This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Living in America
But it was as balloons and glitter fell from the ceiling and the pulsating chords of James Brown's song from Rocky IV "Living in America" bellowed through the arena that I realized I know longer cared.
At all.
Turning to walk out in disgust (and thinking the GOP might actually have hired Brown to perform the song were he still alive) an attractive woman smiled at me and said, "Aren't you so glad! America's back!"
Swatting away a balloon and removing glitter that had rudely irritated my eye, I replied coolly, "You know it!"
Taking my jacket off, flipping it over a shoulder, and callously loosening my tie, I left the arena thinking to myself, "I know how Ivan Drago felt."
To paraphrase Mr. Brown, "I don't feel good."
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For an older guy like Clint Eastwood, age 82, with memories of "Colored Only" drinking fountains and Segregation as the law of the land, when he was a boy and younger man, that's one thing. They live in the past, basically 1940-1962 for people Eastwood's age. That's the America they know, what they believe, what they think they had to atone for.
I cut them some slack, as far as that goes.
Because they can't know MY America. Where *I* as an ordinary White person am restricted from going to places, because of my skin color. Because *I* as a White guy, also straight, am a second or third class person, legally. Because *I* have grown up in America without Segregation, which I only know from old films in Black and White. Because *I* grew up in a place where White guys were the demons, and Black guys idolized. Because the place *I* grew up in traded in long ago any honesty for sentimentality, fake guilt, and phony demonization of people who are not a problem.
Clint Eastwood can only judge what he saw and heard himself growing up. That America ceased to exist by 1972, when "Sanford and Son" was the ... #2 rated TV show in America. But I understand Eastwood, I've dealt with many guys his age, all they remember is the pictures they saw of Black guys getting beat or lynched when they were young. They are not bad guys. The America they believe in for better and worse simply hasn't existed for over forty years, and they just can't figure that out. They never will.
As for me, I have practical concerns. The economy, and my own life, principally the ability to shield myself and people I care about, from NAM violence will be much greater under a President Romney who promises to drill everywhere, stop regulation, and impose quotas on China, than wet-noodle Obama. Romney is by all accounts a decent guy who helps people he knows when he can. He doesn't hate Whitey. That alone makes him a light-year improvement over Obama.
And like I said, my immediate concerns are the gas pump, my bank account, and my ability to move. Ryan is a great pick. It signals Romney's desire to cut government down to size, and government spending and the Joel Kotkin-labeled "clerisy" is the foundation of BRA. Kill government spending, you kill BRA.
PK, you have to admit that the sight of these two good-looking large white families has the left foaming at the mouth, a la Chris Matthews. That's a VERY good thing. I get a lot of satisfaction from that.
Powerful post Whiskey.
People ask me why I chose the life of an expat. I tell them, "Why shouldn't I?" America is like an estranged lover every time I visit her shores she seems more distant. America has changed I haven't. I was born in the seventies America was still predominantly White. Guilt hadn't reached the fever pitch it is now. With each decade Whites are more and more disenfranchised and most don't even know it.
There is no freedom of speech. There is no freedom of association. A collective head hanging is demanded by any man that dares be born White. They keep saying I'm privileged, I don't feel it.
Last time I was in America I struggled a bit but I saved and sacrificed put myself on a budget. My wife would comment, "what are those little white cards?" She noticed it was blacks and hispanics that used them. I told her,"We used to call those food stamps, now they are called EBT." "They were made to look like credit cards so as not to stigmatize the poor." "Can we get them?" She asked. I said,"No we would never qualify besides I would go hungry first."
Yeah, America the distant childhood memories were nice but I'll hang my hat somewhere else now.
Ex New Yorker here....Politicians speak in a secret code that most people have not yet figured out. It is very simple to understand. All the fat cats at the top know how to cipher this code.
When a politician says YES he means NO. When he talks about PEACE he means WAR. When he talks about JOBS he means more FACTORIES SHIPPED TO CHINA. When the android Al Gore ran with the PEACE AND PROSPERITY banner what he meant was WAR AND POVERTY. "Read my lips, no new taxes." "I will not send our boys to fight in a war in Europe." CHANGE and HOPE meant everything will stay the same and you will be HOPELESS. This has been going on for years.
Back when I use to watch television I noticed that when Billary and Hillary would say YES they always shook their head NO. When they said NO they shook their head YES. They still do it. I used to think to myself "Am I the only one seeing this." Learn to watch their body language. THEY ARE ALL LIARS.
The PAJAMA PEOPLE like it that way because they enjoy being told fairy tales. One hand washes the other. Every four years they vote for an android who will save them from the evil GOLDSTEIN. When I hear some brain dead Prole say "What this country needs is a strong leader" all I can do is laugh. It really is pitiful. THEY ARE ALL BELIEVERS IN THE LIE. THERE WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE.
Yep, those 'NAMs' are gonna be mighty ornery if King Bongo gets dethroned in November. It's gonna be like VietNAM out there, heh heh. Watch yr backs, Caucasoids.
Don't forget, the liberals and respectable conservatives running the media back then shoved those lynching photos in their faces and hid and spun the race riots and the girls being marched into integrated schools at bayonet point.
I'm in my 20s, and in the United States I know, affirmative action is everywhere, and white guys are spit on all day.
No plan
No donation
No vote...well maybe
Whiskey, they aren't going to cut anything. Ryan's 28-year great leap forward merely (theorectially) cuts the rate of government growth. In light of the longstanding Republican record of TOTAL BETRAYAL, the only logical position to take is that all Repuke talk of a so-called reduction in government is yet another lie. Weepin' Johnny Boehner and his brokeback boyz could actually cut spending now if they really wanted to - as they could have at any time since taking over the house in January of last year. Refuse to raise the debt cieling and let the all the buzzards come home to roost.
If you feel the desperate need to flush the toilet, fine. The stench is admittedly horrendous. Don't get the idea that you're flushing that toilet with clean water though, for the fluid which replaces the present reeking puddle is just some "fresh" raw sewage from Repukeville. It will be stinking just the same in no time at all.
Repukes will never lift a finger against BRA, because those they serve built BRA to begin with. BRA will fall only when whites stop supporting it and turn against it en masse. Until then it stands - unassailable within a system deliberately rigged for its support and nourishment. As Zenster and I discussed on another thread, the key to its ultimate destruction may well lie in our abilities to reverse-engineer Alinsky's tactics, weaponize them to new levels, and deploy them ruthlessly against the enemy. That's a huge discussion, though.
Let us be frank, clint eastwood is a man who has made his life by dressing up and playing pretend, call it movies, entertainment, "the art of acting"(vomit), anyting you want but the truth is for us a hard working day may involve building, teaching, doctoring, selling, etc,, while his "hard day" would be trying to pretend harder. When I found out he was the speaker I knew all I needed to know. It is all bull*&%$! And watching the convention is like watching a movie, made for US, it't not real. We're screwed.
So now, in spite of everything that has come to the top, the GOP rank-n-file will exclaim "see it really is only because Obamanation is a divider that we have race problems at all".
I'm the pied piper follow me...
From a totally selfish point of view, I don't care much either. I am dating a foreign national and can expatriate and get dual citizenship in a non-mentally ill country anytime I wish to, and I likely will before we won't be *allowed* to do so anymore. I see that as a stark reality within a decade or two. But the part of me that cares more for European interests as a whole still holds on to the notion, however faint, that somehow this will all turn around either politically, or through sheer unmitigated ultra-violence. I'm not even sure the second one is as much of a reality as many here seem to think it will be. I would guess there will be a few patriots that will shoot it out with the juggernaut of military might that is the US Armed Forces. But at the end of the day, being that most people wish to avoid violence most will just sign all their Rights away happily and go quietly into the night to their NWO Overlords and whatever insidious plans they have conjured for the next few decades. I will watch it unfold from Eastern Europe.
If you think you have it bad now just wait for a second term with Obama. The real Kenyan and his plans for America will kick into high gear. What are his plans to change the destiny and people of America, forever?
Read it here...
Does anyone ever find themselves out and about, maybe driving to work, or to the store, with not a care in the world? Great mood, having a great day. And then...you see one.
A negro, walking down the street with its pants down around its hips; or one all dressed up in a suit and tie (like you'd dress up a pet for halloween...). And you get this visceral feeling "What the hell is it doing here?. Why is that HERE?" Nothing specific about violence, drugs, out of wedlock births, etc. Just this almost out of body feeling "Why in God's name does that thing need to live HERE?"
It happens from time to time and it's very unsettling to me. They simply have no place here. No real use.
-Sweep the leg-
For an older guy like Clint Eastwood, age 82, with memories of "Colored Only" drinking fountains and Segregation as the law of the land, when he was a boy and younger man, that's one thing. They live in the past, basically 1940-1962 for people Eastwood's age.
Interesting point. You have to wonder how much of the obsession with World War II is the desire of that generation to refight the "good fight."
Care to elaborate?
Here is the problem with deportation. Given that there is a total black population of around 35 million negroids, even using 5 of our Aircraft carriers it would take over 100 years to deport them all (at 5000 each, 30 day trip).
If we converted 100 oil tankers to "Repatriation ships" to take 5000 negroids in each and assuming they had no luggage and a 30 day turnaround trip with no maintenance, (500,000 for entire fleet for 70 months) it would still take just under 6 years to deport them all, not counting ship building time. Double that for luggage, food, and repair downtime.
Further, you would have to round them up, house them and get them on board in a reasonable time period, so you are talking prison camps in the USA for "embarkation" plus costs of getting the negros to the camps (internal shipping). The cost just for infrastructure is astronomical. Further, I don't see any path politically to begin or maintain such a policy, short of a Hitler-like figure ruling over the USA. This does not count the costs (both money and lives) of gathering them up at the point of a rifle to send them on their way. Every DWL would be running stories about "the poor little Africans, their future in the USA stolen, etc). Every negroid that died, even of natural causes during transportation, in a camp or on the way to a camp would be a martyr for the cause of abandoning the policy, every black sports figure speaking out against this, every black "preacher" whining that "this is not Christian behavior", etc. We can't even state the truth that negroids have a lesser intelligence (preferring to lash our teachers instead) or keep the work requirement in welfare, let alone the huge commitment of political will that deportation would entail.
