One of the many secrets that Black people never wanted to be shared with the masses is their complete and utter disdain for tipping. Black people are intrinsically opposed to parting with their money - one of the reasons they love to shop for the elusive 100 percent discounted item - and find it deplorable to have to leave a gratuity for the menial vocation of fetching and serving them their food and beverage.
Black people have developed these views from the many centuries of slave labor they were forced to perform, not only for White people in the United States, but for Muslims in the Ottoman Empire and for their fellow Black people in Africa - of which, many Black people profited enormously by selling their fellow Black people to White people.
Historically, being a slave meant doing horrible jobs for long periods of day and Black people were never tipped for their services rendered to their owner. Thus, Black people have formed an evolutionary hatred of parting with any money above the designated amount due for their meal.
Tipping is antithetical to Black people's eating out habits. Evolutionary psychology has produced an entire race of people who are incredibly parsimonious with their money and are niggardly when it comes to dispensing even five percent to a hardworking server.
One of the most prominent Black people , basketball player LeBron James, epitomizes the Black person who leaves porous tips. He makes roughly $15 million a year, but for a bill that came to $800, he left a mere $10 dollar tip.
The story goes as follows:
"It went down like this: LeBron pulls up in his Mercedes outside XO. People stop and try not to stare, but c’mon, it’s LeBron James. He enters the restaurant with a group of friends. On this special occasion, the King decides to dine late. He keeps his group there until around 3:45 a.m. During this time the waiter obsequiously pours drinks and fetches anything else His Greatness needs.
The final bill comes to $800. By the feudal laws of decorum, which stipulate that the affluent should administer a 20 percent gratuity, staffers figured they’d be pocketing an extra $160. But when they fetched the autographed bill after His Heinousness bolted back to Akron, their expectation turned to disbelief, then anger.This is not an isolated incident. Jeff Large, a Black columnist in lily-white Seattle, wrote a column about Black tipping and the reality of the problem. He too realizes that his fellow Black people are horrible tippers.
LeBron stiffed them with a meager $10 tip."
Large writes:
"It wasn't long ago that laws changed to allow black people into businesses that would not have permitted us before, and we weren't always welcomed warmly.He goes on to add:
Many black folks weren't up to speed on the culture of restaurant dining as it is practiced in more affluent communities. Surveys find an attitude difference too, as black folks wonder why restaurants don't just pay their help a decent salary to begin with."
"...One waiter said, "... all the servers I work with hate having to wait on minorities, Black people, in particular, (and over half or our wait staff is Black!!!)."Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration did a study on tipping and found that a major divide in tipping between Black people and White people does exist.
NPR reports that:
"The study found that 63 percent of blacks and 30 percent of whites didn't understand that the standard restaurant tip in the United States is 15 to 20 percent."Those who work in the service industry and come upon a group of Black people in your section are forewarned: Stuff Black People Don't Like includes tipping. Regardless of your serving skills, even LeBron James might stiff you. Odds are, like all Black people and their reluctance to leave a gratuity, he will.
thats so typical of all blks .
This is so right on and that makes it even funnier! Well at least for those that dont work for tips!
Here in Memphrica, TN, attendees of the annual Church of God in Christ (COGIC) convention are notorious for their abuse of wait staffs. Their revulsion to tipping servers is one of the most well-documented and most odious aspects of their yearly ravaging of downtown Memphrica. Probably the most repugnant of their many bad behaviors is their constant pursuit of the 100% discount on their restaurant bills, which pursuit they carry out by nigh violent complaints about the bad service they imagine they receive. Rather than deal with a small-scale riot, most restaurant managers will simply not charge them for the meals. The complainers then leave, grinning and satisfied that they have procured yet another 100% discount. Perhaps that's why they don't tip - 15 to 20 percent of $0 equals $0.
yea yea same with asian people and poor white people.. yeah yeah..
More historical TNB. I've seen it here on the West Coast my whole life, just a factual thing with the bruthas ensheeit... Blacks think the world be owing them, the treat their own even worse. Look at major black inhabitated cities, blocxk after block of destrcution, this alls trts from the little things.
When tips become customary for all minimum wage jobs, I'll feel more inclined to give them. Until then, I will continue to give the minimum (if that sometimes) for adequate or less than adequate service and go above and beyond for excellent service.
They can't afford to tip because they're already behind on their alimony and child support payments. If you receive a tip at all consider yourself lucky as most blacks will skip out on the billy entirely.
I remember one Sunday when I had to deal with an entire Black family fresh out of church. There were 12 of them. I waited on them hand and foot, patiently taking thier "order" which took 30 minutes. They all ordered water with lemon so as not to pay for a beverage.
I had to explain every item on the menu, especially the specials!
