Go ahead, sit down.
Take your time.
Seated yet?
We already know the Day the EBT Card Runs Out is the day nature pimp-slaps nurture and the entitlement culture of Black-Run America (BRA), sending our egalitarian society crashing to the floor; no interference by the state can deny this eventuality from happening.
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American Exceptionalism on display: Will White America ever shrug? |
American Thinker has published a powerful essay [No Demagoguery Needed, October 30, 2013], which helps explain in lurid detail the enormous costs of shouldering a demographic group ill-equipped with competing in the cognitively-demanding country created (and sustained) by whites. Sure, individual black people can compete, but you don't base social policy on individuals. Here's what was published at American Thinker:
At the end of last week, conservative news media reported on Census Bureau data showing that there were more people on welfare in the United States than there were people with full time jobs at the end of 2011. This is alarming news, but there is also a temptation to make it even more alarming by twisting the numbers to exaggerate the extent that Americans (which in the Census includes non-citizens who simply live in the U.S.) are dependent on government largesse. Terence P. Jeffrey, writing for CNS News, let the facts speak for themselves. He properly cited the Census definition of "means tested benefits" which equate with the popular understanding of welfare programs that transfer goods, services and income to the poor.
According to the Census data cited by Jeffrey, "in the fourth quarter of 2011 were 82,457,000 people in households receiving Medicaid, 49,073,000 beneficiaries of food stamps, 20,223,000 on Supplemental Security Income, 23,228,000 in the Women, Infants and Children program, 13,433,000 in public or subsidized rental housing, and 5,854,000 in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Also among the 108,592,000 means-tested benefit recipients counted by the Census Bureau were people getting free or reduced-price lunch or breakfast, state-administered supplemental security income and means-tested veterans pensions." In comparison, 101,716,000 people worked full-time in 2011.
There are other useful figures from the same Census report that did not make the CNS or Newsmax stories. The government figures were broken down by race. While 20.5% of White and 27.9% of Asian households receive some form of means-tested benefits, 50.9% of Black households and 53.3% of Hispanic households receive welfare assistance. The figure for Hispanic households should dispel any notions that the Republican Party will gain any advantage from immigration reforms that increase the size of this voting bloc. Communities with a high dependence on welfare will vote for the party that promises to keep the benefits flowing. There is a reason every Democrat in Congress supports comprehensive immigration reform that would open a path to the voting booth to those who came into the country illegally.
Shrug already... |
From the 2010 US Census, we learn from Table 543. Persons Living in Households Receiving Selected Noncash Benefit that:
- 20.5 percent of whites, 27.9 percent of Asians, 50.9 percent of blacks, and 53.3 percent of Hispanics (Latinos) received means-tested assistance (this includes means-tested cash assistance, food stamps, Medicaid, and public or authorized housing).
- From that same dataset, we learn that 6.9 percent of whites, 18.8 percent of Hispanics (Latinos), 5.7 percent of Asians, and 25.1 percent of blacks live in a household that receives food stamps/EBT/SNAP.
- Crunching the numbers just a tad farther, we learn that 16.7 percent of whites, 43.8 percent of Hispanics (Latinos), 23.2 percent of Asians, and 39.4 percent of blacks live in a household in which on or more persons are covered by Medicaid.
- How about public housing? 1.9 percent of whites, 4.7 percent of Hispanics (Latinos), 2.5 percent of Asians, and 11.5 percent of blacks live in public or authorized housing.
- And, 4.4 percent of whites, 8.7 percent of Hispanics (Latinos), 5.6 percent of Asians, and 13.6 percent of blacks live in a household that receives means-tested cash assistance.
Welcome to America, a land brimming with exceptionalism... right?
Where we disembarked from a trajectory of working to the improve the lives of the historic American majority population, to importing a new underclass less violent than the one we foolishly brought to this continent centuries ago (well, it should be noted their kinsman in Africa willingly parted with some of them by selling them into slavery...)
Now, 50.9 percent of black households (this doesn't take into the account the vast black prison population, incarcerated to protect what little liberty still exists in America) in America rely on assistance, with the budding minority group (soon to be a majority in states like California, Texas, Arizona, etc.) known as "Hispanics" seeing 53.3 percent of their households receiving benefits.
Meanwhile, white households are busy supporting this whole scheme.
If 25.1 percent of black households relied on the EBT/SNAP card for food in 2010, what do you think the percentage is today? Easily, the number is north of 35 percent.
Are you still sitting down?
You have work to do, for the black underclass (and brown) needs your assistance via a racial tax/transfer of wealth.
American exceptionalism in 2013 means everyone in America has a future except white Americans.
You have been forced to give them so much, for so long and yet they hate you intensely. They teach their children to hate you more intensely. They gather in groups and beat you, rape you, set you on fire, stab and shoot you.
oh yes they will shrug if they were only shown the truth on the lame stream media! do you remember real news in this country?
those statistics are stunning.
roll out the excuses for the black & hispanic folk. da turrible turrible legacy of slabery is worse than we thought. i guess that one doesn't work for hispanics!
I wish that there was an overall aid figure. While you find 50.9% getting some kind of assistance, you only slightly mention those in the prison population (getting 24x7 assistance of a kind), but you don't also take in the MILLIONS who trade some form of work for massive amounts of assistance, ie by working for the government. Blacks are VASTLY over-represented as government employees, compared to their numbers in general society.
Wouldn't it be "funny" if the total number of Blacks getting a check, sitting in a cell, or working for da gubbermin added up to more than 85%? You'd want to be lying down for that stat, not just sitting down. And, while I have no way of finding this number, I bet you that 85% is probably low, even when applied to their overall population, not just those of working age.
If Limbaugh had any courage, he'd simply read Paul's article on the air. Wouldn't even have to add his own two cents. Of course, it would be one of very least things he ever read on the air, for those who write his checks would shut him down in short order.
The true-believer DWLs don't care. You can point out facts and figures 24 x 7 x 365 and there will be one of two reactions: a) they'll claim you're making it up, that there are more whites on welfare than blacks (conveniently ignoring the whole 'percentile' concept); or b) they say YT must pay because of the turrible, turrible legacy ob de slabery. You're not talking about people who are capable of rational thought here, for they are truly religious in a fanatical sense only somewhat matched by Musloid jihadis.
It's the Freepers, the Limbaugh audience, etc. who are the ones who sense that something has gone terribly, terribly wrong but are themselves so indoctrinated into the DWL religion of equality über alles that things like this completely factual post cause them to reflexively scream rayciss!!. If they want it to end, they have to stop playing the game by squid rules. Once enough of them do, the waves of instability will commence. Many are (understandably) afraid of this, and so desperately cling to Tea-Party (what an ironic name considering what the original Boston Tea Party folks did) notion of working within a rigged system.
