I was at once heartbroken and horrified as I watched video of our children - black children - brutally punching, kicking and, in at least one case, robbing students near the campus of Temple University on Friday night.
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White people attacked by hundreds of black people are the ACTUAL bad guys, according to black Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Solomon Jones |
It was an orgy of violence that was arranged through social media, a forum where the impulsiveness of youth and the efficiency of technology too often result in chaos.
When the attack was over, a police horse had been punched, a police officer had been knocked to the ground, a Temple student was hospitalized, and several others were hurt.
At press time, four teens had been arrested in connection with the incidents. An estimated 100 or more were involved.
But even when the physical scars are healed and justice is meted out, the distance that separates the impoverished black teens of North Philly from the white college students of Temple will remain. They live in the same community, but their realities are worlds apart.
I know because I spent my teen years at 25th and Oxford, just a mile from the 1400 block of Oxford St., where one of the assaults occurred. I know because those same streets nearly swallowed me before I earned my journalism degree from Temple.
But woven between the swirl of drugs, crime and poverty that sometimes marked those streets, there was also a proud and hardworking group of people who were brutally honest, unceasingly real and generous enough to share what little they had.
It was that North Philly that shaped me. It is that North Philly where the attacks took place, and it is that North Philly that is dying under the weight of gentrification.
For more than a decade, on whip-thin streets with names like Sydenham and Colorado, longtime community residents and their children watched white men from other places come in to build new rental housing. That same community sought jobs on those worksites, but contractors who required union labor and unions that were largely white and male excluded community workers. Then community members were forced to watch as Temple students were welcomed into that same new housing by landlords who used various methods to exclude community residents from renting them.
As a result, the neighborhood rapidly changed, and younger, whiter residents moved in.
The Pew Charitable Trusts examined the changes in the community surrounding Temple University in a study called "Philadelphia's Changing neighborhoods: Gentrification and Other Shifts Since 2000."
In census tract 147, which encompasses 1400 W. Oxford St., the area where one of the attacks took place, Pew found that the area was 96 percent black in 2000. That was virtually cut in half by 2010.
Thanks to a proliferation of newly constructed student housing, property values also went up. In fact, according to Pew, the area west of Temple saw the most extreme change in property values of all university areas in the city, with the median sale price of a house going from $11,250 in 2000-01 to $140,000 in 2013-14.
"There were 14 census tracts in the city that had gone from majority African American to no longer majority African American," Larry Eichel of Pew told me in an interview. "Eight of those were adjacent to universities. We had some data and some observations.
"From the point of view of the longtime residents that were still there, there were some pluses and minuses: improved amenities, sometimes the university police patrols the area so community residents feel like they have extra security, retail options and grocery stores and stuff like that. But they also feel that there's noise; the students don't respect them, don't understand them, don't respect the neighborhood. Some longtime residents feel they're not as comfortable in the neighborhood as they were."
And therein lies the problem.
In a city where poverty is concentrated outside the universities, we can't truly expect the poor to watch jobs and wealth and excess pass them by without any reaction at all.
To be sure, violence is the wrong response. And the kids who engaged in it will surely be prosecuted, as they should be.
But I believe those teens are expressing something that has long simmered beneath the surface. They are expressing the rage that comes with exclusion. They are expressing the hurt that comes with invisibility. They are engaged in the inevitable push and pull of change.
Temple University, my alma mater, has reached out to the community with scholarships for local youth, according to spokesman Ray Betzner. They've put reading programs in place, tutored high schoolers and even talked to their own students about respecting longtime community residents. But Temple would be wise to reach out into the community with an eye toward creating stronger relationships and greater opportunities for the young people who've been pushed aside by a generation of exclusionary development.
There can be no peace with these people, until we learn that they have no bargaining chips anymore because they possess no moral authority over deciding our future.
To paraphrase a rallying cry from 4 years ago -
Another liberal shithead talking about "exclusion" ... because that's what the "teens" in America's ghettoes all desire: a college education, a lifetime of hard work and the chance to be held accountable for their own decisions.
"Exclusionary development" is a fancy term for "No one wants to live / work with ni88ers, so why waste the money". DUH!
Listening to the daily Enemy Intelligence Report driving home- Terry Gross had an interview with David French of the once-conservative National Review whining about alt-right trolls maligning him on Twitter, and making fun of his wife's 7 year old half-African American daughter, conceived apparently while he was in Iraq, etc., etc.
What is so concerning is how a 'Conservative' "journalist" strongly advocates for total suppression of alt-right speech and expression.
General Ripper
Always someone else's fault isn't it?
I'm always reminded of a line from the movie Gladiator when Maximus tells Comuddus " the time for honoring your self will soon be coming to an end". Blacks have been honoring themselves for far to long now and the bleeding heart liberals that worship them encourage them. The violence against whites will only continue until brave white men make a stand and say "no more".
Why couldn't a black have built those living units?
Then they could have hired black labor.
But no.....they never do.
Blame whitey.
If I am a builder, as a general rule, I should hire whom I please.
"Some longtime residents feel they're not as comfortable in the neighborhood as they were."
Excuse me for saying it but all of this is just more niggerwhine. They move into white areas and destroy them, businesses leave and there are few opportunities. All their social pathologies erupt and the area becomes a third world cesspit. Then, when whites start moving back into formerly white areas and engaging in improvement and recovery of the area, black destroyers complain that they aren't benefiting, aren't included and are being left behind and are invisible. Never once do they stop to think that they're a force of destruction and created the appalling conditions of their "hood" and were incapable of doing anything else. Yet they want everything whitey creates or builds handed to them on a silver platter as if they were deserving of it and should be included and benefit from it. They're like the street bum that shows up at a pot luck dinner with nothing to offer but expects to eat until his stomach is bursting and complains when no one wants him around. Blacks bring nothing to the table but expect to walk off with half of everything for themselves and whine when they don't get it- or riot and have tantrums over it.
Yes, whitey. It's your fault negroes are losers and throw a fit and attack people. You aren't coddling them and giving them what they want- things that they never provided for themselves and things they have no part in creating. They're little more than aggressive panhandling bums that attack when their paws aren't filled with gibsmedats. It's so frustrating for them that they just have to lash out, complain, gripe, bitch and blame you for their behaving that way.
Bottom line- blacks want and need what whitey creates and provides for himself and demand to be included so they can partake of it but whitey doesn't need blacks or their parasitism.......at all. America has a black monkey on its back that expects to be included and carried everywhere and it's time to knock that damn monkey off our backs and let it fend for itself no matter how much it screeches. If it gets violent in an attempt to force us to let it back on our backs, that's the time to kick its teeth in. Enough is enough!
Sounds like just another liberal leftists news rag that's sure to start up trouble a riot mobs of these uncivilized monsters running loose just a black version of the New York Times lies on every page
"In a city where poverty is concentrated outside the universities, we can't truly expect the poor to watch jobs and wealth and excess pass them by without any reaction at all."
Temple University (and every other private, state, and community college in America) would bend over backward to accept these teens and pay for 100% of their tuition were they be able to read slightly more than See Spot Run. Every retail, fast food, and labor joint would love to hire them at the drop of a hat if they could pass a criminal background check, drug test, and manage to show up on time more than one day in a row. These youths have every single advantage ever known to man. They simply can't rise to the occasion. Why?
The answer is you simply can't fix low IQ. A poster on a previous post was lambasting Philadelphia's adoption of Irish and Italian immigrants in the last century. Well, in those cases, poverty and lack of opportunity WAS the reason for rampant criminality. All the excuses currently attributed to today's teens. We know this because in one or two generations the Irish and Italians are virtually indistinguishable economically from America's founding stock. Not so with today's youth.
And until the low IQ reasoning becomes common knowledge, nothing will change. The masses will always believe they are one government program or handout away from utopia, and being left alone. We either moved out of their neighborhoods, or moved into them, either way what we did is wrong, wrong, wrong, and what they need is more, more, more.
The latest article on philly.com is written by a Jenice Armstrong and is a diatribe stating that the attacks were not based on race.
"THE TEMPLE attacks were about troublemaking teens - not race. The youngsters who jumped those college students as they walked to campus Friday night are delinquents who need to be put in check before it's too late. They were nothing but miscreants who took out their aggression and misdirected rage on random passersby. Why? Because they felt like wilding out that night. They were out to create chaos, so they did."
Teens, youngsters, miscreants. The last verbal bastions of denial.
Of the 95 comments they've allowed to squeak through so far, 94 do not agree with Jenice. 1 is neutral because it states that we do not definitively know the color of the police horse that was punched in the face.
Looks like it was about race, Jenice. The people have spoken.
Anyway, I expect comments on this subject to be disabled in 3, 2, 1...
You have to laugh when Blacks complain about Whites moving in and making the city less Black.
As if the city itself was built by Blacks.
Whites can only move back into cities. None of the American cities were created by Africans.
Those damn white people sure do know how to ruin a rat infested ghetto.
I sit here in cowboy country reading about the insanity taking place in America and I feel like I'm living on another planet. I've been here for over twenty years and nobody has been murdered or raped. The nearest Meth lab is 200 miles away in South Dakota. No school teachers are having sex with the students. So far there are no "tran-sexual" cowboys wearing dresses. If you call a cowgirl a "cow-person" she will punch you in the face. Nobody I know is sending their kids off for drug rehab. There hasn't been a fight in the local bar for five years. My neighbor did have her car stolen by a drifter she had a one night stand with. We do have a registered sex offender and the village idiot is also the town drunk.
I haven't been out of the state since my wife passed away five years ago. My link to "the world" is this computer and it appears to me the whole country is going fucking insane. People seem to be living in some kind of mad illusion or alternative reality. I am not the only one on this site that has voiced this opinion. The further you can get from the maddening crowd the better you will be.
This recent post is a perfect example of insanity. Who in their right mind would want to gentrify a ghetto. I never did have any sympathy for stupidity. These hipsters and yuppies will only become prey for the street creeps. I guess they found their purpose in life.
Step 1: Recognize the violence and crime that just occurred, courtesy of black people (obviously don't note races involved in incident). This could include the worst of behavior such as "teens" of all ages physically assaulting strangers on the street because of their race or because the "teen" just felt bored and dats whut dey doo.