Also, I don't see ANY African nation who would be willing to accept our used farm equipment, even if you argue via DNA evidence that they were originally from there. The current population of Liberia is a little over 3 million, they would surely object to 35 million fat, lazy, useless, whiny, criminal, demanding negroids.
In short, it is not feasible either economically or politically to try and return them to the "mudderland". We are going to deal with them here and I believe the best way to do it is to allow the population to crash by choice.
Abortion has worked well here in the USA, slowing the growth of the negroid population and it has been done with the cooperation of the negros themselves! DWL have (bless their little hearts) convinced the negro that abortion is cool in the black population and they make use of it extensively (far more than Whites) with little or no incentive (i.e. no one pays them to abort). If implant birth control is a requirement of welfare, the negresses would have to get off Welfare to even have a niglet (extremely unlikely given the net worth of the black female). If a bling incentive is added for painless sterilization, whole generations of negroids fade away.
Lastly, Immigration policy is changed to prevent negroids, muslims, etc from entry. They would object to the implant idea anyway, because their entire goal is to move in, get on welfare and make little muslim invaders. Lastly, H1B visa's are eliminated entirely.
Though we all want instant gratification, we must take the long view. As Whites, we are now living to nearly 80 years on average and 100 (or even forever) is coming with new technology. We must take the Long View. Within one lifetime (60-80 years) you will have America back to what it was in the 1950's without the cost and stigma of forcible deportation.
Bogolyubski said...
Whiskey, they aren't going to cut anything. Ryan's 28-year great leap forward merely (theorectially) cuts the rate of government growth. In light of the longstanding Republican record of TOTAL BETRAYAL, the only logical position to take is that all Repuke talk of a so-called reduction in government is yet another lie. Weepin' Johnny Boehner and his brokeback boyz could actually cut spending now if they really wanted to - as they could have at any time since taking over the house in January of last year. Refuse to raise the debt cieling and let the all the buzzards come home to roost.
If you feel the desperate need to flush the toilet, fine. The stench is admittedly horrendous. Don't get the idea that you're flushing that toilet with clean water though, for the fluid which replaces the present reeking puddle is just some "fresh" raw sewage from Repukeville. It will be stinking just the same in no time at all.
Repukes will never lift a finger against BRA, because those they serve built BRA to begin with. BRA will fall only when whites stop supporting it and turn against it en masse. Until then it stands - unassailable within a system deliberately rigged for its support and nourishment. As Zenster and I discussed on another thread, the key to its ultimate destruction may well lie in our abilities to reverse-engineer Alinsky's tactics, weaponize them to new levels, and deploy them ruthlessly against the enemy. That's a huge discussion, though.
As usual, you have nothing to offer.
Do you dare explain how another four years of the Kenyan is better than a family of Whites back in the driver's seat in Washington?
-Didn't think so.
Repukes as you refer to them have passes voter ID laws in multiple States recently and that's just one example.
Waiting for Superman (Your fantasy White Leader) is never going to happen. Best to accept the small victories (like taking the White House back from the Leftists) & prepare for the coming storm.
"...But it was as balloons and glitter fell from the ceiling and the pulsating chords of James Brown's song from Rocky IV "Living in America" bellowed through the arena that I realized I know longer cared.
At all..."
Once again, you nailed it. I really don't give a damn about these conventions. I observe my surroundings, and what I see in my daily life has far more influence than some politician mouthing platitudes on a TV screen.
No...like Whiskey, my bank account and the price of gas are of far more immediate concern. Short-sighted? Selfish? Well, I suspect that like a lot of other people, I am one small financial calamity away from cascading down into ruin. I wish I could still afford to give a damn about higher moral principles, but I have to worry about survival first.
I have to keep an eye on the nice, older black couple's house down the street, because they've let some young punk move in with them, and he's pretending to be a famous DJ at 150 decibels.
I have to keep an eye on the gas pump's price, because if you can't drive in my city, you have to take public transportation, which is inconvenient and unsafe. And the ability to move might just make the difference between life and death some time soon, so the gas tank is always half full or better.
I have to watch my bank balance and direct deposits like a hawk. If that deposit is late and I miss a payment, some soulless bastard farts through his silk suit (h/t Zenster), then calls the local bank branch holding my loan and tells them to start foreclosing (got another Section 8 rental in the making, don't you know).
Welcome to New America.
Excellent post, Paul. I share your sentiments. I just don't care anymore. I feel no gut-level connection with what now passes for America. I look at the various-hued people around me, including the DWLs, and I feel as though I'm surrounded by aliens. I've started home-schooling my younger son, and my sphere of interest just continues to shrink - I care about my immediate family. Period. It's hard to continue worrying about the future of the White race when so many go blithely into dystopia.
Baltimore watcher here. Every day of my life I imagine a Baltimore free of outdated farm equipment and liberals.
@10MM auto
Considering the USA gets tens of millions of tourists every year from foreign countries, i highly doubt that the physical transportation of blacks to africa would be a significant issue.
but yes of course deportation would be politically not-feasible without significant changes.
such as an authoritarian racialist coup or something.
Repukes as you refer to them have passes voter ID laws in multiple States recently and that's just one example.
Waiting for Superman (Your fantasy White Leader) is never going to happen. Best to accept the small victories (like taking the White House back from the Leftists) & prepare for the coming storm.
No one is waiting for Superman. You cite a single example of Repukes (which is far too generous of a term for them) appearing to do something positive - failing to mention that these state voter ID laws are already being struck down one after another by the Federal blackrobes - some appointed and all rubber-stamped by your Repuke heroes (who could have voted "no" theoretically, but just forgot to).
Do you somehow believe that the Repuke bosses in the various states were unaware of this? Moreoever, the laws being used by the mullahs as a basis to invalidate the voter ID laws - the civil rights act and the motor-voter bill (among others) - would not have passed but for Repukes voting for them.
As I stated before, Mittens and Ryan are both ardent supporters of BRA - true believers. Nothing will change except names here and there. If anything, they might even ratchet up the BRA jackboot on YT just to "prove" that they not be rayciss to their Manhattan pals. I would not even be surprised in the least if Mittens decided to retain Eric "My People" Holder as AG - in the name of "representing all the (groid) people" or "reconciliation" or being a "uniter not a divider".
I'm not even convinced Mittens and his groid-humping mascot really want to win the farcial beauty contest anyway. They could attack Holder and Zero's lawlessness on Fast and Furious, for example, and large numbers of the base - along with not a few union democrats - would vote for them on that basis alone. Yet what are they busy doing? Leading the typical Repuke "brave Sir Robin" attack.
Oh this is good. Very very good.
About the DWL:
"While his mouth is singing 'Fair Housing Act' hosannas, his feet are doing the 'Restrictive Covenant' two-step.
We know why: Afros bring down property values. And for good reason. From a Euro perspective, they don't make good neighbors. Their children tend to commit more crime, as do their adults, they make transport unpleasant, degrade swimming pools, chase out merchants, shut down nightclubs, disrupt cinemas, mistreat animals, volunteer less, litter more, weaken schools, cripple school boards, waste police resources, and generally make life less pleasant for their white neighbors than it was before their arrival."
From Those Who Can See
Romney is calling for an audit of the Fed. The Party Platform calls for a re-examination of the Gold Standard. These are both impossible under Dems and Obama.
You are asking the impossible -- for America to be FIXED OVERNIGHT. It cannot be done. It did not get this way in a day, and cannot be remedied in a day. We don't need heroes, just a removal of the villains.
Black people are not going anywhere. Get them off Welfare and the illegal drug trade and force them to earn a living and they won't be acting like White middle class beta males, but they will be loads better than today. They were in the past. Most would on balance prefer the dignity of earning their own living than the degradation of handouts. They won't be the best computer scientists, or machinists, but could be great cooks, chefs, painters, gardeners, and other trades. There's no shame in aspiring to be like Bobby Flay or Masaharo Morimoto. They are great in their skill and fully admirable in their mastery. Who would not want to be like that?
As far as Ryan and Romney not cutting, of course they must. They understand, as do some more intelligent Democrats, that the US is approaching a Greek like crisis. That the supply of money is not infinite, that even running virtual printing presses cause deep social unrest and even revolution. Via inflation.
I prefer moderate, imperfect, and flawed reform to revolution. Because any removal of BRA totally is likely to be as equally ugly in other areas. A "Great Man" like Napoleon or Kim Il Sung or Mao Tse Tung ruling over me like a God, forcing me to bow and scrape and taking most of my property.
I have been accused of being overly cynical about humanity. I point to human history, and argue that while I am deeply cynical, the smart bet most of the time is incremental reform over revolution. Because it can always get worse.
For my view, being "nice" and non-threatening to play to swing women voters who get some things from BRA but also lose much (like food and gas and power inflation with stagnant wages) is worth the change. Its better for my bank account, for my personal situation, for my family. Its like dialing up the a-hole in courting a woman. Its just what you have to do.
Whiskey: As for me, I have practical concerns. The economy, and my own life, principally the ability to shield myself and people I care about, from NAM violence will be much greater under a President Romney who promises to drill everywhere, stop regulation, and impose quotas on China, than wet-noodle Obama.
Your entire premise depends upon the integrity of someone who has actively participated in off-shoring American jobs. That is a fundamental category error totally unbecoming to someone of your intelligence.
Romney is by all accounts a decent guy who helps people he knows when he can.
You have just furnished us with a concise definition of cronyism.
He doesn't hate Whitey.
I wouldn't bet the farm on that. Mittens has sponsored enough Socialist format legislation that it doesn't require any major stretch of the imagination to presume he suffers from some degree of Liberal-style self loathing.
Furthermore, as your typical über-narcissist pol, Mittens' ability to project that self hatred onto his White constituency is an almost foregone conclusion.
Permit me suggest qualifying your statement in the following manner:
He doesn't hate Whitey as much as 0bama.
That alone makes him a light-year improvement over Obama.
