Sunday, December 17, 2017

Quantifying the reality of white genocide in Maine, a direct result of federal government initiatives

Invade the world, invite the world. 

LEWISTON — Pointing to the words on the page, Ja’Syiah Doyle reads out “I . . . am . . . a . . . CROC-odile!” then tips her head sideways and turns on her megawatt grin to kindergarten teacher Lynn Adams. “Beautiful! That’s right,” Adams tells her. 
Across the table, Jaycob Costello takes his turn: “Ba . . . Ba . . . Big!” he reads, twisting his feet around the legs of his small chair as he concentrates. “Sssssmall!”Adams’ class is a typical kindergarten class in Maine, where the lessons are focused on teaching students about colors, numbers, shapes and letters. 
White genocide is no myth. Our elite in control of immigration/refugee resettlement policy into the USA just call it diversity or cultural enrichment
But a huge difference is the students themselves: In the whitest state in the nation, 75 percent of the students here at Longley Elementary School are minorities, mostly in families of immigrants who have arrived in Maine within the last 20 years. By contrast, 15 years ago, minorities made up just over 15 percent of the students at Longley. 
Recent waves of immigrants coming to Maine have rapidly changed the racial makeup of schools, with huge impacts on state education funding and potentially altering Maine’s economic future. 
As local districts quickly moved to provide new supports and services to immigrants, state funding for English Language Learners – or ELL students – has almost tripled in the last dozen years, according to the Maine Department of Education. 
In 2006, the state allocated $7.9 million in ELL funds for 3,128 students. This year, the state allocated $19 million in ELL funds for 5,349 students. 
Longley Elementary has seen the biggest change in racial makeup between 2000 and 2015, going from 83 percent white in 2000-2001 to 23 percent white in 2014-15, according to an Associated Press analysis of federal enrollment demographics data. 
In Maine, the data reflect how racial diversity that was initially clustered in bigger cities like Portland and Lewiston is moving into smaller towns and suburbs.In 2000, only 18 Maine schools had fewer than 90 percent white students. In 2014-15, there were 50 such schools – and at five of those schools, white students made up less than half the student body. 
“When arrivals started arriving in Lewiston, roughly around 2000, there was no crystal ball about what was coming. Nor were there any programs in place, or any awareness of what programs would be needed,” said Lewiston Superintendent Bill Webster.
A beautiful, thriving state, now nothing more than a dumping ground for 3rd world refugees and migrants resettled in America by our federal government.

Diversity. Cultural enrichment.

Just synonyms for white genocide. 


Anonymous said...

The sad thing about states like Maine is that the population probably likes the diversity. In Virginia a jury took up a collection for an illegal immigrant that they just found guilty of felony theft. Irredeemable people who think everyone is the same and worthy of everything you have. This woman worked as a maid and stole a $5,000 ring from her employers. Northern Virginia has been inundated with Central Americans and they actually don’t seem to care.

PB said...

I love how a clusterf**k becomes a "challenge".

Anonymous said...

"Refugees, like fish, begin to stink after three days."
--- Benjamin Franklin

Anonymous said...

I know a lot of folks here don't agree with sites like The Occidental Observer or its viewpoints but they have a powerful article about activist John Kasper.

Anonymous said...

"The penalty exacted by Nature for ignoring
abundant life and continuing generations,
carefully delineated along fixed geographical
and racial limits, is eventual sterility, physical
weakness and sloth, and finally effacement
from life’s intricate patterns."

Anonymous said...

They will never stop pushing us until we start pushing back.

Take that to mean whatever you want.

Gwoobus Harmon said...

Every single one of us is under similar, if not identical social pressures. We are interacting in some form with the same external stimuli that makes us choose one of these options.

Option 1:

- Move away from it.
- Have the luxury of pretending there is some other larger social/structural force at play (that to remain in anything approaching good company, can NOT EVER be biology) when non-whites fail to recreate white living standards and functional communities. Your permitted and publicly vocal range is to blame this pessimistic reality upon a scale that is white structural inequality/privilege/racism ... or Democrats being the REAL racists. Either way, it is an abstract for you that "other people" (non-wealthy whites) deal with.
- You are likely in an annual joint income bracket exceeding 150k, raising two children or less, so this delusion can be fed at a distance and your primary daily operating thesis on racial reality is never actually tested. You are surrounded by other high income Whites doing the same as you. You can feel self-assured and smug, claiming to understand the intricacies of race relations unlike the deplorables. You can safely pile in on the self immolating anti-white stuff like the people you watch on TV and read in the (((new york times.))) Mass media informs you that any Whites who have a problem with the displacement are defective. You treat them summarily, since the displacement hasn't arrived for you yet.