Any civilized person would stop things at this point and ask if there are now exceptions to the "no touching or assaulting people" and why anyone would want to allow this.
Step 2: Use a single word to completely disregard everything that was said prior - BUT.
'BUT you have to realize the unfairness of it all and how faced with such oppression black people lash out, it is what any of us would do given the situation. After all these years racism still exists and stares at these aspiring young men and women in the face every day, reminding them of the oppressiveness of it all. They know who's fault it all is, but they don't really understand or care why at this point.'
You are now a typical over-promoted "writer of color" who is really good at reading and regurgitating black and liberal white opinion. As long as you can continue to frame black people as eternally oppressed and victims with no free will or agency you can excuse ANYTHING that they get caught doing, even if it involves beating the living sht out of a young and petite college girl in a conducted effort. I don't expect blacks to police other blacks at this point, but this has gotten unreal.
Race realism is on the rise because dindus love to document all their depravity for other people to enjoy and appreciate. I've always wanted to use a pen camera to get some Bantu behavior on film but they can get a safer and closer look at the action. It shows that they feel that such events are important enough to share with others like they are a good use of time or a praiseworthy accomplishment.
True to form, the negro has taken a technology used to communicate with friends and used it as a way to set up ambushes so that they can beat and loot white people who just happen to be in the area. Think about how they decide to use and adapt white technology for a second and realize the depravity of it all. Some people say that your true character is who you are when you think no one's looking. Do you really need to imagine how blacks typically act when the cat's away?
PK made an interesting point about the inevitable event clash with a concealed carrying White he described as The Happening.
It made me think about how a lot more Whites are carrying high cap 9mm pistols. Smaller 380s and 38 revolvers used to be more popular with Whites until the Feds went after the companies that made them. The term "Saturday night special" is a PC version of a term that referred to negro town violence. Basically the Feds said that you can't make cheap pistols because negroes will get them and shoot each other.
Anyways one of these days a youff mob is going to attack a White carrying 15+1 hollow points.
Many states are banning high cap magazines but youff mobs are why we need them.
If I lived in a nanny state then I would take two 10mms in a gym bag when traveling near the youff. Add a smoker and some tear gas and you can take any mob.
I support the theory that White people need to pack heavy when near Blacks. Not so much for "knockdown power" but to send a message that excessive force is always a possibility.
There have been other attacks of this nature going on in France. What was interesting is it showed Chinese people who had had enough of being robbed and assaulted and WERE BLAMING the white government for not protecting them enough. After reading though multiple articles I surmised that the "youth" knew that a lot of these Chinese immigrants paid with cash and that their lack of French or English made them less likely to go to the police. A lot of the victims have been French Chinese who are out in their local Asian open market areas where they trade cash for goods.
This violence sounded like it was really bad (one middle-aged Chinese father and business owner died as a result of his injuries) and that is what brought everything to a head. So who is committing this horrible and completely unacceptable violence on local immigrants?
With the omission you are lead to believe white French youth. They are still the majority, are they not?
I had to look up five different articles to FINALLY find a description of the usual suspects: African and Arab immigrants. Nothing to see here, we'll just kind of leave that part out.
Asians are starting to realize that the squeaky minority gets the grease and sometimes just working hard and keeping your mouth shut is a means to further abuse and exploitation. It seems kind of important to note who is causing the problems against these Asian immigrants if you want to address the issue in any concrete way. The nice guy always finishes last until he gets mad.
"Temple University, my alma mater, has reached out to the community with scholarships for local youth..." Gosh, that'll teach the youth not to act up. It's astonishing how the left always rewards minorities for their bad behavior, as well as for their good behavior. When an inner-city school has good graduation rates, the left proclaims that their policies are working, and gives more taxpayer $ to that school. When an inner-city school has bad graduation rates, the left proclaims that something new needs to be done, and gives more taxpayer $ to that school. Either way, minorities always end up receiving more $, no matter what they accomplish, in an ever-escalating cycle of spending.
Remember: If you move from a dark neighborhood, you've committed white flight; if you move to a dark neighborhood, you've committed gentrification. (Either way, you're oppressive.) If you do an activity that minorities enjoy doing, you're committed cultural appropriation; if you refrain from doing it, you're being exclusionary. (Either way, you're oppressive.) Like I said in the previous paragraph, minorities, and by extension their leftist overlords, always win. Marx was a genius in his own twisted way.
Gentrification: Whites moving back into a neighborhood originally built by other Whites. They always leave that part out.
There has never been a negro anywhere that has accepted the blame for anything, at any time. It's ALWAYS YTs fault. Fuck this jackass of a newspaper columnist.
Unbelievable. Negroes blame Whites for "streets gone bad" when Whites leave neighborhoods, and are blaming Whites when they move into neighborhoods?? What exactly do they want? Oh yeah just your money that's all.
... To be sure, violence is the wrong response. And the kids who engaged in it will surely be prosecuted, as they should be...
No, no they won't.
It is in these white, albeit probably deluded SJW, college students that blacks see the next generation that will leave them even further behind. They cant articulate a coherent argument, so they go to what they know. Violence.
The outlook for the African in America is bleak, and they know it. They are obsolete farm equipment.
And Temple U providing scholarships to "local youths" is like inviting the fox to live in the hen house. They need less diversity and higher walls and more cops.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"But I believe those teens are expressing something that has long simmered beneath the surface. They are expressing the rage that comes with exclusion."
Does this jagoff really believe these braindead simians even think that deeply?
These monsters are just killing machines.
There is no rage at exclusion. These utes saw a chance to create chaos, and they chose it. This writer doesn't understand that this is what these utes do. They love it. Gentrification did not cause any of this. The neighborhood was a prime target for gentrification due to its inhabitants' destruction of the property. Why did they not fix it up? Whatever this writer had to escape North Philly is not some secret potion. It is out there anyone: studying hard, working hard, staying out of jail, and making good decisions. If this writer can do it, then so too can the feral utes in North Philly. But no, now some government program will be called for and created that will be another money pit, and this neighborhood, or some other, will be sacrificed at the altar of social engineering, just to pacify the Butt-Hurt Civil Rights Mob. On a side note, the author notes that in 2000, the population in this area was 90%-plus black, but that white people have moved in and changed the demographics greatly. So? I thought diversity was a wonderful thing. Guess not, if it is whitey improving a ghetto.
You either excise the cancer 100%, or die a slow agonizing death.
There is no middle ground. 1% of the cancer left behind, and it will eventually spread.
It will be tough for awhile, but then a permanent Heaven..
Rip that band aid off with a quick, forceful jerk.
Ship the Negroes back to their glorious welcoming Motherland...Africa... aaahhhhh....
(cue the Toto song..)
"But they also feel that there's noise; the students don't respect them, don't understand them, don't respect the neighborhood. Some longtime residents feel they're not as comfortable in the neighborhood as they were."
Replace "students" with the name of any non-white race, and you get the most racist thing ever said. Say it about white people and you get a column in a major newspaper.
Remember San Jose, the mayor blamed Trump supporters for the violence as they got the shit kicked out of them? So this genius blames YT f....for being white??
As illustrated above,a 50% black population is extremely dangerous.
My recent trip to PA enabled me to watch the local Philly newscasts. Negro worship through the roof. The place is a dump.
Female in FL
dying under the weight of gentrification. Is that like being forced to have sex with a Victoria's secret model or winning the lottery?
same old same old. when we leave a neighborhood, it's " white flight" , it's racist and causes misery to the blacks in loss of home values, stores, etc. When we come back, it's " gentrification", it's racist, and causes misery to the blacks in increasing home values, noisy stores etc.
One question : was that neighborhood ALWAYS black, or only after they chased out the original white inhabitants who are now taking it back.
I would also say, they should try to make college neighborhoods as white as possible, as they seem to be major targets for black marauders.
That looks like a pretty blatant case of white provocation if you ask me. Those students should be ashamed, flaunting their privilege in that disgusting manner. Just imagine, going peacefully about their business in the presence of Black people , it's enough to send even the most mild mannered "dark continental" into a rage! I suggest sending the entire student body and the College faculty on a series of emergency Diversity Awareness courses. That should teach 'em.
Woe is us... Once again. Perhaps if the helicopter parent known as Government could create initiative, drive for self determination, Proper nuclear family nurturing and morals as an affirmative action program (LMAO) these self inflicted misfits might be able to function in a first world civilized society? (NOT) Sadly, the only things created in BRA are fatherless children and the 24/7 excuse factory. Get a clue FSA, when there are no more whites, there are no more lights.
PSA. Halloween is rapidly approaching, this is a reminder about my post from a few weeks ago. Have two bowls of candy, the good stuff and a bowl of dum dums to be distributed accordingly.
Female in FL
I can somewhat agree with the racist negroe journalist, it is the White people's fault that they were attacked because they moved into a negroe neighborhood And were walking around unarmed without security of any kind even though they knew they were surrounded by negroes. This is very much like moving into a cave in the woods without any weapons and then being upset that the wolves bit you.
These foolish Whites were taught a valuable life lesson, let's hope they learned it, and pass it along to their own children someday. Too many, FAR too many young Whites have been brainwashed by their liberal parents and they've grown up watching Niggerlodian tv shows and Cheerios commercials that have taught them that negroes are funny, hip, cool, sexy (barf) and HARMLESS. They have been taught that it is EVIL to see the negroe for what it is. The branwashing tells them that every negroe is just like a White person just with different skin color. It's like teachng a child that a wolf is no different than a beagle and then sending them out into a wolf-infested forest.
Personally, I don't let negroes get within 20' of me, and I won't even enter a store, restaurant, gas station or anywhere else that will employ them. I drive nearly an hour to shop, buy gas, and do family events and functions, just so we can be around Whites and only Whites. Once I retire we are moving there. When the AFFH imports negroes to that area, we will move even farther away. Eventually I expect we will be far in the northwest, or midwest plains, or southwestern deserts, or maybe even Alaska, but I WILL see to it my children are raised in a White community, safe from the negroe plague. The key is finding a very small rural area with no fast food, no major chain stores, no laundromats, no public transportation, or rented housing aside from maybe a small trailer park full of the elderly. Find a place where negroes don't WANT to live. And make it your Home.
But don't move into or even visit a negroe-infested city or area and then complain when they attack you.
