And you thought white genocide was just an Internet meme... [New Mr. Clean is bald, buff and black,, 1-31-17]:
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No longer a white guy... |
Mr. Clean just got a makeover.
Atlanta native Mike Jackson is the new face of Mr. Clean, having won a national competition as the man who best embodied the bald, earring wearing icon that has represented Proctor & Gamble’s Mr. Clean all-purpose cleaner since the 1950s.
The company said Jackson will fill in for the popular image of Mr. Clean while he is on "vacation."
Jackson resembles the almost 60-year-old icon.
He is bald, buff and wears a gold earring, but unlike the old Mr. Clean, Jackson is black.
“It’s definitely a dream come true to become the next Mr. Clean,” Jackson said in a news release. “While it’s impossible to replace the iconic Mr., I’m excited for this opportunity to help people tackle the most seemingly impossible messes while he’s away ... and have some fun!”
In addition to receiving $20,000 and a year’s supply of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, Jackson earned a trip to New York City to shoot a 2017 limited edition Mr. Clean calendar.
Jackson told Yahoo Beauty that he saw the contest for Mr. Clean, which launched in September, on Instagram and felt that he really embodied the character.BREAKING: @ProcterGamble's Mr. Clean brand gets a fresh face ... @RealMrClean— Barrett J. Brunsman (@BarrettCinciBiz) January 24, 2017
In a statement, he said it was a dream come true to become the next Mr. Clean.
“I actually use the product; I always have,” said Jackson, who works in sports marketing and events management. “I’m actually kind of a neat freak … and kind of OCD in my home.”
He enjoys working out, traveling and reading. He watches Science Channel, History Channel, ESPN and "Family Guy."
As part of the gig, Jackson is headed to the Super Bowl in Houston on Sunday for the debut of a new Mr. Clean commercial.
We won’t be seeing Jackson in the commercial. The ad features the animated version of Mr. Clean, showing off some new moves and getting dirty.
Jackson will continue making special appearances as Mr. Clean, and there's also a Mr. Clean limited edition calendar.Harriet Tubman replaces Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill (well, not yet at least).
Lady Liberty goes from white female to black female.
Mr. Clean no longer bald white guy, but a black dude.
I'd say white genocide is more fact than fiction.
If you want a break from the Africanization of our public life, I strongly suggest you get "The Wave" on Netflix. (I got it on DVD and don't know if it's available via streaming). The Wave is a Norwegian disaster flick about a wave that engulfs a small city on a fjord. The scenery is stunning. What was apparent was the movie was a devoid of any Africans; just white scandanavians. It doesn't get any better. I rarely watch American movies due to their propaganda and only get foreign movies and documentaries from Netflix.
If Americans were involved in The Wave it would be totally different. The person sounding the alarm about impending doom would be black and super efficient. The geology employees would be a diverse bunch who would all get along to the effect that their backgrounds would be an irrelevant detail. (During my time as a federal employee, I saw otherwise). In short, the good guys would be all minority.
Many of the commentators here know what STAY ALERT STAY ALIVE means. We, as realists, have to toss off this beastial savage culture heaped upon us by traitors; stop consuming the garbage produced by the entertainment industry. Stop degrading yourselves by watching negro sports.
I'd say white genocide is more fact than fiction.
Funny, the first thing that came to my mind way, way back before I was a realist, was what a co-worker said to me. She told me that she didn't like black people because they looked "dirty", and smelled "funny". I considered that to be fairly racist at the time.
But if (((Proctor & Gamble))) thinks this will sell more detergent to the ladies who want a clean house, I am laughing myself silly right now.
Hey, tomorrow's the beginning of Black History Month, with 185% more pandering to the Negro than usual. Heck, they didn't need to wait until February to tell us that it was actually three negroes who were responsible for the space program. What's next? LeRoy Jefferson, the black man who invented the 16 oz can of malt liquor?
