Monday, March 13, 2017

Large Fight Between 50+ Black Youth in Indianapolis Ends With Police Cars Attacked, Destroyed

Remember, the city was nearly 80 percent white in 1990, and today is roughly 57% percent white. 

The black population (roughly 28 percent of the city) is responsible for nearly all the violent crime in the city, and individual blacks collectively have helped break the homicide records in both 2015 and 2016.
Black crime/dysfunction/degeneracy is destroying the nearly 60 percent white city of Indianapolis (it was 80 percent whites in 1990, before black crime gradually drove whites to abandon the city) -- data courtesy of Indianapolis Department of Public Safety

Data from the Indianapolis Department of Public Safety shows that of 149 criminal homicides in 2016, the racial relationship between victim and suspect was: 

  • Black victim - Black assailant - 50 

  • Black victim - White assailant - 1 

  • Black victim - Unknown assailant - 69  

  • White victim - White assailant - 11  

  • White victim - Black assailant - 7  

  • White victim - Unknown assailant - 14
Based on this data, we can safely conclude many of the unknown assailants (suspects) in the murder of white people are blacks. Interracial homicides/murder in Indianapolis have a distinct racial makeup: black. 

Which brings us to a glimpse of the future, where black teens today have virtually no fear of the white establishment. They know the city is nearly theirs, with black crime driving away white people and creating a future where a black mayor and majority black city council can be elected to represent their interest exclusively. [Group of juveniles damage IMPD cars after officers break up fight; leaders look for solutions to teen violence, Fox 59, 3-13-17]:
Two Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department vehicles were damaged after a party on the near northwest side. 
Just before midnight Saturday, officers were called to the intersection of West 16th Street and Rochester Avenue on a report of a disturbance and a large group of people fighting in the street. Additional 911 calls indicated at least two people involved in the fight had guns. 
Police arrived on scene and found 40-50 juveniles fighting in the middle of West 16th Street. They tried to detain a minor who was armed, but he fled on foot. 
Officers caught him after a brief chase. 
“I ain’t never seen so many kids,” said neighbor Anthony Thompson. “It got out of control.  It got out of hand.” 
While officers were dealing with the juvenile, someone threw a concrete block through the rear window of an unmarked and unoccupied police car. Moments later, another concrete block was thrown through the rear window of a marked police car. 
“They were out there like grown people, cussing and talking back to the police,” said Thompson. 
Anthony recorded the aftermath of the incident from his doorway.  Unfortunately, the large scale fight along 16th Street isn’t the only recent disturbance involving a group of kids. 
In February, on multiple weekends, officers responded to large fights involving young people downtown. 
One free-for-all recorded on cell phones resulted in a deadly shooting outside the Buda Lounge. 
“That is very disturbing and that’s why we want to make sure we have resources to help our youth make better choices,” said city county councilperson La Keisha Jackson. 
Jackson joined Mayor Joe Hogsett at a press conference announcing a series of job fairs aimed at finding jobs for at risk youth. 
“We want to give them opportunity where they can make good choices instead of idleness where all too often they fill it with bad choices and bad decisions,” said Hogsett. 
Pathway Resource Center, Inc. partnered with the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), Mayor Joe Hogsett, Project Indy Indiana Black Expo, Inc., Flaherty & Collins, and Employee Indy to discuss the upcoming Indy My Brother’s Keeper Youth Resource Fair. 
The resource fairs are designed to help transform the lives of youth ages 16-24 living in Indianapolis by getting them jobs and keeping them off the street.For more information on the Indy My Brother’s Keeper Youth Program you can log 
After witnessing the weekend ruckus firsthand, Anthony agrees the city needs more programs to keep kids out of trouble. 
“I really feel the city needs to be more supervised and involved with children and the places that they go,” said Thompson. 
Following the weekend incident, police arrested the 16-year-old for illegal gun possession and trying to run away from police, but because he’s underage police are not releasing that suspect’s name.
Remember, in a normal society, the state must have the monopoly on violence to ensure stability, as well as law and order.

In our world, governed by the principles of Black-Run America (BRA), black youth dominate the streets and dictate what and how the police - the enforcers of the law for the state - can interact with blacks.

There is no punishment available to deter black youth from participating in crimes, because that would be the real crime (punishing blacks).

It's going to be Indianapolis, folks.

Blacks have no fear of the police - and by extension, the state white people meekly govern - in Indianapolis, meaning the city is basically theirs to inherit.

They have no fear of the law.

They have no fear of order.

Thus, blacks sow anarchy and disorder in Indianapolis.


