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Equality... |
Basically, black people are protesting the NACCP over charter schools and the allocation of money for public schools. [Protesters interrupt NAACP board meeting in Cincinnati, USA Today, 10-187-16]:
About 140 demonstrators from Tennessee disrupted the national NAACP board meeting Saturday, forcing management at the hotel meeting site to call Cincinnati police.
The demonstrators protested the decision by the civil rights organization to call for a moratorium on charter school expansion and the strengthening of oversight in how charter schools are operated.
The board ratified a resolution adopted by delegates in July at the NAACP's national convention in Cincinnati. The charter school resolution was one of 47 adopted Saturday by the board and follows its 2014 support of another delegate resolution that opposes privatization of public schools and use of public money on for-profit charter schools.
One of those black protesters bused in held up a sign reading "Knowlege (sic) is power."Can we please stop taking these people seriously and realize they represent the impediment to growth, progress, stability and, in the end, whether civilization will exist or not?
The sign next to it, showing the result of a groid in a graduation gown, is a watermarked proof. Couldn't even spring for the photo package of that wonderful graduation- I guess racist photographers don't take EBT.
More famous than the "I HAVE A DERAM" sign?
We don't have a dog in this fight. Many of these charter schools are hustles, and most of them don't show any better test scores than the public schools in the same area, because they have the same kind of low IQ black students. The only reason the NAACP is on the other side is because the NAACP in most areas consists of the local bevy of cracker jack box theology degree black preachers, and their churches have a lot of black women public school teachers who belong to the NEA or AFT.
But none of this matters to us.
Sadly, seeing how "School Choice" has been exposed as yet another government-growing, terrible non-conservative idea, any opposition to it is appreciated...even if it, inexplicably, comes via Soros' dark money and minions.
Over at Breitbart, they reported that none other than Governor Mike Pence was caught red-handed using "School Choice" in a bid to strongarm schools that wouldn't otherwise practice Common Core into doing so.
Charter schools aren't a much better option as they have most all of the government oversight/control as the public schools, at least that's how it is done in my state.
One of those black protesters bused in held up a sign reading "Knowlege (sic) is power."
It is even worse than it first appears after one realizes that it was probably a smart orc that wrote the gibberish on the sign that the dumb orc is carrying. I'm surprised that at least one of the signs isn't upside down. Knowledge is power only when it can be applied. Knowledge beyond how to use an ebt card is worthless to an orc because it cannot be understood, remembered, or applied.
" In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children.
The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquillity for the ruling upper class. " ------Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
I've always believed that the purpose of integrating schools wasn't to "uplift" or educate the negro, surely those who control world events know better. It was only to lower the standard of "education" to the level of a field hand for the rest of the peasants.
What's most troubling here is that the charter schools themselves aren't flat out refusing the government money. As we all know these government handouts always come with strings attached. The instant a private school starts taking government money it just becomes another public school trianwreck but with private sector cronies instead of government hacks living high on the hog by mismanaging the operating funds.
Think about the standard of schools, their budgets, and technology that produced the greatest minds of the last century and tell me, is it really about money or making sure every child has an iPad?
No more forced busing no more forced desegrigation end this allowing the NEA to forced this diversity and multi-culteralism onto the kids end this indoctrination of Obamas Dept of Indoctrination(Education)and end this madness
Nolege= Eubonics
Teachers like this ought to be "dealt with". Makes me proud my kids are fully aware of their agenda:
Keep The Faith Gang!
Ha! Their genetic limitations on full display! Low IQ, baby!!
ot: I've seen many recent police videos where they nail a criminal negro buck with a taser or pepper spray and it does all of NOTHING! Orcs just stand there taking the blasts and still keep fighting and resisting, threatening cops's lives. Can a smart Human please design a taser that drops big buck orcs on the first blast! Shoot them with it and have enough electricity to drop them like a sack of rocks. Most bucks just treat tasers like a mosquito bite.
What exactly were they protesting? Aren't charter schools usually in the cities (with horrible day care/public skool systems), called colleges (so shitavious and do'reefa can say they was in college) to serve these useless oxygen users since they can't seem to function in YTs school system? Classes like intergender trans relations and made up black history? Fuck it, maybe the laws need to be amended to where black chilluns arent required to even attend. Just give them all a parade, a shiny gold medallion and after 8 years a diploma. Same effect.
I never have taken blacks seriously. Their whole culture is based on how cool they look and act no matter what level of success they may(or may not)achieve. Hard to take people seriously when they make fun of their own for being educated.
The Dindu antipathy towards all other races, particularly the reviled whites, will never end until there is no one left for them to hate.
They deeply, deeply resent any race that outperforms them, particularly in the ways that are most visible (wealth creation, advanced civilization, technology, and so on). Since this difference is inherently genetic (see the litmus test below), the problem is immutable. They simply cannot achieve even the veneer of actual equality without enormous help, and will never be satisfied until no visible reminder remains of their inferiority. One can witness this easily today - schools renamed, statutes torn down, history revised into obsequious fiction, and demands for "reparations" designed to impoverish productive peoples.
Here is the litmus test: Dindus and their foolish sycophants are utterly convinced their inequality is the result of devious, organized cheating by YT and others (they often call this cheating "racism"). To use the test, simply ask if the Dindu can perform equally with YT, given a truly level playing field with all artifice of observable advantage taken away.
Of course, we know the answer from over 50 years of social engineering, an ever-increasing cult of political correctness, and welfare projects. The Dindus know it too, whether they admit it or not: any measurable "equality" is due to YT's charity, nothing more. And they hate us for it.
Keep your powder dry.
