The home of 'Black Power' (a concept that is a proverbial EMP upon any city to which it is deployed via political power and a demography majority) is under-siege by white people buying up cheap property. [
Oakland, Gentrification, and the End of the American Dream, SBPDL, 10-8-13]
Funny: A 'White-Hispanic' didn't hunt down these Oakland blacks; blacks in Oakland supplied the killing stroke |
We already know this, but did you know just what type of world 'Black Power' creates? One that eventually reverts back to the type of world it supplanted [
Even odds :Being male and black in Oakland means being about as likely to be killed as to graduate from high school ready for college, San Francisco Chronicle, August 2013]:
There were just six weeks until the end of the
school year at Castlemont High in Oakland, and every week seemed to
bring another milestone for the 17-year-old senior. His last track meet
was coming up. In a few days, he'd attend prom.
And there was the moment he'd strived after for four years, the
reward for all the work achieving a 3.5 grade point average and a place
near the top of his class of 140: graduation.
It had not been easy. Nothing was in East Oakland. For a young black
man like Thomas, just surviving the crime and poverty that permeated his
daily life was an achievement.
In this city, boys of his race are more likely to miss school; be
suspended; graduate late, if at all; or be incarcerated than their
white, Asian or Latino peers.
Since 2002, the number of African American men killed on the streets
of Oakland has nearly matched the number who graduated from its high
schools ready to attend a state university.
The fates of the three young black men echo the statistics of so many like them.
From 2002 through the end of 2012, 787 black boys and men in Oakland
were victims of homicide. During that same time, just 802 graduated
prepared to attend either a California State University or University of
California school.
In 2009, about 600 African American males started high school in the
Oakland school district with Thomas and Olajuwon. Of those, an estimated
80 to 100 graduated college-ready. Another 200 were expected to get
their diplomas, but not with UC or CSU admission requirements. Others
took the GED, or would continue in adult school. Still others spent time
in jail.
During those same four years, 31 Oakland public school students ages
11 to 19 were killed across the city. Most of them were shot and most
were African American males.
After seeing these unyielding statistics for Oakland's African
American males, the Oakland Unified School District decided it had to do
something dramatic to try to change them.
In 2010, it became the first school district in the United States to
create a department dedicated to altering the fortunes of black boys.
Through its African American Male Achievement Office, the district
has created classes and programs specifically for these young men. Their
aim: to help them navigate their lives in and out of school by
providing teachers who understand them, mentors who can guide them,
disciplinary alternatives to suspension and strategies to make good
The office's goals are ambitious: double black boys' graduation rate;
eliminate the achievement gap between black males and white or Asian
peers; reduce suspension and absentee rates; and cut incarceration rates
in half. There are three years left in a five-year plan to get there.
Success, if it comes, will cost at least $2 million per year, with most
of that funding from foundations and grants.
The effort has drawn vocal support from the Obama administration, but
some of its actions have spurred controversy, including the hiring of
noncertified teachers and the sponsorship of a charter school populated
solely by black boys.
The pre-1954 world returns to Oakland. It's the only logical conclusion to one where a post-1954 world has ravaged every city it touches.
The only solution is to stop paying Blacks to have kids. They have no value in an information age. Mindless physical labor is not needed. Long ago we stopped breeding mules. Why do we continue to breed Blacks..?
"The office's goals are ambitious:"
They only need to create "upward falling rain", "dry water", and "hot ICE"
Have they not been trying all this (paid for by white tax dollars), 60+ years?
They all need special treatment and end up below average in achievement.Truly toxic,a failed species.We can no longer pay for nig disfunction and violence.Mandatory sterilization for receiving goverment benefits.Strict enforcement of existing laws (there are plenty )We must apply pressure if we want any change.Me,you,anyone who wanrs a better US.Thank You,Richard Cranium
There is a natural hierarchy of causes to Oakland's problems. Anyone who proposes a solution should keep that in mind.
First of all there is the problem of black biology. As I keep showing in my video lectures - "Disturbing Ideas" - the problems with black population are not social or the result of a particular history. Black people have a set of biological differences - mostly neurological - that doom them to crime, poor social functioning and poverty.