Bird of Paradise said...

Make those who cuased the destruction of those police cars hold them financialy liable hall them into court arrest their sorry backsides make them pay the price for their uncivilized behavior then return them to their country of origion

Anonymous said...

Blacks are dragging us down every day, in every way. We constantly have to bring things down to their level just for them to function at the lowest level - often just to keep them from becoming savagely violent.

This has to end. Soon. (Maybe this summer.)


Anonymous said...

Yes, more of whitey's money for more "programs," is what La Keisha wants. I'm sure that all of these feral negroes will show up for the "jobs fair."

Anonymous said...

I know what would lower crime: forbid juvenile blacks to go out at night. You might can't be done. can be done with the correct motivation.

Anonymous said...

Seemingly off topic, but not really. I hope PK will indulge me . . .

During World War II, the strategy of Bomber Command was to destroy cities through a combination of HE (high explosive) devices dropped first, followed by thousands or tens of thousands of smaller, incendiary devices.

The theory was that the HE devices would rupture water and gas mains and also make the streets impassable due to rubble, which made it much harder (sometimes impossible) for the fire department to respond. The HE bombs also blew out hundreds of thousands of windows and tens of thousands of doors, allowing for maximum airflow.

Once the incendiaries were dropped, the outcome was inevitable - thousands of small fires would merge into either a stationary mass fire (conflagration) or in a few terrifying instances, a firestorm. Firestorms occured in Hamburg, Tokyo and most famously in Dresden. The only real novelty of Hiroshima was that the firestorm was triggered by ONE plane dropping ONE bomb, instead of needing hundreds of planes dropping thousands or tens of thousands of bombs.

So what does this have to do with Indy, or Chicago or Memphis? Think of the Treyvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray episodes as the HE bombs. The media, both main stream and social, have been acting like the blast wave, blowing out windows and doors. Regardless of where the next incident happens, the riots will happen in several places at once. Just like the incendiaries in the bombing raids, all those little fires will link up . . . and just like the fire departments in those wartime cities, the police at the next racial ground zero will be unable to do anything.

We are ON OUR OWN. Summer is coming.

Mr. Deplorable said...

Damn.....It's those nasty "kids" again. These latest press stories is proof that the new and popular name for PSYCHOPATHIC BLACK MONSTERS is "kids". This is proof that all these papers are owned by the same bunch of people. I did notice two of my favorite phrases used in the story. PROGRAMS and AT RISK YOUTH. I guess beating on each other and killing each other is kind of "risky." And of course we all know the solution to these "risky kids" is another "program" to keep them off the streets. Good luck with that.

Man...This shit just gets better by the day.

Anonymous said...

This raises a practical question: is it reasonable to assume that the black population in the US is much larger than 12 or 13 percent? It seems like the black population has exploded in recent years.

Anonymous said...

We talked here before about how having a manual transmission in a Black area can get you killed.

They are less likely to take it cold but if they carjack you it will agitate them. Here you go:

Anonymous said...

There has always been something wrong with Indy. Too many weak Whites trying to be "modern" which means appeasement and race denial.

Ex New Yorker said...

The day will come when this whole system is going to come tumbling down. Any system that is built on lies and bullshit cannot and will not stand for long. These once great American cities are now like sand castles built by the sea. No matter what one does to prevent their destruction it is useless against a rising tide of crime and death. Untold amounts of money is throw away trying to keep these cities intact. The "fail safe" point for the larger cities is based on the percentage of the black population. Once that point is reached there is no going back. Once the seeds of destruction have been planted and allowed to grow it is to late.

White flight is the first form of resistance and that comes at a cost. Thousands and thousands of working class families have taken a lose on the their property just so they can live with their children in safety somewhere else. These people didn't "move away". They retreated. We have read on this site the heart breaking stories. How many readers have posted comments about "how it used to be". It is sad to have to abandon a city your forefathers built.

I sit out here in my safe place watching America self destruct around me. I no longer let much of it bother me because I look at things from the point of view of a "neutral observer". When I lived in the jungle I spent the whole time looking over my shoulder. In that life I was the "concerned observer". There is a difference between the two. I have seen over and over that in the end evil will always destroy itself. Our job will be to rebuild what we can from the ruins. We must survive.

I've seen the maps where the Muslims are being moved into. With the Muslims and blacks taking over the cities these places will no longer be safe for whites to live. Muslims are being placed into any town big enough for a welfare office. I am keeping a close eye on Europe and some countries are starting to fight back. Hungry and Poland are forming militant and militia groups to protect their women. It looks like Germany is about to explode. Nationalism is on the rise so I have not yet given up hope.

