We live in Black Run America |
Corporate sponsorship for Web sites like Black Voices, Black Planet and the new Huffington Post Black section, Huff Post Global Black, represent a subsidizing of propaganda for the continuation of Black Run America (BRA), a blank check for uncontested articles to be written that castigate all white people for practicing racism to perpetually keep Black people in a state of disarray:
The Huffington Post and BET co-founder Sheila Johnson are launching a HuffPost section devoted to African-Americans.There is a belief held by Black people that every facet of American life is out to get them, that Corporate America, academia, the media, the government (executive, legislative and judicial), and law enforcement are combined in a sinister conspiracy to keep Black people from ever tasting the American dream. Let’s be honest: the so-called Black voice has never been disseminated to such a great extent as it is today. Black Entertainment Television (BET) eloquently presents the modern voice of Black people, and coupled with Black representation on reality TV shows the market is virtually cornered on airing authentic Black voices.
The section, "HuffPost GlobalBlack," is expected to debut in early March. The Huffington Post is set to make an official announcement about the new platform Thursday.
"Our goal is to cover more stories of importance to the black community," says Arianna Huffington, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the New York-based Huffington Post.
"We have the supreme irony of having the first African-American president, which is such a historic event and a milestone, while at the same time, conditions for African-Americans are deteriorating, in terms of unemployment, in terms of high school graduation, in terms of the number of African-American males in prisons," Huffington says.
GlobalBlack is the 27th section for the Huffington Post, but its first racially based one. It plans to soon launch a Latino section.
A February 2010 survey by Edison Research and Arbitron found that about 25 percent of all Twitter users are black, roughly double the percentage of blacks in the U.S. population. About 11 percent of all U.S. Facebook users are black, the social-networking site reports.
A greater percentage of whites than blacks and Latinos have broadband access at home, but laptop ownership is now about even for all these groups.
"In all of this digital space, the African-American voice is really falling off the radar screen," says Johnson, who sold the Washington D.C.-based Black Entertainment Television to Viacom in 2000. "We're on other radar screens, with other digital sites, which is wonderful. But I really wanted to bring the real news, the storytelling — to really bring back the voice of the black community on some relevant news and views."
"We're going to be able to fill that void," Johnson adds.
Plus, Cable News Network (CNN) and ESPN (henceforth known as BESPN) are channels devoted exclusively to covering stories from a highly Black perspective.
All the while anyone who dares say that it is Black people and poor decisions made by Black people that keep them in a permanent state of disarray (in America, as well as South Africa, Haiti and wherever they may be found in the world) will be promptly escorted from polite society. Black people cannot be blamed for their poor decisions, namely high illegitimate rates; having high dropout rates in school; high abortion rates; high crime rates; poor credit scores; horrible records of personal health; and, a lack of participation in certain vocations, etc.
People daring to harbor insidious views that dare hold Black people accountable for their decisions have no place in a tolerant, Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) led society. White guilt is an eternal sin and slavery is a most convenient excuse for the continued decline in all aspects of Black people’s lives (save for sports) and a rational discussion on racial matters will never transpire in America for hate facts are not allowed in the arena of accepted parlance in approved BRA discourse.
It would be virtually impossible to find one organization that purports to lobby on behalf of America’s historic majority population that receives funding from a major corporation, though 100 Black Men of America, Inc. receives funding from virtually every Fortune 100 company in the United States:
Partners Sponsors
American Red Cross
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Burger King
The Coca-Cola Company
Community Education Partners
Delta Air Lines
Georgia-Pacific LLC
GMAC Financial Services
Nielsen Media Research
News Corporation
Outback Steakhouse
Prudential Financial
State Farm Insurance Companies
U.S. Army
Wells Fargo
American Heart Association
American Red Cross
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
American Urban Radio Networks
Bank of America
Barbados Tourism Authority
Burger King
Choice Hotels
The Coca-Cola Company
Community Education Partners
Cracker Barrel
Delta Air Lines
Dunkin Brands
Edward Jones
EMC Corporation
Empire BlueCross BlueShield
Georgia-Pacific LLC
GMAC Financial Services
Harrah's Entertainment
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Healthcare Georgia Foundation
Hyatt Hotels and Resorts
The Ludacris Foundation
Lockheed Martin
Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
News Corporation
New York Life Insurance Company
Nielsen Media Research
Outback Steakhouse
Prudential Financial
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Royal Caribbean International
Shell Oil Company
State Farm Insurance Companies
U.S. Army
United States Tennis Association
The Walt Disney Company
Wells Fargo
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Despite every manager in every vocation bending over backward to promote Black people beyond their capabalities (or lowering standards to ensure Black people can actually be considered for the job); despite Hollywood inserting Fictional Black characters in movies to implement behavioral modification in the viewer; despite a media that excuses the mass killings of white people by a Black person because he claimed he was the victim of prejudice; despite a judicial system that actively works to suppress the rights of the historic majority population of America; and despite hundreds of organizations dedicated solely to advancing Black interests that are immune from the charge of “racism”… phew… Black people still believe a concerted effort is underway to keep them under the iron heel of white supremacy.
