This is perhaps the worst headline in the history of newspaper headlines. [NAACP pleads with Pensacola to stop gun violence after 2 shootings,, 5-17-18]:
Last month, it was the Wedgewood Community Center, where two young black men were shot as they ran through a crowd of hundreds to escape gunfire.
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Black Lives Matter? Not in Pensacola, where black leaders plead with the black community to stop shooting/killing each other |
On Wednesday night, it was the Fricker Community Center, where a black bystander who was playing basketball was shot in the shoulder in a drive-by shooting.
The two shootings share a common thread — authorities say there were scores of witnesses, but little information has come forward about the offenses.
The shooting outside the Fricker Community Center spurred the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to hold a press conference Thursday afternoon to plead with the community to stop the "violence and silence."
Civil rights activist Ellison Bennett, who also is the second vice president of the local NAACP chapter, said gun violence — particularly among young black men in Pensacola and Escambia County — has become more prominent and needs a community-wide solution.
"Somehow, we have become a nation of onlookers," he said. "We can see things that are wrong. We don’t want to speak out about it because it’s not popular, but the right thing to do is stand up for what’s right."
"We speak out all the time in the civil rights arena about young black men being shot who were unarmed by white police officers and we could not be true to our calling if we did not speak out about black on black crime."
Pensacola Police Department spokesman Mike Wood said no suspects have been identified in the Fricker center shooting. The victim's identity has not been released, but Wood confirmed Thursday that the victim was a black man.
Bennett spoke while standing on the basketball court where the man had been shot the prior night.
PPD vehicles flanked the community center as he spoke. Wood said there will be increased police presence in the Attucks Court area until an arrest is made in the shooting.
Police believe two vehicles were driving westbound on Strong Street between E and F streets at about 8 p.m. Wednesday when people inside the cars began shooting at each other. A pedestrian standing nearby also began shooting.
Wood said an estimated 30 to 40 shots were fired between the three shooters.
The victim, who suffered non-life threatening injuries, was transported by policto the hospital, where he remained Thursday afternoon.
In the April 28 shooting near the Wedgewood Community Center, two young black men face charges for allegedly getting into a physical fight that ended with more than 20 gunshots fired. An estimated 400 teenagers attended a large event at the center, which later spilled into the streets.
One of the victims told police there could have been as many as six shooters, and the Escambia County Sheriff's Office last week released surveillance footage asked for the public's help identifying another gun-wielding suspect.
Pensacola NAACP Chapter president Rodney Jones said the issue is complex. Many people don’t know their neighbors and are unaware of what’s happening in their neighborhoods, but they also may not trust police, politicians or nonprofits that are trying to help.
"We come out and we ask these people to tell us who did this shooting, who committed this crime but these people don’t know us," Jones said.
"I’m pleading to all these other organizations and agencies and people who are out there to become more familiar with your community, start walking that community, get out there, let them see you, then they may be comfortable with telling you who did this drive-by shooting, who broke into these people’s houses."
Bennett said he has attended countless funerals of young men killed in gun violence, and he has sat in courtrooms as shooters are sentenced and then face the families of victims.
The perpetrators often feel remorse, but, he said, "death is permanent."
"In this case nobody got killed, and two weeks ago it was Wedgewood, so the message we want to give today is we can disagree all day but we do not have to resort to violence," he said. "So I want to make a plea to the people of Pensacola, stop the violence, stop the hate."
"Stop the hate?"
It should be: stop proving over and over and over again that black lives don't matter.
The ONLY thing you can do to prevent this is to reduce the percentage of blacks in any population. That IS the silver bullet. No program, no amount of money can change the results of evolution except for evolution itself.
Don’t ya just love the white cucks helping out the NAACP? Why does the Pensacola NAACP have (at least) two vice presidents?
"PPD vehicles flanked the community center as he spoke. Wood said there will be increased police presence in the Attucks Court area until an arrest is made in the shooting".
Wow! Did they really name a community center after Crispus Attucks, famed first man to die in the American Revolution?
Sorry, had to chime in with that. As I've said beforr, my brother and I always got a good laugh bringing up old Crispus and his laying down his life for the nation.
"Pensacola NAACP Chapter president Rodney Jones said the issue is complex. Many people don’t know their neighbors and are unaware of what’s happening in their neighborhoods, but they also may not trust police, politicians or nonprofits that are trying to help".