The folks in town are watching all this violence and crazy shit with the protestors and riots. Where I live at it is the "end of the road". This small town is an armed camp and we are already discussing the best way to defend our selves from any invaders from the South. I few shots into a radiator will stop any car or truck. At this point we aren't to concerned about any tanks.

Paintjob Theory said...

“They were out there like grown people, cussing and talking back to the police,”

Hate to break it to you, Sambo, but white people grown or otherwise do not behave this way. Always the insightful glimpse into the way negroes perceive as rather normal that which whites abhor and flee.

“That is very disturbing and that’s why we want to make sure we have resources to help our youth make better choices,”

And of course the obligatory negro hack with the ridiculous name blaming whitey for not forking over enough gibs and sticking out the begging bowl. As we saw from last weekend's debacle in Selma, even throwing a "celebrity basketball game" or town-wide festival doesn't seem to be enough diversion to sway these demons from acts of primitive savagery. Let's face it, they simply love violence. Give them any other program or distraction and even if they enjoy it they'll simply add a violent chimpout to that activity to liven it up a bit to better reflect their nature.

"a press conference announcing a series of job fairs aimed at finding jobs for at risk youth. "

I'm sure employers will just be lining up to hire all these future mathematicians for the next moon launch. Perhaps (((Google))) or (((FaceBerg))) and the like will come along and scoop up a few of these bright young minds, they are after all constantly lamenting that their staff isn't diverse enough. If they're truly just like us but just lacking opportunity or education they'd certainly be worth the rather small investment of these social justice conscious companies to train them and put them to work. Put your money where your mouths are and prove all of us filthy racists wrong already.

“We want to give them opportunity where they can make good choices instead of idleness where all too often they fill it with bad choices and bad decisions,”

If providing entertainment activities and distraction keeps these animals from committing acts of crime and mayhem, explain why black bike week, the Selma bridge festival, or any other event with more than half a dozen negroes always turns into a bloodbath? Give them a rap concert followed by a basketball game every day and both will turn into African tribal warfare. Hand them all a shovel and put them on a union crew earning 50$ an hour + benefits and they'll be bludgeoning each other with the shovels by lunch break.

Paintjob Theory said...

"The resource fairs are designed to help transform the lives of youth ages 16-24"

And that's the least we could do for those who have transformed the Leave it to Beaver lives of the white children into a third world dystopian nightmare of crime, violence, filth, and ruin. Funny you NEVER hear of any town with an all white population needing to shake down the American taxpayer for billions of dollars to "transform" their white European populations. Nor do these communists discuss into and from what we are trying to "transform" them.

"“I really feel the city needs to be more supervised and involved with children and the places that they go,” said Thompson. "

The double whammy. Err buh poda hep plus changing the language again. Notice this story started as "teens" turned to "youths", then to "kids", now to "Children". If this vomit went on another paragraph they'd be "toddlers" or "infants".

"Remember, in a normal society, the state must have the monopoly on violence to ensure stability"

This is NOT a principal of our republic. Our system of government gives the people the monopoly on violence via their right to keep and bear arms and the institution of a citizen's militia (read federal and local laws for definitions). I can assure you a lawful militia performing it's specified duty (to repel invasion and suppress insurrection) could put an end to this jaboonery in a weekend (the Clan which wasn't even lawful did a fair job for decades during reconstruction). What's the track record of government in fixing our negro problems?

Upon this, we disagree. Our government hasn't served the people in any of our lifetimes and it's long past time that we abandon the fantasy that they're ever going to solve our problems.

Californian said...

“I ain’t never seen so many kids,” said neighbor Anthony Thompson.

Ah, once again, it is the "kids." Not the "teens," but the "kids."

Nothing to see, people, move along...

Anonymous said...

There is no point in discussing ways to civilize Africans in the USA; the evidence, coming in daily, by the boat loads, shows that the more "equality", preferential treatment, money, benefits, freebies given to them, the worse their behavior becomes - and threats of punishment don't even register in the African minds. Daily it is demonstrated that the more "free" the Africans are, the more violent, uncivilized their behavior; that is, they are becoming more African, less and less like that which is normal to ethnic-European American culture. Africans and ethnic-European Americans were never, will never be behaviorally the same or "equal". It is impossible; just as night can never be day. Why waste any more time attempting to change what cannot be changed.

So, any and all discussions and efforts regarding Africans in the USA should focus on how best to return Africans to their ethnic homeland - Africa - where their behavior will be "normal" and where there is more opportunity for them to "excel" at whatever, because no more "whitey holding them down."

