What exactly is Superman renouncing? |
In 2006's
Superman Returns, a boring and uninspired sequel to
Superman 2, the Man of Steel has been gone for five years on a soul-searching mission back to his home planet hoping to find some sign of Krypton. Upon his return to earth, the editor of
The Daily Planet has a meeting with his entire staff and demands each section to devote coverage to Superman,
ending his commands with this:
"Does he still stand for truth, justice, all that stuff?" he says.
The New York Times pointed out that so-called right-wing blogs went nuts that the film-makers would dare omit "truth, justice, and the American way," for isn't Superman the
ultimate embodiment of Americana?:
The most recent incarnation to use the 1950's phrase was the 1978 Christopher Reeve movie, "Superman." When Lois first interviews the Man of Steel, she asks why he's here, and he responds straight-faced: "I'm here to fight for truth, justice and the American way." It's the first time Superman himself ever uses the phrase — a bold move considering how cynical the country had become after the Vietnam War and Watergate. That cynicism is reflected in Lois's response: "You're going to end up fighting every elected official in this country!
Some people are now objecting to the fact that "Superman Returns" omits the phrase. Perry White asks his reporters to find out more about the Man of Steel after his five-year absence. "Does he still stand for truth, justice, all that stuff?" he says. Right-wing blogs are already red-faced at the slight.
There's no reason to be upset. Superman is right back where he began: fighting a never-ending battle for truth and justice. That should be enough to occupy any man. Even a Superman.
Now comes word that Superman has renounced his citizenship in
Action Comics #900:
The key scene takes place in "The Incident," a short story in Action Comics #900 written by David S. Goyer with art by Miguel Sepulveda. In it, Superman consults with the President's national security advisor, who is incensed that Superman appeared in Tehran to non-violently support the protesters demonstrating against the Iranian regime, no doubt an analogue for the recent real-life protests in the Middle East. However, since Superman is viewed as an American icon in the DC Universe as well as our own, the Iranian government has construed his actions as the will of the American President, and indeed, an act of war.
It doesn't seem that he's abandoning those values, however, only trying to implement them on a larger scale and divorce himself from the political complexities of nationalism. Superman also says that he believes he has been thinking "too small," that the world is "too connected" for him to limit himself with a purely national identity. As an alien born on another planet, after all, he "can't help but see the bigger picture."
Having long been interpreted as a tool of the United States government (see Frank Miller's dystopian
Dark Knight Returns where a 50-year-old Batman is considered the number one threat of the USA and Ronald Reagan commands Superman to stop him once and for all), with the so-called
"racist" comic scribe Mark Millar even penning
Red Son, a version of the Superman story where he lands in the USSR instead of the USA and becomes an agent of the communist state, Superman's repudiation of his citizenship is somehow viewed as troublesome.
Salon has a
good article here.
When one understands that "the American way" in the 21st century means invading the world and inviting the world (thanks Steve Sailer for that one), why would any superhero distance themselves from this leftist ideology? Knowing that Marvel and DC (the two big comic publishing houses) are incredibly left-wing, what is really going on with this renouncing American citizenship by the illegal alien Kal-el, better known as Clark Kent?
DC comics killed off Batman, brought him back and in his short stint as a corpse, he decided to incorporate the
Batman franchise and appoint a Muslim as the guardian of France. Back in the early 2000s, in a move to make up for the lack of Black people in
Batman: The Animated Series and a strange attempt at making Lex Luthor, Superman's arch-enemy, Black in the 1997- 2000
Superman cartoon, DC made the Green Lantern character Black in the
Justice League cartoon. They did this because it wouldn't "be good to only have white people save the world." More on this below.
It seems superheroes are only fighting for social justice as opposed to some insidious force.
Racialicious pointed how
diversity in comics seems contrived, but the main point is the majority of the most popular superheroes have been around for more than 40 years and they were created when their actually was an American way to defend.
People seem to forget, but America was 90 percent white in 1964. That Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and most of the Justice League, plus most of the Marvel Universe characters are white is but a reflection that the idea of being an "American" actually meant something instead of some frivolous and undefinable word like a commitment to freedom.