Disingenuous White Liberals also believe this myth, though it has absolutely no basis in fact. As this Web site has documented, all of the above entities have the expressed desire to push Black people at the expense of the historic American majority population.
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Black Run America |
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reality of Black Run America; a nation where every institution is entirely devoted to protecting and promoting the interests of Black people above all others.
Anyone who dares try and tackle the growing leviathan that is Washington D.C. directly takes on Black Run America (notice how those who dare repeal the Healthcare Bill are tarred and feathered as racist since Black people comprise the bulk of the uninsured in America) since Black people have a vested interest in the power of government remaining quite high and the continued redistribution of wealth flowing smoothly.
Just as the gang of 50 Black people who attacked a white family trying to enjoy Independence Day in 2009 said, “This is a Black world.”
George Washington was boxed in for a reason on Martin Luther King Day in South Carolina, the delicate sensibilities of Black people always coming first in BRA.
McDonald's doesn't need to be 365Black, anymore than an airline needs to introduce a Black Atlas or The Huffington Post needs to introduce a separate Black section (though book stores should still utilize self-segregation techniques to ensure that an African-American section can highlight great books by Black authors) for its readers.
Every facet of life is governed by the principals of Black Run America, which means every institution must promote Black interests above all others.
Here's my issue with calling it Black Run America: Black's don't actually run it. All the special privileges outlined in your entry here aren't run by blacks themselves but rather by Disingenuous White liberals. Blacks sit on a very precarious ledge that can completely collapse at the whim of DWL. Do you really think so many of those companies really care about black people's self esteem? Of course they don't. They go through all these diversity, raise the black folks from their plight motions to placate the NAACP and other race hustlers.
What solutions can you offer?
I live in the south. I currently can't leave. Even if we all move to Montana we are still under the federal government rules. I lived in Montana. Everyone loved blacks and thought they were misunderstood poor beaten down people.
It would be good to live in a society where at the very least you could be HONEST about the problems we face. It's not simply the black menacing that disturbs me. What bothers me most is the fact that you can't even acknowledge it.
For now, I am grateful you are still able to publish on the internet. As you have pointed out before, it seems that will soon be taken away.
All of this, & I mean ALL of this will soon fall!.
A new order is coming, one based on blood and "volk", a re-birth of European man...A day of reckoning is coming for those that did this to our nations, meanwhile the anger builds to a boiling point!.
I truely do not think the powers that be realise the anger that is building amongst whites in EVERY nation. Our women degraded, our cities destroyed, our culture & civilization debased, our lands over-run with the third world!...Once this anger is unleashed?, well use your imaginations.
Another for the list.
Black Tea in Houston.
Another sub-human black cop-killer...
It's getting worse.
"George Washington was boxed in for a reason on Martin Luther King Day in South Carolina, the delicate sensibilities of Black people always coming first in BRA."
Considering the true history of the NAACP covering the statue of Washington was a phony gesture at best.
"McDonald's doesn't need to be 365Black, anymore than an airline needs to introduce a Black Atlas or The Huffington Post needs to introduce a separate Black section (though book stores should still utilize self-segregation techniques to ensure that an African-American section can highlight great books by Black authors) for its readers."
McDonald's 365black is a joke that is so easy to mock. I can't wait for the commercials to begin airing during "We love black people" month.
I can't figure for the life of me what the hell is the purpose for American Airlines Black Atlas.
I realize that 99.9% of the things done by corporate America is to maximize profits, but those two campaigns truly confuse even myself.
I have so many questions.
What in the fuck does Charles Drew or the Tuskegee Airmen have to do with a Big Mac?
I eat fast food on occasions. If I don't catch some crazy disease I'm good. Who the hell cares what company supplies the stores? Well, apparently you people do. A lot!
Who is Black Atlas really for?
I realize it has the word black in the title. It also has a very "well spoken", "articulate", and non-threatening negro on the website.
All that being said I cant recall a single real live black person that is even aware of Black Atlas.
What real black person would even need a corporate website to advise them on "black friendly" travel destinations?
American Airlines is not a black owned company. Think about, me trusting their judgment would be like you taking dating tips from Ebony magazine. Having a token white dude giving the advice wouldn't persuade you at all.
So, just like rap music has a majority white audience, I bet Black Atlas is used more by whites. That way they can find out where to go, or in your case where not to go.
