This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Why is it Ted Cruz only Wins States with Racial Demographics of 1950s USA?
Open thread on GOP Primaries. Fire at will.
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While my wife & I still vote, we clearly understand that in no way, shape or form are we voting ourselves out of this mess. We have been preparing accordingly for some time now. I sincerely hope the rest of you are too. We'll see you on the other side of this mess one way or another. We are the forward thinking Whites that will populate the future.
Godspeed to you one & all.
I am so embarrassed to live in this area (MN,ND,SD,WI and IA). We are seriously coming to a breaking point.
-JSF- in Minneapolis
i think its obvious. Who's ready for a third party?
off topic
2 Blacks attack Gay man?
Good observation PK... Interesting.... I think its because he foremost appears to be a constitutionalist. And people are hoping against all hope that we could get back to enforcing the constitution , which would mean removing gobs of power from Washington. I think the republican party fears Cruz more than trump. Cruz talks about real solutions to dissolving washingtons power.
Imagine if we enforced the constitution as our forefathers intended.
All I can think of as a theme song ironically "What a wonderful world"
Residents of these states don't have first hand experience dealing with blacks and other 3rd world people on a daily basis.
because he looks like Joe McCarthy ?
I wonder about those YTs in places like WI, MI, And Iowa. If it's not trump I'm afriad we might get hildabeast.
Cause he don't promise to gibs me nuffin.
Texas, too.
Cruz isn't bad. That was Rubio or Jeb. He's no Trump, of course.
Well, I'm getting a bit discouraged with the attacks from all sides against Trump. The BS seems to be working. I keep hearing things he supposedly said or did that are really a torturing of the actual words or intent of those words. That's business as usual in politics, but the problem is again, it seems to be working.
I'll continue to try to explain to people the actual truth of what was said and hope I can make a small difference, but it gets discouraging.
It's great to at least have this site and the people who frequent this site to keep my spirits up. Thanks to PK and all you fine folks for that. Don't give up, it ain't over yet.
Original Ex-Detroiter
Somewhere there are a small group of degenerates sitting in a room laughing at the great American freak show known as the "ELECTION OF THE DICTATOR". This is done every four years. The citizens pack themselves into big rooms so they can all hear about the "great things" that their favorite future dictator will do for them. The people have not yet realized that NOT ONE PROMISE that has been made by any of the past "elected dictators" has even been kept. But hey....maybe this time things will be different. So they get their banners for the front yard, pins, bumper stickers, signs, tee shirts and funny little hats. What is an election without funny little hats. This is all done so the people will think that someone actually cares for them and will provide them with better jobs, lower taxes, safe streets and everyone will be farting through silk. These stupid fucks fall for this shit over and over again. There are no liberals or conservatives and no left wing or right wing. Has anyone ever noticed that the Communist and Socialist like Amy Goodman and Michael Moore are super rich millionaires. It is all a giant stage show to keep the public entertained between football games.
The one thing that Trump has proven is that there is only ONE PARTY. The bought and paid for PUPPET PARTY. The guys in that secret back room have already decided who the next dictator will be. It is their call because they own the country and they own the planet. The ruling class laugh as they watch the people standing in line to vote on pre-rigged voting machines. You are slaves on a global plantation and your owners are getting ready to replace you with clones, androids and robots. Don't worry.....they will keep us on reservations so we can entertain them by killing each other in the name of our favorite Gods.
I noticed that Ted Cruz looks like the Pillsbury Dough Boy and I think his face will someday slide off. It's a rigged race with two horses that are owned by the same guy.
Thirteen-year-old black male Zarriel Trotter—who appeared in a video called “Black Is Human” to, erm, let everyone know that black people are human and shouldn’t be the victims of gun violence—has been shot in the back and critically wounded during a “heated argument” between two groups of Chicago “youths.”
According to statistics from criminologist Richard R. Johnson, for every black male who is killed by a cop, forty black males are killed by other black males. But don’t hold your breath waiting for them to riot over this fact. They have much more statistically insignificant fish to fry
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Holy crap!!!! Just saw a BMW commercial that portrayed blacks how they really are......!!!
Brutha gets a flat on his 3 series with run flat tires. He gets out of the car and ducks down behind it and rubs his hands in the dirt and then gets back in the car and tells his date he fixed it . They slayed their own sacred cow by displaying TNB and don't even know it . Bwaaaa Haaa Haa!
Look it up: Trump's biggest numbers are with Whites who live near lots of blacks and mexicans
A frog in warm water won't jump out? Is that the answer? What do I win?
I noticed this and asked the same question weeks ago. Whites who don't have to actively engage with blacks day to day can afford to be idealistic with their candidate, those of us in the trenches cannot.
The same could be said for Bernie Sanders. Sanders and Cruz have been winning the same states.
EEK OOK said...
I makes a lot of sense to ask, "Why is it Ted Cruz only Wins States with Racial Demographics of 1950s USA?" I noticed this as well. It's pretty obvious to me that unless you've had to live around these subhumans then you don't see the problem.
I wasn't a racist until I moved into the city, now I am racist. Absolutely. If I wasn't racist after what I've seen, after reading crime stats, I would have to be a total idiot.
Over the last month or two I've reconciled myself to Hillary winning the presidency. I can see it coming. 4-8 more years of TNB-endorsement, negro coddling and SJW madness. And yes, at that point the demographics will have changed significantly, and there will be even more people reliant on the system, if we haven't gone full SHTF.
ON THE OTHER HAND... Here's something everyone seems to be missing: Trump was never really expected to win WI. If you look at Real Clear Politics polls for WI, out of the last 16 polls conducted since August Trump only won 5 of them, but the media wants to make this a referendum on Trump, and are salivating over a contested convention. They need drama or no one watches.
I can't watch cable news at this point, not so much because it's 24/7 Trump-bashing, but because it's become so predictable and boring there's no point. It's like re-watching a really bad movie.
That and the general mudsharkery, anti-white commercials others have pointed out recently. It's really something to behold. I saw another one yesterday, but didn't catch the company. And to think the average American consumes 5 hours of that a day?
Cruz wins wherever there are a lack of realists. I wasn't surprised that he took over Utah with such a landslide victory. Quick google search reveals that only 1.6% of Utah is black. I've been wanting to live there for years.
If we didn't have a problem with blacks (or if we didn't have blacks in general) Cruz would be my guy. But I'm a realist. I really don't want to be a realist. But being a realist is a philosophy that coincides with the self my self-preservation.
Self-preservation/realism is exhausting and expensive. The mortgage I pay to avoid blacks, the car I pay to stay safe from them (Volvo s60), the multiple guns I own: Close quarter combat setups, precision shooting setups, pistols, optics, ammunition, training and range time is time consuming and expensive. I have an Anatolian shepherd that weighs 150lbs that I have feed and pay vet bills for. I have to get top of the line locks for doors and windows, game cameras on the trees on my property, two GoPros for when my wife and I go out in public (we wear them discreetly), traffic camera for the car. I think you get the point, but this is all done simply for protection from blacks. If I lived in Utah I'd probably have a little .22 to shoot targets with and would all other costs for protection and security would simply be disminshed. God how I envy people who are not realists.
As far as the GOP goes. I hate them. They deserve to lose this election because they can't get their shit together. They are all cucked out. I understand that the primaries are set by the parties, but it's bullshit that they would have a contested convention if Trump ends up with the most delegates but doesn't meet the requirement. If we lose, let us lose with the guy WE picked, not the cucked out "conservative".
If Trump's "unfavorable ratings are so high" why the hell should we hand over the nomination to some asshole who couldn't beat Trump with these terrible ratings?
A few months after Trump got into the race I no longer identified as a conservative. Fast forward to today and I'm pretty damn close to abandoning the GOP. So damn annoyed with their talk. Imagine how well the party be doing right now if Romney kept his mouth shut and the GOP got behind Trump?
All of these estsblishment assholes don't want to say it, but they prefer Hillary over Trump. What traitors these people are.
Take some advice GOP. Stand up for white people while we are still a majority in this country. Make it as simple as this: reduce government, maximize freedoms. Protect us from cultural Marxism and black dysfunction. Kill those who want to kill us, torture our enemies.
One more thing. If I had to listen to Jeb Bush say, "I have a proven conservative record" one more time my head would explode.
Why? Because they're engaging in moral preening and trying to show how fair and egalitarian they are by accepting the cute Hispanic. Look, dear, isn't he so precious?! It makes them feel superior plus they have no idea he'd love to open the floodgates and swamp their 1950's Americana with mestizo trash and turn it into Tijuana del Norte. They have no experience of such things and thus they're ignorant and clueless and paving the way to their own future hell via their "good intentions." In that sense, they're like moaning libtards who advocate for section 8 housing in their town so they can have a sprinkling of colorful, vibrant negroes around for the sake of diversity and then suffer the horrible consequences when they get flooded and over run by hoodrats. Act in haste, repent in hell when it's too late.
