It was on March 11, 2016 those paying close attention got a preview of what the United States will look like when whites are the minority.
Donald Trump, still a candidate for the GOP nomination for POTUS, was forced to cancel a scheduled rally in Chicago because of threats of violence to both himself and his supporters.
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Wake up, white people: Four blacks torture a white male, accuse of him supporting Trump in horrifying video they had uploaded to Facebook Live |
The video and images of non-whites and white Marxists cheering and defacing property, baiting white Trump supporters to attack them and, ultimately, a bloodied white cop left me painfully aware of the nation only a few decades away.
One where white people are a voiceless minority, dwindling in numbers, influencing, and power, with a group of non-whites and special interest groups seemingly united only by their hatred of whites.
Move forward to only days after Donald Trump's victory, one long predicted at SBPDL (Trump or Death!). In broad daylight, black people attack a white male in Chicago, pull him from his car and shouted "Don't vote Trump," as they continued pummeling him, eventually stealing his vehicle. [Four held after man beaten following car crash as bystanders yelled anti-Trump taunts, Chicago Tribune, 11-18-16]
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White male attacked in Chicago days after election. His attackers, all black, film assault then steal his car (also yell at him, "Don't vote Trump.") |
The actions by white Marxists and their non-white allies (united solely by their hatred of white Trump supporters) on March 11, 2016 in Chicago should have provided sufficient evidence to illustrate peace and co-existence was never an option.
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The insane violence at the cancelled Donald Trump rally in Chicago back in March of 2016 |
Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.Chicago police announced on Wednesday evening that they had arrested four people in connection with the crime, according to Fox 32.
The video, taken by a woman identified on Facebook as “Brittany Herring,” shows a white man tied up with tape across his mouth. The victim is shown being repeatedly hit, sliced at with a knife, berated and his clothes ripped off.
At one point in the video, the primary assailant shouts at the bound man, “Fuck Donald Trump, nigga! Fuck white people, boy! Fuck white people, boy!” while he kicks him. At another point in the video, the perpetrators laugh about being reported to the police in response to a Facebook commenter claiming they’re going to be arrested. They also mock another commenter who said their torture was not funny — by claiming it is funny.
More videos emerged later on Wednesday of the crime. In one, the suspects threaten their victim with a knife and beat him before he was tied up. The victim can be heard screaming and pleaded with his attackers to stop. It ends with one of the attackers saying he’s going to “shank” the white male.
In another video, the suspects force the victim to drink toilet water straight from the commode.
Chicago police said they were considering hate crime charges in the case and called the crime “sickening” in a Wednesday night press conference. They confirmed the victim is mentally handicapped and was released from the hospital after being treated for his injuries.
Police say he has been “extremely traumatized” by the crime.
Can there be a peace between us? "Peace? No Peace."What is it you want us to do?"Die. Die."Get it, now?
spread the news
It's nothing, just some young people of color letting off a little steam. It's no different from an innocent college hazing ritual. Don't pay any attention to it.
In other news, a black student at a college somewhere has claimed she saw a white sheet dangling from a clothesline and it reminded her of the KKK. This we need to pay heed to. We need to create a national dialogue on race relations immediately. President Obama must sign legislation banning white sheets in the remaining days of his presidency. Also, we need to double down our efforts to lecture children in schools everywhere about the dangers of Hitler, because we just can't ever allow anything like that to happen again.
If a black comes up to you and asks who you voted for, just say "President Smith and Vice President Wesson."
I'll bet most of them will just suck air through their teeth and walk away.
Shhhh....Listen..... I think we're getting a pulse!
And any video by Colin Flaherty!
Mark Dice using terms like Black Supremacy Groups gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling! Stay tuned guys. My gut's telling me it's about to
get rizz-eal in da heezy! Fingers crossed.
These creatures really have no clue what's coming. Trump is just the calm before the storm. If the modern Mau Maus and their Baader Meinhof wannabe allies keep this up, they just might live to see another Pinochet unleashed. I for one, really hope I get to live to see that day.
The female perps FB pages are still up and filled with trashy pictures and one has "bae" in jail. Surprised those pages are still up. Usually that stuff is wiped immediately by family.
OK, let's assume this video is for real (I have no reason to doubt it is, but let's give it the benefit of the doubt)'s pretty much standard operating procedure for Africans-in-America. Look at their long history of polar bear punching, driveby shootings, home invasions, flash mobbing, torture-murders, arson and looting, as well as assorted mayhem, havoc and general reversion to the African mean. This time around, they broadcast it on video, but then again they have been doing the same on WorldStarHipHop (or whatever they call their agitprop channel) for quite some time.
This incident is not something that would have surprised any White American who lived in the South (or for that matter, Chicago's South Side) up until the 1960s. Which is (again!) one more reason that White people had to impose segregation. Not because the were "prejudiced" about the-color-of-their-skin(tm) but to prevent atrocities like this one. Because it is what happens when you take the controls off. And we have to add the responsibility of DWLs who continue to rationalize away every African-in-America outrage with the usual ideological delusions.
Nonetheless, White people today are slowly but surely rediscovering the true nature of the African-in-America. Keep spreading the Word!
(And yes, stay alert, stay armed...)
This is infuriating. I won't write what I want to because I respect this site and don't want to jeopardize its existence.
First separation, then repatriation
I predicted a while ago that cell phone cameras would help undermine liberalism as they would provide a raw view of the American Congos that the liberal press does not want Whites to see.
