Blade Runner, 1982
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Beavercreek, Ohio (a suburb of Dayton) tried to keep out the black undertow; the federal government said no, aiming weaponized equality directly at the Whitopia |
While the state of Ohio was busy trying to expand the Castle Doctrine into a Stand Your Ground style law, the city leaders of Dayton [who have thrown open the gates of the city to the world, hoping they resettle there and wipe away all last vestiges of the historic American nation as the 42 percent black population of Dayton has attempted to do] were busy passing a resolution to oppose it. [Dayton City Commission Passes Resolution Opposing State's Stand Your Ground Bill, ABC 22, 8-28-2013]:
Bishop Cox is to be forgiven: perhaps he failed to study that showed almost all of Dayton's homicide involve black people hunting one another [Nearly 90 percent of city’s homicide victims black:Local figure is twice the U.S. rate, analysis finds, Dayton Daily News, 1-9-2012]:Wednesday's unanimous vote by the city commission fulfilled one purpose. It sent a message to the state that the city of Dayton will not stand for the stand your ground law.
"This is a dangerous law," said Bishop Richard Cox of the S.C.L.C. "It's a law that will affect every African-American male in this city and I'm glad you're sending a message to Gov. Kasich and the legislators."
"I understand that you are the first governing body in the state of Ohio to oppose this legislation. So we just want to thank you for having the courage to know that you're not in this fight alone," said former Dayton Mayor Clay Dixon.
Almost 90 percent of the city’s homicide victims in 2011 were black, nearly twice the national average, according to a Dayton Daily News analysis.
At the same time the city’s homicide numbers are remaining stable, the percent of homicide victims who are black has increased dramatically from 65 percent in 2003 to 86 percent last year.Instead of living in a city where dodging stray bullets could be a daily chore, white people abandoned Dayton, hoping to remake the city in suburbs (if only, for a fleeting period of time, recreate some lingering memory of America before it's inevitably extinguished). Tragically, even the suburbs are targeted for destruction. [Mostly-White Ohio Suburb Fighting To Prevent Mostly-Black Bus-Riders From Entering Community, Think Progress, 8-6-2013]:
A lily-white Ohio suburb is doing everything it can, including risking millions in federal highway funding, to keep mostly minority bus-riders from a nearby city from entering their community.
The showdown began in 2010 when the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority proposed adding three new bus stops in Beavercreek, a largely white suburb 15 minutes east of Dayton. These new stops would give Dayton bus-riders access to Beavercreek’s major shopping mall and nearby businesses, as well as a medical clinic and Wright State University.
Facing the prospect of buses coming in from Dayton, the Beavercreek City Council began enacting as many hurdles as they could to stop the new bus stops. Among the dozen roadblocks included mandating that bus shelters included heated and air conditioning as well as high-tech surveillance cameras, features that would be hugely expensive and are not common at other stops. Unsurprisingly, these demands couldn’t be met and the council rejected the expansion. “We turned downed an application because they didn’t meet our (design) criteria,” Beavercreek City Councilman Scott Hadley explained to Eye On Ohio.
Many in the area argue that their opposition boils down to a simple reason: race. According to the 2010 census, 9 in 10 Beavercreek residents are white, but 73 percent of those who ride the Dayton RTA buses are minorities. “I can’t see anything else but it being a racial thing,” Sam Gresham, state chair of Common Cause Ohio, a public interest advocacy group, told ThinkProgress. “They don’t want African Americans going on a consistent basis to Beavercreek.”
A civil rights group in the area, Leaders for Equality in Action in Dayton (LEAD), soon filed a discrimination lawsuit against Beavercreek under the Federal Highway Act. In June, the Federal Highway Administration ruled that Beavercreek’s actions were indeed discriminatory and ordered them to work with the Dayton Regional Transit Authority to get the bus stops approved without delay.But where does the money come from for these 'civil rights groups' to file such lawsuits and then take them into court (even do-gooder lawyers have hourly fees) whenever a city government makes a stand to try and protect its citizens property value? How about your federal government? [Dayton group awarded $750K to reduce housing discrimination, Dayton Business Journal, 9-27-2013]:
The Miami Valley Fair Housing Center has landed $750,000 in funding to help reduce housing discrimination. The two grants — from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development — will go toward:
• $325,000 — To address housing discrimination through ongoing enforcement and education activities. The center will continue to implement investigation and enforcement of allegations of housing discrimination; To conduct fair housing and fair lending workshops; To distribute print materials, PSAs and pre-recorded and live broadcast programs; and
• $325,000 — To continue lending discrimination work through intake and investigation of lending discrimination and complaint support to enforce other fair lending laws.
The local grants were part of $38 million awarded across the U.S. The funds will help enforce the Fair Housing Act through investigation and testing of alleged discriminatory practices.Sure you can run; for now. But there's no hiding a community where white people have collectively come together to remind the world of the type of environment (and capital) that can be created in the absence of black people. That the people of Beavercreek can create an economy, complete with jobs, without any input from black people (and areas that were abandoned - Dayton - require the "Welcome Dayton" plan to try and revive an economy destroyed by the presence of nearly a majority of black people) is the kiss of death for the 'race is a social construct' crowd.
