted from the '67 riots and Soulman Young - any trace of YT removed from 8mile(the border with the suburbs) and the Detroit river. Great job superior black culture - now on to the suburbs!!
RobertB: It's true that Federal money built a lot of California's infrastructure, but the stuff is there, and extremely valuable. No reason to give it away or let it crumble. Take out the trash, polish up the machinery, and you've recovered a piece of America.
BTW, the water that California gets from the Colorado river does a lot more good than if it was used in Arizona or Nevada. Good water poured on bad soil doesn't produce much.
In any case, I'm personally in favor of expelling the invaders and their patrons from California and the U.S. altogether, which would greatly reduce the need for aqueducts.
That is why central & south America FUNCTION, whilst africa gets recolonized by chinese
Gents, California and the southwest have been reconquiestad already. A nation that cannot control its borders does not exist.
I'm from the SW, have many 3rd and 4th gen+ friends, and they may even marry white, but yes many to most are Raza, and enjoy preference in all things gubmint which they feel entitled to as vixtims of white oppression.
Illegals are begged to vote. The union is dead.
We have to get the northwest for whites and only whites. There is *no* other plan. None. The only vote that counts is with our feet by moving to the Northwest.
Check out northwestfront. org and listen to a podcast and check it out. Its our last hope.
Recently I pointed out to some folks that the reason things keep getting worse for White people because we don't back each other up. As an example, I pointed out that my dad and his friends bitched and cussed when they saw Governor Wallace pushed aside from a doorway at the U of A so that some Negros could enter, but none of them picked up a phone to complain nor jumped in the car to head to Alabama.
As another example, I pointed out that when the government used troops and hired thugs to clear the way so that Negros could move into the projects that the feds built in the middle of a White neighborhood in Detroit, nobody from outside the affected neighborhood had anything to say about it.
The folks I was pointing those instances out to responded that such a thing would be unlikely today because we have the internet and Blah, Blah, Blah.
So, I am wondering, where were all of those internet activists when the Memphis, TN school board recently decided to expand their control to the entire county, thus forcing the White Flighters who fled Memphis to flee to another county to keep their kids away from the retarded offspring of the descendants of cannibals. Where will they be the next time it happens to a different bunch of Whites.
We still don't stick together. Constantly bitching to each other isn't nearly as effective as calls, emails and personal visits to the people who really need to understand that the White people that they just shit on aren't alone in the world.
Just because the MSM is silent doesn't mean that we have to be. When you hear about White people getting screwed or ignored by the government or a large Negrophile corporation, get on the phone and demand to know why. If the offenders are local or within reasonable driving distance, then make a personal appearance.
If you are pissed off because a news story involving a Black on White crime is unreported or under reported, then make so many calls to the newspaper and TV station offices that it disrupts business.
Find some like-minded people and picket the news outlets. Don't forget to report your picketing to rival stations or newspapers.
We can do more than just sing to the choir.
I just watched the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars. I did not see any negroes in the Mission Control Center. All whites and Asians.
I don't believe blacks are capable of discerning these things. Thus, in order to identify those who have been abused,etc., you would have to do the following:
Identify a reasonable sample base. This would have to include a representative sample of the population. So, you would base it upon what percentage of the black population exists within different "socio-economic" blocks. This is how you "control" for such things as poverty. You would also want a likewise white population as a further control group.
Next, you would need to assemble your population groups and interview them in such a way that they cannot lie. This is not hard to do, but you do not want to "lead" them either.
The most important aspect of this is the sample population size and it's make up. It must be representative of the population as a whole and must be large enough to have meaning. a few hundred, therefore, is not enough, but 10,000 is probably more than needed. However, one place that they can be had easily enough is the country welfare office as well as government employees who would represent middle class blacks. Having participated in covert data gathering in college, I know that it is easy to get people to answer questionnaires when they are captive. College students are forever doing so and they think nothing of it--if it's put together right.
Studies have been done, I doubt whether the information derived is public knowledge though, given the most likely damning outcomes. My guess is, in other words, it gets shelved and although academics know about it, the general public is never allowed to.
I agree with almost everything you say. Except that the Mexicans know they have to work for the rest of their lives. Whereas the black man learns to scam and live off the system--and thus never have to work, the Mexican learns to game the system as well, while he works in his youth. Once he hits 45 or so, it's onto the system entirely.
other than that, you are absolutely right.
Anonymous Wtf said...
