An Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two- Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle, to be exact.
Give up?
Alright, let's solve the simple puzzle.
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A diverse remake of A Christmas Story bombed... why didn't audiences warm to a movie depicting a black Santa Claus and a multiracial America??? |
A Christmas Story.
You know, the movie set in 1940 lionizing a fictional northern Indiana town, following the desires of a young white child hoping Santa gives him a Red Ryder BB-gun?
That A Christmas Story, which once a year plays for 24 straight hours on TBS.
Made in 1983, A Christmas Story has become not just a cult classic, but a unifying culture force for otherwise disconnected white Americans. A reminder of just how morally bankrupt our nation is, many white Americans identify with the female leg lamp (the major award the father wins in A Christmas Story) far more than they do with actual Christian symbols forming the basis of Yule season.
But there's one problem with the continued celebration of A Christmas Story: it's an embarrassingly white movie that not only celebrates gun ownership, but pokes fun at Chinese immigrants who can't properly pronounce fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-lah when they sing the chorus of Jingle Bells (didn't you know Jingle Bells is a racist song?).
So what to do about this embarrassingly white Christmas movie, glorifying an America that once existed without diversity and cultural enrichment?
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A Christmas Story Live (2017)... yes, Flick is black |
How about doing A Christmas Story Live on Fox, complete with a mulatto mom played by Maya Rudolph, a black Santa Claus, a black Flick (you know, in the original version the white kid who gets triple-dog dared into sticking his tongue on a flag pole), a Hanukah song, and Chinese immigrants who speak perfect English and perfectly sing Jingle Bells without any racial stereotypes?
That's what happened on Sunday night, December 17, 2017. [How A Christmas Story Live! Made Its Chinese-Restaurant Scene Less Racist,, 12-17-17]:
When families and “You’ll shoot your eye out!” obsessives gather ‘round the old flat-screen to watch Fox’s ambitious musical event, A Christmas Story Live!, they may notice a few adjustments to the beloved 1983 film that inspired the special.
Unlike the original film — which starred Peter Billingsley as a boy desperately pining for a Red Ryder carbine-action two-hundred-shot Range Model air rifle in 1940s Indiana — it’s a musical based on the 2009 production by Dear Evan Hansen’s Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who wrote a slew of new songs for the Fox event. (The production also enlisted Matthew Broderick to play grown-up Ralphie as the show’s onscreen narrator.)
A Christmas Story (1983)... a monochromatic cast
Fans of the movie will notice that the production deviates from an almost entirely white cast to include a more diverse group of performers, including Maya Rudolph as Ralphie’s mother, David Alan Grier as the surly department-store Santa Claus, Fred Armisen as a store elf, Ken Jeong as a Christmas-tree salesman and Chinese-restaurant owner, and scores of other actors of color who appear as townspeople, Ralphie’s classmates, and in a myriad song-and-dance numbers.
But the most noticeable update comes toward the end of the production, during the Chinese-restaurant scene when a group of Asian waiters sing “Deck the Halls” for Ralphie and his family on Christmas day. The original film depicted the waiters as performing the song with stereotypical mispronunciation, singing the song’s refrain as “Fa ra ra ra ra” instead of “Fa la la la la.” But in this version, the quintet — in real life, the a cappella group Filharmonic — performs the classic carol flawlessly.
David Alan Grier said he felt that the production overall addresses the diversity issue in a more “natural” way as compared to other recent similar efforts.
“Remember NBC’s live Sound of Music? Audra McDonald was a black nun living in Austria? What was going on there?” Grier laughed. “That was the real story for me.”Guess what?
The diverse A Christmas Story Live completely bombed, delivering terrible ratings, and absolutely bombing with viewers. In fact, it has lower audience score on than the universally derided A Christmas Story 2, a direct-to-dvd movie made in 2012.
Moral of the story?
Diverse remakes of beloved Christmas stories don't go over well in a country where large segments of the population now realize the America nostalgically depicted in A Christmas Story is far, far superior to the country we find ourselves strangers in today.
It should also be remembered the director of the original A Christmas Story, Bob Clark, was killed by an illegal alien in 2007.
From Fox, the “conservative” network. Incidentally, Fox is being bought by (((Disney))) so ALL major studios will be under (((their))) ownership.
It is our duty to speak out and against such things when we see them.
Point out the cultural appropriation of People like Beyonce.
Point out instances like how George Zimmerman is unmistakably not (fully) white, nothing like the Lighten photos the (((media))) pushed with the term White-Hispanic.
Let corporations know when their advertising promotes White genocide or hatred towards Whites or ridicules Whites.
Promote and uplift your local White Businesses.
Talk to your Children about these things. Don't let others do it for you. (Just like those drug commercials from years and years ago)
The propaganda machine continues.
Female in FL
I love the movie, we watch it every year! I watched a few minutes near the end of this because I was curious. I can fully agree, it sucked! I hated the "diversity" and how PC they made it. They didn't do the fa ra ra ra at the end. The mother was horrible. She had no chemistry with the kids or husband. The mom from the movie was much better.I see a lot of people agree with me, probably for a lot of the same reasons but are to PC or fear of being branded a racist to say it.
Will shots ring out and streets go wrong in the fantastic diversity of the new Christmas Story?