But when the federal government finances weaponized equality like some fearsome Death Star, threatening to instantly evaporate any and all federal funds for a city that dares defy Black-Run America's (BRA) agenda, there is no Rebel Alliance to make a stand. [Beavercreek OKs Fairfield mall bus stops, Dayton Daily News, 10-14-13]:
The Beavercreek City Council on Monday night approved RTA bus stops in the Mall at Fairfield Commons after the intervention of the federal government found the city's rejection of the stops two years ago violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964.By destroying the wealth of the white middle class (and routes to great accumulation of capital through property values appreciating in a marketplace free of the Black Undertow), those Managerial Elites in charge of administering annihilate any opposition force that could arise and stand opposed to the complete Detroit-ing of America.
The vote was 5-2. The city faced the threat of losing all its federal highway funding and was warned by its Washington, D.C., attorney that it could spend six figures in legal fees with no guarantee of success if it challenged the Federal Highway Administration finding.
Municipalities that run programs and activities funded with federal dollars are banned from excluding or discriminating against a person based on race, color or national origin under the Civil Rights Act. The city is depending on $10.7 million in federal funding during the next five years to fund $19 million in road projects. The highway administration recommended the city rehear the RTA application and revise its bus stop policy to ensure the federal funds.
That finding arose from a complaint from an activist group following the council's March 2011 unanimous decision to reject the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority's request for three bus stops along Pentagon Boulevard. City staff previously had determined the RTA request met the requirements of the city's 2000 bus stop ordinance. That ordinance allowed the council to require additional criteria, which the council did.
The shackles are upon you, dear slave.
In America, if you're white, no one can hear scream.
Okay PK, the money to finance the group LEAD's lawsuit came from the Feds, but remember, the Feds are bought out, which means someone gave the Feds the money. What country out there in the world wishes to impose the NWO aka Collective Communism on the world? Which group is the penultimate anti white?
Whites stand in the way of New World Order. Remember the cliche 90s phrase think globally but act locally? Well the globalists comprised primarily of those who will not be named are thinking globally and acting locally in the USA and back groups like lead in an effort to destroy whites as we stand in their way of their perceived entitlement of world domination.
When do we fight back? I mean, I've seen the really wealthy areas tell the Feds to take a flying leap and keep their blood money, because they don't need it or the Section Apes stinking up their town. But working and middle class whites?
Listen, lawsuits work both ways. I'm not advocating for the corrupt, contemptuously over-litigious cesspool of a system that we currently endure, but what the hell, nothing else seems to be working. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Document your town prior to black undertow and carefully through the undertow process. Show property values dropping, crime rising, educational standards disappearing, work production plummeting, and then SUE the government for their sick, twisted laws. We are entitled to compensation for the damages brought about by the enforcement of their laws, because they have directly injured us. This CAN be proven through the preponderance of evidence. My god, it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Believe me, enough class actions suits and these bastards will be ready for change that WE can live with.
You have mentioned before the Supreme Court Case Shelley v. Kraemer, which held that courts could not enforce racial covenants on real estate. So I looked it up on wikipedia and was surprised to find this passage in the description of the case:
The Solicitor General's brief filed on behalf of the United States government was written by four Jewish lawyers: Philip Elman, Oscar Davis, Hilbert Zarky, and Stanley Silverberg. However, the Solicitor General’s office chose to omit their names from the brief. The principal assistant to the Solicitor General, Arnold Raum, who was also Jewish, stated that it was "bad enough that Perlman’s name has to be there, to have one Jew’s name on it, but you have also put four more Jewish names on. That makes it look as if a bunch of Jewish lawyers in the Department of Justice put this out."
Question: Is this still happening today? And why on Earth are they doing this? Don't Jews realize that the best defense of Israel is a strong and healthy USA?
Indian said...
The best way to prepare for the coming US collapse is,
A. Store your food around the house, hide it, use your mattress, stuff it with food, rice is good because you can also sleep on it, and it creates a very relaxing mattress.
B. Hide your guns and ammo, have a gun in every room, the gun should be ready to fire, keep the safety off. It's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
C. Most people forget water, the body can only survive a few days without water. Buy a good filtration system, store water wherever you can.
D. A good communication system. A radio and CB to stay off the mainstream airwaves. This will be your communication to the outside world.
F. Set traps around the house, this should also include motion sensors, pressure pads and trip wires. Invest in a pair of night vision goggles.
G. The most important of all, make friends with your neighbours, a strong community will be able to better defend the area than yourself on your own.
The time is coming soon, you must prepare, only the ones who have prepared will survive.
I hope PK will let this through as it is invaluable advice on survival skills.
Effing magic negro action figure.
This is as evil a regime as has existed on the planet. Not just the hollow Obama, but stretching back decades.
The last true president we had was probably Eisenhower. Since then we've had a nonstop assortment vampire squid puppets. Evil ogre bastard LBJ and his gibs for votes scheme. Clinton bombing white Christian Serbs to protect murderous muslims. Bush invading and destroying Iraq for no determinable reason costing thousands of white men their lives. It's fucking madness.
The expansion of a hostile anti-white government under every administration. The non-stop derision of white culture and the canonization of non-whites in the media.
The eradication of the white race is their clear motive. They believe they've won. They brag about seeing whites thrown into the dustbin of history.
How do we stop them?