Option 2:

- Recognize that even though race informs every aspect and interaction of society, from the mundane to the crucial, never mention anything publicly ever. An AIDS patient is treated with more openness than "a racist," so no one knows you are one - not even family or close friends.
- Racial interaction is still effectively on your own terms. You don't have the blissful delusions of option 1, but you control how much or how little you interact, taking precautionary measures on a situation by situation basis. You understand threat and screen your own exposure in day to day life. You are guarded where you need to be and open when it is an option.
- You are not naive enough to hop onto public transport in Baltimore at 1 am, but you are never going to acknowledge why. You are also not going to casually strike up a conversation at your workplace about it either. You just assume everyone knows the score, and having also grown up under the same social programming, knows the other side of that rule - never discuss non-white dysfunction and risk the loss of social status of those striving to be in option 1.
- Delay family formation until you can achieve option 1 status, if ever, but probably never.
- You interact with vibrancy enough to know that you want no deeper part of it, but it is distant enough that it doesn't grind you down. It is present enough that you deal with it constantly, but there is a reprieve when you finally hit the doors of your own home.
- To deal with the alienation, you have pets instead of kids.


Gwoobus Harmon said...


Option 3:
- You don't have any choice but to interact almost moment to moment with race reality.
- You likely live in a "vibrant" neighborhood and don't earn enough to graduate to option 1 or even option 2.
- Racial interactions are not on your terms or of your choosing. Because there is no moment you can relax, you see with a clarity how the various races behave. You are not high enough status to have to pretend there is an explanation beyond biology either. There are no higher status Whites or white social norms to appeal and conform to. You are constantly adjusting your own demeanor based upon who you are surrounded by. They aren't white.
- You never experience community and you grow to resent being deprived of it, particularly if you grew up where it was once present and has now been lost. Even if the non-white lifestyle and living standard is objectively sub-par, the non-whites surrounding you still have a sense of community and enjoy themselves. You don't even get to have that. You are the only group on Earth denied this right, to have guiltless community and you are laughed at, when the last remnants of it shrink and perish. Unlike number 2, you don't even have pets, much less kids or a family.
- White genocide is not some abstract laughable thing for you. You live it and see how bad it can still get. You probably do drugs to deal with it.

Option 4:
- You completely surrender and have no desire to have a distinct and separate culture. You no longer even act white at all, because there is no reason to with it under constant attack. The genetic line of those who survived ice ages, plagues, famines, and wars to eventually create you so that you could live during a time when nothing has been better for humans (21st Century white society) --- your connection to all of that ---- terminates during your life cycle. None of those aforementioned challenges could kill the biological drive to continue the species, yet this current cultural ennui has been enough to kill the entire race in large portions, by making us not even want to perpetuate our selves There have been extinctions due to outside forces, but there is literally no example in biology of an organism deciding to make itself extinct "from guilt" or a feeling of debt to other competing bio-organisms. But I guess Whites REALY DO have pioneering spirits....

- You adopt the behaviors, speech patterns, mating patterns, EBT usage, and lifestyles of the non-whites.
- You commit the genocide yourself by having either no children or having non-white offspring and raising them to adhere to the ascendant non-white social norms so that nothing about your lineage could possibly ever be recognizably white at all in the future.
- The assimilation is complete and you no longer factor into the future of the white race in any way. It is all gone. If there is a white future, no part of you will participate in it. The pressure was so great, and you caved.

Be it option 1 through 4 ---- They all have the same source:

cultural pessimism

That is the "White Genocide." We are the only generation of humans alive who ever have been told, and convinced our own selves, that we have a moral duty to disappear. And we are so f*ing duty bound and ethical that we may just do it as a final "gift" to the remaining population of the world.

Anonymous said...

Dear Stephen King,

You are from Maine and while I liked some of your writing, I think your words that stick with me are your intro words for the HP Lovecraft books in the paperback Delray editions I bought back in high school.