There are readily available resources on the web that tell of Oakland before the blacks came. That Oakland had none of our current day problems. Almost all of Oakland's problems are simply that it has black people.
It is true that our local government has made things worse but that's a higher level problem. Jerry Brown, Ron Dellums and the Black Panthers are epiphenomena.
So liberals say 'fix the problems with the black population'. Alas that seems to be impossible. Once again the would-be reformers call for closing the achievement gap in the schools. This is approximately the same solution that Gene Roddenberry used in Star Trek. The stars are so far apart that the speed of light means the trekkers would spend decades going from place to place. So Roddenberry just 'invented' warp drive. In fiction you can do that. If reality is inconvenient you invoke an impossible technology and live happily ever after on the fruits of the ensuing government program.
Educating black people to equality seems to be just about as hard as flying faster than light or perpetual motion.
We expect to find some falacy in the periodic announcements of yet another perpetual motion machine. Yet we as a people continue to place our faith and tax funds in yet another educational reform. Things only start to get better when we begin to face reality.
Actually that's not exactly right. As I point out in my recent show on black violence, there are known to be 217 SNPs involved in human height. There are thought to be a similar number involved in intelligence. We know at least one SNP that is responsible for lower black IQ. Blacks can be manipulated genetically like any other race or species. And they can be made to be less violent, less stupid, and less crazy. But then they would not really be blacks anymore would they?
Oakland has too few cops. We have a couple cops on the force here who make more than $200K a year. We can't afford enough police at those rates. But the real problem isn't the stupid negotiating policies of the mayor's office, it isn't just their reliance on unfunded liabilities, it's the biology of the black population.
How about after 2 kids its your problem.
At times many people need a hand up, not a constant hand out
generational welfare is the real problem. This has got to stop 12.6% of the population , recieve 40% of the benifits. B$$l s$$it
Anything whites give to blacks is squandered or destroyed. Even though blacks are "trying" to improve what cannot be improved, whites will funnel untold millions/billions to assist with this effort. It will not just fail but crash and burn. Blacks cannot act civilized in school or in life as it is not in their genetics. Tens of thousands of years of tribal combat in their DNA is on full display around the world, every second of every day. They just go through the motions but eventually they will "fall through the cracks" and get "caught up in the criminal justice system", blaming guns, institutional racism, overt racism, subtle racism, self hate, lack of opportunity, lack of access, lack of investment, lack of police, too many police, no jobs, Mexicans taking their jobs, no job programs, job programs being cancelled due to lack of interest, and on and on and on. They can't look at themselves as the problem when the media, celebrities, politicians and the ACLU/SPLC continue to reinforce that blacks are not responsible for their miasma. It all circles back to whitey being somehow responsible, even in darkest Oakland.
Of the 802 graduates prepared to attend "either a Cal State or a UC school," I bet almost all of them fall under the Cal State category, very few under the UC category.
Why do we continue to breed Blacks..?
To populate "mendicant voter plantations".
It's been tried for centuries. Alchemy has been a fever dream for many an idealistic man, but the truth is, you just can't turn feces into gold.
Another son o bama done good
"African American Male Achievement Office"...what a joke.
It reminds me the alchemists of old. They feverishly tried to turn lead into gold. Of course, it never worked. At least they honestly didn't know any better.
The modern day alchemists are trying to turn blacks into civilized people. This, also, will never work. Some involved in the endeavor may believe it, but most don't. It is simply a way to pick the pockets of the producers.
It's like forcing people, via the power of government, to pay me to chase a mirage. I'll never reach it, but I can enrich my bank account in perpetuity by pretending to do so.
I'm more interested in the Office Of Keeping Blacks As Far Away As Possible (OOKBAFAAP).
81% of Asians graduate high school in the US, 80% of whites. Only 62% of blacks (68% of Latinos). The schools were desegregated over 60 years ago now, we keep lowering standards and emphasizing "self-esteem" and changing the way IQ tests and other standardized tests work to no avail. Anything to just not admit blacks are stupider, on average. The occasional smart one is no proof, and probably just got a good dose of white genes from an ancestor.