And if you are outnumbered, like we are, this is what these savage scum will do to you.
I hope you can copy and paste the link - the most gruesome murder, but just another day in South Africa.
Do NOT allow your country to descend into this.
Somewhat OT, but related...
It seems professional bass fisherman James "Jimmy" Johnson has been murdered by a negro in one of PK's favorite cities, Jackscoon MS.
This story is fast sliding down the memory hole, but why wouldn't it?
A white man involved in what the elites consider an "avocation of the proles" (bass fishing) is killed by one of the Empire's most privileged subjects... nothing to see here.
I think I know the answer to this one.....
Blacks drive out whites, but Hispanics drive out blacks. Asians are afraid of blacks but will provide some economic activity. Hispanics aren't model citizens but they are a lot less violent and a lot more productive than blacks.
The mention of Turks was interesting. I'm guessing the Turks are pretty hardcore, maybe even more so than Hispanics, and will set the blacks running as well.
Progressive capitalism is all about population management. You bring in the people who serve your needs, and when they don't anymore, you bring in another group.
" Don't Jews realize that the best defense of Israel is a strong and healthy USA? "
Rather an abject question.
Don't beg, fight.
How do we stop them?
they have no power to do most things if you don't take their dime. In this case, the lure of 15million in road funds is used to convince this town of 45k, earning about 80k in household income each, to knuckle under. If we assume 15k households, that's 1.2 billion in annual income, which would be about 3 billion in property value, at 2.5 times income for a house. Now, if the city flips black, that property will be worth less, if not worthless. A quick search shows home prices of 81k in .dayton, and about 175k in Beavercreek. (trulia and USA Today)
So, if Beavercreek goes black like Dayton, you lose 95k in wealth per household. that's over 1.4Billion in property value destroyed for 15MIllion in road funds.
Take the Federal Dollar, and the unfunded mandates will cost you a LOT more.
“They don’t want African Americans going on a consistent basis to Beavercreek.”
I wonder why they wouldn't African Americans being bussed into their city. Could it be that Beavercreek residents and their representatives have seen areas that African Americans occupy, and don't want their city to look like that?
It is absurd to expect them to want it. It would be like complaining because Beavercreek doesn't want a flaming meteor the size of an elephant to smash into their city at 10,000 mph.
I'd love just once to ride around black areas with a busload of these diversity idiots. I'd make them show me exactly what it is that exists in these hell holes that whites would want exported into their neighborhoods.
Oh, my mistake: they put 1.4 billion in property value at risk for 10 million in road funding. The definition of short-term thinking.
Comment from Dan Lee ·
"There was a time when Whites didn't want us living in their communities but didn't mind you coming in spending money or cleaning their houses which many of us did. Now they don't even want you passing through. The clock is running backwards isn't it?"
"Indian said...
The best way to prepare for the coming US collapse is...
October 14, 2013 at 11:32 PM"
I assume that you are a "Dot not Feather Indian". This is why the British stopped you from burning your women alive at funerals and had to take out the Thugge cult. Your total contributions have been that we should adopt a caste system...
Gee, thanks.
Truly, if you have nothing to add, please leave.
It's the beginning of the end of Beaver Creek. I live in the St. Louis Area and NO shopping center in the area is safe. I can't even count how many shopping centers have closed due to the dark invasion riding public transportation.
Harlem: Here is who is going to replace Rev. Al Sharpton:
Black power! Keep hope alive! We shall overcome!
RE. Collapse
The best way to prepare for the coming US collapse is,
A. Store your food around the house, hide it, use your mattress, stuff it with food, rice is good because you can also sleep on it, and it creates a very relaxing mattress.
Rice can spoil w mold. Lentils in clean new tin cans are better.
Also if fuel is not available, Lentils can be eaten raw after being soaked for 1-3 days.
Also Mushrooms can be grown in large quantities in small rooms.
Check Youtube and Prepper sites[see. 'small batch gardens blog'].
Honey. Have bee hives on yr roof if you can.
Hens for eggs. I communicate w someone who has 200 small hens that lay large eggs. He does not have to pay much for feed and he sells the chicks for about 5$ each..they are in demand since they are small but lay big eggs.
Grow food if you can.
Obama pulls the trigger.
Paul always said that negros are a weaponized demographic pointed at the head of the White.
Well, here we go. D-Jursey's used to make up video of grandma going over a cliff to get votes. Now they will use video from 1992 LA to drive their point home.
It really is the BRA Government against White people.
Southron: The diversity idiots already have answers to that question. Black neighborhoods are pestholes because of the white man and blacks should be integrated into white communities so that they have access to all the benefits that white people do-clean communities, good schools, businesses, jobs etc.
What they always fail to address is why such integration always results in the host community being destroyed by the parasites even when this was supposed to raise the parasites up and change them into little darlings. Furthermore, they never address why black communities cannot build the same kinds of neighborhoods as say whites and asians do and have them be safe, clean and wholesome so that they don't need to be moved into white communities. They just parrot the same worn out, tired theme of "da white man keepin' da nigger down!"