Enjoy what you have wrought, you've raised a screwy family, sold your talent at the altar of equality (Roland isn't white? Yeah, no balm in Gilead. At least nobody left who can make the machinery work... Sounds like the great cities of Sub-Saharan Africa, don't it you freaky lib?) and pontificate from on high from your Maine mansion.

I've got a new idea for a horror story, Stevie! You can base it on A Shadow Over Innsmouth. Some town close to you will host genetic rabble who will ultimately come to eat you! They'll breed like rats and the last thing you'll see is by our own wrinkled skin rupturing from an attack from some "person" a certain Rhode Islander would've known was an alien through and through and not wanted him in his homeland! Mr. King, will the last sounds you hear be that of your wife asking, "Why are you doing this?" while crying just as you begin to realize you are having a heart attack?

Sweet dreams, Stevie!

Straight Outta Brooklyn said...

I live in the whitopia of Maine-NH-VT, where crime is almost nonexistent, permit less CCW is unquestioned, and unless you go out of your way to enrich your children's lives with vibrancy, there is none.

People don't lock their doors. People leave their cars running in the winter in the parking lot. People look out for each other, and each other's kids. Compared to South of the Massachusetts line, it's freaking HEAVEN.

HOWEVER. Because it's so nice, with high trust and low time preference dominating our communities, most people see only the wonders of (imaginary) diversity. Your average Mainer, NHman or Vermonter will never encounter the Dark Side except at the DMV, if that, and they have no idea what real, as opposed to imaginary, diversity has in store for them.

Many who live in BRA get red-pilled by life. What can be done to wake YT up where diversity has yet to come?

Anonymous said...

What are they doing up there for jobs?
Female in FL

Anonymous said...

I hate to see the last white enclaves end, but they made their liberal bed and now they can sleep in it. They will see an increase in violent crimes as the black population increases, test scores will go down, and more people will be on public assistance. After that, the dumbasses will ask all the same questions other liberal states ask: what happened? Why are "teens" attacking people and robbing them? All the while not noticing the color of the perpetrators. All the while not noticing the black hate of anything white. These people are the dumbest shits on the planet. If they read at all, they would know by now these outside groups mean them harm. Liberal whites are the dumbest shits on the planet and deserve to go extinct.

Anonymous said...

Delaware dude. I visited Maine in 2014 on a motorcycle with friends. Stopped in a diner for breakfast. Who was sitting next to us? Why 3 members of the Capital PD. They were very friendly and warned us straight up, DO NOT venture into Lewiston for any reason. Great advice from police so we continued around Lewiston.

Paintjob Theory said...

"The sad thing about states like Maine is that the population probably likes the diversity."

Outside of Portland, Bangor, and some of the other faggoty coastal hipster cities you'll be hard pressed to find anybody who likes it. They stuck the state with a bunch of congoids 20 years ago when nobody had seen an African outside of (((TV))) and (((Movies))) but I'm unapologetically vocal about my loathing of those sub-humans and I never get anything but agreement from folks I run into in my day to day affairs.

There's a reason Lewiston schools are only 20% white and it's because humans have all but fled that town.

We have a lot of Mexicans (supposedly) who work on the farms but I never see them... literally never. I even buy my milk from a local dairy farm who I know uses them and I don't even see them there when I go to buy dairy and produce. There's definitely no Mexican markets and I haven't seen a proper Mexican restaurant in the state. The only place I ever see a Chinaman is working at Chinese restaurant, and I've never seen an Injun (casino). I suspect the 1.5% of people who are Injun are "1/16th Cherokee" types.

The brighter news is it was -3 degrees when I woke up yesterday and it's not like 60IQ congoids were working up firewood last year to season this year to burn next winter. When YTs juju runs out they will not last long and the white folks up here have A LOT of guns.

D-FENS said...

Enironmentally minded people are alarmed at the possibility of invasive species overruning the ecosystems they like to recreate in. They almost sound naziesque in their zeal to protect “native species”. Yet they have no problem with shit like this. This is a common attitude in the northeast/new england. I like to troll them by saying “I thought diversity was good”.

D is for depressing said...

Where have all the black mayors gone?

"By 2000, 19 of the country’s 50 biggest cities had or would soon have black mayors, Forbes recently reported; by 2017, that number had fallen to six"

GOOD! Today is a good day. People are waking up to the incompetence of blacks in positions of power. There is hope for this country.

Anonymous said...

I know a lot of folks here don't agree with sites like The Occidental Observer or its viewpoints but they have a powerful article about activist John Kasper.