A “study” was recently released to the public through the mainstream media. This study was conducted in order to discover the race of a teacher that was most preferred by students in America.
According to the study, most American students preferred to have a black or latino teacher and of course, this information was supposed to be endearing to these races of people.
I worked in education and I can tell you that the only reason that these students claimed that they prefer black or latino teachers is due to the fact that only White and asian teachers are associated with academic rigor and maintaining any standards. Ergo, if you are a student and you ended up with “Mizzzzzz” Marquikuh it meant an easy “A” letter grade, as long as you stroked her ego and complimented her on her nails that “got did” twice per week.
If you ended up with Mrs. Gould or Mr. Ling……whelp, your weekends and evening just got a lot more “booked” because you had to work your ass off to get a “B”.
I am so sick of this sh*% I could puke.
This is the reason my friend pays $20K+ a year to send his kids to private school.
From my understanding charter schools started out being "tough schools" because they had no union teachers, had strict rules, demanded the students get good grades and behave well or they were thrown out. However once liberals and negroes found out about these "good schools" they demanded to be let in, and very rapidly they became indistinguishable from the public schools.
It is interesting to note how the negroes understand that schools that are full of negroe students and negroe staff are "bad schools" and the White schools are "good schools". I have negroe clients in Chicongo and when the subject of "skoos" comes up I always try to pin them down to answer what makes a skoo a good skoo, and they give vague answers like "quality eddakashuns" I ask "Well, are you saying the teachers at these bad schools are unqualified? Don't they have teaching degrees? Chicago teachers are the highest paid in the country." They don't believe me, google it on their 0bamaphones and then get irritated and say "dats redikalus" but none of them will ever SAY the good schools are White and run by Whites and the bad skoos are black and run by blacks.
Yet when they bring dey chowd to skoo and see the skoo is nearly 100% black they get REALLY upset. They want dey chowd to go to a White school. Even though Whites are evil racists.
Weird huh?
I am against charter schools and school choice vouchers. Vouchers are another way to redistribute white peoples taxes. Every neighborhood already has a school. If yours is shitty, change it or pay to attend private. Why should my tax dollars be used to put someone in another school if they already have a public school for the neighborhood. I already pay taxes for the neighborhood school. So make Whitey pay again? Just as PaintJob stated, they have to accept low IQ'ed blacks, well, that puts us right back where we started, just paying more $$$.
Most of them are crazy, and hate everybody, including themselves.
I feel sorry for the Hotel hosting these "Planet of the Apes" guests.
Can you imagine how smelly and filthy this Hotel is going to be? TV stolen, remotes stolen, towels stolen, restaurant bills not paid, waitstaff never getting any tips? Hell on Earth.
The "Front Desk" must be going crazy dealing with their petty demands, complaints, and bouncing Credit Cards. I wonder how many messages the Front Desk Staff gets that say to "pick up the Credit Card" for lack of funds, over-limits or reported stolen? But, the Hotel is going to make a fortune off the Porn Channels.
Why do these Africans here even bother 'wiff' school? Ans. Free breakfast, lunch and a warm place to play on their 'Obamaphones. That plus indoor basketball and access to White girls.
Our schools are a mess becuase of this PC nonsense kids are being brainwashed by the leftists NEA and the Unions many probibly think the 3 R's means Reduce,Reuse,Recycle and the revionists history as well as all this stuff supported by the Dept of Education
Please fix the gadgets on the right sidebar. They have been broken for months.
Speaking of black edumacashum, it's time for the South African University Riots Report! These riots happen every single day, so there's always something to report! South Africa provides a great warning to White Americans, it is a good picture of what our country will be like in the near future if Whites do not stop the "Afro-Mexicanizing" of the USA.
Rhodes students smash windows, upend cars
18 October 2016
Grahamstown - Rhodes University students protesting for free education disrupted an examination, smashed windows and upended cars before police used stun grenades and rubber bullets to quell the disturbances.
Catherine Deiner, the university spokesperson, said there were extensive disruptions at the institution on Monday.
In a statement on Tuesday she said protesters attempted to enter the Barratt Lecture Complex with the apparent intention of disrupting a test which was taking place. Glass doors to the complex were broken in the process.
“Protesters then moved to the library where more glass was broken, before progressing to upper campus where, again, stones and rocks were thrown at windows and entrances,” said Deiner.
“Extensive damage also occurred in the Biko Building, site of the offices of the Division of Student Affairs and the SRC. Three University service vehicles were overturned at the rear of the building.”
She said members of the Public Order Policing Unit used stun grenades, rubber bullets and tear gas to quell the disturbances.
Second day of running battles at Westville
18 October 2016
Durban - Running battles between police and students erupted for the second consecutive day at the University of KwaZulu-Natal's Westville campus on Tuesday.
Police used rubber bullets, teargas and stun grenades as they clashed with students at the campus' Oval residence and later at the P-Block residence.
One student could be seen using a slingshot from a bathroom window in the Oval residence. A number of petrol bombs were thrown, but they appeared to have little effect in the wet vegetation surrounding the Oval.
Nine held after second day of clashes at UKZN Westville
18 October 2016
Durban – At least nine people were arrested by police following running battles between police and protesters at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Westville campus on Tuesday.
According to university spokesman Lesiba Seshoka, seven of the nine arrested in the residences were not students.
The arrests followed a second day of running battles where police used rubber bullets, teargas and stun grenades as they clashed with students at the campus’ Oval residence and later at the P-Block residence.