In fact, we've reached the point where anyone hoping to defend "America" is obviously the villain in a comic book as reflected in The Punisher storyline with a character
called The Hate-Monger:
A new Hate-Monger appeared wearing a version of Captain America's uniform, and is seen murdering illegal immigrants, claiming "America belongs to Americans." This Hate-Monger and his organization were all wiped out by the Punisher, who wore his own version of the Captain America uniform for the occasion.
Is it a "white privilege" to have a bunch of white guys - created when the country was 90 percent white - as superheroes who go around saving the world? Black people have every opportunity to create iconic characters and
if they don't garner an audience, is that the fault of white comic book fans?
Back in 2001, Cartoon Network unveiled a
Justice League cartoon, complete with a much needed Black character. Instead of the traditional white Green Lantern, the Justice League now had a Black Green Lantern (not online, but published in the November 9, 2001 edition of
The Atlanta Journal Constitution):
He becomes the only major black character in the Cartoon Network’s (CN) regular lineup and one of the very few in any animated series.
Executives at CN, which is part of AOL Time Warner’s Atlanta-based Turner Broadcasting System, said they have sought to have more black characters in general but that they never suggested the Green Lantern character to the making “Justice League.”
Create and producer Bruce Timm, a sort of star in the confined world of superhero TV animation, said he chose a black superhero “so it wasn’t just a bunch of white guys saving the universe every day.”
Timm doesn’t think most viewers will give much thought to Green Lantern’s skin color. But, he added, “I would hope black audiences would watch those and say, ‘There is somebody I can relate to.’
More than 20 percent of the CN’s viewers are black.
It’s an effort that should be undertaken with sensitivity, said Linda Simensky, the network’s senior vice president of original animation. Cartoon characters are by nature extreme personalities, often ripe for mockery. “You don’t want your first lead African-American character on the network to be shown in a negative light,” she said.
The selection has irritated some superhero fans. “On one hand they are mad we aren’t using their favorite version of the character,” Timm said. “On the other hand they are accusing of us of being hopelessly P.C. (politically correct).”
Timm please guilty to that last one. “It’s is a P.C. kind of move, but I don’t think it hurts anything.”
Isn't it funny that Timm admits the move to make a Black Green Lantern was a purely 'P.C' move and that white people couldn't be seen saving the world alone?
Being an American doesn't mean that much anymore save doing everything possible to save the world while simultaneously doing everything possible to inundate your country with the rest of the world. Why Superman would object to this is beyond us at SBPDL.
Basically, we have become a
notion, not a nation. We a proposition nation, governed by a form of tyranny we call Black-Run America (BRA). That Superman has turned his back on this concept makes little sense, because by becoming an agent of the world he is fulfilling the new concept of "truth, justice, and the American way."
As you can tell, comic books are incredible politically correct, constantly trying to create new Black superheroes though
"Black books" continue to sell poorly.
The best way to market Black characters is to just change the race of an established character. Samuel L. Jackson plays the white Nick Fury in
Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and the upcoming
Thor, Captain America and
The Avengers.
The Black pimp in 1977's Superman |
You see, in this proposition America the continued presence of white people is a huge nuisance and eventually all superheroes will undergo racial alternations. Why invent new characters and new mythologies when making a Black Green Lantern and manufacturing positive images for Black people is a simple, yet P.C. move?
We've argued before that comic book movies saved Hollywood and big studios in the 2000s, yet most of these superheroes were of the white variety.
So goodbye Superman. Renouncing your American citizenship doesn't mean much to us, when the principles you'll fight for have become the primary notions behind what this nation has become.
We'll always remember the 1977
Superman film, which was made when this was still a country. That movie contained the immortal scene when Clark Kent changes into Superman for the first time and a Black pimp is (the only Black resident of Metropolis) is the first to spy the last son of Krypton in his outfit. The Black pimp comments to Superman, "that's a bad outfit," to which Superman politely states, "Excuse me," as he flies off to save Lois Lane.
Watch the clip here (starts at the 0:44 mark).
The script for the
Superman film
explains the scene as such:
An incredibly garish BLACK PIMP exits an alley doorway, stoned, stops in awe as he, sees: SUPERMAN in full costume heading towards him, determined.
Say, Jim! That is a bad outfit...
Excuse me...
With a burst or energy SUPERMAN rises from the ground, flies up into the night sky. The PIMP watches in wonder.
Wait a minute, Jim! Who's your tailor, baby?
Who cuts your threads?