Since USA taxpayers have paid, currently pay, and will forever pay for most forms of life support for the Africans in the USA, it would be better to use these revenues to create new territory or funding for reintegration into existing African nations to which Africans can be sent.

An example might be penal colonies in Somalia, Kenya, or other, to which feral, violent criminal Africans could be sent; there would have to be maximum security prisons for capital crimes, such as murder, rape, drug dealing, built and maintained in Africa, paid for by USA taxpayers, for a designated period of time only; say 50 years. Other criminals could get reduced sentences with training for their new lives in Africa once released.

Other programs would provide training (such as local language, customs, education) housing assistance in Africa - either newly created territories (purchased from African nations) or within existing African nations.

Such programs would take about 50 years, but this is better than eternally attempting to make Africans into Europeans, or worse, the costs of total destruction and loss of everything the USA.

Before any libtard marxists, or "educated" Africans criticize the above idea, let it be known that such plans are simple variations on ideas for solutions to this problem put forward by Africans in the USA themselves.

Californian said...

“We want to give them opportunity where they can make good choices instead of idleness where all too often they fill it with bad choices and bad decisions,” said Hogsett. ... The resource fairs are designed to help transform the lives of youth ages 16-24 living in Indianapolis by getting them jobs and keeping them off the street.

The redoubtable Freed Reed has penned several columns in which he relates how when he was a lad, he and his friends filled their idle hours with bicycling, fishing, sandlot ball games and even plinking away with 22s. For reasons which would appear inexplicable to today's city fathers of Indianapolis, Fred and other kids of that era did not need resource centers, prayer vigils, peace marches or SWAT teams to keep them out of trouble. Nor were they in need of any "transformation." But of course, in Fred's day, the kids were White, or at least tried to act according to a reasonable facsimile of White.

What Indianapolis (as many other American cities) has to face is that this is a racial issue. You can not deal with a dysfunctional-dysgenic demographic and expect it to act according to the principles of a high civilization.

Bear in mind that the USA has had numerous programs, policies, studies, budgets, hustles and telescreen blitzes for some six decades and yet has to make any material change to the median behaviors of blacks. Instead, one sees the endless "failed schools," "streets gone wrong" and "shots ringing out." If Indianapolis wants to restore civility, then it would need to ensure it maintains an overwhelming White (or White acting) majority.

Race. It's what goes on when ideologues shut their eyes against reality.

Boy the way Glenn Miller played said...

The youths never have a shortage of concrete blocks with which to smash police cars. Was Home Depot open at that time of the day? Maybe the youths rode there on their bicycles, and purchased the blocks with their lunch money. Either that, or they live in a rubble-lined shit hole where demolition debris is as ubiquitous as leaves in the fall. One or the other.

Farm Boy said...

What a shame about INdianapolis. Beautiful downtown area, nice architecture, some great hotels restaurants all that. It's going to be another sacrifice on the alter of political correctness, apparently, and become more like Cincinatti and Cleveland, where they tell you when you are visiting to not leave your hotel room after dark. Lovely places can't wait to visit them again not.

Anonymous said...

Bird of Paradise, they don't even know who their father is, how do we sort out which nation they came from?

Air drop them all over the Congo and if they forget to pull the cord on the chute or it fails who cares.

Anonymous said...

Nigs gonna nig. What else u expect?

Need a nationwide change; a full reversal. Negroes MUST be segregated; they destroy the White man's civilization...

Proudyt said...

The 'teens'know they will only get a slap on the wrist. Now that our police have had their balls removed by the left and the media. It's gonna be open season on yt this summer.

Plaga Negra said...

They deserve nothing but a choice between a boat or a rope. All this money wasted on keeping the lights on in these cities (should be going to space exploration) is the direct result of giving the most wretched elements in society the right to vote.

Sick n' Tired said...

No story about black dysfunction is complete without the obligitory calling for more programs.

countenance said...

“They were out there like grown people, cussing and talking back to the police,” said Thompson.

Grown people cuss at cops?

Anonymous said...

Lol at "teen violence"

Walter Bergen said...

I visited Indy with my wife in '89, and even then I thought the downtown was not terribly safe. Walking around on a Sunday afternoon we were repeatedly badgered by black panhandlers and there were many obviously-up-to-no-good yoofs.

This was when the city was still 80% white, and I still was young enough to feel invulnerable. I've seen fewer and less aggressive dindus walking downtown in Chicago. I can only imagine it now.