"PSA. Halloween is rapidly approaching, this is a reminder about my post from a few weeks ago. Have two bowls of candy, the good stuff and a bowl of dum dums to be distributed accordingly.
Female in FL"
I wont open the door for black kids, at all.
The White kids get Snickers bars, and if the group is mixed, the black kids get little wrapped toothbrushes I get from my dentist.
You should see their angry little faces. It's so worth it.
If it's white people - RACISM
If it's black people - EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES
The double standards are wearing thin.
We need more like guys this:
one of the best reader comments from the original article is:
The alt.-right is growing larger and larger everyday. And it is not just because of incidents where feral "teens" beat up white people and go on rages are waking the angry Saxon from his slumber. It is also because people are becoming wise to the bull-crap false narrative the media constantly projects.
"Journalists" like Janice Armstrong inadvertently red-pill more people than Andrew Anglin, Richard Spencer, Paul Kersey, Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson combined.
--- Jefferson
Halloween: Back when I lived in a subdivision, you used to see vans disgorging loads of negro kids from places like Inkster on our street. The 'keeds" often didn't have any costume at all, and would demand candy in an aggressive, irritating manner. Like another poster mentioned, I had two bowls-one with the cheapest candy corn for these invaders, and another with good candy bars for neighbor kids. On second thought, I probably wasn't doing the White kids any favors by fattening them up on Snickers and Milky Ways......
What do you expect?? Paul, they are going to take everything to strengthen Black Run America. And it sounds like your boy Trump is all on board.
You've got white men pandering to these spoiled rotten negroes for over a hundred years, even kissing the black ass on media for all to see. You've got Jews posing as white men talking about white privilege and creating black-help foundations, charities, and civil rights shakedowns. The most violent, degenerate, murderous race gets the most attention, spending, and "My Brothers Keeper."
What message does this send?
Blacks are race-first and TRIBAL and view this pandering from whites as racial WEAKNESS because the blacks would NEVER help another race advance, they would DESTROY it. Only whites are genetically this stupid. It's in our DNA to take care of helpless feral monkeys.
"Every African-American citizen in this country is entitled to a government that puts their jobs, wages and security first."
"African-American citizens have sacrificed so much for our nation. ... Yet too many African-Americans have been left behind," he added.
It's just disgusting. Fuck the blacks. FUCK THEM. I hope they all rot in their shitty violent ghettoes and then go straight to hell.
Compatibility between races can never be achieved. For this to occur one of two extremely unlikely events would have to occur. One possibility is that white people would become satisfied with living lives dedicated to perpetually supporting ungrateful blacks to artificially maintain them at a social and economic level equal to whites. Simply paying minimal welfare payments and propping some of them up with AA is not sufficient. Until blacks have the same net worth and social standing as whites blacks will continue to believe that they are victims. Or the second possibility would be for blacks to become satisfied with living as bottom tier citizens with little net worth or social value commensurate with their capacity to contribute to society. Neither of these events will ever happen which means that blacks and whites will continue to live in conflict until separation is achieved, and blacks will never voluntarily separate.
If Trump actually wins, Pence will take the helm. Believe it.
Trump does not care about white people. Pence is a sellout. The Alt-Right claims that Trump is just "pandering to Jews, Israel and blacks because he HAS to to get elected." That's complete garbage.
Trump chose Pence as his running mate for a reason. Pence is going to be president if trump wins and deliver the goods to the globalists. He's already selling out Indiana. Pence is al all-out free-trade globalist, and a war on terror neocon, even setting up regional cities in Indiana, using terms like "sustainability", "growth", "quality of life", and promoting UN Agenda 21. YOU CAN'T DENY IT.
Search on "regionalism." It's UN Agenda 21 language.
"This is big. This is a big deal in Indiana, and I believe it's part of a third century strategy for growth that will pay dividends for generations,” said Governor Mike Pence, (R) Indiana."
"Trump said he would provide incentives for companies to move into poor areas to bolster employment, and would work to make credit available to African-Americans. As part of his plan, Trump called for giving cities aid to help rebuild infrastructure."
Wait.....WTF Trump???
Whites are going to be the ones taxed to pay for this ghetto aid. Just like we paid for the stimulus that went to pay for black food stamps and hud rent.
I want a divorce.
"You aren't coddling them and giving them what they want- things that they never provided for themselves and things they have no part in creating. "
Speaking of "coddling" negroes...
Trump's "new deal" for black America will include free GRE retirement accounts, incentives like tax exemption for businesses that open in black ghettoes, more programs and "good jobs", school vouchers for blacks, another round of black home-ownership incentives, and federal grants for "urban renewal" paid for by whites.
You can't out-liberal the liberals. These are NOT conservative policies.
One good thing about BRA is that it is changing our society from one that offers the red pill to those who are interested in the truth to a society that shoves the red pill up the arse of the white population. It is becoming impossible to ignore the truth.
Careful what you wish for...
"I will further empower cities and states to seek a federal disaster designation for blighted communities in order to initiate the rebuilding of vital infrastructure, the demolition of abandoned properties, and the increased presence of law enforcement.
I will also pursue financial reforms to make it easier for young African-Americans to get credit to pursue their dreams in business and create jobs in their communities." -Trump
"We will also encourage small-business creation by allowing social welfare workers to convert poverty assistance into repayable but forgive-able micro-loans." -Trump
"My plan will also ensure funding for Historical Black Colleges and Universities, more affordable 2 and 4-year college, and support for trade and vocational education." -Trump
"School choice is the great civil rights issue of our time, and I will be the nation’s biggest cheerleader for school choice in all 50 states. I will also appoint a commission to investigate the school to prison pipeline and to shut it down and create a new pathway that leads from a great education to a great job." -Trump
"And it is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican Party can be the home of the African-American vote once again." -Trump
Halloween: Back when I lived in a subdivision, you used to see vans disgorging loads of negro kids from places like Inkster on our street. The 'keeds" often didn't have any costume at all, and would demand candy in an aggressive, irritating manner.
Candy caravans.
Last year I just kept an eye on who came to the door.
Normally the caravans come late so I just turn off the lights once the locals have come by. Another trick is to hand out toffee or root beer candies. Blacks prefer fruity candies just as they prefer fruity drinks. This is primarily because of genetics.
Liberals will scoff at the idea of Blacks having a genetic predisposition to sweet foods. They will tell you it is all cultural. This is one of those areas where you can make a side bet to see who is actually "ignorant" of the facts.
The gene for bitter foods has already been identified and is rare in West Africans.
Race doesn't exist so genotypes of hTAS2R38 must not exist.
"It is great to be here in Charlotte to discuss an issue that means so much to me. That is the issue of urban renewal, and the rebuilding of our inner cities.
Today I want to talk about how to grow the African-American middle class, and to provide a new deal for Black America. That deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education, and high-paying jobs."
White kids get candy.
Black kids get detergent pods.
From the article:
it is that North Philly that is dying under the weight of gentrification.
"Dying", as in "being repaired and restored to the economic vitality which made it in the first place."
The only thing dying is the delusion of Black adequacy. Savages cannot be civilized, and have no business being here.
we can't truly expect the poor to watch jobs and wealth and excess pass them by without any reaction at all.
They create nothing, but their hands are all still out as they yell "GIBSMEDAT!" They are irredeemable.
They are expressing the rage that comes with exclusion.
They want the fruits of civilization, but they have nothing to contribute to it. They are tapeworms on American society. Soon the de-worming agent will be administered, and that will be that.
I have done the numbers. It would be almost trivial for the vast bulk of NAMs in the USA to be removed very quickly. Every Mexican in the USA could go away in mere weeks by the normal process of crossing the border to visit, only permanently. Entire 'hoods could be emptied almost as fast. Section Ape complexes, just march 'em onto buses and out, with crews with shovels and dumpsters behind.
The only thing that's lacking is the rage to create the will, and the rage is building.
Who in their right mind would want to gentrify a ghetto.
Reclaiming a ghetto is like digging up some long-buried Greek sculpture, and putting it in its rightful place as a symbol of civilization. The architecture in some abandoned 'hoods is irreplaceable. It's worth saving; it's just the hood rats who aren't.
Can we change the "N" word to a newly-minted "P" word? I propose PIGGERS. I think that's a good combo to both describe the true racists AND their behavior. Gnome sane?
....P-town Correspondent
Anonymous said PK made an interesting point about the inevitable event clash with a concealed carrying White he described as The Happening.
It made me think about how a lot more Whites are carrying high cap 9mm pistols. . .
. . . I support the theory that White people need to pack heavy when near Blacks. Not so much for "knockdown power" but to send a message that excessive force is always a possibility.
This moment is inevitable, but we need to be prepared to ensure that The Happening spreads like touching a lighted match to gunpowder rather than being quickly crushed by BRA. This event will probably involve some white guy killing multiple “unarmed teens” which will trigger an intense response by BRA. The power of the DOJ, FBI, and the MSM will be focused on the shooter who will almost immediately be arrested and held without bail because of his danger to society. If I was the white guy who killed multiple unarmed teens in a black run area of the country, I would seriously consider a quick ex-filtration of the area if it was practical before I would hope for the best in the BRA legal system.
We need very much to have an organization or network in place to assist those at the epicenter of The Happening. Until these events become common and generally accepted as the normal response to a mob attack those at the center will be at great risk.
When I lived in Nashville I told the sprogs that their parents could buy the damn candy with their food stamps. I no longer give blacks anything if I can help it.
Root Beer Barrels! I'd forgotten about those! Now I live in a semi-rural cul-de-sac, and no kids ever come to our door. Too far to walk for the kids,I guess. I don't even bother to turn my porch light on, and I don't buy any candy that I would just end up eating myself.
This anti-Trump guy posting here: What are you trying to do? are you some Klinton troll trying to spread mayhem and mischief? We have NO alternative but to vote for Trump-anything else is racial and cultural suicide for Whites. Why don't you shut your piehole?
Yes, let's award these violent animals with more spending and inner-city programs, Mr. Trump.
Trump might be thinking that if you improve their "hood" they'll be less likely to move next door to you in the burbs! A lot of blacks don't want to live around Whites and prefer living among their own - I have NO problem with that! What would you prefer - them living around you or more taxes to fix up their "hood"?
chattanooga gal said...
same old same old. when we leave a neighborhood, it's " white flight" , it's racist and causes misery to the blacks in loss of home values, stores, etc. When we come back, it's " gentrification", it's racist, and causes misery to the blacks in increasing home values, noisy stores etc.
