Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Crazies are Everywhere: It's Not Just the Big Cities

Editor's note: Due to events outside of my hands, SBPDL must undergo an emergency fundraiser. You can make a donation through the PayPal link in the upper left-hand corner or contact us and we'll you send PO Box information. Or purchase Hollywood in Blackface or SBPDL Year One from in either book or Kindle form. Also, on July 22, prepare yourself for the release of Captain America and Whiteness: The Superheroes Dilemma a brand-new book featuring almost 70 percent unpublished material.

He's not from Delaware. Mahogany Mobs are everywhere
Via Moonbattery, we learn of yet another city in the United States where a Facebook influenced 'firework fight' event - to overwhelm the police - became a full-scale Mahogany Mob that endangered the lives of police officers (who are now under investigation for their conduct in trying to stop the riot):
A man and two teenage girls were arrested in connection with what police dispatch described as a “riot” involving hundreds of people just after midnight on Tuesday.

Cherokee County sheriff’s deputies, South Carolina Highway Patrol troopers and Blacksburg City Police Department officers were dispatched to assist the Gaffney police with a crowd estimated to be as many as 500 people causing a disturbance in the area of Hetty Hill Street and Granite Drive.The chief of Gaffney police said his officers were originally called to the area in reference to complaints about a fireworks war. 

He said a Facebook post invited people to that neighborhood to overwhelm police.A release from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office said that when deputies arrived at that location, people in the crowd shot roman candles and bottle rockets at the officers as they attempted to clear the street.Officers said they used pepper spray to help disperse the crowd, but a few dozen people in the crowd were gathered around a fight that was in progress and they refused to leave.Deputies said they used a Taser to break up the fight between two teenage girls who were rolling around on the ground fighting.
The girls who were fighting, Aleshia Good, 18, and a 15-year-old, both from Gaffney, were arrested for public disorderly conduct, police said.During the time officers were trying to control the situation, someone threw a cement block through the back window of one of the patrol cars.

According to the police report, Stacy Wilson, 21, was also arrested for disorderly conduct after deputies asked him to leave and he “got loud and caused a disturbance.”Laneka Rice, who lives on Granite Drive, told News4's Mike McCormick that officers and that patrol car became targets because people were outraged over the speed of an officer."Next thing I know, I see the police car race down here really fast, and at first we thought he hit one of the kids," Rice said. "He was cursing, talking about get your "D" kids out of the road. All of the parents were mad and enraged about that. So, they just started surrounding him, fussing and he called for backup. I figured they were just mad and you know the kids, they were just going to try to get back that kind of way."

Police Chief Rick Turner said the officer admitted to go too fast, but not above the speed limit. Turner said he is looking into the officer's actions and he's reviewing dash cam video from the scene. Turner said he is also looking into whether the city fireworks law can be changed to prevent the fireworks wars, which happen every year.
Wait. Parents were attending the firework fight with their young Black children and teenagers? So now Greenville, South Carolina is added to the growing list of cities that have experienced a massive Mahogany Mob, this one directly related to a Facebook post that was designed to overwhelm the police. 

Five hundred plus youths, gangs of teens Black people and ostensibly their parents, who surrounded the officer for trying to stop the growing Mahogany Mob, and in the eyes of Police Chief Rick Turner it might be one of his men's fault?
Of course, Black people having poor credit is in no way, shape or form the problem or fault of Black people and Eric "My People" Holder is doing everything possible to force banks to loosen the requirements for garnering a loan:
In what could be a repeat of the easy-lending cycle that led to the housing crisis, the Justice Department has asked several banks to relax their mortgage underwriting standards and approve loans for minorities with poor credit as part of a new crackdown on alleged discrimination, according to court documents reviewed by IBD.

Prosecutions have already generated more than $20 million in loan set-asides and other subsidies from banks that have settled out of court rather than battle the federal government and risk being branded racist. An additional 60 banks are under investigation, a DOJ spokeswoman says.

No Job, No Problem

Settlements include setting aside prime-rate mortgages for low-income blacks and Hispanics with blemished credit and even counting "public assistance" as valid income in mortgage applications.
In several cases, the government has ordered bank defendants to post in all their branches and marketing materials a notice informing minority customers that they cannot be turned down for credit because they receive public aid, such as unemployment benefits, welfare payments or food stamps.
Among other remedies: favorable interest rates and down-payment assistance for minority borrowers with weak credit.
You're probably asking yourself, "but Paul, aren't these stories unrelated?" Yes and no. A Mahogany Mob has little to do with being denied access to credit or bank loans, it just has to do with the simple fact that Black people know that they will not be punished for their actions. Disingenuous White Liberals (DWL) will always excuse away poor Black behavior as a byproduct of white racism. Same with lending practices and bad credit that plagues the Black community - white racism. 

Black people in America - or, in Black-Run America (BRA) - have been taught that their actions will never go punished, nor will a failure to pay back money borrowed ever reflect negatively on their credit report. For Black people, there are no consequences for their actions - even if we go through another Minority Mortgage Meltdown and Diversity Recession II in the process, banks must unload cash to unqualified Black borrowers because "My People" Holder demanded such. 

Another story of July 4th Mahogany Mayhem comes to us courtesy of Delaware, and even though distinct patterns are emerging of Blacks Behaving Badly (BBB) across the nation, pointing out such connections will never happen under the current DWL-elite because such a move would dismantle the entire 'White people oppress Black people' paradigm:
Crime in this summer beach resort is nothing new. There are thefts, robberies and burglaries every year as thousands upon thousands of visitors pour into the packed streets.

But this summer, police have encountered a new type of crime -- large-group fights that have broken out on or near the boardwalk, the chief symbol of the family-friendly resort town.

Police Chief Keith Banks said two group fights, both involving male juveniles, have taken place since mid-June. In the most recent brawl, taking place before a large crowd just before the Fourth of July fireworks went off, a teenager was stun-gunned by a police officer before being taken into custody. And a June 18 fight that was broken up and then reformed blocks away has been linked to gangs, he said.

"This is a little more scary, because these are young males fighting on each other, and it seems like there are no patterns," Banks said.

Some residents say they're not too concerned, however.

"I'm not out at 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning," said Marcia Maldeis. "I think Rehoboth is probably safer than anywhere else. ... The police take care of things."

The July 4 fight broke out just before 9 p.m. in front of the popular Funland amusement center. Banks said a plainclothes officer stationed on a nearby roof spotted two groups of young men squaring off to fight and called it in. When an officer couldn't break up the fight, he used his stun gun. Three juveniles were arrested, two from Philadelphia one from Newark, charged with disorderly conduct and released to a guardian. A 19-year-old man, Devontae L. Murray of Bridgeville, was later arrested and charged with offensive touching for his role in the fight, Banks said.

Chris Darr, whose family operates Funland, said there does seem to be more crime happening in the resort this year, but Monday night's fight outside the arcade was the first Funland had seen.