Arianna Huffington is a phony patronizing liberal.Sheila Johnson is no better.
We all know there is a black section in book stores so you white people won't accidentally read a book by a black author.
"It would be virtually impossible to find one organization that purports to lobby on behalf of America’s historic majority population that receives funding from a major corporation, though 100 Black Men of America, Inc. receives funding from virtually every Fortune 100 company in the United States:"
Are you planning to stage a boycott of this CLUB'S sponsors? Please bear in mind this CLUB has only 10,000 members and there is around 41,000,000 black people in the US.
Why are you getting your panties in a bunch over a CLUB that over 99% of the entire black population has nothing to do with.
-Black guy
"I realize that 99.9% of the things done by corporate America is to maximize profits, but those two campaigns truly confuse even myself."
Black Guy, I'm disappointed in you. You've been on this blog long enough to know better.
Generally speaking, white people (and by extension, white businesses) are virtually obsessed with the need to "prove" that they are NOT racist. (I think it's fair to say that this description does not apply to most who frequent this website.) Having spent a life of whiteness being indoctrinated with the belief that there is no evil worse than white racism, white people will do anything and everything to demonstrate their love for black people, thereby "proving" their non-racism. This includes publicly criticizing another white person for telling a "black joke".
Although I find such behavior pathetic, phony, and idiotic...I try not to judge too harshly, because truth be told, there was a time when I behaved exactly the same. I'm not proud of it, but at least I outgrew it. (For the record, I never adopted the phony "soul" accent that Al Gore and Hillary Clinton use when speaking at black churches.)
As much as you like to constantly speak of the "hatred" that white people have for blacks, you couldn't possibly be more clueless.
I'll tell you what BRA is from first hand info. BRA is the ANC in South Africa whose whole communist goal is the eradication of whites, BRA is the terrorist Nelson Mandela, the revered saint of the world who was a vile beast that "necklaced" his non-communist opponents, BRA is what makes Cecil Rhodes spin in his grave watching the 1st world country of Rhodesia turn into the kaffir run shithole it is today.
BRA is acres of burning cars in France, BRA is riots in London, pirates and warlords in Somalia, BRA is the ruined US cities of Detroit, New Orleans and Saint Lewis.
BRA is the crushing debt you pay so that laquenisha can have 10 kids with full benifits,
BRA is trillions of dollars spent on nothing, BRA is trying to make Haitian monsters into 1st world humans.
In short BRA is FAILURE
Keep your powder dry, as always.
Great post SBPDL
As a suggestion for future posts I think that defining exactly what a DWL is would help immensely in getting the word out about this site. Especially in BRA these people are on 24/7. Even my friends who have never visited this site know who they are and liberal doesn't quite cut it.
-southern european
When I heard about the boxed in George and the MSM suppressed the story, that's when I knew BRA could do no wrong. The MSM marches in lockstep to their dystopia
Good post SBPDL, I'm going to make sure to cross post this to a bunch of other commentary sections in other newspaper sites tomorrow during my lunch break.
"We all know there is a black section in book stores so you white people won't accidentally read a book by a black author."
Yes, thank you.
"What in the fuck does Charles Drew or the Tuskegee Airmen have to do with a Big Mac?"
Black Guy, once again you show your ignorance. You just don't get it.
This site is for WHITE PEOPLE, not you. This site will wake up the sleeping white giant, to urge white people to release white guilt, to show love for their own people and culture, to protect and celebrate it, to realize how much blacks hate whites and America, to understand black pathology before it ruins our beautiful cities, to finally make a stand against the browning of America, to stop enabling bad behavior with racial handouts and welfare payments, to understand the criminal nature of blacks. To defend our culture, the founding vision, the intrusion of America by outsiders. To understand that most American blacks are traitors against our country.
Sites like SBPDL, Amren, Alternative Right, Elliot Lake News, OneSTDV, HalfSigma, and VDARE all exist to deprogram white people. I used to be a DWL too, and now I am fully awake. I and working also to educate my white friends and family about what is happening right under their noses. Most white people have NO IDEA what blacks have been up to for the last few decades, and the truth is very shocking. The black underclass is a ticking time bomb about to explode.
BRA means that black dysfunction is covered up in the media and by the liberal establishment, and white people need to start digding for the truth.
BTW, we really don't want you here, you just clog up the comment section and take up space that could be used to spread the word to other whites. Your comments, however, illustrate the faulty thinking patterns of most blacks.
Speaking of the black book section at the library...in honor of black history month, our library has the usual titles on display for all of the black teens and young people to learn all about black thug culture.
"10 Crack Commandments" and more on "Urban Fiction" and "Gangsta Lit":
The Urban Fiction genre of African American books has become a huge success. Some people call it hip-hop fiction, ghetto literature or gangster literature, but regardless of the title, these urban books are making an impact. Some of these urban books portray the gritty situations of urban street life and some of them provide realistic accounts of the drama of daily life.
