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More so, pick up a copy of "The Truth About Selma: What Happened When the Cameras Left and the Marching Stopped" for paperback today!:
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Out now! "The Truth About Selma: What Happened When the Cameras Left and the Marching Stopped" |
"The racial violence of the past is largely gone, replaced by a flood of drug-related, black-on-black crime that dwarfs the violence of Jim Crow." -- New York Times, 8-2-1994
Every year, elected officials at the federal and state level along with celebrities, make the pilgrimage to now 80% black Selma, Alabama to recreate the famed march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
Paying homage to the Civil Rights struggle, this march is highly publicized and promoted by the mainstream media, Hollywood and public schools to produce maximum volumes of white guilt across America, reminding them they must forever atone for their ancestors inequities.
But once the cameras leave and the marching ends, what remains behind in the city of Selma, completely dominated by black elected/appointed officials is a reminder of the collective fears the architects of Jim Crow and restrictive covenants long held for their posterity.
"The Truth About Selma" provides the reality of what the Civil Rights struggle actually brought to the city.The Truth About Selma: What Happened when the Cameras Left and the Marching Stopped is also available for Kindle! You can secure your signed copy now by donating $25 (via PayPal link on right-hand side of site) today!
Don't forget: for a donation of $230.00, you can get EVERY book by Paul Kersey signed!
A books thats sure to brreak some very popular myths spread by the history revisionists and the Hollywood bunch who have already made fake docunentries about selma
There was FAR less violence during Jim Crow because THOSE LAWS WORKED.
310 off topic
via drudge retort and cs monitor
the image at cs monitor is a hoot--all the gals have conked hair--no nappy hairdos
January 16, 2017 —Hundreds of young girls are getting free tickets to see the box office hit movie “Hidden Figures,” thanks to the work of several separate efforts around the country.
The film, which follows the true story of three black women working at NASA during the early Space Race, has received acclaim from both critics and fans. But for many, it’s more than just a movie. From a young, aspiring astronaut, to actresses, to public school teachers, many fans appreciate the film for not only for its educational or entertainment value, but also its compelling representations of black women as powerful, educated individuals, shifting perceptions of a segment of the population that has long been underscored or discredited in both history and popular culture.
The film has soared to the top of the box office with ticket sales passing those of “La La Land,” which won seven Golden Globes last week. “Hidden Figures” was projected to have raked in nearly $60 million, in total, by the close of the long weekend, only its second in wide release.
Stationed at Craig AFB in the late 60's, town was a dump then even. I remember the sidewalks in the downtown had elevated sidewalks, probably because of the heavy rains, there were these old fashioned scales all along it. I'm certain they were sold for scrap years ago. they called that area "the black belt" because of the soil.
In response to 7:43, I tried to find what the math she did which was such that only SHE could do it and did not find too much clarification on her contribution. In one article, it mentioned she calculated a parabolic curve or obit versus an elliptical one. Any math major should be able to do that! The Greeks invented the conic sections and their study. I am actually reviewing this in my spare time on my own. It is called "Analytic Geometry."
People such as the lady who was the so called human calculator have been replaced by computers. This will never happen again. Glenn would have plugged some numbers into a computer program and got his trajectory. Yes...we used to have to do the number crunching on our own.
There is a pretty big difference between a parabolic curve versus an elliptical one. In case one, it would be like throwing a ball in the air and observing in go up and then down. In case two, an ellipse has two foci and a point that orbits those foci. However, in the case of our sun, I read that it is used as the focus to determine the orbit of planets. Kepler discovered the nexus between the orbits of planets and the ellipse; not a black person.
If anybody can show me what she did that no other mathematician could do I will listen. Otherwise, this is just a feel good story for black women. The woman was doing what she was hired to do and does not deserve a medal for that.
If anybody can show me what she did that no other mathematician could do I will listen.
Ah, but she did it while black. You see, as a black woman, she overcame racism, prejudice, segregation, bigotry, Jim Crow, lynch mobs and Bull Conner to do mathematics.
No doubt she also walked across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in her spare time.
Otherwise, this is just a feel good story for black women.
This is so.
Be interesting to see how many black women now sign up for advanced math courses.
The woman was doing what she was hired to do and does not deserve a medal for that.
It does say something about the low expectations for blacks in general that doing some high school level math can become award winning. i.e., performing to moderate White standards is considered the Great Leap Forward.
OT: Pittsburgh shopping mall sells at foreclosure for whopping $100.00
At least one of the commenters figured out why....
...many fans appreciate the film for not only for its educational or entertainment value, but also its compelling representations of black women as powerful, educated individuals, shifting perceptions of a segment of the population that has long been underscored or discredited in both history and popular culture.
And what, pray tell, would "discredit" black women in the popular culture? Could it be their c. 75% illegitimacy rate? Their inability to graduate from taxpayer funded schools? Their endless race hustling? Their cheering on gangbangers, driveby shooters and flashmobbers as they trash yet another American city?
