Sunday, March 19, 2017

Black Gun Violence in Trenton Reaching Epidemic Levels, Forcing Blacks to Call for Martial Law

“We’re never going to bring business here,’’ acting Police Director Ernest Parrey Jr. said in an interview last week. “We’re never going to bring tourism here. We’re never going to bring the economic side of the house back here if we don’t address the public safety issue.” Those words were spoken in 2014, after out-of-control black violence in New Jersey's capital city threatened what was left of the economic viability of Trenton. 

Just last month, a white man was gunned down at 3:45 p.m. in Trenton. 53-year-old Michael Brancolino Jr. wasn't even the target of the shooting, but was killed when the gunman sprayed bullets at their intended target. 

Virtually every homicide in Trenton has a non-white suspect, with Michael Brancolino's death just another black-on-white murder no one will care about save his family and friends. Gun violence, courtesy of blacks, is trending up. Because nonfatal shootings were so frequent, Trenton's undermanned police department had actually stopped tracking them in 2012.

So it comes this... with the civilization white people built (ultimately abandoning) in Trenton crumbling under the weight of racial realities, blacks yearn for martial law to restore law and order completely alien to their race. [Man shot 9 times in Trenton, resident calls for Martial Law, The Trentonian, 3-19-17]:
A city woman climbed the steps to enter her home Sunday evening and noticed crime scene tape preventing motorists from driving through evidence and police lights flashing down the street. 
“I just came from church talking about stuff like this,” the woman said. “This violence needs to end.” 
A 27-year-old man suffered numerous gunshot wounds to his chest, arm and legs Sunday in the 800 block of Stuyvesant Avenue. The shooting happened around 5:45 p.m. outside a grocery store. 
Police sources say the man was shot nine times. The victim remains hospitalized in stable condition. 
Sources say there’s been four to six shootings in the area of North Hermitage and Stuyvesant avenues since Friday. 
“The only way to stop this violence is to bring in Martial Law,” an elderly city man who asked to remain anonymous said, as he watched police process the crime scene.  
“They did it when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed and we had riots. There were National Guard everywhere. No one could go outside, not even a grown person. We could only go to work or some type of emergency. If we had to drop someone off at the train station, we had to call police for permission and an escort.” 
Trentonian archives report rioting and looting in the capital city five days after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. 
The headline of the April 10 edition said “WILD LOOTING, FIRES JAR CITY; Youth Is Killed During Outbreak.” 
“Hundreds of marauding young Negroes turned downtown Trenton upside down last night in a looting spree that marked the worst racial outbreak in the city’s history,” the report said. “A 19-year-old Negro youth (Harland Joseph, 49 Carroll St.) was shot and killed by a policeman after a window-smashing burglary at a clothing store at East State and Stockton streets across from City Hall.” 
After that night, the mayor called a disaster emergency and 50 state troopers were dispatched to the city. Sporadic violence and looting lasted for the next two days and at least another 150 state troopers were sent to maintain order in Trenton, according to archives. 
“That’s the only thing that’s gonna stop this s**t,” the elderly resident said Sunday evening. “There’s not enough police officers in town to handle the crime.”
So much of America is already lost, and yet all of America would be ours again with the admission of the experiment in egalitarianism and universal suffrage being a failure.

When we restricted the franchise, we were ascending; with awarding the franchise to people who had no hand in establishing and maintaining our civilization, we ensured they would tear it down.

Look no further than Trenton.


Brian in Ohio said...

The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one.

America is not ready to admit that paintjob theory and multicultural diversity has been a failure. No, a disaster.

Its going to have to get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better. Those who will not see, must be made to feel.

Food, water, firearms and ammunition. And friends with the same.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Proudyt said...

Unfortunately no amount of black violence will dissuade from the real problem. The white bleeding heart liberals that defend blacks at every turn. Bringing martial law to cities like this will just invite more protesters and blm. Unless police are allowed to uphold the law nigga's are gonna be nigga's.

Anonymous said...

"The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one."

Exactly. A while back, there was a semi-regular poster calling himself "Willie from Naperville" who got a pretty good verbal beat down from another regular. Basically, the beat down compared the problem of BRA with that of a long-term alcoholic - you know, the dude who manages to burn every last bridge and alienate every last person willing to go to bat for him, who can't figure out why they're suddenly being left to twist in the wind. They have to hit rock bottom before they get a clue as to just how damaged they are and become willing to get help.

That's the point this country is rapidly approaching. The music was great, and the food was fabulous, but this party is just about over. Everyone's drifting away to avoid getting stuck with the check, but NO ONE is going to wake up without a hangover and/or realizing they've shit the bed.

The next year or so is gonna hurt a LOT, almost like sliding bare-assed down a rough-sawn redwood banister. It's gonna hurt ALL the way to the basement. I wish it didn't have to come to this, but this mess has been brewing for decades, mainly due to political pandering from BOTH parties, although they are different in name only.

As PK has said all along, all we have to do is SURVIVE. Prep up, train up and link up with like-minded people, because the days of fire and thunder will be here soon enough.

Alex from N. England said...

PK, your article sent chills down my spine. We essentially handed over great cities with practically limitless potential to these apes. Flood Zurich or Vienna with negroes and the results will be similar. Genetics is destiny. I feel bitter at past generations of whites guilted in the aftermath of WWII, to ignore their natural instincts and common sense. People who could not invent the wheel have no place on any kind of civilization. Not Greco- Roman, not medieval, not rennaisance and certainly not a civilization on the cusp of becoming inter-planetary and space-faring.