"That is why central & south America FUNCTION, whilst africa gets recolonized by chinese"
Really? You call that functioning? Canada functions, we still sort of function. Germany functions.
They don't call them "Banana Republics" for nothing you know. Mexico is Mexico because Mexicans live there. It really is that simple.
They have corrupt governments because they are low IQ peoples. We now have a corrupt government because we now have so many low IQ people.
Remember the old Lincoln line "You can fool some of the people most of the time, you can fool most of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time?" Well, not anymore. Today, you can fool most of the people all of the time. Just give em their flat screens, Walmart and the NFL and they are just fine.
I believe there is strong evidence that suggests everything from pedophilia to rape is common place in the black community. In fact, that it is so common place that they think nothing of it--including incest and murder. It has even been suggested that black serial killers are quite numerous and that they operate with impunity as no one notices yet another dead black. It is assumed it is gang crime when it may not be.
it has long been known that blacks and browns enter puberty much earlier than whites and Asians. In fact, that is the real reason for their athletic prowess early on--testosterone enters the system much earlier--several years or more. This is also one of the reasons they start having sex so young--and have for many generations. Aboriginal type females typically enter puberty around age 8 or 9, white girls around age 12 to 14 and asians later still. White boys between ages 12 and 14, Asians later. Black boys around age 9 to 10.
In Mexico, as in Africa, it is perfectly permissible for a man of age 35 to have sex with a 14 year old--actually, I believe it is age 12. In Mexico, they even have a practice known as "El Rapo"--the rape. The grown man is allowed to go and rape a young woman of age 12 to 14 as a means of "claiming" her for future use. No one thinks this is pederasty or pedophilia. It just is.
Bikers--whites, routinely screw the mother and daughter. It's a claimed right in their world. But there is no incest in it. However, I suspect the same is true of aboriginal gang culture as well--and that incest is frequent. There were rumors about black boys (my home town had very few blacks in it when I was a kid--like maybe 500 families out of 375,000 people) screwing their younger sisters and even their older ones--often sharing them with their pals. Sexual promiscuity starts early in black culture--often while still in grade school. This is no shit. Some as early as 10 years old.
There's probably like 200 guys in San Quentin named Detritus. They'll just think you named the town after they homey.
I think culturally, the Mexican can be brought into the fabric of America if we end the welfare state.
Until they move in next door.
What the U.S. military is planning for people like me and you
The comments are priceless, as is the article itself. This will be good for anyone who gets accused of paranoia with any regularity.
Of course, it wouldn't go anywhere near to what he describes, but it's good to know that they think such a dubious operation would end in success. And if Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Katrina weren't enough, well, we'll just spell it right out: citizens are the enemy.
interesting comments. what else can you tell us about this? especially the el rapo thing?
Ok, I want to see you go first. Lace up yours boots and hit the ground. Begin your public speeches. It's free to do and protected by th US Constitution.
Don't overplay your case. It just makes you look dumb. It isn't "El Rapo". It is "Rapto". White girls don't enter puberty at 12-14. They enter puberty around 11.5. You obviously don't spend much time around tween girls.
I live in one of the towns surrounding Detroit, and we are getting the Detroit refugees. If a town has section 8, or super cheap hotel room - they have these refugees also.
They walk down main street staring you down, hanging on basketball hoops until they break, harrasing white girls - who have never experienced anything like this -and generally causing trouble, I.E. being negro's. This small town will never, ever be the same until the white men stop putting up with it.
Negro's are the single most destructive force on this planet. What's worse, they cannot be reasoned with. How can you tell a cat to not be a cat?
Off topic but PK- have you read about the firt female NFL ref yet? Im dying to hear your take on this!
Anon at 8:18 wrote, "This small town will never ever be the same until the White men stop putting up with it".
In the Good old Days, a Black punk named Emmet Till tried his urban bullshit down South, harassing a White woman, until the local White men stopped putting up with it. No doubt, we have been spared numerous rapes by him and his unborn offspring by the actions of those White men. Never allow anyone to dump any guilt on our race for Jim Crow, the most successful social program of the 20th Century.
"Big Bill said...
Don't overplay your case. It just makes you look dumb. It isn't "El Rapo". It is "Rapto". White girls don't enter puberty at 12-14. They enter puberty around 11.5. You obviously don't spend much time around tween girls."
"Big Bill" is either Mexican or a lover of open borders.