Why do we continue to breed Blacks..?
You can't stop there as lack of money has never been a historical barrier to having I mean having children. Maybe you need to rethink America's collective hysteria over the subject of abortion.
The person that responded at 10:43 am nailed it nuf said. Now what do we have to do to stop this waste. There is only one answer.
we whites need , have to have a white only homeland.
The liberals will not change.
"It's like forcing people, via the power of government, to pay me to chase a mirage. I'll never reach it, but I can enrich my bank account in perpetuity by pretending to do so."
the Rainbow Coalition comes to mind
Maybe you need to rethink America's collective hysteria over the subject of abortion.
By the time abortion is an issue, it's mostly too late. What we need is pre-emptive sterilization of the illiterate at the age when their academic (and thus employment) failure is guaranteed (the third grade, roughly), temporary 10-year sterilization for any sort of violent crime (including school fights) and as a condition of parole for most other serious crimes, and permanent sterilization after the 3rd offense.
The violent alpha-types may get laid, but if they can't make babies their behavior is not passed to the next generation. And if the illiterates of either sex never breed, there goes most of the problem in the schools... and probably most of the population in the ghetto, period.
With the help of our government they have found a way to close the gap between white and black achievement, but it has nothing to do with creating more intelligent blacks it involves the dumbing down of white kids. To prevent this from happening the parents of white students must be willing and able to take control of their children's education. This will seem like quite a task considering all of the outside influence regularly beamed at our children by the entertainment industry. Its impossible to shield your children but you can expose the facts about rap and all of the silly reality shows and offer a healthy amount of alternatives and as they mature the higher IQ will enable them to sort out the bullshit.
Mich Mike
I am not looking for this to happen anytime soon,but...It seems like many if not most of the nigs living easy on Whitey's money could be gotten rid of over time if the actual rules were enforced with swift and sure consequences.Most people hanging about the projects do not live there.Many of the project apartments are crack dens.Holding everyone responsible for their apartments condition and their guests' behavior would get rid of many assholes in mere months.Make each project a 'gated community'-You must check in and out.Troublemakers would be barred.Have regular surprise inspections of the apartments.If some asshole has 20 people sleeping there,he gets put out and the 'guests' get their own welfare audited as they surely did not report staying there.Nobody is supposed to get food stamps if they have a drug conviction after 1996.No felon is allowed to own a handgun.Most nigs are convicted felons.Surprise sweeps would jail many and get many guns off the street.
What I am getting at is that there are more than enough laws,rules,policies,etc. to address and deal with nig disfunction.If these laws,rules,etc. were simply enforced consistantly,(starting NOW) we could see real results.Almost all these assholes could be off the welfare tit in a surprisingly short time.That is my opinion anyway.Richard Cranium
did I miss this in the article?
Anonymous countenance said...
Of the 802 graduates prepared to attend "either a Cal State or a UC school," I bet almost all of them fall under the Cal State category, very few under the UC category.
I have walked at UCLA..
u c lotsa asians
"African American Male Achievement Office"
Excuse me, but is there a White Male achievement office? Unless and until cities turn to foster the best amongst us, high achievement of our race will continue to elude us.
White Homeland
@ Anon who said: "The only solution is to stop paying Blacks to have kids. They have no value in an information age. Mindless physical labor is not needed. Long ago we stopped breeding mules. Why do we continue to breed Blacks..?"
Paul, gotta see this White corporate women get black "hairstyles". A photo essay....
Translation? White Males Suck
Yes, Paul, I see: in 1954, the Supremes outlawed "separate but equal" with Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Here, we're seeing "separate but desperate" in an attempt to profess equality.
I bought into that stuff until about 40 years later, when living in the ghettos of Philadelphia convinced me that a 1973 Heinlein quote, "all men are created unequal," had more merit. And another quote from that same opus tells us what to do- or what not to do- about it: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig."
Anon on October 20, 2013 at 5:31 PM sez:
Paul, gotta see this White corporate women get black "hairstyles". A photo essay....