These are the same kind of idiots who complain that retarded children should not be segregated into retard classes in schools but should rather be integrated into regular classes so as not to be stigmatized. The belief that this will be good for the retards ignores the fact that a collection of babbling idiots in the classroom will drag everything down for the regular students and be highly disruptive. Everything is disrupted for the regular students and, at the end of the school year, the retards are still just as retarded. Ditto for adding black students who reject the idea of getting an education as "actin' white." They are of zero benefit to the school or classroom but it makes the libtards/diversitards feel good about themselves as they conveniently walk off into the sunset ignoring the devastation left in their wake.
The Diversitards think that diversity is good and everyone needs to live in diverse environments because it's culturally enriching and a learning experience. That being so, they want to remove from everyone else the right to choose and decide for themselves whom they will live around and associate with. Mommy and Daddy Diversitard know best! Yet they're nothing more than the useful idiots used by others to advocate for the destruction of white communities but are far too stupid to realize it. They actually think (if you can call such stupidity "thinking," that they're doing something wonderful.
Pointing out any harsh realities or facts to a libtard is like telling a child there is no Santa Claus. It just results in crying, tantrums,fits, denials and accusations that you're a liar etc. or, in the case of libtarded diversitards a ~GASP!~ RACIST!!
The Pope washing Black feet:
I thought you all should see this..
All this is why George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door: because "integration" was a front to expand federal power and eventually destroy white communities.
Remember that the next time you see some DWL programming on the civil rites revolution.
the underground rail road from hell
Very important point being made here. It's the federal government itself that is behind all this movement of populations. The noisy lefty types get the attention but it's the federal government that is implementing all this, from importing third worlders, putting Section 8 everywhere, slipping multi-cult propaganda into school curriculums, and all the rest. It's using our own tax money against us. We are paying for our own jailers.
When do we fight back? I mean, I've seen the really wealthy areas tell the Feds to take a flying leap and keep their blood money, because they don't need it or the Section Apes stinking up their town. But working and middle class whites?
Listen, lawsuits work both ways. I'm not advocating for the corrupt, contemptuously over-litigious cesspool of a system that we currently endure, but what the hell, nothing else seems to be working. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Document your town prior to black undertow and carefully through the undertow process. Show property values dropping, crime rising, educational standards disappearing, work production plummeting, and then SUE the government for their sick, twisted laws. We are entitled to compensation for the damages brought about by the enforcement of their laws, because they have directly injured us. This CAN be proven through the preponderance of evidence. My god, it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Believe me, enough class actions suits and these bastards will be ready for change that WE can live with.
By all means try. You seem to think that there is such as thing as the "rule of law" in the Banksta Banana Republick. There is no such thing. There are very, very few lawyers who are not part of the whole BRA racket. Even fewer judges and prosecutors. It didn't happen overnight either. For decades on end, the supposed "opposition" party routinely rubber-stamped the appointment of Marxist ideologues to the federal courts. Repuke presidents from Reagan to Imam al-Duhbya appointed "conservatives" whose ideology would not be out of place at the communist international. The type of counter-action you advocate might have had a chance of working 40 years ago. It has little chance of working now, as the system itself is completely rigged. The $PLC, just one of numerous genocidal BRA organizations, has a 45-50 million slush fund to sue YT. The ACLU has even more. To paraphrase Stalin's infamous remark about the Pope in WW II, how many billionaires do we have?
This is why we need to start thinking outside the box which has been erected. If we play by the squids' rules, the outcome of the game is pre-determined: heads they win, tails we lose.
Checked out the comments on the article some hours ago; at that time it looked like anyone who mentioned race as a legitimate factor in what was essentially a reasonable decision to oppose expansion of the bus service was shouted down. And probably most of the people doing the shouting and shaming were white.
Unrelated, but typical anecdote. A black couple was attempting to play bar trivia at a place I go to last week. It was surprising they hadn't quit by halftime, but the questions are easier at the start to "keep everyone in the game". In the third round, the question came up, "Who is the only president born in the state of Illinois?"
The black woman says out loud, "This is easy" and rushes up with her answer. You can probably guess who she wrote down.
Meanwhile, the host (who is an unabashed liberal) reads out the answer of "Ronald Reagan", and the black woman screams out, "Oh no you didn't!" and charges the host yelling "Racist motherf-er..." this and "You think he was born in Africa..." that. It was fun to see the liberal squirm and try to explain to the out-of-control woman that, yes, he proudly voted for the president, and that Obama was born in Hawaii, which of course, she wouldn't believe.
For the first time since I've been going there, the game had to be stopped, and this included a time when it went on as scheduled during a blizzard.
HEY p.k. you need to do a story about the november 1rst cuts to the the way did you see that wallmart ransacked by bamas kids ,stock up food,water,guns my friends things are going to get fubared soon.. .
Bonjour, as I told you, a good new came from France on Sunday because Lepen's party won an election in the south of France!! It means a lot, it means that Lepen can win aginst right or left.
You had to see how left support right against far right during last week..they were afraid for their system...the milk is so good they dont want to share it!!
You talk about Turkish aginst niggers...In france turkish are too good for neggers..they are exasperated as I am..turkish are better than Arabs or's not good but it's not very bad..Deutschland could be happy to only have turkisch instead of arabas or negroes...
In two days US is in bakcruptcy..what is the aim of this plan? We'll know it soon..