Oil 'n Water said...

Another example of needing White civilization to protect blacks from blacks.
Reminds me of the oft mentioned on this site, video on conditions in Liberia (General Butt Naked), that should be required viewing for all White kids of high school age. If you have not seen it, it's recommended you not view it immediately before or after eating. It shows a hell of filth, chaos, violence, and depravity created by blacks left to their own devices.
One of the fears of the Liberians was that when the U.N. pulled its support, that hostilities would resume, worsening conditions. My God, looking at the video, you ask yourself how much worse it could possibly become, even with a civil war.
The present story merely reinforces how universal is the black condition. Only difference is that the U.S. is a more target rich environment for destruction, with Whites often being blamed, absorbing the costs and picking up the pieces...or becoming the victims.

Bird of Paradise said...

As always liberals will demand more gun control laws theyll demand the repeal of the 2nd AMENDMENT as some liberal intellecials have called for they will demand the repal of the PLCA(protection of Lawful Commerce Act)and allow lawsuits filed by greedy trila lawyers against gun makers like they tried in SANDY HOOK and as usial liberals especialy in Hollywood will appear in another of their hypotcrtical DEMAND A PLAN they will attack the NRA and its membership and they'll make putrid movies attacking the gun lobby like Harvey Winestien is doing in his up coming movie SENATORS WIFE we all know by now how liberals always prefer to blame everyone but the crinimals who commit these crimes most liberals are whining little snowflakes anyway

Anonymous said...

From Wiki:
"The Battle of Trenton was a small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War which took place on the morning of December 26, 1776, in Trenton, New Jersey. After General George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River north of Trenton the previous night, Washington led the main body of the Continental Army against Hessian soldiers garrisoned at Trenton. After a brief battle, nearly the entire Hessian force was captured, with negligible losses to the Americans. The battle significantly boosted the Continental Army's flagging morale, and inspired re-enlistments."

Now we have negro forces garrisoned at Trenton and they are pissing on everything. This is to be expected when the negro is truly free from the bonds of a first-world society. Expecting them to behave otherwise is a fool's errand. Geographically separating the negro from Africa doesn't alter DNA or 100,000 years of evolutionary standstill. I'm sure we probably just need more "programs", though.

Ex New Yorker said...

In a rat hole like Trenton martial law would be useless. These garbage dumps known as cities are way past the point where martial law would make a difference. The numbers of the criminal element are so great that a bunch of guardsmen would be outnumbered and unable to help. It would never work.

Maybe for a few days or week but what happens when the guard goes home. What martial law would do is quiet it down for a little bit while everyone would be laying low and "reloading". The massive numbers of thugs are staggering. All welfare bred and fed. California being a perfect example. The "Golden State" has 200,000 gang members. Except for some outlaw biker gangs nearly all of them are non-white. That amount of criminals is equal to a standing army. Start adding up the numbers of other Negropolitan parts of the country. Is anybody starting to see a pattern here.

The horse is already "out of the barn" and it is too late to close the door. Everything in this country is bass ackwards and down side up. All these "social workers" with their blathering platitudes and "social dogma" are to late with too little. The multi-billion dollar programs to quell the violent horde have failed and done nothing to resolve the problem. The money that has been wasted has only been used as fuel for the fire. The law is no deterrence to a criminal class that sees being in jail or prison as a "family reunion". We as a country have reached a point where it is to late to stop or turn back the rushing tide of self destruction that is gathering on the horizon.

These cities have become death traps and cesspools. The larger the city the viler the smell. These shit holes are now called "Sanctuary cities" which are becoming a Shangri-La for drug cartels and Muslim fanatics. 500 of these cities are in America. The politicians are so afraid of being called a racist that they will allow criminals to roam their streets and torment their citizens.

A lot of white people seem to be getting dumber by the day as their once great country becomes more like some kind of carnival freak show. The "campus reform" site just had a story from a college newspaper about drinking milk. Anyone who does so is a "white supremacist" or "neo-Nazi". I am not kidding you. Go to the site and read the story. That is how fucked up these people are becoming. Maybe the cell phones are burning out their brains with micro-waves. I am convinced that some form of "Psychic Mind Parasite" is invading peoples brains. The POD PEOPLE are taking over.

Anonymous said...

"America is not ready to admit that paintjob theory and multicultural diversity has been a failure. "

Nor has it ever been. 150 consecutive years of failure haven't been enough to convince white Christian America of its folly. But then, religious faith is seldom, if ever, subject to disproof by evidence and logic. If you can believe corpses can come back to life, as they do in the Bible's stories, then believing race doesn't exist, or at least, doesn't matter, is easy.

The religious roots of the enfranchisement of negroes, and also of women, which some would consider to have been an almost equally bad mistake, are discussed in some detail here:

Notice that both early feminism and abolitionism were heavily promoted by Christian fanatics, movements that welled up from the outbreak of religious mass hysteria called the Second Great Awakening. Ironically, this "Awakening" was when the majority of whites first began to fall asleep; to become racially unconscious. Once that had happened, they fought the bloodiest war in America's history to free the negro and give him citizenship and the vote. This they did without prompting from any of the usual forces cited today. There was no television, no movies, no radio, no propaganda, and no "hostile elites"; only white Christian America acting on its own, under the influence of nothing but its own religious mania.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the riots and looting you say. The stuff that happens if demands aren't met, if gibmedats don't flow like water from the tap. They used to be able to do financial damage through a boycott, now most people would welcome a black boycott- we just want them to go away and leave the rest of us alone. They aren't worth the trouble, they are walking liabilities to everyone around them.