"It seems like an isolated incident," he said. "The police dealt with it swiftly, and it didn't seem to affect us in any way."
Banks said the two incidents don't suggest that the boardwalk is becoming a lawless place. But with so many people walking its boards, some incidents are bound to happen.
"It may be just as simple as that's where they happened to see each other," he said of he group fights. "Kids hang out at Funland, the restrooms, the pavilion. That's where people hang out, and that's where they run into each other."

The June 18 fight began around 10:30 p.m., when officers broke up a fight on Wilmington Avenue, which connects with the southern portion of the boardwalk. The fight apparently re-formed about 15 minutes later around First Street Station, involving 10 to 15 young men who identified themselves as Bloods and Crips gang members.

Two of the teens from the Rehoboth area, 17 and 14, were charged with third-degree conspiracy and disorderly conduct. A 17-year-old from the Rehoboth area and a 16-year-old Harrington teen were charged with third-degree conspiracy, third-degree assault and disorderly conduct.

On June 16, two women were attacked and robbed on Rehoboth Avenue Extended, outside the city, while on their way home from work. A 19-year-old from Felton and a 14-year-old from Rehoboth were arrested later that month. And the neighboring unincorporated community of West Rehoboth has seen at least five incidents of attacks since May, with arrests made in several cases.

Banks said plainclothes officers have been threading their way through the crowds to keep an undercover eye on things, and the 24 summertime police officers help keep foot patrols moving across town.

"If you look at most of these things, arrests are made," he said. "The problem becomes, how do you stop it before it starts?"
Notice how this article - published in a Gannett-owned paper - tries to casually dismiss the youth, gang of teens, Black, gang-banger crime as nothing new. Obviously this town was too idyllic and needed to import some of the Black crime from Newark and Philadelphia to ensure that it was cosmopolitan enough for 2011 and up-to-date with the Mahogany Mobs that are raging in virtually every city in America with any noticeable Black population.

Funland is overwhelmed by Black crime. Violent Black crime. 

It's not just big-cities that are threatened by The Crazies, it's any city that has Black people, or Black teens, that can use Facebook, Twitter, etc., to organize and 'overwhelm the police.'

Remember, in the movie The Crazies, it took a military pathogen to destabilize the white population of a town in Iowa; for Black people, no such pathogen is necessary. Curfews are needed to stop youths, gangs of teens, Black people from behaving Blackly. Only in war or natural disasters are such drastic steps and erosion of freedom necessary, save when Black people act Blackly.

Of course, the fact that our Department of (In) Justice is forcing banks to lower lending requirements to Black people shows that we do not live among The Crazies, but are, in effect, run and lorded over by The Crazies.


Anonymous said...

The media's over-the-top effort to omit race is almost comical.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what happens on the day that one of these flashmobs seriously injures or kills the beloved son or daughter of a truly vicious and amoral lawyer? And when that lawyer decides to go after the very deep pocketed firms that provide the tech infrastructure that makes these swarms possible in the first place?

This is a serious question on my part. I have no idea what laws and policies are in place immunizing tech providers for misuse of their services,although I'm certain that there already have to be some in place.

But laws and policies are subject to change,and this hypothetical lawyer I'm talking about is certainly smart enough to look at his kid in ICU,look at the swarm that put him there,and realize that dragging those 3rd generation welfare recipients into civil court isn't going to do much of anything. However,dragging AT&T into court,on the grounds that their tech base made the attack possible in the first place has some potential result. Call it "The Thought is Father to the Deed" doctrine,and I'm still trying to come up with a name for the "Let's all go down to the park and fuck up some white people" phenomenon.

An author once published a short story with the underlying premise that giving a machine gun to a retarded child wasn't just bad,or wrong,but evil. ( Philip Brown???? can't remember the name of the author,or the story,but it still gets quoted every now and then.) What happens when some extremely competent lawyer looks at his kid in a hospital bed and decides that the concept is valid?

Anonymous said...

Each incident that is reported skewed is another nail in MSMs coffin. The question is how many nails are needed?


JB said...


The Crazies play Peoria:

Anonymous said...

As the media invents more terms to hide race, people become accustomed to it and just start interjecting them into conversation to refer to what they really mean (blacks behaving badly) without having to be an "evil racist" for mentioning race.

Jack from OKC said...

@Anon 8:37

The story you're thinking of may be THE WEAPON,by Fredric Brown.

Anonymous said...

....and the long, hot summer is only half over. Before Obongo's reign is over, and as the price of food outpaces what food stamps can "buy," I fear that America may be getting a taste of what whtie South Africans have had to endure.

bubo said...

This is troubling. Gaffney is a small town about 50 miles from Greenville off I-85. I spent many summers there and have many fond memories of it. It's one of those Southern towns where pretty much everyone gets along. Hopefully this is an isolated incident.

Jedediah said...

Time to buy a couple more cases of 5.56mm.

Discard said...

Anon at 9:27: The first American soldier to almost enter Paris in 1944 was shot dead by a retarded Frenchman at the city limits. The retarded man was simply disarmed and released, but his neighbors wondered why anybody had let him have a rifle.

Former Black Militant said...

The SBPDL again is a much needed site, as a black man and i love black people. What you are exposing in black culture is true, I have railed against the ignorance in black culture for years with the mistake of blaming whites for black foolery. I blamed slavery and colonialism but with years of experience working and trying to help black people, I realized that as a group knowledge is not appreciated enough and the more foolish the better the more ghetto you talk and the dumber the music, the more you are accepted in the black community. Acts like Soulja Boy , a teenage over tattooed black rapper has a song where he glorifies bad grades by stating he got all F's on his report card and goes to the teacher and tells her to throw some D' on the bitch. This kind of music is what black kids are listening to at age 4 and up, and they think they are cool. I am so tired of this ignorance and all what you see happening I predicted would happen because the kids in school are out of control and the teachers are helpless to discipline the children. You can't touch them at all and the majority won't behave and you can't teach. I wish all the students at the school I teach at and all the black schools could read your blog, I wish they were forced to read it and maybe they would see what materializes from their stupidity. Don't get me wrong I think America in general has a problem with their youth being out of control and dumbed down but the black kids are worse and I am an eyewitness. Americans in this country could help if they pass some laws giving broader disciplinary powers to teachers at "urban" schools you can't call it black , we know the game, designate these schools by income , high crime in the area etc. and I am telling you if you bust their "asses" early you would not have this much problems. So that is what you need to campaign for along with the exposure. I want the exposure but you would seem less racist to your "DWL" readers if you proposed some solution, I'm not calling for extra money but some form of corporal punishment has to be put back into black schools period if you are going to stop the wave of crime on the way. And believe me, I teach and I tell you that in about 5 years you will see a bunch of thugs and conscience less black people that will make these thugs look like the Von Trapp children but they can be saved but you got to have hard discipline, very hard because they lack it either genetically or environmentally or both.

Anonymous said...

He said a Facebook post invited people to that neighborhood to overwhelm police.

Doesn't that sort of thinh violate Faceboook's T&C?
Will the sender have their account cancelled?