So blacks:
1) Don't know their neighbors.
2) Don't know what's happening.
3) May not trust: a) police
b) politicians
c) nonprofits
Is this why they go on shooting rampages so often, because they wake up befuddled and it turns to madness? No! These Groidian-Americans are simply simian! WTF? If I had a time machine I would go back and tell the southerners that the slaves would be such a no-no that they would be cursed and maligned in times to come.
N: Negroes
A: Are
A: Always
C: Causing
P: Problems
Libby Cannaught-Noatis
Sorry, Mr. Jones, I be all outta fucks to give.
There has been 50 plus years of every possible type of welfare . . . food stamps, rent vouchers, midnight bakkaball, community centers, affirmative action programs regarding all aspects of employment, scholarship programs and admissions quotas, etc., etc. Not only is there nothing to show for the trillions of dollars WASTED, but we get treated to ever increasing amounts of the violent, destructive, dsyfuctional, absolutely fucktarded room-temperature IQ behavior known as TNB.
Instead of criminals shooting or stabbing each other as part of some sort of double-crossing dirty deal, we now have YOUR group shooting each other and bystanders almost everywhere they go. Even if no "shots ring out" in, on or around a street / zip code / time zone gone wrong, the TNB such as arson, burglary, rape, robbery and general fuckery shows up to ruin places and events such as:
Amusement parks, automobile dealerships, baby christenings, back yard barbecues, bake sales, bars, basketball courts, bistros, bowling alleys, bridal showers, cab stands, candlelight vigils, churches, clubs, coffee shops, college campuses, concert venues, convenience stores, county fairs, court rooms, dentist offices, doctors offices, donut shops, fast food franchises, flea markets, flower shops, funeral homes, gas stations, gyms, hospitals, housewarming parties, Ikea stores, impound lots, lemonade stands, massage parlors, Methadone clinics, movie theaters, newspapers, office buildings, pizza places, porno shops, post offices, radio stations, recording studios, swimming pools, truck stops, Walmart and yoga studios.
Did I cover everything, Mr. Jones? Is there any place or event that you and your people have managed to fuck up for everybody else that I forgot to mention?
First thing I see are two white people holding up the banner.
YT, always supporting the animals, freaks, and malcontents.
Don’t ya just love the white cucks helping out the NAACP?
They may be (((white))), which explains everything.
I grew up in a small Midwest town. My Grandparents, as well as extended family, lived in a smaller Midwest town.
Crime didn’t exist.
Then a Democrat governor decided to start incentivizing blacks to move there. Crime skyrocketed.
Growing up our house only had a locking door knob, my Grandparent’s House didn’t have a lock at all!
My uncle has had his truck stolen, my folks ended up moving.
Blacks can ruin paradise with their TNB.
D-FENS: "Why does the Pensacola NAACP have (at least) two vice presidents?"
They have too many vices for one VP to handle.
"...we do not have to resort to violence,"
Negroes' first go-to for conflict resolution is violence....they don't "resort" to anything.
8:36pm- Did they really name a community center after Crispus Attucks, famed first man to die in the American Revolution?
He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was killed. I like people who weren't killed.
Might as well ask water to stop being wet. Why did the scorpion sting the frog?
This is unrelated to this particular story but I would LOVE to hear your take on the so-called Royal Wedding PK...mainly because I know the comments section will be pure gold. I can't stop laughing at the ridiculousness of it all.
Gov't payroll your tax dollars at work
How can the police prevent drive-by shootings like this? What, exactly, can they do?
The only way to do it is to pre-empt these crimes by putting the gangbangers in prison before the do it. Stop and frisk. Lock 'em up for the offenses they commit before they get a chance to commit murders. Break up the gangs.
What's the alternative? A police escort for every person, to keep them safe?
Somehow, we have become a nation of onlookers," he said. "We can see things that are wrong. We don’t want to speak out about it because it’s not popular, but the right thing to do is stand up for what’s right."
If you speak out against what's wrong and stand up for what's right, you'll be called out as a racist.
"On Wednesday night, it was the Fricker Community Center, where a black bystander who was playing basketball was shot in the shoulder"
Midnight Basketball at the Community Center and still Tyrone gets shot. I'm sure that won't discourage anybody from offering these as a "fix" for black criminality in the future though.