You know we keep saying that this whole thing is going to collapse and soon, but I'm not so sure anymore. There really is no need to collapse this system, it's literally the perfect system for control. By the numbers alone, the collapse should have happened years and years ago but it did not. I think they can prop up this house of cards for as long as they need to. They have been working on destroying our race for hundreds of years, so what's another 25 or 50 years of this system to them? There is literally no political opposition to our dispossession, and the MAJORITY WHITE United States military long ago ceased to be of any use to the White race. People always scream, "How did we let this happen, what happened to the White race?" I say where the hell was the military during the last 50 years? What were the generals and military leaders doing when our government decided to unleash the blacks and third word hordes upon us?
The more I think about it, the more I think the "slow burners" were right. I don't think that there will be some major financial/economic/EBT disaster that sends the whole country into "World War Z" mode. There is no need for that if the goal is White destruction. All they have to do is wait it out and keep the petrodollar as the world's reserve currency. IF the system continues on its present course, the White race will simply fade away, as we pay through the nose for the non Whites to out breed us. Perhaps all of this talk about collapse and chaos is just another Psy-Op to keep us in perpetual fear of tomorrow. I'm sure you guys go to other "alternative news" sites where the site master continually harps on chaos and destruction as being right around the corner. Fear sells and links like "Global Chaos Imminent" get a LOT of clicks and lead to increased site views. This whole thing is a game, I mean the White race is supposed to come together and fight this shit when we're so atomized that we are willing to kill each other over the color of a sports jersey? I just look at all of the ambivalent White people going about their daily tasks and I think why or how am I different? And I realize that I'm not. I'm not fighting the system, hell I go to work everyday like most of you. I pay my taxes just like the rest of you, so that Juan and Shitavious can provide of future of color for the rest of us, and if I don't you can be damn sure the Uncle Sam will come for my property and my bank account and then I'm just another American zero but hey at least I fought the system right?
How many of these hispanics are illegals? I bet if you compared the legal hispanics vs american blacks there would be a big dropoff. In any case if I had to pick between the spics and blacks the spics would win and would serve as more of an ally against the blacks the ultimate pest.
The apple cart is very close to being upset.
Please, please be ready when the wheels come off.
As of this weekend I am meeting with both of my only rural neighbors for a multi-family cookout, drinks & bonfire. I already have a "tribe" with my co-workers for post-SHTF.
Seeds are already planted.
Network NOW.
It will be too late when the collapse occurs.
"roll out the excuses for the black & hispanic folk. da turrible turrible legacy of slabery is worse than we thought. i guess that one doesn't work for hispanics!"
Nope...that's why they invented the concept of "white privilege."
Who is John Galt?
What will you do when the system breaks? Will you sit around waiting for the government to do something? It won't. It couldn't keep the system from breaking and it won't create a new system.
It is fairly pointless to scoff at global warming and peak resources as though they are far off, unlikely to occur, and anyway fiction created by one world types. One world will become a bunch of little worlds fairly rapidly, and no amount of carbon taxes will prevent that. They might have thirty years ago, but it's much too late now for any remediation.
What will you do?
Will you know how to form communities? Do you live in a bad zip code where "murders just happen" or do you live in a nice suburb? Doesn't matter. If there is insufficient food on the grocery store shelf, murders will just happen.
What will you do?
Will you read up on mitigation? Will you learn to garden, to repair, to store food or to barter? Or will you depend on your givernment job, your corporate job, or your place in a vast, well oiled machine.
There wil be no vast, well oiled machines.
What will you do?
What can you do?
Are you a builder who derides engineers, but can only build something the way it has always been built? Can you design something new? Can you adapt old technology to new problems.
Who will you blame?
Will you lay it all on the negro? Will you blame the DWL and the squids? Will you blame the corporate media. Won't do any good. These groups are totally unprepared for resource depletion, and they think global warming is too inconvenient to deal with.
What will you do?
Will you figure out some way to save yourself, your family and your tribe? (community) If so, you have a chance. If not, you are as useless as all the gubmint employed blacks.
Hmmmm, I actually don't agree with these numbers, I have seen other sources that show the numbers actually being MUCH WORSE, up to 71% of Hispanic households on welfare,
I will check my sources and maybe if I am right post some links later tonight.
Remember What Mamma Said!
"Take your ass down to da Welfare!"
I think this is probably the best article ever on SBPDL, and I read it every day. I was born and raised in the post-MLK era. I was raised to be, and was, a hard-core egalitarian. I thought that skin color was no more important than eye or hair color. Facts turned me around. Now I'm a hard core white nationalist and I'm converting other whites to the cause. My point is that we can turn people around with the facts, so please don't give up! We have had a racial identity for most of our history. It's really only been in the last 50 years that we fell for the "one race: the human race" lie. WE CAN TURN IT AROUND. It may take decades, but we can do it, and once we get rid of this underclass, we'll all have enough room and wealth to have 10+ white children per family. WE CAN DO IT. NEVER GIVE UP.
Drew458;Sadly,you are quite correct with your logic and math.If any of this is given the slightest amount of thought,it can be astonishing and overwhelming.What a shocking and outrageous state of affairs.It was a million small steps to get to this point.Getting out will take a miracle or a revolution.What a fucking disgrace.Thank you for a great post! Richard Cranium
Of the many aspects of the problem two stand out. In the twenties and thirties amid great farm surpluses and industrial over production the idea took hold that the US is such a rich country there is no need for anyone to go without anything. Of course then the entire population was just over a hundred mil. Today it is skyrocketing toward 400 mil at which time our inexhaustible riches will be completely exhausted, especially water. Nevertheless the notion is still religiously believed by many many people.
At the same time after the Civil War the idea arose that we could never divest ourselves of guilt for what we had done to those people. This too is a basic belief engrained into the American psyche with a steel stylus.
I don't think either idea can be eradicated no matter what. The only thing that will override it is sheer terror. That mind set will have to be terrorized out of its mind. Perhaps New York's mayoral results on 11/5 will alert some of them to their peril. On the other hand they may just lay down their bodies in expiation.
That I should have lived so long and seen it coming.
When you think about it. These figures re appalling. This leaves out (as Drew458 said) ALL of the extra costs negros inflict on us. The crime, the property damage, the bloated Court system, the AA, the terrible costs for negro schools, the incarceration of one million male bucks. The processing of the fact that 1 in 4 has had a felony, in in jail, out of jail on bond or committed a felony. The dumbing down of schools, the entire PC agenda PLUS the foreign Aid to crap holes like Haiti and Afreaka in general, plus the free drugs, forgiven debts, the technology transfer...
Good God.
An old saying, and in my experience it has never failed to be true...
You reap what you sew.
Just make sure you are in position to help make sure these people reap what they are sewing.
I love you, Mr. Paul Kersey. I truly do.
You are a light of truth shining brightly on the blight that is plaguing white America (and whites all over the world).
Thought experiment:
What happens when there are no more white people...ever? Look at what happens when whites depopulate a city...or even a country. The plague of low hanging fruit pickers revert to the mean and civilization is lost once again.