"G-Spot, an Urban Erotic Tale"
"Crack Head"
"Dirty Money"
"Thugged Out"
"Criminal Minded - A Novel"
"Girls From da Hood"
"Grindin' - A Novel"
"The Dope Man's Wife"
"Trife Life to Lavish"
and more:
"We all know there is a black section in book stores so you white people won't accidentally read a book by a black author."
Black guy, the only thing that blacks can write about (when they're motivated enough to read and write) is their "racial plight."
Any organization, group, club or individual that is founded by,controlled by, or funded by whites has nothing to do with black people.
-Black guy
Where is the post about the reason for high black self-esteem, or is this it? I await it with interest if there is to be one.
"Any organization, group, club or individual that is founded by,controlled by, or funded by whites has nothing to do with black people"
Please deliver this message to all black voters, and tell them to stay the fuck at home on election day.
"We all know there is a black section in book stores so you white people won't accidentally read a book by a black author."
Generally, Larry's, Walter's, and Thomas's books are found in other sections, thanks very much.
I have a story. It's 100% real. Moderator, please let this go through.
I used to live across the hall from this DWL woman. At the time, there was this pack of Black guys always loitering on the front steps of my building, doing the usual stuff. I would try my hardest to avoid them, but one of the wiggers that they hang out with called me by name (we used to go to school together) so these jerkoff's start calling me by name and asking if they could borrow money and get rides to places. I was beyond pissed off.
So this DWL woman starts going outside and loitering with them! Keep in mind, this woman was a little older but she was cute, and she used to wear these dresses that showed her legs and whatnot. I see her doing this and I'm looking at her like she's a damn idiot. Come to find out, she is a teacher at Howard University. It isn't before long that she has these guys over her house cleaning up and doing chores for her. Sometimes they would bring their friends so there would be at least five dudes alone with this woman.
One night I wake up and I hear her window breaking and I hear screams. The police come and supposedly one of the guys that she didn't know too well that she had in her house doing chores broke in to steal from her. From what I heard, he may of raped her as well. He got 70+ years.
The next time I saw her she looked like the life was drained out of her. Within the month, she moved out. She payed for her own stupidity. I wonder if she still teaches at Howard?
Welcome to Black Run America.
If you don't think, you don't live.
Kindness and ignorance can get you killed.
I despise White Liberals and Black Apologists.
Live on, Live Long America.
Objective Black Man
Stuff had a bigger, deeper reason for running his article on B.R.A. and the decision to expand The Huffington Post than I did.
There was a point I was trying to make, and it may have been overlooked, which is basically this: many on "the left" and at the forefront of the modern "civil rights movement" try to have both sides of the argument. They constantly tell us that we are all the same, then proceed to tell us that we should "celebrate diversity". These same people bemoan the apparent lack of integration between blacks and whites outside of the workplace or on film and television, but then proceed to engage in their own self-segregation (BET, Jet, Ebony, Essence, Huffington Post, 365Black, Black Atlas, etc...)
As a staunch capitalist, I have no problem with what The Huffington Post is doing. If they can earn money creating a black section of their website, more power to them! My only interest in this subject is the hypocrisy of the Left and liberals who choose to engage in self-segregation when it suits their purposes.
The Huffington Post put out a nicely-worded, eloquent, professional bulletin describing their intention to cater to the African-American audience. What they didn't say explicitly, but did say implicitly, is that black people, by and large, aren't interested in the same headlines, news stories, and urgent bulletins as, well, everyone else. They need their own section of the Huffington Post because they either find the main page headlines about START treaties or trade deficits with China too boring or too complex to follow.
If someone disagrees with that previous statement, please give me one cogent, reasonable alternative for why I am wrong.
Like I said, as a capitalist I'm all for this. And as an individualist and a person who tries to respect most other cultures (mostly), I have no problem with people catering, and tailoring news, to people who look like them, and who they believe will have more interest. I *GET* that. Just please don't make an argument to me that we're all the same and that we should treat each other exactly the same and that there are no inherent differences in culture and value among the different races and ethnicities. Of course there are, and THE HUFFING-ON-SOMETHING POST has all but admitted it.
I realize that 99.9% of the things done by corporate America is to maximize profits, but those two campaigns truly confuse even myself.
Let's see. You've told us around 30 times that this is a capitalist nation and that money is the only thing that makes it run, then a multinat does something un-capitalist and you're perplexed.
Maybe your premise is flawed. Just a thought.
Many on "the left" and at the forefront of the modern "civil rights movement" try to have both sides of the argument.