The only thing that bears out this last assertion of yours is not Mittens' purported claim of having any character but the conspicuous absence of it in 0bama.
It's easy to portray oneself as having moral authority in the presence of someone who so aggressively voids himself of it.
Bogolyubski said...
...I'm not even convinced Mittens and his groid-humping mascot..
Groid-humping mascot? That's your analysis of Ryan, so carefully crafted that you just had to share it with the world?
Ok, you don't like the Republican party. I think that's coming through. Are you just angry 24x7?
Incidentally, Eastwood and everyone else like him needs a tectonic pimpslap for sucking up to 0bama's pretentious bullshit.
One more time. Everybody repeat after me: 0BAMA ISN'T BLACK!
This ambulatory sack of shit is a mulatto. Anyone who thinks otherwise actively empowers 0bama's wholly contrived "Black rage" agenda and every last anti-White component of it.
Read Jerome Corsi's book, Obama Nation. "Pathological liar" doesn't even begin to cover the extent to which this capacious rectal cavity has fabricated his entire back story.
That White America is stupid enough to even think that 0bama is Black epitomizes its near-total dysfunction regarding Race Realism.
These conspiracy theories about collusion, with Romney (and McCain before him) intentionally losing to Obama are completely unfounded. Go back to your grassy knolls looking for the 2nd shooter, who is probably an alien or bigfoot, or maybe a nessie.
McCain ran a bad campaign during an election that the Dem candidate was nearly a lock. Romney's sitting on his hands because campaign laws prohibited him from significant action until he was officially nominated. No such rule applied to Obama, because he had no serious challenger for his party's nomination. So wait and see what kind of campaign Romney runs. If he can win while playing the nice guy, he will. If he has to go negative, he's shown he can do that as well.
As for his chances, a poll showing 46-44 for Obama typically will result in an election result of 50-48 Romney. This is the case in enough swing states for a Romney win. Undecideds typically vote against the incumbent, and barring a serious change of Obama's approval rating (sub 50), that'll be the case.
Most of the regulars here are in near lock-step agreement about how bad Obama is, and how much animosity he has towards whites and the traditional US. No one could argue that Romney is comparable, so no one could argue that a first Romney term would be nearly as bad as a 2nd (lame duck) Obama term.
Sure Romney is likely to allow the diversification of the US to continue at its relatively slow pace. But Obama will open the gates - every sub-Saharan African and Central/South American will be welcome, no questions asked. And whites will be taxed to pay for it. And forget about keeping your guns to protect yourselves from your new neighbors. Oh, and after four more years of illegal executive orders and under the radar reparations (including to recent immigrants), there might be more work to do, so His O-ness might just decide to stick around for a while longer.
We have two choices; one of them will be President for the next four years. I'll roll the dice with Romney. Worse is not better; its much, much worse.
Is he your ideal candidate? No. Would your ideal candidate have a chance at even being on the ballot? Hell no.
You fight the battle under the conditions presented. Today, that means getting Obama out, getting a moderate GOP president in, and continuing to work. You never know what the future holds. Bubbles burst, course are corrected. Nature doesn't like being screwed with. But under an economic collapse or civil unrest situation, who do you want in the White House? Obama, just waiting to declare martial law and name himself Presidente-for-life?
Dems and their sock puppet media started in on the racial rhetoric. Romney's response? Another white guy added to the ticket. The gauntlet was thrown down - they dared the Dems to make it about race. And drive more white voters away. White voters who are sick of being called racist because they can no longer pretend that they enjoy kissing black ass. The Dems and their media are happily obliging, and have kicked it up. Under the circumstances, a large scale "chimp out" is likely when Obama loses. Eventually, it gets hard to deny the reality in one's face. And November 7 could be that day for most white Americans.
None of "Whiskey's" concerns are going to matter within maybe two decades for precisely the reason "Full Auto" posted that obviously nobody read. Your country will no longer be yours at all in a short span of time. Nothing else compares to that.
I was listening to National Pravda Radio the other day while sitting in traffic (coming home from my soul sucking job that pays for myself and Shaquita, Laquita, Bonita, and dey baybays to eat) and the reporterette was interviewing a woman delegate to the RNC.
The woman was asked what Mittens needs to do to appeal to females. She replied that Mittens needs to assure women that the government will always be there as a safety net for all women: young, old, single, divorced, single moms, etc.
I just rested my head on the steering wheel and sighed. This is ostensibly a conservative woman and all she really wants is Uncle Sam to be her sugar daddy.
No thought was given to the fact that people have to be plundered at gunpoint to get the resources to redistribute for this "safety net". No thought was given to the fact that this confiscation will ultimately make her family poorer and probably keep her from being able to educate her offspring outside the public system. She did not care that the leviathan state capable of giving her what she wants will dictate the exact terms of her life in return...
I have mentally checked out of this asylum called Amerika.
Don M said...
I have mentally checked out of this asylum called Amerika
Same situation with me. I’ve gotten to the point where most of the time I can just look at the U.S. culture with detachment. Maybe alienation is a better description.
A once proud, strong, independent nation has been feminized to a large extent and is now obsessed with multi-culturalism and odd fantasies of fairness that have just paralyzed it. In the modern U.S., I think of the black populace as a kind of national panda bear. Pandas are the most expensive animals any zoo can maintain. Those zoos that have got them spend millions of dollars feeding them and providing them near native accommodations. Obviously they don’t perform any work, but we lavish attention on them. Kind of what we do with black people.
The Rocky video that PK provided here is just fascinating. I don’t remember having seen Rocky IV, but the video is a remarkable allegory of the modern U.S. society, elaborate theatrics, movement and sound that represent… nothing.
Anybody who doesn't have an alternate place to go is an idiot.
We know two things:
If the kenyan wins we'll have more debt, more war, less freedom.
If mittens wins we'll have more debt, more war, less freedom.
I'm with you on that one Paul. If I had been there I would have walked with you. Don't have much respect for Clint anymore--kind of started when his wife started her reality show with E entertainment.
Haven't posted in quite some time.
Fighting local government take its toll on my willingness to chime in. All I do is read and nod while I'm here.
"Romney is calling for an audit of the Fed. The Party Platform calls for a re-examination of the Gold Standard."
The FED supplies the financial backing of Wall $treet and the War Machine. Romney and the Repukes are not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
I can't believe that someone posting on this site would actually believe the GOP platform (or any statement out of the Dems or GOP). Even John Boehner said he hasn't read it.
The defeatists here are, as said above, waiting for Superman. If Gen. Washington had Bogolyubski as an adviser, the attitude would've been: "well, we can't win, the cards are stacked against us, we really need twice as many troops, and that bastard Benedict - supposedly an ally - sold us out. Can't trust anyone, Franklin isn't really conservative, what with all the screwing around, and there are rumors that Jefferson may be a negro lover. Even if it turns out to be his brother, can we really trust him?"
Fight the battle you're presented with, rather than sulking that conditions aren't more favorable; analyze the conditions, and form the appropriate tactics.
Is a third party realistic? No, so abandon that option.
Could a candidate that openly advocates for white rights have a real shot on a national ticket? No, so abandon that option.
If you live in a solidly GOP local district, get involved to push your local GOP more to the right. Same if you live in a solid GOP state. Talk to voters, talk to representative. Feel people out for receptiveness to your cause. You'd be surprised.
Live in a contested state/local area? Get involved to push it to reliably GOP, then see above for step two.
If you're a good speaker and have the time/money available, run for local office. Run for a state representative slot. You don't even have to push the race angle. If HBD is true, conservative principles ARE pro-white, and will have that result.
At the national level, it means accepting the choices before us. Only those who have succumbed to despair and thrown in the towel will simply stay home, and rob a vote from the anti-Obama movement.
It's not over yet. Watch the video of Eastwood again, and listen to the reaction when he says, "You own this country!" There is still a core of people in the USA who know what's real and what's kiddie stories.
Van: These conspiracy theories about collusion, with Romney (and McCain before him) intentionally losing to Obama are completely unfounded. Go back to your grassy knolls looking for the 2nd shooter, who is probably an alien or bigfoot, or maybe a nessie.
Where in hell have you been, Van? What a welcome dose of much-needed clarity. Few people seem to realize that the two individuals who campaigned hardest for 0bama were George Bush and John McCain.
After eight long years of pretending that he didn't know what "conflict of interest" meant, Bush was glow-in-the-dark radioactive.
In an election which targeted young voters, perhaps, more than ever before in American history, McCain openly admitted that he did not know how to operate a computer or send emails. He may as well of had the word "dinosaur" tattooed across his forehead in neon colored 60 point type.
You fight the battle under the conditions presented. Today, that means getting Obama out, getting a moderate GOP president in, and continuing to work. You never know what the future holds. Bubbles burst, course are corrected. Nature doesn't like being screwed with. But under an economic collapse or civil unrest situation, who do you want in the White House? Obama, just waiting to declare martial law and name himself Presidente-for-life?
As I have often noted here, with the gradual convergence of America's bipartisan system into a monadic Left-of-center kleptocracy, any opportunity to vote FOR leadership by someone of worth long ago mutated into the far less constructive chance to vote against the greater of two evils.
Make no mistake, 0bama is that greater evil just as Mittens is the lesser evil. As Van and others have repeatedly pointed out, giving 0bama the least opportunity to appoint himself maximum leader for life is nothing short of insanity.
One more time, this election cycle—like too many before it—isn't about voting for someone but, instead, GETTING A SCUM-SUCKING, CORRUPT, RACIST, ANTI-WHITE, SLIME-BAG OF AN INCREDIBLY EMPTY SUIT OUT OF OFFICE.
Any questions?
"PK, you have to admit that the sight of these two good-looking large white families has the left foaming at the mouth, a la Chris Matthews. That's a VERY good thing. I get a lot of satisfaction from that.
Anonymous August 30, 2012 10:00 PM"
And it is precisely because of those large families with young white adults and children than Romney cannot possibly fail to understand what government sanctioned racism against whites means for his own progeny. His sons, grandsons, and great grandsons will feel the diversity tax deeply and fully despite the patriarch's wealth. They (or their mothers or sisters) will certainly have some interesting discussions with the old man.