None of them can shoot worth a @#$% because they aren't supposed to have guns in the first place- hence they never practice.

Other headlines for Trenton:

Man charged in shooting of 15-year-old in Trenton
Man shot multiple times in Trenton's West Ward
2nd shooting rocks Trenton neighborhood near killing
Trenton fire displaces family, destroys house
Trenton woman charged with stabbing her boyfriend to death
Pedestrian killed by hit-and-run driver in Trenton, cops say
Police investigating fatal stabbing in Trenton's West Ward
Jury selection begins for man accused of killing Trenton rapper
College student from Trenton dies while studying in Africa

But in "good" news they did pick a finalist for superintendent- they chose the black guy over the white guy! Sounds like a great place to never visit.

Ex New Yorker said...

We survived another Winter out here in the Mid-West. Spring will be here tomorrow. I have a bench on the sidewalk I like to sit on at night. Nice weather tonight and I can see the stars in the Northern sky. There is a slight breeze and I can see that beautiful American flag blowing in the wind in front of the Court House. It's nearly midnight and I am probably the only person in town who is awake. It is so quiet. God is it quiet. An hour ago I did hear a dog bark on the other side of town. The one thing I LOVE THE MOST about living in the FREE ZONE is the quiet. Sometimes I still have a bad night or so and the quiet is my solace. Far from the maddening crowd. Nothing but the silence. It is so nice.

Mr. Rational said...

Know what, #SBPDLFam?  AR pattern rifles are being discounted right now.  There are some good deals on what looks like solid product (talking M&P, not DPMS).

What's a few hundred bucks, when it's an insurance policy that can last decades?

Nothing scares the globalists more than a citizenry that's armed to the teeth.  Dindus aren't even a factor; let off 2 rounds and they're running.

Anonymous said...

A city woman climbed the steps to enter her home Sunday evening and noticed crime scene tape preventing motorists from driving through evidence and police lights flashing down the street.

Why not just string crime scene tape around the entire city and be done with it?

Californian said...

“We’re never going to bring business here,’’ acting Police Director Ernest Parrey Jr. said in an interview last week. “We’re never going to bring tourism here. We’re never going to bring the economic side of the house back here if we don’t address the public safety issue.”

Yet another admission that what is making American cities unviable is not "racism" or "white privilege" or "neglect" but out of control black crime. It says something that an entire city's economy could be brought down by this criminality. Then again, is this any different from Detroit, Selma, Gary, and etc., etc., etc?

Nothing to see folks, move along...

Unknown said...

Shot 9 times and in stable condition? There is a huge cost to the tax paying public that goes unrecognized since none of these gun shot victims will ever pay a dime towards their medical bills. For every murder there is a thousand shootings with injuries. Just another day in BRA.

joshrandall said...

Racism never sleeps!

Boy the way Glenn Miller played said...

The Washington Post has a sister company, known by the name Amazon has a huge distribution and fulfillment center located in Robbinsville, NJ, just a stone's throw from Trenton. I am waiting for the Post to call on Amazon to bus in local "workers" to fill low-skill, and if need be, make-work jobs at their warehouses. Why are only the tax-paying public expected to first fund, then interface with do-little dindus?

Anonymous said...

The article was spot on describing anytown USA with large Negro populations. One quote from your article:

"So much of America is already lost, and yet all of America would be ours again with the admission of the experiment in egalitarianism and universal suffrage being a failure."

This hit home for me! All this boils down to making Negroes citizens in our civilization and giving them an undeserved right to vote. All indicators say they don't fit: their average intellect is low, they are quick to violence, they don't respect the law, trying to educate them is an exercise in futility, they lie on juries to get their black brothers off the hook...I could go on and on!

How many white people are going to have to suffer because of the black plague? Haven't we suffered enough? Why can't we simply give up the Negro experiment and leave them alone. Let the sink or swim on their own! Banish the Negro from our society!

This would be all we could do to save our own race. The experiment has failed with blacks. They don't fix among us and never will!

Anonymous said...

The Baron says:

That's the whole point. As crime and lawlessness continues to appear out of control, government continues to demand bigger funds and more powerful mechanisms to "control" it. 75 years ago, the state couldn't dream of gathering whatever information it wanted on a private citizen via spying and City police departments got by with Billy clubs and a few revolvers. Nowadays, electronic surveillance is viewed as a wonderful thing to "protect" the hoi polloi and your average city cop looks like he just finished a patrol in Baghdad. The state WANTS Africa in America. More control, and thus more power. Ferguson, Baltimore and Milwaukee are the 21st century Reichstag fire.

Paintjob Theory said...

"There were National Guard everywhere. No one could go outside, not even a grown person. We could only go to work or some type of emergency. If we had to drop someone off at the train station, we had to call police for permission and an escort.”

Let this really sink in. After their tribesmen turn a city into a ruined war zone this is the world that the "good ones" would create for us. This negro crying for the conditions I quoted is a fine example of why these creatures are born slaves.

I don't believe this ever got published when I tried a week or so ago so I'll try again. These are the 11 goals of cultural Marxism:

1 The creation of racism offenses.
2 Continual change to create confusion
3 The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4 The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5 Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6 The promotion of excessive drinking
7 Emptying of churches
8 An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9 Dependency on the state or state benefits
10 Control and dumbing down of media
11 Encouraging the breakdown of the family

In a nutshell, the non-white communists realized that with our peace and prosperity in the west we would NEVER go along with communism en masse since we all saw how poorly it worked out for the common man everywhere it has been tried. The idea here is to destroy every form of social cohesion and lower the standard of living to the point where going to your state appointed job and pretending to work then standing in ration lines where the state pretends to pay you seem like a step up.