Jane said...

Please have a look at this video:

Now Jesse Jackson is going to the Swedes for reparations, demanding they take unlimited African immigration and become a multi-racial country.

This is a zero sum game. Wake up, Europe.

Anonymous said...

"...they can be saved..."

Where TF have you been living, Former, in a cave? We have tried your idea for a century now, and what we have done has not worked. The last thing we need to do is take more advice from another black man. This has become a white issue. You are still sympathetic to these thugs if you really feel "love" for them. I cannot take you seriously.

We need to pay blacks to be sterilized, especially the males. We need to let nature take its course on this population, let them die off and starve if necessary. Their growth is not sustainable. Nature will win, the black underclass is already dying, but we can hasten things along. We need to get the black prisoners working in chain gangs digging dirt or picking lettuce in the hot sun until they just collapse. No TV, tattoos, gym time or square meals. You want school spankings, but we really need to bring back public flogging, stocks, public hangings, and the cutting off of limbs.

There is nothing that can save this underclass black population. We have to shrink it for good and prevent it from growing again. Maybe we need to export them back home or create a Treasure Island for them.

They are destroying My Country from the inside out.

White people, wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Anonymous said...

Former Black Militant,

What do the parents do when you call them and tell them that their kids are growing up to be criminal?

I have always held the opinion that teachers' power needs to be limited. It's too easy for a teacher to abuse a student. If strict discipline is needed, it should come from the parents. (Although perhaps corporal punishment can be acceptable if a strict process must be followed, e.g., only the principal is may use corporal punishment, and only after getting permission from parents.)

Anonymous said...

And believe me, I teach and I tell you that in about 5 years you will see a bunch of thugs and conscience less black people that will make these thugs look like the Von Trapp children but they can be saved but you got to have hard discipline, very hard because they lack it either genetically or environmentally or both.

And at what point will everyone else decide that this saving just isn't going to be worth the hell that will have to be gone through for the saving to happen?

I'm not being facetious here,either. Humans have this much in common with a field of ore-there is a limit on what can be extracted from the ore body. Sooner or later,the ore will be used up,and further efforts to extract and refine it are pointless,because there plain and simply isn't anything left to refine.

At that point,you have to load up all the equipment,and find another hole to dig. And of course,if you're a good neighbor,you have to clean up the mess you made,and that sort of thing,but nothing you can do will bring the ore back. It's gone. Further digging does no good,and in fact does nothing but harm.

Most people are similar-we hit the wall of our limits of competence,and that's it. We do what we're smart enough to do,and have ambition enough to do,and while in relatively rare cases we can be induced forcibly to do more,it costs. ( For one thing,you have to pay someone to keep a gun pointed at the other person you're trying to induce to do more. At which point you're paying two people to do what could probably be done by one person,if you could find someone who could do what you wanted to get done. And the person working at gunpoint isn't going to like it a bit,and that's another factor you have to think about.)

Disclaimer-my wall was the second semester of calculus. Granting that I had a miserable prof,I still couldn't make sense of it. Maybe now it would be different,but it's a bit late for that.

Back to my original train of thought,though-at some point,the question will be asked:

"Exactly how much are the rest of us supposed to give up for this roughly 12% that cannot seem to be able to figure out how to behave,or function in a manner that everyone else finds acceptable?"

At which point,the second question will be asked:

And in return for this,what are we supposed to receive?

And then,these people being asked are going to start quietly figuring out whether the payoff is worth what they're going to have to part with,and if the answer is,"No,sorry,but we aren't giving up anything else on account of these people.",then what happens?

Anonymous said...

" I am telling you if you bust their "asses" early you would not have this much problems. So that is what you need to campaign for along with the exposure."

Why am "I" responsible for all of this? Why should I care? I don't care about black people and their plight. I care about my own people. Why do you depend on the white man for everything?? Black people obviously are not able to function in our society. We get it. I am tired of paying for their existence and paying for their lack of impulse control.

YOU bust some black ass, OK brother? You think more violence is going to reduce violence? That is stupid thinking. Is violence always the answer for black people? I don't really think you get it at all.

We need a white society that is separate from blacks. Whites should by law be able to avoid blacks if they so choose. There should be places that are off limits for blacks so that whites can protect themselves from black violence and crime.

" about 5 years you will see a bunch of thugs and conscience less black people that will make these thugs look like the Von Trapp children"

Is that a threat, Former? Listen to this black man, white people. He threatens our society.

I say bring it on brother!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Greenville. Nice mid-sized white town that exemplified the "New South". Lovely parks, good & affordable (private) schools, even a little shopping mall-- ok, the Italian food wasn't so great but this was in the early 70s! I'm sad to hear it has been infected.

Discard said...

Former Black Militant: I grew up with corporal punishment in the schools. It was mostly the C and D students who benefitted from it, but very occasionally a cocky A student got the paddle too. Well, you can't have Dr Steinberg's son getting whacked, so in came the lawyers. What does the elite care if the working class boys are denied a disciplined environment to learn in? They never get into the English Literature, Trigonometry, or French classes anyway, where they might make things hard for the A students. Fuck'em.
But when some of these underserved boys get out of school, where do they choose to go? The military, where they get the discipline they have always wanted and needed.

Anonymous said...

FBM, I posted something here the other day to the effect that anytime a Herman Cain or Bill Cosby type of black, a Successful Uncle Tom, tries to speak up he gets shouted down and basically accused of treason. I do think genetics have a lot to do with our lot in life but nonetheless ANYBODY can be taught discipline.

My dog no longer craps on the rug or jumps up to take people's food, because as a puppy he got a swift slap to the rear end when he broke the rules. As I write this, I see my neighbor's dogs marauding across people's yards to take a dump in someone's garden. My neighbor never walks his dogs or took time to teach discipline.

How can you teach discipline to a people when you have cops being accused of racism for simply doing their job, you have rappers extolling the virtues of being a thug, and MSM remains committed to censoring massive racial shortcomings?


Robert Marchenoir said...

"The Justice Department has asked several banks to relax their mortgage underwriting standards and approve loans for minorities with poor credit as part of a new crackdown on alleged discrimination."

This is exactly what triggered the subprime crisis in the first place.

Financial mayhem might have happened nevertheless, but it's obvious by now that affirmative action in the U.S., i.e. lending to black people with poor credit worthiness, was most definitely the spark that blew things up.

The worldwide financial crisis is far from over, and those people want to start striking matches again in an ammunition depot ?

I don't get it : are they just dumb, retarded fools, or are they actually trying to sink the economy even further ?

Maybe you Americans should create a new actionable offense : tinkering with the economy while black.

Sheila said...