The idiots who think this world will be better without whites are basically saying that this world would be better without civilization. Pure idiocracy.
This world will be a hell hole and a pit of doom without the white race.
God help us and lock -n- load.
Nothing will ever change until the pain becomes unendurable. And, seeing as the boys in Washington have a magic money printing machine, that probably won't for awhile ...
I wonder what pantsuit Hillary is going to wear at her inauguration?
"You know we keep saying that this whole thing is going to collapse and soon, but I'm not so sure anymore. There really is no need to collapse this system, it's literally the perfect system for control. By the numbers alone, the collapse should have happened years and years ago but it did not."
We have gotten away with it because we have made the rest of the world pay for it. We did this via our status as the world's reserve currency. Had whites actually been taxed to pay for it, it would have ended in the 60's. Instead, the government spent the Social Security monies and borrowed the rest. All of that borrowing has produced inflation in the rest of the world. It has accelerated so much over the last ten years, that the rest of the world is being hurt significantly. The Asians and the Middle East have had enough.
It was easy to go to war with Iraq because Saddam was pushing OPEC to dump the dollar (along with France and Germany, mind you), not so easy to go to war with China and Russia--BRIC. As more countries get tired of seeing their nation's wealth eroded to pay for America's stupidity, more and more will join the BRIC.
When oil producing nations drop the dollar it will end right now. I don't mean over a few years time, I mean it will end right then and there. It will be especially cataclysmic because we no longer produce much of what we consume.
I think it's going to be fun and I just wish I was a lot younger so I could take even better advantage of it. I don't panic, I think. Those like me, will rule the new America.
Oh, something no one ever mentions or thinks about in the survivalist communities. Cars. Better get yourself one that is pre 1985 if you want to keep it running once the Japs and Chinese cut us off. You want something made BEFORE electronics ruled the roost. Mechanical cars can be fixed--much much harder to fix a car that requires an electronic part made over seas.
Using this link:
I calculated that about 10% of all Blacks work for the Government. I assume quite a few of them receive "Government assistance" checks also.
It's not "reap what you sew". It's "Reap what you sow"
Reaping means to harvest. You can't harvest anything you have sewn with your Singer. You harvest what you have 'sown".
Robert B,
I reap what I sew when I sew a cloth that could reap me some moula.
All kidding aside, thank you for pointing that out to MoonDoggie in a kind and polite manner.
I still sometimes write isle instead of aisle and I always see my typo AFTER I hit submit.
That being said, MoonDoggie is right... We better make damned sure that these mofos pay the piper.
The longer we let them cling to the fruits of our labor, the more of them will keep cropping up like tribbles.
Look at so many impoverished countries for an example. These people practically sh*t out children! Children they can't afford to clothe or feed or school. These people are so moronic that they just eat/sh*t/F*ck and throwing WHITE money at these breeding parasites does diddly squat to help them.
Whites are in a struggle to survive being outbred by the Morlocks.
Well said.
10mm AUTO said...
When you think about it. These figures re appalling. This leaves out (as Drew458 said) ALL of the extra costs negros inflict on us. The crime, the property damage, the bloated Court system, the AA, the terrible costs for negro schools, the incarceration of one million male bucks. The processing of the fact that 1 in 4 has had a felony, in in jail, out of jail on bond or committed a felony. The dumbing down of schools, the entire PC agenda PLUS the foreign Aid to crap holes like Haiti and Afreaka in general, plus the free drugs, forgiven debts, the technology transfer…
What is certainly required is a more comprehensive tally of the cost:
police and equipment
courts and attorneys
prison system
education system impact to primary and secondary schools
Affirmative action impact on business efficiency
crime itself
probation monitoring
home security
business and public place security
Affirmative action impact on higher education
racially based lawsuits
general theft
general property damage
health insurance impact
impact to the hospital system to repair perps
impact to the hospital system to victims
Racially based foreign aid
displaced workers due to affirmative action
impact to general medical care
societal upheaval
Housing destruction
single parent households
Head Start
Section 8 housing
Public Housing
Job and skills training
The cost of government employment
The parole system
neighborhood destruction
anger management classes
the cost of personal protection including firearms
victim psychological counseling
societal fear and apprehension
Now I just typed this. I didn't stop and think about any of it. It's entirely off the top of my head, so to speak. Please expand it, correct it and add yours.
"Everything Turns Grey" -Agent Orange
Things don't seem to be as easy
As they used to be
It's getting harder every day
To think of better things to say
About what's going on around you
And what's happening inside you
When it's time to change you won't know how
It won't matter years from now
No matter what you think or do or say
Everything turns grey
This is it, the darkest hour
Isn't it depressing how our
Minds create an atmosphere
That won't happen here
Unless we make some new demands
To grasp the future in our hands
You know I wish I could but it's too late
For senseless minds that love to hate
No matter what they think or do or say
Everything turns grey
No matter what they think or do or say
Everything turns grey
That's a really good point about the gubmint jobs.. so many non-essential gubmint jobs are held by blacks.. I guarantee that it far exceeds their numbers per-capita... and the sad thing is that those gubmint jobs give the best benefits and retirement packages.. There's blacks (that I know personally) that live in beautiful houses in the suburbs who work for the gubmint, who's texts look like "i ain go don thar today wit no she aint gon go ether"... I mean barely literate..
One is a gubmint secretary and one is a social worker..
While people with two or three degrees who've had to read Kafka, Hugo, Kant, etc, can't get a job, these fat ghetto hoodrats live high off the gubmint hog..
I wonder what pantsuit Hillary is going to wear at her inauguration?
Do American TV networks still conduct exit-polling, or did that disappear with the Bush 2000 fraud when no-one could explain the discrepancies between intent and actual?
And of the minority of black families not on welfare, most of them are either working government make-work jobs, and many are in prison. The black middle class exists almost entirely due to white taxpayers. The black lower class, which is fat, is not living a third world poverty existence, again due to white taxpayers.
please write about halloween again.
Witness says she saw youths attack women on Halloween - Los ...
Nov 30, 2006 - Witness says she saw youths attack women on Halloween ... Testifying in a hate crime trial in Long Beach, an African American woman said Wednesday that she saw a group of more than ... Los Angeles County Deputy Dist
I calculated that about 10% of all Blacks work for the Government.
=4.3 million?
or 10% of blacks that work?
Before those who worship the worthless negro allow their pets to suffer, they'll confiscate your wealth to further fund the gibs.
Think Cyprus where 60% of the funds people had in their accounts were seized by the government.
If you think that can't, won't and could never happen here, you're living in a dream world.
Of course, the government wouldn't say the wealth was being confiscated to put into the paws of worthless breeder sow negroes and their offspring or into the grasping hands of mestizo brood factories. Some much more "palatable" excuse would be used and it would all be spewed under the banner of patriotism and helping your country and how we all have to make sacrifices and we're all Americans.