Before the advent of Black Fictional Images in film (this started in the 1980s), that was the best Hollywood script writers could come up with for Black characters.
That incarnation of Superman actually stood for
"Truth, Justice, and the America."
Like most creatures real or fictional, Superman only forsakes that which has no value. American citizenship has been as debased as its currency.
What Kennedy, Bush, and Obama have done to our population, Helicopter Ben has done to our money supply. We now have millions of worthless citizens to complement our trillions of (increasingly) worthless dollars. Zimbabwe is the logical termination point for both.
"What Kennedy, Bush, and Obama have done to our population"
Of course Kennedy...The 65 Immigration Act.
Yeah the lying murderer of Mary Joe Kopechne, Teddy Kennedy, with others pushed through the 1965 Immigration Act that doomed the US. Lyndon Baines Johnson signed it and that finished the US for good.
Have we had a Thor post yet? even an "Open Thread"?
Personally, I'm fine with a black man in Valhalla. That's because I think that there's a sixth caste missing from Moldbug's five: alongside the Brahmins, Vaisyas, Optimates, Helots and Dalits - there are the Spartiates (or Xatryas), the warriors.
The Vikings weren't Norse racialists; they were raiders and conquerors. So I see them as Spartiates.
I could easily imagine a black man gaining admittance to Valhalla. He could escape from the Arabs (who did more slaving than whites ever did), embrace nominal "Christianity" and seek employment in the Byzantine army to fight alongside the Varangians.
I'm not saying whether I have a moral problem with this. (Okay, disclosure: I really don't. I like decent black people as much as I like decent white people. It's the thugs and morons I don't like, from either race.) My point is verisimilitude.
Warriors value courage and skill in battle. If that is proven, they're not so picky about what their fellow soldier looks like.
Of course Kennedy...unionization of civil service employees.
"Of course Kennedy...The 65 Immigration Act."
Thank you.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, a video captures black-on-White violence in Britain.
Superman Returns sucked, "boring and uninspired" is right.
Hey Zimri, would you want a bl@ck to marry your daughter or sister? Before you answer, think about the consequences.
Zimiri, Heimdall isn't a man who ascended to Valhalla, he is part of the Norse Pantheon. Traditionally he would be depicted as a Scandinavian man. This casting is as bad as John Wayne as Ghengis Khan in 'The Conqueror.'
Blacks aspire to become real life 'super villains'. They all want to be the "Big Pimp" or "South Side Cracker Jacker". Casting them as 'good guys' is morally offensive. There is nothing good or decent about them, even the best of them like O.J. and Micheal Vick turn out to be sadistic monsters. Blacks are empty soulless beasts walking (or driving) around doing the will of the devil. A dog or cat has a better sense of right and wrong than a black. Blacks pretend to be amoral but the truth is that they are willingly evil.
One of the great and amusing aspects of negros currently residing in the USA is their usurpation of other peoples history and culture. Twenty years ago the popular myth among the negro was that they were "Egyptians", till the actual Egyptians objected. (All their art and wall paintings were painted over by the White man, don't ya know!)
Then the meme became that they were "Hebrews", though that did not last very long as the Jews have a pretty good idea of their Lineage.
Recently there has been a move to try to take over Christianity with the "Black Jesus" movement, leading to the hilarious Boondocks episode about "White Heaven".
This of course has to ignore all history books and current African truth showing negros with no religion other than a transmogrification JuJu (magic) cult with no deities in their entire history.
Now the desire is to simply worm their way into taking credit for building up the White mans World when, let's face it, they were brought here as used farm equipment. No specific achievements are ever delineated, except for the invention myths, which have long been debunked.
This all feeds into their magic thinking and need to feel relevant. Tragically, some Whites have exploited this aspect for money:
but is this any worse than Farrakhan and his flying Spacewheel mothership?
Thanks to 10:59PM-Anon. Clearly I needed to read up on Norse myth, a topic I freely admit to knowing nothing about.
I also had to think of the implications of a black doorman at the entrance to Valhalla.
Just because a white guy might have been forced to share a foxhole with a black guy in Vietnam does not mean that he wants to live in the ghetto surrounded by savage beasts. when you let people vote, they vote to get away from blacks.