Love to be a fly on the wall for that...
- Stan Mute
I, as others, have an option of being an expat but I choose to stay in America, fight when the time comes against BRA and it's facilitating treacherous politicians and of course just to see WTF happens next.
There is a HUGE difference between "giving up" and recognizing that the GOP is a dead end.
The system is unsustainable. Romney, being somewhat competent will keep it going a little longer than the negro. This "buying time" argument is as ridiculous as going the "militia" route which are likely to be government sponsored entrapment operations.
Be ready to take care of yourself, loved ones and family. And to pick up the pieces.
When BRA and the criminal organizations that sponsors it go by the wayside, we will see just how little the government actually does for us and how much harm it does to us.
PK, it would be interesting to see a post talking about how your worldview has changed (if it has) since starting this blog. While the blog started out as race realist humor, it has transformed into serious White identity politics.
10mm AUTO...
Well said my man, I used to be vehemently anti abortion until I realized who the majority receiving abortions happened to be..now I'm pro abortion and all for tax payer funding.
Should the government decide to use my tax dollars to abort a potential life long leech, wanna be gangsta thug, I'm fine with that the way I see it that's just one less dirtbag to harass, rob, rape and pillage my children and future grand children.............
Hell if the feds would guarantee it, I'd gladly donate and extra $500 on top of the taxes I already pay if it would help guarantee a negroid-less future for my family.
Bogolyubski said...
"In light of the longstanding Republican record of TOTAL BETRAYAL, the only logical position to take is that all Repuke talk of a so-called reduction in government is yet another lie."
Right on, Bogo. I agree completely. The only beneficial thing I see from a Romney presidency, is that conservative whites will FINALLY hit the wall of reality and realize the GOP is loaded with closet leftists. The GOP is now only slightly less liberal that the Donkey people.
Romney gets elected. The sheep go back to sleep. But they soon wake up realizing that nothing is changing. More war is coming. More spending. More disenchantment.
I prefer that Obama get reelected. His second term will hasten the inevitable conclusion that is coming no matter what. The sooner the better. Before the people who still remember the America of yesterday disappear.
The culture of the Left is black culture. I finally realized that, and the world made sense. Black people represent the fruition of the Marxist dream. Obama wants to make all of us black inside, if he can't do it on the outside.
Great comments here.
One more time, this election cycle—like too many before it—isn't about voting for someone but, instead, GETTING A SCUM-SUCKING, CORRUPT, RACIST, ANTI-WHITE, SLIME-BAG OF AN INCREDIBLY EMPTY SUIT OUT OF OFFICE.
Flushing the damned toilet, in other words. As I mentioned before, if you live in a state that is in play (a number, like California, are simply not in play at all thanks to endless Repuke betrayals), flushing the toilet is a valid option.
I might add, once again (with all the usual caveats), that who is voted into Congress is arguably more important than who gets to read the decrees of vampire-squids on the white house teleprompter.
Look at what is going on in the US senate race for Tennessee, where Democrat candidate Mark Clayton is actually the more conservative candidate (repudiated by the party for being associated with "hate" by the $PLC) - running against a typcial back-stabbing worthless POS Repuke named Bob Corker, who (among many other examples of classic Repuke behavior) is one of Eric "My People" Holder's congressional enablers.
It's not often one finds a Dem - most of whom are rabid outright communists - worthy of consideration to be sure. Nevertheless, this should serve as an example of why it is most important to ignore the meaningless R and D labels. Imagine how much different things could possibly be if the congress had a bunch of independents, Constitution and others besides the R and D scam machine. If nothing else, the oligrachs would have to buy out multiple parties instead of just the two the presently own.
Generally speaking, the Repukes are very much a dead end, and promise to become much more so in light of the recent Sovietization of their governance rammed through over the past few days.
Nevertheless, in the name of giving credit where credit is actually due, here is some honest good news from the state of Missouri, where Republicans have a super-majority in the legislature. Keep in mind that this is at the state level, and that one of the folks supported by this very same Republican faction (generally pretty good except when it comes to imperial wars to makeover the Ummah into Ameristerdam) - Todd Akin - has been repeatedly denounced, trashed and defunded by the Repuke politboro and central committee, including both Willard MIttens and Ryan the Lyin'. It's important to keep in mind that Dhummicrats would have never passed a law like this - even in a very red state.
Stan Mute:
And it is precisely because of those large families with young white adults and children than Romney cannot possibly fail to understand what government sanctioned racism against whites means for his own progeny. His sons, grandsons, and great grandsons will feel the diversity tax deeply and fully despite the patriarch's wealth. They (or their mothers or sisters) will certainly have some interesting discussions with the old man.
You're profoundly wrong here. The most ardent advocates and supporters of government-sanctioned genocide against whites are folks much like Capt. Underoos - the elite white billionaires and millionaires whose vast wealth makes them largely exempt from all of the destructive effects of their ideologies and policies - in the short term. This group of whites is actually the blindest of all to the ramifications of what is going on.
As they see it, their thousand-year reich will effectively be eternal once the white population has been reduced to something on the order of what is portrayed in Hunger Games. There will be a vast lumpen sea of low-IQ sun-people - mulattoes, mestizos and moose-limbs - who will happily will serve as docile slaves while a smaller group of toady whites and asians will keep things operating for them and oversee the rabble.
One more time, this election cycle—like too many before it—isn't about voting for someone but, instead, GETTING A SCUM-SUCKING, CORRUPT, RACIST, ANTI-WHITE, SLIME-BAG OF AN INCREDIBLY EMPTY SUIT OUT OF OFFICE.
And electing GW Bush was not about putting Bush in office but was about removing Bill Clinton. The rallying cry was the
same...'anybody but Clinton'. The GOP has been doing that for decades and as it has been done the GOP continues to move further left, become further globalist and further anti-white. At some point you realize(or not) that Lucy is never going to give you a chance to kick the football.
"Does anyone ever find themselves out and about, maybe driving to work, or to the store, with not a care in the world? Great mood, having a great day. And then...you see one. "
I'm like that as I begin my day, stop by the post office, gas station, cruise the country lanes of the area to which I fled when my native area became minority infested.
Then I get on the 2 lane highway, far too small for the immigration- driven population surge which chokes it. Though I drive to work at off- hours, it's still very busy. Then, things will slow to a crawl, a clusterfoxtrot, both lanes going 45-50 mph, though the limit is 65. I tense up and start cussing, though I know it's only hurting me, and do my best to switch lanes and wiggle past the source of the snarl.
And I know what it will be as I approach the car, likely a BMW or Mercedes, going 50 mph in the left lane. Though I know, I look to verify, and sure enough, I behold the bootlip on the phone, oblivious to its surroundings.
To be fair, about 1 % of the time it might be 12 Salvadorans in a sputterring landscaping truck, an Asian, or someone from Pennsylvania.
Anon (9/1 4:32 AM): The GOP has been doing that for decades and as it has been done the GOP continues to move further left, become further globalist and further anti-white. At some point you realize(or not) that Lucy is never going to give you a chance to kick the football.
So, are you suggesting that we vote for 0bama? Or not vote at all, which is the equivalent of voting for 0bama? Which is it?
Bogolyubski gets my point about flushing the toilet. Is that ANALogy just too complicated for you to grasp? Do you need both hands and a flashlight?
As Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna is so fond of noting:
The only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat.
"And electing GW Bush was not about putting Bush in office but was about removing Bill Clinton."
GW Bush never ran against Klinton. Klinton was termed out.
This exemplifies the command of the facts by the ABO crowd.
"And I know what it will be as I approach the car, likely a BMW or Mercedes, going 50 mph in the left lane. Though I know, I look to verify, and sure enough, I behold the bootlip on the phone, oblivious to its surroundings."
Rental cars in Florida used to be issued license plates beginning with the letter "Z". Until thugs of color recognized that tourists were easy targets for armed robberies and a few well publicized crimes changed the practice.
I noticed that negroes ALWAYS drove much slower than the rest of the traffic. Unless they were driving a rental car. I think it relates to the condition of the car. A rental car was occasionally maintained. A negro's car would often be stranded on the side of the road either out of gas or with an overheated engine.
Zenster: "Where in hell have you been, Van? What a welcome dose of much-needed clarity. Few people seem to realize that the two individuals who campaigned hardest for 0bama were George Bush and John McCain."
Staying busy. I check in from time to time, do a quick read, and that's it. PK's work is great as always, and you and a few others have solid contributions.
W's administration more/less guaranteed a Dem would be next, and McCain's campaign sealed it. But I can't buy the conspiracy theory about Bush/McCain secretly INTENTIONALLY putting Obama into office.
"any opportunity to vote FOR leadership by someone of worth long ago mutated into the far less constructive chance to vote against the greater of two evils."
I agree completely. I just don't have the defeatist attitude of some of the posters here. Considering the shift the Dems took - JFK wouldn't recognize what his brother helped turn the Dems into - it's not unrealistic that the GOP couldn't be turned back. The upcoming financial crisis will force some very hard decisions about the role of government. Again, of the two choices we are limited to, who do we want making those hard decisions?
"Romney cannot possibly fail to understand what government sanctioned racism against whites means for his own progeny."
This is a good point. Remember, its not like an outwardly pro-white candidate would even make the ballot in a single state. The nods to diversity are currently required. Or he could be a true believer; who knows...
"Be ready to take care of yourself, loved ones and family. And to pick up the pieces."
Ready, willing, and able. But preparing for the system's collapse is NOT mutually exclusive with working withing the system.
In fact, ceding the system to the enemy is idiotic. What if the system doesn't collapse?
Second, what if it does, and the enemy is in control. We won't go from our current state of affairs to suddenly lining in a Mad Max wasteland. There will be a functioning military, homeland security force, CIA/FBI, etc. If the economy seriously tanks, Obama is the last person you want holding the reigns. All resources will be dedicated to maintaining authority and feeding the dependent NAM class - with whites working to pay the bill.