They ordered all of the buffet type items. They requested bread, and constant refills because they "be free riight?"
I even noted one old woman jamming all of the bread in her purse, then asking for more bread.
When the food came, of course none of it was up to the culinary standards of these high-society diners, and I had to run back and forth to the kitchen to re-cook or re-make the order.
When they were all finally served, I was able to take a few moments to observe their behavior with all of their Sunday clothing and hats with feathers, and their loud annying banter. This was the turning point for me as a young man, when I finally realised that Blacks are very different from regular society.
When it was all said and done and the bill was presented.. I think it was around 220 dollars, the old black lady called me over and pressed 3 fucking dollars in my hand like it was a goddamn religous relic sying, "This is for you young man." She SERIOUSLY thought she was giving me a good tip!!
whats the difference between a canoe and a black person?...a canoe tips!!!
When I was a delivery guy as a teenager I used to get tips from really hot black chicks. The men would always give me an excuse as to why they weren't tipping so I never expected it. But in my personal experience, attractive black women will tip for good service.
What a piece of shit you are! Go back to school! YOu sound like an uneducated piece of trash. Who cares that you THINK you have money. What.. do you feel this is payback for your slavery? Oh yea.. YOU were NOT a SLAVE... Your probably not even an ancestor of a slave.
** FYI most servers make ONLY $2.00 per hour. For your brain that is two dollars an hour. THEY RELY ON TIPS ALONE. They hand out a percentage of their SALES to the bartenders, bussers & food runners....TIPS are on average 15-20% PERCENT of THE TOTAL CHECK MORON!!!! Most decent WHITE people comprehend this & restaurant prices reflect this as well. Once taxes are taken out, their check is zero, & then owe the IRS at the end of the year. So...Do all servers a favor and EAT AT HOME...KFC...Popeye or McDONALDS where tips are not required!
Even if blacks were not allowed into restaurants 40 years ago they now know tipping standards. It's time to evolve. Maybe it's an intelligence problem--there is a big IQ disparity between races so maybe they just need the tipping charts instead of trying to figure it out in their heads?
I'm not black and I don't like tipping either. I do however. Mostly cause of the social obligation it has become. I don't like the idea of paying for such high price meal(usually average quality) then paying for the waiter's wages separately. I don't feel sorry for waiters(not the high end ones)because I know they are getting good money for little work. They are not the sympathy case they are made out to be.
However, I too have seen that blacks don't like to tip personally. I once had breakfast with a black co-worker. He was perturbed at the idea of tipping. I later gave him the 5 dollars that made up his share of the change/tip. I'm not totally against tipping but it shouldn't be mandatory as it should be a reward for good work or and incentive for continued good work.
I don't like that set up but I deal with it since that's how society works and eating out is a luxury.
You dick, anonymous from the most recent post. If you've never worked in a restaurant before, you have no idea the work we do. We don't just take an order and then deliver it to you. We do side-work (thoroughly cleaning the restaurant at the end of the night), "running" side-work (such as carrying buckets of ice, making sauces from scratch, cutting lemons, etc.) We clean, we sweep, we mop, we refill things, we bake bread, we scoop butter... Just because you're too much of a moron to know what goes on behind the scenes at a restaurant doesn't entitle you to not tip. You are ignorant and stupid and most likely uneducated and probably non-sympathetic. I wouldn't want you as a friend or even an acquaintence.
I work at a very crowded restaurant in Los Angeles. I grew up in New York City and am quite used to different races and religions. I can honestly say that the majority of the black people that dine at our restaurant REFUSE TO ACT LIKE HUMANS. The stereotype of zoo animals and monkeys hanging from cages is the most accurate way to describe their tasteless and classless behavior.
When a lower class black table from Compton takes the bus to our restaurants the majority of our servers rather walk off the floor then serve them. THEY NEVER FAIL TO CONFIRM EVERY STEREOTYPE IN THE BOOK.
1. They don't order like humans because english is a complicated language.
2. They send all food back because they decided they rather have something else.
3. They need all refills (as long as they're free)
4. They order 5 course meals and then each of their 12-15 family members need different checks.
5. If they decide to even pay the bill at all it's a complete stiff or 3% at best.
KEEP YOUR BLACK ASS AT HOME AND ORDER YOUR HOT WINGS AT POPEYES! Just because our president is black doesn't mean your entitled to treat white people like shit. COMPTON SUCKS!