A former close friend (now lost to me forever - she's an Obama supporter - I blame her husband's liberal leanings!) used to have a beach house in Lewes, Delaware, and I used to go up there each summer. While Rehoboth's inhabitants grew increasingly gay, they were still almost entirely White. Although we enjoyed the boardwalk and restaurants and Funland in the evenings, during the day we went to a beach on the ocean a short drive away (Cape Henlopen State Park), with a required fee to enter and park, and that crowd was always entirely White. When I last visited Rehoboth four years ago with my kids, we rented one of those bicycle-carts and rode around the peaceful streets and admired the lush summer flowers and lovely old homes. How terribly sad that yet another memory has been tarnished and yet another remnant of White America has been destroyed.

Anonymous said...

If whites were using social media to organize attack mobs, would that not be considered terroristic behavior? How is what they are doing any different? I wish for once the double standards would be thrown out of the window.

This really needs to be curtailed. I fear it's going to get much much worse.

Anonymous said...

Ret'd LAPD here. Whenever I get into conversations about blacks and crime I always suggest that listening to a police radio scanner will open many eyes. Rather than spend the money to buy one, I found this site:

Click on your state, find your local agency, and listen. Remember that suspect descriptions are being provided to dispatch by victims and witnesses, and are not the creation of racist white cops who just be lookin' to keep a brotha down.

Sheila said...

I was going to post a reply to "Former black militant" but others have already done so quite sufficiently. Blacks are not our people, and they are not our responsibility in perpetuity. We're compassion fatigued, and monetarily drained, and we want OUT of BRA.

Hope your emergency fund raising has been sufficient, Paul - thanks for continuing this blog in your time of troubles.

Stuff Black People Don't Like said...

Real quick:

Not every person who posts comments against what I write is Desiree. I've checked the IP - I hate doing that, as I do believe in privacy - and it is not always Desiree.

I'm all for debate. But at this point (I firmly believe this), we've won every argument. Stephen Jay Gould's downfall is proof of this.

I'm going to do # posts starting tomorrow (unless another Mahogany Mob changes that) until the publication of "Captain American and Whiteness."

Anonymous said...

Yes, the crazies are everywhere when it comes to blacks. This link is from last winter in the whitest state in the union (Maine). There are only 10,000 blacks in all of Maine (check the census), yet their faces seem to be the ones that pop up on the crime blotter.

Anonymous said...

What about the White man with his hands in his pockets who got sucker punched by a Black man in a Vegas casino. The White man died.

Anonymous said...

Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) - A tourist from Florida is facing murder charges in Las Vegas after police say he threw a punch inside O'Sheas earlier this week. The punch resulted in the death of a Utah man.

The sister of Benjamin Hawkins says something does not add up.

On the phone from Gainesville, FL, Cilitia Brown said she did not want to point fingers, since she did not personally witness the emotionally charged encounter inside the Las Vegas Strip casino.

However, Brown said she firmly believes her brother does not belong in jail being labeled as a killer.

"He's a good guy. He's worked hard to get where he is in life. How would you feel? Put yourself in his place," said Cilitia Brown, who describes her brother as a level-headed man who avoids confrontation.

The history teacher and assistant football coach at Bradford County High School in Starke, FL, became an accused criminal while on a summer vacation to Las Vegas.

Hawkins' sister says he has called her from the Clark County Detention Center and realizes the consequences could be life changing.

"He was very depressed and saddened," she explained. "Even when you drop charges or stuff like that or whatever happens, you still have to deal with the fact that a man is dead."

The father of three reportedly punched a man he had never met, prior to a confrontation inside an O'Sheas bathroom. An arrest report says the man commented something to the effect of "black man in a yellow shirt" and continued to taunt Hawkins.

Dissident said...

"What do the parents do when you call them and tell them that their kids are growing up to be criminal?"

Key word is plural when it should be singular, as in parent. More than half of blacks are born out of wedlock?

I agree with militant in that some swift action should be taken as in "busting their asses", but that's just for the little heathens, for the older ones, how about some hard labor in the hot sun!

Or some time in the stockade, but like another has alluded to, some damned liberal lawyer or group like ACLU is going to raise unholy Hell!

So what's the answer: Vigilantism? Old west style justice? White neighborhood watch groups?

My personal favorite is everyone arming themselves with .45 cal Glocks and knowing how to use them. said...

I have a suggestion for black folks.

Next time your plot a flash mob attack, fireworks war, riot or whatever via social media . . .

spread the rumor that a couple White men from Ireland joined Facebook, pretended to be negroes, and initiated the trouble. These will be the same imaginary Irish teens (now grown) you blamed for shooting black people in New Orleans during the Katrina mess. File this under silly black conspiracy theories; like the CIA was responsible for introducing crack cocaine into black neighborhoods.

Add to the rumor by insisting these same Irishmen are traveling all around America causing flash mob attacks.

Note to Spike Like: I reserve royalty rights when you make this a movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Delaware originally. Open air drug markets in Dover, Philly exporting its problems to Wilmington, Delaware State University (a HBCU) causing restaurants to close down early because their students can't act like people...all this is old news to anyone who grew up there.

To be fair, I'm actually believing them when they say that this is isolated. Sussex County is full of good ol boys, black and white, who take zero shit from talking chimps. Rehoboth is also full of gentrified homosexuals who like a nice stroll on the boardwalk without worrying about being mugged, along with roughneck blue collar types.

A mahogany mob there would have consequences, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Funny how hard America fought against segregation, considering that it was the absolute perfect solution for the races. The truly sad part is that the United States, in the 1960's was so wealthy and powerful, that if segregation had been maintained, Shanghai would still be a backwater fishing town, we would have won the Cold War, and the wealth created by the White segment of America would have allowed blacks to live lives of relative ease and comfort. We could have protected them from the terrible suffering they have visited upon themselves.

Considering the black rates of bastardy, STD's, addiction, crime, death, AIDS, imprisonment, it's very easy to see that desegregation has failed all of us, black and White. The so-called Civil RIghts era has been an abject failure, and there can be no argument. Radical change is what is called for. It's time to resegregate the schools, neighborhoods, everything. Separate but equal is what everyone with a brain wants. If you gave most blacks a truth serum they would probably say the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

@ Jane: Are you even serious when you wrote "Now Jesse Jackson is going to the Swedes ...demanding they take unlimited African immigration and become a multi-racial country??"

1) What effing business does the "Rev'run" Jackson have in Swedish affairs?

2) What effing business is it of the "Rev'run's" to degrade another Western society by encouraging African immigration?

3) Why doesn't the "Rev'run" address real issues facing AMERICAN BLACKS:

A) unwed teen mothers, ad nauseum
B) popular black culture whose music practically gives explicit information on how to f*** and kill
C) the abysmally low priority most blacks place on education
D) ghetto culture in general
E) chronic generational welfare dependency
F) Obviously the list could be continued.

But no, the "Rev'run" apparently trots the globe seeking to implant African parasites in prosperous Western societies.

Former Black Militant said...

"Is that a threat, Former? Listen to this black man, white people. He threatens our society."