One only needs the ability to think about 2 moves ahead in a chess game to see how negroes (and most of the other forms of degeneracy and cultural poison being pushed by their enablers) are the catalyst used to bring about these things. The end game is world communist government.

Oh, and if you folks think that this "martial law" when and if it comes will even be used against negroes you've got another thing coming. It'll be to keep the handful of remaining white producers from leaving or fighting back against the brown tide.
outstanding post today. These cited articles shine the spotlight and the two types of world that black Africans create. Trenton today or Trenton with a literal army on the streets and the people held at gunpoint in their homes only allowed to travel to work or for a state approved emergency.

Do you still live in a city? Are their any black Africans in your town?

Anonymous said...

Sitting here - far, far away from the negroid invasion - I can only laugh (and occasionally cry) at what has become of the once-great USA.

Truly unbelievable.

This is literally your last chance to fix it. Time favors the groids and muds...

Anonymous said...

Is it the Constitution where the founders wrote that the country was specifically for their "posterity"? I think so. Non-Whites are nowhere NEAR their posterity, so they must all be exiled from the country. Right?

Follow Founders intent, please.

Anonymous said...

we gave them every chance. we let them live among us. we pander to & slobber over them during NCAA tournament tv.
time's up. their chance expired. no more gibsmedat.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Trenton! Just a stones throw from the rarefied ivy league towers of Princeton University. I wonder if the resident snowflakes ever venture beyond their teddy bear filled safe places to extend the helping hand of liberalism to gun toting negroes just twelve miles down the road from them.
I didn't think so either ...

Baron Münchhausen said...

This is not the only Negro who has called for Martial Law.

There is definitely a pattern of behavior behind this.

Who is putting this idea into their heads? What do they think is going to happen if this occurs?

As it has been pointed out here, by myself and others, that Negros correlate a criminal act to a pattern of weather; just a random occurrence, no actual person behind it at all.

So someone, some group, is directing these people to call for such things. My memory seems to recall a couple of White liberals calling for it too. Maybe the fake Indian Elizabeth Warren? It's like they are pushing the talking point, to see if it gains traction with the public at large.

If they can have one city put under martial law, why not the whole country? After all, we couldn't discriminate against the crime free white areas of town. What is Sauce for the Negro is sauce for Whitey after all.

The Baron

Anonymous said...

There is kind of a "sister site" that some of us visit on a regular basis that keeps tabs on the chaos in Chicago called:

Towards the bottom of the main page is a graphic, "The Cost of Stupidity", which gets updated monthly. These are Chicago figures, but I imagine they would apply in most major Metro areas.

Cost of each homicide related autopsy: $800
Emergency transport via CFD ambulance: $800
(Actual cost is $1000, but 20% of gunshot victims either self-transport or are dropped off by family or friends, so for ease of calculation, I just use $800)
AVERAGE ER costs per victim: $55,000.

Okay! The medical expenses are just the upfront costs to try to save somebody's life in the first 24-96 hours. This doesn't include any rehabilitation, physical therapy or ANY of the long term aftercare needed. It doesn't include walkers, wheelchairs, colostomy bags, crutches, casts and whatever else. It ALSO doesn't account for any of the expenses racked up by the investigating cops, or the court time, or the cost of the public defender.

Firing up Excel on the bat-computer . . .

Chicago's Estimated 2016 Chaos Tax
811 homicides at last count = $648,800 for autopsies by the Medical Examiner.

4379 people shot = $3,503,200 for EMS transport, plus $240,845,000 for ER care.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnndd . . . .
I came up with $244,997,000 worth of immediate, short term medical costs for all the people shot in Chicago last year. Factor in the problem children in other places, factor in long term care costs, SSDI payments, etc., etc., and it gets very, very, expensive in a hurry.

Mr. Rational said...

I came up with $244,997,000 worth of immediate, short term medical costs for all the people shot in Chicago last year. Factor in the problem children in other places, factor in long term care costs, SSDI payments, etc., etc.....

... it becomes VERY cost-effective to cut off care to known criminals and let them expire.

Especially known juvenile felons with long criminal or prison careers ahead of them.

Anonymous said...

Notice that both early feminism and abolitionism were heavily promoted by Christian fanatics, movements that welled up from the outbreak of religious mass hysteria called the Second Great Awakening. Ironically, this "Awakening" was when the majority of whites first began to fall asleep; to become racially unconscious. Once that had happened, they fought the bloodiest war in America's history to free the negro and give him citizenship and the vote. This they did without prompting from any of the usual forces cited today. There was no television, no movies, no radio, no propaganda, and no "hostile elites"; only white Christian America acting on its own, under the influence of nothing but its own religious mania.

Good points.

Modern liberalism claims to be secular, but at the same time continues this religious fanaticism. And certainly today there are many religious groups which call for open borders and settlement of "refugees" into White heartlands. The television, movies, etc., which promote equality among the races work because they find an audience among too many White people who want to believe in the mythology of equality: this is so whether talking about Guess Who's Coming to Dinner or Hidden Figures. They provide images of the Earthly Paradise where all men/women are brothers.