I totally agree. My mother is Dominican and Black. You will never see me caught dead going out with that side of the family. I have and they are very rude and disrespectful to the waiters and saying racist things about white waiters (I'm always apologizing on their behalf), they never tip them, they are loud and had no sense of class whatsoever. It's like are you serious? Personally, I don't know how my dad became involved with that side of the family, especially since me and my dad (my dad's white) are the quiet, well-mannered people. It's annoying. I'm not going to lie, it's very discouraging to be quarter black because most black people in the world rather be that way than actually act like a civilized human being. No offence at all to the black community, it's the truth. They get mad if you stereotype, but if they wouldn't do the crap that they do, they wouldn't be classified as any of that. Plus, I don't look black or sound like it (Trust me, English is my forte and I'm very anal about people not using proper English) so no one ever believes me when I tell them, so lucky me I can pass for something else. :p
I have been a waiter for 9 years. I have 2 kids and go to school full time. The last thing I want to do is wait on a black person at work because I know that I am gonna get my ass ran off for 2 bucks...maybe. I am just waiting for the day after I graduate where I can rip up some inconsiderate black assholes 1 dollar bill spit on it and throw it in their face and tell them to piss off. Unfortuantely where I work we have a deal on 2 dinners for a low price, which brings out all the hood rats. I know their are terrible white tippers, mexicans and so on...but atleast you dont know it as they are being sat and you havent even spoken to them yet. And dont say that it is my attitude, because I still to this day go above and beyond with a smile on my face the whole time to prove to myself that it isn't me...it really is JUST them being pathetic wastes of human space.
I deliver Pizza's for Domino's and I kept a tally of tippers and non-tippersby race.....in a 3 month span that I was keeping up with the stats 98% of the Black people I delivered to did not tip at all.....32% of white people did not tip......even though the box's say that "our drivers work for tips" Also most problems I had with customers trying to short change you came from the blacks....there really is a difference in the races...sorry but it's true....and most of the "scammers" were black and acted like complete zoo animals....if blacks really want to be treated the same ...they need to at least pretend like they have some class in public!
OMG..this is 2010!! ..habits, ways, standard of tipping is NOT a color issue! Everyone has their own thoughts/and ways.. there ARE stingy cheap tippers from ALL color, race and background. There ARE ill mannered, loud and rude people from ALL color, race and background. To describe a whole race of people as "zoo animal"...look around at your 'OWN people'..and you'll find your share of ANIMALS. Enough is enough.. Btw, I am NOT of Black decent, but I am also not white! Can't we all just get along?!?
Its true, I get so frustrated when I wait on black people. They always want extra sauces extra lemons for there water, and hardly ever say please or thank you. They act all nice to you until you bring the bill, then they jsut be thinking I should have satyed at home and made my own chicken, so they decide to tip 5 dollars and a 100 dollar tab, but what I dont understand is, how can you spend 100 dollars on food, but cant tip more then 5 dollars, but yet black people claim, they are the superior race and are so smart, but yet act in such an ignorant mannor
Lets me totally honest here.....most black people DO NOT want equal rights, they want all rights!!1 The main reason that they do not tip is because they are generally selfish by nature.....they really are the "Debble" not white people.....A black person can walk through any all white neighborhood with a rolex and gold chains on and nothing will happen....however if a white person tries that same tactic with the afore mentioned accessories....they will be approached and at a minimun harrassed....
I deliver pizza for a living, and take care of a kid on my own, and I get stiffed on tips quite a bit. Mostly from blacks. If the name on the ticket says "Shaniqua" or whatever, I already know. But I've misjudged quite a bit, expecting to get stiffed, but then I don't. I like it when a black person writes "$0.00" on my credit card slip. That right there tells me something. They get a kick out of it. Why waste my ink? It's as if they are making it look like you're getting something, then you get a suprise when you look at it later at the end of the day. I always tell myself to deal with it better than beating myself up over a couple dollars, "That is what THEY do...." I may get stiffed, but I still have a better chance in many other things than THEY do. :-D
I can't stan waiting on black people they are so fucking ignorant stupid I waited on 18 fucking black people and them stupid motha fuckas gave me 11 bucks for my time I even song happy birthday to their stupid asses it pissed me off they can't read the menu take forever to order their meal run you to death when the bill comes out they look at everything anal like you over charged their black asses they order shit that they can't even pronounce then send it back when it comes to a tip its always nothing or 2 funky ass dollars and wonder why no one wants to wait on their black dirty asses I hate waiting on them they are so fucking ignorant and they will never get its shows you they are incapeable of learning anything loud and just stupid as ever I run when I see them coming I am sure people spit in their food any way ha how stupid are they lol when are they gonna get it bring money when you go out to eat they are picky as hell and always complaing and want something for free if you entertain their ghetto asses
It is absolutly true that about 65% of black people, especially the ghetto looking ones completly stiff wait staff with ridiculous tips of 5 or 10 bucks on 100+ tabs. Every single waiter and waitress i know cannot stand waiting on the majority of them. it is a fact i have begun to accept. no matter how great the service most will slap you a 5$ bill into your hand, thank you for the great service, all awhile you just got 5 bucks on a 100+ tab. its such ashame that a lot of blacks give their whole race a bad name. i know not every black is like this, but is my experience, most of them are. it is just not right.