Who looks dumber, Bill, the moron who claims all white girls enter puberty at age 11.5--an over all average, or the person who correctly states that they enter between 12 and 14--a more accurate range for the average white girl?. Who looks dumber "Big Bill", a person such as you who doesn't know the difference between an average and a range, or the person who does, me? There are white girls who enter as early as 10 and as late as 16. Some NAMs enter as early as age eight.
Around tweens? No, I do not hang around with little girls, "Big Bill", I did have two sisters and two daughters, though. And I certainly hope you don't hang around with them.
dude we're not all animals is just some people are messed up in some areas check out the redneck racist prick from down south what do you call them
" Anonymous said...
Ok, I want to see you go first. Lace up yours boots and hit the ground. Begin your public speeches. It's free to do and protected by th US Constitution."
I've actually had people--quite a few, actually, ask me to run for public office. This usually occurs at a local Republican or Tea Party meeting. It is always because I attack guest speakers for not seeing the elephant in the room and or helping to subsidize it by voting for programs. Not everyone likes it, but most people there do. Some are obviously fearful of letting me speak, but I know the rules on this. I never use racial slurs. I never even really have to mention who the elephants actually are--we all know who they are.
For instance, I directly attacked the former speaker of the Minnesota house in a filled room over funding of section 8 housing and the continued funding of busing after the 2004 USSC decision. The crowd loved it. I also attacked her and the Repubs over changing zoning laws such that liberal city council's could over ride the will of the people and build Sec. 8 housing in the neighborhoods. After she left the podium, she came to my table, gave me her card and asked to meet with her over these issues.
You need to be where you are safe and be able to sense that. You can't just walk into any venue and proceed. I scope these meetings out well ahead of time and get a sense of the people using code words. We all know them, do we not? You must speak in a clear voice that is firm and steady. Any sign of fear and they will get you. By "they" I mean those that would continue the path we are already on. They are weak and cowardly themselves. Thus, they will sense fear and or uncertainty, but they will also cower in fear from those who can project strength.
Now, it's true that I do not have a career anyone can hurt--I sold my business at age 42 and have been retired since then. But I do have children of various ages who could be affected by the things that I say. Like I said, know your audience.
It seems the best way to characterize the negro leadership--and their people--is "aggressive panhandlers". The black male has two hands:One is open. Thats where the check is supposed to go. The other is a fist. Thats what you get if you dont give up Da Check.I heard of a plan by the HNIC and his associates for getting the black suburbs to join with the citiies to spread the tax burden of the cities onto the surrounding suburbs. In other words,the whites who fled from the Black Undertow and its horrors will be forced to pay more and more in taxes to support the worthless black trash in the city. The robbery will be cloaked,as always, in the goodness of "feeding the needy" "helping the poor" and the perennial aggressive panhandler favorite: "invastin' in da black community!!". Some investment!!
Thanks Robert B,
You explained it all very clearly and concisely. I am impressed with your ability to convey such information.
I had always such suspicions of these things. I remember being friendly with a young black woman in a college class.She told me with very little emotion that she had been gang raped by three black males when she was a teenager. I didn't press her for any more information but I don't believe law enforcement was involved.
I strongly feel for many black women and men rape and incest is a normal right of passage. As many White women will attest to the one date that was like an octopus blacks will probably all have a gang rape story.
The dysfunction is so deep in this community if people only knew.
So I can't help but notice that the MSM is going all out attack mode on white males. I mean first we had the George Zimmerman fiasco. I won't rehash that, but apparently Peruvian Indians that shoot black thugs are "White-Hispanic Racists." So the media destroyed Zimmerman and convicted him not of murder, but of "White Racism" the most evilest, ugliest, nastiest thing on planet Earth.
Next up we had the obvious (to the non fast food eating, Chick Fil-A worshiping crowd) false flag shooting of an Aurora movie theater by the "Joker" James Holmes, another "crazy white male." The only bad part about this incident (from the MSM POV) was that James Holmes killed white people NOT people of color. No way to paint James Holmes as a "racist white male" because he killed whites.
Now finally, the MSM has their golden ticket! An ACTUAL REAL LIFE WHITE RACIST MALE MASS KILLER! (celebrate good times come on! let's celebrate!) CNN reports that Wade (redneck) Michael Page played in a "far right" (racist) punk bank called "End Apathy." BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Wade Michael also had a tattoo of 9/11 on his arm! DAMN the MSM is GOOD! Oh yeah this guy was also allegedly an Army Vet who, according to a man describing himself as an old army buddy said, "the attacker talked about "racial holy war" when they served together in the 1990s" and "that when Page would rant, it would be about mostly any non-white person."