I’m convinced that the reason it was re made was to exploit diversity. Heaven forbid that there is any movie or play with all whites. I wouldn’t be able to re live my childhood. The government would step in and insert brown and black actors into my 1950’s life. That’s ok, they actually started block busting my city in the late 50’s. By the late 1960’s it was an urban shithole surrounding by an ever changing city of Detroit. We all know how that turned out. I’ll give them least they’re consistent.
It may have bombed but has done it's damage. The propaganda machine churns on and will be showing re runs for for ever.
Baron M, if your children have been indoctrinated to the satisfaction of the State, your children will hate you to the grave. You are dismissing their inculcated world view (which, being children, they of course believe to be MUCH superior), and hence need to be (a) ignored, (b) shamed, or (c) reported to the appropriate authorities.
We are all so fucked.
I am very conscious of EVERYTHING pushing this diversity-crap, and make a point of spreading the word whenever/wherever I can. For instance ...I no longer purchase TIDE, since seeing their latest commercial of a White male, packing a suitcase filled with TIDE fresh clothing, along side the jet-black female mother of his mulatto child. I had been using TIDE for my entire life, considering my Parents, Aunts, Grandmother did also. Fired-off a letter to their CEO to let them know. Sure they don't give a shit about little ole me, but when more and more non-Guilty Whites stop purchasing products which allow subtle advertising of Whites mixing with blacks through the forced ideology of "diversity", the shareholders and stockholders might question their advertising/product direction, when for some "unknown reason", a portion of their profits are gone.
37 years after brutal SF crime, inmate paroled under state youth-offender law
This is one of the most vile stories I've ever read.
Lots of aware folks in the comments.
Epic fail just like the Black Annie reboot and the black snow white reboot.
Okay so what is next a remake of 2001 A Space Odyssey with an entire Black cast... you know about 20 years ago they were going to remake when the Worlds Collide but it turned into that horrible movie Deep Impact... the reason being is if you read the books probably it was guess what the white man that had the intelligence and the expertise to build an ark ship to flee the planet before Collision... preliminary marketing research indicated that audience would be very much against a racially mixed Ark ship therefore the premise of the movie was changed around to attempting to stop an asteroid Collision with nuclear weapons... anyway I always get a warm feeling at the end of the 1951 version when all the whites are getting off the ship... even more so as the years went by and these days and times I always felt that the ark ship and its crew survive to populate that planet it probably went on to create a Galactic Empire
Fox also did a remake of the Rocky Horror Show last year with a black Frank N. Furter - it bombed as well. The United Colors of Benneton remake of Annie tanked pretty bad too.
I see this as sort of a validatoon of the old saying of never interrupting your enemy when they make a mistake. By attempting to force feed their agenda, they are tipping their hand in such a way as to make their intentions impossible to miss, and the viewership is tuning out in response. I see this as a sign of resistance by the public. Perhaps we're not quite ready for the dustbin of history yet.
I heard last week that the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie will be adding a new member. His name will be Jamal T Pricktaveous and he will be black. That's right boys and girls. A black turtle. I can hardly wait.
You know what Hanukkah is about?
It's about the ancient Israelites getting an 87.5% discount on lighting oil.
Enough cause for celebration in any Hebrew household.
Thank you.
Once again, you perform a noble service. Via Drudge I had seen a reference to this holiday bomb and read no further. I used to date a leggy white Dutch farm girl who moved to the big city but always went back to the farm for Christmas. Her father, a white salt of the earth actual farmer (dairy, now hay + sheep) would watch "A Christmas Story" round the clock. He really enjoyed it. At the time, I thought it was quaint. Perhaps now I know (just) a little better.
I definitely didn't put the two names together, definitely didn't know it was in some sense a reboot. But the rest - Hollywood going negro whenever it can - is quite predictable from that. The only question that remains is how this fine little movie and this (new) fine family tradition that is obviously so nostalgic and so completely white has survived into 2017. TBS is proudly running it again this year. How long?
{ And lastly, I will indulge a small sermon. It is ominous that many who gravitate toward the importance of the white race are also belligerent to Jews. Though I am not one of those, I make this observation with no judgement. But it is divinely cyclic that the white race in America is at the same tipping point as the Jews faced in Germany circa 1933. The Jews were passive and tolerant and foolish and did nothing as they watched the dominoes fall to their own genocide. Who would contest that they did not fight back with ruthless, focused and unrelenting violence at the forces trying to destroy them? And so, here we are in 2017, some of us hating the Jews, yet all of us so very very like them. The only answer is merciless destruction of vast parts of our society. Where are these patriots? Are they yet born to us? Would their appearance be a fine 2017 Christmas present to us all. }
Thank you for posting.
I went to a school that was mostly east asians, I think our entire CHOIR was east asians that was born overseas. The problem our Italian choir teacher has noted, out loud (this was before the current wave of stupid censorship), was that we couldn't pronounce the "th" sound in "the" or the "d" ending, so we spent extra time practicing on it, and then at some point he gave up and picked songs that avoided the need to pronounce those words when Music Night closed in, lol.