I find it's not all black people, it's the "ghetto" people. Where I work, if they are conjugating their verbs correctly you are in the clear for a normal tip. Or if it is a hot black chick like someone said. But if they are not speaking English correctly ("what this be?"), 95% of the time it's $5. It's a $5 phenomenon. They aren't looking at the total of the bill, they pay the 100 or 200 bucks and think $5 is a good tip for whatever. I think it's a ghetto cultur thing. When I was a valet, though, I thought black people tipped great, because they always gave me 5 bucks, instead of 2 or 3. Now as a waiter, that 5 bucks sucks. But they think a $5 tip is a good tip for whatever, they aren't doing math to figure out percentages. I work at a pretty expensive place, too. Conversely, if you can keep their check down to $25 or $30 that 5 bucks isn't so bad, but it's hard to keep their bill low. They do like spending lots of money, just not tipping the cultural norm in the US. There is a social contract when dining out in this country, it might not be right, but that's the reality of the US. Onetime I got a $40 tip on a $60 check from a super ghetto black dude, though, so you never know. I always give them extra good service regardless. And what's up with them all calling the bill/check the "ticket"? "Lemme git the ticket." ?? Where's that from?
I think its just ignorance, not race. People I know that tip that way, black or white.... they think that 5 or 10 bucks is just a good tip. They think they are just tipping and that they dont have to do any math, like my dad thought me 10% of the bill if the waiter is just bad and 20% if the waiter does their job... and yes I am 100% black...
I have found that young black women (20-35) normally do tip when I deliver pizza's, if there isn't a man at the door with them....I don't know why this is true, but it is....other then that most Black people DO NOT TIP AT ALL!
I am a bartender at a club and I can state - without a doubt - that black people frequently meet our staff's expectations by not tipping. I've read all of the theories and I can confidently say that they are, for the most part, crap. Don't suggest that it's ignorance, because people that don't tip will try their best to slyly walk away before you notice, or while you have your back turned.
Also, as a suggestion to service-industry folks that post on these message boards - don't get on here, advocate that blacks don't tip, and then make an ass out of yourself with, "...but I'm not racist." No, you are. I know this because I am racist. Everyone in the service-industry is racist. Hell, everyone in the world is racist. The sooner that we all accept that we are fundamentally different, the better off we'll be.
Finally, to you scum-bag non-tippers. Know this - when it comes to the bartender, we always win. Notice me serving all those people around you first? Notice that short-pour on your "(Lemme getta) Henny and Coke"? Notice the 11 one-dollar bills I (eventually) give you for change? We always win. Always.
I am a female bartender at an upscale entertainment venue. Tickets for the shows start at $50, so one would think that people with money and class are more likely to attend. However, when my customers are black, they rarely tip. Apparently I'm not the only one who wonders about this: when I googled "Why don't black people tip?" it was the first topic to pop up on the search engine. What I'd like to see is a black person actually answer this question without blaming poor tipping on bad service. Why don't black people tip on good service?
I am a female bartender at an upscale entertainment venue. Tickets for the shows start at $50, so one would think that people with money and class are more likely to attend. However, when my customers are black, they rarely tip. Apparently I'm not the only one who wonders about this: when I googled "Why don't black people tip?" it was the first topic to pop up on the search engine. What I'd like to see is a black person actually answer this question without blaming poor tipping on bad service. Why don't black people tip on good service?
I have a daughter in college and she's working as a waitress at a national chain restaurant. She has come to realize that blacks are just not going to tip. I almost want to slide all wait-staff a $10 bill while standing at the black patron's table a say, "Here,because I know they're not going to tip." Oh, but wait, then they'll be offended and cause a scene.