"The two shootings share a common thread — authorities say there were scores of witnesses, but little information has come forward about the offenses."
Nobody seen nuffin. I must admit to laughing out loud when I read the "common thread" part knowing damned well what the real common thread is and that there's no way in hell any YKW owned media outlet would mention it.
"gun violence — particularly among young black men in Pensacola and Escambia County — has become more prominent and needs a community-wide solution."
Err buh poda hep.
"We can see things that are wrong. We don’t want to speak out about it because it’s not popular,"
You can say that twice, Sambo. The fact that these ape creatures are barely self aware gives us some 24 karat irony every now and then.
"Pensacola NAACP Chapter president Rodney Jones said the issue is complex."
No. The answer is incredibly simple, it can be provided in one word that starts with "n" and rhymes with diggers. It's the making excuses for these evolutionary throwbacks that is complex.
"start walking that community, get out there, let them see you, then they may be comfortable..."
Because the onus is certainly not on black Africans to assimilate into the modern world but on police to try to make friends with a hostile tribe of low bred stone age savages.... Perhaps they can put 30 inch wheels on their cruisers and hand out ice cream? You just knew this one would work its way around to "blame YT".
"The perpetrators often feel remorse"
The only remorse they feel is about being caught. There's not a one of these soul-less monsters that feels any shred of empathy or can comprehend the cost of their behavior beyond any unfortunate repercussions to itself.
TNB at its finest in this story. Great find, PK.
Well, at least they're not chucking spears. White technology has allowed them to up their game so what do we call them now?
Anonymous Non PC Infidel said...
Well, at least they're not chucking spears. White technology has allowed them to up their game so what do we call them now?
May 20, 2018 at 5:37 AM
How about Glock suckers?
wrt- two white people holding up the banner./ yes--they are doing work.
that way the nogs can yak.
blacks respond so well to the word "please"
This has got to be the best comment post ever,hats off to you sir.
What is that foolish white couple holding up the NAACP banner for? They have no business being involved with such a despicable organization. Yes, I agree on their message of begging Africans-in-America not to kill each other but the NAACP has a history of oppressing whites. Here is what I wrote about attending ""integrated" schools:
...I learned my lessons early. My Junior High School was the recipient of bussing from poorer black areas of southern Queens. Where these "students" grateful that they were getting a superior education with whites. That was the fartherest from the truth. For the most part, they were nothing more than a discipline problem as they acted out in class. White students were routinely robbed, harassed and beaten up. In a packed auditorium, a powerful black kid tried to force a white girl into a sex act. I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the month, these unwanted kids would get their free lunch vouchers while everybody else had to bring in their lunch. My parents were paying for the free lunch program yet neither myself nor my friends were allowed to participate. Because of unelected Judges and democrats, we are subsiprizing our own destruction.
It was NAACP who fought to "integrate" schools. Like me, millions of humans suffered terribly by their policies. This group has committed other outrages against us. So, shame on that collaborationist white couple...
Blacks killing each other comes as natural as the sun rising in the East, or water flowing down hill.
To think that you could change the course of any of these things shows the truly delusional nature of the DWL.
Stay alert, stay alive.
NAACP= Negroes Aided Ad Infinitum by Caucasian Psychos A talented tenth? My ass..... A Ne'er do well 95% is closer to the truth.
This stuff (negroes killing each other) has been going on since records started being kept. But I must say since the second Emancipation (Civil Rights Act 1960's) there has been an uptick of Da Violence. If they stay in their own neighborhoods that would be good but it seems to me that they like to wonder around in other territories.
Yes I know there are some stupid white people but no where near the rate of black people.
I just wonder where they are getting all the guns from. Is it better for them to kill each other using guns or knives. Guns are more humane is my vote.
My first impression was the guy holding the banner resembles 90% of the boomers Ive ever known/seen. Wanna see hundreds like him at once? This summers Street/Art Fests , G.I.'s marinas,etc.etc. Thing is, we have/had many blacj free institutions and events since the beginning. These fools rally for ruination. Retreat until one cannot?
Definitely great. The 4 best paragraphs I'll read today, and Im just getting started.
"We speak out all the time in the civil rights arena about young black men being shot who were unarmed by white police officers and we could not be true to our calling if we did not speak out about black on black crime."
Let’s blame YT first before we make another ineffectual call to stop the real violence.