I don't see why it's "racist" or "offensive" to make fun of asians for not being able to pronounce certain things or not being able to drive, it's either not true (for BBC and ABC and CBC), or it's true (the parking lot of Pacific Mall belongs to the 8th Circle of Hell), in which case, can't argue with the truth, suck it up buttercup.
!@#$^ blacks for fuxating public transport, Asians need public transport to get around safely and White people on the sidewalk also need us to use public transport to get around safely. The subway was so nice before the blacks ruined it by making it smell. Instead of wasting time driving I could READ! Now I'm still now driving but instead of reading I have to keep an eye out, never relax.
...and further on Pacific Mall:
Arrest warrant issued in Pacific Mall murder
Published Monday, March 1, 2010 2:36PM EST
A Toronto man is facing a first-degree murder charge in connection with a murder that took place inside the Pacific Mall in Markham early last year.
York Regional Police obtained an arrest warrant for the suspect on Friday – just a year after 26-year-old Chun Kit (Daniel) Cheong was gunned down outside the XSITE cellphone store.
Police have released pictures of the suspect, 21-year-old Bryan Valentine Gardner, in hopes of getting tips from the public.
Gardner, who is also known on the street as Weezy, is described as a black male, about 6' with a thick build and some facial hair.
I knew it was a blackey black black as soon as gun was mentioned, white people almost never commit interacial crime and Chinese triads avoid the use of guns, gun-use attract the police and carries a big risk of collateral damage which is bad for business.
It's not a fictional Indiana's Hammond Indiana. I looked and wished through that same department store window as Ralph. Hammond was next door to where I grew up, so this story, A Christmas Story is sacred territory. Gene Shepard, who was from Hammond and quite a scribe of all things Northwest Indiana (Phantom of the Open Hearth is another example) would have been spinning in his grave at the promotional pic of a dindu with his tongue froze to the flag pole let alone a "black santa" More cultural enrichment from (((them)))
Only FOX News is balanced, while the FOX Business Network could probably be considered conservative. The FOX Network itself is quite leftist.
White exceptionalism cannot be matched by bra!
Of course, the naive and well-meaning black boy is tricked into licking the flagpole by the mean white kids.
Let's just say I would bet the farm that the actor playing the bully that picks on Ralphie on the way home from school ISN'T black.
It's bad enough to have them shoved in our faces in every commercial, show, even if historically they have no place being in said show/movie. But they are always the kindest, most thoughtful and understanding (SIDE) characters in every show. The black girls are always there to play the wise helpfully doting best friend to the white girl, because that is what black girls do- look for ways to help out white girls for free.
If you are still clinging to your t.v., tell me if you see a SINGLE character that is played by a black actor that is shown in a negative light. The lengths that writers and directors will go to in order to put a mask of caring, empathy, kindness and thoughtfulness on black people has gone completely off the rails- it's so insane to be insulting.
And don't get me started on a mixed race family of whites and blacks where the mother/woman is the black one. If you disregard all that I wrote above, this detail by itself makes the tale completely unbelievable and a liberal pipe dream.
Anon 7:12 - What you describe is called the “magic negro”.
David Alan Grier said he felt that the production overall addresses the diversity issue in a more "natural" way as compared to other recent similar efforts.
How so? Did a black rob the Salvation Army pot, or did Black Santa pickpocket the little White kids on his lap?
There's a tv series playing on Netflix right now about the crucifixion of Christ and what happened to the apostles afterwards. Two of the apostles are black as well as several other main characters. In another series which is about the legend of King Arthur, Guinevere is black as are some of the knights of the round table.
The inclusion of blacks into every story is not aimed at adults who know better but at children who are impressionable and easily fooled into thinking that blacks were present and playing pivotal roles no matter what nation or time period a story takes place in. YOU are not the target- your children are. As the old saying goes, "As the twig is bent, the tree is shaped." Your children are being bent and shaped to be good little multiculturalist brainwashed fools aka useful idiots of the left. Sadly, there are many dimwitted adults who fall for the same routine who will argue vehemently about it whenever any objections are raised and will defend the inclusion of blacks and actually believe that blacks were present everywhere during any given time period. Even worse (believe it or not) I've encountered stupid whites who actually believe there are places in Africa exactly like the fake kingdom in the Eddie Murphy movie "Coming to America." Incredible.
At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if a movie or "documentary" came out about ancient Eskimo's and featured DaNanook and his wife Nanookeisha teaching all those stupid Eskimo's how to build whale boats and igloos and how to survive harsh artic conditions. Even if it was presented as a comical mockumentary albeit with a serious tone, there'd be hordes of dimwits who believed it.
Only FOX News is balanced, while the FOX Business Network could probably be considered conservative. The FOX Network itself is quite leftist.
Fox News isn't balanced. They play the same game as the liberal networks which is to pretend that human biology doesn't exist. Sure they won't constantly attack Trump like CNN but they subscribe to their own form of race denial and globalism.
What we call conservative in the US is seeped in race denial and has too much faith in the markets. The conservative racial realists were kicked out a long time ago in an effort to appear more cosmopolitan. Christian conservatives also supported this purge since they have never supported the idea that evolution has played a role in race.
This is funny. We have more and more negroes in movies and TV commercials who are portrayed as noble, brilliant, and virtuous ("Magic Negroes") while East Asians are depicted as uncool and unmusical boobs who talk funny.