I agree, PKR, and I think it would be interesting to see a post called "Stuff black people don't like: Consistency."
-If whites resist blacks moving into their neighborhoods, that's racism. But if whites move into a black neighborhood, like Harlem, that's "forced gentrification" and "destroying black heritage."
-Blacks insisted that to offer their children the best education, they must be allowed into white schools. Today, they are saying that black kids need black teachers, black subjects, "black" teaching styles, because the "white" ones are failing them.
-In the 80s, at the height of the crack wars, blacks angrily demanded that Congress pass harsher laws against predatory, violent crack dealers. Congress complied. Fast forward twenty years, and blacks angrily want to know why sentences for dealing powder cocaine are lighter than for crack cocaine.
-Non-blacks are overrepresented in baseball; this is a tragedy, we must bring in more blacks. Non-blacks are under-represented (massively so) in football and basketball, this is...no big deal.
The list goes on and on.
"Black Guy, once again you show your ignorance. You just don't get it."
So, please enlighten me of the ignorance in the above statement about Charles Drew having nothing to do with a Big Mac.
"This site is for WHITE PEOPLE, not you. This site will wake up the sleeping white giant, to urge white people to release white guilt, to show love for their own people and culture, to protect and celebrate it, to realize how much blacks hate whites and America, to understand black pathology before it ruins our beautiful cities, to finally make a stand against the browning of America, to stop enabling bad behavior with racial handouts and welfare payments, to understand the criminal nature of blacks. To defend our culture, the founding vision, the intrusion of America by outsiders. To understand that most American blacks are traitors against our country."
The only requirement to viewing this site is access to the internet. Millions of white people are being led around by the nose of phony neo-conservatives and "hockey moms". Good luck with waking up a "sleeping giant"
"BTW, we really don't want you here, you just clog up the comment section and take up space that could be used to spread the word to other whites. Your comments, however, illustrate the faulty thinking patterns of most blacks."
When you "say we don't want you here" I hope you are aware that this is not a real place. We aren't "hanging out" with each other. Only ideas and thought are being exchanged here.
Are you so much of a fucking idiot that you can't even understand when some actually agrees with you.
-Black guy
Blacks demand that everything on the planet be brought down to their level. If something smells too intellectual or is too difficult for blacks to understand, then it is "too white" and must be destroyed or diluted.
We don't want whites to be able to self-segregate or organize in large numbers, or the KKK might start catching black slaves and lynching them again, right?
Blacks are afraid of white intellectualism, and that is one of the reasons why they hate us so much. They throw little violent fits when they feel left out, just as a child would. DWLs cave in to their demands to keep them pacified enough so that they don't riot and burn everything down.
Whites are complex and intellectual by nature. Blacks can never participate in this, and the few who do are ejected promptly from the black collective.
Blacks like pop-culture, Michael Jackson, fictional black heroes and mythology, music, church, black sports and Madea movies. Anything dumbed down sufficiently will work just fine.
This is why there is a dumbed down black version of most things created by intellectual whites.
Any organization, group, club or individual that is founded by,controlled by, or funded by whites has nothing to do with black people.
-Black guy
Beware saying this, because it includes every Western nation, at least the founded part and the funded (taxes) part.
@ Subjective White Man (aka Objective 'Black' Man):
When will you stop the charade? That story you included is nothing but an emotional appeal for your fellow white commenters.
From what I heard, he may of raped her as well. He got 70+ years.
"From what 'you' heard" is one of the best sources in town. If I conduct statement analysis, you know as well as I that you made that bit up. Most people cannot lie and if they try, cannot do it well. You fall into that trap, sorry buddy.
In another thread, you stated blacks had high self-esteem due to sexuality and that black men engaged in rampant sex. Are you not including 'yourself' in that category as a black man, or are you the lone one not afflicted?
How convenient! You know, if you are black (and I don't believe it), you would still be scrutinized just like every other black man in the US. Relating the story of a hapless DWL will not end the wanton stereotyping and racial profiling you'd be subjected to.
But I won't go into it more because you are NOT black.
You are as black as I am Asian. And I am not Asian.
I don't think in this day and in this age there can even exist a black person as deluded as the fictional black character you pretend to be. It just doesn't happen anymore. Please, stop because no one even believes you. You are embarrassing yourself.
Also, you are not even clever enough to use qualifiers. Are you not the Black Man that deviates from the 'norm'? If you are, then you'd acknowledge that fact. However, you do not even do that; you even fail to say 'we' or 'us'. It's all from the view of an outsider, a white outsider.
If you were a real black person with that mentality, I could chew you up and spit you out a new, enlightened negro.
Get it together, loser...