What I did not predict was that Blacks would actually record themselves committing crimes and help make the case against liberalism.
I could not, would not watch the video. Typical feral behavior, grab a mentally handicapped individual as opposed to someone who might actually be capable of defending himself. I have no words...none.
Again, ZH is on top of the game:
An earlier attack:
They's got to be preddy damm pissed about something...
Well, let's hope this wakes a lot of people up.
This won't wake up any whites. Just another bad news day. Blacks are insane and whites are too lazy to respond. Carry on.
Young kids making stupid mistakes? Ohhh I don't think so. This is racially motivated subhuman Behavior.our good friends @ Fox news showed me enough footage to make well controlled anger flair. According to sources, all of these punk's are 18 years of age. Let's all hope for the harshest prosecution possible at a federal level; and that it is classified as a hate crime. Are fine young newly elected president keeps me hopeful, and my faith in God keeps me optimistic.
"Chicago Police said they were considering Hate Crime charges" Give me an F ing break ! Sterilization, Segregation, Repatriation.....Jubilation !
Shades of Knoxville, but with film.
If this doesn't wake people up, nothing can.
Is ALL of Chicago full of shit-faced liberals..? Is there even one white male that has a single hair on their balls..?
The fact that they have to "consider" if this is a hate crime is almost as bad the crime itself.
Police are considering a hate crime !?!? Are you fucking kidding me ? If this isn't a hate crime then what is ? These punks need to be made an example of. Of course ,somehow it's gonna be yts fault.
A race of narcissistic, low IQ sociopaths has been unleashed upon us for the last 60 years. We have to bring it to an end. It is my belief, that first we must unmask the (((hostile, agressive alien enablers))) before we can deal with the Negro Question. These people seem "white", but they are anything but. An alien, oriental fanaticism burns in their black hearts. Just like their ISIS/ISIL cousins in Syria and Iraq. They are not like us. Alex from N.England
I grew up on the South Side of Chicago in the Bridgeport neighborhood with a large black community to the east. The Bridgeport neighborhood is a mix now of Irish, Italians, Slovaks, Polish, Lithuanians,Chinese and some Mexicans. There were Irish Gangs such as the Ragen's Colts, Our Flagg and the Hamburgs that protected the neighborhood from invaders. There was a race war when the neighborhood was primarily Irish, Italians and Polish just after World War I and the blacks got their heads handed to them with many blacks killed and put into the sewers and some with their penises cut off and put in their mouths as sign of revenge for all to see. For nearly a century there was no black crime in the neighborhood and very little crime in the neighborhood, as this what Irish and Italian gangs do to the criminal element. If this happened fifty years ago on the South Side of Chicago every black man in the city would he could be a target for retaliation from white gangs. I hope Loretta Lynch looks at this as a hate crime and enforces the kidnapping law on the federal side with the hate crime enhancement so the blacks understand that federal laws are enforced on all. I used to work in Chicago on the South Side and they had billboards all over the place advertising the 10 years for a felon with a gun and no longer see those billboards as they were up during the Bush years when actually they were enforcing the federal gun laws and shootings were decreasing and the carnage was slowing. President Obama has emboldened this behavior and I pray that President Donald Trump stops this as for the country this is a horrible for a civilized country to endure and creates even more hate. Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, liberals and the Democratic Party have set race relations in this country back 60 years as they have created more racists and more race realists everyday.
Pax Americana
Peace Out
Considering calling it a hate crime???????? First executive order ... nuke Chi-raq. Lynch Emanuel.
Notice how all the players in this story are the same age yet the Africans are "teens" and the white victim is a "man".
Also this:
"Authorities believe he knew one of the suspects and had gone with that person willingly"
Sort of reminds you of the fate of Steve Irwin or the dope who lived with grizzly bears. Of course if the victim is severely mentally retarded this is the fault of his legal guardian. Are YOU or your loved ones still living around black Africans? Their nature will never change, and rest assured that every IKAGO on TV or social media saying how awful this is is jumping for joy inside. Every single one of them, bar none. Even Uncle Ben Carson is secretly smiling about another victory for his tribe, make no mistake.
Overall, given the evidence, a sane response to any interaction with black Africans would be to slap leather and let light through them. In a just and rational legal system merely being approached by a pack of jungle predators as seen in these videos would be sufficient evidence to prove "fear of death or grave bodily harm". Also in a parallel reality which isn't bizarro-world parents and guardians who permit their children or adult dependents to associate with such feral beasts would be charge as accomplices to these sorts of crimes.
In addition we could add the entire Chicago Police department to the list of accomplices for their unspoken "stand down" regarding black lawlessness and refusal to take whatever steps are needed to keep a leash on their local tribes. Note as well that the entire collective wit and wisdom of the entire thin blue line has still yet to come up with a plausible motive for this atrocity despite hours of video footage saying "kill whitey". Tell me again about how these hacks are our line of defense against these mud race hoards? I bet if you were in Chicago and put a "whites only" sign on your business they wouldn't hesitate to throw you in the monkey cage and quickly charge you with a hate crime, or if you were caught carrying a gun to protect yourself from the local wildlife. Mull that one over and tell me who is protecting what from whom.