My doctor is Korean. His name is Kim. I while back I asked him if he realized that probably the best three operatic tenors on earth were all Koreans named Kim. It's true. The reason is simple. After WWII we sent opera stars to China and Korea and the Asian audiences loved Western music. Also almost all Koreans seem to be named Kim.
Just a generation ago most of the best tenors were Mexicans or some other Spanish or Latin American nationality (Domingo, Carreras, Araiza, Kraus, etc.) But today most of the best tenors are Korean, Chinese or Japanese. Except for Jonas Kaufmann of course.
So the film clip of the Chinese waiters who can't sing is very far from the truth. The Chinese are maintaining musical standards originally established by Europeans. Meanwhile blacks just spread tuneless grunting with obscene and inchoate lyrics. That whirring sound you hear is Nat King Cole rotating in his grave.
Those Chinese waiters in this clip are probably only working as waiters at night. By day they probably study computer science at MIT or Cal Tech. This would make sense. The Asians in America currently have higher personal incomes than do native majority whites. The way the government does its statistics tends to mask the East Asian performance advantage.
Currently the most racist ads on TV are probably those of Liberty Mutual insurance company. Almost all of their ads show white characters as fools and blacks as wise and successful. But recently they have begun to substitute Orientals for the blacks. The whites remain as the hopeless fools in the commercial mini-dramas. Maybe this is a trend.
Maybe the contra-factual message that whites are boobs and blacks are wise will blow up from its lack of correspondence to any known reality. The most successful black actors used to be Stepin Fetchit and Eddie "Rochester" Anderson. Now we have come full circle. Soon we should expect a film based on the life of Einstein played by Samuel L. Jackson.
Jews passive and tolerant? What fantasy land are you living in?
If you are still clinging to your t.v., tell me if you see a SINGLE character that is played by a black actor that is shown in a negative light. The lengths that writers and directors will go to in order to put a mask of caring, empathy, kindness and thoughtfulness on black people has gone completely off the rails- it's so insane to be insulting.
Yes Hollywood now tells us that not only are middle class Blacks everywhere but they're polite, well dressed and constantly having to deal with racist rednecks that cannot live up to their high standards.
Hollywood will seldom use the Black gangster character anymore. Shows like The Wire probably wouldn't get the greenlight these days. I fully expected this after Trump won the election. Hollywood liberals fully believe that rural Whites need to be "educated" which means paint theory propaganda. They would send all of us Deplorables to camps and censor the internet if they could. But since they don't have that kind of power they instead beat us over the head with unrealistic depictions of Blacks and degrade White males as much as possible.
The only White male characters they celebrate are either gay, submissive to the culture or self-loathing. The White male geniuses like House always have mental problems and unstable personal lives. In the minds of Hollywood a White male genius has to "pay" somehow.
I just shows the resolve of the left and more importantly those that fund it that year after year there are "black" remakes of what were essentially white movies and TV shows, or "historical" movies usually set in the Antebellum South in which all whites are vulgar nasty racism who usually end up getting slaughtered by the righteous blacks. They all bomb, it must amount to hundreds of millions of dollars lost each year, but they keep pumping them out, cost is no object. I will repeat this is the resolve of our enemies
And so, here we are in 2017, some of us hating the Jews
I have two problems with blaming Jews.
1. There are what you might calls suburban Jews that don't like liberal race denial and the destruction of the cities. Blacks have pushed Jews out of Harlem and Detroit and this hasn't been forgotten. Jews are in fact split on a lot of issues relating to Blacks. They aren't acting as a single group as websites like Stormfront would have you believe. It's more that there are some wealthy ones that fund a lot of left-wing groups.
2. I grew up around Nords and they lied to me about race from day one. Sure they were influenced by the Bible and left-wing Socialist Jewish writers like Gould but I have no doubt that their real motivation is basically a refusal to face reality. I am certain that Western Europeans and especially Nords have egalitarian genes that are just as instinctive as communal genes in wolves. It's too much of a coincidence that Seattle, Portland and Minnesota all have Nordic populations and are also filled with deluded leftists. I think that is our main problem which explains why Sweden has gone full-retard on immigration even though they are secular and never took in large amounts of Jews. In Sweden you can be charged with a hate crime for merely posting undisputed facts about race on the internet. So Sweden has taken the the left-wing suppression of science and denial of human evolution to the extreme. I don't see how Jews can be blamed for their situation.
John Legend (don’t know who he is other than he’s a negro) to star in Jesus Christ Superstar Live:
We are nothing like (((them)). We are much more like Germans of Weimar: economically disenfranchised in a completely debauched society that was controlled by a hostile, culturally-foreign elite that hated their guts.
Paul's blog is about blacks, but we all know blacks are neither smart nor industrious enough to insinuate themselves into every aspect of our lives.
David Alan Grier is both an African't AND a (((Tribe))) member. He gets double diversity points. That is why he laughed in your face about the remake, Disney will fund him forever, even if every movie/Show he makes is a flop.
“Remember NBC’s live Sound of Music? Audra McDonald was a black nun living in Austria? What was going on there?” Grier laughed. “That was the real story for me.”