I'd feel sorry for people that stupid but the problem is that they inflict the hell on everyone else too-not just themselves.
And why does Bernie Sanders - the real deal socialist and leftist, not the corporatist wolf-in-sheep's clothing like Hillary - only win in states with 'white 1950s demographics'?
only the most cucked states vote for Cruz. Just wait till they share in the diversity we have here on the east coast. I live in Maryland. My current neighbors are a lesbian "couple" and Muslims.
Why is it this cheating scandal doesn't seem to have hurt him at all?
It's pretty obvious he sCruz around, his non-answer when directly asked by the UK Daily Mail said it all. The fact that he had to go on with Mad Gun Kelly to finally answer the same question also speaks volumes.
In Wisconsin if you look at it by county he won in the urban, dindu-heavy areas. Kind of strange.
Well, still voting for Trump when my state has theirs. And by the end of the month Cruz should most likely be in the same spot as Kasich - mathematically unable to win. If you presume Trump wins 60% of the next six states, even if Kasich dropped out tonight and Cruz won all the rest, he'd still need around 600 with only about 500 left available.
The problem is, Trump would still need 300. He might not get there himself. And that's a big problem. The GOP will stick us with Ryan or someone, and the next day I'll be changing party affiliation, never to vote for them again.
why is it only cucked states vote for Cruz? Just wait till they share in the diversity we have here on the east coast. My neighbors include a lesbian "couple" and Muslims. This has a rather eye opening effect.
Is it any wonder Cruz won in Wisconsin? The cheese-heads are fucking communists. What else would you expect? Im not sure why Trump would have even wasted his time campaigning there.
I really hope Trump wins both the Rep nomination and the white house, but if he doesnt maybe that too is a good thing as Im quite sure Hillary or Bernie would bring about a civil war within a very short time.
Im starting to see it as a win-win situation either way.
WTH out
The "plan" as hatched and in progress by TWMNBN, BRA, BLM, shit, pick one: Hillary, no matter what. Everything now is pointing in that direction, and I feel we are as powerless to change any of that.
And, as I have predicted, the US is now where Rome was after Slick Connie took the government to Istanbul, the clock ticking, the jaded public watching Christians being fed to lions while hookers work the parking lots. Enjoy, y'all, as the worst is yet to be seen.
Keep your powder dry, too.
-Carolina Cicero
We all know the answer already.
States like Wisconsin vote Cruz because they have not yet had their noses rubbed in the joyful enrichment that enforced diversity brings.
They can vote for the 'nice' guy from the innocent luxury of homes and public spaces that are safe to be in. What good people they are!
"Why is it Ted Cruz only Wins States with Racial Demographics of 1950s USA?"
Debate and with it, the ability to persuade differing opinions within to change, or to philosophically influence an electorate with appeals to higher concepts like "principles" are the cornerstone of self-rule in systems like democracy and republicanism. We are discovering that only in homogeneous, or close to homogeneous, societies can debate flourish. The inability to sway voters (who vote in solidarity along identity lines rather than philosophical lines) through debate and persuasion is the primary reason why multicultural societies are incapable of self-rule.
Multi-racial democracy will always devolve into a game of sheer numbers with no crossovers, because to vote outside of one's racial block dilutes the ability to influence policy in a beneficial way for your group. In essence, stick together or lose completely. Every minority group understands this facet of democracy - there is literally ZERO incentive to vote in a "principled" way in multiracial arrangements, and there is EVERY incentive to vote in a "group interests exclusively" way in multiracial arrangements. The closest one can get to "persuasion" in such a multicultural arrangement is the formation of temporary coalitions between groups on specific, singular issues, with a whole lot of back room dealing and horse trading to form that coalition. Even though most of the attention is on national elections, this reality is much more visible on a small local level. Watch how politics works at a micro scale, on something like a city council in a small city that has a diverse balance of multiple races (45% white, 30% hispanic, 15% asian, 10% black, etc...) with each council member representing specific racially homogeneous neighborhoods. Seeing who gets their way, and who has to pay for what is a fascinating sight to behold.
The establishment is running terrified right now, because this is the first time that Whites have participated in a national election as a group with its own interests, rather than some high minded "consistent" platform of ideals and principles developed by the political parties and ideologues. Whites, even if they can't vocalize it or even recognize it yet, are subconsciously understanding that wedding themselves to abstract ideas is the path to political irrelevance and impotence in the face of fully formed and organized identity coalitions who do not bind themselves to "a consistent philosophy," only what nakedly, explicitly, and generally EXCLUSIVELY benefits their constituency on an issue to issue basis.
So yes, basically, the only areas where an appeal to "true, principled, conservatism" could even work in theory is in districts where the abstract ideas never have to battle head-to-head with identity politics at the ballot box. This may be the last election where this angle/appeal is ever even attempted as a national campaign.
The irony is that TPTB have been so incredibly successful and efficient at turning the US into a multiracial society that the days of having a vibrant, rigorous process that included: philosophically driven debates, political science, swing districts, single issue voters, punditry, etc... are effectively finished. The only thing that matters now in our elections is the pure math - the raw sum of the demographics meeting the proportion of the turnout. Simply knowing who composes a specific electorate makes prediction of outcomes highly reliable, all before the first vote has ever been cast.
Because the Whites of the 1950's were naive. Most could not foresee the carnage to come and voted for those that brought on the carnage. And you have to be naive to believe Cruz's conservative schtick.
Because diversity is great when all you have to do is expect it out of someone else.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Cruz's oleaginous face just exudes sincerity.
Whites just don't care.Now we put Mr Hispanic and he is going to do the same crap as Obama...Racial politics.Only whites walk around with their head up their arse.I have never ever seen a people as weak as the whites of today.Disgusting.
If anyone other than Trump is the Republican nominee, I will sit the november election out, and watch America burn...
Gwoobus HarmonApril 6, 2016 at 3:09 AM:
Your analysis is superb.
I am from the east coast just south of N.Y. in N.J. I have a long history of association with blacks. The problem goes farter back than most people realize, I was in the sixth grade in 1949 a grammer school with a close to 50% black population. My sixth grade teacher kept a baseball bat by her desk to break up fights. No one who went to school there for 6 years went any where.
If they block Trump from the nomination I will never pay attention to another election. I will try to prepare my family for what is to come. Chaos and violence, like Somalia remember Black hawk down.
Why is it this cheating scandal doesn't seem to have hurt him at all?
Because even though a solid minority now sees the media as lying leftists and likes Trump, a majority are still fools and believe the liars. The Pravda...I mean American media spin on the affair story was uniformly "oh, it's just a lying tabloid article put out by the Trump campaign, and Grandma Schnoodlescnicker in the north woods bought it hook, line, and sinker. Had Trump not been in the race and it a Cruz vs. Rubio or Cruz vs. Kasich match, the media of course would be trying desperately to mitigate their "worst case scenario" of a Republican win by supporting the most leftist Republican in the race and would have been all over it to try to get the Tea Party guy out.
The jaded public watching Christians being fed to lions while hookers work the parking lots. Enjoy, y'all, as the worst is yet to be seen
Don't worry, the left is planning on going after the hookers next, ever hear of the "Human Trafficking" hoax? It is basically a lesbian feminist attempt to limit male sexual access by recasting prostitution as "human trafficking" a rerun of the "White Slavery" hoax from a hundred years back. Human Trafficking is as big a lie as the "Satanic Ritual Abuse" and "Alien Abduction" hoaxes were in the 80s. Absolutely NONE of it is true, it's a preposterous lie. Real hookers of course for those who actually have a lot of experience hiring them tend to be rather "long in the tooth" and up there in age, only on TV and in movies do the ugly 49 year old escorts and 55 year old spa girls become 19 year old actresses.
"Watch America burn" WOW! Trump voters are committed or should be. To rubber rooms that is!
I moved to Australia in 2003. My neighbors are all white. My street is all white. My suburb must be 95% white. My kids friends are all white. My kids school is all white except 1 fijian girl. And 2 nasty aboriginal boys. My work place is all white males. Except for 1 afghan refugee. Hes integrated very well he shaves his head and face and cusses like an aussie. Not all is lost in the world utopia still exists.
What Gwoobus Harmon said is...
The truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Brilliant post! I have copied and pasted to my email list.
Thank you Gwoobus.
"The Democrat Party and the Republican Party are the left and right wings of the same bird of prey"...Patrick J. Buchanan
Western civilization was built by the enormous efforts of civilized peoples.