The Black Chicago police superintendent Eddie Johnston and White cuck Duffin, are unsure if race hate charges will follow. This, despite the fact that Facebook evidence indicates that these four racist Black scumbags were supporters of BLM - who have often called for violence against Whites - and the actual video evidence clearly shows them racially abusing the defenceless disabled mentally handicapped victim.
If race hate charges are not forthcoming against this anti-White vermin then the biggest ever demo in the US against Black-on-White violence needs to be organized nationwide. And no-one should ever forget the part played in this ongoing White abuse and genocide by the Jew controlled media and their paid Cultural Marxist controlled media. Surely now after this latest criminal Black outrage against a defenceless young White man, White will now take to the streets and demand the justice that is now being denied them by the anti-White political Establishment. It is now or never for Whites in the US.
My son and his wife decided to open their home to three at risk youth who are trying to turn their lives around. My child and his wife never had children themselves, but felt a debt to pay back for those who did not have as much privilege as they did growing up. Their church set them up to receive the disadvantaged teenagers after their juvenile sentencing was over. The church was so nice that they even brought one straight from Africa! Unfortunately, he too, was a victim of the streets within weeks of his arrival. At any rate, this weekend will be the first trip for these sweet kids to come to my home.
In preparation for their visit I wanted to see what things I should have around the house to make sure these teens feel welcome and not alienated. I typed in "stuff black people like" to a search engine hoping there would be a list of essentials to procure and offer. I instead found this website. I clicked on the link, to make sure that I would not accidentally have a home full of "stuff black people DON'T like," and was absolutely amazed at the articles and comments.
Talk about disgusting, terrible, deplorable, irredeemable folks. You people are so bad. I can't believe anyone still thinks this way in our current year.
Rather than this being a website showing what black people don't like, it appears to be a website showing what people don't like about blacks! Very misleading. The next time my neighbors have their rabbi over, I am going to ask him if there is anything we can do or anywhere I can donate money to triumph over this kind of hate.
Obviously this is fake news. African Americans simply don't do things like this. It's contradictory to be racist and be black. I think this was a scheme by the 'white boy' to collect a GoFundMe lotto. He probably bribed the troubled, disenfranchised youths with free cocaine, which he obtained through white privilege. I think the victim should be subjected to the entire spectrum of psychological evaluation to determine if he really is mentally handicapped. And an investigation should be opened to determine if the victim has posted inflammatory remarks about mentally challenged people on social media. Posing as a mentally challenged person and creating a fake torture narrative could incite real violence against mentally challenged people as easy victims and also provoke a racist reaction against African Americans. I think the 'white boy' should be held on bail pending hate crime charges for inciting violence against special needs people and African Americans. Also we need to write all of our local congressmen and women and tell them Donald Trump is inspiring fake attacks and fake victimization by white folks in order to provoke real violence against minorities. Congress should consider passing legislation barring white folks from owning cell phones or unmonitored internet connectivity because of the potential for white folks to post fake news such as this to social media. Finally, we need to create a GoFundMe page for the troubled, confused youths in the video to help them recover from the PTSD flashbacks they will undoubtedly suffer from having been forced to participate in such a violent fake attack as well as the rehab costs for their cocaine addiction brought on by the white boy's actions. It is clear from this video that white folks are irredeemable and will stop at nothing to oppress and harass minorities, especially African Americans.
Racoon said...
Again, ZH is on top of the game:
An earlier attack:
They's got to be preddy damm pissed about something...
January 5, 2017 at 12:27 AM
I`ve heard it said that lions are the fiercest when they sense the end is near. Perhaps their primal instincts are telling them something.
Stay alert, stay alive.
clearly satire---
Africa! Unfortunately, he too, was a victim of the streets within weeks of his arrival. At any rate, this weekend will be the first trip for these sweet kids to come to my home.
Anonymous @ 7:06 A.M. You took a horrible day and gave me a good laugh. Welcome. Although I'm sure you've been here with the rest of us deplorables and irredeemables for a while.
chicago can be the indian-like-reservation for the ooks.
The thugs who commit these crimes deserve life without parole no plea bargins no time off no work rlease no time off to visit family or reletives no visitations and no movie deals from Spike Lee Solitary confinment for life
Blacks with white technology in their grimy hands. What could go wrong? IDIOTS all. Go back to two cans and a string.
Anonymous said...
My son and his wife decided to open their home to three at risk youth who are trying to turn their lives around.
I instead found this website. I clicked on the link, to make sure that I would not accidentally have a home full of "stuff black people DON'T like," and was absolutely amazed at the articles and comments...
Talk about disgusting, terrible, deplorable, irredeemable folks. You people are so bad. I can't believe anyone still thinks this way in our current year.
Rather than this being a website showing what black people don't like, it appears to be a website showing what people don't like about blacks! Very misleading. The next time my neighbors have their rabbi over, I am going to ask him if there is anything we can do or anywhere I can donate money to triumph over this kind of hate.
You don't know Davey Blackburn, do you?
You think these comments are bad?! What most of us really think wont get past moderation...
Enjoy your diversity. Chances are good PK will be posting an article about your sad fate here at some point in the future.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Holy shit!
I'm so glad they recorded it themselves.
If a white person would've recorded it they would say it's manipulated!
Even the most liberal can't ignore this!🤔
"My son and his wife decided to open their home to three at risk youth who are trying to turn their lives around."
The cognitive dissonance of you liberals is just amazing. Juvenile sentencing != "sweet kids".