D-FENS said...

All of this is driven/mandated/financed by the federal government with a SLIGHT slowdown under Trump (who is still taking in “refugees” rejected from Australia). Effectively we are in a race to see whether Whites can outlast the federal government.

Unknown said...

JOBS,WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING JOBS!!! The land of opportunity, for everyone but the white man.



I have noticed the same thing. I had my awakening concerning the link between human invasive species, and invasive species of non-human habitats, and how the SJW, DWL, etc. dealt with it, when I was reading about the Spotted Owl wars.

It occurred with the debate about Spotted Owls and Old Growth forests. These two were linked in that these Special Spotted Owls could only live in Old Growth forests. So, the eco-perverts wanted to save both and they went to war against the logging interest with their typical fascist methods.

The main articles, for mass consumption (brainwashing), all appeared in National Geographic (an Anti-White BS rag). After a series of Pro-Eco articles, a reader wrote, in a letter (Internet BC), stating there were many "sub-species" or other breeds/races/ethnicities of Spotted Owls all over California, Oregon, Washington State.....where this battle was raging. The writer said there was no need for this controversy since there were various Spotted Owls all over the place. Why, some even lived in barns.

WOAH did the hate responds come at this guy for suggesting that!! He had the gall to point out, for all practical social purposes, all Spotted Owls variations were equal.

NO WAY, claimed the eco-purists. The Real Spotted Owl must not mix and pollute its genetic code with other Not-so-real Spotted Owls even though these eco-perverts did have to admit they were all the same species....(equal?)....according to the definition of species. BUT, to the eco-babies, this did not apply and that each variation, no matter how insignificant, MUST be protected 100% with NO exceptions.

So, when it comes to EVERY OTHER LIFE FORM except White People, the eco-fascists will defend (to your death), that they all must be protected and segregated and respected...but as for the White race?

Well, when it comes to protecting the White Race, there is no such thing as race, all breeds/ethnicities/races/variations/sub-species are ALL equal and there should be race mixing without concern....the more race mixing involving humans, the better...... but ABSOLUTELY no breed-mixing with roaches, mosquitoes, AIDS viral particle, etc.....

I've read far too many National Geographic articles praising some ethnic community, here and there, but especially those found in previously White Nations. They will go on and on and speak of the wonders of these "neighborhoods" and how much they bring to the "host" country....yet discuss the racism they receive FROM this host country......all Anti-White.....all aimed at destroying any and all White nations. Sickening.

When National Geographic put that gay-home-mentally ill white boy on the cover, and dedicated their entire edition to pro AnalSexPerversion, I actually called them on the phone (difficult to find their subscription line phone) and told them to end my subscription and WHY. You should have heard the silence.

D-FENS said...

CENTURION - Remember back in the 1960s and 70s when we were told by the Left that Americans are 5% of the world’s population but use 20% of the world’s resources and that we need to reduce family size to achieve zero population growth to protect the environment? Now that has been largely achieved, the Left says that we need to open the floodgates of third world immigration to restore economic growth and save social security because the population is aging! Yet the Left has long maintained that economic growth degrades the environment.

The Sierra Club used to oppose immigration until a (((benefactor))) helped spread a little Tikkun Olam and made a large donation to see things differently.

Anonymous said...

Female in FL-
It used to be that anyone could get on welfare in Maine- which is why all the Somalis moved there. I heard that the new governor is changing things, though.

Anonymous said...

Female in FL: What are they doing up there for jobs?
White genocide. Only job requirement is to show up.

Anonymous said...

Liberal whites are the dumbest shits on the planet and deserve to go extinct. Hell yes !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

PK: I'd like to send a money order to SBPDL. Who do I make it out to?

Also, is it ok to send it with the "From" line blank and you fill it in at your end?


Stuff Black People Don't Like said...

PO Box 527
Oakton, VA 22124

Let them know it's for Paul Kersey.

Don't make the the money order out to anyone. I'll fill that out.

Just send cash if possible.


Anonymous said...

It occurred with the debate about Spotted Owls and Old Growth forests. These two were linked in that these Special Spotted Owls could only live in Old Growth forests. So, the eco-perverts wanted to save both and they went to war against the logging interest with their typical fascist methods.

Ever notice that the MSM never re-vists that issue? It's because the results are embarrassing to liberalism.