WATCH: #FeesMustFall protesters attack security guard at UCT
19 October 2016
While efforts continued to broker a “ceasefire” on campus‚ a group of students and workers attacked a security guard‚ threatened staff and ordered the evacuation of buildings at the University of Cape Town on Wednesday.
A group of about 100 students converged earlier in the day on the upper campus‚ watched by police and private security guards wearing helmets and carrying riot shields.
Students flung human waste on campus on Monday and clashed with security guards. Stun grenades were used to disperse protestors.
video: Security guard attacked at UCT during #FeesMustFall protests
Tavis Smiley has an article online today where he claims that some black students he recently spoke with are afraid the US Government will re-enslave them if Trump wins. Of course comments are not allowed, but I wanted to tell him, "No Smiley, we don't want to enslave you. We don't want to be around you. Period."
Black retirement matters too! Blacks are "priced out" of retirement planning due to the systemic institutionalized racism.
A day late and a dollar short, as usual. But Hillary has a plan for black retirement.
I warned about the plan for Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRE) to replace traditional retirement funds, so that the turds-of-color can retire too, and here it is whitey:
These alien ((elites))) and their useful Shabbos Goys are going to take everything we have if we don't stop them.
"Most of them are crazy, and hate everybody, including themselves."
I'm 41, and my mom, a realist if ever there was one, said the same thing to me pretty much word for word when I was around 12. They are also completely obsessed with North European Caucasian features, they all wish that they were slim 6 foot blonde haired blue eyed Scandinavians , even the bucks.
I tried to post this to twitter with a link, Twitter says 'may be a robot response' and hangs the posting up. Can't post. I suspect your URL is verboten in the bosom of free speech Twitter.
The biggest untold secret in the school system is that blacks cannot perform, no matter how much effort is put forth by the teachers. We teachers used to joke some fifteen years ago when I taught, whenever benchmark testing or end of grade tests were administered, we would tell the (negro) kids, ¨Choose ´C¨, because statistically, ´C´ is correct around sixty percent of the time. That is considered passing, so the state would not hassle us about our low test scores. Seriously, you could put a dent in the wall with your forehead, trying to teach even the simplest concept to these brain dead children. I actually felt quite bad for them, because they have no earthly idea why they are so stupid. As a teacher, it is difficult to understand how any living, breathing entity can be so dimwitted, until you meet their parents. Then, magically, it all comes together. It is easy to see how these negro children, particularly the girls, grow up to be their parents. One parent, gushing with pride over her niglet, told me, ¨She muh mini-me!¨
I was thinking to myself, ¨Yep....in about five or six more years, she will be exactly like you, pregnant for a third time by a multiple sperm donor, collecting every welfare benefit available, and bitching that it is not enough.¨ Her child was surly, rude, vindictive, and destructive. Mom, of course, admitted to none of this.
It is common knowledge that up to about the third grade, you are learning to read. Thereafter, and for the rest of your life, you read to learn. Fact is, most negroes never reach this stage. I have watched negro students read paragraph after paragraph in reading class and then ask them questions about it. Most of them have no earthly idea as to what they read. The selections are written to appeal to and interest the students, so it is not like the passages are dry, remote, or even profound in meaning.
When I taught, everything had to be ¨student centered¨, which basically meant that lessons had to be taught in the form of a game. If it was not ¨fun¨, engaging the negro did not happen. The fact that those of us who are considered ¨educated¨ acquired it through perserverence and hard work is never considered. You can pick up an eighth grade end of grade test from one hundred years ago to discover how rigorous public school was in those days. Even fifty years ago, to have graduated from college meant you were probably in the top ten percent of the educated populace and quite learned. Today they hand out college diplomas like candy during Trick-or-Treat. It always amuses me to see the little niglets smiling proudly with their cap and gown outfits on. As with everything else, everything negroes touch turns to sh*t. Failure follows negroes around like stink on sh*t. Education is no different.
I remember having a black teacher when I was in the 9th grade. All he did was talk about his personal experiences and never taught the subject he was supposed to be teaching. It made me angry/frustrated and I spoke up about it in class and was immediately told by other "stoodints" that I'd better shut up or else. They didn't want to do any work. The three main objectors to my comments were ages 15, 16 and 17- in the 9th grade! The "teechur" just ignored me after my "outburst" and kept talking about himself. There were never any tests or even pop quizzes. In all honesty, attending that class was like sitting on a front porch in da hood for an hour a day and listening to some old coon babble about his life and experiences. So much for Science class!
I've heard many stories/anecdotes from others who've had black "teechurs" in a predominantly black class environment and the stories always follow the same pattern- very little teaching and lots and lots of babbling and "habbin' conversashuns wid da stoodints." It seems that since blacks couldn't care less about learning and find the subject matter "boring," that black teachers do the only thing they can to keep things under control which is turning the class into "gossipin', conversatin' and relatin'" to da stoodents 101." Teaching the subject matter becomes only a token effort at best.
It's no wonder that black test scores are the lowest in the nation and negroes "gradumacate" not knowing how to read or function above a 3rd grade level.
Negroes only want to attend fancy white schools aka the "good schools" in the same way as some broke ass person with three dollars in their pocket will go to a high end fancy restaurant, position themselves by a window and order a coke and just sit there. The entire purpose is to be "seen" and to be able to say they went. It's also about having something that others have even though they intend to do nothing with it and couldn't in any case~ in other words, just putting up a front. In terms of "good schools, it's the having and being seen that counts along with the free food/free daycare and opportunities to socialize/hang out and hit on girls. Education is not part of the equation.
I've always believed that the purpose of integrating schools wasn't to "uplift" or educate the negro, surely those who control world events know better. It was only to lower the standard of "education" to the level of a field hand for the rest of the peasants.