First of all, nobody is truly unarmed unless they are missing their arms and legs. The FBI statistics refer to these as “personal weapons“, and people are killed with them every day. And when a cop gets beaten down, his gun usually gets taken and he gets shot with it. About 20% of murdered officers are killed with their own weapons in any given year.
The reason cops shoot more “unarmed” black men than other groups is because young “unarmed” black men are more likely to attack a police officer than other groups. Let’s face it: attacking someone armed with a gun without having a gun yourself (absent extraordinary circumstances, like having to jump a mass-shooter) is generally a low IQ act...which explains it’s prevalence in the black community.
“Pensacola NAACP Chapter president Rodney Jones said the issue is complex. Many people don’t know their neighbors and are unaware of what’s happening in their neighborhoods, but they also may not trust police, politicians or nonprofits that are trying to help.”
Same old BS.
Black resident: “Y’all needs to do sumthin’ about dis violence in our streets!”
Police officer: “Ma’am, we’re investigating the shooting this weekend. Do you have any information that could help us identify the shooter?”
Black resident: “I ain’t tellin’ you shit, po-po!” or “I didn’ see nuffin!”
Plus ça change...
A reader mentioned Crispus Attucks in an earlier comment on this article. Attucks is a fine example of yet another fairy tale told to us as kids in our elementary school history classes that all too often serve as propaganda indoctrination mills. As I told a young nephew in high school, most of what he was getting in class was just crap. Real history -- what actually happened -- is what The Powers That Be prefer to keep hidden from our prying eyes and is actually very interesting.
This is from a letter to the editor in the 17 October 1988 edition of the Army Times:
Crispus Attucks: An American hero or simply a street tough?
In reference to the September 5, 1988 cover story, “Does black plus white equal green?”:
Effective race relations should not equate to rewriting history. In your chronology “Blacks In Army History” you state: “1770 – Former slave Cripus Attucks is among those killed at the Boston Massacre, an incident that helped prompt the American revolution.”
Aside from having nothing to do with Army history, it’s revisionist history.
The man known as Crispus Attucks claimed to come from New Providence in the Bahamas. He further claimed that his name was Michael Johnson. He was a “street tough” and member of a mob that attacked a detail of British soldiers. The soldiers were forced to fire in self-defense. Attucks is often described as the first mob member to die, but that dismal credit must be given to Samuel Gray.
The contemporary court records indicate that Attucks was 47 years old at the time of his death. The records also show that he was a member of the Natick tribe of American Indians living near Framingham, Mass.
The British soldiers were tried by civilian courts in Boston. Three blacks (one a freeman, two slaves) testified against the street mob, which included Attucks, during the first trial. The soldiers were all vindicated. Senior counsel for the soldiers was John Adams assisted by Thomas Paine and Josiah Quincy – all good American patriots.
Whatever his name or race, Crispus Attucks was not an American hero and this incident was a tawdry one in American history. The rewriting of history to link this incident to the spark prompting the American revolution and the death of this street tough to the concept of emancipation and civil rights, came about at the time immediately preceding the Civil War. The idea of him being an escaped slave appears to have been a relatively recent addition.
American blacks don’t need this false hero added to the proud record of their service to our nation.
Ethnic pride and patriotism are sustained by truth, knowledge, and self-respect. Not a pliant pen editing the record of history to best suit each group of readers, or to render it more suitable by contemporary standards.
Joseph F. Connelly II
Orlando, Fla.
* * * * * * *
As I read this I wondered if some day Saint Michael Brown of Ferguson will also be surrounded by myth and worshiped in the "history" books (assuming any dindus will be able to read) in the future YT-free Republic of Wakanda, formerly known as the USA. He might be known as the sainted dindu who "gave his life" to spark the Bantu revolt and make the USA another South Africa.
By the way, let's dispense with such phrases as "he lay down his life for his country" and "he gave his life..." It's extremely rare that anyone "gives" his life for anything. Instead, it's taken, forcefully and violently. It's like saying the convenience store owner in Ferguson voluntarily gave up his goods to Saint Michael Brown, when in fact they were taken from him, forcefully and violently.
No more deceptive word games. Let's be blunt, tell the truth and portray events accurately.
A mob of about sixty feral black teens attacked a white woman in a Las Vegas neighborhood.