Wow,God Bless this commenter, I agree most white people here are smart but I got some really crazy responses from my post, this guy here thinks I am threatening society when I say that the kids coming up now will be crazier than the ones currently committing crimes and I advocate corporal punishment for that and he calls for a race war. My point was I remember when I was going to school and I went to an all black elementary school where there was paddling and I remember it being very strict and no kids were misbehaving. Now the only thing you do now is talk to the kids and now and then suspend kids and they go home and play the video game and come back the next day and cause trouble. The top catholic schools of old were known for their tough nuns who hit troublemakers with the ruler, I don't want to abuse kids , I want them to learn and contribute to society. What is wrong with that, BTW I love white people and they are not your people, white people don't belong to you and can choose to be friends with whoever they want my brother by scientific DNA similarity.

Another disappointing commenter
"We need to pay blacks to be sterilized, especially the males. We need to let nature take its course on this population, let them die off and starve if necessary."

How can I respond to this, just blind hatred with no logic. Hitler's extreme racism ended up turning inward on his own people killing 6 million innocent Jews , as Yoda says "Easy is the dark side". Whoever wrote this God Bless You

Again I want to stop the violence and find peace and I am just as angry if not angrier about the violence against whites than you all are. Just trying to find some common ground, you can't hate everyone that is black in a world full of dangerous technologies, you need to find ways to develop joint cooperation with people of goodwill or all you are going to do is have wars and who wants that.

Anonymous said...

Story in Europe is that the race of the perps in Chicago cannot be mentioned because it might lead to self-esteem issues with the rest of the 12%. WTF?

Anonymous said...

Now Jesse Jackson is going to the Swedes for reparations, demanding they take unlimited African immigration and become a multi-racial country.

This is a zero sum game. Wake up, Europe.

I ak white but I reject it in order to be a human being along with my People of Color brtheren.

Who is going to pay for welfare and Section 8 when there are no whites left?

Contrasting the Wake up Europe post from here with a question posed a few posts back who welcomed the destruction of the white race.

Anonymous said...

well here's a# entry for ya. Planking. Where people idiotically take photos of themselves lying down in public places.

Xzibit says Dat Rayciss

Franz said...


Allow me to share an idea that was born and originally propagated on another blog (Irish Savant): Namely that it appears useless to comment on the sites of the dinosaur media such as the various Gannett assets.

The people who need to hear about our dissatisfaction with the legacy media are the investors who are losing money over the politically correct editorial policies that are driving away customers in droves.

Take Gannett Newspaper for example: Their business model is flawed and their stock is down from $85 at the peak in 2003 to about $15 right now. Investors are in a foul mood already and might be persuaded to dump Gannett if they start getting letters threatening a buyers' strike.

These are the investors getting hosed by Gannett's blunderings:

In the next comment, I'll post a draft letter which might serve as a starting point for your own complaints to Gannett's investors.

Franz said...

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am writing to you with respect to the Gannett Company (CGI) of which you are a stakeholder. The intent of this letter is to inform you that the editorial policy of USA Today, Gannett’s flagship brand, threatens the viability of its core business.

That editorial policy consists in omitting or outright falsifying items, stories and facts which are out of line with the political biases of the staff. As an example of this policy I would like to cite the topic of the so called “flash mobs” which threaten the physical well-being of every law abiding American. USA Today has seen fit to ommitt several instances of flash mob attacks as well as concealing the racist motives of such attacks, if they deemed the latter newsworthy at all.

This chasm between the factual reality of this country and the “news” as reported in USA Today have lead me to cancel my subscription. I would like to point out that I am a member of several vibrant web communities in which the same sentiments are expressed en masse.

Nothing short of a bringing the editorial policy of USA Today in line with Gannett’s original mission statement will convince us to renew our subscriptions. That statement is: “To be the trusted, leading media (...) company at the forefront of a new era in human engagement.” I am sorry to say that the current management of Gannett and USA Today has shattered this trust and is leading the brand to irrelevancy.

I understand that, due to a score of management blunders, the valuation of Gannett has already severely dwindled since it’s peak in 2003. Be informed that this trend will not change as Gannett’s management is doing all it can to alienate its customer base and drive it to seek information at alternative, web based outlets.

I trust that you will do your best to protect you and your investors from further damage by reconsidering your stake in the Gannett Company.

With kind regards,


Unamused said...

Sup Paul

I'm working on some propaganda to enrage white people

Might be useful

Midwestern said...

I am currently reading "Reaping the Whirlwind: The Civil Rights Movement in Tuskegee" by Robert J. Norrell, recommended by Hunter Wallace at Occidental Dissent, and it has shown me in detail how the financial shakedown of white people by blacks for money and equal outcome started in the south. Blacks are not interested in building their own civilization. They just want access to everything that whites build. They have relied on white guilt, white compassion, and white money for survival.

Blacks demanded entry and access to everything that white people built and held dear. They completely fractured a community with their demands for inclusion. The whites did not want this, but it was forced upon them. This must be where and when the racial shakedown phenomena got its start.

White liberals and a series of presidential administrations put the final nail in the coffin for segregation, and look where we are now. Highly recommended!

Anonymous said...

"How can I respond to this, just blind hatred with no logic."

Former Black Militant...
Although I did not write the comment in question ("We need to pay blacks to be sterilized, especially the males"), I can assure you this sentiment is NOT based in blind hatred.
On the contrary, it is quite logical.

Reducing the male black population will significantly reduce overall crime, chaos, mayhem and violence.

Frankly, it's a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

"The Crazies Are Everywhere", yes they are. Every time blacks slaughter whites it's that the black was on psychotropic drugs and had stopped taking them or some other lame excuse like "racisss".
The perfidious lame stream media has given minimum coverage to the murderous rampage of the multiple convicted felon and cocaine using black criminal Rodrick Dantzler who murdered seven people in Grand Rapids MI., six of these were white and one was his mulatto daughter by one of the white victims. He wounded and kidnapped other whites but they survived.
Remember bHussein Obama called a beer conference at the White House for a white policeman who had merely demanded identification from a black buddy of Obama's. Obama, prominent black columnist, prominent black stars and celebrities, black politician, politicians, ACLU, SCLC, et al remain silent in the face of the growing murderous rampages of blacks and black mobs in this country. Not a word from any of these blacks and their organizations and nothing from the media. The perfidious media supports that part of the population that does not support them.
Just let some black get offended and you will hear nothing but outrage from the before mentioned.
I know now how the whites of South Africa must feel.
If the victims in Grand Rapids had been black and the murderer white, Jeraldo Riviera would be given unlimited time on FOXNEWS to interview the survivors with Jeraldo weeping and crying and calling on the government to provide assistance to the survivors, and denouncing the racism of whites. Wolf Blitzer and the usual suspects from CNN would be there in numbers.
But the silence is deafening.
It is a not a question of if blacks will be coming for me but when. They already have come for me in a lot of ways. said...

Midwestern said...

You nailed it

Anonymous said...

Black people are unable to build a civilized society, so they seek to destroy what is built by others. Misery loves company.

As far as I know, the Swedes never enslaved blacks or colonized any parts of Africa. Why do they owe Jesse Jackalson anything other than a bullet for demanding that they commit national suicide?