i deliver for pizza hut and it's so true. i'd say roughly 85 percent of the time if it is a black person it is no tip. i have noticed especially if you walk up and they are all smiles and thanking you for getting there really fast, that is definitely a no tip, they gave you praise and not money; and most of the complaints are from blacks trying to get something for free
I have never looked down or shunned anyone based solely on their color until I started waiting tables. For years blacks have complained and fought for equal rights and something as simple as have the common courtesy and proper ettiquette as a human being is too far fetched for most black people in regards to tipping. I just do not get it. I know that its not all but at least 80 percent of my restaurants black patrons tip horribly and this is in an upscale place. Yet many will wonder why their is still racism and why the term "nigger" which means ignorant is still used. If my mother that is poor can tip 20 percent when she goes out to eat then anyone should otherwise keep your ignorant asses at home unless you want spit, visine, pubic hair etc in your food. See what many ignorant blacks fail to realize is that when your acting like an ignorant piece of shit your server is messing with your food. So if you want to go out in public act like you have some sense and tip like ladies and gentleman and not ignorant classless people. Maybe intime your server wont hate to be waiting on you
If you dont have the money to tip your server which is another human being then dont go out to eat plain and simple. You want racism to cease here is one area that you can help that. To go out and leave shitty tips to your servers shows the class that you carry. While i see that this is not all black people it is in the vast majority. For the black people that are 17 to 20 percent or more tippers you are conducting yourselves like decent human beings and not like gutter trash and their is something to be said for that regardless of your financial resources. Not all waiters are trash either as many judgemental people may think. Many are single parents, college students, or even college graduates that just cant find a job due to the economy. What gets me is when black families go out and not only do they not tip but they will order some of the most expensive things on the menu. It is stuff like this that causes many in society to look down on the black race and hurt those that are good productive citizens rich or poor from getting the equal status that they deserve. It kind of makes sense to me though. Many blacks in my opinion will refuse to tip hard working servers at restaurants but will have no issue sucking up on government money because they are too damn fat and or lazy to get a job and work for a living. I understand that not all black people are like this but when 80 percent tip terribly and only 10 percent of whites tip terribly there seems to be a problem here. If we are to be a color free and equal society how is something as simple and ettiquettely standard as tipping another human being for service so diverse based on the color of a person. Even on Sundays when church gets out I see blacks come in and tip 10 percent or under. That is terrible and Im sorry but I do not know what church that you go to but the Jesus Christ I know would not consider that proper.
Im not racist btw. Im just calling things as they are in the above post. I consider all people equal but it is hard to do so as a waiter when whites tip better than blacks. As human beings I dont understand why this is the case. This is something that the black community may need to look at and cure within itself. If you cant or dont want to tip then just dont go out or go somewhere where tipping is not needed or expected. I mean seriously you know. If I dont have money to tip I dont go out period.
I love some of the posts here saying "there is no differences between the way people of different races tip", etc...Have you people ever waited tables before? It is a FACT, plain and simple that Black people, on the whole, do not like to tip...and conversely are the most demanding patrons out there. I waited tables for several years in a majority black southern city, and I have seen it first hand! Black patrons generally lack any kind of empathy with their servers and will think nothing of running them ragged with stupid requests (go git me an extra straw!) then leaving nothing. Not only that but the 'dine and dash' was such an epidemic that we started to require that patrons give us a credit card and/or driver's license before they ordered anything. Of course this didn't go over too well...
If you are in the service industry try to find a job (if you can) where there aren't many black patrons.
I served for several years in a few different (and I do mean DIFFERENT) places. As anyone who's ever worked the job is saying, this is true, black people do NOT tip! And moreover, yes, they are typically more demanding and disrespectful toward the server. (And, of course, do their damnedest to raise enough hell over nothing for the manager to just give up and say, "okay...comp it...sigh...")
And the funny bit is, this is not biased in any way at all. Because, while EVERY last server I've ever worked with do their best to not get doomed to the "black table," it was the BLACK servers who were most dominant about "I don't serve black people."
I hate serving nigs. I work in a kosher style restaurant, and the jews tip 20%. When the nigs walk in even the black servers get pissed. Sometimes we just let them sit there until they get mad that no one has come for their order and leave, hahahaha.
My brother was a server in TN. He HATED when they would walk in...they wanted the moon and stars...and then left nothing. It got to the point where the restaurant made everyone pay 18%. The women were the worst!
I returned to college recently in middle-age and am working two service industry jobs-one as a pizza delivery driver for a national chain, and one as a server at a very upscale seafood restaurant. The delivery area for the pizza chain is in middle-class city neighborhoods, and is approximately 50%/50% white/black. About 90% of the white customers tip decently to well, 10% tip poorly or not at all. About 50% of the black customers do not tip at all, wanting every
penny of change. About 35% allow me to keep the small change, whatever it maybe, e.g., $33.79 tab, here's $34.00, keep it. About 15% tip decently to well. Another difference is that most white customers greet me promptly at the door, ready to receive their orders and pay me. Generally when I arrive at a black customer's residence it takes several minutes of concentrated knocking or bell-ringing to get a response. This is followed by several more minutes waiting as the customer yells and curses at other people, attempts to gather money/coupons, talks on the telephone or just wanders off. At the expensive downtown restaurant(entrees are $28.00-$54.00), it's different. About 95% of white customers tip decently to well, 5% tip poorly, and I have never been stiffed outright by a white customer at this restaurant. About 35% of black customers
do not tip at all, 40% leave $1.00 per person regardless of the size of the bill, and 25% tip decently to well. The 35% also includes the frequent groups that skip or attempt to skip out on the bill-several times management has had to call out the kitchen staff to help detain these "dine and dashers" while the police were called; as well it includes those whose invented complaints about food and/or service are delivered in such loud, abusive and threatening tones that management comps some or all of their bill just to get them out of there.