Once you've handcuffed law enforcement, making them afraid to do their work for fear of losing their job, you've lost. Once the animals have lost their fear of the law, you've handed them the keys to the city.

mikej said...

I'm an optimist. After Uncle Sugar hyperinflates his fiat currency, and is no longer able to provide free food, clothing, and shelter to blacks, most of them will die off. Of course, life will be violent and nasty until they finally do die off, but things will be better eventually.

Wide Awake said...

Future defense of this black infestation will exclusively be firearms because government has failed to enforce black lawfulness. It's like running into a pack of hyenas wearing a meat suit. What did you expect?

Anonymous said...

Believe me when I say " the last thing these kids want is a JOB". The last thing I want is these kids waiting on me in a restaurant or store. No thanks. Give them community service and let them clean the side streets of Indy.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I think I figured out why the major news networks aren't covering the new Michael Brown "documentary":

"The filmmaker suggests Brown first gave drugs to the store employees in exchange for cigarillos and sodas — which he left at the store to pick up later. Then, when Brown returned and took the merchandise, a clerk confronted him, and Brown shoved the employee out of his way so he could leave the store with the cigarillos he had apparently laid claim to with a marijuana barter."

(I forgot, corporate chains accept marijuana as legal tender, even in states like MO where it is completely illegal. They must have a slot in the cash register for baggies of pot. And of course those cigarellos were too heavy to pick up at the time to Brown had to stop by later to pick them up.)

In response to the news cycle, a lawyer representing the store presented more surveillance footage Monday afternoon, saying the documentary presents a misleading edit of the video. In a press conference, the lawyer called the filmmaker’s narrative “unfounded,” “baseless,” “preposterous,” “laughable,” and “nonsense.” He stated that the spread of this story led to more turmoil for the community and the store:

This has caused significant harm to this community again. Last night, at Ferguson Market, the protesters came back out. Police officers were engaged; police officers were hurt. Shots were fired at the market and at the police officers. My clients’ store was threatened to be burned to the ground — and all because some filmmaker badly edited, mis-edited a surveillance video so that he could get publicity for his documentary film.

Anonymous said...

You could definitely be right about Indy. Didn't they recently vote to extend their public transportation out to the White suburbs? Going in debt to destroy yourselves. Makes a lot of sense... Good luck with that....

Charlotte may have something else brewing here. Welfare sow caught stealing from an Asian owned hair weave store. Usual agitators being called out, demanding usual reparations and boycotts. Get your popcorn folks. Oh and your ammo ready.

God Bless to all, lock n load.

NC Guy

Comments are pretty funny check them out...

Anonymous said...

Black poverty pimping is a HUGE INDUSTRY in Indianapolis. The black population is nearly 30% of the population now. The black preachers receive millions in grant money as a riot-prevention measure. But it's not working.

We give them summer feeding, ghetto "Arts" outreach, urban gardening shams, health fairs, summer reading programs, summer jobs for black youth, felon re-entry programs, homeless housing, 30% priority reserved low-income HUD housing MANDATED in every new apartment complex, free this and free that, all for the sake of the negro. I think every single negro gets assigned a white case worker on the day of their birth. They don't have to lift a finger, just get fat and breed like roaches.

Even our public libraries cater to these savages at our expense so they can surf porn on the free computers. I can think of at least 4 library branches that have become dangerous no-go zones for whites. White moms can't even take their children to the library anymore.

If you try to volunteer in Indy, you will find that every recipient of the gibs me dats is some pathetic, whiny black. I don't even bother anymore because I don't want to help these shit-stains breed.

I know many traitorous white people who are making money by shuffling blacks around in dem programs. But no whites want to live WITH them. I hope Trump cuts this funding.

Just wait until the Red Line transit expansion moves these monkeys up to Fishers and Noblesville through the @IndyConnect @IndyGoBus program. Whitey thinks he's safe, but does not understand what's coming.

You are right, Paul. It's going to get ugly, fast.

CA3 said...

If whites wanted Indianapolis or any city that they've created to be governed and administered effectively by whites and non-whites alike, they never would've lowered the standards for participation and sought to experiment with socialism by means of creating the welfare state.

Unknown said...

When are LEO's going to learn? When such an event "breaks out" just cordon off the area and let the combatants go to it. Allow no one to enter or leave the area for 24 hours. The injured are on their own.


I have ideas for a jobs fair:

The city should raise taxes on all the black owned property. Use this to open a job fair, and provide "tax subsidies" for any business willing to open in the black property areas: Here you are taking money FROM the negro to provide jobs for the negro in the negro area where there would be no racists Whites to steal the jobs.