I dunno on this one. Mr. Jackson seems like an okay guy. He likes cleanliness and appears to be gainfully employed. It's not the Mike Jacksons who are the problem in the US; it's his millions of violent, predatory, tax user cousins.
Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a black with a cleaning product? Well, I would think that such a picture would be demeaning. Mr. Clean will clean your whole house and everything that's in it. I think they meant to say "clean out". Yeah, that's better. Idiots in charge of way too much of the media.
Well at least our president is white.
Nothing surprises me anymore as I watch America self destruct around me. It's hard keeping up on who's ass the white man will kiss next. To keep the Mexican's happy Mr. Clean will soon be wearing a sombrero. It is only fair.
I can't even imagine the new TV commercials with a stupid house wife and her nerdy husband trying to figure out the best way to clean the house when all of a sudden the brother is there to save the day.
Well at least he's not a Muslim. That might take another ten years to happen.
Genocide is the wrong word, because it implies that this is something one race is doing to a different race. But in this case, the historical record is very clear that this is something white people are voluntarily doing to themselves, and they have been doing it intensively since the Civil War. Race suicide would be a better term. Whites are consciously eliminating themselves as a race in favor of a multiracial nationalism, of which Lincoln and the other abolitionists were the first and most fanatic exponents. It was they who formally set the ideal of a raceless proposition nation above the continued existence of their own race, and insisted on taking the first steps to integrate the negro into United States civic and cultural life. Mr. Clean is only one more incident, only the latest example in a long chain of events that were completely to be expected once such a racially self-destructive policy had been embarked upon.
Of course, conspiracy theorists love to portray this as an ordinary genocide perpetrated upon us by (((others))), because they want to portray whites as totally blameless in their own destruction. In some ways it's an easy sell, because on the face of it it's hard to believe whites would be so crazy as to commit race suicide. But if this is something whites don't actually want, then where is the resistance? If moves like this were really opposed by the white majority, whites would boycott Proctor & Gamble, and cost the company a lot of money; but of course, they won't. As another example more to the point, if whites were really opposed to raising up negroes to the status of cultural icons, they would insist that MLK Day be repealed, and indeed, would never have permitted it be declared in the first place. They'd never have allowed the 30' tall statue of this mockery to be erected in Washington DC. They would have been appalled and outraged when Trump tweeted that MLK was a "great man" that all Americans should honor. But of course, they weren't. Not a peep from white people, only a pious nodding of heads and mumbled amens. The fact is, MLK is a figure of great use to nationalists like Mr. Trump. If MLK had not existed, it would have been necessary for nationalists to invent him.
If this cultural change is not the result of a conspiracy, then what is it? I'd again point out that the historical record is clear. Abolitionism was tied up intimately with the Christian religion in America in the 19th century. The verdict is inescapable. The ongoing destruction of the white race is not genocide. It began as a race suicide as a result of religious insanity, and has been further propelled along by the forces of nationalism. And so the dismal result: no resistance.
How about make "Mr Clean" a cartoon turd like Mr. Hanky from South Park.
They could'nt leave well enough alone now their doing this with Mr Clean going all PC its just as rediculous as taking the head scarf off Aunt Jimmima PC is a pluague in america
PK, you must be making these stories up just for laughs. I bet that your next spoof will be something like Michelle Obama promoting good nutrition.
Does this mean that somewhere down the line this depiction of Mr. Clean as a black man will be declared to be a "stereotype" and "racist," like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben?
A black cleanup guy .... who'd a thunk it!
The next 28 days are gonna be loooooooong ......
Mr.Clean ..poison. vinegar, lemon, and baking soda. Cheap ,disinfects. Your house may smell like salad. So tired of the black this or that, trans, gay ,straight, polka dotted. The white guy is "vacation ". Mr.Jackson good luck to you. P&G good luck with your stock dive.
A true oxymoron. Another product to add to the boycott list along with Cheerios and the likes. Ask McDonalds how that worked out Proctor and Gamble. I hope your sales plummet.