Meanwhile, the host (who is an unabashed liberal) reads out the answer of "Ronald Reagan", and the black woman screams out, "Oh no you didn't!" and charges the host yelling "Racist motherf-er..." this and "You think he was born in Africa..." that. It was fun to see the liberal squirm and try to explain to the out-of-control woman that, yes, he proudly voted for the president, and that Obama was born in Hawaii, which of course, she wouldn't believe.
This is why I pray for permanent EBT outage because the first whites to be savaged and murdered will be the most deserving by FAR. The DWL who is JUST far enough away from their pets that when the wheels come off, they will take the first hit.
"But WAIT I voted for Obama and support Die-v..." (head hacked off with machete)
Also, the acronym LEAD to represent a bunch of ghetto thugs making sure the gibsmedat is spread around has it's own little comedy value, don't you think?
If you thought the EBT 'glitch' (dry run) in Louisiana was interesting you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Lock n' load, folks - lock n' load.
Beavercreek built a brand new mall near Wright State University in 1993 and opened an outdoor complex called The Greene in 2006. The area has done nothing but grow since the 1980's. Beavercreek not only has no need for a bus service, but it is already kind of overrun with shoppers and traffic as it is. If anything, it is only reasonable for Beavercreek to try to scale back some things in the area that is being targeted with buses. You have three or four very large shopping areas in the Dayton area from the south along the east side.
Not surprisingly, Dayton experienced a dead mall in the mid-1990's. It was on the West Side.
Paul Kersey said:
"But where does the money come from for these 'civil rights groups' to file such lawsuits and then take them into court (even do-gooder lawyers have hourly fees) whenever a city government makes a stand to try and protect its citizens property value? How about your federal government? [Dayton group awarded $750K to reduce housing discrimination, Dayton Business Journal, 9-27-2013]:"
This is deeply infuriating!!!
Paul Kersey, your expose of BRA, racial communism from the Federal Government in the name of holding down rival Whites, connects nicely with Mencius Moldbug's newest essay on "The Brown Scare", on how supposed anti-fascism is the driving force behind our current predicament.
Moldbug just comes out and says that the USA is a communist country.
"Dark" Enlightenment it is indeed. Scroll and read down this primer on the DE
We are all receiving our "Dark" enlightenment, courtesy of Darth Obama and his DWL Storm Troopers.
Curtsy before your DWL Stormtroopers.
Your article from ThinkProgress was truly terrifying. "Tragically, even the suburbs are targeted for destruction. [Mostly-White Ohio Suburb Fighting To Prevent Mostly-Black Bus-Riders From Entering Community, Think Progress, 8-6-2013]:"
You and Mencius Moldbug, and Occidental Dissent are the top three blogs. Thank you for your work.
Check out this comment post from Think Progress:
Jonathan A. Washington · Top Commenter · Owings Mills, Maryland
"you know you are racist when you are willing to turn down millions of dollars. this not disturbing this is disgusting.
Reply · 287 · · August 6 at 11:32am
Marie Harris · Top Commenter
Racism is trump.
It supersedes all.
It even causes people to forego money they could otherwise have for improvements.
Racism is trump.
So anti-Racism is the trump card against civilization itself.
This is the best statement of the issue I have yet to here, from a liberal jackboot to boot!
"Racism is trump."
People forget that Africans, like Amerindians and Meso-Americans, etc., are aboriginal peoples. They are classified as such by anthropologists--or were. That means, in and of itself, that they are incapable of higher civilization. They are evolution's losers.
Whether Asians subscribe to Darwinism or not, they intuitively understand this and have no illusions about these people. That is why China's Africa policy is what it is. Had Africans been in China's physical sphere, they would no longer exist.
So too, had they been in Europe, they, just like paleolithic man, would no longer exist. Ancient man had no interest in the jungles to the south of the gold mines south of Egypt. Ancient man had no interest, outside of Egyptians, for sub-Saharan blacks even as slaves--Syrians, called "Greeks" after Alexander, were considered much better specimens.
So, the truth is, is that all aboriginal peoples are unfit for civilized settings. This is only going to become ever more evident as technology continues to grow. In a world which increasingly requires an IQ of 105-110, what will the world do with several billions of sub 90 IQ people? They won't even be smart enough to be house servants.
It isn't just blacks who hate whites. All aboriginal type people hate whites. ALL OF THEM. Monday was Columbus Day--go see what all those nice amerindians were saying about whites--while they live off whites, and in an entirely white world. I asked a few if, since they hate whites so much, why don't they go back to living in a tee pee and shitting in a hole behind it.
Anyone who has ever been on a reservation knows they do not handle civilization well. The ghetto speaks to this as well. So too does the attitude even the Mexicans actually hold toward the gringo. These people are all chomping at the bit awaiting the white man's coming minority status. They believe they will finally, after thousands of years, get the upper hand. You all need to get your own houses in order so that you can pass that on to your children.You need to begin to disconnect from mainstream society and find others like yourself--wherever they may be, and form new societies that take the reality of our situation into account. Failure to do so will simply make you and yours "Amy Biehls".
Ex-Brooklynite: "Oh, my mistake: they put 1.4 billion in property value at risk for 10 million in road funding."
I'd like to think they sold out for money, but it was most likely "Please stop calling us racist!"
These people are all chomping at the bit awaiting the white man's coming minority status.