Oddly enough, these complaints rarely begin until nearly all food and drink have been consumed, and all of these customers leave smirking. Likewise, many of these customers wear clothing and jewelry costing thousands of dollars. I do not believe poor tipping to be a wholly racial thing, nor do I believe it to be based on ignorance. My black co-workers at both jobs complain of the same treatment. I honestly believe this practice to be based on attempting to get something for nothing by sticking it to the "man", whoever or whatever the "man" may be.
My city's population is approximately 70% black, and over 50% of that population is on some or all parts of the public dole-welfare, food stamps, section 8, public housing, SSI, SSDI, medicare/medicaid, pharmacy assistance, energy assistance, WIC, discounted or free public transportation, and a myriad of additional city, state and Federal programs. Fraud is rampant in all of these programs and in most instances condoned, or simply ignored. While I would not be happy living on government handouts, I would not show such disdain, resentment and contempt for those who work very hard to supply them for me.
Yeahhh.........basically all of the above :). The thing that really gets me is I am so polite to everyone because i think MAYBE just maybe if I treat them better than others don't they might tip better. Nope. Not the case. Most of the times (because I'm such an extraordinary server) I get GLOWING compliments at the end of the meal and then it's a $60 bill and I get 4 bucks. ha. I still treat everyone the same because I'm a nice person and I KNOW some people who are like fuck this I"m not going to get a tip they can wait for their refills.
Black people are our misfortune.
I was a server, all the above is true (those that deny haven't been a server), but servers have to take credit for much of the blame for the way they are treated. Out of a staff of 20ish I was the only one who voted conservative or voted at all. If you vote for democraps, you get third world ghettoes, because these destroyers of America are their constituents. Until the libtards are removed from several years all law making and current communist policies repealed it will only get worse... I believe we are on the verge of collapse and race wars
Wait... so after reading one blog all white people feel this way? Is not your argument for why people should not feel this way about waiting the blacks contradicted by your statement that one internet blog represents a whole people too?
To quote Antione you are so dumb.
This is all just some bullshit. i understand that we all have our opinion but this to me is considered racism. your sitting here stereotyping ALL if not MOST blacks that they tip badly. first off im pretty sure that if you are or have ever been a waitress, waiter, etc. you've had all races tip badly. "oh well none of these black ppl tip well.." well maybe you should up your standadrds &&instead of working at some cheap diner, try working at some fancy resteraunt in NYC. or maybe your service was just bad. but DON't sit here and say that black ppl tip badly.
my grandmother which is BLACK will sit there in a restaurant && get out here calculator to find out what she needs to tip. && its always 15 %. so yeahh, before you sit here &&say that black folks cant tip, look at everyone around you &&um pretty sure you can find something else wrong with everyone else...then again nothing will ever be good enough for us right ??
Ok... all the black people defending themselves on this page need to STFU.... seriously. You may tip. Congrats on being a human being. But that does no absolved your entire race. I have worked over 10 years in the food/servce industry (thank god no longer) and I have had plenty of time to form opinions and such. And I am sorry the worst tippers are blacks... I would say 75% of blacks tip under what they are supposed to ( yes even the non ghetto ones). They are loud and demanding and pushy, rolling there eyes, the attitude,etc for a buck. They order steaks that cost 25 dollars a plate and big drinks then stiff you. I can honestly say, i have never had an issue with blacks until working as waitor. Yes you don't tip the man, you get away with not paying your bill, you grill me like your hard, go ahead... get into your lexus and drive back to the projcts... you ever hear the term n*gga rich? Well thats why blacks don't tip. They love all the benefits they get without the responsibilities of other things. N*gs do us all a favor eat at kfc,white castle, mickey d's or popeyes, and yes continue to go to the back of the bus even though your dumb n*g asses fought for that, and segregrate your neighboorhoods with you violence and kill yourselves off thanks...