At worst - AT WORST - Romney is simply a true believer in diversity,and likely a big government technocrat. But he's not an anti-white psychopath. If a nationwide "chimp out" changes enough white minds, creating a demand for less diversity, the government will have no choice but to follow suit. And working through local/state governments is the way to force this.
I don't know if I have an exaggerated sense of the defeatist attitude of many here. Maybe misunderstandings are the nature of communicating on a message board.
The calculus of voting for the lesser of two evils goes out the window when both choices are so evil that they are far closer to each other than from anything even remotely approaching ideal.
BRA and the powers behind it currently have the upper hand. "Buying time" benefits THEM.
Anon: "The calculus of voting for the lesser of two evils goes out the window when both choices are so evil that they are far closer to each other than from anything even remotely approaching ideal.
BRA and the powers behind it currently have the upper hand. "Buying time" benefits THEM."
So the proposed solution is...
That's right, the defeatists rarely have a solution. If they do, its something about waiting for the total collapse so we can start over.
I suppose in this scenario, the collapse is nearly instant, resulting in no functioning government whatsoever. Since, for this to work, there could be no functioning military, FBI, CIA, or other federal law enforcement/intelligence/military to maintain control. I suppose all those weapons (including nukes) will just stay safely stored away, and would never be used against your uprising. Of course they wouldn't be used, because when governments fail, they always fail totally and instantly, right?
It certainly isn't more likely that martial law would be declared, that all liberty would be suspended, that all personal food production would be outlawed so the government could prevent conflict, that all weapons would be seized. No, it would never happen that way. The first scenario is much more likely. Over the course of a few weeks we'll simply go to a situation of no government, then the white nationalists will take over, and everything will work out.
Its brilliant!!!!
Why work with the system, the answer we've been waiting for is staring us in the face? Just don't vote, let Obama win, the government will collapse TOTALLY, and he'll just go away!!!!
Then we'll pick up the pieces, put Humpty back together, and move on. Probably only take a couple weeks.
Seriously, for those who think that, somehow, "worse is better," offer a realistic scenario of how this plays out.
chirp, chirp, chirp...
Second, what if it does, and the enemy is in control. We won't go from our current state of affairs to suddenly lining in a Mad Max wasteland. There will be a functioning military, homeland security force, CIA/FBI, etc. If the economy seriously tanks, Obama is the last person you want holding the reigns. All resources will be dedicated to maintaining authority and feeding the dependent NAM class - with whites working to pay the bill.
At worst - AT WORST - Romney is simply a true believer in diversity, and likely a big government technocrat. But he's not an anti-white psychopath. If a nationwide "chimp out" changes enough white minds, creating a demand for less diversity, the government will have no choice but to follow suit. And working through local/state governments is the way to force this.
I don't know if I have an exaggerated sense of the defeatist attitude of many here. Maybe misunderstandings are the nature of communicating on a message board.
This is not a bad point, but it is based upon little apart from pure supposition on your part. It's something of a variant on the "flush the toilet" meme. Voting for Obama is obviously out of the question, though there are some in the alt-right blogosphere who've argued that D'Won might be the least disastrous option in light of Mittens' horrific track record of totalitarianism - the latest example of which took place a few days ago. I think those making this argument are losing sight of the hard truth that D'Won is a black supremacist psychopath. The one point they have in their corner is that Hussein isn't terribly bright, and he's quite lazy to boot. We don't know for certain that Willard is an anti-white psychopath, but his track record as Supreme Kommissar of the People's Republik of Massachusetts and his status as one of the criminal banksta elite makes the odds of his being so extremely high - much higher than someone like Donald Trump, for example.
Once again, the big picture that few seem to be aware of is that who sits in Congress is more important in a way than who is president. As I mentioned, Zero is not very bright and he likes living the high life on the golf course. Nevertheless, the "accomplishments" made by his regime towards destroying the country have been even more impressive than those of his predecessor. They would not have been possible without widespread Repuke cooperation. Just two years ago, the voters expelled Democrats from the House in record number. The shift was even greater than that of the historic 1994 turnaround. This was largely on the basis of two promises made by Repukes: a) either repeal or stop the implementation of Obamacare; b) cut the runaway spending.
The Republicans, in their classic pattern which proves my repeated assertions about them, TOTALLY BETRAYED the voters on BOTH issues. John Boehner, Erc Cantor & Co. have given Hussein EVERTHING. They've increased spending and Obamacare is now entrenched with full funding. They could have cut it off and shut the entire monstrosity down, but chose not to. Why is Eric Holder still AG? Instead of impeaching him - which would have likely caused Hussein to ask for his resignation - the worthless POS Repukes pass a toothless "censure" resolution so they can tell their stupefied base that they are doing something about the brazen lawlessness.
The primary purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as a phony opposition. All they have done at the federal level is continually lie to their base while making certain that the considerable gains towards the turn-key totalitarian utopia made by their teammates wearing the D-jerseys are permanently enshrined. The latest outrage - the sudden "maturing" of the putative "conservative" blackrobe Roberts on Obamacare - is a single one of literally hundreds of examples which could be cited. The bottom line is that both nominal candidates are horrible and it's going to be bad either way.
Van: W's administration more/less guaranteed a Dem would be next, and McCain's campaign sealed it.
That was my exact meaning.
But I can't buy the conspiracy theory about Bush/McCain secretly INTENTIONALLY putting Obama into office.
You missed my point, through Bush II's radioactivity and McCain's out-of-touch aspect, they may as well have been campaigning for 0bama. I would never put forth any such nonsense that they intentionally conspired to get that sack of shit elected.
Again, of the two choices we are limited to, who do we want making those hard decisions?
My point entirely.
But preparing for the system's collapse is NOT mutually exclusive with working within the system.
This cannot be overstated. A lot of participants here at SBPDL treat this as an exclusive-or gated proposition; which it does not have to be.
In fact, ceding the system to the enemy is idiotic. What if the system doesn't collapse?
Few people seem to be asking themselves this vital question or else there wouldn't be this constant and defeatist undertone of, "Let 0bama win so he can show just how bad BRA really is."
If the economy seriously tanks, Obama is the last person you want holding the reigns.
Yet another good take on the same point. Stalinesque measures wouldn't in the least faze a dyed-in-the-wool Communist like 0bama. Whereas, Mittens would most certainly take pause in such situations. Again, this is no fulsome praise for Mittens, just a tremendous caveat about 0bama.
I don't know if I have an exaggerated sense of the defeatist attitude of many here. Maybe misunderstandings are the nature of communicating on a message board.
Your sense of the defeatist attitude wafting through SBPDL is in no way exaggerated.
Thank you so much for responding, Van. This board would truly benefit from some increased participation upon your part.
Van: Why work with the system, the answer we've been waiting for is staring us in the face? Just don't vote, let Obama win, the government will collapse TOTALLY, and he'll just go away!!!!
[golf clap]
Van, I know that I'm asking a lot of you but please consider engaging with Bogolyubski for a few rounds. If both of you could get on the same page the synthesis would be tremendous and a real SQUARE 1 in terms of a frame of reference for this forum.
Otherwise, thank you for some lessons in logical extensions.
Well said my man, I used to be vehemently anti abortion until I realized who the majority receiving abortions happened to be..now I'm pro abortion and all for tax payer funding.
No. I'm sorry, but this is not right. The only hope this country has of surviving in any form resembling the promise of the Founding generation is if we don't abandon our basic belief in and adherence to a law higher than mere expediency. Negroes, whatever their deficiencies, are still human beings with immortal souls created by God. Enabling their suicide through government-subsidized abortion is wrong. If we can't come up with a better solution than that to the problem presented by the Negroes among us, we deserve to fade away and let another culture take our place.
Anon: Negroes, whatever their deficiencies, are still human beings with immortal souls created by God.
They'll have to act like it first before I'll ever believe any such thing.
Zenster: "Van, I know that I'm asking a lot of you but please consider engaging with Bogolyubski for a few rounds. If both of you could get on the same page the synthesis would be tremendous and a real SQUARE 1 in terms of a frame of reference for this forum."
Bogo posted more since my last, and he and I are actually pretty damn close - the flaw with message board communication that I refuse to learn.
Dammit, Bogo, now I have to apologize (not first or last, here or elsewhere). You aren't really in the defeatist camp like I thought.
Zenster: "I would never put forth any such nonsense that they intentionally conspired to get that sack of shit elected."
we're on the same page; just expanding on the idea. again, that pesky internet communication.
Bogo: "The primary purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as a phony opposition."
My thought is that the Dems and GOP are competing factions; the each with different goals, but both essentially moving towards totalitarianism. My preference for the GOP is based on (1) gun rights, and (2) it's possible to work withing the party, because they claim to believe in conservative values.
Zen: I just caught your use of zero in place of the letter O for Obama. I may be adopting that practice.
Honestly, I'm feeling very optimistic. I think the future is rather bright.
Clint Eastwood was the only speaker that attacked Obongo directly. He sat Barry Soetero down in a chair and asked him questions and talked about what Barry had promised to do and hadn't. He was asking questions that the media should be asking. Clint said he cried when he found out 23 million Americans are out of jobs.
It was a parody and I thought quite effective. From all the hate that the left is throwing at Mr. Eastwood he surely found his mark.
Mr. Eastwood was imitating Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" with his speech pattern.
He said "We own this country, not the politicians." That should be put on a poster.
Just all of the intense garbage that the soviets(democrats) have thrown at Eastwood has convinced me that Clint was right on the mark.
Anonymous: Negroes, whatever their deficiencies, are still human beings with immortal souls created by God.
This is the same egalitarian mentality which brought us "civil rights", then brought us "disparate impact" and the EEOC's 4/5 rule, and metastasized into BRA.
If Blacks are morally equal to Whites, they must be held responsible for their deficiencies and made fully accountable for their wickedness.
Enabling their suicide through government-subsidized abortion is wrong.
Sorry, no. No voluntary action reducing Black numbers, from colonization to Africa to abortion to sterilization, is wrong... for White America. Blacks dying by gunfire because the public shoots robbers and rioters isn't wrong either. Anything which protects or defends Whites against Black parasitism and predation is morally good.