You will soon change your tune once they rob them blind and potentially murder them. They have let the fox into the henhouse and will get what they deserve. Good luck with your dangerous pets.
Single mother of three adopted children (2 nonwhite) and closeted lesbian + ULTRA Conservacuck and anti-racist pundit Laura Ingrahm is discussing the turrible turrible Chicago vahlaaaance with a black victricat and black apologist.
Blacks are experts on race relations doncha know. He is black-plaining it all to her racist crakkka ass. And she's agreeing with everything he says because she's actually a liberal, and white women like her have formed an alliance with the black men to bash racist white civilization and dismantle the patriarchy built upon white supremacy.
1. When he wuz in duh raycisss white man's skool, he did not learn the history of HIS people, just the history of slavery and racist white people. No one told him that dey wuz kangs and ROYALTY in African dynasties n sheeeeeit and so he grew up a distressed black boy with no self-exteem. The news of the black Kang-doms changed his life!
2. Dem black yoots in Chicago are knuckleheads and din't even du nothing because they don't have black fathers in the home.
3. Oh hell no, Laura says that teaching black kids about black history is "raycisss" because we are the human race and race-identity politics is a liberal racist idea. Black man tells her that would be true if white man was not in the position of power.
4. Democrats are the REAL racists. Lincoln, KKK, Robert Byrd, etc, says Laura. MMMMM HMMMMM.
5. We need mo dem programs and sheeeeit.
I hate her. TOTAL sellout.
Great that zuckerbug allows this material on fecesbook and yet won't allow gun sales.
Hate crime charges will NOT be filed against the ferals, no matter how egregious their crime.
"Brittney Covington"
aka "Brittney Herring"
"One where white people are a voiceless minority, dwindling in numbers, influencing, and power, with a group of non-whites and special interest groups seemingly united only by their hatred of whites. "
Yeah, well these non-Whites better be careful what they wish for. If Whites become a minority someday, the goose that laid the golden egg will have been killed. Non-Whites can kiss their first world standard of living goodbye along with their White funded social welfare. The Blacks will be the worst off as the non-White Hispanics and Asians won't give a damn about them. You'll have various racial/ethnic groups at each others throats fighting for what's left in 3rd world America and it won't be pretty. Blacks will be wishing for old YT back.
Wow, the censors are a bit over the top this fine day.
KING: Don't use Chicago's white assault case against BLM movement
Why ever not Shaun King? he gets PAID to write this hateful column.
He blathers on:
This country does not need me to speak out on crimes committed by black folk because nobody in this country is held more responsible for the crimes they commit, and even the crimes they don’t commit, than black folk in America. Right now, young black men in America are incarcerated at a rate higher than South Africans were at the height of Apartheid.
the height of Apartheid, the good old days....
Anonymous said
........Talk about disgusting, terrible, deplorable, irredeemable folks. You people are so bad. I can't believe anyone still thinks this way in our current year.
I'm not even going to point out the irony in your post so I'll just ask three questions:
1) Where were you born & raised (including neighborhood)?
2) What schools did you attend?
3) What type of black interaction did you have growing up?
Question 3 is a gimme. If you had to google "things black people like", it's safe to assume the answer is NONE!
Here is another video link, more graphic footage. **WARNING***
These monkeys are violent SAVAGES and should not be walking free in white society.
Nice Parody. Unfortunately, People do actually think this way.
Totally agree, Standup Broad. I couldn't get past more than two minutes. The level of revulsion was so deep while I was watching it, I almost started to dry heave (and I am not that delicate when faced with something violent). In other words, I've seen a lot - but nothing that touched me on this level.
Having worked with children, old people, the mentally challenged, and abused, rescued animals, I cannot describe the contempt I hold for anyone who takes advantage of and purposefully harms someone who is weaker than themselves, not to mention the absolute delight they take inflicting pain and torture. Let us not forget Amanda Blackburn, who despite being pregnant, heroically fought off her killers. Being pregnant was her main disadvantage in being targeted. At least she had youth on her side, something many of us on this thread no longer possess.
They have the unmitigated balls to call us deplorables. The day of reckoning is coming. I am ashamed that I have not done anything to obtain my concealed carry permit. The only thing that will stop these monstrous negroes and their (((handlers))) is some hot lead right between the eyes. For those who remain asleep, war has been declared, and so far, only one side is fighting (and winning).
Good luck with your little house guest, you virtue signalling race traitor blind fool. Sure, there is hate on this blog—hate for all the damage, destruction, pain, rape, robbery, and murder that we enjoy thanks to your cherished species. How blind must you be to post a response condemning us on A STORY AS BAD AS THIS??
Keep telling us how great you are.
Heh heh.... next weeks headline here PK. "Well-meaning SJW robbed and barbecued by 3 "at risk" youths straight outta sentencing" .
Another sickening case. I really hope this wakes some people up. It's our job to help spread this. I pray for the victim and his family, God please Bless them. I also pray for the "teens" that did this. I pray that God Blesses them as well. Blesses them with extremely painful retribution. One day the dam will break on BRA, I just pray it's sooner than later...
NC Guy
This is NOT ...I repeat NOT !!!!!!!!! a hate crime....because this was a special needs victim. Also.....because THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA says it aint a hate crime. F**k white people... f**k Trump.
Black violence against whites. A recent history.