Translation? White Males Suck
Uhm. NO. Those old, hideous sea hags with a few corn-rows (OH HOW NEGRO!) and old-timey Flapper hair is NOT a rejection of white men. That right there is just a plain embarrassing example of clueless and desperate.
Mr. Richard Cranium-
Love your posts, love your handle. Agree with your plans.
However, I've stopped thinking of them as failures so much as a different breed, or what dog people call a landrace. Don't expect St. Bernards to do agility courses, and don't expect border collies to rescue hikers buried in an avalanche. Want someone who can dunk a basketball? Use landrace A. Want someone who can do second-order differential equations? DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT, use landrace A.
For some reason, no one in the dog world sees any logic in simply "blending away" the diversity by forcing border collies to breed with St. Bernards, or launching a special education program so Labs will be as smart as poodles.
They do, however, see the logic in judicious use of sterilization and euthanasia.
We could learn a lot from the dog people.
I think racism is wrong. That means I think affirmative action is wrong, because it is racism, just like quotas, etc. Black kids in Oakland don't need preferential treatment, they need to be held accountable for their actions the same as the rest of us.
I was reading one of Kersey's columns in VDARE, about how when EBT cards failed, black welfare Moms were talking about their kids starving. That got me thinking - first off, what kind of idiot doesn't have enough food in their pantry for a few days? Second, isn't it YOUR responsibility to feed your own kids? It's not MY responsibility, it's not the government's - it's the parents'.
Like I said, I am against racism. I treat people as individuals when I meet them, which means I do have a few black friends. BUT - these are black people who act like rational adults. They feed their own kids. They are married to their spouses and they don't depend on the government. Their kids are not gang-bangers or thugs or druggies.
Similarly, I have known white people who surprised me with their welfare mentality.
My parents came to the US from India as LEGAL immigrants. They never asked for a government hand-out. They started saving money in my college fund from the day I was born. When my Dad died, he left my Mom debt free, with a small retirement fund that is adequate because my husband and I took my Mom in so we can look after her. We believe that family should look after family.
That is what I find so bizarre and WRONG about the current welfare state - parents have kids the government will take care of, and when they get old they expect the government to care for them, too... well, shoot, what is this but a glorified plantation or slavery, with liberals being the benevolent masters...
I was reading somewhere that back when Kennedy was President, something like 90% of Indians had a positive view of America. After Clinton, this positive view started to go down. My parents came to the US because we thought this was a great country. We wanted to assimilate, to become part of America. Now, though, you talk to immigrants, and they want to hold on to their culture.
The problem with this - if you are coming here from a third-world country, there is a reason it's third world. Why would you want to change America into a replica of your dysfunctional homeland?
On a micro-scale - the leftists have destroyed once great cities like Detroit and states like California are on their way down the toilet. Why would people leaving those places who come to Texas (where I live) continue to vote Democrat? Are people really this stupid?
Why do blacks still support people like Jesse Jackson and things like welfare instead of embracing personal responsibility, etc., the kinds of things that Frederick Douglass, etc., talked about - the kind of stuff that have made blacks like Thomas Sowell a person to admire?
BTW, I was watching a video of a welfare Mom (black) with FIFTEEN kids. UNBELIEVABLE. I also know of a white welfare mom who had 9 kids, so it's not just blacks, though, as a group - 28% of blacks vs. just 8% of whites are on welfare.
But the thing is - why can't we make welfare more accountable?
If I were in charge, my rules would be:
1) Welfare is supposed to be a temporary safety net, not a lifestyle. I'd put a 6 month limit on it. After 6 months, unless you are disabled - you have to work. If you cannot find a job, a job will be found for you.
2) All welfare recipients are drug-tested each time they get their check. If you have drugs in your system - no welfare.
3) Each welfare recipient must be on birth control - a shot of Depo Provera or an IUD. No additional support if she somehow still manages to have more kids.
4) Stop supporting single mothers with welfare. Instead, set up orphanages. If a single woman gets pregnant, she can raise the child herself or put it up for adoption or marry the father. Welfare should only be for people who tried to do the right thing (get married, have a job, etc. before having kids) but had a hard run of luck.