The real story is "F-U White man".
and, REMEMBER, there was that book written decades ago, by a French guy (of all things) almost describing this event as it is unfolding.
CAMP OF THE SAINTS: (I have no idea what that means or where it came from)
You can get it in English. The FRENCH were warned and it would have been far, far, far better for them to have remained under "German" rule.
Then, around the same time, there was Enoch Powell who gave/wrote a speech called: "River of Blood". He tried to warn the British people, but they being too weak and too stupid didn't listen.
This is coming to America. The "One World Order" rules are in a HURRY to flood us with mud so they can crash the economy (the Fake Stock Market they have been ramping up with Federal Reserve manipulation....)
I give it no more than 2 years and all this goes to hell. PLEASE PREPARE.
Rather than Chinese, Cheong is a Korean name.
As good as the original "A Christmas Story" was, it was a pale distillation of the stories of the great American humorist and radio storyteller Jean Shepherd. I came across him on WOR New York in 1958 when he would tell stories and talk for five or six hours overnight: his childhood, WWII memories, social commentary, Haiku, alligators in the subways and on and on. A true genius.
You've got to throw in some diversity to appeal to the audience because that's the way the audience is. That's why the movies of the teens, 20s, and 30s were so full of Irish references. They were the bulk of the audience. The WASPs were still the farm and the Jews went to the Yiddish theater. And the blacks...well, they weren't around to be seen so much.
They are not balanced, they are cucks who are engaged in (((tribal))) worship, they are engineering your minds, and the minds of those you love.
They think men should act like Homer Simpson, have their families hate and jeer them. They think white people are a scourge and if they are balanced as you say why aren't they actually speaking frankly on racial issues?
Not trying to tear down my fellow Caucasians, but taking the time to put loyalties to the test helps us. My basic belief is that if it is on television, it is there for entertainment and making money often at the expense of anyone watching it.
Do you live way up in the mountains or something? The third world invasion is much more advanced in the US than Europe. Here in the metropolitan New York area, the swarms started in the seventies. We're taking in well over a million hunter-gathers a year now!
Pat Buchanan tried to something in the nineties but middle America was oblivious to the problem. It wasn't until Africans started shitting in the streets in Minnesota that they noticed.
And that's why we have Trump. Better late than never...maybe.
Gerg Knuston: "It's not a fictional's Hammond Indiana. I looked and wished through that same department store window as Ralph. Hammond was next door to where I grew up, so this story, A Christmas Story is sacred territory."
Hey, wait a minute dude: don't be too sentimental or nostalgic. Even if you were born blessed, your good fortune doesn't hold a candle to these guys (i.e., black celebrities' DNA testing results)."
T.D. Jakes: "[His] Y chromosome test showed him to be of Igbo descent [...]."
Maya Angelou: "[...] the Mandinka people of Gambia/Senegal, the Balanta people of Guinea-Bissau, and the Fula people [...]."
Whoopi Goldberg: "[She] descends from the Papel and Bayote tribes, who mainly cluster in modern-day Guinea-Bissau." "[...] the Balanta/Bayote people of Guinea-Bissau, the Mende people of Sierra Leone, and the Kru people of Liberia."
Chris Tucker: "[...] the Mbundu people of Angola, the Basa people of Nigeria, the Ewondo/Bamileke people of Cameroon, the Biaka/Mbenzele people of the Central African Republic, and the Chwabo people of Mozambique."
Quincy Jones: "[...] the Tikar people of Cameroon, the Sukuma people of Tanzania, the Tonga people of Mozambique, and the Fang people of Equatorial Guinea."
Oprah Winfrey: "[...] her DNA had three exact matches--with the Kpelle people, [...] the Bamileke people in Cameroon, and a Bantu-speaking tribe in Zambia."
Eat your heart out YT!
I've been in this Mall many times.
I lived in Fort Myers for YEARS and I can spot exactly where in the Mall this happened.
The ENTIRE Mall is Africa & Mexico. No White people go there and the last time I went was around 1995. It is within months of economic collapse. They still have a SEARS there and once it's over. You can see a JCPENNY (brings back fond memories of my High School Years, etc.) and from the angle, the SEARS is behind the viewer.
This type of behavior is absolutely NORMAL. The Female Apes go there to prance, sneer, and insult each other and CREATE fights so the boys can shop-lift while Security is busy pulling the hogs apart
The original Christmas story needed no updating. Most of it was shot in the neighborhood (Birdtown) my Dad grew up in Lakewood, OH during the post-WW2 era when he grew up, so it's loved in our family. Unfortunately that neighborhood has fallen victim to diversity, but a lot of Whites refuse leave and many are coming back to reclaim it.
You've got to throw in some diversity to appeal to the audience because that's the way the audience is. That's why the movies of the teens, 20s, and 30s were so full of Irish references. They were the bulk of the audience. The WASPs were still the farm and the Jews went to the Yiddish theater.
In the 20s and 30s the cities were still mostly German. They just weren't explicitly German because German names and restaurants became unpopular during WWI. America has had a German plurality for most of its history. It just isn't discussed because of WWI/WWII. Even the British are mostly German (Angles and Saxons).