I see my comment mocking your tinfoil hat and your writing 'prowess' did not survive the moderation gauntlet. But there was an important question in that comment:
"Did Black Run America exist before or only after Barack Obama was elected president? Because it seems like you use the terms 'BRA' and 'Post-Obama America' interchangeably.
I'm sure it's the latter (even if you deny it, we all know the truth), which tells me a lot about your level of psychosis."
Whites are complex and intellectual by nature. Blacks can never participate in this, and the few who do are ejected promptly from the black collective.
Most unintelligent people make the mistake of making blanket statements without qualifiers. It is then that the existence of only one counterexample destroys your argument.
Most of the people who attend universities in this nation are white--not black--and the rigor of curriculum is declining. This dumbing down has nothing to do with blacks, other minorities, or even women. Although I do not attend a Stanford or Harvard, I don't know how many times white students on the day of mid-terms in each of my biology courses say they partied instead of studied.
Clearly NOT complex or intellectual, you'd agree?
The people making the good grades and showcasing what students should be are not just 'white' students, as per my experience. They are black, Asian, Indian, as well.
Also, blacks who are 'complex and intellectual by nature'--and I include myself in this category--are not ejected from the black collective. Many, if not most, black families stress education. Sure, there may have been a decline in striving for education in comparison to the goals of the martyrs of the 1960s and 70s but we still value education as a whole. Sometimes for some people life gets in the way. However, nothing is more exciting for blacks than to have someone achieve something. My stepdad's sister in law threw a bash for her getting a Ph.D. (which was about black males and education); her daughter (his niece) is a doctor.
Education is so important to black people, whether or not the stats reflect it. It's there, in spite of the obstacles some of us face.
So, you are just damned wrong; not exactly a surprise.
Blacks like pop-culture, Michael Jackson, fictional black heroes and mythology, music, church, black sports and Madea movies. Anything dumbed down sufficiently will work just fine.
First of all, everyone in America is obsessed with pop culture and pop culture, in general, is a white phenomenon, foisted upon the whole world.
There is nothing wrong with church or music. The former was put upon blacks by whites, so how can you fault them for liking itif they were instructed to do so? Music has been a part of blacks since the beginning of human history. And white people also enjoy music, and NOT just chamber or classical music. I doubt metalheads are brainiacs, same with punks. Personally, I can take or leave music and prefer stark quiet so I can think.
And you are wrong about Madea. Most black people loathe those damned movies and find them embarrassingly stupid. I cannot think of a single fictional black hero or myths, and while my blog is devoted to Jacko (and most of my readers are white and/or European), I do not like him...
See, you are not as much of a scholar on blackness as you think you are, hate to break it to you. But that's what you end up with when you get your beliefs about blacks from some white guy isolated in a whitopia wearing a tinfoil hat and still deluding himself into thinking white people are just as good as--or maybe more so than--black people. That really says a LOT!!
Desiree is hilarious, delusional and ignorant.
Desiree thinks that I'm White because I expose Black people. What people don't realize are there are a sizable minority of Black people who feel the exact same way as I do. The bullshit that the "Black Community" and White Liberals uphold helps the Failure Majority of Black people but hurts us, so we don't want any part of it.
The insanity needs to end. I'm just doing my part.
"In another thread, you stated blacks had high self-esteem due to sexuality and that black men engaged in rampant sex. Are you not including 'yourself' in that category as a black man, or are you the lone one not afflicted?
How convenient! You know, if you are black (and I don't believe it), you would still be scrutinized just like every other black man in the US. Relating the story of a hapless DWL will not end the wanton stereotyping and racial profiling you'd be subjected to."
This shows how much of a typical Black person that you are and how little you know of anyone that isn't Black. Please stop showing your ass.
Objective Black Man
I thought the lyrics of the song "Trees" by Rush is very fitting in these days.
There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their please.
The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.
There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads
So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.
"Most unintelligent people make the mistake of making blanket statements without qualifiers. It is then that the existence of only one counterexample destroys your argument."
This is how a black or a liberal argues. They us a blanket statement in an attempt to tell you blanket statements are not good.
Most whites can easily see what blacks are about. They follow each other like lemmings. They vote 95%+ for demorats. Whites vote in all sorts of groupings. That is a fact not a supposed blanket statement. That fact shows how the majority of blacks act as a group.
BRA is like the mafia. You have to give them money so that they will provide "protection."
In this case, major corporations are giving money to groups like the NAACP, 100 Black Men of America, etc. in order to be protected from claims of racism.
Here's an example of Coca-Cola needing protection. They certainly received it, how many of you are familiar with this story?
Few if any, I would guess. That's because Coke donated money to the right foundations. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc didn't show up to raise hell. Major news outlets didn't air this story. It got swept under the rug. That's how this all works.