"Violent tests of dominance and subjugation are integral to hood culture. Being “skurred” (scared) is grounds for, ironically, beatings. Anyone who has lived in the same area as hood blacks, or gone to public schools they attend, has profited overabundantly from the delightful “enrichment” they offer to civic life. Those who don’t adopt the affectations of hood culture for self-defense are threatened in the hallways, the cafeteria, and the classroom alike. Why would blacks observe a cultural imperative to subjugate white people? A dangerous question, with an even more dangerous, if patently obvious, answer."
AFFH is a key component in this story. The victim is from far northwest suburban Crystal Lake, which is in McHenry county. He was abducted in Streamwood, IL which is in far northwest suburban Cook county. One of the abductors seemed to know the victim from school. It appears the abducting negro was most likely living in Streamwood with granny, auntie or some other fambly so as to enroll in said school. Obviously, the negro kidnapper is a suburban transplant from the shittiest part of Chicago's west side, because they took him back to their Homan Square nest to torture him. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in action.
Also, keep in mind that the Cook County States Attorney's office is now run by a Marilyn Moseby clone named Kimesha Foxx. So don't expect much in the way of justice. Cook County government's mindset from top down is "too many black people in jail."
Once again the so called extermists were right to quote Frank Roman of western voices. It's all over drudge. If this don't wake up ALOT more Whites then I don't know what will.
January 5, 2017 at 7:06 AM
Satire. Quite well done this one.
This is why it must be proven that Obama was never eligible to be President.Those judges he appointed to the Federal bench must be removed with all deliberate speed.
In the old west in the 1860's to 1880's, Congress instituted a payment system for settlers who were victimized by the Indians. It was known as Indian depredation payments. A similar plan needs to be developed for the negros, Negro depredation payments.
Masterful satire.
Mr Turner
Send some money to black lives matter,they are a peaceful,understanding organization that promotes love for all human beings.
The above articles are true examples of black hysteria month. Cut ALL monies that feed, house, assist and pay for the BIRFS of these animals. Starve the beast to extinction. Let the multi million and billion dollar AFLEETS and Entertainers voluntarily pay for their KINGS and QUEENS needs. Speaker of the house Paul Ryan states all fed funding for planned parenthood to stop on repeal of Obongocare....What a dumb move, Planned Parenthood is the greatest crime fighting organization in US history. IN 2 years he and McConnell must get voted out. REAL white conservatives are needed.
Hey PK, hey gang!! President Trump here...
Love your site and just wanted to break some news here; maybe Drudge will link it and help with your readership.
I am about to announce that I am inviting the young man who was tortured on Facebook live by the four NAPAs to my inauguration January 20th. He and his family will get front row seats. I will also use his name and this horrible story in my inaugural address. I will use it as an example of the intolerance we need to address in this country of orcs for YT.
You're welcome.
Laura Ingrahm?????
PK, keep an eye on this story when it goes to court. Jury will be from Chicago so probably major n*gger infested. They'll let their fellow orcs walk.
That's our cue to rise up.
In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue... natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance.
Today was a good day for race realism. Many, many eyes were opened. As its been said before, blacks are their own worst enemy. Giving them cameras was a stroke of genius.
Stay alert, stay alive.
What should Trump's tweet be about this crime?
Libtards are FREAKING!!
Spread the hashtag #BLMKidnapping.
Refer to this event as the "Black Lives Matter kidnapping/torture of a disabled White man".
That's it! Black Lives Matter supporters kidnapped and tortured (and filmed - dumb orcs!) a White mentally disabled man.
Spread the word!!
Every cop on the street in Chicago knows what is going on and who is to blame. But the department is so infiltrated with "the protected ones" the street cops know no one "has their back".
If they do anything MSM will crucify them. So with no upper echelons to stand up for them and a media all too ready to label them racist, who wouldn't just say "fuck it"?
There is no place in law enforcement for politics. The CPD is over run with politics and no one can call a spade a spade anymore without 13 levels of approval.
So this is what happens and will happen again.
Shit-faced liberals are gonna have one hell of a hangover, starting 2 weeks from tomorrow. In terms of any "manscaping", I really DON'T want to know.
Meanwhile, the beat goes on, with 56 shootings (8 KIA) so far in Mordor-on-the-Lake. They really are just like us.
I really hope this is sarcasm, my sister in-law tried fostering some african keeds. She was physically, emotionally and financially ruined before she sent them back to foster care. She almost lost her teaching degree trying to help these 2 keeds. She is still a sjw.
Ohio born
Why don't you check out a website called "".
Don't expect it would change your mind at all, but I'd like to hear your comments.
Yup, white man's invention will be the cause of their extinction.
Christopher Newsome. You are not forgotten
Class is in session. Quiz for the day:
Did this sort of black-on-white torture-kidnapping occur:
1) When there were sundown towns in America?
2) When blacks had to sit in the back of the bus?
3) When Bull Conner was Commissioner of Public Safety?
4) All of the above?
5) None of the above?
Pay attention, you will be tested.
Does anyone think the videos will ever be shown to a jury? Doesn't matter. Will never get that far. They'll plea to some minor misdemeanor, and be released for time served.
Maybe someone in the family can then find justice. The government and justice are strangers to each other.
I listened to Laura Ingraham briefly. I soon realized she had issues with men. Daddy issues. Guess feminists and cucks dig her, though.
President Trump!!!!
Your country is waiting...!
