Stuff Black People Don't Like strives to educate the public about the things that perturb Black people. A startling new addition requires a bit of background, before commencing with the meat of the story.
Seattle, Washington is primarily known for three things: Dr. Frasier Crane, the movie Sleepless in Seattle and Starbucks Coffee. Seattle is also home to one of the largest white populations in a big city, with more than 75 percent of its inhabitants being classified as white, compared to only 10 percent being Black.
Recently, a Black person was minding his own business aboard a King County Metro Bus, when his hand suddenly and violently came into contact with a blind, white woman's face. Could this have been retaliation for Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus policy that made Blacks sit in the back of the bus? Was he - the black person - merely trying to swat a fly away from the blind, white woman's face?
Or, is this another example of Stuff Black People Don't Like?
One news story reports:
It is obvious that this person did not entertain the idea that Dr. Crane imparted on all his listeners, as at the end of his radio show he would wish Seattle, "Good mental health."
Witnesses say he yelled "The sick must die" and proceeded to punch the blind woman...Several passengers from the back of the bus ran to the front of the bus. One of them can be seen holding back the suspect as he tried to punch the woman. As he was being detained, he yelled "You don't know what you are doing...The suspect was arrested for the assault but due to his apparent diminished mental capacity, he was never charged. He was, instead, sent to Western State Hospital where he remains today.
I guess no black person should be charged with any crime, as average IQ levels show they're in a state of perpetual retardation.
Diversity.... coming to a bus near you.
"The sick must die"..and he is mentally ill. Oh the irony.
Epic Beard Man needs to pay this guy a friendly visit, any bets on what the outcome will be?
why is it allways a nigroe that does this sort of thing to whites,the blacks say whites do this all the time to blacks but never do you see a video like this one where it's a white perpetrator !
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