They are not balanced, they are cucks who are engaged in (((tribal))) worship, they are engineering your minds, and the minds of those you love.
They think men should act like Homer Simpson, have their families hate and jeer them. They think white people are a scourge and if they are balanced as you say why aren't they actually speaking frankly on racial issues?
And yet the creator of Homer Simpson is a Washington state liberal of German and Norwegian descent.
In the world of the Simpsons practically every White male is not as smart as the 8 year old girl. Mr Burns is a rare exception who also happens to be an evil capitalist that delights in polluting the world. Practically every authority figure (teacher, priest, policeman) in either a rube or amoral and the children are justified in mocking or ignoring them. It's an extremely cynical view of White society with an underlying message that liberals like Lisa know best and everyone else is too selfish or stupid to realize it.
At some point the main story in practically every script became:
Homer does something stupid or immoral (along liberal morality lines)
Lisa or Marge help him understand the error of his ways
So no bagel eating socialists to pin this one on.
Pat Buchanan tried to something in the nineties but middle America was oblivious to the problem. It wasn't until Africans started shitting in the streets in Minnesota that they noticed.
Pat Buchanan is a genius that figured it out a long time ago. When I first heard him talking about the Frankfurt School I thought he was a bit crazy and off on an irrelevant tangent. But after studying the history of the Social Sciences and how much they impact other aspects of education it's clear he understood how destructive that group truly was. It's just not something he can explain in a few sentences on television.
Too bad the GOP treated him like an outsider. He was also hamstrung by PC. I think he envisioned a multiracial society but one that wasn't made worse by liberals bringing in more third worlders. That's hard to state while trying to make inroads into the political establishment.
Why? Why give A Christmas Story a diversity remake?
Because it showed everything America used to be. Good, wholesome and white. And it was beloved by generations of white families.
It had to be torn down.
White supremacist is code for anything traditionally American. They want us gone.
Stay alert, stay alive.
The racial re-making of the Americas is not some organic phenomenon happening with an unguided hand. It is absolute policy.
My family origins are, like many Southerners, Scots-Irish. So what exactly is a person of "Scots-Irish" ancestry? Many assume that the two populations mixed once they got to the United States. Nope, they were mashed together in a century long social engineering experiment before being moved a second time to the British North American colonies.
Scots-Irish are the population that resulted from "the planting of Ulster," where a quarter million Scots were migrated by the British crown into Ireland over a period of 100 years. The native Catholic Irish could not be counted upon as a governable population.
(Side note, If you ever hear the term "beyond the pale" which means outside the bounds of safety/proper decorum --- this is a reference to the pacified counties of Ireland during this time being called "the English Pale." If you went "beyond the Pale" you would encounter the untamable and very dangerous Irish wild men.)
As a form of bribery the British crown gave the Irish lands away to the lords of Scotland as a way to simultaneously secure Scottish loyalty while also reducing the Irish capacity to exercise sovereignty. Instead of wasting British treasury and soldiers to pacify Ireland, they just flooded the troublesome areas with a new people. They literally called it "planting" just like you would with seeds in a garden.
This is clearly what is happening to the United States and Europe currently. Whites cannot be depended upon to vote in patterns considered acceptable by the rulers. Non-whites can be bribed and be counted as loyal in exchange for gibs. They also have lower aspiration, drive, and capability so they are comfortable with less, making it relatively cheap to "plant" them. The ultimate goal is to remake a more pliable, low drive, low demand, low civic participation population that is perfectly comfortable with mediocrity and graft in government. To accomplish this, whites must be phased out, because they demand better and resist fleecing.
This is not only with physical bodies, but also culturally that Whites are being crowded out in the modern "planting" of our society. There is nothing, even culturally, that you will be allowed to have be uniquely yours.
Everything from Star Wars, Sound of Music, the Founding Fathers on Broadway, Little Orphan Annie, A Christmas Story, every commercial on TV --- none of it is permitted to be uniquely or exclusively YOURS. The "whiter" something is the more likely it is a candidate for a re-imagining. They don't even care if it makes money. They will operate at a loss to accomplish this goal. It is an investment to them, and like a planted seed, time is its ally.
Combined with the removal of relics and statues, All imagery is being "planted" to mirror the physical replacement as well so that there cannot even be a remnant within the imagination of a time that mankind was not multiracial/multicultural, or that Whites achieve great things when not bogged down with the social capital eradicating problems of diversity.
Have you had enough of this White Man? Do you feel the quickening? What are you going to do about it?
It is stuff like this that makes me pillage the oldies in the walmart discount racks for movies. Cheap horror, western, and monster movies are great. And beat the hell out of this PC nonsense.
I (original poster) am pinning this one on capitalists who are engineering this to make future generations suffer. Even the right wing politicos are cucks, who have bought into serving mammon. I am not religious, but it would seem that the monied class who runs this show control the airwaves. The political class ensures you are poor and your options are limited. Even the right wing is filled with social Marxists.
If Hollywood made a movie about The Beatles today you could bet that one of them would be black. Probably Ringo.
Has anybody seen Professor I.M. Klewless lately?
This story would have been perfect for him to satirize.
Have you had enough of this White Man? Do you feel the quickening? What are you going to do about it?