Anonymous said...

In a story from the Bronx, NY a young black man lost his life on the day of his H.S graduation after his father violently attacked 2 parking attendants he accused of stealing a $200 bottle of perfume from the car he parked there. The original spin from the family of the guy killed made it seem like the attendants over reacted. When the police did not charge the attendants cries of racism ensued. The saving grace for the attendants was the security footage which clearly showed those guys did everything they could to defuse the situation and it was self-defense. The attendants are Hispanic.

Patti LaBelle's hired thugs were finally charged in the beating of the West Point cadet they beat bloody then said the attack was provoked by him. Again, video saves the day.

Finally, 14 Black men and 5 Black juveniles have been charged in the rape(s) of an 11 year old Hispanic girl in Cleveland, Texas. There are still members of the Black community who are crying racism and proclaiming the parents and the child herself are to blame. There's a video the attackers took in this incident, too. While this was not a White victim, you have to be seriously hard-core not to have your blood run cold at the thought of 19 males sexually attacking an 11 year old..

Anonymous said...


Off topic, but check out the article at AT:

AGAIN, we are going to be forced to give money to blacks that they can't and won't pay back. In spite of the fact that we already did this, and have not recovered.

Anonymous said...

As for Jackson, just which asinine Swede would even agree to MEET with the stupid nigger in the first place? Let him land, wander around, spend some money, and, when he realizes that no one of any importance will talk to him, leave.

Why do white people continue to fall for any of this??

Anonymous said...

The Swedes will be quite happy to comply.

They are Swedes and deserve everything that they will surely get.Their constant championing of "Third World Rights",for the last 50 years,has been insufferable for those of us less blinkered.

Fuck 'em.

Anonymous said...


Never heard that one before.Logical.

Why is it so difficult to post a comment on your site?.
I tried twice and gave up.

Anonymous said...

@ Franz. Brilliant! I am drafting a letter today to USA Today to cancel my subscription. Thanks for bringing such a no-brainer, yet highly effective, idea out in the open. To all SBPL readers and everyone else....there is strength in numbers, especially when money is involved. Change will only occur when you, the tax-paying, bill-paying, NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION BUYING, public acts with their purchasing power and consumer influence.

Anonymous said...

As Nicholas Stix asks on his blog, the only blog I know that reports the mass murders of whites by blacks and follows the cases until they are finished, "When is mass murder not big news?", and then he answers it with the very true statement, "When blacks commit it, and whites are the victims."

NW European said...

Mr. Jackson can safely relax, Sweden already has plenty of Africans.

Mr. No-More-Mister-Nice-Guy said...


"it has shown me in detail how the financial shakedown of white people by blacks for money and equal outcome started in the south. Blacks are not interested in building their own civilization. They just want access to everything that whites build. They have relied on white guilt, white compassion, and white money for survival."

You cannot be serious? Why don't you simply read a history book or is that filled with "liberal bias"?

Do you even remember what happened in the South before Jim Crow and before the Civil Rights movement? No, I have not read the book in question but it's somewhat comical for anyone to suggest blacks essentially extorted Southern whites for equality. Is it not true that whites owned everything in the South? Naturally, if blacks want to no longer be terrorized in their own towns and cities and want equal access, the will want entry into things -- schools, hospitals, government, et cetera -- that whites "built."

That would just be the facts.

And do you even know the kinds of conditions Southern blacks lived in? We don't have to bring up slavery, Jim Crow, et cetera now but the Civil Rights movement in the South was a legitimate enterprise.

They always say history's written by the victors (that would be the anti-segregationists) but it sounds like that guy is doing some history revisionism.

Anonymous 10:46AM,

Propaganda is an interesting tool but how are crime examples an indictment on the black community as a whole? When did white crime become an individual thing but black crime isn't?

Something to think about.

Current Black Militant said...

Former Black Militant:

You are a wonder. You agree with a blog like this and don't you KNOW that these whites don't want your black ass? THEY DON'T WANT YOU! They don't care if you agree with them day in and out. I think Alan Keyes knows this very well and watch Herman Cain. His black ass could be super-duper qualified but he'll never get elected. Look, these white devils don't care one thing if you're a Huxtable type or if you've been in and out of prison. You're a nigger to them and that's the only thing that matters. A black nigger with no worth. Oh, they'll hee and haw about how black people are SO HARD on the likes of Sowell, Williams, Elder, Steele but do you think they actually LIKE these dumb house negroes? No, they don't. Well, not THESE white f'loons. They can get lots of love by rational right-wingers but not here. Go ahead and say how much you LOVE this f'loon and his rantings about black criminals (AKA all blacks) until you're blue-black in the face but it won't matter. You are just a black nigger to them and they want you gone.

The only minorities they care about on this blog is Asians (because they know Asians are better and smarter than their white f'loon asses) and Hispanics (because Hispanics are a HUGE group that could threaten them). But they don't care about black people AT ALL. THEY DON'T WANT YOU, Former Black Militant! Wake up and let these cracker jack f'loons fester in their own myopic hatred.

GO SOMEWHERE ELSE AND EDUCATE BLACKS AND STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF KISSING THE ASSES OF THESE F'LOSERS! I hate when minorities kiss Whitey's ass just for some of his bread. We DON'T NEED Whitey! We're better without them; let's wake up our brothers and sisters! Screw these cracker jacks.

Hey, Paul Kersey: please let FBM see my post so he can get gone and help his own people, thanks.

*"f'" means "fucking", FYI, white people.

Anonymous said...

We all know who "Mr. No-More-Mister-Nice-Guy" is and it's foolish to think otherwise, there are telltales sign that can't be ignored.
I know there are many ways to post without leaving behind a specific imprint.
I really thought "IT " could be monitored efficiently, but I guess it has become a monumental task to perform!

My comment might not be approved, I don't really care, I just had to say it!

Anonymous said...

"Naturally, if blacks want to no longer be terrorized in their own towns and cities and want equal access, the will want entry into things -- schools, hospitals, government, et cetera -- that whites "built."

That's the thing. Blacks are terrorizing whites (and other non-blacks) in our own towns and cities. So naturally, non-blacks will want to limit the access blacks have to keep terrorizing (robbing, raping, assaulting, murdering, flash mobbing ...etc).

"but how are crime examples an indictment on the black community as a whole? When did white crime become an individual thing but black crime isn't?

Because they are part of a systemic problem of blacks robbing, raping and murdering non-blacks. Surely, if whites were doing the same thing to blacks you - along with 99% of blacks - would use it as an indictment of white people.

Moreover, no black politician, columnist or leader has ever condemned the daily robberies, rapes and murders done by blacks against non-blacks - even though they are quick to blame the failings of blacks on non-blacks.

Anonymous said...

"I hate when minorities kiss Whitey's ass"

Then you must be loving the current wave of black-on-white violence.

Anonymous said...

"Do you even remember what happened in the South before Jim Crow and before the Civil Rights movement?"