As an Irishman of mixed Irish-Danish blood(my Grandmother was Danish but God knows what the bastards did to my female ancestors a thousand years ago),I have always taken a great interest in both Irish and Nordic mythology.Casting a negro as a God in Thor is as offensive to me as if they used a negro in a film about Cuchullain(kookulinn}or The Children of Lir or Fionn Mc Cumhaill(Fionn Mccool).I know its Hollywood but neither the Norse,who formulated their mythology,nor the Irish of the same period,would have been aware of the existence of black skinned people.
I want to vomit.
There are actually many Green Lanterns. There is ,in fact, a whole Green Lantern Corps in the Comic Books which predate the cartoon. One of the many Green Lanterns is an American Black man. I see no reason why children who are black shouldn't have a representative in the Justice League of America if one is available. Who needs a hero more a young white child who is enjoying the privileges of being white in a society founded on racist principles or a black child confronting a life of difficulty because his ancestors were consigned to ghettos and denied opportunity? There is a legacy of racism in this country which has produced a permanent under class/ criminal class which has nothing to do with ethnicity but rather the way said ethnic group has been treated and people such as yourself and the posters on this site who would continue that treatment encourage the things you claim to despise to flourish. You are allowing yourselves to be instruments of the devil in having your opinions distorted by hate. I advise you to think and pray on the things you have said here and on your feelings towards people.
With all the people on here I cant believe there isn't a person on here that isn't cp animator that can make a video like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMQwT9z0Jyc but with this in mind http://unamusementpark.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/birth_of_a_nation.jpg?w=194&h=300
. They use propaganda agianst us we should use it against them.
Anon @ 12:30 PM
"I see no reason why children who are black shouldn't have a representative in the Justice League of America if one is available."
Can you give us the reason why a black cartoonist has apparently never felt this way?
If blacks want a comic book hero for their kids, well then why haven't they created one? Why is it the responsiblity of white people?
See, that's the part that people like you just don't get. Your white guilt and the blacks victimology prevent you from having even an ounce of intellectual curiosity regarding race.
I'm a racist if I don't want to do for blacks that which they will not do for themselves.
@Anonymous 3:02pm
You've got this incredibly stupid meme running around in your brain that consists of {white racism → black socioeconomic underclass → white racism → etc. forever}. That mindless trope will continue to run circles around your ability to think logically. It will forever prevent you from being able to STOP and look at reality, including HBD (human biodiversity) and the statistical studies over the decades that unequivocally support it. Granted that sometimes you awaken briefly from your fantasies to selectively sample reality, but it amounts to nothing more than cherry-picked factoids that do little except support your narratives.
It's your choice... where do you want to live, somewhere inside your head tied up in the fantasyland of narratives and progressive theory, or instead in the real world where there are real problems that require less-than-perfect solutions? I suspect that this will be answered for you someday, whether you like it or not. You will be mugged by reality, and finally understand that REALITY IS RACIST.
"a permanent under class/ criminal class which has nothing to do with ethnicity"
Blacks throughout the globe are a permanent underclass/criminal class.
It has everything to do with ethnicity.
To anon @ 12:30:
It's really pathetic how you give the black race carte-blanche to do their dirty deeds and yet you seem to blame any whites posting here on doing the devils work?
Your saying that this country was founded on Racism (TM)?
And your blaming this on causing a black criminal class. You people never take any responsibility for your own actions, do you? It's always blame someone else for my own criminal impulses.....your argument is the same old and worn out tripe that's always used.
Not my fault; the devil made me do it; the white man caused me to fail; the evil Racists (TM) are holding me down, etc.
This is the lynch-pin in black pathology:always someones else fault, never any personal responsibility taken for anything.
Shame on you for defending criminality and for constantly placing blame on a fictional straw man (white Racism (TM)).
"Why is it the responsiblity of white people?"
@ anon 3:02
Why is it that blacks always live in the past? Even as each day passes they are always looking back over their shoulder whining about the past.
Could it be that white America has successfully identified your only strength? Your profound uselessness and envy? That the liberal agenda has through the public schools and prisons have successfully enslaved you mentally, emotionally and physically?
I think we have! I think we see daily, hourly a black person justifying their laziness and envy!
Hence the plight of the angry lazy envious black.
Some fun to share,
A black super-hero? what about OBAMMY wit a big MAMMY WHAMMY stick?
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