No, you'd simply wake up to find most of your hard earned wealth electronically confiscated over night. No amount of anger, protesting or appealing to the "opposition" will recover your losses. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. Of course, the powers that be will exempt themselves from the wealth confiscation much in the same way they've exempted themselves from Obamacare.
It would be their last ditch effort to stop the niggers and mestizo's from rioting and burning down the house but would and will only be a temporary measure as the money would soon be gone and it's right back to the rioting, looting, raping, killing and pillaging by the parasites.
The only sure thing in all this is there will be blood. Rivers of it.
SoCal: "The more I think about it, the more I think the "slow burners" were right. I don't think that there will be some major financial/economic/EBT disaster that sends the whole country into "World War Z" mode... All they have to do is wait it out and keep the petrodollar as the world's reserve currency."
As Robert B points out, that's the problem: they can't keep feeding an increasingly shittier shit-sandwich to the entire world, especially the ones we trade with. Crude oil is 5x higher than 15 years ago, not because of peak oil or war or any other nonsense; it is because we've pump-n-dumped so much extra paper into the market, and they all know it, and they have enough brains to adjust the price accordingly. With so many major players openly discussing a new reserve currency, while we do nothing whatsoever to stop diluting our dollar, is a sign that we are approaching the end of the road.
When enough of them finally dump the dollar for good, commodity prices will be astronomical, and that $200 EBT won't buy jack shit. Our agri-biz is based on petrochemicals, from fertilizers to delivery fuels. Sure, we can pump and use our own domestic oil, but what incentive will oil companies have, to sell on a price-controlled domestic market, at a fraction of the world price they've come to expect?
All this doesn't even factor in possible strategic military attacks, just for spite. Anyhow, if it does crash SHTF-style, the niggers will be a problem, but they'll flame out fast.
Look at so many impoverished countries for an example. These people practically sh*t out children!
Why do you think they're called "turdlers"?
"So CAL Snowman said...
You know we keep saying that this whole thing is going to collapse and soon, but I'm not so sure anymore. There really is no need to collapse this system, it's literally the perfect system for control."
Resistance, passive legal resistance of course, from each of us every day will help to crash this tyranny.
While the 1985 and older comment isn't entirely accurate with regard to cars, once we're cut off, finding gas and paying for it are going to probably eliminate any worry on driving a car enough to wear out the electronic parts.
Reading things like this make me wonder, why bother to work? Why not sit back and collect a check like everyone else until it all falls down? I'd rather get my share back out of it than let it go to some welfare momma breeding trash children like wild animals.
It would have fallen apart without the deficit spending. Even government types say the payments must continue or riots will happen.
Welfare is often called AAPP, or the African-American Pacification Program, meaning they will chimpout and go to war with YT unless we pay them off.
Boer, Super-Farming and Food Stamps
Boer families would be contracted by the Gov to manage up to 20 crops in industrial-sized greenhouses. The greenhouses would resemble skyscrapers and could be built just about anywhere. The lower levels would be used for crops that need less light while the upper levels would be reserved for those that need more. Greenhouses specializing in wheat would be of a similar design but would not have transparent floors and would use more false UV.
Floors, ceiling and walls would be made of palladium-based metallic glass. Separate, retractable panes containing photochromic molecules would be controlled by a computer that monitors natural UV.
UV lamps, room temp and structure temp would be monitored and controlled by computer.
Orchards would be grown in large dome greenhouses. The orchards, like the crops, would be manipulated to produce at different times of year.
Rain harvesting technology (fog nets etc.) would be implemented to save money.
Soil and irrigation would be customized and would be monitored and controlled by computer.
Solar panels and wind turbines would be implemented to save money.
Workers would be robots (arms, grippers, etc.).
Bees would be kept in separate rooms on each level; farmers would shower in a decontamination room and don sterile uniforms before going to work. Bees would be herded back to their hives using smoke.
Factories, which would be managed by the farmers and family members trained to do so, and which would use robots, solar panels etc., would package the food (wrapped broccoli crowns, cans of apple sauce and so on)
Meat, milk and cheese would be packaged like Indian commodities and would be supplied by dairy farmers and ranchers contracted by the Gov.. They would produce more product by using structures semi-based on the greenhouse design.
(Ta be inhumane or ta not be inhumane? The cow child or the human child? Ta keep shufflin up and down this dead end or ta find another way?)
Every state would have warehouses packed with non-perishables in case there's an act of God or an act of Gov.. Goods will be on a 2 month rotation cycle. When their stay is up, they'll be shipped to stores.
To avoid completely driving other farmers out of business, there will need to be different price levels and “item limits” (example: no more than 5 cans of fruit cocktail per month).
1) Competitive price: no card; no limit
2) 25% discount for card carrier: item limit
3) 50% discount for card carrier: item limit
4) 100% discount for card carrier: item limit
1, 2 and 3 pay for 4, the farmer's wage, packaging, shipping and maintenance. Money left over will be put aside in an account to make sure that 4 is always covered. 4 would be required to take birth control as soon as they enter the program and will be moved to 3 if they get pregnant after entering the program then 2 if they get pregnant again. Third pregnancy and your dropped from the program.
Boer working with a modern Luther Burbank? Now that could get interesting
P.S. If you don't like my comments, don't read em. I ain't postin for the whiners; I thought I made myself clear about that, so please, feel free to scroll away. No one's forcin ya ta read em, and I sure as hell ain't gonna waste one more second of my time readin about what you're gonna “do” (you+do=“Poor, poor Marley”) when the Norse gods return (“Save us, Odin! Save us, Thor! Save us, Paul! How 'bout you, Jeebus? Anybody?” Nope).
You've been sayin this shit for years, fellas, and you're still sittin here. Seems to me like you boys got a bad case of the delayed reactions ;)
As for the scared youth readin this, this comment was meant for YOU, hunny, because I know you truly love those farmers and are afraid for them and their families. Even though I'm not a WN myself, I love them AND you – and yes, Marley, too!
*momma-bear hugs*
you probably won't add this to your comments, but whatever you have concluded about whites paying for black and brown dependence on government is bogus.
the data set clearly shows the exact numbers to these percentages. 64 million white people collecting all forms of assistance. 19 million black people and 26 million hispanic people still dont top the umber of whites on government welfare.
find a new way to present government dependence ya racist.