Very interesting point. The Outer Party (Disingenuous White Liberals) no doubt believed that by integrating the schools, Africans-in-America would be brought up to the level of the White. Thus, Brown vs Board of Education, forced busing, and now charter schools. Something has to close that education-gap(tm), comrades.
But the Inner Party? The hostile elites? Perhaps they were aware of the genetic differences among the races from the get-go. We certainly have seen the destruction of public education since Brown. The country is being progressively dumbed down by the propagation of low-IQ Africans-in-America as well as the importation of Africans-from-Africa. And this facilitates elite rule. You do not have to get concerned over that pesky White middle class challenging elite power.
Yet when [Africans-in-America] bring dey chowd to skoo and see the skoo is nearly 100% black they get REALLY upset. They want dey chowd to go to a White school. Even though Whites are evil racists.
Which is one of the many reasons schools were segregated prior to Brown vs Board of Education. In those terrible, terrible days, responsible adults understood the racial differences and how they required differences in education. It's a measure of the unreal world in which too many Africans-in-America (and DWLS) live that they see school as a magic place in which some magic called "education" is imparted.
There's also the safety and classroom quality factor. Given the usual factors of lack of impulse control and etcetera, White students needed to be protected from Africans-in-America. Well, the USA has had its integrated schools for over six decades. How's that working out for everybody?
Through Wikileaks, it is now on record that Hillary plans on subverting gun rights in the United States when she becomes president.
An outstanding post. Very insightful and hard hitting. Thank you!
The black education dilemma can be easily distilled down to what Fred Reed has stated in his many fine articles, " if they could have done it, it would have already been done." We can keep talking and throwing money at the black education black hole when that money and effort could be put to better use like teaching pigs to sing. That would be a more worthwhile and possibly achievable goal.
I am against charter schools and school choice vouchers. Vouchers are another way to redistribute white peoples taxes.
Vouchers are good for areas where White students are held back by fuzzy headed liberal teachers that value equality over education. Some schools are dominated by liberal SJWs and basically teach to the lowest bar. These schools are also heavy on the White guilt.
In Black areas they have challenged the status quo but did not deliver the results that many had hoped. They were always a paint-theory based solution favored by conservatives and desperate liberals.
So I have mixed feelings on them. But I find it amusing that Blacks demand them in areas where Democrats dominate.
Thats it and thats all. Period. End of story.
I grew up in Hartford CT as pretty much the lone white boy in a sea of jigs and ricans.
You explained it to a tee.
There werent any white girls I remeber but a bantu getting with a beautiful rican girl of purer blood and more euro-esque features is just as disgusting. And that happened a lot.
I remember a cluster of asian boy and girls who always stuck together, the varoius children of the families who own some of the local chinese resturaunts. I could feel their pain having to be around apes all day.
B2A !!
Back To Africa!!
Spread the word!!
Over at Breitbart, they reported that none other than Governor Mike Pence was caught red-handed using "School Choice" in a bid to strongarm schools that wouldn't otherwise practice Common Core into doing so.
Common Core is poison for smart kids.
It is rumored that half the point of Common Core is to slow down smart kids (mostly White) to even out the curve. There is a lot of emphasis on group work and (snicker) finding the decision together.
I actually think a lot of Dept of Ed liberals have given up. Their new strategy is to grind down Whites and turn the place into Brazil. However most liberals on the ground are "true believers" and still hold onto the fantasy of equal outcomes, but oddly enough accept inequality within each race. Liberals basically believe that every group has an equal proportion of idiots to geniuses. It's really no different than declaring that every group has an equal proportion of potential point guards but a conspiracy prevents Asians from reaching their full potential. And the worst part is that they have convinced the majority of society that this is the case.
This is simple. There are three factors that determine the quality of a school: The physical materials, the teachers and the students.
The materials include the books, the desks, the buildings, the gym, the library and so forth. In America today in most school jurisdictions all of these are about as good as they can possibly be. If not write a letter to the editor and it will soon be fixed. In previous times like when Abe Lincoln went to school, materials were a real problem but not in the twenty first century. Lets move on.
The next factor which could affect the quality of education is the quality of the teachers. On the frontier(The Old West) children were taught by some single woman who didn't want to be a dance hall girl (prostitute). Some of these women were educated and some were not. There were few other job opportunities for women so the single room school house got whomever was available. Of course later communities could attract better quality women to teach. Today the profession of school teacher is well paid and attracts excellent women. It could be argued that teachers are too well paid. If the job of public school teacher if too well paid, it will tend to draw women from the job market who would be better employed in some technical or skilled occupation. In general our teachers today are just about as good as they should be. I recently read a book by Lisa Randall on Dark Matter. She is a theoretical physicist and quite brilliant. If she were to teach elementary school it would be a terrible waste. We do not want Superman to teach in our schools. We want bright teachers but not too bright. The best minds should go into the sciences or business.
Finally there are the students. Unlike in former times, today's public school students are not very good. Good elementary and high school students nowadays are siphoned off into private schools or are home schooled. The students who must go to public schools are immigrants, the white poor, or negroes. Many of these cannot be taught by any teacher who has ever lived.
Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are two famous black economists. Neither of them nor Clarence Thomas has gotten into the recently opened Smithsonian museum dedicated to black history. Blacks don't seem to interested in celebrating black accomplishment if it is of the wrong political variety. For this reason and many others, it is hard to take al these complaints by blacks seriously.
Feed it through a tinyurl or goo.gl type URL reducer? Might get through then.