The attack was captured on video and, incredibly, found its way to a local television newscast. Not to worry. The teens were not racially profiled. The images, however, tell the story.
This explains why neighborhoods were segregated.
O/T but I'm wondering if you or Mr. Taylor has looked into the effects of diversity/quotas in hiring and how it incentivizes blacks and browns to flock to formerly all white communities.
I see more and more of them where I live now (used to be a sighting every month or so) and realize that they must have been bribed to come out here to bolster the diversity ranks among the corporate offices and chain companies. I'm sure much of this diversity would never have considered coming here if it wasn't for the corporate diversity push. I would like to find more information on this phenomena and what has been gathered so far.
Maybe you can lump this together with questions for the next podcast. Please note that you said you would get to the questions next podcast two podcasts in a row. Excellent analysis and coverage btw- I love the format and the give and take with Mr. Taylor. Just remember, we want to hear your opinions on some of our topics as well!
“The objective in war is not to die for your country; it’s to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his.” - Patton
“‘This is a situation someone is not going to come back from if it doesn't stop,’ Harris said.”
He’s right. But we all know what that means....just as we know what would happen to any white folks who fight back.
You might endure a dozen beatings from these hoodrats, but if you shoot one of them the media and BLM will descend upon the scene like vultures...and everything leading up to it will be ignored, misrepresented or dismissed.
This is why whites flee from this shit. As things stand right now, there’s no way to win...
I have mentioned before that black on black violence will never end because THEY ENJOY KILLING EACH OTHER. The truth of this is proven every day. Just turn on the evening news for the latest details and body count. Black people (if you can call them that) are the epitome of VICTIM CONSCIOUSNESS. They thrive on being a victim. To be a victim you must always have an abuser. The most cherished abuser is a white cop who has just shot a street thug. The wailing and bitching goes on for weeks and fulfills their sick need for being victimized.
The next "abusers" are white people in general. The problem with that theory is that white people are not roaming the streets shooting blacks. This need for victimhood must find a way to be satisfied. To make up for the lack of whites killing blacks the solution to the problem is for blacks to kill each other. They have now become their own abuser and victimizer.
Butchering each other has become an enjoyable way of life among these creatures. First there is the "thrill of the kill" which becomes almost addicting. Next is the wringing of hands and "peace marches". The weeping and crying for the dead is like the ultimate orgasm and is performed for the news cameras every night somewhere in America. This is a type of begging ritual to draw attention to their misery and suffering. These miserable slugs also built street corner memorials for the dead filled with empty beer bottles, teddy bears and candles.
One must always remember that the victim enjoys their suffering. If they did not enjoy suffering they would find something else to do for entertainment. The abuser is always needed to increase the need for victimhood and a constant state of regret. Blacks have now become their own personal abuser.
I would like to end this rant with a quote from Saint George Carlin....."I enjoy seeing people suffer."
So what's not to like about blacks killing each other.
Wouldn't it be nice if the negro would just admit to being a negro?
This is sooooooooo tiresome.
Might it not occur to the NAACP(tm) and the rest of the race racketeers that the reason employees of companies like Stabucks(tm) keeps a watchful eye on blacks is precisely because of the black-on-black killings which they are currently protesting in Pensacola? And, for that matter, the black-on-everyone-else killings, flashmobbing and general mayhem which seem to be a dreary feature of this demographic throughout North America, the Caribbean and the dark continent?
Well, perhaps Starbucks(tm) can show us how it is done. They can set up franchises in zip codes gone wrong, with "teens" and "youths" manning the stores, and bathrooms open to all comers. The NAACP can hold their meetings in such establishments, and perhaps put 2 and 2 together between shots ringing out and lattes gone wrong.
Pensacola NAACP Chapter president Rodney Jones said the issue is complex. Many people don’t know their neighbors and are unaware of what’s happening in their neighborhoods, but they also may not trust police, politicians or nonprofits that are trying to help.
No, quite simple:
Comes down to two words: "No" & "Snitch."
Put 'em together then sing them throughout the 'hood, bruthas and sistahs!
Well said. You just earned your PhD in TNB.