I've brought this point up to various white people, but you can rarely get a rise out of them. A common comment is, "I'm not afraid of a people-of-color majority America." Or, "I look forward to the diversity." Or the universal, "IKAGO."
What they do not seem to get is that while whites are still in the majority and can still muster some strength, minorities hold back on the violence. Sort of. We already see the wave of guerrilla attacks via flashmobbing, as if blacks are testing YT's weakness. And again, this is after decades of every civil rights program and DWL kowtowing in the book.
It's also related to my observation that the reason the MSM pushes so many "positive role models" on the telescreen is that underneath it all, DWLs sense what is really going on and are trying to convince themselves that there is no threat from blacks.
How will things come down when whites really are a minority? Well, we can look at South Africa for that one.
The dilemma goes back to Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccermom. They refuse to recognize the threat. The issue comes down to: how to awaken the white majority?
Lorraine said :
"Whites stand in the way of New World Order."
You know, I have been thinking about this for awhile and I think the exact opposite is true. White people and White civilization do not stand in the way of the New World Order, the New World Order has been here for quite some time. No, Whites were used to bring about the New World Order. The elite could not impose the New World Order WITHOUT White wealth, technology and civilization. Whites are not holding up the formation of the New World Order because we established it through the various wars throughout the 20th century. Every single war fought by the United States Government in the 20th century served the purpose of laying the foundations for globalization and the NWO. They used the White race and all of our technology to bring about their perverted form of Global Fascism. It's not that we stand in the way of the New World Order, it's that we have served our purpose and now it's time to cull the herd. White people's standard of living is much too good for the powers that be. Our standards must be broken and lowered so that our wealth can be taken from us, never again to be recovered.
A tactic I have taken up lately is "liking" various minority groups on Facebook, then sharing their posts so my DWL friends can see the wrath in these people. This weeks choice buffet came from Indians--crying about the legacy of Columbus. The hatred toward whitey was more than palpable. Any whites who kowtowed I slapped with a "self hating white person" label--just like the Jews and Negroes used to do.
It's good to let people see what they are thought of--they might think twice before they run off to that casino.
I have the answer to this; a tough answer, but an answer none the same:
DONT take the Feds' highway funds!!
Yes, tough it out! It CAN be done.
When they sue, fight them; no matter the outcome, DONT build the busstops.
It's gonna hurt- but someone has to stand their ground. No more diversity
I read recently a story about a study of IQ differences among racial/ethnic groups. The vibrant diversities from Equatorial Guinea were at the bottom with an average IQ of 57. The Rulers of this country seem to scour the planet for the worst immigrants to bring here so it would not surprise me if a hundred thousand or so of these characters would be imported to "diversify" the Beavercreeks of America. You've no doubt heard those radio ads ("The people you work with, Mom, are awesome. I really like them.") urging diversity and multiculturaliism in every community in the country. ( "Diversity shouldn't end at 5 o'clock", or some such crap.) And they call this "a better life."
What a miserable, overcrowded, violent, poverty-stricken, totalitarian (just to hold it together) hellhole this country will be.
Great work as always, as a former resident of the area I could go on for days about the dysfunction slapped upon the Dayton region from the Groid power trips, they have sadly ruined everything in the area, there's just not a whole lot left.
Anon @ 11:28, that's hilarious they shut it down, I've learned over the years to look at situations like that as great opportunities to turn the tables on the loud mouth groids, I've been know to scream, shut up, sit down, get your ghetto ass out of here, it might also include a projectile or two as well. Negros don't like to be challenged, especially if they're not in a group of 20+, spineless bastards.
The problem is that whites will not come out and openly explain why they do not want blacks in their communities. They beat around the bush by mandating heated and air-conditioned bus stops, so that they will be too expensive to install. Instead, someone needs to come out and say: "here's what will happen if we allow busing. More blacks will enter our community and commit crimes against us and our property."
What do they have to lose? The liberals already know the reason they don't want those stops is because of their aversion to blacks. Well, that aversion is 100.00% justified and they need to come out and say so, without apology. They will receive more support than they think. When faced with opposition, they can cite statistics on black crime. They can ask white liberals what their neighbors look like.
We have to start fighting back. I mean what do we really have to lose? I wear the badge of bigotry with pride. Not because I am true bigot, but because I am not afraid to have a leftist call me one.
Indian said...
I only mentioned twice that the US should adopt the caste system, if not the only alternative is a full scale racial war, which will eventually happen. If you keep pulling a rubber band in opposite directions, it will snap.
I am not a feather or dot Indian, and to classify Indians into just two simple groups, well that's just racist. India has over 100 distinct races and languages.
If you must know, my descendants are actually Mongols who settled, no, conquered NW India. In the 12th century Mongols were actually poised to strike at the heart of Europe. The Mongols, at this time, had already wiped out the best troops Europe could offer.
The only reason Europe was saved is because the Mongol leader had died and, they had to withdraw to elect a new leader.
Imagine if the Mongols had conquered Europe, maybe, there would have been no Columbus to discover America. You my freind (ammo), should learn more about history, and how the Mongols came very close to totally annihilating the European continent.
I hope PK let's this through, this is not a racist post, this is a historical and factual post.
