When this venture was started, never did anyone involved anticipate it would become such an important destination for learning on the internet, not just about Stuff Black People Don't Like, but learning in general.
Without any marketing dollars behind this website, we have attracted 500 + unique visitors a day, for two weeks straight, and our page views continue to rise. Our subject matter can be difficult for some to digest, as learning about the Stuff Black People Don't Like can be a treacherous road to traverse and is difficult for many to undertake.
It has been our goal to bring to the world the definitive list of what irks and irritates Black people and we have been grateful to receive a lot of wonderful emails with suggestions for future material. Keep them coming! And you can post your comments too underneath every entry.
Now, we ask a simple favor. If you enjoy this site, email a friend the link to our site; if you run a blog, post a link directing your readers to our site; if you post in forums - any forums - start a topic about Stuff Black People Don't Like to help direct traffic to us; and if you want to get a lot of traffic to our site, go to www.craigslist.org and then in the personal sections (of the town you live in) click on rants/raves and start a topic about our website.
And of course, follow us on Twitter, at http://twitter.com/stfblckpledntlk
Exciting changes our coming to this site and we will continue to update the growing list of Stuff Black People Don't Like daily.
We'll continue to do our job in helping educating not just the United States, but the world, about Black people and the stuff they don't like. All we ask is that you help get the word out!
The Editor of Stuff Black People Don't Like
Will do! Great website. Keep them coming.
Here's a suggestion: John Wayne
another suggestion- (I can't believe you didn't already cover this one) - WALKING on SIDEWALKS!
What is the aversion to walking on sidewalks, no matter how busy the road?
Or how about pulling off the road INSTEAD OF stopping/parking on busy thoroughfares to drop someone off or just to BS with someone passing by?
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