I deliver for a national pizza chain in Baltimore. Our delivery area is about 70%/30% black to white. Black people account for roughly 60% of our deliveries, and it's true: the vast majority don't tip at all, or tell you to keep the (coin) change. Many demand to know how much for the order before you can tell them, even though they're standing in the door with exact change in their hands! Did they think the price would magically go down after they placed the order? Honestly, if you can afford to pay $25+ for something as frivolous as delivery chain pizza then you sure as hell can afford to tip! On a side note, my manager is a black woman with six children by four different men. She makes $60,000/year plus bonuses. Because none of the baby daddies are in the picture she gets $986/month in food stamps, $1600/month for section 8 housing, and because all of the kids get Medicaid, she qualifies for Medicaid and doesn't have to pay for the company's health insurance program. That's nearly $40,00/yearly in government benefits for one family in which the head of household makes $60,000+ a year! How is this possible?
Blacks don't tip. When you work as a waitress and 9/10 black tables stiff you it just gets to the point where the site of their monkey ass makes you cringe. You're allowed in restaurants now and slavery is over -- why are you making the whites regret that decision. It's time to evolve.
I think it's important for everyone to realize that statements like "Black people don't tip" or "Black people were acting like zoo animals" aren't "racist" statements but are simply observations made after countless similar and predictable encounters. It's like Pavlov's dogs when the bell rings enough you know you're getting "stiffed"
The facts are that it's NOT normal to do the following in a restaurants:
1. Make rude comments about your white server
2. Order things for "fun" just to send them back
3. Demand countless after countless drink refills
4. Demand 10-15 different checks to avoid paying a penny more than you have to.
4. Eat like a king -- cocktails, appetizers, main course, desserts, etc and then not tip anything.
These type of actions go against the social norms of going out to eat. So when a certain group of people is constantly calling attention to themselves and putting themselves in a negative light.... well that's just stupid and the only ones to blame are yourselves.
Have fun stiffing white people. You do what you're good at.
Going out to eat is a luxury. If you cannot afford to go out and pay for a meal without trying to shortchange or run out on your bill and not tip, stay home. White, asian, mexican, black, whomever, who really works for free? I know blacks generally have the worst work ethic in our sociery and I can tell you if you asked one if they would lift a finger for free they would say HELL NO! So why should anyone else have to work for free? Ah yes, that is because blacks feel entitlement. Mexicans work a lot harder and for a lot less. They may be here illegally, but at least they're willing to work to provide for their families...something that blacks are not. Blacks just like to drain out our tax money for their 22 illegitimate kids because they wanted to coke up and drink those 22 times and get knocked up. If you go to a restaurant and are rude and don't tip, then you should be denied service or at least get the service that your tip of $0 reflects. If you go to a club or bar, don't be surprised why everyone else around you is getting served and you are not. Yell YO, or HEY in your most annoying voice and you will be ignored even more because that is not how you talk to other human beings. Also, don't order for other people and use that as a scam tactic to confuse your bartender in an attempt to make it seem like those drinks were paid for already or claim that other people bought them so that you can get out of paying for the drinks that YOU ordered. Also, you ever get all ones back instead of two 5's??? There is a reason, throw a dollar down!!! One thing you do not do is be an ass to your bartender and it is the same reason you don't F*CK with people that handle your food. If you want to be a jackass all night on your night on the town, feel free to spend $100 bucks on your bartab and go home sober. You will get stiffed on your pour. How drunk you end up getting in addition with how much you end up spending is in your bartenders hands. You may want to think about how you treat them because your fate is in their hands. As long as you're cool and tip and don't act like a demanding douche, you shouldn't have a problem.
When I go out to eat I can also afford to tip, otherwise it's stay home and cook. Never been a server, my two brothers were and damn good at their jobs. Tip percentage for me starts at 50% and goes down from there, yup that means I'm not eating at a place that the bill will be higher than $30.00. My dad is the guy who'll eat a hundred plus dollar a person restaurant, then tip roughly half of his tab and sometimes tip for those at the table who don't. It doesn't make him a fool, he was a server in the late sixties, busboy etc so he passed along an understanding of tipping practices.
after a HEATED argument I just had with a friend, I googled the nefarious "why don't black people tip" and stumbled upon this page...
In any event its a bunch of bullshit on so many fronts.
First of all, fucking Jews, Chinese er I mean Asians, Republicans, Guidos, Bridge & Tunnel Trash, and Arabs & Indians are all horrible tippers too. Since its not incredibly racists to say all or most black people are zoo animals and what not then its equally not racist to lump all Asians into Chinese and all middle easterners into Indian or Arab, and all Italians into Guido.