The dilemma with a religious awakening is that it attempts to bring the heavenly kingdom to Earth. But it does not work on its own premises, since it fails to account for the Fall of Man. No amount of kumbaya-ing is going to overcome genetics. The result is the devastation of cities such as Trenton and, in the bigger picture, the ethnic cleansing of White people from countries like South Africa.

Can the situation change? Maybe. Look at the whitelash in the late 19th century which led to segregation. And consider how racial science formed the basis for much of academia and legal scholarship until well into the 20th century. The fanaticism can work both ways. It's up to race realists to provide the leadership on this front.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Look at this page in Trenton's daily paper!

And look at photo of White guy killed!!

Anonymous said...

Declare martial law? Send troops to police the cities?

What this indicates is how a large, dysfunctional demographic undermines civil society. You end up with either criminality controlling the streets, or putting the boot down to maintain order. Neither outcome is amenable to Constitutional government. But this has been the outcome where blacks come to dominate a polity.

This is one of many reasons why blacks were excluded from the definition of citizenship until after the Civil War. They could not maintain the civilization which White people had created, as PK frequently notes.

If this conclusion is wrong, then let us see some troll show us where black dominance has led to an improvement in civil society.

Anonymous said...

I'm not about to fight the Tar Baby to see if I can think up some solutions for problems that I didn't cause. It all comes down to restricting the negro thug's access to other people and property. They just can't keep their hands to themselves. Laws are mere suggestions to them.
It's the same as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic- all the efforts will be built on a lie and inevitably be for nothing.

Which brings me to my next point. There are different types of respect, and for the sake of clarity I am referring to how it generally works among (non-black) people. The first one is the one that everyone gets just by breathing, at that is respect for being a human being. Golden rule and all that, everyone has it and is entitled to it, can be extended to animals and the environment... blah blah blah

The second type is a respect you EARN. This takes time, commitment, and discipline. When using a liberal mindset it is VERY easy to confuse the two types. What with you do with your life shows what you value and what "matters" to you. If I am a more "productive" person than you (always actively working on something) that does not mean I am "more" of a person, but it shows that I am doing something with the time that I have here. I am not taking things for granted- I am earning them rather than waiting for someone to give it to me out of pity, etc.

The left and their pets simply want the rest of us to respect and pull favors for the negro, purely because they exist and are breathing. They have no desire how repulsive this comes across and how disrespectful it is to those who end up pulling more of the weight to make up for their irresponsibility. They are in front of the line for pretty much any jobs that they are qualified for and minimum wage has gone up substantially recently in some states. Felons are always given multiple chances so don't give me that excuse- same with being a baby daddy- that will probably bump your application upward.

The dancing around the black problem has gotten really old. I'm sick of seeing all of our money disappearing into an endless and thankless black hole of need.

Sick n' Tired said...

Just Google "Vice Guide to Liberia" for anyone who hasn't and wants to see the video Oil 'n Water is referring to. They did another good one about Nigerians who are destroying the environment by cutting open the crude oil lines in order to steal and refine black market gasoline. The leaking lines then dump thousands of gallons of crude oil into the rivers, essentially killing everything down stream. They also made some kind of super drink from jet fuel and other crap.

Anonymous said...

"If this conclusion is wrong, then let us see some troll show us where black dominance has led to an improvement in civil society."

While they're at it, please give an example of a white-only company that was going down the shitter until diversity rode in to save the day. Just one example will be fine.

"Diversity is our strength" is merely a slogan with no basis in fact.

Sick n' Tired said...

Gander Mountain has some great deals on them, plus has good deals on higher quality used ones. is a great site for all bulk ammo needs, especially if you split the order with a few like minded friends.

Sick n' Tired said...

Because if they started doing that, half their inventory would end up missing after the first week.

Anonymous said...

Nor has it ever been. 150 consecutive years of failure haven't been enough to convince white Christian America of its folly. But then, religious faith is seldom, if ever, subject to disproof by evidence and logic. If you can believe corpses can come back to life, as they do in the Bible's stories, then believing race doesn't exist, or at least, doesn't matter, is easy.

Why do you keep bringing Christianity into this? You talk of logic and I see nothing logical about bashing the religion of Whites when:
1. SoCal and NYC Whites are heavily secular and yet more liberal than Christian Whites
2. European countries like Sweden and Denmark are heavily secular and yet far-left

It just doesn't make sense to keep bashing Christianity. If one Christian denomination did not vote for Trump then Hillary would have won.

And I say this as someone that never goes to church, not even for holidays. If you are a strategic thinker then you need to look at the demographics.

Sick n' Tired said...

Similar to Camden & Philly. Everyone knows not to go there, nobody wants to admit why.

Anonymous said...

“We’re never going to bring business here,’’ acting Police Director Ernest Parrey Jr. said in an interview last week. “We’re never going to bring tourism here. We’re never going to bring the economic side of the house back here if we don’t address the public safety issue.”

So it took them 50 years to figure this out????

I've always been amazed by how liberals and blacks are in denial of how business unfriendly black areas are. They seem to expect Whites to open shops while bullets are flying by their heads. Then they are expected to tolerate the high taxes and lousy public schools all for the sake of diversity.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you keep bringing Christianity into this?"

Like the man said, "Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Understanding the origin of a problem is crucial to finding a solution, if there is one.

"1. SoCal and NYC Whites are heavily secular and yet more liberal than Christian Whites"

Not on racial issues. "Christian" whites who are openly racist are a rarity, and whether they are actually Christian is debatable. On the other hand, all major branches of Christianity are liberal on race. Rachel Dolezal, e.g., came from a family of fundamentalist Christians.