It was called Evergreen Plaza. The first shopping mall in the US opened in the 50's on Chicago's very white southwest side Beverly/evergreen Park Area. By 1978 after only a few years of the 95th street bus/cta el connection it was lovingly called Everblack Plaza. The shopping center went from Marshall Firld's and the Gap to gold chain booths, kicks stores and urban fashions no name stores. The movie theatre finally shut down from all the robberies. During the movie. Whites fled to Ford City, Chicago Ridge and Orland Square, all now are infested with Thugs.
Indian said:
If you must know, my descendants are actually Mongols who settled, no, conquered NW India. In the 12th century Mongols were actually poised to strike at the heart of Europe. The Mongols, at this time, had already wiped out the best troops Europe could offer.
You must be very old.
Imagine if the Mongols had conquered Europe,
Apparently you think that would have been a desirable outcome. I'm trying to imagine it, but I can't think of a single way that would have been better than what actually happened. You know, Renaissance, science, technology. Flushing toilets. And yes, Columbus. All in all, it's better that your descendants took their eyes off the ball. Maybe you didn't raise them right?
By the way, how did you vote in that election?
A tactic I have taken up lately is "liking" various minority groups on Facebook, then sharing their posts so my DWL friends can see the wrath in these people.
A common DWL delusion.
What DWLs refuse to understand is that their tolerance to the "other" is interpreted as weakness. And in the real world, the weak are subjugated by the strong.
Indian said...I am not a feather or dot Indian, and to classify Indians into just two simple groups, well that's just racist.
Here's the problem: could Indian explain to us why it's wrong to be "racist?"
The thing is, as long as you are using a term like "racist" you are buying into the prevailing liberal delusion. One in which all opposition is to be dismissed as crimethink by sticking a label on it ("racist," "sexist," "whateverist").
Race is the central issue today for America. The elites of this country are using non-white peoples as muscle to displace the white majority. And because white people do not organize around race, they are put at a disadvantage by groups which do (especially blacks).
If whites can not to be "racist" on a race realist website (like SBPDL), then where are we?
To Indian:
Nice try, but the Mongols had not wiped out the best troops Europe could offer as they had not yet entered France, Germany and England who were already the best at that time. Moreover even if they had, there’s no way in hell they would have been able to keep their occupation for very long inside the more numerous castles and bigger population of the Western European territories. The Huns, Moors and Turks all occupied parts of Europe as well, but they ALL eventually got expelled by the way.
Your Mongols were still nothing than a MEDIEVAL civilization, and there’s absolutely nothing about them that compares to the progress and advancements of Western science, culture and technology. Not even close !
You have just shown your true colors and confirmed once again that you don’t belong here. We don’t need you and we don’t want you. When are you non-Whites finally leave us alone instead of always following us wherever we are ?
Go home !
They steal, cheat, double talk and clog doorways in every mall in Chicago now, even Oakbrook is overun on Sat night by darkies screaming stealing driving drunk speeding disobeying traffic signs. The LV store was lifted for $14k wonder if it has anything to do wih all the new urban employees in every upscale store!
THey think every hood should have an LV store and Channel. Yesh if you rob it everyday it wont stay.
At Oakbrook thugs pose in front of other peoples cars and post the pics on twitter with teeets like "i am getting that cash, livin the dream" chase them dollars morons right to the hood and up the barrel of a gun .
Sec 8 on thier block. They love in the white burbs for a reason, wether they admit it or not.
Ohio is a shit hole. who cares what happens in Ohio? I like Lima Ohio...but it's just another cesspool in yankeedom...who gives a flip?...VM and BTW Ohioans can't play euchre worth a damn...
On section 8... if you are stupid enough to buy a house in a rental district you deserve negroes. Maybe you should have looked a little closer at who your neighbors were. VM
I agree and average middle class Jews would also agree. They're not big fans of the left wing ones.
Indian said...
@Analog man
Mongols were extremely tolerant of other religions, they loved science and technology, if the Mongols had conquered Europe, who is to say flushing toilets etc.. would not have been invented? I am not sure what you mean by "how did I vote in that election"?
Yes, you are correct, this is a race realist site, it was wrong to call someone racist. The point I was trying to make is, it is not possible to classify Indians into two categories, dot or feather.
This is such an oversimplification that it doesn't really make any sense.. It would be the same as me classifying whites or blacks, seperated, but under one banner.
@White man...
Mongols had annihilated almost 100,000 European troops at the battle of Mohi in Hungary, theses troops were sent by French, German, Roman and English kings to halt the advance of the Mongol empire, they were the best troops, at the time, and included Teutonic Knights, Templar knights, Holy Roman Empire it's not a nice try on my part, it's fact.
After this battle, it is said, a French general (survivor from the battle) had ridden to the French king, and said " There is nothing now to stop these people from conquering Europe".
The Mongol invasion of Europe was only halted because the Mongol leader had died.
Finally, you don't decide wether I come here or not. The only colours I have shown are Mongol. Maybe it's difficult for you to accept the fact that, Mongol invasions of Europe did take place, and they were never beaten even though they were outnumbered.
P.K. decides which posts go through or not. I hope PK let's this through as this is a defensive and factual post.
Well, thanks for this one.
I grew up in Beavercreek and have returned with my wife to help my elderly parents. We are literally living across the street from the Fairfield Mall in an apartment, so I have been following this story.