And best of all, you can make fresh-squeezed orange juice on top of the new Mr. Clean's head!
This ought to be a lesson for those mainstream conservatives who think that the big corporations are their friends.
Well, one more product to boycott.
Good. America needs black shoved in its face at every opportunity. Film, advertising, everywhere. All of us dumb rubes out here in flyover country need to be constantly reminded that it is not ok to be white, and that all of societies woes are our fault... because that's how race realists are made.
I honestly cant believe they didn't make Mr. Clean gay and muslim as well. Someone dropped the ball.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Make Aunt Jemima White. F*ck with 'em.
Or Uncle Ben (rice) a White woman.
No doubt this is due to the large increase in demand for home cleaning products among the negro population...
Been watching a couple of British TV series on Netflix set in small villages. Nothing but white people, wall to wall. One is called "Doc Martin" and the other is "Midsomer Murders". The producer of the latter got heat for the lack of negroes and deflected it by saying the show was about classic English village life and negroes just didn't fit.
Of course he caught hell and had to slip in a few Vibrants in later episodes.
Slow news day, Paul?
The new Gerber baby is some sort of mystery meat, as well. Looks like a White mother, possibly Indian or Mulatto father. While my children are grown, I still notice, while going through the stores, that nary a package of diapers nor a jar of baby food has a White child. Negroes, Chinese, Indians aplenty, plus the usual mystery meat, but no Whites.
Well I guess that's another product I'm going to boycott the good thing is you can go to the Dollar Store and get things very similar to the name product this is getting out of hand and as far as the $20 bill goes even though that some time off I'll refuse to take it or use it I'm going to the bank and get my money for Street use in ones fives and tens...yeah as far as like marking on the currency you gotta remember this liberal Madness and how much of your daily activity is on digital capture sure you spock a bill and say you go to a laundromat or 24 hour car wash and put the bill in to get tokens or change is the thought police going to pull digital capture and try to charge you with something just a thought again the best thing to do is just to avoid the product or service call corporate and try to convince your friends to do likewise also I find this effective not so much the big advertisers but the mom and pop stores that ever ties is on local TV stations jewelry Heating Repair Roofing family restaurants contact those businesses directly and tell them how you won't buy their product or service due to the liberal slant of the TV station or newspaper
Josephine The Plumber, Mr. Whipple, Madge and The Maytag Repair Guy are spinning in their graves!
Hang Tough Gang.
It's bad enough that negroes are in every tv show- even ones of a historical nature where negroes weren't present in the time and place-but now we have to see the damn things on innumerable packages? For 12% of the population, they're certainly vastly over-represented and many people are getting sick and tired of it. I killed my tv because of it and I also refuse to buy products featuring negroes on the packaging- there are always generic alternatives that haven't been infected with the diversity virus. Who wants to open a cabinet to get something only to see nothing but negroes staring back at you?
A black man playing a menial domestic servant is racist.
Shootings are up 100% in New Orleans. Up in Chicago. Up in Baltimore. Up in St. Louis. Hell, practically anywhere there are negroes. Time to change the lyrics of "Dancing in the Street" to "Shooting in the Street."
ot: why the everloving F&CK did Obongo get the Nobel Peace Prize? Seriously. Just due to out-of-control n*ggerloving?
I think he should give it back; he was at war every single day of his presidency. Bombed thousands. Didn't make peace in Israel, did nothing at end of presidency. Can we start campaign to have it taken back?
Speaking of babies, here's an entry for the Negro Naming Hall of fame: "Caiman."
Defintion: "A caiman is an alligatorid crocodilian belonging to the subfamily Caimaninae, one of two primary lineages within Alligatoridae, the other being alligators."
So named by coalburner mom and unemployed security guard husband who claims he was fired for staying with wife while she was in labor instead of showing up to work.
I never have used Mr. Clean. Maybe because he appeared somewhat swarthy to me, in spite of the blue eyes and ruddy complexion. Reminds me of Genghis Khan or Sinbad the sailor. This munt ensures I never will.