Of course, one thing I don't get - why don't families take care of their own first? The only people who should need welfare are basically widows and orphans with no family able to help out.
Racism is the highest good. Go back to India, we don't want your kind here and I doubt your kind would want me there. That's how it should be.
Latest from the ATHell:
I don't even know what to say. Modern society isn't interested in solving this (or any, it seems) problem, so we're just forced spectators to our own destruction.
Anon @ 7:47 doesn't speak for everyone here. You write like an intelligent, sensible person. Those qualities are (or should be) welcome anywhere.
Rev Bacon;The genetics of dogs and their traits and behavior are obviously connected,no sane person would dispute that.When the same is said about people,it is a shitstorm of bullshit.40+years of giving them everything imaginable ( cradle to grave free food,housing,utilities,extra benefits for large families,affirmative action jobs that pay well and require no work and cannot be lost,cash spending money,carte blanche acceptance of outrageous behavior,just to name a few.)should prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that nigs cannot put anything good together collectively,even when handed all the ingredients of a decent life.They cannot keep their neighborhoods clean,stop shooting each other,or,for that matter,even be quiet.Sooner or later the money faucet will dry up,and they are going to head for where the money is-White neighborhoods.Knowing this,anyone not ready has nobody but themselves to blame.I thank You for great posts and observations Richard Cranium
Or teach Marksmenship in all High Schools, mandatory!
They are all bi-polar, autistic, cognitive dysfunction and diabetic. All special cases that require special treatment.
When you have a culture of meglomaniacs who are violent and aggressive you get the ghetto.
Turning their lives around, loving fathers who were all just victims of the YT that moved away.
Makes me want to vomit.
I attended CSUF. The "college ready" hood rats filled all the remedial classes and the campus hangout. Screaming, shuckin, jivin and collecting FA semester after semester.
The ACLU has been keeping the cult of personal responsibility in check in the hood for decades.
Or UCI, Irvine. University of China Irvine
"Racism is the highest good. Go back to India, we don't want your kind here and I doubt your kind would want me there. That's how it should be."
Did you actually read the Post? I don't see your problem.
It's been tried for centuries. Alchemy has been a fever dream for many an idealistic man, but the truth is, you just can't turn feces into gold.
Oh, yes you can. Just slice up the stuff, put between two slices of bread and sell to white folks, especially the strong, independent feminist-indoctrinated wymyn. They'll buy it faster than you can make it.
Thanks for this. I appreciate your posts, and it is good to know that other minorities are just as disgusted with the whole mess as we a Whites are.
Unknown: "Like I said, I am against racism. I treat people as individuals when I meet them"
Putting on blinders and presuming innocence before guilt, in total strangers, is what gets people beaten, robbed, raped and killed. I'm glad it hasn't happened to you yet, but that's probably due to your use of Unspoken Racism in your daily life: avoiding large concentrations of negroes, which you already know are responsible for most of the vicious, predatory, unprovoked attacks.
"Why do blacks still support people like Jesse Jackson and things like welfare instead of...Thomas Sowell?"
Because they are niggers, and that's what niggers want. Why don't you ask your "good" black friends about that, instead of bothering us to answer for their cousins? I know why: they won't give you a straight answer, that puts their race in a negative light (see what I did, there? With a sub-160 IQ, even)
BTW, your proposals to curb welfare are nearly impossible to implement now, thanks in part to the 70-80% of your brother Indian immigrants who vote Democrat. Thank them for that, at your next barbeque.
Great ideas, all of them. Another suggestion: EBT usage requires photo ID (they're frequently "sold" on the street for half their value in cash). Better more cards. Wait in line for your cheese, rice, and beans. No more crab, ox tail, steaks, or soda.
Unknown said...
I think racism is wrong. That means I think affirmative action is wrong, because it is racism, just like quotas, etc. Black kids in Oakland don't need preferential treatment, they need to be held accountable for their actions the same as the rest of us.
Fascinating argument. Now Fuck off.
It must take a hell of an effort to actually care about blacks. I mean, it must be a tiresome endeavor.