The plan to save the spotted owl by ending logging didn't work. Also note that they were never willing to compromise in the first place by allowing thinning. The eco-nuts and liberals demanded untouched forests for the spotted owl and a judge sided with them. There was never any doubt that the entire endeavor was about forests and not the owls.

Now the government has decided that the spotted owl is in fact threatened by the barn owl. So they hire hunters to kill barn owls.


I can not but help seeing INCREDIBLE marketing ideas for this site.

Here is one:

This site has some of the best, if not THE BEST, essays written as comments from the readers, that one can find on the Internet concerning Race Realism.

These comments are better, more personal, more "raw", and more heart-felt than any other Pro-White site. And the comments are from the people, we "people" who LIVE with the tribes that hate us, tribes we have to deal with every day. Tribes that beat us, rape us, kill us......we send in first hand reports and offer first hand real solutions.

PK should/could put together books containing the best of the best and sell them.

Ex-New Yorker, alone, is good for a few books about America from the 60's till now, showing the death of a once Great White Nation.

Anonymous said...

I hate to see the last white enclaves end, but they made their liberal bed and now they can sleep in it. They will see an increase in violent crimes as the black population increases, test scores will go down, and more people will be on public assistance. After that, the dumbasses will ask all the same questions other liberal states ask: what happened?

What's amazing is that liberals in these cases can completely ignore the results of all those other states. They will actually start at square one when doing their analysis e.g. What can be causing this? Are we not spending enough money? Is it racism? How can we get more money?

Liberal whites are the dumbest shits on the planet and deserve to go extinct.

This is why once they are 30 I have zero pity for them and 25 is pushing it. Most of them still haven't figured it out even with the internet. It boggles the mind.

Liberals fall for arguments that appeal to the ego. Their ideology tells them they are intellectually superior to the masses and that only "ignorant" people would believe that race could be a factor in behavior outcomes. These same liberals will watch the nature channel and learn how biology is closely tied to behavior in the animal kingdom. Does a light bulb go on? No.

Most of them are just plain idiots. Or to be nice they are mostly average people that aren't smart enough to see how liberalism is dishonest and counter-productive in that it works against Blacks in the long run through welfare dysgenics.

That is the true madness of liberalism. Even if you want to help Blacks it's a terrible ideology. It says to throw more money at the education gap when researchers back in the 60s were saying it is a waste to educate most of them past 12. Liberals no longer even push the job corp programs of the past Democrat Presidents. They have latched onto this idea of funding education to compete globally as if everyone can be a computer programmer. Argh what a mess we have.

Mr. Rational said...

When YTs juju runs out they will not last long and the white folks up here have A LOT of guns.

Cities don't have their own fuel or electricity and very limited supplies of food.  A mid-winter blockade of Lewiston with cutoff of all utilities would have mass casualties very quickly, especially combined with something like drone attacks with firebombs.  You clean up with rifles, or rope for those who surrender.

When TSHTF, you should be ready to go after them before they come after you.  The time to strike is when all sympathetic units of government are overwhelmed by other problems.

I'd suggest war-gaming this as a Yugoslav civil war exercise for plausible deniability.  Pick some town roughly the same size and map out its approaches, utilities, and everything else.

People are waking up to the incompetence of blacks in positions of power.

BLACK people are waking up to their own incompetence and pleading for YT to save them.  They'll forget quickly enough, though.

There is hope for this country.

Not while Black people have the vote, hold office or serve on juries.  Theodore Wafer is still in prison.

Anonymous said...

I know this is OT but please bear with me. The Atlanta airport, not the air traffic control system run by the FAA lost electrical power for eleven hours yesterday (Sunday) causing chaos for air traffic throughout the country even extending overseas to a limited extent. Today I looked up the people who run the airport or at least have their grinning faces all over it. Yes, excellent guess, diversity strikes again.

Think of this too; the U.S. military is about 50% diversity in the enlisted ranks (except for ground combat troops) with a slightly higher rate in the Navy/Air Force. And the U.S. Government (or those who control it) want a war with Iran? Really? They can't keep the lights on during peacetime at a critical place in CONUS, how can they run a high tech war while under enemy fire?

Remember, diversity is our greatest strength.

Bobby PGH said...

Lol! I thought the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Off topic but this is why we cannot have nice things.

Wide Awake said...