Notice our friend Hiram pops by to remind us that there's nothing to see here as far as the tribe who is 2% of our population (and are "white" when convenient, or change their names to masquerade as whites) being grossly over-represented in every form of cultural poison and anti-white institutions, banking, and law for the last 150 years, and to assure us that there isn't a conspiracy to destroy/enslave us, but there is a Christian conspiracy.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.... he doesn't exist... but he is Christian.
This shit is more tiresome than the tribe blackwashing our cultural icons and history, at least that stuff is obvious and simply worthy of ridicule and laughter. This is much more insidious.
It’s magic negro month once again, we get 28 days of indoctrination by the lefts interpretation and telling it like it wasn’t. Oh the guilt will fill the coffers this month. Just remember, the negroes whine and complain because it’s the shortest month of the year. They’re satisfied with nothing!
Yes sir, that ol’ word rears its ugly head again. “Disproportionate” that’s how I see them represented. I’m sick of the “We have to put a black face on it” way of doing business these days. Is this what the majority wants?
Everyone should read, and familiarize themselves with the definition of “genocide” I know we here a SBPDL know the term well and can see it being used against YT, but many others outside our realm can’t even spell it. If they can, they think nothing of it. Almost a whole population caries a computer in their hand everywhere they go. Have them look it up. Make a point, whether they want to realize and believe it or not. At least in the end they can’t say “I never knew this was going on”
Does this mean that somewhere down the line this depiction of Mr. Clean as a black man will be declared to be a "stereotype" and "racist," like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben?
That is a good point. Be interesting to see the proclamation on this from the Ministry of Truth.
Can anyone remember WACKY PACKAGES? those funny bubblegum stickers tha were parodies of popular name brand products they came with one MRS CLEAN,She clean up the floor with MR CLEAN WHEN SHE CAN FIND HIM
Another product for me to boycott. The list get longer every day.
And so it goes . . .
The problem goes deeper than that, unfortunately. I refuse to watch television as a rule, but since I spend so much time on the internet, I have even noticed the dieversity showing up in cyberspace, such as in banner ads and in the pictures that accompany articles. The PC driven mutli-culti force feeding is accelerating on all fronts.
Looking at his picture it would appear they've killed two birds with one stone. He's black AND gay.
Make Janitors Black Again
Anonymous said...
Make Aunt Jemima White. F*ck with 'em.
Or Uncle Ben (rice) a White woman.
Paula Deen as the new Aunt Jemima. How fucking funny would that be!
Stay alert, stay alive.
It's gonna be a long month...
Put Caitlin Jenner on the box. Gag.
In many news reports I read that after raping white women, negroids then try and use bleach to wipe away their dna evidence, aka orc cum. Now I guess they will switch to Mr. Clean - negroid version.
Care to create a new advertising tag line for them that reflects that info?
Well, I will not be using MR. Clean products anymore. My negro fatigue has reached its limits. Having been screamed at my whole life that I am racist along with all other white people, I've decided to embrace it, and will be soon starting my all white organizations, non-profits, clubs, and caucuses. Fuck it.
I'm not too worried about Mr. Clean. I'm more concerned about Black History Month.
I've never bought a bottle of Mr. Clean. I looked up the ingredients in Wikipedia. It isn't soap. It's melamine, the same component in Formica. So it isn't a general purpose cleaner. It seems to be a mildly abrasive chemical that is good for cleaning walls of crayon marks. Or maybe I'm wrong but that's what think it's good for.
It seems to me that having a negro as your symbol for cleanliness is bad marketing. Who associates cleanliness with Africans? Mr. Clean is made in Germany. Maybe the cleaner's symbol should be portrayed as wearing lederhosen?
The more troubling issue is the start of Black History Month(BHM). This is the federally subsidized history that tries to create a series of fables about black innovations and accomplishments. Most of the readership of this blog already know about this scam. At the risk of being redundant, I will focus my comments on BHM for the next few weeks.