Beavercreek is a fine community, I don't think the residents fully comprehend what is about to engulf them. My wife and I go for walks in the evening in nearby neighborhood with fine homes built about 40 years ago. They will be overrun by criminality once the bus stops are deployed.
Here's what gets me : with all the money in their war-chest, why don't those activists start businesses in the many fine retail buildings now empty in their own (formerly white) neighborhhoods?
When I drive into East Dayton where I lived during college and see the place crawling with baboons, it's enough to make me weep.
The fact that it is the federal government enforcing this upon Beavercreek while calling the residents "racists" leaves no doubt as to who the enemy is. When the bus stops go in it will take just a year or two before the place is destroyed.
And I love their claim that "veterans" need the bus service. The VA Hospital is located in West Dayton, not far from the historic Salem Mall, who's fate will soon be duplicated in Beavercreek.
One other detail : every business at that mall employs blacks in high numbers.
And lastly, the black residents of Beavercreek don't want this. Are they racists too?
Lorraine (aka White Mom in VA) Great posts as always. What is your email? -Buckeyecopperhead
"Obama Attacks White Neighborhoods"
"Obama Attacks White Neighborhoods"
Lol you guys are the same race as blacks. Even two black can give birth to a white and vice versa.
Lol you claim inventions made by a tiny fraction of whites as "white" inventions? LOL from less than one percent of the entire population? Lol and thats only most inventions for past few hundred years out of more than hundred thousand years.
Lol and then you compare the development of black people who have not even had the same population size? Africans have had a very small population for the size of land they lived in and they were not concentrated. It has only reached one billion like 20 or 10 years ago and thats including North Africa.
You so piss dumb lol. Living standards in America have been going up not down. Crime rates have been going down too. Go check Human Development Rankings. HDI. USA and majority of the countries in the world have had increasing living standards.
Even in Africa, HDI trend is up, birth rate trend down, GDP up.
For such young and inexperienced countries they are having much less problems than Europe did whilst developing. Europe had Hitler, Stalin, Vlad the Impaler etc etc before being developed. Africa has Mugabe and Idi Amin and they still don't compare in evil and destruction.
Lol you guys don't have an argument at all.
Lol you can use Detroit but they will use Barbados, which is a first world country with 90% blacks. Go check HDI, shows there Barbados is in first world league above Poland. Bahamas is almost there, only one country before first world.
Lol no argument at all.
Even two black can give birth to a white and vice versa.
Right. We keep seeing Congoids being born to unions of native Swedes, and vice versa.
Oh, wait, we don't. If you believe what you're saying, you're dumber than a box of rocks.
Lol you claim inventions made by a tiny fraction of whites as "white" inventions? LOL from less than one percent of the entire population?
Of course. Think for a moment: what race made the inventors possible? Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I forgot that you're unable to think, otherwise you wouldn't say such stupid things. I didn't mean to gratuitously hurt the feelings of a congenital retard. That is, unless you got into college based on real academic achievement and deliberately became a retard by buying into these delusions. THEN you have no excuse.
Lol and then you compare the development of black people who have not even had the same population size?
In 1950, the population of Africa minus the Maghreb countries of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco was 184,026,738. The population of the USA in 1950 was 150,697,361; around the time of the American revolution, it was roughly 1 million. During the Enlightenment and the beginnings of science, Europe was every bit as fractured as Africa and quite a bit less populous. The population explosion of Europeans was a consequence of invention in the first place. And if Black Africans are so smart, why didn't they colonize and develop Europe and Asia themselves?
Today there are around a billion Africans in Africa alone. How's that race for world-wide patents going? Looks like the same story as colonizing Asia: Africans don't even realize there is an opportunity.
Africans have had a very small population for the size of land they lived in and they were not concentrated.
All that land, and never developed the population to do anything. Whose failure is that? Oh, right... BLAME WHITEY! All the way from a Europe which hadn't discovered them yet, Da Man's racism was still keeping them down!
Lol you can use Detroit but they will use Barbados, which is a first world country with 90% blacks.
The data I can find show Barbados has a mere 280,000 population, with zero commercial or service exports. Its major industries are tourism and "offshore" (presumably tax haven services). Its total exports were under $500 million, its total imports more than $1.6 billion.
It looks like everything in Barbados aside from tourist entertainment and maid services is done by the non-Black 10%. Barbados' murder rate is much higher than the USA's.
You so piss dumb lol.
All you lurkers: this is what the Dunning-Kruger effect looks like. Laugh at this clown today, but realize that your choices in the end will be to submit to such idiocy, or turn the idiots into dog food.
Lol, since you say so it must be true. Lol.
Lol, carribeans HATE American blacks. Lol, they think they're lazy, lol. Lol, you think detroilet is the only black shithole, lol. YOU piss dumb (whatever that means) lol. You think Europe was undeveloped prior to WW2, lol. Lol, Africans are still doing shit vlad the I paler style in the modern cities built by whites which the Bantus are busily destroying, lol. Lol, raising the standard of living in Africa isn't a very high bar, drop off a case of toilet paper, done, lol.
As for the second "point" you made, lol, do you even read and comprehend what you type? For the first point, I'll believe that shit after I do the DNA test myself. Lol.
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