Starbucks comes first to mind. I am sure there is no competition in these areas AND they can hire blacks.

Next, movie theaters. Sony, Warner, 20th Fox, Screen Actors Guild and other Hollywood groups can built a multi-Plex.Hire many hard working blacks to man the food concessions, take the tickets, etc. Hollywood just loves the negro. Maybe hire a few white girls who can count and they can handle ticket sales?

Wal-Mart. They are ALWAYS talking about the number of negroes the hire................

Now, since no company will ever build/locate one of their stores there, a clever reporter can ask them why? It would be so much fun reading between the lines why they REFUSE to have anything to do with negro-ville.

You see, these youts are not Un-employed, they are un-employable. They are not roaming around and fighting in the MIDDLE of an intersection because they have not jobs, they are roaming around and fighting. They roam and fight. They don't want a job. They want to roam and fight and piss, and drink.....job? Dat be Rayciss.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. More money for fake jobs, programs, schools that cannot educate, benefits that we pay for. We owe them nothing. I am tired of their crap.

Anonymous said...

It ain't gon be no Indy, fool! It's goin' down in Bakka-ball-ti-MO!

Anonymous said...

It ain't gon be no Indy, fool! It's goin' down in Bakka-ball-ti-MO!

And to comment more directly on the article...

“They were out there like grown people, cussing and talking back to the police,” said Thompson."

It's good to know Ol' "Buck" Thompson knows that cussing and talking back to the police is for grown-assed men! Well I guess that means playful window breaking is a game for the youth of his land!

Earl Turner said...

So they're calling them kids now?



Anonymous said...

I went saw couple of black in Starbucks as employed there in different cities I visited

Proudyt said...

Why wouldn't their numbers explode when all they have to do all day is get drunk/high,fuck and wait for their govment checks.

chattanooga gal said...

"This raises a practical question: is it reasonable to assume that the black population in the US is much larger than 12 or 13 percent? It seems like the black population has exploded in recent years."
I've heard that "13%" number since I was a child. I think it has to be at least 30% by now, with all the laquishas having 6 or more kids each, starting at age 14.I think that that 13& only counts the ones who have to be counted to get the gibs. the others just " stay at" various addresses, rather than having a defined home as they are felons or owe child support, etc. So that 13% probably doesn't count but a fraction of the bucks.

Anonymous said...

Equals fake government

Anonymous said...

First time I seen that word rayciss but do I think you mean term racism

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure all the "kids" recorded the actions for their social media pages on their free Obama phones. Progress!
"welcome to the Jungle."

Californian said...


The thieves then got into the car but could not get it to drive because they didn't know how to operate a standard shift. According to the ABC 13, police believe that Aguilar was shot in the chest by one of the men out of frustration over the manual transmission.

All three men were described as being in their late-teens...



As distinct from "teens."

Perhaps I missed it, but does the article mention the race of the suspects? Or is it just those pesky "teens" again? I mean, "late-teens."

Well, perhaps the job fairs can have a booth where they teach driving manual transmissions for "late-teens."

Bill in St Louis said...

No, that would involve using the shovels. Too much like work.

Anonymous said...

I was laughing more about the dbl negative.

Anonymous said...

it's gonna be a long summer... but winter is coming.

Anonymous said...

You see, these youts are not Un-employed, they are un-employable. They are not roaming around and fighting in the MIDDLE of an intersection because they have not jobs, they are roaming around and fighting. They roam and fight.

i.e., reversion to typical African behavior. But at least on the dark continent, there is a certain Darwinian karma at play, where if one becomes too dysfunctional one finds oneself hacked to pieces by other tribes, or on the menu of the local predator pack (4 or 2 legged). But in cities like Indianapolis, the dysfunctional are subsidized by the government and glorified by the mainstream media.

Job fairs? Prayer vigils? Anti-violence marches? When have these ever served to restrain feral African behaviors in America? What system was in place which actually did keep roaming and righting in check until, oh, say, the 1960s?


Brian in Ohio said...

Ex New Yorker said...

This small town is an armed camp and we are already discussing the best way to defend our selves from any invaders from the South. I few shots into a radiator will stop any car or truck. At this point we aren't to concerned about any tanks.

Do a google search on some of the improvised armored cars the cartels have used south of the border. Some real Mad Max stuff. Remember, they`ve been fighting it out with the Mexican army and state police for decades. This aint their first rodeo.

Of course, heavily armored vehicles aren't the be-all end-all, as we learned in Iraq. They are top heavy, can roll quite easily, and suck off road. Are you familiar with caltrops?