Yes, there is a feelgood aspect to this movie. And if it encourages even a hundred black women to stay in school and learn a useful skill, it might be helpful. Assuming that they are not pushed through a math program on AA grounds. But really, the entire "positive role model" thing has failed to produce much in the way of positive results for black men. Look at all the telescreen numinous blacks, and then consider the state of Detroit, Selma, and etc.
It does say something that after 60 years of integration, blacks are still striving for standards which were once met by white high school students.
Hoping your book sales rise with current events- I liked your article over at VDARE.
As an aside, anyone here ever dream of visiting romantic and picturesque Paris? Well that is all that it will ever be now that dindu diversity has swamped the place. Asian tourist numbers are down by hundreds of thousands since last year as their governments advise them to go to Russia instead of France. Something to do with being regularly violently assaulted and robbed in broad daylight near world class tourist attractions.
Anonymous January 18, 2017 at 10:08 AM:
Coincidentally, I recently read an interesting book called "The Rise of the Rocket Girls" about the women who worked at Jet Propulsion Lab in Southern California back in the late '50s and on into the '60s. They were mostly quite young, with a single older woman serving as their supervisor. They were called "calculators" and they spent their days doing fairly routine mathematical calculations. (This was before mechanical, and then electronic, calculators were even invented.) They didn't actually derive any formulas themselves. They simply plugged numbers into formulas provided to them. They did this over and over and over all day long. Given a formula for a trajectory or an orbit, they'd recalculate it with every possible value of every variable. It was tedious work that -- frankly -- the male engineers and scientists didn't want to do. The women were chosen for their attention to detail, their accuracy, and their willingness to do the work for hours on end. And they loved it! Aside from the feeling of accomplishment, there was a comradery among the women and between the male and female employees. And, yes, there was one black woman "calculator." She was really no different from the others -- she was good at math and enjoyed it. There were a couple of Asians, especially as the years wore on, but most "calculators" were white. (All of the male employees were white.) The business about secret Negro geniuses leading the space program is, of course, hogwash.
"The business about secret Negro geniuses leading the space program is, of course, hogwash."
As has been demonstrated over and over again, particularly throughout American history, what is true is often less important than what people wish were true.
I think that the looney left has lost their collective minds. Getting so disgusted with the rhetoric and antics. My teeth are clenched and they won't un clench. We might be in for a very long four years. Does anyone see a bright spot in all this chaos and mayhem? Seems almost as if blacks can't accept a white man as president.
I work with many black women. Some of them are nice enough and a few seem to even be somewhat intelligent. I am always amused when 4 or 5 of them discuss what fast food establishment they will be getting lunch from and figuring out how much money each of them owe.
Of topic
Virginia is executing the demon Ricky Gray.
I wish they lethal injected bleach into his ass😠
Asians and Indians quietly assimilate into white society and do very well for themselves. Eventually their children do even better. Asians are listed as being the top income earners now over whites.
Meanwhile, the blacks whine and expect success to be handed to them. This is why they fail;always have and always will. I've spoken to African and Island blacks that have been here for a short time and they scratch their heads over the victim and lazy mentality of the American negro. Good job liberals!
On a space-related Faceberg group, someone brought up their opinion that this was such an inspiring movie that teachers should bring their students to see. It was then pointed out that students would get far more from building and launching their own model rockets or other science activities than from being parked in a movie theater for 90 minutes.
I get the sense that this book/film are really being pushed.
I wonder what books will be written about Washington D.C. after Friday. It'll be fun to watch.
"The bell cannot be unrung. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding."
We knew this was coming though right ? Obama must take his basketball and go home now.
With regards to:
" Anonymous said...
In response to 7:43, I tried to find what the math she did which was such that only SHE could do it and did not find too much clarification on her contribution"
Its was a high school geometry problem she solved - since she was the youngest of the group she had been the one who most recently had taken the geometry class so they asked her to do the equation.
This is basically something that 10th graders now learn in high school. Leave it to Hollywood to glorify the most menial of tasks. Whats next a magic janitor who's mop bucket predicted the future?
The sort of equations these "calculators" were asked to solve were probably trivial.
Per Newton, the centripetal acceleration of a circular path is a = v²/r.
Acceleration from gravity at distance r from the primary of mass M is a = GM/r²
Solve for a circular orbit, v²/r = GM/r² -> v² = GM/r -> v = √(GM/r)
This is literally 7th-grade algebra.
In the BRA-modeled school system we have in our most Democratic Party run state, math is no longer graded in K thru 12, instead math homework is marked correct as long as it has been finished when turned in. Also, thanks to a pedophilic and gay former MSM journalist who has been placed as administrative head of our local college, all remedial math and literacy courses have been cut by more than 75%. The reason? Many students failed to teach basic 100 level math and English competency even after completing five semesters of remedial work.
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