We must take action to initiate and support a secession movement. The population numbers and geography prove over 40% of Americans are Conservatives = white tax payers. There are actually more , but some refuse to participate in polling and politics generally - Blue Collar White Males. The Red / Blue map shows the Democrat strong holds are nearly all urban. The whites in the cities must buy in to the Democrat/BRA solution. They live in fear and that fear moves them to support programs that sate the monster that shares their community. Black on black crime is the result of the insatiable genetic violence that cannot be abated. Keeping the violence nearly exclusively within the black community is an answer Progressives and Democrats accept. They know the dynamics and do nothing to end it. Blacks appear oblivious to how they are used and their voting patterns suggest welfare pay outs et al are more important than any other issue. Violent crime; unsafe, squalid living conditions; communities with no structured moral standard, and being abandoned by police, at the direction of Progressive Democrats, do nothing to change those voting behaviors. Therein lies the problem. It is a designed condition. Race laws and the associated punishments promulgated by Democrats assure no white may take action - which additionally explains why the media won't speak ill of Obama. Careers and promotions evaporate upon an mere accusation. Ask any blue collar white male. It is they who face life barred from a meritorious employment environment. Access to college is similarly restricted. They are the last considered and have no power to change the race and sex laws that render them the discriminated class who replaced minorities. BCWMs are not afforded the benefits minorities were - subsidy and set aside quotas. BCWMs are attacked by Democrats and blamed for the failures of minorities to advance. The disparity of intellect, work ethos, and moral behaviors exposed in a comparative analysis is their sin. Keeping this group that amounts to over 20% of the general population disenfranchised assures the offspring and friends of Progressive Democrats an secure, (and segregated) path in life. No Democrat politicians resides next to the objects of their declared affection. Keeping BCWMs disenfranchised assured they will not vote - virtually guaranteeing Democrat retain political control over their lives and the nation. No one, no party will champion the plight of BCWMs. Secession is the only solution. That will compel the advocates of diversity to meet the consequences of their goals and actions - face to face. That outcome will not be pretty. A new political party is required to achieve that goal. Republicans have morphed into Democrat-Lite. They must be replaced with politicians who love this nation, the Constitution, and who are unafraid to take action to save it and white America. THe Pursuit of Happiness was guaranteed to us all. Every Democrat policy that forces diversity insults that pursuit and assure danger, uncertainty, and higher taxes define life for citizens. The fact that 50 years later, after trillions were spent, the objective of academic and generic social parity is now much farther away than when the movement began. Democrats know it is an impossible outcome, but their political careers and Democrat political control rests in their selling out their racial kinsmen and perpetuating the Big Lie - All men are created equal. That equality statement infers men are equal in every way, and ignores the truncated portion of that quote - all men are created equal in the eyes of their creator. They refuse to acknowledge a creator and the full quote does not advance their goals.
@ Jay Santos:
excellent list - we can add auto insurance - i'd love to see the stats on the proportion of black drivers who have accidents or are ticketed - & we just have to suck it up in the price of our auto insurance.
& the incompetency rate of black pilots, MDs, profs (& how many get hired but don't make tenure), etc.
@ white doe: how about your own blog?
Given that white people require the little remaining funds from their efforts to support their own families, there is no room to simply "shrug"! The number of makers is dwarfed by the takers meaning no political solution is viable. The system will continue to limp along until it crashes down under its own weight. Taxes will continue to rise compelling more makers out of the harnesses and into the wagon.
Jay Santos said...
What is certainly required is a more comprehensive tally of the cost:
police and equipment
courts and attorneys
prison system
education system impact to primary and secondary schools
Affirmative action impact on business efficiency
crime itself
probation monitoring
home security
business and public place security
Affirmative action impact on higher education
racially based lawsuits
Someone else said the system won't crash so much as it will worsen our position as slaves who fund BRA.
The system can't continue. Even without BRA and the undertow, the system can't continue. There is too much just in time delivery of just about everything, including food in the stores, to survive an oil shock (TWSNBN want war in Iran !!!), a dollar shock (reserve currency becomes a mix, leaving the dollar high, dry, and worth less), or some other bug (power grid controlled by flaky computer systems).
We are living on the edge, all those in the know know it, and MSM carries stories about the latest school shooting or the latest white girl gone missing, which we are overdue for, BTW.
When we actually have to scratch out a living, all the things Mr. Santos listed will be painfully too expensive to continue. Painful is the key term. It will be painful, but when the pain starts, and we all feel it, then people who have future time orientation will do what they need to do.
Hey moron, learn how to break down statistics.
Get fired? He should sue. Constitution says NO DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, OR CREED.
Man fired for refusing to date fat or black girls
Looks like his workplace fired him based on his personal creed of what he desires in a woman. Creed means belief, faith, conviction, vision. Everyone is entitled to his or hers.
There are Jewish websites that cater only to Jews looking for Jews. Why aren't people who use such sites fired? If some Jews follow a love/romance creed that says Jews should marry Jews, that's their business and they shouldn't lose their jobs over it.
Liberals say even Stalinists in the 50s were entitled to their communist creed and shouldn't have been fired or blacklisted from their jobs. But people are now being fired for their personal creed about sexual preference?
One of the biggest items that gives me hope in the coming darkness is a fundamental difference we have with South Africa. In South Africa, everyone has negro gardeners or cooks or housemaids etc. Thus the negro/White relationship is close and the murders of the Boers are often tied to informants inside the family.
American have none of that. Since I was a kid I rarely see other race servants living in-house. A few families have latino illegals living in as housemaids but it is far from Universal. The fact is, except for the construction/warehousing/Agriculture sectors, Latinos are very little of the economy and the negros contribute zero to the economy (strongly net negitive). In some States it should be relatively easy to expel the Latinos and negros (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana) while others nearly impossible (Nevada, Arizona, Texas, California for Latinos; Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Northern Florida; states are in "New Africa" Territory).
Thankfully we don't have an ingrained idea of servant class in the FUSA which would put the enemy in our homes as a "trusted member of the family". During the breakup, millions of families will survive because of this.
Anonymous So CAL Snowman said: I say where the hell was the military during the last 50 years? What were the generals and military leaders doing when our government decided to unleash the blacks and third word hordes upon us?
(?!?!) They were subservient to the civilian leadership, which is the way it is and the way it should be. Wishing for the military to take control of things is a very bad idea, if freedom is what you want. I bet most "generals and military leaders" would agree.
If you want to change things, get out, get involved and sway others to your point of view. The facts are on your side. As others have said here, more people are seeing the light (or they already knew and are just being more open about it.). The producers of society are aware (or becoming aware) that the current state of things can't and won't last.
At some point, things won't go on. We have some cities/counties declaring bankruptcy, and others in danger of doing so. Some states are in trouble. We have $17T in debt, and the anti-American negro commie clown still has another three years in the formerly White House. We have the demographic problem that is working against us, which, by the way, is as much due to whites being too lazy or irresponsible to have kids, as it is due to the government subsidizing the parasites.
You speak of a "slow burn", but what if the stressed system takes an unexpected shock? An unforeseen blow to the economy, a major armed conflict, a large natural disaster, etc.? Odds are this won't happen, but what if it does? We are about tapped out.
"Andrea said"
"Liberals say even Stalinists in the 50s were entitled to their communist creed and shouldn't have been fired or blacklisted from their jobs. But people are now being fired for their personal creed about sexual preference?
October 31, 2013 at 7:47 AM"
You can be fired for saying factual things about race!
Liberals lie and "fairness" died many years ago. Once Liberals seize power, it is their way or the highway. Remember Cambodia? One year asking politely was pressing your palms together, the next year doing so could get a plastic bag tightened over your head. (See the Movie "The Killing Fields").