Well written but I would argue more options. I am dedicated to awakening my fellow white brothers, sisters, family and friends. This can be done through any number of different ways that may or may not expose your cover as a race realist. The key is to know your audience and where they exist in the reality of racial consciousness. This can be accomplished in any number of ways by asking simple innocent questions about illegal immigration, Trump, crimes rates, welfare,etc. You can gauge where they are pretty quick by how they answer.

I agree that income obviously has some influence on escaping the black undertow. The more money you make, the more you can afford the houses and areas blacks can't. Of course this is racist and I could care less. Obviously there is a correlation between income and IQ that the country will not discuss.

Enlighten people who will listen and can reason but may be on the fence or most commonly just completely unaware and ignorant of the world around them. Forget the rest of the people that remain vigilant that race is a social construct. Don't even waste your energy, they will never understand.

I exist in option 5 which is a variant of option 2. I live in close proximity to both Washington DC and Baltimore and have had to travel to both at times for work. I have enough money and distance from these 2 black dysfunctional Wakandas. Unlike option 2, I employ discussion and knowledge of the disparities of race, political power, and the social oddities to the people I interact with. I know race is real. I know the violent tendencies the black race has demonstrated at nauseum for hundreds of years is not because of racism but because of race ! I discuss the insanity of white guilt. I discuss the anti-white propaganda in the media and the entertainment industry. I share videos. I share stories. I share books and personal experiences. I create art work and graphics for Colin Flaherty on YouTube. I do whatever I can do to expose this lie of black victimization because once people see the truth, then they can deal with the reality of the world right now. The Red Pill if you may.

There are more options. Do what you can without endangering your employment. Do it without racism. Do it with facts and reason. Without anger. The truth is out there but there is a huge effort to avoid it at all cost. Expose the truth of who we are as white people as much as exposing them.

D-FENS said...

“Think of this too; the U.S. military is about 50% diversity in the enlisted ranks (except for ground combat troops) with a slightly higher rate in the Navy/Air Force. ”

I wonder how much this had to do with all of the ship collisions the US Navy experienced in the last year. I read one investigation but it provided no names to be able to tell. Probably deliberately.

Wide Awake said...

Wow, I thought the same thing but didn't research it. Thank you for confirming my fears. I can't help but think about the future when 13% turns into 25%, 38 %, or 50%. They will be charged with running and maintaining white structures and creations. We all know how well that turned out in places like Flint Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Well this proves it. I kept noticing Poland Spring tasting shittier and shittier.


Brian in Ohio said...

D-FENS said...
“Think of this too; the U.S. military is about 50% diversity in the enlisted ranks (except for ground combat troops) with a slightly higher rate in the Navy/Air Force. ”

I wonder how much this had to do with all of the ship collisions the US Navy experienced in the last year. I read one investigation but it provided no names to be able to tell. Probably deliberately.

When I was in the Marines, I did two deployments and was aboard ship for several months at a stretch. On the very stern on the ship was a gun mount (M2 .50cal) which was manned 24/7 by a sailor while underway. Some watches the sailor was a little black girl who was maybe 5' tall and weighed all of 100lbs. Even if she could have reached the charging handle, I seriously doubt she would have been able to charge the weapon, and definitely couldn't have depressed it far enough to be of any use.

I thought about that when a small boat loaded with explosives was able to get right up next to the USS Cole and detonate.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Wide Awake said...

......I agree that income obviously has some influence on escaping the black undertow. The more money you make, the more you can afford the houses and areas blacks can't......

That's all well and good until they using the thinly disguised gibs in those areas........Affodabo Housing.


Anonymous said...

These things are really not funny.

Even one big city can pull the rest of the state down. Baltimore is a prime example. Our forefathers knew this, thus we have the Senate.

But, who could have foreseen a city of Blacks or Mexicans?

God bless the people in Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. They will help us survive this. Where else can we go that live on the East Coast?

We may be the last generation that grew up in a majority white nation. What is it like for those that did not? Will they know any better?

Anonymous said...

Yes, liberal Whites are a liability.

Anonymous said...

Good article:

I know a lot of folks here don't agree with sites like The Occidental Observer or its viewpoints but they have a powerful article about activist John Kasper.

People like Kasper were way ahead of their time. Here we are, six decades later and what he and many other race realists of that era predicted is now playing out, from Detroit to Maine and points west.

Anonymous said...