I guess with it being "that month", a paraphrased quote from Lloyd Bridges may lighten the mood:
"Looks like I picked the wrong month to quit drinking."
He must have been promoted from "Janitor in a Drum", a cleaning product from the days of yore.
"But if this is something whites don't actually want, then where is the resistance?"
People don't speak up bc people like yourself call them names like "conspiracy theorist/ nut job" "' bigot", antisemite", etc. Nobody likes being labeled these things, and I pointed out in 2010 on this website, we have culturally come to a place in this country where it is more acceptable to be a serial killer or child molester than a "racist (oh, gives everyone chills when that word is spoken)! Oh, and the same ample evidence is available (((who was funding and promotinging))) those abolitionists. Yup, those same (((Amish who funded and promoted))) the Bolshevik revolution. It is the same (((people who owned, captained, and insured))) nearly every single slave ship and ran most auctions in the south. The evidence is out there if you honestly look. Instead it is easier to resort to blame a tiny religious minority in the north who were used like a tool, same as today's white liberal idiots without looking at the (((George Soros'))) behind the scenes financing these Ferguson riots and multiculturalism bs. Your either intellectually dishonest, or a troll sowing seeds of division and discord and confusion. I'm guessing the latter.
Black cowboys helped tame the wild West. Black soldiers helped win the Civil War. Black fighter pilots almost won World War II single-handedly. Black women who were also math geniuses led the U.S. in the space race. Now a negro becomes Mr. Clean. Just wow.
"Hiram pops by to remind us that there's nothing to see here" and are "white" when convenient, or change their names to masquerade as whites". I think those are called (((crypto Eskimos))).
Trump tweet we'd like 2 c:
"Negroes. Genetically different. Low IQ. Can't assimilate, Back 2 Africa. MAGA!"
"Notice our friend Hiram pops by to remind us that there's nothing to see here as far as the tribe who is 2% of our population ...."
It's simply an historical fact that after Lincoln, the US became formally dedicated to equal rights, regardless of race. At a time when the US was virtually 100% Christian, and many people, including Lincoln, thought that's what the Founders in the Declaration of Independence intended when they wrote that "all men are created equal", the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments formalized it. After that, the trajectory was set, the outcome assured. Everything since has only been a matter of working out the details.
Notice, too, that Paintjob can't answer the question, where is the resistance to this so-called genocide? Where are the mobs of outraged white people rioting and picketing? Where's the revolt? Oh, that's right, there isn't one! Instead, we get nationalists like Trump urging national unity, and telling us to honor MLK. As the election just proved, the majority of whites agree with him; they agree with their own demise. This is the new patriotism. It's a strange "genocide" indeed with such willing participants.
Ha! Yea, point out that they're changing a cleaning product to a Negro man!! White guy doesn't have to do menial labor anymore in Trump's America!! Negroes have to clean and shine those floors!! Make negroes janitors again!! hahahahahaha!!
Spread that info everywhere; will f*ck their campaign up big league!!
And how about shoe shining? Make them the symbol of a good wax. Shine, boy!!
"ot: why the everloving F&CK did Obongo get the Nobel Peace Prize? Seriously."
Just building the narrative.
An employment ad in the local paper says it all. In the accompanying picture a black male is standing in the foreground along with a white female.
A white male is pictured, but he is in the background and his image is out of focus.
Subtlety is not the flavor of the day.
"Whites are consciously eliminating themselves as a race in favor of a multiracial nationalism"
They just woke up and decided to do this themselves without any prompting or influences?
Yep, nothing to see here.
Here is a list that should come in handy this month. Traffic signal, gas mask, peanut butter, filament light bulb... and all the actual white inventors.
"People don't speak up bc people like yourself call them names like "conspiracy theorist/ nut job" "' bigot", antisemite", etc. "
They'd rather commit race suicide than be called a name? That just shows how weak their commitment to white racial survival really is. You're proving my point.