The Charlotte Coca Cola group is the 2nd largest in the nation btw, so don't write this off as just some small town news story that nobody cared about. This is a major corporation that got away with a slap on the wrist: $495,000. That's pretty much the equivalent of a football player getting fined $10,000 for a TD celebration. The CEO alone makes over $5.2 million a year. I guess paying people off works.
"Desiree is hilarious, delusional and ignorant."
You forgot to mention boring, predictable, and repetitive.
Aw, c'mon. Desiree should be studied. She's anthropologically interesting. Extensive TNB coupled with semi-literacy and partially controlled extended chimpouts. I think Desiree could be the missing link.
Douglas I have to thank you for that Rush reference absolutely perfect well done. Nice to see another Rush fan too!!
Yes to the last Anon at 23 Jan 1720. Desiree is mad not the angry mad though I'm sure she is full of rage but the nutty your going to Bellevue for a month mad.
Stuff keeps her around here for comedy relief. Her verbose rantings and ravings prove our points.
@ Objective 'Black' Man:
Oh. my. God! If you are black, you are the funniest negro (a name befitting the brainwashed) I have ever encountered. I don't doubt there are negroes like 'you' out there somewhere, stumbling around like true lobotomized drones, anachronistic holdovers from Uncle Tom's Cabin days.
If you are really black--and I don't believe it--I am honestly speechless at the Stormfront talking points. Not speechless enough to not challenge you, but speechless in terms of being flabbergasted.
You should be ashamed of yourself and your foolishness. And I am saying all of this from the seriously questionable standpoint of you being a fellow black. You are entitled to your politics and, ultimately, you private opinions.
But a foolish black man is made when he goes out and broadcasts his self-hatred (and you are self-hating) to racist white people. That is a mistake because only a so-called DWL will ever come close to giving you the respect as an equal.
These douchebags? Negative, not going to happen, buddy.
Do you have a problem with these yahoos calling black women 'ink black beasts' and thinking all black people--not some, not many, but ALL--are predestined to be nothing? If you possess even a smidgen of integrity, you will admit the above are out of line.
This shows how much of a typical Black person that you are and how little you know of anyone that isn't Black. Please stop showing your ass.
Is that all you can say in response to what I detailed as the Obvious? Go on, guy; defend your kissing--maybe rimming--of whitey's ass. I will be ready to read.
Look SBPDL, you have your very own Uncle Ruckus, a la The Boondocks!
That's what I will call you: Uncle Ruckus, as he, too, is a fictional self-hating black man. I'm guessing you popped in because Black guy and myself were blacks who disagreed with the articles and you wanted to give these white commenters hope...or something? What for? These people LOOOOVE Black guy; they just don't like me.
Fulfill your delusions, my man. You'll be gunned down like Old Yeller when he's tired of you. Don't ever forget that.
What am I saying??! You are NOT black! Black people do NOT think like white racists. They can be critical and politically incorrect but they would NEVER accept with bobbleheaded agreement the bullshit on this site.
*Sigh* Desiree, you are so typical. Let's begin.
Desiree said:
"But a foolish black man is made when he goes out and broadcasts his self-hatred (and you are self-hating) to racist white people. That is a mistake because only a so-called DWL will ever come close to giving you the respect as an equal.
These douchebags? Negative, not going to happen, buddy.
Do you have a problem with these yahoos calling black women 'ink black beasts' and thinking all black people--not some, not many, but ALL--are predestined to be nothing? If you possess even a smidgen of integrity, you will admit the above are out of line."
Who said that this blog was for White people only to make remarks about Black people? How do you know how many people that comment on this blog are White? I honestly could care less if people on here are racist, we are all venting about Black people and these people are not my friends. This site is about fucked up shit Black people do, not "racist" White people. Anyone that is intelligent, including Black people know what they are about, even Jesse Jackson (fuck him) admitted it. Is he a "self hater"?
LOL @ "only a DWL can respect me as an equal".
Typical Black inferiority complex at work here.
"Is that all you can say in response to what I detailed as the Obvious? Go on, guy; defend your kissing--maybe rimming--of whitey's ass. I will be ready to read."
This is hilarious considering that you are attracted to White men and probably have a White boyfriend. You know about rimming and kissing White ass far more than I do.
"You'll be gunned down like Old Yeller when he's tired of you. Don't ever forget that."
No, this is what you are afraid will happen to you when your White boyfriend gets tired of rimjobs and wants a blumpkin and you refuse him.
"What am I saying??! You are NOT black! Black people do NOT think like white racists. They can be critical and politically incorrect but they would NEVER accept with bobbleheaded agreement the bullshit on this site."
What is posted on this site are facts. If you are an objective thinker (which you are not), you would understand. But I stick with what I said earlier that you probably have not been around Black people enough to know how they are. Do you know what Black-on-Black crime is?