The Negroes specifically targeted you and this poor White man in their torture video. You need to respond...
Please.... your people await word...
Trump tweet:
"Black dysfunction = black genetics. We'll expose. And act. #MAGA. Stand by..."
The little sheboon had a $1500 bail. The detectives on the case dont know if he went along willingly with one of the car thief/future homicide stats that beat him. They are not sure if it was a hate crime. This is the time that Whites who are sickened by this to stand up and demand that all involved are prosecuted to the fullest degree. And if this is not the case then it is our time to protest. Don't be surprised by vigilantism. Do not accept any ruling handed down by A.G. Loretta Lynch. That is if she even does anything other than refuse to charge them. Obama may pardon them as a last thumb jab to White America's eye.
Go to Democratic Underground. You'll see for yourself that they can and will make excuses for those Africans.
Female in FL
I guess it takes time but Anonymous January 5, 2017 at 7:06 AM is a troll. Stop feeding satire.
Anonymous said, "My son and his wife decided to open their home to three at risk youth who are trying to turn their lives around." And this Talk about disgusting, terrible, deplorable, irredeemable folks. You people are so bad. I can't believe anyone still thinks this way in our current year.
rex freeway said, Good luck with your liberal ideology. I would love to insure your life. Talk about sure pay.
Off topic....but equally important... the house negro muslim leader pulls yet ANOTHER version of TNB.....will re-locate (release) some of the worst terrorists the world has known. As if ignoring what happened in this story isn't bad enough. Read about here
Hate crime charges filed! Fox News actually said 4 blacks attacked a white! I think it's the Trump effect-and I want to see more of it.
Lol!This is great.Come on you guys you know this is satire ,right.
. I typed in "stuff black people like" to a search engine hoping there would be a list of essentials to procure and offer.
After this story there should be 100,000 comments!!
Total outrage!
People, only answer is Back 2 Africa!
Use that shorthand...
I noticed that scott pelley of the cbs evening news couldn't make it tonight for the days news. The liberal negro loving bastard had a complete meltdown when he found out that the msm was going to do a story on what this article is about.
And to make matters worse, you have shit-for-brains officials such as Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, who has been not only been extremely lax with regard to officer safety for his people at the jail, but has actually been shutting down whole sections of the complex. There is also the recent election of Kimesha Foxx to be the Cook County State's Attorney. Both Dart and Foxx have made plenty of statements about "disparate impact" and there being "too many black and brown people in jail."
The table is totally fucking tilted. The cops get no support from City Hall, the media, the command ranks of CPD, the judges and the prosecutors and can't even get any backup from FOP Lodge 7, which is the local union for Chicago cops. Who in their right fucking mind is going to be "proactive" or "hard-charging" in that environment?
On the sidebar of the front page over at
there is a laundry list of department issues raised by the blog author: training and equipment, hiring and retention, "merit" promotions versus promotions based on test scores, inadequate and incompetent supervisors, a glaring deficit of FTOs (Field Training Officers), etc., etc., and so forth.
Here's the kicker: ALL of the blog posts mentioning these issues date from 2005. You read that correctly. CPD's slow motion collapse has been happening since the first year of GWB's second term, while the City was under the rule of King Richard II.
This is simply the final stage of a cancer that was ALLOWED to spread unchecked. At this point, the South and West sides should just be burned to the ground. Form up a few Einsatzgruppen and turn them loose with flamethrowers, fragmentation grenades and SAW-249s. Either that, or have the Rogue One version of Darth Vader take over as CPD Superintendent.
I really hope this is sarcasm,[I think that it was IRONY or Satire]
my sister in-law tried fostering some african keeds. She was physically, emotionally and financially ruined before she sent them back to foster care. She almost lost her teaching degree trying to help these 2 keeds. She is still a sjw.
Ohio born can distance himself, even further. you cant fix some stupid people/
If not for planned parenthood, this country would have capsized 25 years ago. Imagine a country with not only the 50+ million extra people draining resources, but by now most of their offspring would be having offspring to add to an already overburdened welfare/school/workforce. We would realistically be at 1/2 billion population here in the states if each of the 50 million had 2 kids, and thekids each had 2. And judging from seeing the 20-something mama sows with their litters of niglets pushing carts around the grocery stores and walking down the street, I think not enough of them are utilizing planned parenthood.
Yahoo had a link to thisstpry, and even though they tried to give as little info as possible anout the perps, people in the comment section of the article were calling them out on it, and filling in the real details of the story. Most of the comments read like the comment section on here, which is nice to see.
This "multicultural" experiment has failed miserably long ago. You can not take an enslaved group of people, free them, and then hope to integrate them into a civilized culture. Especially when considering that these two groups, the enslaved and the proprietors of the given civilization, are so fundamentally different. Blacks and whites simply can NOT co-exist in the same society peacefully. And it's because of the whole slavery thing. Blacks will always seek to dominate whites and control them. They look for revenge at every turn and have an expectation of submission from whites. They see it as a due and required element from any relationship that blacks and whites may ever have and can not see past this paradigm. They teach it to their children generation after generation and it get more intense, violent, and demanding with every passing decade. Now, with the election of president Trump they have found yet another reason to justify their brutality against whites. Its only going to get worse.
Shaun King is a fuckin asshole. Wonder when he's going to write about the 70,000 whites murdered by blacks in s Africa since the mid '90s.