Here is a really chilling piece of "info" that should make everyone stand up and take note:
"He didn't seem like the type of person to go out and hurt people," Robillard said. "He would talk about it all the time, but it was more like he was waiting for the ... revolution to start."
Does that sound familiar? Waiting for the REVOLUTION to start.
They have us by the balls and they know it.
Someone somewhere posted a list of howlers baby mamas in Detroit put on their welfare papers. One that sticks out: 'I don't know who the daddy was because I was puking out the window and he got me from behind'.
All they did was report facts. That is what we as realists need. Fact reporting.
Discard, in response to yr post..
Paul K in his most recent post says:
'Blacks are being pushed out by Hispanics'...
I say whites are as well.
in the 48 states.
It seems your fat has also gone to your head. Detroit is terrible. I moved out 2 years ago. I was very lucky my office relocated to another city/state.
RobertB: For instance, I directly attacked the former speaker of the Minnesota house in a filled room over funding of section 8 housing and the continued funding of busing after the 2004 USSC decision. The crowd loved it. I also attacked her and the Repubs over changing zoning laws such that liberal city council's could over ride the will of the people and build Sec. 8 housing in the neighborhoods. After she left the podium, she came to my table, gave me her card and asked to meet with her over these issues.
Do you ever meet with her? If so, what was her explanation for such betrayal?
This is the way I see it. Black people can also be part of the solution of getting the Black crime rate down. The problem is that many Black people tolerate crime too much. It does no one any good of White people say "you do the crime, you do the time". Black people have to start saying that en masse. The reason Black criminals keep committing crimes despite going to prison is because they go back to to places that tolerate their crimes. Black people need to start snitching, start informing on criminals, and stop feeling sorry for those criminals. Start casting out those criminals who cause havoc in the Black community. Blacks have to be the ones to tell those criminals to take a hike. I say this to Black people: Stop feeling sorry for Black criminals and start making them outcasts. You have to make them outcasts, not White people. These criminals don't care what White people do to them because they live on the fringes of American society. Black people have to start making these criminals outcasts. If Blacks do that, it will make a bigger impression.
VM: Black people need to start snitching, start informing on criminals, and stop feeling sorry for those criminals.
Black people also need an average IQ of 100, something that is far more likely to happen before any of your suggestions.
Zenster said: Black people also need an average IQ of 100, something that is far more likely to happen before any of your suggestions.
How many Black people have informed on criminals? How many Black people actually ARE criminals? I don't care about IQ or any of that. Einstein couldn't talk until he was 4, and he flunked out of school, twice, and yet he became one of the greatest scientists in the world. I'm sure there is hope for the Black population to get rid of the criminals that exist. It's a matter of doing it.
VM: I'm sure there is hope for the Black population to get rid of the criminals that exist.
Hope all you want. I'll be purchasing more weapons and ammunition. We'll see who makes it out the other end. But, seriously, thanks for a good larf.
" Anonymous Bogolyubski said...
Do you ever meet with her? If so, what was her explanation for such betrayal?"
I did not, the stupid idiot got caught having an affair with one of her aides and the whole thing blew up into a massive joy ride for the Democrats.
However, and I cannot say it had anything to do with me, though I would like to think maybe the audience reaction had some affect on her, the Repubs halved the busing money and the Sec. 8 money in a deal with the Democrat Governor. So maybe, just maybe, she went back and told her colleagues that a bunch of Republicans cheered a guy who attacked her over the money they had spent the previous year.
I believe I have found a sponsor so I can take this show on the road. I have a plan---small towns, small meetings. I need to move out of the city though too. Just too many damn liberals live in cities now. I really think there is massive mental illness in the cities in this country. The Liberals all seem to be living in some alternate dream world where they do not even hear the news that they listen to. They have their "talking points" and that is all they know or will hear. It's truly amazing to me to hear what comes out of their mouths at times in reaction to some news item.
VM said...
"The problem is that many Black people tolerate crime too much."
They don't "tolerate" it.
They celebrate it.
Zenster said...
VM: Black people need to start snitching, start informing on criminals, and stop feeling sorry for those criminals.
Black people also need an average IQ of 100, something that is far more likely to happen before any of your suggestions.
Firefighters tests were rigged so that a number of correct answers that could be obtained by guesswork outranked those that were obtained through knowledge (in the name of diversity and all those who fail in her.)!
85 could easily be made the new 101.
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