Once constructed, the maintenance of a civilization takes rather less effort than the building of it - and here lies the fatal flaw: Ours has been so successful that many descendants of its founders foolishly believe they can give away some of the benefits of its success to those who played no part in its making, and who are constitutionally incapable of contributing to its maintenance.
There's more than enough to go around, they think, so it costs little to be generous in a time of plenty. That's the mindset of the 1950's-demographic populations, whether it's in economic or racial terms, partly because those original realists who actually fought for what their descendants enjoy today are long, long gone.
The fools have no more idea what fate awaits them than when the Roman Empire was on friendly terms with a younger Atilla the Hun as a source of mercenary power, a mistake that only bolstered Atilla's burgeoning army.
It's not one candidate for office or the other specifically. They are merely the symptoms revealing the mistaken notion that civilization can be generous and show largesse to the savages - those savages who hatefully grow in number and jealously salivate at the thought of destroying the visible evidence of civilization's success, along with the very people who foolishly let them inside the gates.
It is a suicide pill the fools have convinced themselves is a panacea.
And as always, keep your powder dry.
Blue-on-Blue violence! More, please!!
I'm a Cruz supporter, and you are 100% correct. I realize the Trumpettes believe The Donald can do anything, but really he's clip-flopped on almost every position he's held. Cruz at least has a bedrock sense of principals that have not changed. And he's just flat-out smarter than Trump, and knows how to play the long game. We need that.
Ted Cruz does well with religious minded christians.
I'm still confused at all the "birther" crybabies who professed Obama's ineligibity to hold that elected office. Where the fuck are they now? The Cruz character is less legal than Barry yet I would be willing to bet are being voted for and promoted by those same nuts. Fact is Cruz is an illegal alien Hillary is a crook. Now tell me isn't Amerika great!
Gwoobus, you are exactly right and you are breath of fresh air. The ring of truth is a beautiful sound to behold. Thank you!
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some existing 3rd party that is already on the ballot in most states has a deal with Trump: if the GOP cuts him out of the nomination, their candidate resigns to be replaced by Trump.
Imagine the blowback if the election gets thrown to the House, and any GOP members vote for Hitlery. My bet is that not even half would be returned in 2018 if they even ran, with a large fraction of those replaced by 3rd party candidates. That would be the end of the GOP, which would itself be facing 3rd-party status in 2020.
With Cruz we would have the same gridlock we have now. The fed would be fighting over abortion, gay rights, immigration and women's rights. In other words smoke and mirrors for the sheep so the real dirty deeds go unnoticed. If it's Cruz vs Clinton, I vote for Clinton, plant a bigger garden and harvest more rabbits and venison. While hoping BRA implodes on itself. It has to get worse before it ever gets better.
Ohio born
Wisconsin and Minnesota have plenty of negroes, at least in Minneapolis and Milwaukee. Minneapolis is also ass-deep in Somali gangs, thanks to the Lutheran Ministries. Even Fargo, NDec is being polluted with Somalis.
Cruz is not smarter and he is a traitor ,enough with the BS
Funny that BMW thinks that's their market. Other brands of luxury goods get upset when negro rappers "culturally appropriate" their products, assuming correctly that other customers will reject it if it's deemed negro-centric.
A win-win indeed. They will only enable the self destruction and self demise of America's degenerates. Bring it on.
Cruz is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the GOPe. All the Bush money people and organizers, all the GOP consultants and political operatives, have signed on to push the Cuban Canadian. As others note, he's oleaginous and reminds me of a snake-oil salesman cum traveling revival preacher.
While I don't deify Trump and know there's no voting our way out of this, I believe he's a necessary precursor to a more open ethno-nationalist candidate. Unfortunately, I'm also convinced there's no way in hell the GOPe or international cabal will permit him to win, or survive.
I gave up on the GOP back in '08. Some of y'all are entirely too credulous. Trusting in politics or the "system" or the magic constitution to save you is a fool's game. Rule of law was a creation of White Anglo Saxons and requires that same population to maintain it. Otherwise it's a dead letter and crumbling documents.
Trump supporters, too, are deluded, convinced somehow the sheeple will "rise up" in protest when Trump is barred from the nomination. Far more likely they will grumble and send their famed letters or emails to their Senators (who will circular file them), and then line up to vote for the "R" candidate because the supreme court, or something.
I'm convinced a created crisis is looming. The only question is the reaction by the remnant of Americans. Will enough give a damn, or will the frog slowly settle into the simmering water? Either way, violence and chaos or Brazil writ large, the future is something to survive, not embrace.
Reverend Bacon wrote: "A frog in warm water doesn't jump out?"
I should explain. I think many people agree with me on this, based on the comments. Those of us in the very broken states see first hand what the number one issue is in this election: immigration. There is no other issue, at least not for me. It would be great if we had many candidates who I believed were going to stop the importation of democrats, and try to kick out the democrats we've already imported over the past half-century. But we don't. Like the frog in warm water, the people in those states have no idea that they're slowly being boiled to death. So they have these academic approaches to how they vote. "Let's vote for the constitutionalist," or "vote for the guy who's polite." The reality is that Cruz isn't willing to fight for the correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which never intended to allow criminals to crap themselves a new Democrat. Trump is. And politeness is a sign of not being aware of how close we are to being boiled to death.
As another poster wrote, I don't fool myself into thinking we can vote our way out of this debacle. I'm not sure which country I'd like to flee to, besides maybe Iceland, if they'd have me. Regardless, my goal is to acquire as much wealth as I can in the next few years, then run away and retire to some whitopia before it's too late. If Trump is elected, perhaps it buys us another decade or so. I remain relatively neutral on whether or not he can turn off welfare, which is the sugar that is attracting the ants. It's also a dysgenic incentive for breeding blacks disproportionately. My sense is that Trump knows how bad blacks as a group have been for this country, and would like to fix it. He can't say it, but his "accidental" retweet of a bogus crime statistic leads me to think he'll try to hold blacks accountable, instead of coddling them like we do today.
To Anonymous at 6:23AM:
How did you get residency in Oz? Marry a local? Go in blackface and pretend to be an Abo? It's a serious question, mate. I'd love to move there.
I'm a Cruz supporter, and you are 100% correct. I realize the Trumpettes believe The Donald can do anything, but really he's clip-flopped on almost every position he's held. Cruz at least has a bedrock sense of principals that have not changed. And he's just flat-out smarter than Trump, and knows how to play the long game. We need that.
Cruz is against abortion in all cases.
He is another evangelical that lives in denial of race.
We don't need that.
I'm sick and tired of these cyborg evangelicals that don't want to face the facts of life. They are the right-wing equivalent of the race denying liberal. Put either in a room and talk about racial brain differences and watch them go crazy.
I doubt Chicago and Baltimore would be standing if abortion had been left illegal. A single crack baby costs the state around a million dollars in lifetime expenses.
True. Until you have to arm yourself to feel protected, while you walk your dog or go to the post office, you will never understand what fear of the feral negroe is like.
Trapped but still alive in Baltimore.
Trapped in Baltimore here.
Don't be worried about the lesbians. I have several lez friends and they don't "do" black. The muzzies are a different story.
I haven't decided whether to vote for Cruz or Trump. I don't have to. Those of us in California realize that the system chooses the candidates and only after it has been decided, Californians are asked to vote. By the time I get to vote Cruz may have dropped out of the race. Or Trump may have been pushed out by the 'establishment'.
Today we have a lot of commenters making 'Fall of the Roman Empire' remarks. Alas these remarks are generally off base. The Founding Fathers were in fact acutely aware of the Roman experience but they were not worried about Constantine or Attila. Roman had been a republic for nearly five hundred years and then it became a dictatorship almost overnight. They worried about the rise of a new Caesar.
Constantine of course was the man who institutionalized Christianity. Gibbon thinks Rome declined and fell because of Christianity but that doesn't seem to be to be the point of the commenter who called Constantine "Slick Connie". Rome was in serious decline for a long time when it was brought back from the brink by Diocletian and Constantine.
Attila was also a late period personality. Aetius (The Last Roman) defeated Attila and the Huns quickly faded from history.
The first thing to remember about the Roman republic was that they voted by tribes. But virtually all Romans were white. Hollywood likes to populate all its films about Rome with blacks. More than half of the Romans you might meet on the street in ancient Rome would be slaves but they would be white slaves. Because of the way Roman slavery worked the Thracian slave you might meet in 50 AD would be a Roman with a Roman name and Roman citizenship by 100 AD. This wouldn't work if the slaves were blacks. First of all because they wouldn't fit in and secondly slaves advanced toward citizenship only through merit. They had no Affirmative Action. If we still had literacy rules to vote - how many blacks would qualify?
So we may indeed be on the brink of a political cataclysm but it won't be very like what happened to Rome. Or if it is the man most likely to be the new Caesar is probably Donald Trump. Making Cruz the new Cato the Younger? But this silly.