One question : was that neighborhood ALWAYS black, or only after they chased out the original white inhabitants who are now taking it back.
I would also say, they should try to make college neighborhoods as white as possible, as they seem to be major targets for black marauders.
October 27, 2016 at 5:30 AM
I am a white guy from a 100% white family. My mother's side of my family had their roots in Philadelphia going back to at least the 1850's with immigrants coming right off the boat there from Ireland. My maternal grandfather was born in 1910 and he died in 1994. I can remember him telling me when I was just a little boy that North Philadelphia, which is where all of these black kids attacked the white college students on their own campus last week, was where his mother and father were raised (which would have been in the late 19th century) because this was where all of the breweries, factories, and bread bakeries were back then. White people all over America used to live in the same city neighborhoods where they worked back in those times, and Philadelphia was no different. There was no need for suburbs back in those days. It was just farmlands and cities back then.
So to answer your question, no, North Philadelphia was most certainly not always black. My maternal grandfather was living in Northeast Philadelphia by the time I was a little boy in the 1970's, because this was where all the white people started moving to when they began doing the "white flight" thing from North Philadelphia as early as the 1940's.
"to provide a new deal for Black America. That deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education, and high-paying jobs."
Well at least Trump's flavor of socialism is slightly different, in his apparently, all the handouts will only be offered to blacks
"And it is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican Party can be the home of the African-American vote once again." -Trump
Might as well be because at the end of the day they deliver the same, socialism with some slightly different rhetoric. At least the Sanders types are honest about it, I almost have more respect for them at this point.
For those who claim that he is "smart" and just saying this to get those "much needed votes", riddle me this, do you believe the black African voters he convinces to get out to the polls will outnumber the pissed off whites that will now stay home?
"""Today I want to talk about how to grow the African-American middle class, and to provide a new deal for Black America. That deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education, and high-paying jobs."
October 27, 2016 at 8:56 AM""
Yea Rabbi, Trump has some baggage. He knows very well who he has to talk to if he wants to be President.
Thank you for your black pills for Trump, but I already voted, the last time I ever will do it, assuming a Trump loss.
It's not my Country any more.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Anonymous said
...a new deal for Black America. That deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education, and high-paying jobs.
Don't panic.
Of course Trump is a risk. That's how he differs from almost every other politician, who is no risk, but a dead certain loss. Look at what Trump is promising:
Safe communities: A.K.A. "lawnorder". Won't the poor downtrodden Babuntus be disappointed when they find that safe communities are achieved by more police, and active support of the police by government. Why should they be surprised? That's what he's promised consistently.
Great education: Define "great". Trump is specifically promising "funding for Historical Black Colleges and Universities, more affordable 2 and 4-year college, and support for trade and vocational education." Who can object? Send them to their own separate colleges to learn a useful skill. No more Kaffirmative Action Harvard degrees in black studies.
High-paying jobs: The jobs will be there for those who can do them. When they lose the jobs due to TNB it won't be Trump's fault.
Have faith and believe. At this stage, you have no other options.
"In a city where poverty is concentrated outside the universities, we can't truly expect the poor to watch jobs and wealth and excess pass them by without any reaction at all."
Except: Inner-city school districts get more, city, state and federal funds than many schools in affluent neighborhoods.
Except: Low-income families are eligible for readily available grants and low-interest student loans not available to middle-class families.
Except: Racial preferences in admissions - even if nolonger called affirmative action - make it easier than ever for minorities to go to college.
It's all a Big Lie to cover the real reasons for dysfunction, which is that the stupidest and most violent negroes are left in the ghettos.
Negroes who can read and write - like the columnist who wrote this drivel - are elevated by white society to positions they don't really deserve.
Although underclass blacks appear tough and confident, they are only that way until they are arrested and incarcerated. Then they may be tough and confident as well, but they are gone. The so-called leaders of the black community know one thing well: their kids are killing each other and whitey occassionally, and they are going away. The young women are working hard to keep the birth rate up, but it ain't enough. Blacks are slowly getting cornered, and becoming hysterical. They don't have a motherland to go to when they need to, like the mexicans do. They have an ideology, nothing more. They don't even have the " Res " like the virtually invisible American Indians do.
Time is running out for these people.
And at the end of his article, he asks for more gibs "fo de po niggers".
Can't a black write anything that doesn't ask for more, more, more from white people, taxpayers, government or institutions?
With their never ending whining, you'd think they're just asking to be put out of their misery.
Paintjob Theory said...
do you believe the black African voters he convinces to get out to the polls will outnumber the pissed off whites that will now stay home?
As I've said before, I don't believe this stuff will (or is intended to) convince any blacks. It's for those Whites who would like to vote for Trump, but need to be reassured that that would not be "racist". Humour them.
Note that, as I said above, Trumps specific promises are not what the blacks actually want. They're what the liberals think the blacks would want, because, you know, they're just like us.
Bravo! Very well written, my feelings exactly!
Facts never enter the mind of a SJW.
"What would you prefer - them living around you or more taxes to fix up their "hood"?"
More taxes to fix up their hood??? What the fuck? What does "fix up" mean? How much have we spent already? Since 1950? Trillions. Where is that money? The "hood" is still the "hood" and growing larger every year.
I live in a gentrifying urban "hood", and I can tell you that the blacks are costing us more than hud vouchers and illegal trash dumping removal. My city is now 27% black, big difference from being 90% white 20 years ago. Crime is off the charts. Businesses in white cultural districts are being robbed at gunpoint, losing loyal white customer base. No one can talk about race. Police are pandering openly to black criminals and gangs. Majority of these bums are already on the GENERATIONAL TIT of food stamps and free rent. Muh civil rights.
You are another white idiot with your head stuck up your ass. You don't care about this eternal white wealth confiscation, you only care about WINNING. TRUMP JUST SAID HE IS GOING TO ROB YOUR CHILDREN TO PAY FOR SHANEEQUA'S ILLITERATE ILLEGITIMATE GANG OF BLACK SPAWN TO RISE. HE JUST BLAMED WHITE PEOPLE FOR BLACK FAILURE, YOU MORON.
You lose brother. You lose.
Hopefully excessive force will be enough, in a mob attack.
"It's for those Whites who would like to vote for Trump, but need to be reassured that that would not be "racist". Humour them."
"He's only supporting Israel to get the Evangelicuck vote."
"He's only going to AIPAC convention because that's what all other candidates have done."
"He doesn't really mean that, he's just saying that because he's in New York."
"He says that now, but he will do a total 180 when he's in the White House."
"He's only using liberal identity politics like "Latinos for Trump" to appeal to the young voters. You know, beating them at their own game. MADMAN!"
"He's only saying that to win over the liberals and Bernie supporters."
More BS excuses and projection.
A few more pathetic excuses...
"Yea Rabbi, Trump has some baggage. He knows very well who he has to talk to if he wants to be President."
"That's how he differs from almost every other politician, who is no risk, but a dead certain loss."
"Trumps specific promises are not what the blacks actually want. They're what the liberals think the blacks would want."
"Have faith and believe. At this stage, you have no other options." <=== just like the cucked Christian church I just left.
Genius said, "Why don't you shut your piehole?"
Shutting down dissent? Hmmm. Gee I wonder why.
Well, you shall get the president you deserve - Blue Clinton or Red Pence. Coke or Pepsi? No difference.
"Although underclass blacks appear tough and confident, they are only that way until they are arrested and incarcerated. Then they may be tough and confident as well, but they are gone."
They are not GONE. We pay over $60K per black inmate per year to house and feed them. Then we pay for their "re-entry" programs so they can rape, rob, and kill again.
But Trump can give them hope and mo dem programs.
"As I've said before, I don't believe this stuff will (or is intended to) convince any blacks. "
White man pandering to blacks means more whites get hurt because we are not STOMPING THE BOOT OF WHITE SUPREMACY DOWN HARD ENOUGH. They feel EMPOWERED by white GUILT when altruistic whites promise "help" and "fix" them. It's not normal for whites to reach down to their level.
Instead of pandering, Trump should release holy hell on the black community and promise to revoke their food stamps and hud vouchers if they commit one single crime. Black right to vote gets cut next. You would see black crime virtually disappear.
"The so-called leaders of the black community know one thing well: their kids are killing each other and whitey occassionally, and they are going away."
The so-called leaders of the black community are the black churches and preachers.
The black church is a democrat political hub. All they talk about is politics and voting, not Jesus.
And he Trump just specifically promised to strengthen the black church. That means block grants for mentoring and My Brothers Keeper. Federal. Taxes. Not For Profit. TRILLIONS. CIVIL RIGHTS 2.0. White wealth.
Get it?
What good is Trump's plan to have tax incentives for companies to move into black areas when those same companies will wind up losing far more than any incentive can ever provide? Most sensible and intelligent business owners will refuse to do so since they know that's why companies and businesses move far away from black areas. The costs to themselves on every level are just too high. They aren't financially suicidal. There's the difficulty of finding employees who won't steal them blind, aren't incompetent and unqualified or who won't try to sue them to win dat ghetto lottery. And that's just the beginning of the problems they would cause any business owner.
Great education? Give me a break! He might as well have told negroes, "Listen, if I get into office, I'm going to have you acting white!" Feral negroes don't care about education- they only want the fancy buildings to hang out in, use as daycare for their bastards and for the free breakfasts and lunches.
Clean up their neighborhoods, tear down abandoned and blighted properties and rebuild infrastructure? LOL- they'll just destroy everything that's rebuilt. Might as well move a feral pig into a penthouse apartment!
Safe communities? Bwahahaha! He thinks he can turn feral negroes into well behaved house nigga's. Not going to happen. Safe communities will be interpreted as more cops to keep a brutha down and to attack the black community.
Do I think Trump believes everything he's saying to negroes? Not at all. He knows negroes and the way to get their vote is to offer them gibsmedats. Even so, they'll reject what he's saying as they'll view it as gentrification and trying to make them act white and destroy their "culture."
Hell, even I don't believe he believes what he's saying. If he does, then he's gone full retard.
"The architecture in some abandoned 'hoods is irreplaceable. It's worth saving; it's just the hood rats who aren't."