I've always believed that the purpose of integrating schools wasn't to "uplift" or educate the negro, surely those who control world events know better. It was only to lower the standard of "education" to the level of a field hand for the rest of the peasants.
I always assumed it was an attack on White hegemony by Northern egalitarians.
I also don't think the main purpose of K-12 is to educate. The main purpose is to turn the students into docile egalitarian sheep er I mean citizens. This has been going on since John Dewey.
Here is a quote from Dewey, the founder of modern education:
The mere absorbing of facts and truths is so exclusively individual an affair that it tends very naturally to pass into selfishness. There is no obvious social motive for the acquirement of mere learning, there is no clear social gain in success thereat.
Well there you have it. We can't just teach them facts and truths. There is no social gain in it.
I tried to post this to twitter with a link, Twitter says 'may be a robot response' and hangs the posting up. Can't post.
Twatter is blocking all links to SBPDL, Vox Day, and other red-pill sites.
Try using a URL shortener. bit.ly and snipurl may get through.
Yeah well, first they have to spell k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e first, before they can reckon it's true meaning. We're simply dealing with a rabble of Orcs who are mindlessly following Sauron Soros. Trump is the closest thing to a Fellowship at the moment.
Many Blacks will oppose charter school oversight because charter schools have become a cash cow for unscrupulous "educators." Many is the charter school that has a whole tribe full of Blacks owning, operating, "teaching," providing transportation for, providing food service for, and, ultimately, skimming big bucks off of the carcass of a tax-supported charter skoo.
I've always wondered what (SIC) means?
But the Inner Party? The hostile elites? Perhaps they were aware of the genetic differences among the races from the get-go. We certainly have seen the destruction of public education since Brown. The country is being progressively dumbed down by the propagation of low-IQ Africans-in-America as well as the importation of Africans-from-Africa. And this facilitates elite rule. You do not have to get concerned over that pesky White middle class challenging elite power.
Very astute observation, Californian. My mother, who graduated from Roosevelt HS, Washington D.C. (aka Jews-uh-velt) in 1954, the year before Brown took effect, told me about what a bitch her English teacher, Miss Hawk, was. Apparently, this teacher hounded her and made fun of her in class and they hated each other. Reluctantly, Miss Hawk signed my mother´s class yearbook, which I have to this day. Although mom hated Miss Hawk (and I believe the feeling was mutual), my mother never had any problem with dangling participles and ending sentences with prepositions for the remainder of her life.
Still alive, sadly, is my mother´s classmate, back then not known by her current name ¨Diane Reams¨. Then she was known as Diane Aed, who, according to the annual, would make a swell secretary, presumably due to her smashing personality.
OT - Today I was banned from American Renaissance....for mentioning YKH and their manipulations behind the scenes. Tread carefully, my friends. To know who rules you, criticize them openly. Word to the Wise, bitchez!!!
Just finished watching 2 seasons of "The Super" on Netflix, and they're exactly how you describe. Kudos to this land Lord Dave Paladino, he doesn't back down to these retarded children. You get in there face, and 99% of the time they cower like the scumbags they are.
This is off topic and I have written about it before. But it is very pertinent to the negro problem and bears repeating.
Every racial realist should be aware of the experiments that Dmitry Belyaev conducted on Siberian foxes.
This research ties in with Philippe Ruston's work on melanin and aggression. Rushton shortly before his death published a paper that reported that all creatures on earth - mammals, birds, lizards, fish, and insects - were more aggressive when they had darker skins. Presumably this is true for humans too. It certainly appears to be true. Black humans are more violent everywhere.
Wikipedia calls this theory pseudoscience but it seems to be accurate. Some times this is known as the 'black dog' effect. Public pounds find it easy to place pie-bald (mostly white) dogs but no one will adopt a black dog.
Balyaev took some black Siberian foxes and bred them for gentleness. To his surprise when after a couple generations of selective breeding for tameness the foxes started becoming lighter. They got white spots and streaks and then as they became even more tame - pure white patches.
By the end of the experiment the foxes were sweet and playful like cocker spaniel puppies. When these foxes were wild and vicious that were all black.
Rushton intended to study this phenomenon when he died. Apparently the biosynthetic pathway to melanin is also involved in aggression. So those liberals who like to claim that the races are only different because of their skin color doesn't seem to appreciate how important skin color can be. After all the skin is the largest organ in the human body.
"Sic" is the shortened form of the Latin phrase "sic erat scriptum," or "that's how it was written." In other words, the error was in the original. Print media are especially careful to use (sic) after errors in quotations -- so the reader knows the copy editor wasn't at fault.
(sic) means spelling is correct...meaning that to an educated person, it is clearly not correct.....don´t feel bad....I had to figure that out by myself....
OT...I am major leagued pissed off right now because my sister, the one who is a recovering drug addict (and I count myself among two (!!) of my siblings who have worked toward her recovery), has decided to OUT my recent skin cancer diagnosis to our family, after being forbidden by me to do so.
I feel this is an ultimate betrayal, as I only recently (last night) told my husband. I liken this to the trust I (mis)placed in our public office holders. Call me naive, but I really, truly, believed that those who went into public office wanted to further our town, country, etc. into being better than ever. My belief system has once again been shaken. Those of you who are not aware of the nasty dealings (or choose to be unaware) of the recent wikileaks revelations and how they concern, not just Hilary, but the negro at the healm), deserve EXACTLY what Hillary and her minions have planned for you.