Nice-Guy, you are officially an unoriginal bore. You write the same tired shit that has been posted here countless times, and rejected time and time again.

No one here is trying to change your mind about anything.

Please have the decency to show us all the same courtesy.

Anonymous said...

"We all know who "Mr. No-More-Mister-Nice-Guy" is and it's foolish to think otherwise"

I agree 100%.

Porter said...

We DON'T NEED Whitey! We're better without them

Finally. A f’loon who can be reasoned with. Well said. You absolutely don’t need whitey.

You don’t need our medical care, our technology, our heavy industry, or our agriculture. You don’t need our doctors or our drugs or our schools or our engineers and architects: the same ones who design and build the section 8 housing you also don’t need.

You don’t need the white po-leece tragically dying while attempting law enforcement within your squalid District 9s. And you don’t need the electricity we generate powering the magical “telephones” and “televisions” that we invented. You don’t need to drink the grape soda we created nor eat the chitlins that our farmers produce.

And you certainly don’t need our charity: here or in Africa. You should renounce all white aid to that splendorous continent. No more grain, no medicine, no anti-malaria programs.

Domestically, you should cast your EBT cards to the ground and refuse all sustenance not cultivated by black hands. And a year later when 80% of your number have expired, your point will be well made.

And finally you speak the truth in saying that you are better off without us. I agree. Oh, how I agree! Blacks should separate from whites entirely—forcefully if need be. Never enter our neighborhoods, our schools, or our swimming pools: they are dangerous, hate-havens where your lives are surely forfeit. Frequent only shopping malls, restaurants, and movie theaters built by blacks for blacks.

And ultimately you must carry this theme to a national scale. Blacks must form their own separate political entity where your people will be free of the oppression and predations of mine. Your very existence depends on this. For if you do not separate from us, we will never end our pursuit. We will demand greater bribes for the tenuous peace, our gangs will collect an ever higher toll in blood, and one by one your every institution will fall to our encroachments…until all your civilization has built in the past lies smoldering in ruin. And as we survey the destruction we have wrought, we will look upon the last living blacks and say to them…And then?

Former BlackMilitant said...

@Current Black Militant

You think all that cracker this and cracker that is going to make you any money or uplift the black community. It's real tough talk, check out Haiti, who's providing the most aid, yeah its those crackers.Who is letting anyone in the world attend classes online at their most prestigious universities , yeah it's those crackers here in America. Who provides the most aid to Africa, oh it's those crackers again. Who is providing the clean water technology, teaching farmers in Africa how to efficiently grow crops, it's those damn crackers. Their are a lot of evil black people in the world trust me, research the leadership in Africa and you'll find a cast of butchers and thieves unrivaled by any white slave master,research Sudan slavery it's still going on. The last prosecuted slave traders in this country were Africans who had several young ladies locked in the basement doing hair. White people just codified and made slavery more efficient , they didn't invent it, it was a human evil one in which they fought a war to end. I don't hate white people as a matter of fact it empowers me more when I make an effort to complement them and show an appreciation for their culture and the good they have done in the world despite some hate a minority might reflect back on me and yet you think this makes me weak. What is your militancy getting you, are you a millionaire, you will never be one with that mentality unless you're a huckster preacher like Dr. york pimping hatred. I don't care what militant black people want to say, you need to be cursing out some of these ignorant ass rappers who are poisoning the minds of black children, what this site is exposing is the materialization of ignorant thought which is rampant crime, low academic performance, spread of STDS, joblessness, and someone who blames their own ignorance which they refuse to remedy on someone else. All black people have to do is educate ourselves, we refuse to do it, library is right there , go and talk to the young people hanging out, they'll tell you to "get the fuck out my face with that shit" and these are the people committing these crimes and you are the one making excuses for them, these kind of black people can rot in jail, they are not my people, I have tried and I am done. I will help those who want help and who deserve it. I am of the opinion now that those black men in jail deserve to be there and you won't hear me complain about the incarceration rate because I know a whole lot more who need to be there and aren't yet. I love all people who want to live in peace by a set of rules that lead to a common good where everybody can reach their full potential. If somebody wants to say I'm a nigger that's his/her right, so what, I know white people that will do more for black kids than that kid's own parents will. That militant black power ideology inhibits you from taking advantage of America's opportunities. How are you going to learn physics,law, engineering, medicine from white professors when you think they're evil crackers, you can't make it past elementary school because you're white teachers are also evil crackers. It's a fool's mentality one in which I have discarded, you go educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Do you even remember what happened in the South before Jim Crow and before the Civil Rights movement?"

There were chimpouts ar McDonalds, Chuck-echeese, Wendts, Burger King, etc?
People could swim in Funtown?
People could attend Fourth of July events?

Anonymous said...

e DON'T NEED Whitey! We're better without them; let's wake up our brothers and sisters! Screw these cracker jacks.

Are you living in Africa? If so, why haven't you moved yet? Leave "whitey" behind".

Midwestern said...

Blacks Who Just Don't Get It said:

"Naturally, if blacks want to no longer be terrorized in their own towns and cities and want equal access, the will want entry into things -- schools, hospitals, government, et cetera -- that whites "built."

LOL, is this the kind of equal access blacks want?

Midwestern said...

Blacks Who Just Don't Get It said:

"You're a nigger to them and that's the only thing that matters. A black nigger with no worth. "

Typical black self-hatred.

Anonymous said...

We DON'T NEED Whitey! We're better without them

Without whitey the sub-Sahara africa would have got about to inventing the wheel in the 25th Century.

Current Black Militant said...


Oh, a big talking pompous ass, huh? Someone tricked your ass good in another thread, Postlethwaite. That's one UGLY dude, too bad you look like him! Hahaha!

~diss over~

Look, Postlethwaite, you are my favorite type of cracker jack f'loon, perfectly embodying the hypocrisy of your movement. Does the stupidity ever end for your types? Why attack a black separatist? Isn't that what you want, a black who wants nothing to do with the "Whitey" of lore? I thought you'd be happy that I'm trying to drag FBM out of here and back to his people where he can get to work on his own people instead of tail-wagging for a group of dumb cracker jacks who don't give a rat's ass about his nigger butt? And, yet, there you are, implicitly telling me to "Go on ahead," without whitey but also mumbling under your breath, "You'll never make it, might as well stay with us."

Because you're ignorant as hell and have absolutely no understanding of the blacks you deride, the phrase, "We don't need whitey. We're better without them," is completely foreign to you. Here let me break it down for you: at this point, the grassroots effort in which one uses the aforesaid is entirely spiritual. If you even bothered to read (which I guess would involve you seeing me as a human and giving me respect), I didn't say kill white people, didn't say beat them up, I didn't say anything like that. Someone said just because I don't like minorities (especially black people) kissing Whitey's ass means I want them hurt. Sorry, hate to burst your bubble: I'm not a murdering cracker jack like some of the whites leaving posts here. I said, "FBM get gone from here and come back home and help wake up our brothers and sisters."