Secondly, there have been SO many times where a fucking stingy ass Jew or Italian spinster or Republican will deliberately do all of the same tricks to get out of either leaving a tip or getting a comped meal. Plenty of stuck up ass white people will invoke the FDA or the Dept of Health or what ever inspection agency, as some bullshit pretense to get out of paying, or in a restaurant of 200 people, will bitch and moan and call for managers and supervisors if their meals aren't prioritized ahead of the dozens of people who ordered ahead of them.
there have been plenty of times where i see stinking filled-with-shit hipster assholes pretending to be poor by living somewhere in harlem or brooklyn run up an $800 tab on mommy's credit card and then dash with out a tip with no explanation. plenty of times i see shit faced jewish american princesses the likes of paris hilton or linday lohan stumble into a restaurant knock things over, cackle and wail and shriek all night like wild rabid prehistoric birds and conveniently forget to tip due to their inebriated state.
my second point... despite all the heaps of horse shit... its not a SHOCK that service industries are tip based. if you don't like that... then don't get a fucking job being a waiter! i have no sympathy for waiters either because most of the time the only reason this style of manual labor isn't beneath them is that they are looking to earn a hell of a lot more than many salaried employees in less time anyway. the primary reason i hear about people becoming waiters is because they know they'll make great money on the tips. if there are 100 people in a restaurant at one seating for about an hour and a half, and 5 waiters, and 5 bussers and those hundred people only leave a dollar each, that is still $6+ an hour plus the $2/hr shift pay which is at least $8 an hour, more than what mcdonalds will start you at with. and that's IF every single person only tips one dollar. most of the time you can expect at least half of the people to tip what is considered the proper amount, so boo fucking hoo with your $300 or $400 a night gig. Please. And lets not forget about bartenders and waiters who never report their earnings for taxes!
my third and final point... the concept of tipping is absurd and outdated. the addition of an extra charge, expected or voluntary, simply rubs a lot of people the wrong way. most of the time tips are split, so someone can be the most wonderful waiter ever; dance sing and do handstands to "earn" an excellent tip, and another waiter might be a lazy cunt who is waiting to be discovered as an actress and has disdain for her job and the people she has to serve, but she will get just as much of the benefit of the nice tip the guy who busted his ass received. If anything, people should advocate or suggest the eateries incorporate the pay for the staff in their price structure.
This is the biggest lie ever told. As an African-American who has worked in the service industry and who ALWAYS (regardless of the ignorant attitudes of the server) leaves at least 20% tips, I find this terribly stereotypical and offensive. The #1 "stuff Black people don't like" should be idiots who think they know what ALL Black People Don't Like.
I've recently started Delivering Pizzas in South Daytona,fl for a friend of mines restaurant. I've never really served tables long enough to understand the almighty theory we have posted on..Its been almost 3 weeks and I've been keeping track of the total amount tipped (4 Blacks surprisingly in that area, Yea we don't take EBT or SNAP cards lol)and my total is now up to $1.65..3 zeros,1 of $.07 and one of 1.58(holy shit!)now the other day I had a mixed dude who gave $3 but not counting that..I have a friend who is a track coach at a prominent university/ junior college and was laughing at me..saying.."you didn't kno bro?" like..no wtf, why don't yall be tippin..he says oh don't put me in that one, you know me better than that lol"..I can see where it comes from n we can sit here n complain all we want, but what can be a resolution? is there something that can be said which would be offensive nor put your(our) jobs in Jeopardy? and don't get it twisted there are many admitted (ashamed)blacks on here who have posted the same stories on here in frustration..but back to my point..what can be done? do we have to engage in the chris rock comedy hour of the difference between nigg@as & Black people?? or is there a comment we can create where it can be done with no retaliton and have that stumped look on their face( wanting to do the scene from waiting with Justin Long.."YOU OBVIOUSLY NEED THIS MORE THAN I DO"!! lmao..any ideas??
I was not a racist at all before I started delivering pizza. Black people consistently tipping $0.00 does not help racial tensions. If you can afford to order pizza then you can afford to give the pizza driver at least 1 measly pathetic dollar for giving you 20 minutes of their life. That's all we need to be somewhat satisfied. And I cannot stand the triple 0's, its so insulting. If you're going to stiff me then please just write the total in and cross out the tip line. it is complete overkill to write down triple 0's. Can you just forget about the slavery days and evolve?
If people didn't tip the menu price would be much higher.
Its true about blacks and Mexicans being bad tippers I have been a server for 20 years its a fact It hasn't been said that when these customers do this it really hurts our feelings we know we went way and beyond fulfilling their needs and poor tipping is insulting and
hurtful on a personal level
The absolute WORST offenders are...get this...the ones who live in PUBLIC HOUSING. How in the world could they be allowed to order pizza when they can't (or won't) even afford decent housing? They already live off the taxpayer teat and then they have the nerve to order pizza delivery? And you know what they want" anything with all the meat, no veggies.
Hell...I even worked for a little independent chain that would deliver pizzas for FOOD STAMPS! YES! The pizzas weren't cooked, but for a little extra the owner would "par-cook" (partially) bake them.
I absolutely HATED delivering to the projects. Thank God I no longer do that.
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