More people are waking up, especially in Eastern Europe. We have also seen the rise of the Alt Right in America. The dilemma is in turning an awoke people into a real political movement.
Remember, most revolutions have been led by a small cadre.
OT: This popped up on Yahoo today. Great comments.
" The lengths that writers and directors will go to in order to put a mask of caring, empathy, kindness and thoughtfulness on black people has gone completely off the rails- it's so insane to be insulting"
I like to drive some of my more sjw type coworkers batty with this by pointed out how " racist" it is that black people practically never get to play the bad guys in movies when more academy awards are given to actors who play bad guys, as it is usually a more demanding role. makes their heads explode.
Your genius makes my day. Constantly
Off topic, my apologies. This is a must see!!
Anon @ 5:22. Thank you for the link, I knew this would happen. Typical of that kind.
Female in FL
I wonder why Hallmark christmas movies are so popular.Too many whites?
Yo Yo Yo Umpire...I have no idea what you're getting at other then the blacks mentioned were descended from KangZ and schizzle......David Allen Grier believes the "diversity" issue was addressed....LOL....Here's an idea Dave: How 'bout Courtney Love playing Beneatha Younger in Raisin in the sun...huh? Or Marilyn Manson as "Sportin' Life" for Porgy and Bess, well?....or how 'bout this: Weird Al as Othello.....yeah...I'd pay to see that
@the wonderful person that posted the Chuckecheese video. Thank you. That is why we cannot have nice things for our children or our elderly. I refuse to take my parents to an event like that here. It scares the hell out of me.
"The ENTIRE mall is Africa and Mexico."
I know the feeling. Not too far away from my house there is an indoor/outdoor flea market that was always jammed packed with vendors with every kind of item for sale imaginable. I once bought some mallard ducklings there to raise and they had all the beautiful metallic colored feathers such ducks are known for. In any case, on weekends, finding a parking space was nigh impossible and the atmosphere was very attractive and appealing (100% white!)as well as somewhat exciting since one never knew what one might find. It was always noisy and bustling with activity.
Fast forward to today and the flea market has long since been taken over by mestizo's and it looks run down and decrepit with numerous signs in Spanish for tacos and burritos and God knows what else and looks like the slummier side of Tijuana. The outdoor stalls (99%) are abandoned with nothing but decaying wooden tables and an overturned chair or two inside and the awnings above are tattered. Indoors is no better- numerous stalls are abandoned and now piled high with garbage and empty boxes~ essentially an indoor garbage dump. Only a few stalls are actually occupied but what they have to sell is of zero interest- frilly Mexican style children's dresses and the like. The parking lot itself is nothing but a vast empty wasteland.
The final time I went to that flea market on a weekend, it felt like I was in some sort of post apocalyptic scenario- hardly anyone around and just a crushing sense of isolation, desolation and decay. Walking inside was even worse and creepy as hell as the only clerks around(except for one Asian lady) were fat, bloated mestizo women who silently stared at me as if gazing at an alien visitor from another planet.
On the bright side, all the original vendors obviously moved twenty miles down the highway to a giant indoor/outdoor flea market and that place is jumping on the weekends and even bigger and better than the old flea market. Hundreds of cars every weekend. It's also 100% white. The truth of the matter is the old place died because no one wants to be around 3rd world squat monsters or the sleazy, dirty, decrepit environments they create and there was no interest in the crap they were trying to sell. Still, I wish the old flea market could be reclaimed and revitalized and all the mestizo's kicked the hell out since it's much closer but its fate is to one day close completely and be just another vacant building. The only surprise is that it hasn't already happened.
4:51pm- "If Hollywood made a movie about The Beatles today you could bet that one of them would be black. Probably Ringo"
SNL did a bit on that, with Eddie Murphy as the "Fifth Beatle" who got screwed over right before they became famous.
Someone asked when we will have a reverse-racism version of "Hidden Figgers". Hollywood was way ahead of us -- it was called "The Right Stuff".
Gwoobus Harmon said...
The racial re-making of the Americas is not some organic phenomenon happening with an unguided hand. It is absolute policy.
Just consider how with a solid Republican Congress and GOP control of numerous states, none of the following has occurred:
* An end to affirmative action
* Serious enforcement of laws against illegal immigration (where's that wall?)
* Defense of CSA states and other White iconography
* Rolling back of affirmative action, "diversity" indoctrination and the rest of the rackets
* A crackdown on leftwing violence
The last point really gets me. Republicans in office had no problem condemning the Unite the Right Rally. But when it comes to leftists who have physically attacked Trump rallies, it's the usual crickets.
Please note the following has proceeded apace:
* Deplatforming of the Alt Right from online media and finance
* Even more BRA rackets, like the black player shakedown of the NFL
Either the Republicans are in on the con, have been bought off, or are too cowardly to speak up...regardless, they are just as much a part of the threat to White people as is the left.
Perhaps Trump can slow down some of the process. But ultimately, it is going to require a mass movement on the part of Whites to pull the bacon out of the fire.