"Oh, and the same ample evidence is available (((who was funding and promotinging))) those abolitionists."
What evidence? Let's see it. Dark hints of conspiracy aren't enough for me. I want to see some proof.
"It is the same (((people who owned, captained, and insured))) nearly every single slave ship and ran most auctions in the south."
If true, abolition of slavery obviously wouldn't have been in their own financial interest. You can't have it both ways, Lefty.
Mr Clean --sells the sizzle, not the steak.
Why don't they switch from a bald white guy to a LOTR,long-haired white warrior guy who flaunts his hair,even if it's grey?Then make the Quaker oats guy a soldier and the Tennessee Pride guy a lumberjack.
Kinda torn on this one, understand the objections to the negrofication... but at the same time, they just made a black guy a fancy janitor.
Have some fun with it, point this out to them, prod them to complain that it's racist....
The enormity of the absurdity. There once was a time when I would boycott certain products black butt kissing commercials, now I am almost out of stuff to boycott. I never cared for Mr.Clean, the smell reminds me of when I was in prison.
Black History Month: Strangely enough, only made possible by White people's money, creativity, virtue signalling, and success.
A Stephen King series adapted to cinema is coming out this year. Yup, the main character has been diversified. Sad. I'd have liked to see it.
I would be most grateful if someone here could please enlighten me on just what exactly "sports marketing and events management" is supposed to consist of. As is so often the case, I haven't got a clue,
Thank you all in advance.
"all men are created equal"
As I and others have explained countless times, this was simply an indictment of the concept of "divine rule of kings" and monarchy. Implying that some weak chinned inbreds weren't born with more rights than everyone else. Segregation, Jim Crow, and our immigration laws up until the 1960's make this very plain. Certainly many folks opposed the institution of slavery, but that should not be considered synonymous with a belief that negroes are our equals. In fact today, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, and Hindi virtually nobody truly believes that blacks are our equals and even if they don't come out and say it or openly claim otherwise for the sake of virtue signaling, their actions betray their true feelings.
"Notice, too, that Paintjob can't answer the question, where is the resistance to this so-called genocide? "
It's right here. It's in white flight, it's in private/Catholic schools, it's in gated communities, it's in the election of Trump. Few truly understand (or wish to face) the gravity of the situation, but this is largely because we have been subject to 100+ years of psi-ops, propaganda, and conditioning.
"Where are the mobs of outraged white people rioting and picketing?"
They're at work keeping civilization running. Rest assured if (((Soros))) et. al. weren't throwing billions into organizing these communist riots you shouldn't see the Marxists rioting either.
It seems that the maxim "follow the money" is lost on you, or you ignore it because it leads to (((someplace))) you would not like us to look?
Who controls the monopoly on our currency? Those who control the issuance of credit decide which businesses succeed or fail, those businesses decide in which media they buy advertising (hence which succeed), and which Universities to support. He who pays the piper picks the tune. The (((golden rule))) is he who controls the gold makes the rules. Who controls the gold? Why are we not allowed to name them? Notice you and thousands like you can freely proclaim white Christians as the problem, PK and plenty others can condemn blacks and call them out, but those of us talking about {{{the people who gave us the Statue of Liberty}}} and (((those who created the poem on it))) have to resort to veiled references, parenthesis, and wind up blacklisted from virtually every forum where we even insinuate such thoughts.
blacks be like a nasty vegetable they turnip everywhere
Let me know when that is. I'll gladly join.
Did you get a good look at this creature? Looks a little "thweet" to me. Now for all the gays out there...get over youselves.
Can you say: "boycotted"??
I knew you could.
To All the racist people on this damn blog, you take your dog smelling, ass back to Europe half taken bath and fucking your cousin. You incest dogs....should think before you talk because your history shows you are bunch of cowards who wear sheets... Our races is one the cleanest races ever... Remember we built this country.
Why does it matter's a cleaning product. If you dnt like it, dnt buy need to go into a frenzy over some cleaning white folks are a joke really...smh
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