I'm not going to bother with you anymore, you are too boring. I'm really upset at myself for even engaging her. Just the same responses, over and over.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Objective Black Man
"Most unintelligent people make the mistake of making blanket statements without qualifiers. It is then that the existence of only one counterexample destroys your argument."
On other occasions, Desiree has accused me of not using enough "qualifiers" in my posts. There are so, so, so, many valid stats on this site, you know, those pesky little hate facts and hard numbers about black pathology and dysfunction? Well, in order to distract us from these facts, Desiree uses charges of racism, cites rules of English Grammar, and uses other useless tools to hustle her black agenda.
No one is buying it, Desiree. I don't have to qualify any of my points for you, SBPDL has already done the legwork for us by posting stats. The whites and smart blacks who read these posts get my points very clearly.
Black behavior, while shocking to us, is no great surprise - it has existed for at least two centuries in this country alone.
We don't hate all blacks. Some blacks act like civil, respectful intelligent human beings. They work hard like I do, they raise responsible children, they contribute to society, they educate themselves, they respect the dominant culture, assimilate and speak the language.
Most blacks, especially the underclass, do not do any of this. They are violent, irresponsible, ghetto, poor, anti-intellectual, and dangerous. They are racist and hateful against the whites who feed and clothe them. Whites in this country will not let this continue. You are powerless and your threats mean nothing.
Please comment on the Baby Momma song, we know you can not defend it. It is a blatant celebration of black dysfunction, a thumbing of one's nose directed at white people and their troublesome rules and morals.
Shame on you for being part of the problem with your people.
Thank you Objective Black Guy, for being honest and courageous. You deserve a nice cold beer.
BRA? Should be called F/CRA... thats FemiNAZI/Commiecratic Run America... c'mon... the darkies (as well as the gays, women, etc) are all used by the same Commies to cotrol, enslave us all, whether we be Black, White or purple with gold flakes in their eyes... I understand ur frustration... but what do you propose to put a stop to all this crap? I'd LOVE to hear it...
Douglas I know you probably wont be reading this but just thought I'd reply b/c it seems to me that your attitude is shared by a lot of other white people who feel its helpless.
I don't even know where to start. I guess I would say in response to "we can't even acknowledge it" that you just acknowledged it. We CAN acknowledge the problem we face as white people.
There is going to be a revolution in this country and it's going to start in the minds of us white people.
We have to take back what is rightfully ours. I'm not intimidated by anyone I meet. I say the word nigger out in public and I don't care if anyone hears me. I carry a .357 SIG in my wasteband at ALL TIMES and if anyone ever has a problem with me saying nigger or toad then they can just say something to me and if they want to get gangster we can get into that gangster shit. It's fine with me. Yea some might call me a powder keg, but then so were the American colonists. You could say they were BIG TIME POWDER KEGS!
Be fearless. We're not going to win this war if we refuse to make the necessary sacrifices, whether it be taking a life, going to prison, or our own life being took.
The American colonists did not fix their oppression by whining about it to the British and complaining to King George that it wasn't fair!
Let's face it, the law of the jungle still rules the life of men. If you want something you have to take it and once you have something you're going to have to FIGHT to keep it.
The slaves didn't accept this, and that's how they became enslaved.
White people can and will be enslaved in the next 100 years unless we are willing to FIGHT and DIE to stay free. Whether the form of slavery comes in a physical form or economic slavery or second-class citizen status, it's still a form of slavery.
Where a person is afraid to speak their opinion, exercising their FREEDOM OF SPEECH or afraid to roam wherever he so chooses, FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY that man is no longer free he is a de facto slave.
So speak your mind brother. Walk and go wherever you desire friend. It's OUR WORLD. But we have to make it that. You can decide this very day that you will no longer be a slave, you will no longer be afraid. When your mind is truly free your environment will beging to reflect that and you will be an Ancient Free and Accepted Man.
I think BDA (Black Directed America) is more accurate than BRA. BDA (as in the American government, culture, and institutions are directed toward the uplifting of black people) is less clumsy and requires no qualification like BRA does ("We don't actually mean that blacks run America).
Just my two cents.
holy cow... I'm appalled by all this outright racist bullshit that is spewing from this website. The ONLY solution to ANY of whatever "issues" there, is to promote equality for all mankind. I can guarantee that you will not allow this comment to be posted because it appears that anybody with a fucking brain can say anything with any amount of intelligence on here.
When you have no ideas to contribute, call people racists. That is soooo 2008!
"From what I heard, he may of raped her as well. He got 70+ years.
The next time I saw her she looked like the life was drained out of her. Within the month, she moved out. She payed for her own stupidity..."
FYI...That's called the Eloi Tax.
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