This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Monday, May 2, 2011
Photo Caption Contest!
But we did find this photo hilarious, and we ask you, dear readers to help us come up with the best photo caption for it (think The New Yorker photo caption contest). This photo, taken from the tense moments when the Navy SEALs team was preparing to engage Osama, offers a glimpse into Team Obama. For some reason, we find it it hilarious.
Whoever comes up with the best photo caption will get a free copy of Hollywood in Blackface (out Friday!!).
Quick thoughts on the photo: is the Air Force general getting a text? Is Obama mad he's missing the NBA playoffs? Who is that random girl in the back? What's wrong with Hillary? Why is it that all I can think about is that shower scene from The Rock, when the Navy SEALs team attempts to take back Alcatraz?
Submit your caption in the comment section.
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Where are all the black people?
"After the operation to eliminate Bin Laden was finished, the White House situation room switched to Comedy Central to watch South Park's 'HUMANCENTiPAD' episode."
(Yeah, it's lame, but it was being televised soon after.)
Well Joe, we can kiss the Muslim vote goodbye, but not to worry, we can still count on the illegal immigrants to vote Democratic.
"This climactic operation is brought to you by Allstate. Are you in good hands?"
"Hillary sat in stunned silence, unable to comprehend how Kobe could have possible missed that easy dunk."
"Watching Dubya throw up on Michelle was more than they could stomach."
Hillary: "Oh, so that's what sniper fire really looks like."
Obama: "I wish I wasn't sitting behind Biden, the glare from his bald spot is blinding."
"Where are we going to find another CIA operative(scapegoat)?"
-Black guy
Someone accidentally put in the old secret service surveillance video of Bill Clinton getting a bj from Monica Lewinsky.
Less the general, everyone of these clowns is an enemy of the US military. Funny to see them so engaged and hoping for a successful mission... When they have spent their whole lives loathing the boys doing the deeds! Fuck Obama and his commie cronies
We have 72 bottom dwelling virgins waiting for you after you become lower than fish shit...courtesy of the USA!
Just about everyone there is a Democrat hack. They are spectators sitting in the peanut gallery. The real players were on the field. Our Navy Seals, CIA, other military support. This was a score for the white guys who know how to undertake a dangerous complex disciplined operation. NAMs and Asians need not apply though some Hispanics are serious & loyal warriors
Wasting Osama was white America at its best. Meanwhile the Kenyan does his best to sabotage our guys by forcing our military to accept the gay lifestyle
Hillary's first time watching two girls one cup everybody else has seen it a hundred times
"Less the general, everyone of these clowns is an enemy of the US military."
Why do most conservatives seem to think that the US military is somehow not part of the US Government ? It must be like that "internal migration" thing in NS Germany-when Wehrmacht officers thought that being in the military made them completely different from those uncouth Nazis.
watching live footage of detroit
"Trump's unexpected firing of Playboy Playmate Hope Dworaczyk left the Obama Cabinet emotionally devastated."
Obama: Damn it! I hope this is over soon; my hemorrhoids are killing me!
Biden: Would someone please tell Hillary to quit playing footsie with me under the table.
Hillary: YAWN! This is about as exciting as watching Bill pull nasal hairs....YAWN!
"Why do most conservatives seem to think that the US military is somehow not part of the US Government?"
They don't.
Now please try to stay on-topic.
OGL: I could do with a cigarette about now. I feel soooo small without one.
When I first read the media reports, I got excited. Then I realized it was Osama who was dead. Duh!
"And, in our war on pornography, this is what is known as a rim-job..."
@ Stephen: You beat me to it. lol.
On a side note: Why is Barry the only one looking like he just got out of bed?
Obama: "Joe, it gets old with the press STILL confusing my name with his....and HILLARY quit your snickering!"
Hillary: ALLrigght...which one of you were eating nacho cheese chips and refried beans dip....AGAIN?!?
Biden: "I really did NOT believe that whole frozen pork loin would REALLY fit in there!!!"
Hillary,"Well, I didn't think we were going to actually going to shoot anybody. This is a virtual portrayal, isn't it? Can't we back it up and try the talking solution?"
"Is it just me or is this shit just like watching a cross between 'Cribs' and 'Juice' ? "
Obama: "DAMN...lost a helicopter....oh man we can't have this....my poll numbers are riding on this!"
Biden: "you're right we can't have a replay of Black Hawk Down...we can not afford a Carter sequel..."
Hillary: "pppssssssttttt Joe (whispering) it's Afro Hawk Down.....and Carter is in the copter.....you know how Barry hates competition sheeessshhhh....."
Does anyone believe that Barry cares about this, other than how it may help him be reelected?
That was NOT for the contest.