They aren't going to save the architecture, lmao. That's racist. They are going to REPLACE IT with high-density human settlements, mixed-use developments, diversity, car-less culture, sustainability, quality of life, green spaces, transit expansion, affordable housing, walkable communities, and cities without hate.
Urban renewal. That's UN Agenda 21, Goy.
The big focus in my city right now is magnet/tech schools, vouchers, and charter schools to address black failure.
Enormous spending on this shakedown. What more could Trump possibly promise these people? We have been bled dry.
Anything is possible and nothing is too expensive when you refuse to factor in racial differences.
Trump does not even see race.
They hate us when we move out. They hate us when we move in. They hate us...
Yes, let's rebuild the black ghettoes so the whites can move back in after they ship the ghetto niggers up to suburbia with hud vouchers and whites flee back to the cities.
He's part of the plan!
"As long as you can continue to frame black people as eternally oppressed and victims with no free will or agency you can excuse ANYTHING that they get caught doing,..."
A fair point, but conversely, if white people fall into the trap of thinking that blacks have free will, then they're going to think that blacks can start acting like whites any time they want to, which from the white point of view is an even worse mistake. It's paintjob theory. Free will is an anti-scientific concept derived from Christianity. It's the enemy of any kind of race science.
Every article about David French gushes about the Bronze Star he was awarded.
He was not a combat troop. He got the award for "meritorious" service, which means he did a good job sitting at a desk behind the lines in a theater of combat.
There is currently an uproar among line troops about these faux Bronze Stars.
They call them "Naked Bronze Stars" because they don't have the "V" for Valor displayed.
Had they behaved like fucking human beings and not the savages they are, things might be different but they're savages, so....gentrify your asses off!
"Blacks are race-first and TRIBAL and view this pandering from whites as racial WEAKNESS because the blacks would NEVER help another race advance, they would DESTROY it. Only whites are genetically this stupid. It's in our DNA to take care of helpless feral monkeys."
The narrative that it's in white DNA to take care of outsiders is incoherent and unscientific. It's also contradicted by the recent example of NS Germany. The true origins of this maladaptive behavior are cultural, but deeply embedded by the religious misconceptions of Christianity, which considers it virtuous to betray one's own race in favor of a raceless universalism.
Usually because property is cheap, and then the value goes up. This pisses blacks off because they don't own the houses in the ghetto that they live in, the government or some slum lord does. Once the slum lords see that they can rent the same house that they are currently watching be destroyed by Shn'eqwah and her niglets, to 3 college kids for $2k a month, and they know the parents will send the rent check on time every month, it's bye bye Shn'eqwah.
Think about what the article is basically stating, blacks are mad that someone is improving the neighborhoods they destroyed, and property values are increasing, businesses are moving in, and a community is being created. Yet they do nothing but watch it happen and complain.
Lol, you are what you eat.
Thought I might leave this little tidbit for everyone. It seems Disney is busy negrofying every new movie, they want to cast Kevin Hart as Santa Claus in a movie called Dashing All the Way. I agree with those that say, let it burn, then we can rid ourselves of those who would betray and work to destroy our culture and heritage. Enough is enough.
Anonymous said...
Well, you shall get the president you deserve - Blue Clinton or Red Pence. Coke or Pepsi? No difference.
Enlighten us, O Wise Nameless One. What would you do? Do you have some secret plan, an option that nobody else has thought of? Or are you just Above It All?
I hope your smug self-satisfaction keeps you warm, when your homeland is lost. Ask me about that, I have some personal experience.
These people never look in the mirror! Most people assimilate: Mexicans might do lawn services, Arabs might drive a cab, Orientals (can I say that?) are in computer tech, but the black is good at breeding and getting YT to pay for it!
It was dem skreets dat did it!
"Of the 95 comments they've allowed to squeak through so far, 94 do not agree with Jenice. 1 is neutral because it states that we do not definitively know the color of the police horse that was punched in the face."
Yep, comments disabled.
Mr Rational, I replied to your question on the Temple University thread. Short answer: I don't know of any such sites.
Lots of anonymous comments on this thread, many with an obnoxious tone. I suspect a lot of them originate from one troll. Those regulars who still haven't got a handle, please do. It will save the rest of us a lot of wasted time.
Mr Troll, if your intention is to look like a crowd with a consensus opinion, it isn't working. Style and tone are as distinctive as a handle, they just take longer to process. Hmmmm?
Trump knows the score when it comes to blacks, anyone w ho has been in real estate for that long does. He has spoken about Chicago gun violence, and anyone familiar with it, knows the cause. He's already been branded an islamaphobic, racist, sex predator by the press and Hillary supporters, imagine what would happen if he made a speech calling out black dysfunction, especially this close to election day.
"the students don't respect them" - do THEY respect the students? - "don't understand them" - do THEY understand the students? - "don't respect the neighborhood" - yeah, blacks ALWAYS respect OUR neighborhoods don't they. It's NEVER a two way street with these idiots! Some longtime residents feel they're not as comfortable in the neighborhood as they were" - Oh yeah, it must be terrifying seeing White collage kids walk by your house instead of black thugs "jus hangin out"! Anyway I hope this was an eye opener for these White kids that were assalted, some will wake up and others will call me a "racisssss" for noticing!
" are you some Klinton troll trying to spread mayhem and mischief?"
Is Trump? Not like this poster is making this stuff up. Don't blame the messenger. I've been expressing my misgivings about our illusion of choice for some time now (most of those comments never got posted). If those of you who claim he's "just saying this to get elected", then you accept that your boy is a liar which begs the question if he is promising things he never plans to deliver to blacks and Israel, what makes you think his promises to represent your best interests will be honored? Or he is a fool isolated in an ivory tower who really believes that the real problem with black Africans is that we just haven't given them enough yet? Or what I have suspected all along, the most likely scenario it'll be nothing more than a guy who can pronounce the word "ask" reading the whitehouse teleprompter and a first lady without a kickstand bulge in the front of her pants while business as usual continues.
The Democrats look like they will win this Presidential election. I watch the news on cable and read the political commentators on the Web. I seem to be the only one who thinks that there will be another Trump-like figure who is less moderate emerging in the next few years (months?).
I'll call him for lack of a better name Trump II.
If and when Hillary wins and assuming she doesn't simply fall over dead and is replaced by Tim Kaine(who?), here are some of the likely consequences. First of all the wall will not be built. Illegal immigration will continue and probably accelerate. The economy will continue as it has been with many corporations relocating abroad. Black crime will soar and the government will try to buy their way out of the problem with borrowed money. The National Debt will rise even more and the rating agencies like Moody's will downgrade the dollar. Hillary will probably try to have the raters arrested.
There is a line in Ezio's aria from Attila - "Roma le vil cadavere" (Rome you wretched corpse). Everyone should try to get familiar with the opera Attila and other depictions of Rome's last days. In the coming months there are likely to be numerous articles comparing the fall of Rome to current events.
The scavengers are going to gather around the remains of America. If we are lucky there will arise a Trump II.
As things get worse for the average joe, they will first get worse for blacks. Black unemployment is around double that of whites now. Unemployment, it is increasingly clear, is a racial phenomenon. East Asians have the lowest rate and blacks the highest. Let me remind you that for much of American history the Chinese were treated worse than the blacks - maybe not in the deep South but certainly out here in the West.
In classical economic theory there at two types of unemployment - structural and frictional. Frictional unemployment is that which you experience when you quit your job and move elsewhere of enter a new field. It is temporary. Structural unemployment is the long term unemployment that results from a mismatch between the skills of job applicants and the requirements of the work place.
Traditionally the government fights structural unemployment with education and job training. But it has been several decades now since any such government program has worked. Students just graduate from one job program to go to another. They never get a job.
Most of these job trainees on the endless cycle of training are black. They are not too bright but even they are beginning to catch on. They never will see an honest pay check - just another trainee stipend. You can see these enlightened negroes on YouTube rioting in America's cities.
All this can only get worse. Think about it. If the government were to discover some class of jobs that the great mass of negroes could do, who would the employer hire? - probably Koreans or Japanese or even Europeans. All these groups have made better employees in the past. Given a free market the first black guy hired is after the last Chinese is hired. In any conceivable job line the guys at the front are whites and Asians, the guys at the back are the blacks.
That isn't going to change under Hillary. True change will require someone like Trump II.
"Feral negroes don't care about education- they only want the fancy buildings to hang out in, use as daycare for their bastards and for the free breakfasts and lunches."
Finally some sanity. This comment is SPOT ON. Blacks are like children. They don't even think like we do.
Trump is implying that blacks are equals to whites. Trump does not SEE race. He does not have a racist bone in his body, remember? That's the dangerous part because racial equality is a huge Jewish lie to justify redistribution of wealth. It will only lead to more negro rage and rioting when they fail to reach white standards after the free shit has been doled out.
On a lighter note let's have a history quiz. First what single person was most responsible from his personal actions for our side winning World War Two?
If that's too easy - what person in world history was most responsible for modern civilization?
HINT: Both of these were white Western males. (maybe you already guessed that.)
Answers tomorrow.
"The narrative that it's in white DNA to take care of outsiders is incoherent and unscientific. It's also contradicted by the recent example of NS Germany. The true origins of this maladaptive behavior are cultural, but deeply embedded by the religious misconceptions of Christianity, which considers it virtuous to betray one's own race in favor of a raceless universalism."
So let me get this straight, black behavior is genetic, whites' is cultural, and Christianity is the problem. Gotcha.
The point is, you won't ever see "Whites for Trump" signs at any of his rallies. He won't allow it. Trump sees race *sometimes* apparently. Why can't whites see this? He is playing the game. I am not sure if it's controlled opposition, but he does 3 scary things with every 1 good thing.
Look at Dr. David Duke's campaign. He's all out for the white man. Never goes to AIPAC conventions. Never panders to blacks. He is RESPECTABLE. He's taking a HUGE risk and he might even get elected. That is the only type of candidate who will make sure we have a future. I liked Trump when he wasn't doing all this pandering to the "minorities" who aren't swamping us demographically with their irresponsible birth rates and welfare abuse. I would vote for Duke in a heartbeat.
I have seen LGBTQ for Trump, Blacks for Trump, Latinos for Trump. Women for Trump, Immigrants for Trump, and Asians for Trump signs at his rallies. Full front and center.