"Blacks are killing each other in record numbers ... again? Blacks are failing in school ... still? Blacks need more help ... MORE?! STILL!?!"
Ignore them. Avoid them. Shut them out. Caring about them only makes them worse.
All white supremacists are white nationalists, but not all white nationalists are white supremacists, and of course many Eurocentrists are white nationalists.
You might get a pat on the back from some of the white nationalists on here, but you'll never win over the white supremacists, especially since there aren't a lot of white folk movin' ta India.
These white supremacists (and the other white nationalists) see Indians moving to Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia in droves, so you can be a self-sufficient,law-abiding citizen all the live long day but it don't mean a damn thing to the white supremacist or white nationalist concerned with homogeneity.
Trying to convince them that you and other Brown-Whites are an asset to them or their societies is like me, a poor White-White, trying to convince black nationalists and black supremacists that I've never benefited from "white privilege" ... or like me trying to convince upper-class whites that we're not all ignorant trash (throw-away things) that need to be sterilized in the third grade.
You've been posting here for a while, haven't ya?
Yeah, there's a few guys here married to Asians. They're safe for now, but when the post-apocalyptic world arrives, they're gonna suffer the same fate as the "oil drillers" and the "coal burners".
Bank on it.
By the by, most white nationalists, including white supremacists, especially the male ones, have dated outside of their race, and I'm talking about dating black women, too. They have told me so in the real world and in the cyber one, plus I've read their comments to one another. And since many are GEN X and younger, it's no longer "Once you go black there's no going back" (or "coming back"). Now it's "Get over here!" -- IF the white man or white woman doesn't have mixed kids, so it's possible some of your white friends today, even those with brown lovers, may join the "Rebirth Movement" tomorrow.
A lot of these guys were liberals at one time, don't ya know.
Sorry, but what is it with some of you Indian and Iranian chicks? I've noticed some of you posting on Stormfront and other WN sites, trying to convince the men you're "worthy" -- and not just as citizens, but as potential mates.
I know you're married, but why do some of your sisters do that? It degrades those women, as well as the nationalists who have made it clear that they are NOT interested in marrying and breeding outside of their race or even associating with groups outside of their race.
I guess it's similar to a woman who convinces herself that she can change her serial-raping/murdering prison pen pal.
If I were to google "Indian Love" or "Brown Love" would I find a bunch of Indians arguing with each other about white ppl? You know, how many white ppl they've bedded and how they don't need each other 'cause they can just got get them a white man or a white woman, peppered with venomous hate speech for whites in between all the bedding and wedding bullshit?
Not for posting, reader inquiry: please do a feature on this, as we are only aggregating an exisitng problem:
"My parents came to the US from India as LEGAL immigrants. They never asked for a government hand-out. They started saving money in my college fund from the day I was born. When my Dad died, he left my Mom debt free, with a small retirement fund that is adequate because my husband and I took my Mom in so we can look after her. We believe that family should look after family."
So what are you doing here? Why not stay home and better your own caste and people? We really don't need you in our country and it is wrong to rob India/China/Korea of all the wonderful hardworking people like you who could do so much more for humanity by staying at home and taking care of your own.
I know your homeland is a sh!thole and I for one would never, ever move there. But you owe it to your caste, race and tribe to go home and take care of your own rather than running off to live with people who have created a healthier, less abusive, more responsible culture.
Having lived among us and seen a much better way of living, just think what a wonderful example you could be for your own people in your own land rather than colonizing ours!
"Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, PTSS"
The systematic dehumanization of African slaves was the initial trauma, explains Leary, and generations of their descendents have borne the scars. Since that time, Americans of all ethnic backgrounds have been inculcated and immersed in a fabricated (but effective) system of race “hierarchy,” where light-skin privilege still dramatically affects the likelihood of succeeding in American society."
I've debated with Afrocentrists, black nationalists, black supremacists, Eurocentrists, white nationalists, white supremacists, Polynesian nationalists, etc., etc., etc..
There's some BIG differences going on here.