The last three Navy ship collisions had women or minorities "steering the ship". The photos that I saw showed only blacks or Spanish. The only white person was a women. This is how I remember the stories when the news came out. Also a lot of the Amtrak wrecks were caused by black guys that were going to fast.

Will we hear the truth about the wreck that just happened.

The Umpire said...

Paintjob: "I suspect the 1.5% of people who are Injun are '1/16th Cherokee' types."

HA HA HAAA! Ugh, yeah, those types--tell me about it.

NERVE (Why Do So Many People Claim They Have Cherokee In Their Blood?):

"Call it the Tribe of the Wannabes, the Cherokee Syndrome, or a blood myth, but the number of Americans claiming to be one-sixteenth Cherokee or who 'think' they 'probably' had a great grandmother who was a Cherokee princess is a vastly growing group."

Wikipedia (about Cherokee Parks, a white dude who played in the NBA): "Parks' mother named him Cherokee in honor of his great-grandmother, who was a member of the Cherokee tribe."

Really? That's great (probably).

NERVE: "[There are] 566 federally recognized Native American tribes."

One time I asked this blond-haired, blue-eyed, pale-faced dude (who claimed that he was part Cherokee), "Did the Cherokees outnumber all of the other tribes combined?"

Slate (Why Do So Many Americans Think They Have Cherokee Blood?):

"'From Maine to Washington State,' Deloria recalled, white Americans insisted they were descended from Cherokee ancestors. More often than not, that ancestor was an 'Indian princess,' despite the fact that the tribe never had a social system with anything resembling an inherited title like 'princess.'"

"The former NFL running back Emmitt Smith believed that he had 'Cherokee blood.' After submitting a DNA test [...], he learned that he was mistaken."

Pff, surprise, surprise.

The Telegraph (Oprah's baffling claim of Zulu blood):

"Oprah Winfrey, the American chat show host, startled a South African audience and baffled historians by claiming to be of Zulu ancestry. She told 3,200 fans [...] in Johannesburg: 'I went in search of my roots and had my DNA tested and I am Zulu.'"

Oprah (after being informed "that no African-American slaves came from South Africa"): "None? So I'm not Zulu?"

Man, you just know she thought "Zulu" sounded so cool (vs. the "Kpelle people" or the "Bamileke people", two of her DNA's actual matches).

TIMELINE (No, you are not part Cherokee. And neither is Elizabeth Warren.):

"If you meet somebody who you wouldn't necessarily think they are Native, but they say they're Native, chances are they'll tell you they're Cherokee."

"Elizabeth Warren can't provide [any] documentation. In defending her claim, she says only, 'This is what my brothers and I were told by my mom and my dad, my mammaw and pappaw.'"

Uh, "she" used to be a professor at Harvard Law School?

Why do so many Americans claim Cherokee blood? Here's five factors to consider: (1) American-Indian culture was really hip with a lot of Baby Boomers, (2) Paul Revere & the Raiders, (3) a "woman" named Cher, (4) a desire to feel exotic, and (5) the simple fact that "Cherokee" is a word that sounds really cool (e.g. Jeep Grand Cherokee).

NERVE: "Cherokee has become [...] an easy passage to some innate and ordained cool from the past."

That's why I'm more inclined to believe people who claim ancestry from a more obscure tribe, particularly if the name doesn't sound so cool. For instance, I once met a man who said he was from the Sauk tribe. Clearly, "Sauk" sounds less magnetic. Who would claim to be Sauk that was not?

Anonymous said...

I copied two paragraphs from the news story, eliminated the minimizing language, added or shortened a word here an there. Whats left says it all to me. One who can see.

"waves of immigrants rapidly change the racial makeup of schools, with huge impacts on state education funding, altering Maine’s economic future."

"As districts move to provide new supports and services, state funding has tripled in the last dozen years."

What I'm not able to wrap my head around, is the people seem to prefer it this way. Actually pursuing their own demise.

Ken said...

Its not easy to fight White genocide but it is clearly needed.
Whites as a race are endangered. Fertility rates are seriously low and then we have the forced imposition of mass#s of non-whites flooding White lands. Given time the end result is clear.
How is this not genocide:
White countries are being flooded by non-whites. Whites are told to be
TOLERANT. Whites are forced to integrate. With assimilation we see the extinction of one race only, the White race. Its not funny, not comedy, its white genocide. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

Join numbersusa now. Doing nothing is not an option. Our enemies want us to go quietly into the night.