We gain insights from considering the broad sweep of history. We should avoid making detailed comparisons. The lesson from Rome at the Constitutional Convention was that democracies can last a long time but they can also crumble quickly. That's a general lesson not page from Nostradamus.
I gave up on the GOP back in '08. Some of y'all are entirely too credulous. Trusting in politics or the "system" or the magic constitution to save you is a fool's game. Rule of law was a creation of White Anglo Saxons and requires that same population to maintain it. Otherwise it's a dead letter and crumbling documents.
Trump supporters, too, are deluded, convinced somehow the sheeple will "rise up" in protest when Trump is barred from the nomination.
No one here believes Trump alone will fix the system. I don't see how you reached that conclusion.
He is simply the better choice over:
A race denying evangelical cyborg that wants to ban abortion
A sociopathic liberal lawyer that puts banks first and doesn't care about Whites
A true believer socialist that has ignored every failed program since the 60s and actually believes that "more money" is the answer
Trump is also what the establishment dreads which is a White male with balls. They prefer their White males to be subservient to either religion or liberalism. I see Trump as more of a crack in the dam. If he is elected then the crack will be bigger.
We also know what to expect from the other candidates which is the status quo.
Trump also won overwhelmingly YT New Hampshire and Massachusetts by wide margins, not even close. He lost Maine though. One important difference was that Maine had a caucus system like Iowa and the voting is public, not secret in caucuses. That allows retribution in caucus states against Republican delegates who vote for the "wrong guy".
Many Republican caucus delegates are also businessmen or minor political figures who can be ruined if they vote the "wrong way" and they know it. States that have primaries with secret voting allow people to vote for "the wrong guy" i.e. Trump then lie about it publicly. Guess which system the oligarchs of both parties will have next time around?
All is not lost with Trump because of the Wisconsin victory by lyin' Ted, not by a mile. Trump will do well in the remaining states and probably go to Cleveland with enough delegates to win on the first ballot forcing the Republican oligarchs to commit blatant fraud or allow Trump to win the nomination. The Republican oligarchs lack the virtue of courage, even the misguided courage of a thief to commit such an obvious crime.
Regarding Lyin' Ted, is he actually the Zodiac Killer on Parole? There is something off about the guy, you can hear it in his robot voice and see it in his waxy face. Maybe he escaped from Madame Tussaud's? He is a shill for the Wall Street scumbags like Goldman Sachs, his wife's employer which "loaned" him money he "forgot" to report.
There is no real difference between the bitch Hillary, the Communist Bernie, Lyin' Ted, that scumbag Paul Ryan or any of the other pricks from the Republican oligarchs, they are all interchangeable. Trump is a mortal threat to the establishment not least because he doesn't take bribes i.e. "campaign contributions" and he can't be extorted. Democracy is based upon bribery and extortion and even if Trump's positions were identical to the oligarch's agenda they couldn't have him because he is independent of them therefore a mortal threat.
Trump is the last chance for the electoral process to be used to fix the country, this is it. If anyone else wins, it doesn't matter who else then there will be no recovery from the inevitable collapse. As PK says repeatedly, our job is to survive and that's what we'll do, Trump would just make surviving that much easier. The collapse is coming though no matter who gets elected, all the voting in the world won't change that.
non-DWL from NE
BHO is voting for Trump
I don't like Cruz. Maybe it's his evangelical act, or his preacher father that speaks in tongues. Could be I just sense he's that conservative Inc. again. Certainly anyone that Glenn Beck supports, I am suspicious of. I generally support Trump but let's face it he's not terribly stable and I'm not really certain what the hell he stands for.
It's bad though. Obama got a second term. It seemed possible that the long horror ride we've been on could be changed. But in the end I fear it will be Hillary Clinton as impossible as that seems. Imagine 8 years of Hillary Clinton surrounded by just as many negroes as Obama, possibly an expanded role for negroes. She could make BLM an actual federal government agency, with its own budget, buildings, armed contingent and "employing" 800,000 to 1 million negroes. For comparison, consider the evil witch of the west with her army of flying monkeys. And we're all scarecrows.
NY Girl said ”I'm a Cruz supporter, and you are 100% correct. I realize the Trumpettes believe The Donald can do anything, but really he's clip-flopped on almost every position he's held. Cruz at least has a bedrock sense of principals that have not changed. And he's just flat-out smarter than Trump, and knows how to play the long game. We need that.”
I'll vote for Cruz as an alternative to Trump, and either of them are far superior to Clinton or Sanders. A previous commenter said Imagine if we enforced the constitution as our forefathers intended. I completely agree with that commenter, and Cruz does appear to be more of a constitutionalist. I'm fairly confident that Cruz will do more to protect our 2nd Amendment and other rights than Trump, and we need to zealously preserve these rights. Trump will be more likely to jar the system into an abrupt change, but I sincerely believe that he is willing to compromise on constitutional issues to make this happen.
It Cruz goes into the RNC within 10 percent or so of the number of delegates obtained by Trump, it would not be unreasonable for Cruz to win the nomination. This is no different than a primary election where no candidate receives 51% of the votes and there is a runoff where voters recast their votes and the top candidate in the primary doesn't prevail in the runoff. But a runoff isn't as feasible when it involves every state so the RNC attempts to simulate a runoff with delegate votes when no candidate initially receives 51% of the votes. Obviously this simulation is only meaningful when the delegates remain true to the wishes of the voters.
If Cruz goes into the RNC far behind Trump and he becomes the nominee, or if Kasich or any other person becomes the nominee, I'll need to consider options. I'll probably vote for any republican nominee over Clinton or Sanders, but if it appears that the republican nominee wasn't a choice of the voters, I will probably make it a habit to vote against every incumbent in every election for the foreseeable future.
The media and left wingers are slowly taking the shine off trump. Even if he doesn't get the nomination he's awoken a large portion of white Americans. If it's between Cruz/Sanders or Clinton I guess I'll be voting for Cruz. No socialist or Blair witch for me.
Self-preservation/realism is exhausting and expensive. The mortgage I pay to avoid blacks, the car I pay to stay safe from them (Volvo s60), the multiple guns I own:
It's only expensive if you live near them. You have to move away from the cities that spend money on them.
Move to the country and learn a trade if your profession doesn't transfer well.
City life will deplete you emotionally and financially. There is a city tax to everything these days. When I moved to the country my garbage and recycling bill dropped by over half. My food bill dropped around a third. No security bills other than a $350 shotgun.
Just get out now and don't look back. If you are White and have a brain there are opportunities everywhere in rural America. Start small and make connections with locals. You will find your way.
Look at the idiots that protest at trump rallies. Look at the scumbags that claim they'll move to Canada if Trump is elected. Do any of them do this over Cruz ?
I don't think so. Mainly because they know he can't beat Hillary. I don't believe Trump can do all the stuff he says and I've never watched his stupid tv shows. BUT , he's pissing off all the people I can't stand and that's good enough for me. They're afraid of trump winning. I agree there's no way of voting our way out of this mess. Electing Trump might just cause the left to freak out enough for us to do the ONLY thing that can save this country.
I moved to Australia in 2003. My neighbors are all white. My street is all white. My suburb must be 95% white. My kids friends are all white. My kids school is all white except 1 fijian girl. And 2 nasty aboriginal boys. My work place is all white males. Except for 1 afghan refugee. Hes integrated very well he shaves his head and face and cusses like an aussie. Not all is lost in the world utopia still exists.
That's great but Australia will be next. If the US is turned into Brazil then the international left is not going to tolerate a sunny White utopia that outscores their bastard creation. Australia will be the next South Africa until it too is turned into Brazil.
If there is one thing that leftists hate it is White countries that undermine their narrative that diversity is essential and beneficial.
The left has to be stopped at the core and that can only be done by exposing their great lie of race not existing. The strategy of the modern right to be polite and not talk about race only affirms the position of the left.
A previous commenter said Imagine if we enforced the constitution as our forefathers intended. I completely agree with that commenter, and Cruz does appear to be more of a constitutionalist.
I don't believe that because Cruz would disagree with the founders on the issue of race. Trump is a racial realist. Clinton is also a racial realist but of course doesn't care about Whites or the constitution.
I'm fairly confident that Cruz will do more to protect our 2nd Amendment and other rights than Trump, and we need to zealously preserve these rights.
Maybe, maybe not. The problem with evangelicals is that their outlook is very internal. If God tells them to change their position on guns then they will. Evangelicals believe that God is always trying to guide them.
But more importantly I simply don't trust a grown man for that position that hasn't figured out the score by now. Both him and Sanders have somehow made it into adulthood without figuring out that liberals have lied to the public about race. It's downright creepy. This tells me they don't read anything but establishment media and choose to live in their own reality.