This is just irony right here an doe's anybody
see this happening to Asians Caucasians and Latin Americans you know having an organisation pleading their race, ethnicity to stop killing each other. no!... Ok than Gee
I wonder why is it because we're not savages and or uncouthed an genetically hungry for blood lust let alone death and having a drive by shootout against another gang or the cops maybe both
it doesn't matter what you black loving
,enabling, coddling, oil drilling,coal burning dumb fools say facts are facts go to Vidmax, Liveleak, YouTube, Facebook, WorldStarHipHop.blacks do commit most of the crimes having L.A. Riots, Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore Riots, Philadelphia, Mall fights an or mobs, black on black crime, black on white crime, black on yellow crime, black on brown crime, 1973 Marke Essex the Howard Johnson's Sniper, D.C. Sniper, Dallas Shooting, Baton Rouge Shooting, black school fights an or shootings, Rap and R&B an Hip Hop concert shootings,ghetto fights, project fights, gas station fights, theme park fights, carnival fights, Wal-mart fights, KFC fights, Mc Donald fights, Burger King fights, IHop fights, Taco Bell fights, Wendy’s fights, Black Lives Matter riots, restaurant fights, blocking traffic in the cities and or highway an freeways.
It's about time black community leaders acknowledge the truth of black violence instead of blaming YT. I should have placed community leaders in quotation marks - because it's a puke-a-licious word that translates to a parasite mooching and scamming govt money. He's being paid to hold the press conference. They don't do it for free.Community Leaders - when do they have time to work for a living you may very well ask.
Here's two goodies from the NY Area - Jawuan Blake is sensitive about an alleged noose that was supposedly put to victimize him. I got nervous - first I thought he lived in Broad Channel. WHEW. He's there for work,the Build it Back that I call it Build it Black Program -make work for blacks and illegal aliens. I'd be shocked if any whites were working on those houses.
It looks like something you would expect to see on a construction site, maybe it held something or was tied so the end of the rope wouldn't ravel. He's smoking too much of that non criminalized marijuana
The other one is a humdinger...The Gordon Parks Foundation Gala (Auction fundraiser) honoring scum like Ta-Nehisi Coates & Jamel Shabazz on May 22, 2018 at Cipriani's on 42nd Street. The Gordon Parks Foundation is primarily bankrolled by a white family foundation but the funds only provide for photography and film classes for black students and chillren. Isn't that discrimination? Not to worry, Alexander Soros, Son of George Soros is in the mix presenting Sherrilyn Ifill - President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. You've got her to thank for black violence and incompetents affirmative action hires at your local post office, bank, train station and at the NAACP.
Just in case you thought she was another black from Barbados who didn't do any work for her paycheck-
Here is Sherrilyn wasting Starbucks and America's time.
Have an award Sherrilyn- the thanks for nothing award.
Mr. Daily Kenn
"A mob of about sixty feral black teens attacked a white woman in a Las Vegas neighborhood". And tell me why people (humans) shouldn't have standard mags.
In other news I hear that Al Sharptoungue is rubbing his hands over YT decline Muh White supremacy (merely Whites wanting to survive) just because Harry in the UK married some half breed spawn Megan and gloated that every White girl in Arkansas wants to look and dress like Moocho Obama or some nonsense. Lord, the mind of a DIndu. Something else.
The truth!
Had I thought long and hard about every conceivable stereotype -
poor tagetting, insane ammo wastage, two-car shootout from Wacky Races, innocent bakkaballer hit, innocent bystander returning fire, dozens of dinsee nuffins -
I couldn´t have topped that.
Move over Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock -
REALITY SITCOM is the format of the future!
- A novel twist of script are the (((NGOs))) complaining people don´t trust them; a sign of intelligence? (evidently it´s ah-okey to not trust de popo)
I spent two years in majority-minority elementary until my parents put me elsewhere - I was learning too fast for their tastes ;b. Rest assured that everybody and his mama know who the shooters are.
All these things - lionizing thugs, "no snitching", tribalism rivalling (((theirs))) - are most easily described in terms of human ethology. Only when WE do it, it is called "baser instincts".
Delaware dude. To anonymous @ 12:39: "we do not have to resort to violence". ????
Tymere Moore, 18, had a conflict with another student at Middletown H.S., in Middletown, DE. the conflict was to be settled in the boys lavatory. Tymere pulled out a gun which he stolen from a car earlier in the day. Can't make up a story like this. Our Obsolete Agricultural Equipment (OAE) needs to be sent back to the point of origin. no longer useful, no longer needed. Hell, at least an old broken down John Deere doesn't cause trouble like this.
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