Dolezal was born at home in 1977, “on the side of the mountain” in rural Montana, to a pair of white Christian fundamentalists called Larry and Ruthanne; they entered “Jesus Christ” on her birth certificate as the only other witness to her birth. From a young age, Dolezal and her older brother Joshua were put to work on the family homestead, weeding vegetables, foraging for berries and hunting elk; in full-length homemade dresses and dog hair sweaters, she “looked like something out of Little House On The Prairie”. Dirt poor and uneducated, her parents lived by the Bible, spoke in tongues and beat her.

"2. European countries like Sweden and Denmark are heavily secular and yet far-left "

All countries of the West suffer the same inheritance, a culture shaped by the Christian worldview.

Left Coast White Guy said...

Are you affirming yourself? "This they did without prompting from any of the usual forces cited today. There was no television, no movies, no radio, no propaganda, and no "hostile elites"; only white Christian America acting on its own, ..."

This has already been refuted repeatedly on this site, yet like the media, you just keep endlessly keep repeating the lie and ignore all the people who correct you. Take your anti Christ platform and shove it. We are sick of correcting you and your personal jihad against Christianity.

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of Christian bashing on this site.And while I agree that all the "turn the other cheek" "brotherhood of man" nonsense is unrealistic and dangerous, I look at it this way, TPTB, whoever they are, are very anti-Christian. They want to destroy morality. So it can't be all bad.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Trenton and Camden everyone comes to Philadelphia for tour of pre revolution era. Philly has it up and down

Anonymous said...

Sick n tired have you ever come to Philly?

Anonymous said...

Sick n tired ain't our fellow blogger Philly Mike is from Philadelphia

Race said...

Well stated. Please see "Tis Still Our Ancient Foe" by Kenneth Groff for eye witness accounts of how this played out in Russia.

Anonymous said...

"The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority"

Wait a minute.

Haven't you been telling us all along that the schools and their teachers are part of the conspiracy? That they play an essential role in "brainwashing" the young?

Why then would you object to undermining their authority?

Get your story straight, Paintjob.

Anonymous said...

Race realism is the keystone of western civilization.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of violence but not gun violence, but it could be called hammer violence, committed by one Dreaquan Foster:

Moral of the story, if Dreaquan comes a knock knock kockin, shoot him, preferrably with a 10mm, and know jujitsu if you use a small caliber gun and then break his arm, wrist, shoulder, and fingers and strangle him if necessary, because, surprise surprise, the unarmed whatever Dreaquan is, will try to get your gun away from you. Then shoot him again.

Still, it was a good job from a good and valiant son. He needs a larger caliber though.

PB said...

"The end game is world communist government."

With (((them))) at the top of the tree. It was always the plan. Its no mystery why Israel isn't awash with African "refugees".

Anonymous said...

"Modern liberalism claims to be secular, but at the same time continues this religious fanaticism."

Yes, that's it exactly. You can have all of the evils of religion without any actual belief in God. Modern liberals descend in a direct line from abolitionist Christians, who themselves descended from America's Puritans. John Brown of Harpers Ferry fame, the most radical abolitionist of all, was known to his contemporaries as "the last Puritan".

"Can the situation change? Maybe. Look at the whitelash in the late 19th century which led to segregation. And consider how racial science formed the basis for much of academia and legal scholarship until well into the 20th century. The fanaticism can work both ways. It's up to race realists to provide the leadership on this front."

I agree that change is possible. But surely, a first step must be for whites to understand that they got themselves into this mess through misguided religious faith, and it's up to them and them alone to get themselves out of it. Their fate is in their own hands, just as it's always been.

Brian in Ohio said...

Mr. Rational said...
  Dindus aren't even a factor; let off 2 rounds and they're running.

If I let off any rounds, they wont be running anywhere. Ever.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Oil 'n Water said...

Our poster, bashing Christianity is back again, so here's my contribution to the collection basket.
Religion's dark side is much like the history of the firearm: It can be used to persuade, to dissuade, it can be turned against your enemies, or if so inclined, against your own people or even oneself.
It can be used for personal gain or power or the promotion of deadly paranoia (note Jim Jones). And, at present, it is being utilized as a banner for the genocidal immigration efforts through Lutheran Services and Catholic Charities.
The point is, it is not Christianity that is "bad" but rather the way in which people or groups at times slant its interpretation depending upon their agenda. And it has been contorted in every which direction over the centuries, always garnering followers no matter the message, e.g. abolitionists on one end of the spectrum, the KKK on the other, both "based" on religion. And let's not even mention what black "converts" have done to it in places like Haiti.
Blaming Christianity is akin to condemning John Browning - probably the most gifted firearms designer/maker in history - for negroes shooting up their bruthas today.
It's all in the way it's employed.
I'm not much of a church-goer, but I do believe in the man, "who brought corpses back to life."
If you're not a believer, terrific. It's called free will.
I just don't get the continued need to bash Christianity rather than the people who use it for their own purposes.
By the way, here's an interesting article by Brietbart, 2015, titled, Christianity Implodes in Europe; Explodes in Africa.
Christianity waning, and yet the mindless immigration poisoning Europe continues. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Martial law is necessary ANYWHERE you have more than just a couple of negroids! Duh!

They are not fit for inclusion in a First World civilization. They're much closer to monkeys and behave that way when they aren't being watched by Humans.

Just deal with it.

Anonymous said...

You can't put wolves into a pen with domestic dogs, yet they the same species, right? Why can you put Negroids into a living arrangement with Whites...?