We racists are counting on a collapse. Who here thinks that the country's present course is sustainable? If the present course is sustainable, then we are wrong about multi-culturalism and banksterism. Therefore, our politics ought to be about getting through the collapse.
1. Do we want it sooner, while we are still a majority? Vote Obama.
2. Do we want it later, when more Whites have become aware? Vote Romney.
3. Do we think that Obama's defeat would provoke mass rioting that would open a lot of White's eyes? Vote Romney.
4. Do we think that Obama's second term would open a lot of White's eyes? Vote Obama.
5. Do we think that Obama's second term would end with our being completely swamped with imported "citizens"? Vote Romney.
6. Do we think that a GOP Congress would not stand in the way of a Republican President's pro-immigration schemes? Vote Obama.
7. In the event of collapse, do we fear an African being in charge? Vote Romney.
8. In the event of collapse, do we a fear White man, that the military would be more likely to obey, being in charge? Vote Obama.
And so on.
The major events will play out regardless of what we do. Politics are useful only to gain advantage in the trouble to come.
What makes some here so damned certain that Mittens and Ryan the Lyin' are less enamored of BRA than D'Won himself? Consider, for example, the high-class Fecalquia serviced by Capt. Underoos' illustrious hard-nosed "conservative" running mate - who (naturally) now "understands" all about rayciss YT an how it drives a poor sister to steal.
For those that say "Work within the system" I ask, what has voting done since Nixon (1968)? Even the Reagan years left us more in debt and an immigration situation run amok.
"Collapse" does not necessarily mean a "Mad Max" scenario. A financial crisis that leaves the federal government unable to borrow money would cut off the lifeblood of BRA.
This is the Cloward-Piven strategy in reverse.
Obama accelerated the end by excessive welfare spending. This angers those that are productive. They are further motivated to act.
Romney, accelerates the end by initiating a war on Iran. This gets our troops killed, possible martial law, possible war with Russia / China but gets the misguided support of patriots.
Either way is painful. I would never vote FOR Obama but the former is better than the latter.
Read Jerome Corsi's book, Obama Nation. "Pathological liar" doesn't even begin to cover the extent to which this capacious rectal cavity has fabricated his entire back story.
He isn't even a good liar as when he was asked who his favourite White Sox player was he could not name a single member of the team that ended Chicago's second longest World Series drought.
It's really high time for a third political party that represents the obvious best interests of Americans everywhere. The idea that our government is bloated and inefficient is not a "liberal" or a "conservative" thing; it is simply an observation of reality. The solution to this one overwhelming problem is simple: cut spending. This mostly means cutting military and entitlement spending, two perennial sacred cows. The best interests for all Americans necessitate finding the best solution to any given problem, whether it be a liberal or a conservative policy. It's not as ridiculous as it sounds. Even blacks would vote for admitted white racists just to improve their own individual quality of life.
Anon (9/2, 2012 9:13 AM): Romney, accelerates the end by initiating a war on Iran. This gets our troops killed, possible martial law, possible war with Russia / China but gets the misguided support of patriots.
I am continually amazed that people here and elsewhere think that any war with Iran is going to be a boots-on-the-ground affair. Iran is the size of California with several internal mountain ranges. Invasion of it is a non-starter. Period.
Next question? Why do we need to invade Iran at all?
The only significant goal with respect to Iran is paralyzing its nuclear weapons R&D program. Myself, I would prefer that we started the festivities by lobbing a swarm of cruise missiles into a full plenary session of the majlis, Iran's parliament.
After that, use thermobaric (fuel-air) bombs to pull the atmosphere out of all those deep underground centrifuge facilities which our bunker-busting missiles could not crack. Dead nuclear scientists are dead nuclear scientists regardless of whether they have been spattered onto the walls or just had the lungs sucked out of their bodies.
As the US Army likes to say, "we break things". So, use saturation bombing to sever all major high tension lines leading into their nuclear labs, churn up the roads, breach any hydroelectric dams that provide power or water and then bounce the rubble a few times. What's not to like?
Any boots on the ground yet? Maybe a couple of forward spotting teams have been inserted, but that's about it.
Finally, demolish Iran's few and marginally operative gasoline refineries. These rapidly deteriorating facilities are that nation's Achilles' heel. Iran's entire civilian economy is totally dependent upon heavily subsidized vehicle fuel prices. Yank that threadbare rug out from under the Mad Mullahs™ and their already fractious house of cards comes tumbling down.
In his eternal wisdom, the mad dwarf Ahmadinejad's first term saw him institute khodkafa'i, a ruinous self-sufficiency program which has triggered several hundred billion dollars in capital flight from Iran.
[to be continued]
Back in 2008, I posted one or two comments about Iran's collision course with reality at Richard Fernandez's (AKA Wretchard), excellent blog, Belmont Club. I heartily recommend reading the entire article and its comments for some useful perspective as to just bad things in Iran must be by now.
An excerpt from my first comment's cite of the Wall Street Journal article:
Khodkafa'i has had catastrophic results on many sectors of the Iranian industry. Unable to reduce, let alone stop, imports of mass consumer goods (including almost half of the nation's food) controlled by powerful mullahs and Revolutionary Guard commanders, President Ahmadinejad has tightened import rules for a range of raw materials and spare parts needed by factories across the nation. The policy has already all but killed the once-buoyant textile industry, destroying tens of thousands of jobs. It has also affected hundreds of small and medium-size businesses that, in some cases, have been unable to pay their employees for months.
Mr. Ahmadinejad has also used khodkafa'i as an excuse to freeze a number of business deals aimed at preventing the collapse of Iran's aging and semi-derelict oil and gas fields. He has also vetoed foreign participation in building oil refineries, forcing the Islamic Republic to import more than 40% of the refined petroleum products consumed in Iran. The prospect of a prolonged duel with the U.N., and possible military clash with the U.S., has also hurt the Iranian economy in the past six months. [emphasis mine]
Considering that all of this has been going on for another half-decade since the above was written, Iran most certainly is teetering on the verge of a sociopolitical collapse.
America does not need to invade this country so much as give a gentle (or not-so-gentle) nudge in the direction of the precipice it's already leaning towards.
For a much more lengthy dissertation on why Iran must be overthrown, please read Dr. John David Lewis' outstanding analysis, "No Substitute for Victory - The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism".
His closing paragraph:
Our military capacities are not in doubt today. It is our moral self-confidence that is in question. What was it that stopped us from confronting Iran in 1979, except a lack of confidence in our own rightness, and an unwillingness to defend ourselves for our own sakes? Had we removed the Iranian regime in 1979, thousands of Americans would have been saved, and children across the world would not have grown up with sword verses rising in their minds as they give their lives to jihad. Consider the Japanese-and ask whether it would have been in our interest to have left the regime of 1945 in power, to continue preaching religious militarism and training kamikaze. The best thing Americans did for themselves (and, incidentally, the kindest thing for the Japanese) was to burn that regime to the ground. So it is today. The Islamic State-Totalitarian Islam-must go. And it is the moral responsibility of every American to demand it.
As I have maintained for almost a decade now:
A nuclear armed Iran will go down in history as the single greatest strategic blunder of this new century.
"A negro, walking down the street with its pants down around its hips; or one all dressed up in a suit and tie (like you'd dress up a pet for halloween...). And you get this visceral feeling "What the hell is it doing here?. Why is that HERE?" Nothing specific about violence, drugs, out of wedlock births, etc. Just this almost out of body feeling "Why in God's name does that thing need to live HERE?""
There are even black people in Geneva, Switzerland now. I am sure the Swiss think the same thing.
A nuclear armed Iran will go down in history as the single greatest strategic blunder of this new century.
What on earth are you trying to sell here? Who could they hit with a pathetic bomb if they are even capable of building it in the first place? Kuwait? While they like to make lots of noise about blowing up Israel the little Satan to usher in the 12th imam, Israel has more deliverable warheads than any country in NATO save the USA. What do you think would be left of Mad Johnny and the Mullahs if they even tried to throw a milk-dud at Tel-Aviv? A vast field of radioactive glass with funny turbaned shadows on it - if they were lucky.
I find it curious that the "patriots" (NeoTrotskyites, actually) over at Belmont wring their hands over Mad Johnny's freakshow but are strangely silent about the folks in North Korea, who have actual nukes capable of hitting the west coast of the USA. Has it ever occurred to you that the folks who built and operate BRA are the very same ones who want endless wars to make the Ummah safe for feminism, sodomy, Mickey-Dees and the Amurikan way? Leave Mad Johnny and his pals to hump their goats. Stop bringing them in to settle here. Our goats have enough to worry about as it is with the Mexicans. We cannot afford any more damned wars, not after the last couple of cake-walks.
"bob1313 said...
10mm AUTO...
Well said my man, I used to be vehemently anti abortion until I realized who the majority receiving abortions happened to be..now I'm pro abortion and all for tax payer funding.Should the government decide to use my tax dollars to abort a potential life long leech, wanna be gangsta thug, I'm fine with that the way I see it that's just one less dirtbag to harass, rob, rape and pillage my children and future grand children.............Hell if the feds would guarantee it, I'd gladly donate and extra $500 on top of the taxes I already pay if it would help guarantee a negroid-less future for my family."
I could not disagree MORE!
The culture of death will only result in ALL DYING.
Instead of Abortion (something the GOP mentioned as being against in its platform- that should give you a clue as to which party has the White's self interest!) what the Eugenicists of the early 20th Century suggested, would be far better.
Sterilization and forced SRS for all Darkies.
In one generation, we'd solve the Negro problem.
No need to ship them back, no raping (for statutory rape, giving a big Black buck a 'mangina' would certainly stop his aggression, as soon as the 'brovas in the 'hood' heard Jamal is now Janeequa) less illegitimate spawn running around, less EBT, less of everything that is WRONG with Blacks. Ad we'd speedily restore population levels to pre-1965 norms. Also, a good thing.