Look at the idiots that protest at trump rallies. Look at the scumbags that claim they'll move to Canada if Trump is elected. Do any of them do this over Cruz ?
That's a good point and the establishment also knows that Cruz is just another predictable GOP establishment politician.
He'll push for minimal tax cuts that needlessly include billionaires. Democrats will erase those tax cuts in 4 years and celebrate themselves for being for the working man while importing third world labor.
He will talk about border control while signing an amnesty bill.
Democrats will try to pass a gun control bill and he will veto it. (slow clap)
He will hug his wife and kiss a baby. He will talk about how abortion is bad.
The establishment will pretend to not notice that the cities are burning or that the 60s plans of eliminating poverty have been a disaster.
The union will inch slower towards collapse. Chicago and Baltimore will follow Detroit into bankruptcy. The establishment will blame "loss of jobs" and raysiss Whites.
Rinse and repeat.
Anonymous said...
The "plan" as hatched and in progress by TWMNBN, BRA, BLM, shit, pick one: Hillary, no matter what. Everything now is pointing in that direction, and I feel we are as powerless to change any of that.
And, as I have predicted, the US is now where Rome was after Slick Connie took the government to Istanbul, the clock ticking, the jaded public watching Christians being fed to lions while hookers work the parking lots. Enjoy, y'all, as the worst is yet to be seen.
Keep your powder dry, too.
-Carolina Cicero
April 6, 2016 at 12:41 AM
I saw this over at one of my favorite forums ( beerbarrel dot net; a "G" rated version for here):
No matter when, Trump.
No matter what, Trump.
Trump. Because F U , that's why
We now return to our regularly scheduled program...
There's a silly twit near my house that keeps tacking love letters to "BER-nie!" on local fences. Since I believe in hiding in plain sight, I will refrain from gluing a copy of that over the top of it. Can't have any Special Snowflakes™ having the vapors, now can we?
Come to think about it, since a person can get in trouble for removing BER-nie! lawn signs, I might just put some Trump lawn signs out. In strategic places. Like next to the driveways of three-bumper-sticker Prius houses.
Heh heh heh...all in good fun.
Really don´t wish to get into politics, but you axed, Paul! I cannot stand Cruz. There. I said it. He embodies all of the generic stereotypes of the Republican party. Deeply religious only when it serves him personally, Cruz likens himself as a reincarnation of Reagan. Problem is, he has no charm, wit, or good looks. Reagan got to coast a lot because he had those advantages. Cruz? Not so much.
Trump is the only one out there who seems to have even the slightest inclination to recognize the sh*t storm coming our way as well as some good ideas on how to deal with it. Trump also appears to be a guy who won´t put up with a good deal of negro shenanigans. I can only dream that he might make it to the White House. The fact that the mainstream media all are united in their hatred for Trump only makes me want him that much more.
I only hope that Trump stops putting his foot in his mouth as there is seemingly no end to the number of people who seek to destroy him. I´m not holding my breath, however. His ex wife, Ivana, was recently quoted as saying we need more immigrants in this country because Americans don´t like to pick up after themselves. I´d be like, ¨Honey, now would be a good time to just shut the f*ck up!¨ if I were Donald. And speaking of wives, I cannot imagine a lovelier First Lady than Donald´s current wife. She really makes Mrs. Cruz look like a shrew. Frankly, I´d be amazed if Ted didn´t fool around on her. And that really says something, because from what I´ve read, just about everyone who went to college with Cruz found him to be loathsome and creepy, a characteristic that has only amplified in the ensuing thirty years or so. My two cents, anyways.
All of these estsblishment assholes don't want to say it, but they prefer Hillary over Trump. What traitors these people are.
Actually, they HAVE said that, which to me reveals everything. It´s like, you can have any flavor you want, as long as it´s vanilla.
I´m just going to put this out there for ya´ll. I learned pretty early in the game that I´m not the sharpest f´n knife in the drawer. Throughout school I routinely found myself to be one of the dumbest sh*t heads in the room, so I really don´t understand how very few people see the election charades for what they are - a dog and pony show to see who gets ¨elected¨ prom king or queen. I mean, really! Our ¨choices¨ are an old socialist Jew, a money hungry whore, or a creepy guy who looks like he´s about ready to empty whatever´s left in your retirement account. Donald Trump appears on the scene and openly discusses what´s been on my mind for ***decades*** and the press is ready to assassinate him? Nobody has picked up on the fact that major players in the Republican party have OPENLY stated that they´d vote for Hillary if it came down to the election if Trump was the (R) candidate. And nobody called them out on that? Am I missing something here??? Americans could afford to be this dumb when Eisenhower was in office but that´s a luxury we just don´t have anymore. As my Vietnamese sister in law used to say, ¨Give me blake, peas!¨
OT: Gay white man beat up in Miami Burger King after kissing boyfriend
If you read the article, which is written almost 3 weeks after the attack, not a single description of the attacker, who apparently remains at large, is given.
Taken together with the location of the attack (a Burger King--one that serves alcohol, but nonetheless a Burger King), you know exactly what that means.
The surveillance video clip confirms it, but the news never bothers to slow down or pause the video to give the viewers a better view of the attacker.
The gay guy is right in that this BK should have some sort of security if they serve alcohol, but at the same time, he and his boyfriend showed their DWL sides when they wandered into an establishment full of blacks (look at the video) that served booze, had no security, and then decided to engage in PDAs in front of the clientele. They were lucky both of them weren't targeted and beaten by a mob.
Also note that if the attacker had been a white man, we wouldn't be hearing about this story 3 weeks later, and the Miami police would have likely caught the attacker. It would have been the CNN story of the night for a few nights with expert panels discussing the rampant bigotry of white people and Christianity (if the attacker had a Christian sounding name).
Miss G,
When you say that "everybody" that went to Princeton with Cruz described him as loathsome and creepy, keep in mind that these are these people were hand-picked by the media who may have been in classes with Cruz or had been randomly assigned to live with him as a freshman. Because it was Princeton, a lot of these people are now big shots in Hollywood and/or the Democratic Party. They've never interviewed any of his actual friends or roommates he chose, because they want to fool the low information voter into believing that these Hollywood producers who loathe him were his friends.
Meanwhile, we've never heard from anyone who lived with Obama in college or law school, randomly assigned or otherwise.
I'm not a Cruz supporter, but I will say that if Trump didn't run, all the vitriol spewed at him would have been focused on Cruz, and if this hooker scandal were true, it would have been used immediately to get him out of the race.
Around 1776 there were many pamphlets printed. Some became the "Federalist Papers".
When I read the writing of Ex-New Yorker, Pat Boyle, and Gwoobus Harmon, and the person who posted as Gwenett Gladiator (Something like that), I can not help thinking about P.K. putting all of their comments into a book. P.K. knows about publishing already and a book by these writers would be awesome. Of course P.K. would need their approval, etc. and maybe each should have their own book, but the results would be very beneficial to the survival of the White people.
I had the pleasure of visiting Australia over twenty years ago. It is a stunningly beautiful, white country. The men are insanely handsome and masculine and the women are gorgeous and mostly feminine. The fact that they have successfully limited the amount of negroes is one of the many reasons they are a successful country. I have little doubt that they are headed in the same direction as the US, unfortunately.
Those in power seek to destroy white people because whites are superior problem solvers who have a natural curiosity in learning about how things work. It´s much easier to rule over negroes who only wish to know when the feeding trough will be refilled. They care not what goes into it, nor do they wish to know what their rulers are up to. To the negro, as long as something´s ¨free¨, all is right with the world. As a white person, you probably do not even understand this way of thinking, so I will try to make it easier for you to comprehend.
To think like our present rulers you must imagine yourself to be the executor of a multi-billion dollar estate. Would you rather act as an executor with the beneficiaries constantly looking over your shoulders, questioning everything that you do (white population) or a group that will gladly take whatever you offer for ¨free¨ from the estate, without question, as long as the lights stay on (negroes). It really boils down to just that. As whites are born with a natural curiosity, negroes are perfectly content with not knowing or understanding where the pork chop they enjoy comes from, so long as it´s there. It´s the kind of voter Bernie Sanders can truly appreciate.
Where I live, the Bernie Sanders bumper stickers can be found on all the young people´s cars. They truly believe he will successfully offer them all the free sh*t they want and they´ll never have to think about paying for it. I fear for the future of these naive young white people who think Obama is a failure merely because he never got a fair shake from yt.
The good news is: This is our last election.
OT but I flipped on a TV show last night called Chicago Fire. The show started with a white criminal guy shooting and killing another white guy. Yeah, that really represents whats happening in Chicago these day!
Cruz (R-Goldman Sachs) can not win the general election. Either of the socialist rats can beat him. People these days don't like bible thumpers.