Perhaps you did not predict it but it is not suprising. The climate that has been created causes them to feel they can act this way with total confidence. No one, after all can be a racist except for a white male.
"My son and his wife decided to open their home to three at-risk youth who are trying to turn their lives around."
These people remind me of stories about people who collect poisonous reptiles, i.e. snakes, Gila Monsters and such. Sooner or later all that loving and caring usually comes to a quick terrifying end for ALL.
Don't hesitate to get your concealed carry permit, they offer classes at most gun shows, it's a pretty basic class and takes up a few hours in the afternoon. The class just glosses over the basics and it's up to you to continue your training, get a gun you are comfortable with, learn how to use it and go practice at the range (try to go at least once a month). A lot of gun stores offer a more in depth class, which usually cost a little more, but are worth it in the long run because they provide more one on one time and better instruction. Especially for stuff that occurs in the real world like gun jams, draw and fire, multiple attackers, etc. It's not about being the next Dirty Harry, but being able to protect yourself in a life or death situation, and hopefully it never comes to that, but if it does, you need to be prepared to be the survivor of it. Especially since I really enjoy your posts.
The awakening of our youth, while still nascent, is evolving. He's still young (naive), yet his moment of negro awareness is coming into its own.
"Why ever not Shaun King? he gets PAID to write this hateful column.
He blathers on:
This country does not need me to speak out on crimes committed by black folk because nobody in this country is held more responsible for the crimes they commit, and even the crimes they don’t commit, than black folk in America. Right now, young black men in America are incarcerated at a rate higher than South Africans were at the height of Apartheid."
What a joke and totally false. Black Americans are held the least responsible for their crimes. Blacks are in jail at higher rates for one reason only, because they commit crime at higher rates, plain and simple. America tries everything to excuse them and keep them out of jail and they get off with little or no repercussions for all the hate crimes they commit against Whites whereas if a White looks at a Black the wrong way, they're sent to death row. Think of how much lower crime would be in America if there were no Blacks?
Well said.
Gen. Ripper
" Right now, young black men in America are incarcerated at a rate higher than South Africans were at the height of Apartheid."
This is easy. During apartheid, Whites would not put up with bad Black behavior in South Africa just like Whites didn't during the segregation era South. As such, Blacks didn't commit crime at anywhere close to what is happening today and crime rates were low then because Black criminals knew damn well it wouldn't be tolerated. Today, this is no longer true, Blacks in both South Africa and the USA coddle Blacks and crime among Blacks is rampant in both countries. As such, there are a lot more Blacks in jail in the USA today because Blacks commit a lot more crime in America today because they are allowed to run amok whereas in apartheid S. Africa, Blacks weren't allowed to get away with crime so didn't commit nearly as much of it.
Jury will be from Chicago so probably major n*gger infested. They'll let their fellow orcs walk.
As I observed on Gab earlier today, these orcs are stupid. It will be very easy to lure them to some rendezvous with promises of weed, alcohol, or other fun. Giving them something stronger than they expect will knock them out, and then... whatever.
I hope that whoever does this just makes them disappear and shoots no video. There should be NOTHING that can feed the SJW narrative, especially not documentary evidence.
But these orcs may actually be more useful alive. I've seen people hinting at firm connections to actual BLM, and per Gab the CPD was finally forced to admit that this was a hate crime. This may be just the ticket to pry open the financing and control of BLM and go after Soros, and the people with and behind Soros.
If we can destroy Soros and all his foundations, it'll do far more than just take down BLM. It'll make sure that there won't be anything like BLM ever again.
"Single mother of three adopted children (2 nonwhite) and closeted lesbian + ULTRA Conservacuck and anti-racist pundit Laura Ingrahm is discussing the turrible turrible Chicago vahlaaaance with a black victricat and black apologist. "
And, not incidentally, she's a Christian fanatic, just like all the other big name non-Jews on the so-called right.
America has been on the wrong course since its founding on the race question, and it's time to recognize the role that Christianity has played in this. Yes, the Founders were Christians and owned negro slaves, but most of these men felt guilty about it. George Washington, for example, freed his slaves upon his death. Who knows how many crimes have been committed by their descendants? It's even possible that these very negroes in this torture story are some of them. Jefferson lived with a negro woman and freed the children he had with her when he passed. He thought all negroes were "destined to be free", as he put it in his autobiography. Christian religious fanatics agitated for the Civil War to set all the monkeys loose, and they touted it as a second American Revolution, aimed at putting fully into practice the famous clause "all men are created equal" found in the Declaration of Independence. Shortly thereafter a Christian America amended their Constitution to give these animals full citizenship and the vote. Jim Crow and segregation are recurring themes on this site, but these were only what in stock market parlance would be called contra-trend rallies, stopgap measures that were doomed to fail. The problem is the underlying world view fostered by the Christian religion, which sees racial differences as unimportant.
Meanwhile, the racial right is too busy checking under its beds for (((bogeymen))) and, of all things, defending Christianity. No wonder the situation only gets worse and worse. No wonder the trend has been uniformly in one direction ever since the Civil War. People who can't admit where the problem comes from will never solve it. Just like Laura Ingraham, they will continue being complicit in their own genocide.
With the average skreet dindu i.q. of 8 they would immediately think of a liquor store smith and wesson off of mlk blvd. Ammo up.
"Blacks and whites simply can NOT co-exist in the same society peacefully. And it's because of the whole slavery thing."