As any system collectivists manage oscillates out of control (and such systems always do) they ALWAYS blame the population and begin to imprison and kill those who are seen as "counter-revolutionaries". Anyone who does not date a negroid, recycle, believe in global warming, love the noble savage, hate "White Privilege" and a thousand other State liturgies will be seen as an enemy of the State, a counter-revolutionary.
Agree completely with the quick flame out. 7 days without water and your dead. During katrina they werent grabbing bottled water. It all comes down to proximity. Dont be close to orcs when the SHTF.
Paul -
I'm glad you're letting your primary motivation for this blog show more and more clearly. The rage, the contempt, the fury, need to be spelled out. Remember, MPAI! One can't assume anyone understands anything. Spell it out. Make it impossible to miss - or to misunderstand. Let Thomas Sowell write about how sad he is that it's come to this. You write out our cumulative RAGE. It's so refreshing to see, and somewhat cathartic.
John Galt is Prometheus who changed his mind. After centuries of being torn by vultures in payment for having brought to men the fire of the gods, he broke his chains—and he withdrew his fire—until the day when men withdraw their vultures.
Ayn Rand
The Baron M.
Anon points out:
Before those who worship the worthless negro allow their pets to suffer, they'll confiscate your wealth to further fund the gibs. Think Cyprus where 60% of the funds people had in their accounts were seized by the government. If you think that can't, won't and could never happen here, you're living in a dream world.
As Ann Barnhardt has pointed out several times, the usual suspects have already mentioned this is a down-the-road possibility and worse, the mechanism and procedures for such a massive loot are already in place. The precedent was set with the looting of GM back in 2009. The normalcy bias - even among some of those who hang out here - is really amazing. They still act and write as if there were a rule of law, when in truth there is none whatsoever.
In case you're unaware, the entire property title system of the United States was overthrown in the wake of the so-called "financial crisis" generated by the housing bubble. A TBTF Bankstein can now literally foreclose on properties that they have zero ownership in. There have even been cases where they did this to homes whose mortgages were paid off years before. Does anyone here honestly think they have the same rights before a stinking blackrobe (basically a criminal with a law degree) that a Jamie Diamond has? If you do, you're utterly deluded. As the whites being exterminated in SA are finding out the hard way, there is only one way the game goes when you play it under squid rules.
People ask "what to do?'
If you live in the city get out. Own a home? Sell it to a liberal--what's coming is their just deserts.
Read "Rules For Radicals" and put it into use against the enemy--liberal whites and particularly, liberal white women. It's easy to reducible people, very easy to reducible liberal women.
Read a good book about Joe Stalin and the role he played in the years prior to the Revolution. Hint: he was Lenin's henchman. He got away with a lot--an awful lot.
Find conservative business to patronize. Stay out of liberal shops. Find ways to cut your expenses so that you can either cut your income (less taxes) or can buy things that will help you over the long term.
Start a business that can use tax deductions to support our causes. Encourage conservative owned business' to hire our activists who have lost their jobs. If you own a business, you can do the same. Very small business' are exempt from federal laws concerning quotas.
Form clubs--see what the Irish did with the Order OF Hibernia.
So Hispanics (being English, I don't really know what they are - Mexicans??) Are more of a burden than blacks?
White labor provides the same function for black Americans that the African sun provides for black Africans. It creates a huge amount of easily accessible food allowing blacks to have a low work high leisure lifestyle. In fact, America's "proud" blacks probably have the lowest work to consumption ratio on the planet.
Of course, blacks display their gratitude to the White Sun by mugging, raping, robbing, murdering, crying, screaming, and other low brow stone age primitive aggressions. Blacks are the worst ingrates on the planet.
The only hope of getting off this unsustainable racial socialist track is to awaken the sleeping giant that is White America outside the Deep South. The Leftists understand this and will do everything in their power to keep it under sedation with the Soma Gas of Hollywood, the media, and the educational bureaucracy.
"Bogolyubski said...
Anon points out:
Before those who worship the worthless negro allow their pets to suffer, they'll confiscate your wealth to further fund the gibs. Think Cyprus where 60% of the funds people had in their accounts were seized by the government. If you think that can't, won't and could never happen here, you're living in a dream world.
As Ann Barnhardt has pointed out several times, the usual suspects have already mentioned this is a down-the-road possibility and worse, the mechanism and procedures for such a massive loot are already in place. The precedent was set with the looting of GM back in 2009. The normalcy bias - even among some of those who hang out here - is really amazing. They still act and write as if there were a rule of law, when in truth there is none whatsoever.
In case you're unaware, the entire property title system of the United States was overthrown in the wake of the so-called "financial crisis" generated by the housing bubble. A TBTF Bankstein can now literally foreclose on properties that they have zero ownership in. There have even been cases where they did this to homes whose mortgages were paid off years before. Does anyone here honestly think they have the same rights before a stinking blackrobe (basically a criminal with a law degree) that a Jamie Diamond has? If you do, you're utterly deluded. As the whites being exterminated in SA are finding out the hard way, there is only one way the game goes when you play it under squid rules."
The way I envision it working is that the .Gov would decree that a specified percentage of retirement accounts over a certain total value be remitted to the treasury by the financial institutions who manage them.
The .gov would issue some sort of promissory note to the financial institution in return, to uphold the illusion that it is not theft.
The .gov would be betting that the upper middle class schmucks who just got a haircut were too broke-dick to take to the streets with AR-15s over it (If Feinstein and Schumer haven't confiscated them by then.) They would probably be right.
John and Jane Q. Public would huddle together in their kitchens, praying that .gov doesn't renege (pun intended) on that promissory note that now constitutes their life savings.
The Squids wouldn't care. Its just ones and zeroes to them. They would simply create a whole new family of derivative products based on that promissory note and start selling those shit-sandwiches to the same John and Jane Q. Public they just raped.
John and Jane would be grateful for the chance to hedge their .gov retirement bets!
Oy Vey! The scheiss sandwiches practically sell themselves, don't they, Bogo!?
Speaking of Ann Barnhardt, today she put up and older post which explains why you need to cancel all cable TV. This is a perfect example of how the squids play the game. Under the system they designed (details written by their paid employees in Congress), they get paid even if you never watch their propaganda channels. "Free-market" my arse.
First off, I love this site. I post anonymous because I use my I pad, no "g mail." My wife freaked out when she learned about my signing posts. I use an alias now based on one of countless white victims. Who reminds me of my own grandfather, my own father eventually. The posts and especially comments give me hope. For OUR future. I must cowardly hide behind an alias because of my profession. Remember this brothers and sisters, most cops in this country are white males. My views on this matter are absolutely not protected under the First Amendment. I currently still pay my bills and need an income to do that. I look like a good soldier, third spear from the right. Looks are deceiving.