TRUMP 2016 - or adios America!
I agree with everything you said! Cruz is creepy and Trump needs to stop saying stupid shit! For a man to be "winning" and such a great businessman he sure says some off the wall crap. I like Trump decently enough and he has my vote. It's not my vote he needs to worry about. It's the clueless that is undecided that might give him a chance if he would only stop with the dumb shit.
Whenever Cruz is on tv, he comes off as a 3rd rate actor playing a politician in a made for tv movie. I do like some of the stuff he says, but everything seems like a prepared statement. The anti abortion stuff is a killer for me, I'm for mandatory abortions for anybody on welfare. I'd gladly pay more tax for that.
He goes on "Thrill up my leg", "Obama's the smartest man in the world", Chris Matthews' show.and allowed himself to be pigeonholed on the abortion gotcha question. He should have known better....Cruz putting out that GQ photo spread of Melania the day of the Utah primary, was Kryptonite to the Mormons up there, and he knew all about it, don't let him bullshit ya...
I've Never seen abject hatred and venom like I'm seeing now, on all fronts....Fwiw, I'll be riding with Bikers for Trump, when he moves into my area for a Rally...Enough of this anti White, anti American, Soros backed, BLM assholes..
The Vapors! There's one that I hadn't heard in years, until a recent rerun of Johnny Carson with Cass Elliot. Now that was a White woman who could out sing any black belching bitch without relying on overused melisma
As far as Trump, I think he has been trying to get out of this, but this country wants a real leader so bad they think it's him. He could do anything and still get support. His choice of VP is the only thing that remains. He may pick someone who guarantees he loses. We are in trouble when the one person making a mockery of our perverted system and appearing to be trying to lose, may win in a landslide.
In Wisconsin he won the more populated counties which are around the larger cities, which means more minorities and cucks. I'm just guessing the demographics but this NY Times election results page breaks down each county. If you look at the map without putting your cursor over each county it gives the impression that Trump won since he had more counties.
Re poster who lives in a White neighborhood in Australia - just read the other day a number of comments by Aussies over at a Steve Sailer thread, and apparently Australia's official demographics (which means reality is probably worse) show that 20% of all residents (not voters or Australian citizens, but residents) are foreign born. That's preposterously high. While the majority reside in the larger cities, it bodes truly ill for the future. Some of these foreign born are White Brits and other Europeans, but a large proportion are Chinese, Indian, and Lebanese/other Arab.
There really isn't a White country left on earth that does not have an immigrant problem, or the White and Jewish SJWs who constantly promote the destruction of the White race.
I predict the nomination will be stolen from Trump AND Cruz, and we'll get Hillary and more of the pre-planned erosion of our rights and freedom. As someone above said, it's really a win-win either way because the only real change will come by angry Whites rising up and crushing the leftists/socialists/communists and their media enablers and those jackasses in Hollywood.
"Make America Great Again" sounds an awful like Hitler's concept of "For the Fatherland" in the 1930's. He isn't looking to restore America to the things that made it great. He's on his own power trip and looks out for himself. Trump sounds like a future Fascist. Divisive, inflammatory, authoritarian, narcissistic with nothing more then vague " it'll be great!" plans.
I like Trump for his nationalism and somewhat populism. And a lot of blacks like him for the same reasons. He knows that and will say as little as possible about the slow mo race war.
The reason voters in the upper Midwest and New England are less than thrilled by him is not that they have less blacks, but less immigrants. Immigration being his signature issue. One problem at a time. He needs to double down on it and also call for a halt to legal immigration. Otherwise, we will have a half billion people here in twenty years and a billion by the end of the century. Lots and lots more blacks and browns all over the place.
BTW - he made his comment about Mexican rapists coming over the border a week after a report came out saying that two thirds of the women crossing the southern border were being sexually assaulted. Surprising he never explained it.
Wisconsin morons!
he wants to transfer up to Baltimore, because there are way more fires.
'Burn Baby Burn'
Do you really consider an election to mean anything when the candidates have to queue up to prostrate themselves before the interview panel known as AIPAC and declare their unrequited love for a parasitic foreign country before they have any chance of moving to the next stage?
This was on my local news, the attack happened in South Beach, which used to be THE place to go party 10-15 years ago. Now it's full of tourist stores, and bars that charge way to much for booze. The only people who go there any more are tourists thinking that it's still a happening spot, and dindus. I know a cop who works down there and he says that spring break is the worst because all the kids from black colleges in Georgia, SC, NC, and Alabama go down there to party, and by party he means, fight, steal, stab, date rape, and skip out on their bar tabs. Memorial Day weekend down there is also "Urban Weekend", when dindus of all ages swarm SB to do the same. A few years back there was video of a cop emptying an AR15 into a car that tried to run him over. That area, and a good part of Miami is a lost cause, when the ocean reclaims it, it won't be missed.
"Make America Great Again" sounds an awful like Hitler's concept of "For the Fatherland" in the 1930's. He isn't looking to restore America to the things that made it great. He's on his own power trip and looks out for himself. Trump sounds like a future Fascist. Divisive, inflammatory, authoritarian, narcissistic with nothing more then vague " it'll be great!" plans.
Saying you want your country to be great is now fascism. Why am I not surprised? Anyways sealing the border and ending Muslim immigration is anything but vague.
So who are you voting for?
1. Creepy anti-abortionist that won't face the facts of race because it smacks of evolution
2. Deluded socialist and failed carpenter that won't face the facts of race because it undermines Marxism
3. Sociopathic lawyer that is aware of race and sides with Blacks for career reasons
Do explain your choice.
OT: SUV cuts off a woman in busy traffic. Woman honks at SUV, then gets shot four times. Sven and Hansel at it again.
Sunday's article (White cops need to resign) has been reposted in full on another site, with the comment, This is a damned good site.
Sorry, I can't link to it. It's an embargoed site.
Black women are hideous beasts.
I agree with most statements here about Trump. He needs to cool the goofy verbal stuff (even one of his kids mentioned it to him) and maintain a more "presidential" profile.
It's odd, that people I formerly respected have shown an ugly political side that is hard to understand. For example, I used to like listening to Megan Kelly, but no more.
The biggest disappointment was Charles Krauthammer, who, though he admitted that he was wrong about Trump surviving the early portion of the race, continues to bash him, though I never feel there is much substance to his criticism. I believe it was Krauthammer who mentioned that Trump's emphasis was on money.
Huh? Sorry, but if a strong economy - and subsequently, military - is NOT the first goal, then you have nothing but a country that can be pushed around by the rest of the world. Might as well be Jamaica.
Liberals would have us believe that love (or a distortion thereof) is the most important driving force in the world, and though I'd certainly like it to be, as well, in fact, in the real world it's not even in the top three.
Money...Power...Sex, drives the world. Power and sex can change rankings depending on the individual, but money is always at the top. Always.
I know: Every one of us here would defend our children and grandchildren to the death, and we put our love for them above everything else, as it should be. But, I'm talking more about the global, dog-eat-dog world. Sorry to sound so jaded, but you play by the rules of this board game called life, or you fade away.
Non-Trumpians (?) can fire off all the cannons they want, but they're missing the heart of his appeal: anti-establishment; allegiance to no interest group; strong man, who usually puts would - be attackers on the defensive (ala Chris Mathews and his criticism of Trump holding a rally in Chicago - that was beautiful); resonates with voters, albeit mainly white males.
Most importantly, though, is his proven ability to effectively manage, delegate, and negotiate.
Aren't those the vital qualities of a leader? And the must-have qualities that are needed right now?
I don't believe the country can recover from another four years or more of socialist infection, incompetence, and policies that fly in the face of common sense.
If Trump doesn't make it and Cruz is the only choice, I'll vote for him, though reluctantly.
Cruz will not beat Trump period! If he were to beat Donald, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for him! The last two elections saw me voting for idiots over a bigger idiot. McCain and Romney both suck! They still do. Just look at them.
Trump may not get all the required delegates, but he will be so close if the establishment doesn't back him people will freak out. Let's play devils advocate here. Trump is off by about 40-50. They deny him. The GOP is done with.
The GOP is more worried about keeping the status quo over the wishes of the majority. That means they will accept Hillary as the president and they get to keep their honey holes. If the American people are stupid enough to elect them after that we are in worse shape than I ever imagined.
OT: Gay white man beat up in Miami Burger King after kissing boyfriend
I´m probably one of the few on this thread who doesn´t have a problem with ¨da gay¨. Invariably they improve property values. My condo building had a peerless appearance when it was majority gay owned. Now we have a few real estate brokers who like to rent their units out to the young hipsters who want to live close to downtown. I understand the motive, but in order for people to want to rent your place, it helps that it is safe and well tended. Our gay owners took care of that (not so_ little detail. Not the present case at all.