Why do you have a problem with that, Postlethwaite? What's the issue?

Hey, you know what, I get it! I get it perfectly and it's twofold (you'll deny it):

(1) the most racist cracker jack f'loons need black people around because the only way they feel like big men is to say we are less than they are. This takes root in history; if you end it, what will you have? No more whitey on top. Asians are demonstrably smarter than white people with a better culture (community over individual) and Hispanics, a passionate people, are at larger numbers. Yeah, abuse us black Americans who rose from chains and tried to survive in hostility. Get the fuck outta here, Postlethwaite!

(2) the most racist cracker jack f'loons don't want black people to think they can accomplish anything without white folks. White folks know, mobilized, we can attack you (militarily) from every corner of the globe: from the US, Europe, Africa, South America... Immobilized and brainwashed, thinking the only way we can survive is with you people, you got us as zombies, as robots (check FBM). No, we DON'T need you. That's a fact. Let's take it back to before any white ever touched Africa. We don't need you. I don't need a rat race life. We don't need you just like the Indians didn't need you. Simple as that. Why are you so delusional, cracker jack?

Do you get it, Postlethwaite? An awake black race scares the shit out of f'loons like you. I don't want nothing to do with ignorant white people. I'll leave you with something of a goodnight kiss to calm your fears: most black people (the majority) hate separatists who want to uplift the people. Most black people are perfectly happy kissing your ass and going along to get along with you.

And, if we're on the subject of not needing ABC from XYZ, please tell White Europe to get out of Africa and stop stealing her products, thanks. (I can break down the destruction going on in that continent but I doubt it would even be published on a delusional blog like this)

Anonymous said...

(I can't break down the destruction going on in that continent but I doubt it would even be published on a delusional blog like this)

There. Fixed it for you.

Porter said...


As English is obviously not your native tongue I should clarify a few terms: “tricked” does not mean perfectly aware of; “attacked” does not mean agree with; “hypocrisy” does not mean applied consistency; and “ignorant” doesn’t mean understanding—unless you’re a black administrator in the Atlanta school system.

Now to your points (such as they are)…

Why attack a black separatist? Isn't that what you want, a black who wants nothing to do with the "Whitey" of lore?

The following phrases are atypical attack volleys: “(you) can be reasoned with,” “Well said” “You speak the truth” and “I agree.”

It is perfectly within the capacity of human thought to agree with the fundamental premise of a commenter while still observing their untrammelled idiocy. If you had said for instance “Spinach be f’n good for you f’n f’loons hahahahah! I hait honkeys.” My reaction would have been the same: True premise, moron commenter.

And, yet, there you are, implicitly telling me to "Go on ahead," without whitey but also mumbling under your breath, "You'll never make it, might as well stay with us."

I apologize for my subtlety. Rather than imply, let me state: “Go on ahead.” And whether you “make it” or not is your concern not mine. Once you are gone from our midst I care not either way as long as my taxes aren’t supporting you. I suspect, as all evidence would lead, that Haiti is your future. Though again, it’s not my problem at that point. All the best to you.

As for you “might as well stay with us,” I’m afraid in your haste to stack insults upon non sequiturs you have severely misread my intentions. No, you may not as well stick with us. We have no use for you; nor you for us. Surely on this you and I agree.

"We don't need whitey. We're better without them," is completely foreign to you. Here let me break it down for you: at this point, the grassroots effort in which one uses the aforesaid is entirely spiritual

Now this is very disappointing if true. Are you telling me that all of your proud black separatist posturing is only rhetorical? It is “entirely spiritual?” For fuck’s sake, I thought you might be in possession of a pair of testicles for a moment there. So instead of forging your own destiny apart from us “white devils” you cravenly seek only “spiritual” separation? Shit. They certainly don’t make black separatists like they used to.

I didn't say kill white people, didn't say beat them up, I didn't say anything like that.

You don’t have to say it. This is what blacks do totally unbidden from the likes of you.

No, we DON'T need you

You don’t take yes for an answer very well, do you? I’m heartened to hear of your “spiritual” independence from the apparatus of white civilization that allows you to live well fed in a first world environment; and allows you and I to have this pleasant little discussion over the Interwebs. Something tells me though that “spiritual” separation is about as far as a hearty individual such as you is willing to take it.

please tell White Europe to get out of Africa and stop stealing her products, thanks.

Whites will be gone soon enough from Africa. You will then have the Chinese to contend with. And unlike us they are unmoved by your continuous howls of racism. But again, as long as Africans stay in Africa I have no qualms with them.

Anonymous said...

At Current Black Militant aka Desi.

"Yeah, abuse us black Americans who rose from chains and tried to survive in hostility. Get the fuck outta here, Postlethwaite!"

Rose from chains??? That's a bit rich. Your kind fared much better prior to the civil rights implementation. Large number of black sociopaths were not roaming the streets, killing and beating anybody ( blacks, whites and other minorities ) at random like they are today.

Surviving hostility?? The only hostility you're surviving right now are from your own people's severe lack of restraint, and their use of aberrant behavior when entitled, get real!

" And, if we're on the subject of not needing ABC from XYZ, please tell White Europe to get out of Africa and stop stealing her products, thanks."

I have no problem with that personally. Will you do us a favor and GET OUT OF this whole continent ( North America )? There's a country called Liberia filled with individuals like yourself, it's a racist country: no Whites allowed. Pick up your belongings and take the next flight ( one way ) to this African paradise.

Daaz cracka dah be so rassiss wif dah wite wannabee Dezi.

Maple syrup said...

@ Porter

Excellent rebuttal above! And no, I never bought for a second you could look anything like Pete Postlethwaite.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

" And, if we're on the subject of not needing ABC from XYZ, please tell White Europe to get out of Africa and stop stealing her products, thanks."

Dude you will find it is the local kleptocrats who are doing the stealing.

President Sani Abacha, the late Nigerian Head of State, has however joined the league of the biggest culprits of this crime, as a source put the estimated amount he and his cronies stole at between twelve to sixteen billion dollars.

He was a true african
Fight for the dollars of everyman

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting short film and article on Zimbabwe where they ran whitey out of the country and have brought on the black utopia:

Revealed: The true horror of everyday life in Zimbabwe
*Starving children eat rats, families turn on each other and farmers kill their own livestock to survive. Smuggled film brings Mugabe nightmare to world's attention*

...As money is worthless – Zimbabwe is plagued by the world's highest inflation rate – the villagers are reduced to panning for gold in rivers. Instead of attending school, youngsters from the village scrabble knee-deep in muddy water or dig ever deeper holes in a desperate search for a few grains of gold.

These small supplies of the precious metal have thus become a crucial commodity Zimbabweans can trade for food; a loaf of bread is worth 0.1 grams. But only the young have the strength to dig and pan for gold; the village elders must go hungry, unless they have friends or relatives they can rely on. Some parents have been forced to feed rats to their children, and hunger has turned family members against each other.

Rats. I'll bet they taste just like chicken!

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