There are those who actively salivate over your destruction. Far be it for me to get in your way. I wish you every success in your love for the negro and his handlers. You do not understand because your religion (and mine) teaches you to LOVE and ACCEPT those who wish to destroy you). I have been banned at Amren, effective today, because I mentioned a topic that must not be addressed. I will tell you right now, it rhymes with (((YOU))). Just so you are aware, they do NOT plan on dealing with you kindly. Take the negroes´ antipathy toward you and mulitply it by one thousand. Take that for what it is f*cking worth.
Nine tenths of you will ascribe my thoughts as delusional Hope you rest well. According to those in charge of life and death, my time here is very limited. Hope everyone is prepared for the aftermath of a second Clinton Administration, if, God help us, should happen. Ironically, my death sentence delivered last week turned out to be a ¨Get Out of Jail Free¨ card. funny, sometimes, how life works.
Why should my tax dollars be used to put someone in another school if they already have a public school for the neighborhood. I already pay taxes for the neighborhood school.
What also happens is that they use the condition of old schools to justify new taxes.
This has been happening in Chicago. Charter schools there have divided the available funds and there has also been a drop in attendance. So the end result is dilapidated public schools running at partial capacity. The public union teachers demand more money and Whites move further out to the burbs which decreases the tax base even further.
Chicago is headed towards bankruptcy. The White population is heavily hipster/retired lib and belief in paint theory continues to decline. In the future fewer White singles will move to these cities as there will be less delusion about the cost and risk of living near Blacks. Even today a single riot could put them permanently in the red. The Democrats there have no clue about what to do and can only fall back on their blame Whitey theories that they were taught in college.
AzDesertRat said...
Tavis Smiley has an article online today where he claims that some black students he recently spoke with are afraid the US Government will re-enslave them if Trump wins. Of course comments are not allowed, but I wanted to tell him, "No Smiley, we don't want to enslave you. We don't want to be around you. Period."
October 19, 2016 at 8:21 AM
Enslave them to do what, exactly? They have been obsolete for 150 years! For 100 of those years, they were simply a burden. In the last 50 they have become a liability to our health, our safety, and our nation.
Its time to face facts. They need to go.
Stay alert, stay alive.
sic means it was what literally was written. usually for a mistake.
I have watched negro students read paragraph after paragraph in reading class and then ask them questions about it. Most of them have no earthly idea as to what they read.
Have blacks ever invented a written language?
I wonder if there is some genetic disposition here which favors story telling and memory retention, but not reading comprehension. i.e., racial differences in learning ability.
Which is why there was segregation in education back when the USA was still sane.
The black education dilemma can be easily distilled down to what Fred Reed has stated in his many fine articles, " if they could have done it, it would have already been done." We can keep talking and throwing money at the black education black hole when that money and effort could be put to better use like teaching pigs to sing.
The irony is that if liberals faced the truth and put the same funds towards jobs programs for Blacks it would help them far more. The idea that everyone should graduate high school is egalitarian fantasy and has only somewhat worked by lowering standards to where you can pass by just showing up. When I was growing up there was a pair of Hispanic gangsters that were allowed to sleep through every class. The White students would be punished for the same behavior and this was simply an unspoken policy. But on paper everyone passed. Libs believe in handing out C's even if you learned absolutely nothing.
But conservatives deserve blame as well. They pushed for NCLB which was entirely based in paint theory. There are also a lot of libertarians like Stossel that are convinced the problem is government and teacher's unions. Well why are the results so inconsistent? I grew up near a top rated school and my state is forced-unionism.
It's all race denial. NCLB was a billion dollar experiment that racial realists predicted early on would fail. The "education experts" were wrong while alt-right internet bloggers were right.
"These alien ((elites))) and their useful Shabbos Goys are going to take everything we have if we don't stop them."
And yet we fear to even name them out loud, in case we get accused of not liking them enough at which point it gets nasty.
Speaking of black edumacashum, it's time for the South African University Riots Report! These riots happen every single day, so there's always something to report! South Africa provides a great warning to White Americans, it is a good picture of what our country will be like in the near future if Whites do not stop the "Afro-Mexicanizing" of the USA.
Gets back to why you can not have large numbers of third worlders in your country if you want civilized standards to remain high. They want "free" education, and they will get all the value they paid.
Even if tuition and fees are dropped, so what? Are these "students" going to buckle down and learn anything useful? Or just show up on class every now and then, thinking that the "education" will descend upon them like the Force in Star Wars VII?
This is part of a wider trend. Blacks have been given everything they have demanded, whether in the USA or Africa. And they still can not function in the modern world. So they do what the savage always does: destroy.
You meant "edumacated."
"In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the....."
The rise of medically induced autism. It keeps you pre-occupied, and dependent, and familialy disintegrated, thus conforming to survive. They really have it all covered now.
If you'd like to read a nice story about why Blacks will never support effective oversight of charter schools, read this story out of Houston.
"The Rev. Harold W. Wilcox, former head of the now defunct Prepared Table Charter School and pastor of the Greater Progressive Baptist Church, and three family members are accused of siphoning funds from children's programs" (Houston Chronicle).
You meant "edumacated.
¨mmmm, hmmmmm.....what he say....(shakes ass, gyrates to music no one else hears, snaps fingers twice...says, ¨you no dats rye......¨
"Over at Breitbart, they reported that none other than Governor Mike Pence was caught red-handed using "School Choice" in a bid to strongarm schools that wouldn't otherwise practice Common Core into doing so."
Pence did what he had to in the VP debate. Still, I wish Trump had picked someone else such as Jeff Sessions.
And just think of American Renaissance as a gateway. Have of my posts as guest never appear.