Just doesn't make Any sense folks. None.

Anonymous said...

Spread rumor in illegals hotspots....ICE will be patrolling hospitals and ERs. Let the wounded illegals die and their support systems (more illegals) stay away from hospitals.

We're watching you Chulos...!

Bud said...

Living in a war zone is one of the consequences of Jury nullification, polar bear hunting, and hands up don't shoot. Are these elderly blacks afraid of all the good boys that dindu nuffin that they have been defending?

Bring in the national guard? What this really means is bring in the armed white people to save us. We will have to tuck this thought away. Not a bad Trojan horse if you think about it. We could march right in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Liberia video. Every day is a good day at SBPDL

Steady Steve said...

Lefty race riots this summer = major chimp hunt. We can bag some Antifa and white enablers as a side benefit.

Anonymous said...

51yr old here,-
Just figured out there's something called 'March Madness' that takes place during this month. It has something to do with basketball. Okay, I'm being facetious. I actually figured it out a couple of years ago and then forgot about it. For a million dollars I couldn't tell you any more about it though. Okay,- back to my beloved Western European culture...

Anonymous said...

The colored boy mayor of Trenton, HNIC Tony Mack, got removed from office a few years ago, and was relocated to the Graybar hotel.


On September 10, 2012, Mack was arrested after being the subject of an FBI investigation into bribery, fraud, extortion and money laundering.[3][4] His trial began on January 6, 2014, and on February 7, 2014 he was convicted on all counts.[5] On February 26, 2014, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson removed Mayor Mack from office.[6]

Mack faced a recall election after a controversial first year in office: "Mack's critics say he has used the city's payroll like a personal piggy bank, hiring unqualified friends for key posts and focusing on minor projects like parks and parades as the city struggles with serious problems," according to The Times (Trenton).

This first year of his administration also saw an unusually-large procession of business administrators.[2] The first resigned after a month, saying the mayor didn't believe in "good government." Another resigned just ahead of pleading guilty to embezzlement while employed in another, previous position.

His housing director quit after a prior theft conviction was revealed. His chief of staff was arrested trying to buy heroin.[14] His half-brother, whose authority he elevated at the city water plant, was arrested on charges of stealing.[14] Subsequently, his law director resigned after arguing with Mack over complying with open-records laws and potential violations of laws prohibiting the awarding of city contracts to large campaign donors.[15]

He was sentenced to nearly five years in federal prison.

Anonymous said...

Moldering tomes such as Undeplorable Kulte hint at ruined cities dominated by bizarre sects such as the Cult of the Yellow Tape. Being an essentially rational person, I tended to dismiss such stories as the ravings of disoriented madmen. Yet on my recent expedition along the Atlantic seaboard I witnessed something which has shaken my belief in the physical world around us.

Motoring my Model-T into the stately town of Trenton, site of one of General Washington's great victories, I observed against the dark night sky all manner of devastated buildings, as if the city's businesses and factories had been driven out by some preternatural force. In the streets there danced dark beings, chanting what appeared to be the Sivvil Rites, as in the distance there was a sharp sound akin to gunfire ringing out.

It all led to a vague sense of foreboding.

While with one hand I steered, I used the other to slide the safety off my trusty Colt Auto Pistol which had seen me through many a scrape. Abruptly, I braked my vehicle. Blocking the roadway was a barricade composed of...steady, man...Yellow Tape! Had the Cult taken over while the city fathers slept? And what were those men in blue uniforms doing, declaring this to be a "Firearms Checkpoint?"

What mad world had I entered, where the citizen's Right of Self Defense was not to be practiced? Quickly shoving my Colt underneath a handy copy of Stoddard's Rising Tide of Color, I cut a sharp right turn and sped down streets which had somehow gone wrong, past alleyways festooned with the dreaded Yellow Tape.

I did not stop until crossing the Delaware at sunrise, reaching a filling station where I refueled and took stock.

Looking back towards Trenton in the somber dawn, I could only assume that what I had experienced was a nightmarish vision, perhaps brought on by too little sleep and too much ruminating on moldering tomes. Yes, a nightmare. For what strange Cult could render such an historic American city waste?

R. "Ace" Rielst
Department of Physical Anthropology
Miskatonic University

D-FENS said...

When Christians are good, they are usually very good. When bad, they are always hopeless. You cannot argue with someone who believes his paintjob theory is consistent with or compelled by their Christianity. The leadership of just about all Christian denominations support the paintjob theory. The still faithful either grin and bear it or actually believe it.

PB said...

"Get your story straight, Paintjob."

His story is straight.

rent slave said...

The World makes;Trenton takes.

Anonymous said...

"The point is, it is not Christianity that is "bad" but rather the way in which people or groups at times slant its interpretation depending upon their agenda."

If Christianity can mean anything, and all interpretations of it are equally valid, then it has no inherent meaning at all. Using this logic, Jesus' injunction to love your enemies (Matthew 5:44) might just as well mean kill them, and his injunction "Go now and sin no more" (John 8:11) might equally well be understood as "Go now and sin as much as you possibly can."

But on the contrary, I think that in most cases words have a definite meaning. This includes the words of the New Testament. When Jesus tells his followers to love their enemies and do good to them (the original "pathological altruism"), that's exactly what he means. Though crazy advice, it's hard to imagine how he could have put it more plainly. When St. Paul says, as he does in Galatians 3:26, that race doesn't matter, that's exactly what he means. Biblical support such as this is why almost all Christians profess to believe what they do, and act in the racially insane ways they often act.