Like these Brown-White chicks trying to convince white nationalist males - including (and perhaps even especially) white supremacist males - to ... accept them or something.
I don't know what the hell is going on with that.
Black dudes and Brown-White dudes pop in from time to time, but they ain't tryin' to pitch them some woo!
Wurt da Furk?
I know this one isn't, but I've seen more than a few that were obviously tryin' to seduce they're way into the white nationalist man's private chambers
Anyway, I'm not a WN female, but I gotta laugh. It's just too much - TOO MUCH!
I do sympathize with young white nationalists, though, and I do understand their concerns and their anger.
I'm a single mom with a son. I just got the one but I worry about the impact some of the things he hears about whites may have on his self-esteem and the self-esteem of other white children. He has positive male role models who are related to him and who spend time with him doing man stuff, and they're good men, so hopefully this will help.
I wonder what it was like for Gen Y growing up? I'm Gen X. We were pretty much brainwashed by the hippies.
When I was little, I just knew I would marry a blue-collar guy who would make a cradle for our baby and a rocking chair for me to rock our baby in. I was a real girly-girl who liked dolls and ribbons and costume jewelry and pocketbooks. Of course none of this was cool, so I started dating hipsters and tried to compete with males - which never worked.
When I would land a job at a factory the look on the manager's face just said it all. But still, this waitress/hostess/carhop/health care worker would try to convince that poor, helpless-to-stop-the-insanity, blue-collar man I could handle "Big Metal!"
I feel sorry for those guys now. They knew me better than I knew myself but weren't allowed to say anything or else they would lose their jobs. Instead, they would always tilt their heads slightly, give a half-smile and say: "I don't know. We can give it a try, I guess."
Poor things.
I never lasted longer than a few hours.
I remember when I wanted to work in the kitchen. I cried "sexism" because I was stuck up front with all the attractive females. Again,the male manager knew I was not right for the job but he put me back there for a few hours to shut me up.
It worked.
After several years of this crap, I just said, "You know what? I like cooking and cleaning and wearing aprons, dammit! I don't like "Big Metal" or "Big Fire"! They're scary! Babies are more my thing. Babies and writing and chasing men down with coats and umbrellas."
Anyway, I rarely see white males or white females on other sites trying to convince ppl to accept them so I don't know why nonwhites and Brown-Whites feel compelled to make contact.
I find it all rather interesting.
I was hung up on Afroncentrism and black nationalism for about a year because it was something I wasn't really familiar with.
My journey began a couple of years ago when I couldn't think of a name for a single white person who had been a victim of a hate crime (or even the name of a white victim of interracial murder) and I needed an example for a piece I was writing. That's when I came across Channon and Chris.
I knew racism against whites existed, but I had no idea that ... well, you know.
By the by, I have nothing against Asians, including NE Asians. I think a lot of them (male and female) are cute and are hard working, morally conscious people. They're also very creative and talented. I just don't understand why some feel the need to engage with race realists or white supremacists or Eurocentrists (pick a white nationatlist flavor).
Gladys B,
Ten to one says she comes back with something like: "Indians contribute greatly to your countries. Without our knowledge every nation whites inhabit would be a third-world nation. Remember, you need us more than we need you. After all, that's why we're here: to make your lives better - to raise your standard of living."
I only say this because I think I've seen her replies to comments such as yours before.
Personally, I have no problem with Asians. I just want to see how my prophetic/mentat abilities are working today
Let's see what happens, shall we?
Sorry, but what is it with some of you Indian and Iranian chicks?
There are many Indians and Iranians who are ethnically white, I believe. But your point is taken.
Anon 10:08 AM,
There are also Afghans who claim they are the true Aryans. In fact they fight with Pakistanis and others about this. Then you have your Egyptians, Berbers and so on.
Will the real Aryans please stand up?
Hey, I think some of those Iranians look totally European. Some of the men and women are really beautiful.
Although there are some really beautiful Indians, none of them look European to me. So are they considered White-Whites or Brown-Whites?
Unknown said...I think racism is wrong. That means I think affirmative action is wrong, because it is racism, just like quotas, etc.