And, a child not conceived, is not a murder of an unborn. As a cleric, I'm all for that idea. Makes far more sense- that is, unless you actually believe that Blacks have 'rights'. If you do (or think of them as your ontological 'equal') well, then, you're damned. Sorry to be blunt. But it's the truth.
- Fr. John+
Unreconstructed Yankee
Sterilization and forced SRS for all Darkies.
In one generation, we'd solve the Negro problem.
I know you meant that as a joke, but if you want to turn people off to race realism, just keep talking like that. It's not serious (where would you get all the surgeons?), it's more apt to inspire disgust than approval, it's a hell of a lot more expensive than even re-colonization to Africa, and we'd still have the parasitic population for the next 70 years (probably living longer because less testosterone = less aggression = lower death rate).
I'm disgusted enough by FGM, I do not want to associate with people who propose BGM. It's degrading to those who do it.
Bogolyubski: What on earth are you trying to sell here?
You need to do some homework.
I'm going to answer you over in the Navy SEALS thread as people are still quailing about Mittens dragging us into Iran.
Let's hope that Paul will see the wisdom of this.
Thank you, Paul.
It's always dismaying when otherwise intelligent men show how little they understand the current predicament. Those who insist that not voting for Romney is "defeatist" are missing two important points:
1) Demographic reality
2) Perception is everything
As Sheila mentioned, Caucasians are likely hovering near the 50% mark. Current demographics are unsustainable, and between birth rates and immigration, it's only going to get worse. I have seen nothing to indicate that Romney will seal the border. For all we know, he's a "family values doesn't stop at the Rio Grande" type. Working within the system assumes that you can work with 100 million blacks, Mestizos, and assorted brown trash living within your borders.
If Romney is elected, Caucasians go back to sleep. Everything he does will be lauded as "conservative" compared to Obama, no matter how closely he follows Obama's own policies. Moreover, criticism will be met with harsh condemnation by the very "conservative" establishment that so many of you want to put back in power. "Would you rather have Obama?" will become a common refrain among the intelligentsia, to be mindlessly repeated by the average GOP voter. Van even admitted that compromise, compromise, compromise is the order of the day. Step outside and look around to see the dividends of compromise.
Lastly, one of the resident fleers mentioned that the juggernaut that is the American military will easily sweep away any opposition. This is the same military juggernaut that spent the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan with a whole lot of nothing to show for it. American soldiers are still dying almost every day, and when they finally pull out completely, the ruins of the infrastructure they built will be the only indication they were ever there.
Ironically, Van calls us defeatists for not voting yet he flippantly refers to gun confiscation as though nothing would be easier. In truth, it is Van and his ilk who are the defeatists for insisting that our only hope is at the ballot box. He doesn't see that many of the crimes he rattles off will themselves likely cause riots and insurrections that federal forces have little hope of winning. With the will, guerrillas win almost every time, and they don't need majorities.
Given that 48% of black women already have herpes and that the left has spent billions on green energy scams instead of antibiotics R&D, just as thousands of synthetic chemists can't even find jobs, the last of the useful antibiotics will expire in usefulness, once again turning most bacterial STDs into fatal plagues, especially thanks to the prison system that fully overlaps with urban black culture.
Ph.D: Venereal disease is a plague that has a disproportionate effect on Darks, and as a faithful married man, no effect on me. Fuck away, lesser breeds!
Silent Running: Ironically, Van calls us defeatists for not voting yet he flippantly refers to gun confiscation as though nothing would be easier. In truth, it is Van and his ilk who are the defeatists for insisting that our only hope is at the ballot box.
While Van must speak for himself, I think you do him a distinct disservice.
Remember, Van also noted that "preparing for the system's collapse is NOT mutually exclusive with working withing the system."
When taken in that particular light, I really think that you have not given Van sufficient credit.
Let's see if he will check in with some clarification.
Zen/Silent Running:
Don't know if commenters are still checking this thread, it's been a week since I posted.
Zen is correct, I don't believe for a second that the ballot box is our only hope. But I don't believe, yet, that all is lost and we can't succeed through the ballot box.
Tough times are ahead - regardless of the outcome in November. You simply cannot have the annual and total deficits we have without eventually running into huge problems. Its likely to hit in the next four years, and I think a Romney administration is better than Obama for such a scenario. Simply put, Romney wants what's best for America while Obama wants to use such a scenario to destroy us. I may disagree with Romney - very strongly, in fact - on what is best, but I'll take him over Obama under an Economic Collapse/Civil Disorder scenario.
And don't think for a second that Obama won't mandate the currently unthinkable, even if "the collapse" doesn't come. VFR has a good post on this right now. Nationalized retirement accounts, forced co-habitation with "underprivileged" black families (USSR and Check did this, although not for blacks obviously); he's already talked about forcing incorporated suburban cities into re-merging with urban areas to get the tax dollars back to poor blacks. And yes, gun confiscation.
The shit we take RIGHT NOW was thought to be impossible a few generations ago. Our grandparents thought no one would stand for executive orders forcing schools to even out discipline by race; a 3,000 page health care bill that includes not only an effective government takeover of health care, but forced payments for abortion, and additional racial quotas, including areas not even related to health care; abortion on demand, including for "non-humans" near term; women openly stating that it doesn't matter if it is human life, they still have the right to end it.
The truth is, we simply don't know what will be tolerated. If they come for the guns, will we revolt? Maybe. More likely, a few people do, they are slaughtered, and the rest fall in line.
The first rule of self-defense is to avoid putting yourself in a situation where self-defense is needed.
Similarly, the first rule of fighting totalitarianism is to prevent its establishment in the first place. This is done in the voting booth. Armed resistance is an option if necessary, but is not preferable.
Perhaps you're not a defeatist in the most strict meaning - you will fight if needed, and believe you can win. But if you've given up on peaceful solutions, you guarantee that the fight comes to you. And you might lose. Forvever. If it comes to it, I'll defend myself, my family, my beliefs, my people; and the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. But I pray to God it doesn't come to that, and I'll do anything to put it off.
I suppose in this scenario, the collapse is nearly instant, resulting in no functioning government whatsoever. Since, for this to work, there could be no functioning military, FBI, CIA, or other federal law enforcement/intelligence/military to maintain control. I suppose all those weapons (including nukes) will just stay safely stored away, and would never be used against your uprising. Of course they wouldn't be used, because when governments fail, they always fail totally and instantly, right?
If your tone is any indication, you're not interested in having a discussion; you're interested in shaming those of us who recognize that the GOP is a dead end, and that no political solution is possible. You make vast assumptions about what we think will happen post-collapse because that suits your purpose. You'll forgive me if I find your later conciliatory statements unconvincing.
Seriously, for those who think that, somehow, "worse is better," offer a realistic scenario of how this plays out.
chirp, chirp, chirp...
Mature of you to wait for a response before the inevitable condemnation. Of course, you've yet to answer any of my points. And if you want a realistic scenario, here's one. Answer it if you're able.
The description of the confiscators as something less than omnipotent killing machines probably displeases you. Nevertheless, once you've powered through it (don't skip the comments) you can start explaining exactly how Romney and his miscegenist golden boy will get this country back on track in the long term. Tell us how they're going to rob all the brownskins of their political power, Van. Detail how they're going to stop black-on-white crime and the colonization of swaths of our country by foreign aliens. Guide us through the reconquista of the United States that results in a permanent Caucasian majority.
Perhaps you're not a defeatist in the most strict meaning
I'm ecstatic to hear it. Though it is manifestly unwise for you to be throwing that term around.
Our grandparents thought no one would stand for executive orders forcing schools to even out discipline by race
And our grandparents voted (R) no matter what, because The Other Guy would ruin the country. What are you advocating if not more of the same?
Similarly, the first rule of fighting totalitarianism is to prevent its establishment in the first place.
And you think totalitarianism is not firmly established in this country? Please do answer this question directly.
But if you've given up on peaceful solutions, you guarantee that the fight comes to you.
And if a sober assessment of the facts leads you to believe that no political solutions are possible...well, that's just defeatism, no matter what those facts happen to be. Van would probably admonish Solzhenitsyn to get out there and vote.
Then again, asserting that most everybody will meekly hand over their guns, despite the fury on display every day in alternative media and in ever MSM comments section, why that's just unvarnished realism. Meat and drink of the rock-ribbed conservative. Nevermind that a population that broken dooms the political solution as well.
Silent Running: I'll check out your link after this response; I want to get a little more eye-to-eye first.
"If your tone is any indication, you're not interested in having a discussion"
I am interested in conversation. Sarcasm doesn't play well in written conversations, so I'll give it a rest. I'm actually very interested in a good explanation of a "worse is better" scenario, but have yet to see a realistic one. Most seem to involve the government simply going "poof" instantly, where conservative whites are suddenly able to rebuild without resistance. Rather improbable, I'd say.
"those of us who recognize that the GOP is a dead end, and that no political solution is possible"
The GOP, as it currently governs, does not represent Constitutional conservatism. I don't agree that it's a dead end, but I'm not exactly confident in that assessment, either.
"You make vast assumptions about what we think will happen post-collapse because that suits your purpose. You'll forgive me if I find your later conciliatory statements unconvincing. "
Look, we're people debating/discussing an issue on the internet. We disagree but ultimately we're on the same side. I think a political solution is viable; for that some call me naive or even idiotic. You think a political solution is no longer possible, I say what I've said. No reason to be sensitive.
I'm willing to consider that I could be wrong, and your side could be right. In fact, prior to even logging on I spent some time on that this morning. What I have trouble wrapping my head around is how we get left alone under an Obama administration that just got the excuse it needs to declare martial law.
But I don't think a break up of the US is impossible. Over two years ago I began drawing up maps, based on race and political ideology of just how such an event might play out. I think it could happen regardless of what happens in November.
"...What are you advocating if not more of the same?"
What I advocate is getting the Racial Marxist out of the White House as Step One, and then starting the very long process of reforming our government. If it doesn't work, your approach is still an option.
"And you think totalitarianism is not firmly established in this country? Please do answer this question directly."
We're certainly on the way there, but no, I don't think it's "firmly established" - not to the point that things couldn't change peacefully. Again, if I'm wrong, it won't take long to see, and your approach is still an option.