Many of us Blue Boys start off at least partially indoctrinated. Early twenties. Full of the Kool Aid. Then we work, if we are city cops, we are Exposed to the 500 pound black gorilla in the room that shits on the floor and tears everything up. Before it attacks anybody available, weaker. The savages live mostly in cities, due to the availability of free stuff, housing, cash etc. I became awake due to 2 things, proximity and time. Most of my calls and most of my arrests are black. Wherever I work, in the rough ass ghetto, in the working class areas. In the high end cookie cutter developments. It's not because I'm a bigot jackboot thug serving a racist system. It's because they commit most crime. What we call crime, they call it life. Keeping it real, you know the drill. Took years and a few socks in the face to knock the college gibberish out of my head. They are not a part of US. We owe them nothing.
Be sincere, patient and firm with those you love. Let them see for themselves. Facts are not politically malleable. They just are. People wake up, and once they do they cannot be put to sleep. Do what you can to wake people up.
Many cops feel like I do, we don't say much. Our loyalties are more basic. Families, children, wives . . . Each other. When shelves are bare and you smell smoke everywhere if you look for THIS cop . . . I won't be there. I will be busy with people I know and trust and love. I will be securing a future for a ten year old girl who calls me the most sacred title I've ever worn, Dad.
We are going to make it. We are smarter, tougher, more adaptable. Learn skills, stock up on tangibles. Seek out allies among those you love and trust. Have a plan.
Let the animals destroy themselves, they are not our concern.
God Bless, Son of Delbert
I think the Asian category is suspect. I'm not sure just how, but East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, and South Koreans) are usually reported to have lower entitlement dependency than whites in America.
This shouldn't surprise anyone. South Korea has the highest IQ of any nation on earth. Japan is second.
East Asians also generally have higher incomes in America than native whites and the Japanese average higher social status too.
And finally for half a decade the poorest people in cosmopolitan San Francisco have always been the recent illegal immigrants from China who live in Chinatown and work in the many restaurants. Yet these people have never been on public welfare.
I wonder if the Asians reported here are mostly South East Asians?
Let me make a point that will disturb some but give hope to some others.
Currently we the good people of the USA transfer money and resources to the poor. But it was not always thus. And it may not be again. Soon.
In Europe as late as the eighteenth century it was considered normal to take as much as possible from the poor so as to enrich the middle and upper classes. Peasants were exploited because if there was to be any hope for culture and industry resources would have to be concentrated in those who could make some use of them.
But since the Industrial Revolution the West as been unprecedently rich. Everywhere since Bismarck we have established welfare programs and welfare states.
But contrary to Fukuyama this is not the end of history. The European model welfare state is not - as the environmentalists like to say - sustainable.
In 1939 the Germans thought they should run Europe. We fought them over that. But today Greece and Spain and maybe even France seem willing to cede fiscal responsibility to Germany rather than moderate their welfare states. Right now it looks like the Germans will be taking over Europe after all.
The American welfare state endangers the whole world - even China. The world cannot long place its faith for fiscal maturity and responsibility in a nation ruled by a person and a party that actively subscribes to a policy of parasitism.
Not so long ago American exceptionalism was marked by the exceptionally hard work that Americans did. France adopted the thirty hour week. All the EU went for five week vacations. America alone in the developed world expected their unemployed to actually try to be not unemployed. We provided the defense for Europe and we provided the day to day hard work to finance it.
No more.
We have now more people riding in the cart than pulling the cart. When that reality hits home the situation mayaccelerate very, very fast. If everyone else is getting a government subsidy, you are a fool to not get one too. Stop pulling and start riding.
In Shaw's Pygmalion Doolittle announces that he is the voice of the "undeserving poor". American liberalism only survives as long as this word doesn't get out. Black people are undeserving. Giving preferences to blacks makes no rational sense. Such policies only hasten the day when the productive people revolt.
Obamacare also hastens that day. A year or so ago we saw an organized attempt to stage something like a mini class revolution. The streets were filled with people claiming to be offended by the "1%ers". The rioters claimed to be the '99th percenters". All very familiar Marxist rhetoric and tactics. But under Obamacare the program needs to exploit the young relatively poor people not the Wall Street fat cats. All those dirty protesters living in tents thought they were going to 'put it to the man'. They thought they were protesting to redistribute wealth from somebody else. Imagine their surprise when they discover that Obama has targeted them.
I don't know how all this resolves but it's obvious that the present course can't continue much longer. I don't think in the long run it will prove to be advantageous to be an unemployed and unemployable black person. We are living in a temporary anomaly.
I'm going to write a script on this theme for my next movie.
Keep the hugs.Appreciated as the idea is.We have work to do.It is always nice to have someone shake things up,do your thing.You aren't bothering anyone without their permission and complicity(they do not have to read it if they don't like your posts) All the bullshit sniping at each other on this blog is a fine example of White cooperation.
On a separate note,
Only 40 comments on your previous post on the JPMC, Mickey D's, Wallyworld, and EBT Card Marriage?!
Paul, are you moderating out scores of comments? Or are the facts presented just such a shock to everyone (even us realists) that people are struck speachless?
I thought this post was going to generate 200+ comments.
The one really big unanswered question about the entire BRA looting racket (and keep in mind PK's previous - and very important - post about who the major beneficiaries are in this racket - besides the holy knee-grows) is how long are the Chinese and other major financial players going to keep playing at the Banksta Banana Republick's rigged crap table?
They have to be getting paid or else they would have bailed on this ridiculous nonsense years ago. The day the Chinese or a collection of others presently involved finally announce that Emperor Schmuck is in fact just General Butt Naked in whiteface will be the proverbial 'Black Swan' for BRA.
Oy Vey! The scheiss sandwiches practically sell themselves, don't they, Bogo!?
Like stealin' candy from a baby.
@pat: I think the Asian category is suspect.
Many moon ago, I worked with a Vietnamese guy, who was working to bring his family over from the old country. I was treated to lots of stories about boat people: how they cannibalized the dead if they were adrift too long; how they learned to eat each others' shit instead, even making soup from it, because if the refugee center found out you were a cannibal, your ass got shipped right back to the jungle; how his family had to bribe govt commisars for permission to sell their home, so they could take their accumulated wealth with them. All sad stories to be sure, but any sympathy I had for them (not that much, mind you... those people were jacking off on Vespas while we fought their war for them) was erased in an instant, when he told me all the sweet gibs they could sign up for upon arrival. He was so orgasmic with delight, that he didn't notice the look of utter disgust that formed on my face.
Also, the Poonjabbers and Pakis also count as "Asians" now, and you can be sure those vibrant convenience store and motel merchants are scamming every penny possible.
"If 25.1 percent of black households relied on the EBT/SNAP card for food in 2010, what do you think the percentage is today?"
As pointed out here before, it's questionable whether the recipients actually rely on their EBT, as many of them simply sell the cards for cash, or sell the food obtained with the card, while also taking advantage of soup kitchens, food pantries, etc.