Thing is, race realists do not need to be told that AA is wrong. We already know it.
You need to make these arguments to blacks, and to DWLs (disingenuous white liberals). Please walk into your local "affirmative action" or "diversity" or "equal opportunity" office and make this argument. Go to any college black studies class, stand up, and make this argument. Please inform the NAACP, ACLU, the Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, and the rest of the race hustlers that AA is wrong.
If you can convince the current proponents of affirmative action that it is really "racism" and therefore should be dumped, then people on SBPDL might be willing to listen to what you have to say.
Why do blacks still support people like Jesse Jackson and things like welfare instead of embracing personal responsibility, etc., the kinds of things that Frederick Douglass, etc., talked about - the kind of stuff that have made blacks like Thomas Sowell a person to admire?
Personal responsibility just may be a result of genetic factors such as high-IQ, high impulse control, and longterm future orientation. These are things which seem to be inherent with most white people. We've seen laboratory demonstrations of how blacks embrace personal responsibility, from Detroit to Zimbabwe. Once in power, they throw away the high minded ideals ("civil rights, "liberation") and instead follow some demagogic big man (Young, Mugabe) who will give them the perks at the expense of YT.
Why be responsible when you can get that minority grant, welfare check, AA university admission, abandoned storefront, seized farm, suburban Section 8 house, or fawning adulation of DWLs? Or when any amount of violence on your part--rioting, flashmobbing, torture-murders--will be justified as the rebellion of "oppressed?" And when there is nothing left to loot, you just cry "racism" and find some new group of clueless whites to hustle.
As for Douglass and Sowell, you are talking about a very small number of black intellectuals who have little pull among blacks these decadent days.
But again, the people on SBPDL are not the people to convince. You need to bring all these arguments to blacks. Perhaps you can report on how they respond?
Double graduation rate thus ~80-100 new graduates. Cost >2 Million $/Yr. This is $20,000/Graduate [on top of the regular public school spending]. Why does it cost as much to graduate Blacks from High School as everyone else from a state College????
"Anonymous said...
Racism is the highest good. Go back to India, we don't want your kind here and I doubt your kind would want me there. That's how it should be."
Yeah, that's the welcoming spirit to those with "negro fatigue" to this site.
Speak for yourself. I enjoy hearing the views of other nationalities. Not to mention, it helps the common cause of fighting the BRA agenda, as well as growing Kersey's message.
You sound as ignorant as the blacks we lambaste here. But at least most point of views here are based on BEHAVIOR...not "I hate them because they look & talk different from me".
So you all think thst white folks are not on welfare or bi polar and autistic? That's a load of crap.
Fuck you Countenance. A graduate of Cal-State Hayward.
the black plague is allowed to metastacize when the those who are appointed to oversee the programs become black. It is only a matter of time when a sane white person asks himself "Did my ancestors really struggle so I can work in a government office, only to deal with blacks all day?" Then administrative white-flight occurs, the blacks move-ib, and the undertow begins.
They are not capable nor ever have been able to administer any social structure, especially one where that is perpetuated with OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY! No understanding of production=profit=reinvesting=growth. They only see the bling on the successful people and go straight for the end game: Conspicuous consumption / masquerade. If left to their own devices they always end-up showering in cow urine and dusting themselves with dung ash.
Prindle, you read the words of the article about the 802 Black boys who allegedly graduated "college-ready" from Oakland schools, and Countenance's opinion that few were destined for any UCal vs. one of the Cal States... and you took this as a PERSONAL insult, to be responded to with foul language?
If anything, this suggests that the low esteem given to Cal Staters is earned based on poor reading ability.
Another suggestion is require the baby daddy be ID'd as a condition of support. If no father no support, when you prove the daddy we tag his income for a portion in return. When 1 male can singlehandedly impregnate and double an apartment building residencies with no responsibilities for any of these little bastards.,why shouldnt ee determine parentage.?
Those who think that the Hindus and Orientals are just fine should take a look at what happens when their numbers increase, as in Southern California. They are not our friends.
Also take a look at what they've done to their own countries that they feel the need to flee to YT land.
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