What this MEANS is that this is no country for whites. You can't even SAY white people exist. This election is Jew vs. Gentile, not Democrat vs. Republican. Get ready.
If pathological altruism of whites is cultural, hen is the tribalism and violent behavior of blacks also cultural? Or is it genetic?
What difference does it make when we are losing so badly?
I know lots of whites who are non-Christians and they are also pathologically altruistic toward blacks and other helpless POCs. The like to keep them as pets from a distance. I think it's a strange sexual fetish.
The Trumpening is upon us...the millions are rising...
Don't wait...it's taking place around you right now...
Bow in awe, and then get out there...
It's on...
I realize that I put the compulsive in O.C.D., but this country seems dirtier and more disorganized by the minute. There are so many areas around metro Detroit that I can no longer enter. Areas that used to be clean and safe have been savaged by diversity. To ex-new yorker, you are very fortunate to reside in an area that is safe, clean, and above all else, white. I know that there are others who comment on this site that are from southeast Michigan. Do you see it the same way that I do?
Blacks put racial identity politics FIRST. So do other POCs. Always.
Whites don't even consider race, or acknowledge that whites have unique interests. And blacks hate whites and blame whites for black failure. So I have a huge problem with his pandering.
Trump is playing the identity politics game, which absolutely sends a very strong SIGNAL to the blacks and other POCs.
It's 100% anti-White. Even if the POCs don't vote for him.
Ok, I'll tell my Bronze Star story.
I had just taken over a governmental bureau and was busy firing all the deadwood. Confession: I couldn't actually fire anyone. All I could do was to transfer the bad actors to some other poor SOB who had to suffer with them. But I was doing quite a bit if that. Then, Jim a Vietnam vet, told me about Bronze Stars. He was a Japanese guy who had spent a couple years in forward areas where he was always in danger of being misidentified as a Vietnamese. Jim was brave.
He had great contempt for the Bronze Star. He told me that they gave them out for being a good clerk-typist. Type up a good memo - he said - and get a decoration. But then I discovered that the next guy on my hit list had won a Silver Star. I never got closer to Vietnam than San Francisco. I was embarrassed to fire a real war hero.
But this guy was strange. He was gay - very, very gay. How gay was he? He and his partner had thirteen cats which they bathed every week. I had one cat. My cat Max who died at age 23 last year had never had a bath. But these two he told us, gave all his whole house full of cats a bath every Saturday.
And then there was the staple. I'm tall so I could see the top of his head. He was completely bald and had a permanent wig stapled to the top of his head. It started off brown and gradually faded with each shampoo until it was almost blond. Then once a year or so he would get his old staple removed and a new one installed. And he had dark brown hair again.
But he had won a legitimate Silver Star in Viet Nam. No matter how strange he was as a civilian I had to honor his service. I cancelled my plans for jettisoning him and - as it happens - he turned out to be an OK employee.
Another story so bizarre you know it must be true.
The question that we should really be asking is what shall become of the useless breeders once robots take all the menial jobs that those type of subjects barely qualify for?
See? Even fags don't like blacks. In fact, they are more openly racist than straight whites.
ps - Writer is the same black woman who wrote the piece about Philly.
Don't be so quick to lose faith in Trump.
I have dissected carefully what he has been saying about, and to, the negro. He is actually playing the Democrat and "Equalists" for fools. So, we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord? Really, then let us expect "equal", you self righteous believers.
Those who believe that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord actually feel there is no racial differences. So, with that in mind, TRUMP is playing with them and saying "we" can improve the life of the negro by law & order, better schools, and jobs.
HE KNOWS THE NEGRO IS TOO STUPID and the Believers are too stupid to get his point and trick. Yep, He will deliver law & order (enforce the laws, enable the Cops, and put 50%+ of the negro males in jail). Then, up grade the schools, knowing Sambo and LaKotex will not make the grade, but didn't the "believers" all say the negro is equal.
Trump is NO FOOL. He knows the negro is a up-right hominid, so rather than telling the truth (which the believers can not stand) he is giving back to them their same B*llSh*t talk about we all are the Lord's children.
He has out-smarted them. Be patient. He will treat the negro as "equal" and he knows damn well they can't cut the grade.
This is really one hell of a fun election.
It's not exclusion. It's EVOLUTION.
Trump is a big question mark. Clinton is a skull and crossbones red-alert warning. (I already voted for Trump)
1. If Trump loses, he will have started a fire that cannot be put out.
2. The economy is going down no matter who wins. Wouldn't mind Hillary taking the blame.
3. If Trump wins, we'll have to wait snd see how he does. An early indication will be cabinet appointments. If it's the same old cucks and CFR assholes it's meet the new boss - same as the old boss.
4. Don't get emotionally involved.
Nothing is certain, but I think Trump is going to win. Perhaps decisively. If so, there will be marxist riots.
Feel Good story of the Day:
Two gangs of "Teens" are fighting each other in the street, school bus with elementary students stops , "Teens" then attack bus driver and the children.
Has there ever been a single month that blacks have rioted?
Happy Halloween!
The Baron
This moron who penned this is Solomon Jones and happens to have his own black victimization website: http://www.solomonjones.com
Here is his email: sj@solomonjones.com
We should all send him some nice messages 😁
Trump knows real estate, his father taught him very well. He knows, he knows.
Female in FL
Anonymous said...
There have been other attacks of this nature going on in France. What was interesting is it showed Chinese people who had had enough of being robbed and assaulted..........
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Asians currently the fastest growing group in America? Colin Flaherty showed a vid a few weeks back of an Asian women protecting her home / warehouse when three NAHA's broke in. Iced one, clipped the other two. T'was heavenly to watch. He also has a slew of Black on Asian crime vids. My gut's been telling me (long before these videos) that Asians are going to be the ones who get the ball rolling in this country. They DESPISE blacks and they're in the perfect position to do something. Stay tuned......And ignore the obvious Trump Troller in our midst!
2:43 pm OCD: I live in western Wayne County. My once-peaceful semi-rural township has been transformed by "vibrant diversity". Almost overnight, it has filled up with Indians, Muslims, and section 8 negroes. The Indians seem bent on taking political control of this place, with a forest of signs at every intersection-they are running for just about every open position here. The stores are filled with packs of hijab and burka-wearing muslims-sometimes the ones just peering through an eyeslit. There's a big muslim school, several hindu temples, and a sikh temple,too. All this happened in just a few years-I don't think even people here realize how many third-worlders are pouring in to displace us (all these hindus work for auto companies here-they work for Ford, and drive a Lexus).
As for negroes, my township was so greedy for tax dollars they let developers build all these apartment complexes all over the township-now they are all turned Section 8, and the negroes have driven out the renters who had to pay full rent. There are more and more conflicts with the police at these places, several fairly large-scale incidents barely mentioned by the local press, who embrace this wonderful "diversity". I'm getting older, and I worry about dealing with ferals in my declining years (we are pretty much stuck here now).
AnalogMan, thanks for the reply.
Family reunification is a way to get US immigrant visas. Perhaps this is something that some of the stranded in SA can pursue.
Anon with the hard on for Trump. Hard to disagree with most of what you're saying, but Hillary offers certain death. With Trump there's a chance, minuscule as it may be, that things actually improve. Unless you think worse is better, which I'd probably agree if any other repub were running. As Trump tells the Negro's, what have you got to lose.
They also aren't considered "as rayciss" when they fight back. It's harder for the (((media))) to vilify them, since they are considered to be "oppressed" to a certain degree as well.
What are Chinese doing in France?
Nobody likes blacks, they are universally despised by every productive culture around the planet.
"The narrative that it's in white DNA to take care of outsiders is incoherent and unscientific. It's also contradicted by the recent example of NS Germany. The true origins of this maladaptive behavior are cultural, but deeply embedded by the religious misconceptions of Christianity, which considers it virtuous to betray one's own race in favor of a raceless universalism.
October 27, 2016 at 12:31 PM"
I agree with this. This is the "E.T. Phone Home" philosophy, but I believe grounded in Man's anthropomorphizing of other animals via adaption of of the dog as a servant. By assuming Godhood with another race (Dogs), Man (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) extends that type of thinking to Homo Africanus who looks more like a human than a dog and can talk (kind of) but whose mind is very different and unwilling to follow.
CENTURION said ”Don't be so quick to lose faith in Trump.
I have dissected carefully what he has been saying about, and to, the negro. He is actually playing the Democrat and "Equalists" for fools. So, we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord? Really, then let us expect "equal", you self righteous believers. . . “
Centurion's comment explains exactly what Trump is saying. He is promising blacks a level playing field which isn't what they really want, but no one can argue against it without admitting that blacks aren't equal to whites. Blacks are either just like us and only need a level playing field, or they are inferior and must receive special care. I'm very happy for us all to play by the same rules and let the winners win and let the losers lose. We can tally the skin colors of the winners and losers later for grins.
"It is that North Philly where the attacks took place, and it is that North Philly that is dying under the weight of gentrification."
Yo, niggas. Go fuck yourselves.
Philadelphia Mike
Vote Trump, just for the wall and the muslim ban.
D-FENS said ”. . . Nothing is certain, but I think Trump is going to win. Perhaps decisively. If so, there will be marxist riots.”
I must be a bad person because I find myself almost looking forward to the marxist riots.
Anonymous said...
See? Even fags don't like blacks. In fact, they are more openly racist than straight whites.
ps - Writer is the same black woman who wrote the piece about Philly.
October 27, 2016 at 3:27 PM
I just read this article.
Hahahahahaha....the comments by the gays are incredible! They aren't taking any shit from the blacks.
I always knew about the underlying hatred that the Asian and White Philadelphia gay community had for the blacks. But this....this really bringing it into the public eye.
Yes...we've got our problems in Philadelphia. But even our gay men are race realists.
Go tell it like it is, boys!
Philadelphia Mike
I'm a 1st Cav Viet Nam vet. I have two Bronze Stars for service, two Army Commendation Medals, six Air Medals, an Aircraft Crewmenber Badge and a Good Conduct Medal. It all looks kind of impressive but it was really just for doing what I was supposed to do in the first place.