19 million black people on the dole!
and 1? million blacks are in prison!
19 of 42 = nearly half.
Pat said... The American welfare state endangers the whole world - even China. The world cannot long place its faith for fiscal maturity and responsibility in a nation ruled by a person and a party that actively subscribes to a policy of parasitism.
Bogolyubski said... The one really big unanswered question about the entire BRA looting ... is how long are the Chinese and other major financial players going to keep playing at the Banksta Banana Republick's rigged crap table?
This is something most Americans do not get (even with their 500 channels of telescreen): that the USA's financial stability and their own standard of living is artificially propped up by China and other foreign bond holders.
There is one argument that these other countries are paying Washington DC for protection insofar as the American military maintains international stability and the flow of oil from the Middle East. That's "protection" in both senses of the word: actual security and syndicate style pay-us-or-else.
But if America's international debt holders decide to pull the plug—then what? Hyperinflation? More taxes? No more welfare state? No more prison-industrial complex? Plenty more blame-YT games? Mass cancellations of cable TV services? (The last one is meant as a joke!)
For a few decades in the 20th century, the welfare state could work because industrial output created actual goods which expanded the standard of living. You could also assume that the unemployed acted as a reserve army of labor for industrial expansion.
But with globalization, the industry is no longer in the USA and the underclass is not really needed, nor much of a middle class. The globalists can import third worlders for cheap labor, and to play off against the middle class. This is something which Greece's Golden Dawn saw—and now they have been criminalized. And I need not comment on how countries such as South Africa have been trashed by these processes.
The real threat of the welfare state is not simply the economic drain, but the creation of a massive dysfunctional underclass--with its crime, attacks on infrastructure, and inability to assimilate. This has been so in the USA since the war on poverty, and is becoming apparent in Europa in its banlieus. All this is exploited by leftwing agitprop which blames "racism" for problems actually created by the dysgenics.
Right now, a day of reckoning is held in check because the lid is kept on by the welfare state, and by the expansion of police power. All of which requires someone to foot the bill. (Actually, the lid may be coming off, judged by the growing underclass violence, the car burnings in Europa, the farm attacks in SA, etc.).
You have to wonder at how they see these things from Beijing. Especially given their reported eugenic policy of encouraging high-IQ families to reproduce. Sooner or later do they decide to pull the plus. Meanwhile, the globalists decide it is time to decamp from a looted USA and head for greener pastures?
That gets back to the real question: would an economic crisis finally shake Americans out of their sleepwalking?
When a White and Black have a child, the child is considered Black. When a "Hispanic", which can be any race, and Black have a child it is Hispanic. The term "Hispanic" is used to make Whites statistically appear non-White and can make Blacks appear White since Hispanics are still considered White in federal statistics.
That is a big point,I think.The fact that we do not make a damn thing in the US and are quickly forgetting HOW to do anything.We really have nothing to bargain with.I have said many times that you cannot grow an economy on restaurants,cleaning,and maybe fixing things.You have to MAKE something.In a sane,honest economy,those who did nothing would not eat,and no amount of smoke,mirrors,shaky math,or games would change that. Richard Cranium
Anon @ 5:32 - This is probably why we are allowing cracking to expand natural gas production. Natural gas will be about the ONLY thing of value we can produce for export.
White Doe, I am not your enemy. I have stated that you are not an "ex-liberal", but I am willing to accept in good faith that you've seen the error of your ways and are trying to recover. So please take this in the spirit in which it is intended.
You are not stupid. I know you can write literate English, albeit American English (just kidding). Please drop the silly Ebonics, and Textish ("ppl"). It doesn't become you, and it disrespects our culture and heritage. It also robs your ideas of any gravitas they may have.
Stand up and be a proud White woman.
Only trying to be helpful.
Black genes dominate so black mixed with any race is black. It is ridiculous how a black person from an hispanic country isnt referenced as black.
Californian knows the score and elucidates it with this paragraph beautifully:
"the real threat of the welfare state is not simply the economic drain, but the creation of a massive dysfunctional underclass--with its crime, attacks on infrastructure, and inability to assimilate. This has been so in the USA since the war on poverty, and is becoming apparent in Europa in its banlieus. All this is exploited by leftwing agitprop which blames "racism" for problems actually created by the dysgenics."
The result of white flight and black predominance is this:
Even suggesting that the White community might want consider shrugging off the pestilential, parasitical biohazard called Diversity is deemed "a virulent hate crime of White privilege extremism and will not be tolerated."
I think over the course of the next decade or two we will see the growth of a new religion in this country...the religion of "safety". Christianity is declining primarily because it is dangerous to be a Christian. It is counterintuitive and counterproductive to actively "love one's enemies". In anything but a very watered down sense it is also almost emotionally impossible to do so.
What I think will evolve to replace Christianity is "safety". People will "stay safe" rather than "have fun", "think for themselves" or much less, "stand up for themselves".
This new religion will require a muscular priesthood to enforce its precepts. That group will be - you guessed it- the DHS / TSA / FBI / NSA complex that will sooner or later rule all of our lives.
A few people will actively resist sheeple-fication but most won't because intimidation by the government won't seem so bad if you're "safe".
The country actually had a few good years, in my opinion. The sixties weren't so bad; the fifties were better. After 1965 of course the fate of our group was sealed.
So it goes.
Regarding the Shit Hitting the Fan: The fact is, most of us can only respond to events. That means that while we should all try undermine BRA when and where we can, our first task is to be prepared to survive and even prosper in the chaos to come. The things we read here are well known to the big players, like the Chinese, the intelligence agencies, Wall Street, and the U.S. military. They all have plans to come out of this alive and well, and productive Whites figure in their plans, as assets or otherwise.
I think it's true that the structure collapses when the world rejects the dollar, but the world is afraid to, or thinks that it's not time yet. China and the rest of Asia for example, have much of their wealth in dollars. What happens to all that? And what of all the hundreds of millions of people making stuff for America when we can't buy it anymore? Or what happens if Europe sets off a general devaluation? Do the bureaucrats there want to deal with rioting 3rd Worlders when the welfare stops? Do they want to face the music for their crimes against their own nations?
Everybody who is doing well in this situation will work to prop things up, or at least to ease the decline. I don't think that anybody in power wants to light the fuse. More likely, they will simply be unable to put it out when those who are not doing well light it. And then those big players, like the intelligence and military agencies, who make it their business to anticipate bad things, will step in. Fascism in our time. Beats the hell out of Leftism.
So TRUE and sad!!!! But if you state or show the facts your called a racist. It's more like you should be called a Real-ist. But truth being hided in America today. So to not offend non whites. It's time to stop babying the animals. If they can't support them self then they should DIE!!!!! I don't want to or should be forced to support the same scum that make my area unsafe rape and rob the good people ( White people. No more PC. Time to stand uo and tell the blacks and browns no more help. Support yourself or die! Rob us and die. This country is failing because we have to support scum bags that don't work or can't support them selfs 100%
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