Above all, it´s all about the money for me. Our governor here in NC has decided to take it upon himself to personally crusade against transgender bathroom access. I don´t want to open up a can of worms, but I really don´t care about this issue. I´d really like to know why my adopted state, which grew prosperous because of tobacco, has no interest in growing marijuana - a real cash crop. I thought Republicans were all about making some money. Again, I guess I missed the memo.
Vote flipping is not obvious in large population areas. Special app provided by Cruz campaign sponsors hacked into computer systems does the automatic flipping of votes for Trump given to Cruz. Rigged voting makes Cruz a selected winner in every state it is used. White billionaires backing Cruz with computer IT, not black section 8 gangbangers with guns, but no brains.
A previous commenter was axing: Regarding Lyin' Ted, is he actually the Zodiac Killer on Parole? I thought Ted looks a little like Bruce Davis who closely resembles the Zodiac enough that some people claim Bruce actually was the Zodiac killer. I checked and Bruce is still locked up in the California men's colony.
The establishment is using Ted to hold Trump below the number needed for the nomination. With that accomplished they'll do in Cruz. This will be easy since they have the pictures, something to do with a goat I think.
True story. It's easy to be a libtard and defend a culture that you're only spoon fed pieces of via the idiot tube. It's a whole different monster to live amongst these animals, and have to deal with their antics daily, not to mention having to sit back and watch them suck the system dry.
I hate anyone who waves a Bible around and tells me they're sent by God. Ted Cruz is an Elmer Gantry C*cksucker. Nomesayin?
I like the fire in Trump and agree with much of what he says. In fact I don't get how a person can be white and not want him to be president. Of course , most of these people don't live in areas with high concentrations of blacks so don't have to suffer the same aggravating everyday bullshit those of us who live around them do. Trump needs a filter if he's going to beat Blair witch. He needs the women voters to come around to have a chance.
Anonymous said...
Quick google search reveals that only 1.6% of Utah is black. I've been wanting to live there for years.
Yes, my kids always point that statistic out whenever I mention that two out of three black men in Utah marry White women. And who are those black women (like Mia Love) marrying? It's ugly.
I have an Anatolian shepherd that weighs 150lbs
You're a lucky man. I've never seen one of those, but my daughter has a sister-in-law who used to work for the Cheetah Preservation Project in South Africa. They are the only source for Anatolian shepherds in SA, and they're supplied on lease only to selected farmers. Apparently, they're amazing animals. They live full-time with the farmer's flocks and protect them from predators - like cheetahs, so the farmer doesn't have to hunt them. She has some incredible stories about the dogs' exploits.
Just as we're not voting our way out of this, we're not moving our way out of this either. We are eventually going to have to defend ourselves. I'm staying.
ova at Ryons place.
OT – You know that you live in a shithole when they deliberately introduce feral cats to improve the quality of life.
I moved north of the border in part to escape TNB and the overall lack of law and order in the USA. However, because I'm an American, every presidential election I travel south of the border to vote; truly a Sisyphean exercise.
I was (and still am) disgusted that Obama was elected twice--when that re-election happened, I knew the USA was (and still is) heading down the toilet; exemplifies how America has changed so much demographically and politically for the worse. Not that it's paradise up here, either. Having a prime minister who brown-noses Obama is a disgrace.
Trump is the last hope for whites in USA, and possibly the world. Trump is far from perfect--he still kneels to !sra3l and the $aturdays--but what US politician can survive without doing that? And of course, he had to do some pandering to black political groups, too. But he is still the very best candidate if we hope to hang on to western civilization. There is no other suitable choice. If he loses, I will hope for a new revolution.
I "miss" the old America, the one of my grandparents and before that; whiter, prouder, full of vitality and progress; brimming with faith and fortitude. Before all the 60s shit happened. Before feminists and marxists took over. America started off good, but then went bad. But in a way, I also want a new America; one that does not bow down to any other nations (like it has been doing for half a century). "Anger" barely begins to describe how I feel about what has happened to USA.
Thank you! As far as I'm concerned, voting for that subversive Cuban-Canadian snake Rafael Eduardo Crud is a traitorous act. He is I N E L I G I B L E to be President according to the Constitution that his followers claim to love so much because he was born in Canada, and is therefore not a Natural Born Citizen as required.
Even Obama produced an American "birth certificate". Look how well that's turned out for us. Imagine what Rafael and his venomous wife Heidi would do to us. For those that don't know about Heidi, do the rest of your fellow Americans a favor and look up her paper on the North American Union that she wrote while on the Council for Foreign Relations. She advocated dissolving America's borders with Canada and Mexico! And you really think her hubby Felito is going to build that wall???
And don't think that the GOP establishment AND Hillary Clinton don't know that Crud isn't eligible - they're both just waiting to cash in that chip when it benefits them the most.
Bottom line: No Trump, then Hillary is the next POTUS. Guaranteed. Can you sleep at night knowing that?
---White Camellia
The picture I get is of someone getting their idea of inner city life from sesame street.
"The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero 55BC
Sound familiar to anyone? Replace ROME with AMERICA and it sounds just the same.
It's only expensive if you live near them. You have to move away from the cities that spend money on them.
Under AFFH and even Section Ape, you will be paying to move them TO YOU.
The only solution is for them to be gone. It doesn't matter where they go, and it doesn't matter how they get there.
. . . The reason voters in the upper Midwest and New England are less than thrilled by him is not that they have less blacks, but less immigrants. Immigration being his signature issue . . . "
Actually Trump won handily in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Michigan and Illinois. The Trump margin of victory in Massachusetts was greater than in some Southern states which set off alarms for The Bitch in a general election. He lost Maine and Iowa only because there was a public ballot, not a secret ballot in those caucus states.
Trump is wildly popular in areas he is supposed to lose frustrating the geniuses who have repeatedly predicted his demise. He has tapped in to a latent stream of resentment that is broad and deep and superficially analogous to Bernie the Communist's support. Bernie's support may be a mile wide but it's only about 1/4 inch deep unlike Trump's support which is both broad and deep.
Those are the results so far but remember, remember, the MSM hates Trump and is pulling out all the stops to destroy him and the 'Conservatives' are helping the MSM. Tell me again, what exactly was Conservatism, Inc. trying to conserve, it certainly wasn't the U.S. Maybe it was their lifestyles of the rich and famous? Inquiring minds want to know.
non-DWL from NE
BHO is going to the Mosque again.
Gwoobus Harmon, your lucidly constructed post above was sublimely rational, and I thank you for posting. It has clearly resonated with others here.
May I use portions of your eloquent argument in various posts I make on other forums? I'd be more than happy to attribute those thoughts to you, but you do not appear to have a public personna (blog, FB, etc etc), and it might cause difficulty on those forums if I refer readers back to SBPDL.
I always attempt to gently point people in the correct direction through gentle dialectic argument.
Anyway, thank you once again for your thoughts.
Let me guess: Cruz only wins states with 1950s demographics because those republican residents have not had to put up with the ghetto behavior of rapes, robberies, section 8, welfare, jumpings, hate crimes, loud people on the bus, road rage, drug dealing, etc...
Three main issues concerning federal meddling with blacks:
1. HUD: Cruz wants to eliminate it, Trump wanted Charlie Rangel to run it before, and hasn't changed his views since. HUD, of course, is the enforcement muscle of Section 8.
2. Immigration: Cruz gets an "A" on immigration. Trump gets a "B+". (LINK)
3. Food Stamps: Trump and Cruz both want to eliminate most of them. Cruz has itemized and help authored S.N.A.P reform, but it was blocked by Rubio and other moderate Republicans and all Democrats in the senate.
General views: Cruz wants to defer most laws to the states. Trump wants to keep some laws at the federal level for enforcement, and will override state law to achieve this, either by withholding federal funds or suing.
I get why Trump is popular. I just wanted to show the actual positions as they apply to both candidates, and the results with regard to stopping black expansion.
Because "States with Racial Demographics of 1950s USA" are populated with people who do not wish to be UNKIND or IMPOLITE or RUDE. In summary, they refuse to be MEAN people like us. They are NICE people. Niceness is much more important than truth.
NJ Woman
P.S. Keeping my fingers crossed for 50-YEAR-OLD! Janet Jackson. As a NICE person, I am praying for her to become pregnant, with her THIRD husband, with multiples. It am thrilled at the thought of more black women giving birth. Hopefully more older black women will give this a try. Why stop at 50?
I am honored that many readers enjoyed my post. Yes, by all means, share wherever you would like.
My husband reminds me every day on our way to work to lock my doors at stop signs and lights. Working on the edge of a hood keeps you on your toes. I hate living like this! I want Mayberry!
SKIP said...
"The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero 55BC
Sound familiar to anyone? Replace ROME with AMERICA and it sounds just the same.