The inmates living inside the asylum are choosing sides. Even thought many of them are chained and locked into different wards they some how have the impression that they have a right on who will be running the place in the near future. The administrators of the asylum are even crazier than the inmates. The inmates are wack jobs but the managers are total psychopaths.
Every four to eight years upper management changes hands. This is because the asylum stockholders consider this good for business. This change of management is called "voting". The inmates get all excited because they think they have a say in who will be "running the place." They form into groups and spend time fighting, yelling, screaming, arguing, and beating the shit out of each other. Some put signs on their cell doors showing who they support. Other sneak around tearing down the signs.
This goes on for long months. The inmates are shown a large group of potential leaders who are nearly all crooks, perverts, degenerates and psychopaths. Finally the inmates write the name of their favorite crook (aka..leader) on a piece of paper. They put the pieces of paper in a BIG JAR. The stockholders then throw the jar in the garbage. The inmates sit around waiting to see who the "winner" will be. Afterward some of the inmates get to change rooms and maybe move to a different floor. They really like it if their "new room" has a view. Other than that nothing ever changes. Why should it.
Science admits of only two causes of behavior, genetic and environmental. Free will is a mystical notion introduced by the Christian religion
Socrates debated free will and that was well before Christianity.
As for science it is a tool, not an all guiding authority. The belief that science is always value free is a common fallacy among liberals. They also believe that True Science has decided that race doesn't exist and all racial inequality is environmental. If they could they would ban this website on the grounds of being anti-science.
Now of course you would take objection to their use of science but how did the debate get to that point in the first place if science is value free?
Belief in science as a guide too easily leads to group think. Science as a tool may appear objective but the use of that tool is not.
I know the area of Temple University very well.
...And...no, it is not being gentrified to the extent that the rest of Philadelphia is being gentrified. There are a few blocks that surround the campus that have been developed...much like the moats of old around castles and fortresses. But...one the whole, once you leave that fabricated buffer zone, you find yourself in the Zulu nations.
And these White suburban kids who attend Temple University...a lot of them "get it". They go there with their eyes alert, knowing full well what lies beyond the fringes of the campus.
There is one thing that that I am hoping all of you here understand about us White Philadelphians. With hell bent determination...and nerves of steel...we are doing our best to hold onto our city. For many of us Philadelphia has been our home for generations....for hundreds of years.
Home is not just a place where you happen to rest. Home is not just a pit stop to sleep at between working hours.
Home is a place you fight for.....home is WHAT you fight for.
Philadelphia Mike
Anonymous said ”Gentrification: Whites moving back into a neighborhood originally built by other Whites. They always leave that part out.”
This is also proof that blacks are so incompetent that they can't even hold on to a ghetto. It must really suck to be black.
The narrative that it's in white DNA to take care of outsiders is incoherent and unscientific. It's also contradicted by the recent example of NS Germany. The true origins of this maladaptive behavior are cultural, but deeply embedded by the religious misconceptions of Christianity, which considers it virtuous to betray one's own race in favor of a raceless universalism.
Oh cut the blame Christianity crap.
Germany has the largest atheist population in Europe and yet they still vote for Muslim loving globalists.
The RSA was heavily Christian and was only dissolved because of a single traitorous leader. South Africans were willing to fight the economic blockade created by the US and Europe.
Sweden is another good example. They are very secular and yet they are turning their country in to Swedenstan.
I don't see European countries turning racial realist after getting rid of Christianity. If anything the opposite happens. They put their faith in secular egalitarianism and paint theory. They fall for "science" arguments on how race doesn't exist and how it's "modern" to hate your race because the future is a one world multiracial utopia. I watched this first hand in college. It has nothing to do with Christianity.
Right now Trump is having a harder time with college educated Whites and in fact would easily win if they flipped. Shouldn't college educated Whites be more likely to see the reality of race? NO, the propaganda is too thick for them. They have been duped into believing that the intelligent position is to deny race. Like I said I saw this first hand. The propaganda is extremely effective. Billions have been spent refining it.
About this "free will" and "environment". The truth lies elsewhere. The factor that is always over looked is "freedom". To be free is the one thing people cannot understand. What I am talking about is a FREE SOUL.
A FREE SOUL will override the environment and also the will. The power is within the SOUL and not the mind. Free will generally means what "leader" will be followed or what "shepherd" one chooses to watch over them. A free soul creates their own environment. They are the eternal enemy of science and religion.
"If pathological altruism of whites is cultural, hen is the tribalism and violent behavior of blacks also cultural? Or is it genetic?"
Both factors are always at play in human behavior, both environmental and genetic. It's not an either/or situation, although one can predominate over the other. For example, there are things that could happen in the environment that could override the black genetic predisposition to violence very quickly. Compelling all negro males to take testosterone blockers would enormously lower their inclination and capability for violence, and do it within a matter of weeks or months. But of course, this couldn't be done without violating their so-called human rights, so it's not even visible to anyone as a potential solution.
As for my remark above that it's the cultural influence of Christianity that is responsible for what you are calling the pathological altruism of whites, of course some genetic factors may be involved too. But I don't think that the behavior itself is predominately genetic. The "pathological altruism" of whites having a genetic basis is an idea pushed by psychologist Kevin MacDonald, who subscribes to the notion that such behavior was selected for during the hostile environment of the Ice Age in Europe. But if hostile environments could produce such behavior, the most altruistic people in the world would be Eskimos, Australian aborigines, and Kalihari bushmen. Also, the Chinese of that era withstood a similar environment to that in Europe, and yet aren't notably afflicted with pathological altruism. The idea just doesn't withstand scrutiny, and seems designed mainly to draw fire away from Christianity as a cause.
The Chinese have infiltrated every corner of the planet. I went to Ireland years ago and arrived late at night, the only place open to get food was a Chinese restaurant. I was living in Pensacola for a while and would drive around the back roads of Alabama & Mississippi. There were a lot of small hick towns that had only a gas station, and a dollar store, but they all had a Chinese take out restaurant in them. There are huge Chinese populations in the Caribbean and all over Africa as well, and I bet they are spread out thru the middle east also.
Never support websites that don't allow comments.
"Oh cut the blame Christianity crap. "
See the comment above yours for my reply. You don't seem to able to understand the difference between Christianity and its cultural influence.
"I don't see European countries turning racial realist after getting rid of Christianity."
You don't get rid of 2000 years of Christianity just by saying you no longer are a Christian. It's not that simple. Besides, what makes you think there are only two choices? Belief in miracles and the rest of the supernatural rubbish can be discarded while still retaining the moral framework of Christianity, and its raceless view of a unitary "family of man". Just because you don't call yourself Christian doesn't mean you won't act like one.
Businesses move all the time. Sports teams relocate to other cities.
Has a college ever moved before? Maybe it would be a good idea for Temple University to move to The Poconos or someplace safer and more scenic than North Philly.
Off topic: Recently went to lunch with a white female co-worker. Nothing more than that, just getting lunch. When we came back to the office the black receptionist glared at us. Fine. I ignore her anyway. An hour or so later, I had to walk through the lobby and she said to me, "When are you taking me to lunch?" As I kept walking I said, "I'm not." I didn't see her reaction but I bet there was an inner chimpout going on in her vacant head.
On a lighter note let's have a history quiz. First what single person was most responsible from his personal actions for our side winning World War Two?
I would say Hitler. Operation Barbarossa was entirely by Hitler and opened the war on two fronts. Stalin actually wanted to wait as long as possible before getting involved. Hitler's unneeded front against the Russians is considered the biggest military blunder of all time.
If that's too easy - what person in world history was most responsible for modern civilization?
Colonel Sanders.
I don't think there is a single person that deserves the title. Modern society was never the vision of a single person.
"Ex New Yorker said...
The inmates living inside the asylum are choosing sides. Even thought many of them are chained and locked into different wards they some how have the impression that they have a right on who will be running the place in the near future."
Ex New Yorker at October 27, 2016 at 7:46 PM posted the above.
How perspicacious. We can only run with the roll of the dice we have cast, and our future depends initially on the result.
I say "initially", because I suspect that the Trump momentum is sufficient to unseat TRUMP himself if he does not bring changes that accord with the gestalt of his elevation, and to this end I am not concerned.
We are watching. And waiting.
Dum Dums, do you mean the candy or the bullets?
Millions of Germans, Swedes, etc, have turned their backs to the institution of Christianity, but the underlying values remain in those societies. I am also an atheist, as were my parents, but I will still turn the other cheek in more trivial matters. It took my observations, and a formation of logic to overcome the bullshit race denial, and the associated (((media))) cover-up, to overcome the inherent Christian values that normally prevent that outlook on things. I do not blame Christianity for the problems as it wasn't designed to deal with the issues we face today. To quote Geezer Butler, "God knows as your dog nose. Bog bless all of you." It's mumbo jumbo if you blindly follow it, and even worse if you follow it to a T.
1. George Marshall
2. Charles Martel
You will notice Trump waited just 2 weeks before the election to go in this direction. As a successful businessman, saying he is going to improve the job market for (obsolete farm equipment) inner city blacks, without calling the same out on thier behavior, doesn't give Hillary much time to twist it. All the stupid/duped SJW hears is " jobs for blacks" and all the blacks hear is "mo gibs". Brilliant timing, really.
My grandfather came over at 7 years old with his 9-year-old brother from Italy, while his parents and other siblings stayed back in Naples waiting for the two boys to work and send money back for their boat fare. By the time I came along, Pop had built his own contracting company with nothing but a third-grade education. We moved from Philly to Longport, NJ (where many of the Mafioso lived...and still do), where I grew up as the next-door neighbor and close family friend to Angelo Errichetti, the mayor of Camden (yes...the guy that American Hustle was about). Within two generations, Pop was able to buy property in one of the most expensive swaths of the Jersey Shore, and so was Uncle Eric. Good or bad, these were self-made Italian men who are rolling over in their graves to see what the Moulinyan have done to Philadelphia.
To Anonymous at 7:19 am:
Please consider moving out to Park City, Utah. Yes, it's expensive to live among the wealthy, all-white libtards, like living on an island of Democrats in a sea of Mormon conservatives. And the Bernie '16 bumper stickers are annoying. But my kids both go to public schools with zero blacks, since cold weather, extreme snow sports, and high elevations are well-known Negro repellants.
Besides, we need way more race realists here. I'm getting lonely screaming into the wind.