"One of these things is not like the others"
Obama: "Sooo, that's what a dead cat bounce looks like....ugly...very very ugly"
Obama: Okay, Okay damn it. We'll watch Lord of the Rings, but as soon as it's over we will switch to the Osama thing and I mean it.
Mr. Rogers: Can you say, "Horse"?
Crowd: Uhhhhmmmmm.
Obama: "Wait, you mean I can't put Trump on the top of the FBI most wanted list....that's bullshit!"
"Holy Christ, the Navy Seals are hideously white! Has Holder been notified?"
Hillary: (pondering to self) "hmmmmmmm 72 virgins...how noble....gee Bill would much rather have a half dozen with experience..."
Hey SBPDL, concerning your new book. I just want to let you know that Thor has just been leaked online, so you can potentially make some last minute observational additions/changes to your book before both are released on Friday. Also this saves us the trouble of having to pay for another movie, while watching Thor instead.
i thought we'd bring in john lithgow to shake things up a bit
Black people won't like this photo.
Oh My God, They killed Kenny! You bastards!
Mein Obama farted and hillary was the 1st to break.
she will be punished later
Hillary just found out that the special force team that killed Osama are white males. Now they must create a diversity training program for all special force units
"We're a bunch of lying assholes"
They think its real,
but the movie "The Dirty Dozen" is being shown
"We're a bunch of lying assholes"
This one gets my vote.
-Black guy
Well, put the red 9 on the black 10, play the 8...
Top brass of the United States government look on as hidden CIA camera's capture Desiree attempting to make an entry under yet another name on SBPDL.
"This will really pull the wool over the eyes of those flag-waving retards who cling to their guns and bibles. None of them will notice the stealth amnesty we're implementing"
"this will be a 30 point jump in the polls"
Hey Barry, "keep it down...some of us are trying to watch the movie."
The White House's reaction-shot entry to Tosh.0's "Two Girls and a Cup" contest.
"Holy Christ, the Navy Seals are hideously white! Has Holder been notified?"
LOL. Winner.
As much as I love winning, I have to concede to Brother Anonymous the victory.
"Why is Charlie Sheen getting a better reaction in Tuscaloosa then you did, Mr. President?"
...and the award for most diverse administration goes to...George W. Bush!
Hillary: "If we can take-out Tosh O. we'll be home free..."
Bill Clinton running out the back door,Hillary's reaction!
Is it a caption contest or a dialogue contest?
Government officials watch with indignation as "The Color of Crime" report is presented on a PowerPoint.
SBPDL: A black thorn in the White House's ass.
SBPDL: Undermining BRA Since 2009
SBPDL: Making even the most hardened DWLs immediately uncomfortable.
"Damn it, Biden, I thought when you said you were putting in "Loose Change" it would be about Black women's assets."
My bad. My submission SHOULD have read:
Hillary sat in stunned silence, unable to comprehend how Kobe could have possibly missed that easy dunk shot.
Still, my vote goes to "One of these things is not like the others." Made me laugh out loud.
When Hillary queefs, pretend you didn't hear it.
"Holy Christ, the Navy Seals are hideously white! Has Holder been notified?"
This gets my Vote. I wonder if they will photo shop some diversity among the SEAL ranks like they tried with the 911 Firemen statue?
Hillary: I'm obviously the one in charge here.
Biden: Can't wait for the guy with the camera to leave so I can finally get some shut-eye.
Obama: Deez white people bee making me nervous!
My first post was more of a dialogue than a caption, sorry about that. How about this,
"Conservative Party Of Canada has just won an election granting them a majority right-wing government. Coming soon to the USA......"
h-he-hey guys what's going on?
"Hillary just realized that the clumsy general has hit the wrong button and that in a split second '2 Clintons 1 cup' will commence playing on the big screen."
Caption: Obama looking very impatient waiting for movie "Lord of the Rings" to end so monitor can be switched to Osama update.
With the PlayStation network down, the President uses his "Call of Duty" skills in Pakistan.
hey, obama are you making those white people watch roots again
"So _that's_ 'Two Girls, One Cup'. Kinda hot." (Hillary's thought balloon.
A look into the future: November 6, 2012
US government officials watch live as Navy Seals find Osama Bin Laden in bed with Bill Clinton
The implication that they're all watching Obama's bros play b-ball is pretty funny....but scarily possible. Given the choice, you know it's what Barry WISHES they were really watching.
(collective gasp) "Oh my God, is he really in bed with that goat?"
(simultaneously Obama thinking "Mmmmm, I wonder if Michelle would be down with that?....")
Another steaming pile of horse shit you might want to read - a possible post can be pulled from this excrement:
Hillary: Oh my God! He lives in a shithole!
Obama: Acorn could really put some roots down in this place.
Joe: What the he'll is going on!
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