Stay armed
Stay alert
My wife is a huge Christmas Story fan and immediately called this new version to my attention when she found it on the Internet. I came over to see what all the fuss was about and saw Super-Liberal-Cuck Matthew Broderick giving an introduction to the remake. My wife told me they had remade A Christmas Story. Knowing about your blog post I added, "So they decided to used a mixed race mother for a story-line that occurs in the 1940s". I laughed and walked out the door to do some work. Some time later I came back and inquired how the remake was. My wife said she could tolerate it for about 6 minutes. I said just wait til they remake "It's a Wonderful Life" with some negro as the Guardian Angel whispering in George Bailey's ear about white guilt.
Can't make this stuff up.
Seriously. Boycott EVERYTHING that comes out of Hollywood. EVERYTHING is tainted or benefits (((those that hate us))).
You could not PAY me to take my kids to a Chuck.E.Cheese. EVER.
Quixote said
... in Germany circa 1933. The Jews were passive and tolerant and foolish and did nothing as they watched the dominoes fall to their own genocide.
That's what they'd like you to believe. I'm not going to derail this thread by explaining it to you, but just google "Judea declares war on Germany". In 1933. They milk that "lambs to the slaughter" myth for all it's worth (and that's a lot), but it's a scam. They started it; what did they expect Germany to do?
It's important to understand that the destruction of White civilization is not happening by accident, and, as someone already pointed out, the kaffirs are too stupid to do it alone. You must identify the responsible agents. The information is available.
For me, as a South African, my "Aha!" moment came, much too late, when I saw an interview with Harry Oppenheimer (richest man in SA) where he boasted "Yes, I was the quiet engine behind the ANC". I've learned a lot since then.
You must not assume that anti-Semitism is irrational or groundless. The information is on the web. Do the research.
There are black men in the original Christmas Story. They play the criminals Ralphie rounds up in his imaginary dream sequence. Utterly, wonderfully un-PC.
In addition to black Santa were about to get a black Jesus 😒
Chuck E. Cheese was fun in the early-mid 80's. We had one a few miles away from work in my very-white university town. Once or twice a week we'd all troop off their for lunch and video games. We had a great time.
I don't think I saw any Black people there, ever.
It's moved but there's still one in town.
Probably not, but all the presents the kids got came from Toys for Tots donations and the turkey was free from a local food bank.
I moved to my own place a few months ago after a break up. Basically had to buy all new furniture, dishes, bed, but one thing I didn't buy was a tv, and I can honestly say I don't miss it one bit. Plus I don't have a cable or internet bill. If I need Wifi I go to a local cafe, have a coffee or sandwich, and download what I need.
"Yo Yo Yo Umpire, I have no idea what you're getting at [with regard to 12-19, 1:47 PM].
G.K., hi there. Did you feel like you were being mocked? If so, not at all: that sarcasm was intended for our critics. Actually, I grew up close to Hammond also (in Illinois). Your comment about looking through the window took me right back to Decembers in front of Marshall Field's (I've never seen the movie). That was great. Thanks.
Also, did anybody think those DNA test results were fiction? I mean, the FANG PEOPLE?! Seriously? I should've provided the sources for those actual quotes: my fault. Here, let's try that again:, (Black People:- African Ancestry and DNA Tests: The Results...), (Oprah Winfrey's Surprising DNA Test - Ancestry Blog).
The Pale ran outside Dublin in Norman times. The Plantation happened centuries later.
Otherwise you're mostly correct.
Yep. Queen Victoria and Kaiser Wilhelm were cousins. One branch of the royal family was named Battenburg, but changed their name to Mountbatten during World War I. Louis Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of India and was murdered by the IRA in 1979.
No, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were 1st cousins. Kaiser Wilhelm, Tsar Nicholas, and King George V were all 1st cousins and grandsons of Queen Victoria.
//Dagwood Bumstead said...
I moved to my own place a few months ago after a break up. Basically had to buy all new furniture, dishes, bed, but one thing I didn't buy was a tv, and I can honestly say I don't miss it one bit. Plus I don't have a cable or internet bill. If I need Wifi I go to a local cafe, have a coffee or sandwich, and download what I need.
December 20, 2017 at 8:43 AM//
I would never bring used furniture into my home due to fear of bedbugs, unless the furniture was from a family member, but you can save a lot of money buying DISHES from a second-hand store. At first the only thing I brought at the thrift stores were vases for flowers, plant pots, and bowls I repurpose for my plants, then I realise that I could find a lot of quality stuff there that they Just Don't Make Anymore, hardy porcelain, after I boil it, what's wrong with it being second-hand if I had already used shared dishware at restaurants?
Right now I'm on the hunt for Classic Corningware, the new ones in store are usually stoneware that can't be cooked in on stovetop, but the original ones were made of pyroceram which can be cooked on stovetop, microwaved, and frozen!
"In 1953 S. Donald Stookey of the Corning Research and Development Division discovered Pyroceram, a white glass-ceramic material capable of withstanding a thermal shock (sudden temperature change) of up to 450 °C (840 °F), by accident.
He was working with photosensitive glass and placed a piece into a furnace planning on heating it to 600 degrees Fahrenheit. When he checked on his sample the furnace was at 900 degrees and the glass had turned milky white. He reached into the furnace with tongs to discard the sample and it slipped and hit the floor without shattering.[1]
The material was used in the ballistic missile program as a heat-resistant material for nose cones.[2]"
Right on the money
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