And of course, fire kills everything....

Stay alert, stay alive.

Brian in Ohio said...

“They were out there like grown people, cussing and talking back to the police,” said Thompson."

Gee, wonder where they learned that....

The police were foolish to wade into 50 rampaging "teens" to try and make 1 or 2 token arrests. They got off easy with two damaged cruisers.

A brawl that size, in the middle of an intersection no less, should receive an immediate barrage of tear gas. No questions asked. Anyone who shows up at the hospital with "breathing trouble" gets arrested.

Until they start meeting force with force, the streets will not be safe for decent, law abiding citizens.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

I read recently that at current birthrates worldwide that White babies are only about three percent. Can that be true?
If anything near that, we better make the USA a Whites-only nation fast and get ready for future attacks. Whites have been so demonized now that once our numbers drop, the world is coming after us. The invasion has already started; just look around you.

Support Trump; support King, support all folks who speak openly about race and are advocates for Whites.

Your life and your kids' futures depend on it.

Can't hide anymore. Stand up.

Brian in Ohio said...

Sick n' Tired said...
No story about black dysfunction is complete without the obligitory calling for more programs

We already have one that works great. Its called prison, and we definitely need more of it for blacks.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Indianapolis is a good prospect for the location of 'The Happening.' Indiana is the most gun-law friendly state in the region. Indianapolis, being the largest city in the state and centrally located, attracts many Hoosiers from the outlying Whitopias for pro sports, medical care, shopping, etc. It's just a matter of time before there is a powerful collision of a law abiding Caucasian pistol owner with a mob of chimping-out and violent Negro youth. Spent brass and blood trails will litter the scene. It will be a true turning point in Indy's race relations. Hopefully I'll live to see the day.

Brian in Ohio said...

The resource fairs are designed to help transform the lives of youth ages 16-24 living in Indianapolis by getting them jobs and keeping them off the street.

Only in black culture is a 16-24 year old still referred too as a "youth".

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

“I really feel the city needs to be more supervised and involved with children and the places that they go,” said Thompson.

Didn't the city used to have something called "parents" or something who supervised and were involved with children? There may be reference to this concept in the archives, and some etchings on the walls of once stately downtown homes.

Anonymous said...

For you A real hot summer 2017 like 100 years ago in the Midwest

Anonymous said...

A little off topic...
I work with a black guy who seems like a nice enough fellow. But I don't want anything to do with him. One of my female co-workers said to me, "It doesn't seem like you like Jerome." I told her, "It's not that I don't like or dislike him. I'm just worried that anything I say could be taken wrong by him. He might get offended at something and the next thing I know I'm in HR and then out the door."
Nice blacks or not, I don't trust them.
Another reason why I avoid the groid.

Anonymous said...

The fucking IMPD police deserve to be terrorized by their vibrant pets. They LOVE diversity! They LOVE communities that produce dangerous thugs. They REACH OUT to them, coddle, assist, and make excuses for them. Give them $100 gift cards, free coats, back packs full of supplies, and kids bikes at Christmas. TOTAL CUCKS.

Check this out:

IMPD‏ @IMPD_News 7m7 minutes ago

IMPD Community Engagement Office working with Community leaders, to increase number of Latinos applying for IMPD! #suitup #WeAreHiring #IMPD


MPD‏ @IMPD_News Mar 13

#IMPDNOW: We are committed to building bridges with all communities because we are #OneCity building stronger neighborhoods @IndyMayorJoe


Negro crime is an ASSET to the police. They want more of it.

Anonymous said...

Black male 'youths' walk like gods in Indianapolis. White men buy their white wives negro baller number jerseys.

Think PACERS and COLTS. Indiana is the negro-ball cuck heaven, doncha know. We deserve to burn.

PB said...

"In response to the news cycle, a lawyer representing the store presented more surveillance footage Monday afternoon, saying the documentary presents a misleading edit of the video. In a press conference, the lawyer called the filmmaker’s narrative “unfounded,” “baseless,” “preposterous,” “laughable,” and “nonsense.” He stated that the spread of this story led to more turmoil for the community and the store:"

And there you have it. This film-maker (Amish, of course) had one purpose only and that was to stir the pot further. They have become all too obvious in their efforts to destroy the West.

Unknown said...