Having taught in colleges and the University classroom, I can agree with posts made here that educating AAs is mostly a waste of time. The few AAs I had in the classroom were either of the "talented tenth" as they call them here, military spouses and other middle-class folks, or they were affletes and program kids, who sat in class with headphones on, surly expressions, and a disdain for work that WAS pathological.
I had a running back for our feetsball team who did just that every morning. He would wonder aloud why "special" folks like him should have to actually show up from the fieldhouse after practice, and expected to be passed for his WBM attendance (warm body method). He would routinely simply drop work assignments or papers handed to him on the floor and leave them, ignore orders, and refuse to participate. I, had to put with him, because flunking him meant I as an instructor would be called before representatives of the NCAA and have to explain why their star failed class.
So I passed him. I passed his useless butt along and he could neither read nor write at the high school level, let alone that of the 4Y university. He thought he was headed to the Negro Felon League and some big payoff and that whitely could kiss his Black ass.
That lasted until the next semester after my class.
The following semester, our golden boy football player and a friend broke into off-campus housing with a 12 gauge shotgun and went hunting some frat boy who owed him 25 dollars worth of marijuana.
Mr. football now resides in an institution appropriate for his abilities and talents instead of taking up a seat a useful student could have made use of.
Why do AAs so long to impose themselves in White institutions? They are created by Whites, for white societies, and have very little to offer those outside of our communities to begin with. They seem to think that membership in these institutions will guarantee them access to the greater world outside of their own communities, but these institutions don't even do that for poor white students very often, so AAs have even less expectation of success by the time it's all said and done.
The facts are, American society is hostile to class movement by anyone from the lower classes, and the middle-class is under direct attack by the elites. Blacks, having been demographically rendered unimportant by the importation of massive populations of new migrants, have an ever-lessening return value on investment for the political masters.
At current rates, traditional AAs defined as descendants of prior American slaves imported to the U.S.A. before 1865, will be extinct as a people by 2050.
Whites, though in danger of aggregately losing the overall majority of population in America, will remain the single largest racial bloc in America for at least the next century if not two centuries.
It's not Whites that are going extinct in America; and trust me Black man, your rulers don't give a damn.
"Which is one of the many reasons schools were segregated prior to Brown vs Board of Education. In those terrible, terrible days, responsible adults understood the racial differences and how they required differences in education. "
Actually, they didn't understand it at all, if by understanding it is meant having a rational justification for it. The truth is, if they had had a rational justification for segregation, one that could not have been dismissed as mere prejudice or tradition, it never would have collapsed. But the only rational (i.e., scientific) basis for segregation would have been based in Darwinism, and evolution is a theory to which Christian America has always been vehemently opposed, and still is. There's a good reason for its opposition, and it comes down to this: If Darwin's theory is true, then Christianity is false. Americans have always chosen the Christian/liberal worldview over Darwin's, and the current situation is the grim result.
Enslave them to do what, exactly? They have been obsolete for 150 years! For 100 of those years, they were simply a burden. In the last 50 they have become a liability to our health, our safety, and our nation.
Its time to face facts. They need to go.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Brian, my dearest love,
Negroes have been a millstone around YT´s neck for millions of years. God, in all His Infinite wisdom, could not have possibly conceived of the negro being a contemporary of White European magnitude. As little as seventy years ago, such thoughts would have been considered as completely absurd, yet here we are.
What we have now as a democratic candidate is a fragmented, broken down, old, politically funded, whore, who will do the equivalent of going down on each and every political head of state, bar none. Israel is at the front of the line.
Not that anyone would want the old windbag in power, anyway. I also doubt that the former Rapist and-Thief future First Husband would have the energy to mount innocent, vaginally exposed interns, at his rather enhanced age. Hell, my husband is a decade younger than Clinton, and thinks ǵinseng will increase his drive. Wonders never cease...
It is more than sad to see things unravel even worse as I advance in my ill health. Mr. Trump, whether you or anyone else realizes it, is our only hope for survival as a nation. I cannot emphasize that enough. I hate the fact that future white children will be burdened with issues my generation chose to willfully ignore.
Back to our Rulers: Nobody is happy unless Bibi is happy. Hey, I don´t call myself ¨Greenbaum¨ for nothing! Gnome sane?
Banned at Amren................Oye Vey! /is there an approved list of what we are or are not allowed ti discuss? Just state the policy, folks. Free speech for SOME, but not ALL....Orwell would be so proud!
Your, the students. Unlike in former times, today's public school students are not majority Whites, in many places. --Fixed that.
...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...
Brian, my dearest love,
Negroes have been a millstone around YT´s neck for millions of years.
Yes, after posting, I realized I was far, far too generous.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I remember having a black teacher when I was in the 9th grade. All he did was talk about his personal experiences--
At Santa Monica College [Black female president] we have useless teachers of all races. When they yack, going off topic [how my day went] I call that 'using the class as a therapy session.'
To Formerly Miss Greenbaum (Respectfully)
Two things stick out in your post to Brian:
1) Don't let Slick Willy's current skin draped over bones appearance fool you. I'll bet he has a nice little stash of Viagra somewhere.
2) We didn't willfully ignore the chaos these primates cause. Equality and Affirmative Action with a dash of protected class mixed in were rammed down our throats!
Hang Tough Guys!
Pat, I usually enjoy your comments. I think you miss a key part of 'education' at any level.
The 4th key part is structure. Rules that must be observed. Orderliness.
I went to Catholic schools for grades 1-9.
Trouble makers like myself were expelled.
The education that I got was lukewarm [high IQ students were not given enough attention and key elements of what I think need to be taught were missing] but better than Erasmus High in Brooklyn NY.