To Anonymous who said "...blacks will never voluntarily separate."
I agree. The only possible scenario that I can imagine where blacks could live in harmony and parity with whites was if their so-called Talented Tenth (upwardly mobile, educated, white-acting blacks...the top tier) would forcefully and vocally denounce the rest of their brethren, support conservative government and an end to the welfare state, and shun the low-IQ, feral negro forever. I'd be willing to give that top tier entrance into a White Homeland on a probationary basis, to be revoked if their offspring revert back to the Black Mean.
But that's it. And we all know the odds of that happening.
They really do hate themselves, for being black. I work at a job site where the ratio of black to white is 70 %, (black).Some of them confide in me that they their race "does not get along with large members of their own race" HA they admit it !!! , they know that they cause trouble when they gather in large numbers. When the news comes up , the first question that I always hear is "Were they black? " or "What race were they?" At company meetings the blacks gather in corners or to the back of the room and are noisy, talkative, loud voices, rude in general to the speakers trying to present info to the group. I use to think it had to do with lower education , but rude is rude and they know it and don't care,it's a giant social period for them . Off subject, are you folks from the Philly area still buying/subscribing to that damn newspaper??
For more than a decade, on whip-thin streets with names like Sydenham and Colorado, longtime community residents and their children watched white men from other places come in to build new rental housing.
Because Black people from the neighborhood couldn't be bothered to rebuild anything...
That same community sought jobs on those worksites, but contractors who required union labor and unions that were largely white and male excluded community workers.
Because to belong to a union you at least have to show up for work, pass a drug test, be able to read and do simple math, etc.
Then community members were forced to watch as Temple students were welcomed into that same new housing by landlords who used various methods to exclude community residents from renting them.
Various methods... any hints as to these methods? Maybe paying rent? Not destroying the property? Not dealing dope, letting your criminal son/father/baby daddy/cousin rayvon etc crash there?
Just a bunch of fucking whining by someone who didn't contribute, but wants the rewards. Fuck them. Give a white man a pile of bricks, he builds a city. Give a black man a city, you get a pile of bricks.
I live in California. There are almost no White construction workers, they are all Aztecs, including the ones who are city or state employees. When I re-modeled my house I hunted around and found a Scottish immigrant contractor who used a network of subcontractors who were Scotch and Irish immigrants or descendants of same. The contractor had a great story about getting his green card. He worked in construction in Scotland and couldn't get an immigration visa to the US as a construction worker. (It is really hard to get an immigration visa if you are a White person. My family was on a 10 year waiting list to get into the US). Finally a friend he knew who owned a Celtic bar in LA told him to re-apply as a Celtic folk singer and the bar owner created a job opening for one. My contractor said that he didn't know anything about singing and his friend told him not to worry, the American consulate is not going to audition you. So that's how he got in.
Anyway, the contractor and his guys did great work at a competitive price, and when the job was finished the contractor told me that he had spent less than his estimate and reduced the final payment I owed him!
So, are there still White people working in construction in the East building these apartments near Temple?
"Shouldn't college educated Whites be more likely to see the reality of race? NO, the propaganda is too thick for them. They have been duped into believing that the intelligent position is to deny race. Like I said I saw this first hand. The propaganda is extremely effective. Billions have been spent refining it."
Excellent , the media is owned and operated by the Demoncat party. And yes the propaganda machine has been working in overdrive to deter us Trump people. DON'T LET THE MEDIA DECEIVE YOU !!!WE HAVE A CHANCE TELL YOU TRUMP FRIENDS TO HAVE HEART AND TO NOT LISTEN TO THE MEDIA CIRCUS , VOTE-VOTE-VOTE. There is too much at stake to just blow off this election. If not we are heading for the old Soviet type system that millions have fled from.Let's get this done.
"Sick n' Tired said...
Lol, you are what you eat. "
Sorry! I'm no pussy!
"Millions of Germans, Swedes, etc, have turned their backs to the institution of Christianity, but the underlying values remain in those societies. "
Yes, that's precisely the problem. Good to see somebody understood what I've been saying.
"Science admits of only two causes of behavior, genetic and environmental. Free will is a mystical notion introduced by the Christian religion
Socrates debated free will and that was well before Christianity. "
Like the idea of universal brotherhood, the idea of free will preceded Christianity. But at this stage they were mere philosophical positions without cultural influence. It took 2000 years of Christianity to make them into something people would accept without even thinking about it. Christianity is what gave racelessness its moral authority. Free will, which is the indispensable foundation of paintjob theory, is a way to justify that racelessness even apart from morality. Races with equally free will are obviously equal in capability to one another. It's the conceptual basis of racial egalitarianism.
"A free soul creates their own environment. They are the eternal enemy of science and religion. "
What's a soul? This idea that people are something other than their bodies is a big part of why people think race isn't significant. The body is the only thing that has race. AFAIK, souls don't.
Wow, PK, can you give us an estimate of new "readers" to this blog in the past month or so please? The amount of negative White and anti-Trump posters of late has me convinced that the popularity of this blog has even reached Hitlerys paid stooges. It is amazing what a "person" will do when backed into a corner. Trump WILL win, and he WILL make life great again for WHITES (which will trickle down like always to help all the rest). MAGA and Long Live the Republic!
Belief in miracles and the rest of the supernatural rubbish can be discarded while still retaining the moral framework of Christianity, and its raceless view of a unitary "family of man". Millions of Germans, Swedes, etc, have turned their backs to the institution of Christianity, but the underlying values remain in those societies
That doesn't make sense given that those societies have gotten worse. It doesn't make sense that those remaining values were amplified in the absence of Christianity.
The superior explanation is Marxism. It explains why secular European countries aligned against the heavily Christian RSA. Marxism is an alliance against White societies. It turns Whites against their race under a false guise of science and progress.
Blaming Christianity doesn't make sense. If Christianity was so universal then the civil war would never have happened. Those White Southern Christians would have never accepted slavery in the first place.
It's a myth that Christianity is racially egalitarian. The Old Testament is actually quite tribal makes not pretenses about the position of the Jews.
It is also a poor strategy to blame Christianity when most Whites are Christian. You do the work of liberals and Marxists when you defame Christianity. There is only one religion that the left wants to destroy and that is Christianity. Nothing else is a threat to them because none of the other religions are considered White. That is why they embrace Islam. For them it is just another ally against Whites.
AnalogMan has tonight, become one of my favorite posters. He is calling out the trolls and standing up for common sense and truth. I hope my comments also post. Long Live the Republic! MAGA!
WOW. PJT Please do not comment while drunk and under so much stress! Your comments tonight are either not from you or are from you under entirely too much stress while intoxicated. Please relax Sir. It will be all right.
Long Live the Republic! MAGA!
Pat Boyle said...
The Democrats look like they will win this Presidential election. I watch the news on cable and read the political commentators on the Web. I seem to be the only one who thinks that there will be another Trump-like figure who is less moderate emerging in the next few years (months?).
That, dear Pat is your main problem. You are far too intelligent to actually believe Trump will not crush the kunt in a landslide. What is wrong with you (and PJT) tonight?
Seriously, STOP ALL MEDIA into your heads. It is ALL, 100% TOTAL BS designed to do what it is apparently doing to you right now. Trump is CRUSHING Hitlery like no other in history. Stand up and be proud! White people are going to get back what is ours. STOP with the negativity already. We are not only going to win, we are going to DEVASTATE these Traitors.
Long Live the Repblic! MAGA!
My wife and I lived in the Philadelphia area for 40+ yrs and are very familiar with its neighborhoods. North Philly is not a place White people are comfortable being in unless you are a NL or drug addict. As stated it is changing somewhat around the Temple area, but is not being changed as radically as other "hipster" areas. My anger comes from this "gentrification" term the nigger likes to throw around. these reclaimed neighborhoods were originally White. They were built, maintained and protected by Whites until the negro plague arrived. These neighborhoods are White neighborhoods. Period. End of story. The negro needs to get its butt out. We are tired of catering too and mollifying these animals. The sooner they understand they need to do what they are told to do the better. If they what to keep getting their welfare they need to be more obedient.
"They are expressing the rage that comes with exclusion."
There has NEVER been a point in time or place on Earth where it has been easier for negroes to attend college!
If you are a negroe in america, you just have to graduate high school and there are counless grants, scholarships and programs that WILL hand you FREE college!
How are negroes EXCLUDED from attending college!?
This is madness.
Colleges are doing everything they can to fill their dorms with negroes.
"Belief in miracles and the rest of the supernatural rubbish can be discarded while still retaining the moral framework of Christianity"
Not "can be", instead "must be".
That is awesome. Thank you for posting this.
I go out of my way to be hostile towards them at work. Not enough to end up in HR, but they know.
Planet of the Apes... That is where we are headed as a society. We must put the blacks in chains, or in the fields, or on boats back to Africa. The negro is feral and it cannot cohabitate with civilized whites.
America has spent billions if not trillions of dollars on programs to uplift the negroe,all paid for by human taxpayers. Nothing has been achieved,the genetic failings of the negroe cannot be undone. We have tried to help the negroe and failed in every attempt, the time has come for other methods. None want to speak it but you know that repatriation or liquidation are the only solutions left. Perhaps it might be possible to give the negroe one state of its own, free of the honkeys that are holding them back.The era of white guilt is over, and the excuses for the negroes poor performance in our society have worn thin.
Vote Trump this will be the beginning of America's return to sanity.
It's like watching Detroit newscasts, they report some delapidated house filled with squatters burning down like 911 happened again. Oh the horror, mudsharked media retards
Checking Zillow right now, friend.
I live in Allen Park, MI. In the late 80's Halloweens, carloads of feces species would plop out on our streets and we knew our time was near. Now they saunter around all over
Trump wants the vote, after he gets in, all of that "making negrohoods safer" talk will actually become police stomping asses of nigs into submission. Haaahhaaaaa
I open the door and yell "I ain't interested in your religious practices" then slam the fuckin door. Facial expressions are priceless. Try it, it's awesome. My dog barks like a beast too, it's crazy.
I carry a .45, hollow points, I am not playing with someone who is bent on killing me just for a spot on world star hip hop. .45 acp or 10 mm, save yourselves
White Re-Group, flight sounds cowardly, re-grouping is intelligent
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