WRONG, it's because of genetics. Homo Africanus is NOT Homo Sapiens.
We are like Golden Retrievers and they are like feral hyenas.
Laura Ingraham's brother was known publicly to be gay and HIV-positive as far back as late 1990s. She is part of the Glenn Beck Cuck Crew.
Gen. Ripper
"Mordor on the lake"
This wins the internets today!
I agree. Go to any Wal-Mart,see if you can spot any black or brown women over 25 without any kids.
Loretta Lynch is Eric Holder with a vagina.
If your neighborhood is besieged by aggressive dogs, after a while, you stop hating the dogs and confront their owner. When will the negroe's handlers be confronted?
I saw the news article with the mug shots. The bucks look rabid. Same action should be taken with a quick dispatching.
This whole incident is full of jaboonery, right down to the females kicking down the neighbors' door for complaining about the noise.
This is easy. During apartheid, Whites would not put up with bad Black behavior in South Africa just like Whites didn't during the segregation era South. As such, Blacks didn't commit crime at anywhere close to what is happening today and crime rates were low then because Black criminals knew damn well it wouldn't be tolerated. Today, this is no longer true, Blacks in both South Africa and the USA coddle Blacks and crime among Blacks is rampant in both countries. As such, there are a lot more Blacks in jail in the USA today because Blacks commit a lot more crime in America today because they are allowed to run amok whereas in apartheid S. Africa, Blacks weren't allowed to get away with crime so didn't commit nearly as much of it.--Anonymous
Even worse, it's essentially a land and wealth grab by the blacks in S. Africa, where Julius Malema and the communist EFF are demanding expropriation of White farms and businesses, and basically coming out to say if that doesn't happen..."One Bullet, One Boere," to quote their favorite song. All these farm murders, I've read statements that link it to the ANC and Jacob Zuma, who is tight I suppose with Mugabe, who also expropriated White farms in Zimbabwe, bringing about starvation and economic disaster in his infinite wisdom. BTW, the "happy happy" Rainbow Nation now has 116 RACE LAWS, effectively cutting about a third of the White population OUT of the workforce. Don't you just love socialist equality?
Basically WHITES ARE BEING RAPED AND SLAUGHTERD ALL OVER THE WORLD. From S. Africa, to Stockholm, to Cologne, to good ol' USA. Will our people survive? Only if they wake up before it is too late.
Have thought a bit over a thread a few days ago about police officers "standing down" in high crime areas because of possible shootings and the trouble that may follow.
Seems like cops should relearn classical conditioning in Psychology 101, paying particular attention to the section about Pavlov's dog. Even the stupidest black learns the outcome (reward) is freedom to murder, rape, beat, sell drugs and rob if they kill a cop.
The expected outcome seems to be that blacks will tire of the thrills and monetary awards of this mayhem and will eventually welcome the return of police presence in tandem with a two prong community and outreach program (cash).
One more thing. When I found SBPDL I was hoping to find some type of propellant to spray on my property to keep blacks away. Then I discovered most of the commenters seem to be in favor of going back to segregation. I thought, hm-mm, that will also work.
On another note I would like to see all hate crime laws removed from the books. Hate laws only serve to get additional prosecution for what someone white was thinking during a crime they may not have been convicted of.
"When will the negroe's handlers be confronted?"
They can destroy us just for naming them. Their supposed suffering has rewarded them tenfold.
Your not lying about the "being set up " part pal. ( I perfer I.M.Klewlesses brand of satire to yours )
Isn't it ironic that FaceBook video tech and Obama's welfare smartphones enabled an end run around the MSM black-on-white-violence coverup?
Hi Tom B, thank you. There is so much to say about the blacks and the similarity between SA and the USA. If you think the press is treating Mr Trump badly, try being a South African. Let me start with a few stats. Between 1948 and 1991 (43 years) Apartheid was in existence, there was a total of 78 deaths in detention. In the year 2011/2012 there was over 900 deaths in detention. No out cry from the press, nothing at all. In 1976 the year of the Soweto riots, there was more new cars in Soweto than any other place in Africa and that includes Egypt. They had the highest standard of living in Africa, a heart operation was done for them in Baragwana Hospital for less than $50. The houses the apartheid govt build for them is still standing, a prized possession to those who have one. Did you know that during the apartheid era that the black population increased by over 900%. Things must have been terrible for them.
The thing is, Mr Verwoerd, understood black people. He did not hate them, like myself. Seriously we dont hate blacks. We understand them. Black and white in the african sense are just not compatible. He tried to create 2 separate civilisations, one black and one white. But like your American forefathers, who should have picked their own cotton, mine should have cleaned their own houses and do their own gardening.
Sometimes when I see the destruction of my country and I see clips of unrest in Sweden etc I smile because Karma is a real bitch.
"Unscripted blackness in all its glory" is how Mr. Kersey characterized this on Renaissance Radio.
I saw one still of the man in the corner and had to throw up. I haven't seen the video and will not be seeing it.
That shits starting to lose it''s power. The words racist and nazi have NO power here.
Mr Turner
When Trayvon was shot Obama was crying and siding with his family. Do these people look like the children you never had? Where is he to express his outrage over this? As a father of a mentally handicapped child I DEMAND his answer to this
These vids make me physically ill. The worst part is how much they are enjoying it.
I hate watching people get beat up. Yet they love it. Freaking animals.
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