I took an excellent Psychology class ata local JC last year.
Met a smart adult in class.
He mentioned his brother in law was an MD or child psychologist who worked with many Microsoft employees children and found them to be aspergers or autistic.
So I dunno if its just the poor who are being over vaccinated,
"In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the....."
The rise of medically induced autism. It keeps you pre-occupied, and dependent, and familialy disintegrated, thus conforming to survive. They really have it all covered now.
Wait until they start raiding your 401K plans to prop up these retards to make sure their gibs keep coming. Under Hillary White Genocide is a given. Nomesayin?
I would like to propose a firearms related Charter School on the South Side of Chicago and in North St. Louis. It would teach proper aiming techniques when you're dissed and firearm maintenance, so the Hi Point doesn't jam when you're drawing a bead on Felonious for banging your Bitch or dealin' on your corner. Makes a helluva lot more sense than African Studies. Nomesayin?
As a White, you will be outnumbered in your own country very soon...
Think about the consequences...
So sorry to hear that, Formerly Miss.
Have blacks ever invented a written language?
Never. There were writings in Central America and the Inca used knot-messaging, but Blacks... no.
The irony is that if liberals faced the truth and put the same funds towards jobs programs for Blacks it would help them far more.
What jobs can they do? Machinery digs ditches faster and cheaper. Machinery picks cotton ditto. They're even obsolete in Africa; can you imagine Eric Garner trying to catch an antelope?
But we need to be free of them. A container house in Liberia and a bushel of corn per person per month. Let them deal with the rest.
"Tavis Smiley has an article online today where he claims that some black students he recently spoke with are afraid the US Government will re-enslave them if Trump wins."
This shows the paranoia and stupidity rampant in too many Blacks. No other race has this high a level of total lack of logic.
Brian in Ohio said ”Enslave them to do what, exactly? They have been obsolete for 150 years! For 100 of those years, they were simply a burden. In the last 50 they have become a liability to our health, our safety, and our nation. . .”
If someone offered me a black slave for free along with a lifetime supply of watermelon, I would refuse the offer. Unlike a dog, horse, or cow a black is pure liability.
Formerly Miss. Greenbaum, very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It doesn't sound like your first go round with melanoma. I wish you the best. Three yrs of clean scans here. Hang in there!
I don't like the ideas that libertarians blame the government for failing public schools. When a lot of the schools were white, they were competent. It is not the fact that they are government run; it is the fact that blacks are in control. Public schools are excellent in Russia, Japan, Germany, Finland and in any other country not run by blacks.
I think people shouldn't criticize something just because it is public. Same thing with public transportation. Streetcars in the early 20th century US were nice and well designed. In Eastern Europe, streetcars are well run as well as in Japan. Only in inner cities where public transportation is bad because of black riders and black public officials.
I don't support libertarians who hate government schools and transportation but don't understand the race issue.
Public schools were fine in cities like New Orleans, Detroit, Newark, Selma or any other city before integration.
I think there is a blind spot in some of the discussion here regarding segregation, racial differences, IQ, public schooling as national adventure worthy of all of our energies, or as a moldering bad joke.
That blind spot is world war two, specifically the frightening reality of nazi Germany's eugenics program, and the deeply uncomfortable feeling that maybe they were on to something. The USA had a eugenics tradition, although it was surreptitious and clumsily negative - a " weeding out " program, a war on the weak. Our eugenics program stopped after Nazi extremism came to light; if we hadn't gotten so involved in European problems who knows. Maybe we'd be a proper nation, proud of ourselves and jealously guarding our borders and traditions. As it is, we're the mere grist for the propaganda mills.
"sic means it was what literally was written. usually for a mistake."
Phew. I thought it meant "Stupid Ignorant C---- er Clown.
From the pic you can understand my confusion I'm sure.
"So I dunno if its just the poor who are being over vaccinated,"
Well, maybe you don't start out poor but....
Black people dey love dey chilluns....
Like Mona. Mona tortured a 12-year-old white boy to death with a BLOWTORCH. Of course, Nancy Grace and the media vomit brokers ignored it; not supposed to talk about the asymmetrical warfare of white ethnic cleansing. Anyway, she should of got the "deff penalty" for torture murder of a child, but of course didn't, because, although we pay the taxes for da "gibs me dat", serve in the (((globalist))) wars and on the police force, these days, WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER.
Some days, PK, I just want to see it all burn...
The Horrific Death of Johnathan Foster
RIP Little John...
Blacks will ALWAYS play the victim. no matter how good they have it. I am i white man from Bermuda originally, home of what is most likely the most coddle negro's on the planet. Well some spook just offed another spook down there here's the article from the local paper
Read the comments same old blaming the white man, education, lack of jobs, blacks are the same all over.
FMG- sorry about your diagnosis and your banning from AmRen. I think AmRen does a lot of good and unfortunately they must to a certain extent be pic. You are my favorite poster and I wish you well. What was your name on AmRen?
I had some health issues and almost died. Actually I did, but by a combination of miracles here I am. Why me?
Ive been cancer free since 1987.
If you havent read Carl Simontons book "Getting Well Again" I highly recommend it.
All the best!
I noticed that too. ☀
I remember vividly attending private school until the 7th grade when forced to begin attendance at a public institution. When I relate my feelings and thoughts on those experiences of public education to adults they tell me I was just "sheltered" or "timid" in the new alien environment.
No, it was blacks who ruined every facet of the public system that disrupted the learning patterns for everyone. I remember we had a black "English" teacher who always thought the scribbling of other blacks was "so deep".
What a joke public school was then and it must be unbelievable today.
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