Paintjob Theory said...

"turn the other cheek"

Which isn't a commandment to us to be a doormat, but a directive on how his disciples should deal with Romans in the culture of that time (along with "go the extra mile" and "give him your shirt").

Cliff notes: The "slap", taken in context, isn't an assault, but only an insult. Offering to accept another slap is insulting the one who attempted to insult you. Like laughing at or ignoring our resident trolls.

"Haven't you been telling us all along that the schools and their teachers are part of the conspiracy? That they play an essential role in "brainwashing" the young?"

No. As you so often suggest ONLY Christians are to blame, our education system is without fault, definitely hasn't been infiltrated by communists, and certainly hasn't been debased or used for social engineering in any way. Really though I'm honored that my comments upset you so much that you need to pop by 4-5 times a week to attack me. You always get the most flak when you're close to the target.

"I see a lot of Christian bashing on this site."

And all of it by the same troll. There's a handful of regulars who are atheist or agnostic that rarely if ever brooch the subject (particularly when it has nothing to do with the day's story), and are typically respectful so as not to distract or divide. His motives and MO are very transparent.

Anonymous said...

"This has already been refuted repeatedly on this site, yet like the media, you just keep endlessly keep repeating the lie and ignore all the people who correct you. "

So they had television, radio, movies, and so on in the 1860s?

Sorry, I didn't realize that. My tinfoil hat must be bringing in a different station than yours.

"[Paintjob's] story is straight."

LOL. Let's look again at his post. He wrote:

"3 The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4 The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority"

How can you complain about children being "brainwashed" in school, and in the very next breath lament their teachers' authority is being undermined? Surely, if the schools and teachers had even more authority, their "brainwashing" would be even more effective. It makes zero sense, but then, making sense or being consistent has never been a high priority for Paintjob.

Mr. Rational said...

I've always been amazed by how liberals and blacks are in denial of how business unfriendly black areas are. They seem to expect Whites to open shops while bullets are flying by their heads.

Blacks do everything with bullets flying, and literally cannot imagine that anyone else does not accept the same as normal.  Liberals claim that the Black experience is normative for everyone, because intersectionalism and White privilege.

The colored boy mayor of Trenton, HNIC Tony Mack, got removed from office a few years ago, and was relocated to the Graybar hotel.

Guess what?  The fuckedpedophile article omits any image or mention of his race.

And do I ever love the works of "R. "Ace" Rielst".  Best satires on this blog, and that's saying something.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Philly is great city with sites.with one bad egg doesn't make Philadelphia a bad place

Anonymous said...

"Why do you keep bringing Christianity into this?"

Like the man said, "Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Understanding the origin of a problem is crucial to finding a solution, if there is one.

Yes and we have pointed out that some of the least Christian White countries are also far-left and committing suicide.

In Sweden you can actually go to jail for publishing racial statistics, even if they are true.

So what is the solution? Remove Christianity so the entire West can become like Swedenstan?

I lost my faith in secularism as a solution while in college, and ironically not through Christianity. I lost it by observing how effective liberals are at egalitarian propaganda. The harsh reality is that most Whites cannot see through liberalism. They require either direct negro experience or guidance to see the flaws. Like it or not Christianity can provide an insular effect against liberalism. In college I observed this was especially true for certain sects like Mormonism. The Mormon White women did not care about what liberal professors had to say as they simply wanted a degree so they could get to baby making.

It is not by chance that liberals and Marxists have long sought to undermine Christianity. They want to replace the traditional religion of Whites with secular egalitarianism. The far-left does not mind Islam or other non-White religions and in fact will ally with them.

The absence of Christianity in our society does not create racial realism. If anything it creates a void that liberals are able to manipulate. As long as liberals dominate the schools and media it makes sense to at least support sects that are the enemy of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

Trenton doesn't need martial law but old fashion police work, such as terry stops and removing repeat defenders off the streets. Truancy laws and curfews should be enforce. We know the liberals are keeping law enforcement agency from doing their jobs. Now that we have a President who supports law enforcement, we may see some changes in cities like Trenton.

Willie from Naperville

Anonymous said...

I think you're okay if you're downtown by the Statehouse. I used to go in and out of there on business.

Trenton's pseudo homo slogan: "Trenton makes, the world takes." Emblazoned on the Delaware Bridge.

Sadly, in a different time, in a different world, it would have made sense.

Anonymous said...

Christianity, unfortunately, does have a lot to do with it. The fanatical influence of the formerly Puritan New England abolitionists wrecked the country and we've never recovered. The Civil War killed off 5% of the white population and nearly a third of the young males.
The abolitionists screamed for blood with a Jihadi's fervor all through the war and they got it. The WASPs were never able to replace their losses. It was the Irish, who were able to outbreed the bloodletting, and the new European immigrants who replaced the lost native population.

It's impossible to imagine a bloodier solution to the slavery problem. Lincoln, America's Stalin, must have had a few good laughs before finally justice caught up with him.

Anonymous said...

The situation in Trenton is complete crying shame! It absolutely breaks my heart to see the historic architectural buildings in Trenton, the old neighborhoods and the land near the Delaware, fall into such filthy hands. It was all so beautiful, special and unique. Trenton was briefly considered for the U.S. capital. The people who built the houses and raised families in them would be so absolutely appalled at the state of things now. There are no ghosts in Trenton - they are far more scared of the residents!

Anonymous said...

that link to trenton crime is alarming.