Ultimately, my opinion is only that we attempt a political solution while preparing for the worst. There are many signs that conflict is coming. In many wars, its difficult to say exactly when the battle started; we may already we in it and not know it yet.
I hope I've shown that I'm open to discussion, and I'll go check out your link now. May/may not post again tonight.
Good link with a reasonable scenario. Most of it has been covered before; but the end is a good explanation of how government efforts to maintain order might (emphasis on might) fail. Your the first to offer what I consider a reasonably plausible scenario. I'm not exactly convinced, but it makes sense.
My questions:
Is Obama's re-election necessary for this scenario?
Is Obama's re-election somehow better in this scenario (more likely to galvanize whites, for example)?
Do you have no concerns under Obama that you don't also have under Romney?
Are you more of a six-of-one/half-a-dozen-of-the-other or worse-is-better type?
It may be good strategy to make it obvious that a non-political solution is in the works if the PTB keep using power-grabs to block the will of the public. They need to have the idea that they could put themselves in peril if they go that way.
Silent Running: Nevertheless, once you've powered through it (don't skip the comments) you can start explaining exactly how Romney and his miscegenist golden boy will get this country back on track in the long term. Tell us how they're going to rob all the brownskins of their political power, Van. Detail how they're going to stop black-on-white crime and the colonization of swaths of our country by foreign aliens. Guide us through the reconquista of the United States that results in a permanent Caucasian majority.
Once again, I think it's a little unfair to pin all of these important question solely on Van's hide. There's plenty of seriously defeatist losers here (unlike Van), who deserve to be slapped around with these same questions.
That said, after keeping this "When The Music Stops" article on a back burner tab over the last week, I just finished it and am gratified to see someone think things through to this degree. From the article:
Some locales will divide upon religious or political lines, but they will not be the dominant factors contributing to conflict. In the American context, the divisions will primarily have an ethnic or racial context, largely because that makes it easy to sort out the sides at a safe distance. No need to check religious or political affiliation at a hundred yards when The Other is of a different color.
This will be the ultimate reward for Blacks and Hispanics who have made all of their decisions based solely upon skin color. They deserve nothing less. Just their voting patterns alone confirm this notion.
The police, with their major riot squad reaction times measured in hours, will be fighting flash mobs that materialize, cause mayhem, and evaporate in only fractions of hours. This rapid cycle time is a clear lesson taken from massive riots by immigrant French Muslim MUYs in their own religious enclaves and bordering areas.
I am especially impressed to see that this author used the Parisian banlieue situation and its Muslim "youths" as a frame of reference. More than any "Florence and Normandie" model, the better organized and more strongly ("religiously") motivated Islamic riots are a far better template upon which to project future actions.
The 90° separated pickup truck strategy was particularly useful and most everything else in the article rang true.
I especially wish that law enforcement officers and National Guard units would read this article beforehand so that they do not find themselves needlessly thrown into the meat grinder by local authorities once the festivities begin.
Again, I will rise to Van's defense as he has never been in the defeatist camp nor has he condemned any of the actions which Bracken cites in his excellent article.
I would sincerely hope that all of us can find some middle ground between constructively using the ballot box (i.e., Flush the Toilet™) and keeping the wisdom of Bracken's model in mind. If we could, somehow, encircle the (admittedly vast) expanse of territory in between those poles, we'd all be a lot farther ahead and in much greater unity.
I'll return after reading the comments about Bracken's article.
Look, we're people debating/discussing an issue on the internet. We disagree but ultimately we're on the same side.
That's right, we are on the same side. I'd say that's a pretty good reason to refrain from chucking bombs at your allies.
What I advocate is getting the Racial Marxist out of the White House as Step One, and then starting the very long process of reforming our government. If it doesn't work, your approach is still an option.
And if it takes you 20-30 more years to figure out that said government is not reformable, you've probably squandered your people's best chance of survival. I'll post my question again: how will you reform this government with 100 million viciously hostile brownskins within your borders?
What I have trouble wrapping my head around is how we get left alone under an Obama administration that just got the excuse it needs to declare martial law.
We don't get left alone under Obama. Where did you get the notion that we would? We're counting on not being left alone. Obama's actions (martial law, attempted gun confiscations, etc) will be catalysts for resistance.
Do you think you'll be "left alone" under Romney? Has Romney stated that he intends to quietly dismantle this budding police state? Do you expect him to remain firm when confronted wit all dem po', suffrin' black chilren who be starvin?
Is Obama's re-election necessary for this scenario?
Yes. While the riots may begin on election day regardless of who wins, the difference in response to the riots will be the crucial factor.
If it's a Romney riot, Whites will say "call in the Army." They'll believe that a relentlessly hostile federal government is on their side simply because their man is in the White House.
If it's an Obama riot, whites will know that they are on their own. We are at war, whether we fight back or not, and Obama puts Awake Whites on a war footing. More will awaken every day.
Is Obama's re-election somehow better in this scenario (more likely to galvanize whites, for example)?
Yes. As I mentioned before, a President Romney will lull Caucasians back into a false sense of security, as happened under Bush. They'll think it only a matter of time before prosperity and Constitutional government are restored, and will dismiss the problems at hand since whatever Romney does will be "better than Obama." The righteous anger currently directed at the GOP will dissipate as the relief of No More Obama sets in.
Do you have no concerns under Obama that you don't also have under Romney?
In the short term, I'd expect a re-elected Obama to be quite aggressive. He'll push horrific legislation and publish executive orders with an enthusiasm not seen before. In other words, he'll convince a lot of whites that he hates them. Romney would give us some breathing room in the short term by unraveling an egregious law or two, but in the long term nothing fundamental would change. Romney was built for compromise and political expediency. He'll be under relentless pressure from idiot Democrats and minority grievance lobbies, and he will sell us out again and again and again.
And we haven't even mentioned the fact that a Romney presidency legitimizes neocon ideology, including foreign policy.
Are you more of a six-of-one/half-a-dozen-of-the-other or worse-is-better type?
Again, perception is everything. It's been argued by political and economic technicians that the Treaty of Versailles was actually quite fair to Germany, once you got down to details. But the perception of the German people was that they had been humiliated by the treaty, and Hitler rode that wave to power, technical details be damned.
Obama gives us a knot of wrongness in the gut. To say that worse is better in the short term is not a bold statement if you accept that the "better" option greatly reduces the chances of survival in the long run. I wish it were not so, but it is.
And now that I've had some time to digest the scenario and its comments:
First, I'm not sure what I was supposed to get from the comments, other than the fact that a lot of people on the internet talk tough. Not exactly a revelation. Everyone on a message board is 6'4", 240 lbs, a master rifleman, serious martial arts training, never backs down from a fight, and even terrifies Chuck Norris.
Nothing in that scenario is original, just more detailed. A notable exception is the government response, and why it might not work. But that is pure speculation.
Here's an alternative scenario:
Urban areas (and immediate suburbs) are allowed to descend into chaos. FEDGOV forces are dispatched to suburbs and cities with fewer "urban youths" to take control. You know, for the good of the country. Farms are nationalized, personal food sources are outlawed, guns are confiscated.
(Weren't guns confiscated during Katrina? Did anyone put up any real resistance?)
The likelihood of resistance by the people depends almost entirely on the show of force, and how quickly that force is applied. If this is all by design, they'll be ready to act.
If it comes to that, we need to fight; but victory is certainly not guaranteed. I only advocate attempting to avoid it. Everything else you claim I've said indicates quite an imagination on your part, or quite a bit of interpretation rather than understanding.
Urban areas (and immediate suburbs) are allowed to descend into chaos. FEDGOV forces are dispatched to suburbs and cities with fewer "urban youths" to take control. You know, for the good of the country. Farms are nationalized, personal food sources are outlawed, guns are confiscated.
(Weren't guns confiscated during Katrina? Did anyone put up any real resistance?)
The media will be putting enormous pressure on the federals to get into those cities and help the starving dark masses. Many a weeping black mother will be interviewed decrying the heartless lack of response. Facebook hipsters will create new Save the Darkies groups. Since a ridiculous number of gov't employees are themselves black, even more pressure will come from those vectors. Most general officers believe in diversity and act accordingly. Those who are still cheerleaders for the Afghanistan model won't hesitate to march on Detroit. During all this, at the very least, armed Caucasians will be attempting to get their family members out of those cities seeing riots. But whatever.
From there you introduce the case of massive state and federal forces descending on a single city (during a Republican administration) and confiscating a relatively small number of firearms, to confiscating every privately owned firearm in the country. Punctuated by yet another flippant reference to gun confiscation and the massive (and apparently swift) theft of private property, natch.
My initial assessment was correct, and I have no more time to waste on bad faith.
Zenster, I'm glad you appreciated the scenario. I was particularly struck by something Keyser Söze wrote:
The United States of America occupies 3,794,101 sq mi. The active duty military comprises 1,458,697, plus 857,261 reserve members. U.S. law enforcement equals an additional, (as of 2006), 683,396 full time civilian and 120,000 federal, for a total of 803,396. Adding these manpower numbers gives us a total contingent of 3,119,354 government forces. If we divide this number into total land area, each individual will have a patrol area of 1.216 square miles for a twenty four hour time frame. If we set the patrol time to a 12 hour shift, we now have a patrol area of 2.432 square miles. Now if we estimate 100 million patriot riflemen, divided by the land mass area, we have 26.35 patriots per square mile. So…a singular government individual, patrolling 2.432 square miles, is now going up against 64.046 patriot riflemen…(2.432 miles x 26.35 patriots = 64.046 to one). Depending on how many “Oath Keepers” pull out, will just increase the ratios the singular patroller will be up against.
I think he's extremely optimistic on the number of patriots. I don't see more than 5-6 million patriots mustering. Even so, that's more than the federals have, and the patriots have the force multiplier of being guerrillas in a country they have intimate knowledge of. And they don't necessarily have to defend the entire country.
What's coming won't be a cakewalk for either side. Beware of those who insist it is otherwise.
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