Then add what CENTURION said about this being our last election, and what do we have, sirs/ladies?
I'll take failed empires for a $1000, Alex
-Carolina Cicero
I believed in equality just like they taught me in school until I started meeting enough non Asian minorities to know better.
Tough choice: fight hard and push back on BRA to reduce its influence (but allowing it to just smolder around us), or allow BRA to suddenly increase in power, show the full horror to America of the unleashed hordes of n*ggers and spark a final battle revolution - ending the problem permanently?
What road do we take; what best for our descendants?
I too believe this would be our last election IF the HNIC, BLM, NAACP or the NBPP were planning to let us have one and I don't think those groups plan on another election taking place. We have about 5 more months to pretend otherwise.
Come on, man - Cicero never said that. Do you think the Romans had "public assistance?"
All it takes is a Google search to verify quotations.
As quite a few posters have observed in various threads over the past couple of months, Trump is not the perfect candidate. If elected, he may well not be able to fulfill some, perhaps even most, of his campaign promises.
Be that as it may, I have never, NEVER seen such a parade of hit pieces masquerading as "news." Some of the outright libelous bullshit printed on the op-ed pages could very well have been lifted from the pages of newspapers owned by William Randolph Hearst a century ago.
I still have some misgivings. Paintjob Theory has made his opinion plain that this election looks to be about as stage-managed as professional wrestling. Fair enough. Most of the elections in my lifetime have certainly appeared to be carefully controlled - almost to the level of performance art. Perhaps this one is as well. But I will vote my conscience. And should the GOPe deny the nomination to the candidate with the most delegates; if they choose to broker a deal in one of those proverbial smokey rooms, then I will be glad to have prepared for the storm.
Prepare yourselves . . . I do not doubt that war is on the horizon. I will not yield to the will of these petty tyrants, these micromanaging control freaks who want absolute dominion over every aspect of our day-to-day existence. You receive the most flak when you're over the target - for that reason alone, the fact the "establishment" is so aligned against Trump, is reason enough for me. If this turns out to be a con job, so be it. All I know is, I finally was able to vote FOR a candidate, instead of having to hold my nose and rationalize it as being the lesser of two evils.
It is likely that Cruz wins in those states because the groid is not as serious problem as it is elsewhere. Trumps appeal to me is his White Nationalism, in his desire to return theWhite middle class to its rightful plac. I have been called a racist and I am OK with that. For me it means I support and defend my Race and my heritage. This country was built on the sweat, tears, industry and sacrifices of White Men and White Women. My father, mother. grandfathers and grandmothers. My wife's family goes back 5 generations in the coal f[elds of NE Pennsylvania. All hard working White ameicans who asked for no hand outs, no free stuff. It is these people that listen to and admire Trump. Cruz is a Canadian-Cuban who has no idea what it is to struggle or build something from scratch. And I will say it. He is not White enough for me.
I still maintain that Trump will win the Presidency. When November rolls around millions of White people ill head to the polls and vote for him. Right now they are lying low, keeping quiet and waiting. Trump is the overwhelming favorite here in my town in SW Pennsylvania. He is the topic of converstion in all the diners shopping malls and town meetings. He will win the state and the nation. I have faith in the White middle class of this nation.
Wayne and his wife.
Latest hate whitey commercial I saw on TV:
White couple doesn't want to call their insurance company, so they act-out different scenarios of why they're too busy to do it: folding laundry, washing windows, raking leaves, etc. From the neighbor's house, we see a black couple looking out the window at the "stupid" white couple doing these purposeful messy things to avoid calling the insurance co. Then, one black spouse looks at the other and says, "Did you call (insert company name here)?" They reply "Yes, it was easy" blah blah blah type of answer - said in such a way to show how "smart" they are for knowing the right insurance company to choose, whereas Whitey did not.
Pure fiction!
I´m probably one of the few on this thread who doesn´t have a problem with ¨da gay¨. Invariably they improve property values.
The problem with gays is that they make up probably a third of Marxist activists.
They are always the journalist that opines about how Whites are weak or evil for leaving the city and how the downtown isn't so bad. Yes well if you don't have kids and can live without a car in a guarded condo then urban living is clearly less of a risk. But they also know damn well what is happening but like good little leftists blame mainstream Whites for all problems.
I used to work in a city and on a personal level they didn't bother me. But I also believe that by celebrating homosexuality our society is generating additional Marxists. A lot of the women especially feel rejected by society and lesbianism as a subculture overlaps with Marxism. I'm not convinced the women are all "born gay" especially when there are lesbians that have said this isn't true.
As for gay men they burden society with massive government medical bills that result from HIV and HEP C medication. Their promiscuity is well documented and known by the medical community. However the full costs are kept from the public as they are a government protected minority. The average gay man has over 200 sexual partners in his lifetime and around 10% use hard drugs like Methamphetamine. They may keep their condo front clean but you are paying for their promiscuous lifestyle in the form of taxes. When they show up to a clinic with HIV and damaged organs YOU are the one that pays for their treatment. If they have insurance YOU still pay through higher premiums.
Read this
Those in power seek to destroy white people because whites are superior problem solvers who have a natural curiosity in learning about how things work.
This is exactly it. White people ask too many questions and create problems for those that want a docile population to rule over. Liberals dominate education and yet their entire narrative on racial equality they have built over decades is being unraveled by a White invention called the internet. Whites will make these types of horizontal moves to counter your control in ways you never considered. This White mind is simply a problem if the political establishment requires suppression of truth and inquiry.
The traitors in DC want open borders to dilute Whites. Both liberals and conservatives in DC want a population that will work and not ask questions. Both groups deeply fear the White genius that comes from humble beginnings and not only resits but is angered by their attempts at indoctrination. They are always in fear of another Vlad or Alexander and rightly so.
as a young person, I was brainwashed to hate myself, my history, and the accomplishments of my ancestors. I was dispriveleged in school. There were no advanced classes avalable for gifted students. There was tons of support and money for united students. Homework helpers, after school programs, literally free breakfast & free lunch. in college, there is scholarships for losers, scholarships for retards, scholarships for liberal arts majors. My parents couldn't afford college, and I'm a slow student, but very bright. I'm taking college right now, paying for it myself, taking electrical engineering courses, reading mechanical textbooks on the side. For some reason I think those are the only two things in the universe worth learning. We're in a financial and cultural shithole. I think that only white men have both the intelligence, and the altruism to pull everyone else around them up. But I digress. The short answer is that I've come to the realization, our entire culture is based around rewarding losers and punishing winners. Affirmative action, section 8, ebt, scholarships for liberal arts. The entire federal student loan system hands out free money for bullshit majors, and drives up the price for everyone, even people taking more important majors. Minorities worshiped in the media. White men villified. I'm villified. Black men worshiped for football and basketball. Basketball sucks, Michael Jordan was fun to watch, but you couldn't pay me to watch and NBA game. Blacks worshipped for singing. I have a beautiful singing voice, but who cares about that shit?
The media is poision, netfilx, disney, hollywood, progressive journalism, it's all poision.
White men are depicted as undesirable and "creepy."
Blacks, mestizos, Arabs are depicted as "romantic."
Tell me, what is so romantic about absolutely mindless pickup lines?
There aren't many jobs. Jobs I could have done as a kid to gain experience are now full time work for either mestizos here illegally, who might I add use my public schools, use my emergency rooms, but don't pay income tax, or property tax. Or those jobs are held by salaried blacks.
there aren't many engineering jobs. Only government and construction. Government is always fixing roads and print asphalt. Construction is always building, or tearing down. I do computer modeling of roads and sewer pipes. Why are there no young people starting their own engineering firms with innovative new products? There is no capitol, it can't be manufactured here. Silicon valley employed less people today than it did in the 60s. We can't pay for your pensions, or your health care. Why can't we? Why is social security broke? The system is rigged against me. Our entire financial system doesn't add up. Yet we continue like ostriches with our heads in the sand. Uplift losers, punish winners. I'm tired of it. India and south korea recognizes talented young people, schools them in computer programming, then sends them here to attend college or gain valuable job experience. India let's their poor losers rot in the street. I'm not sure, but knowing Koreans well enough, they probably cull the mentally retarded before birth, and house the crazy/poor/too lazy to work in institutions. America gives free lunch to its losers, and on top of that blames it's winners for its losers poor lot in life.
On top of all of this I hate that white women my age don't see through the lie, or are too afraid to step our of line and be ostracized by other women.
Why does 1950s america vote for ted cruz? In short it's because they've never experienced diversity. Remeber when I said I knew Koreans well? I live near an east coast city. I've experienced diversity. It's pretty horrible. I'm Voting For trump. Who cares if he wins, or even builds a wall. I want to display my displeasure.
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