I am an inner city cop. When I started 20 years ago, there was no problem. The nig moorlochs only understand strength and dominance. So, we would kick them to sleep if they step out of line. This kept them in check and inhibited from preying on the White eloin.
The jew has completely subverted America to the current pathetic murica.
These days, I avoid conflict with them in all situations. The message is L&C. If we hurt One predator, the eloin will complain and witness against us to the jew prosecutor who will bury us through the jew judge.
ALL WHITES should be legally armed at all times. We can't protect you.

Bud said...

We gain additional data to construct age classifications within the black community - "resource fairs designed to help transform the lives of youth ages 16-24". I don't see much traction here without juveniles, teens, minors, kids and children also getting that helping hand.

In a literature class long ago we learned about antagonists that oppose the main character protagonists. As my teacher would say, let's examine this story.

The antagonists:

1) it - "It got out of control. It got out of hand.”

2) idleness - "idleness where all too often they fill it with bad choices and bad decisions"

3) the city - "the city needs more programs to keep kids out of trouble", and "I really feel the city needs to be more supervised and involved with children and the places that they go"

The protagonists:

1) resources - “we want to make sure we have resources to help our youth make better choices"

2) fairs - "job fairs aimed at finding jobs for at risk youth", and "resource fairs are designed to help transform the lives of youth ages 16-24 ".

3) programs - "more programs to keep kids out of trouble"

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I don't see many non-black employers attending these job fairs, except maybe to gather applications to update a do-not-hire list.

On a final note, I found it ironic that Pathway Resource Center, Inc. partnered with Flaherty & Collins. Could this be an alias?

Malcolm Xcrement said...

The ONLY program(s) that are and ever have been needed by the Black Communities are....Drum Roll Please STERILIZATION and REPATRIATION back to the land of their glorious past, where they can really prosper and grow much like when they invented UFOs and Brain Surgery. They and the dumbass white cheerleaders who trumpet their cause and "The Tribe" that uses them, plus all the Mudshark idiot women who accept their demon seed need to get the fuck out of here!

Mr. Clean said...

Anonymous March 14, 2017 at 2:37 PM said... I work with a black guy who seems like a nice enough fellow. But I don't want anything to do with him.


Anonymous March 14, 2017 at 2:37 PM said...One of my female co-workers said to me, "It doesn't seem like you like Jerome." I told her, "It's not that I don't like or dislike him. I'm just worried that anything I say could be taken wrong by him. He might get offended at something and the next thing I know I'm in HR and then out the door."

I obviously don't know your line of work, your company, or the person you were speaking to, but... your verbal response should have been "I like Jerome. He's just fine!" The way you go about your work, however, should be in line with what you actually said.

Anonymous said...

What kind of complete retard needs such highly controlled "things to do"? Try this- your homework, read a book, clean your house, wash the dishes, cook a meal, clean out the refrigerator, mow a lawn, baby sit. See where I"m going with this?

The majority of us, if we told adults, I don't have anything to do they would find something really fast for us to do that was heavy manual labor. Which is why we went off and had our own fun kid adventures.

The mob fight could have been a smoke screen for moving drugs, robberies, burglaries or crimes going on to divert the police . They pull stunts like this in prison.

People who are used to institutions such as reform schools, courts, prisons are used to strong authority figures. They are always testing if they can be the authority figure. That's why DWL get murdered while working as teachers. They don't know how to do the strong authority figure.

The City has to step up and be the authority figure if they really want to stop the violence. A curfew for anyone under 18 would be a good start.

Anonymous said...

Sad stuff from NY State. Thanks to ceaseless lobbying efforts the age of criminal liability was lowered I'm sure it was after seeing the effects of the black youth violent behaviors and the details of their crimes.

Now they want to change it to 18. It's because infancy is a legal defense if you've been charged with a crime. Your case can be sealed and not used in another criminal case against you. Blacks really want to be infants and have the state and government as their parents. They can commit even more crimes, harm even more people, create more victims.

There are many web sites taking up this cause. vote against it.

Mr. Clean said...

Ex New Yorker said... I few shots into a radiator will stop any car or truck.

Well, yes, eventually, but that might not be quick enough.

A head shot on the driver, however...

Mr. Clean said...

Anonymous March 14, 2017 at 6:51 PM said... What kind of complete retard needs such highly controlled "things to do"? Try this- your homework, read a book, clean your house, wash the dishes, cook a meal, clean out the refrigerator, mow a lawn, baby sit. See where I"m going with this?

Yes! Spend hours reading SBPDL! The educational return on the time spent will be excellent!

Anonymous said...

When my local news gives similar reports of suspects like "male, late 20's" I always ask in their comments section if there are any other details to the story, or should we just call the police on every man we see who is in his 20's?

Sick n' Tired said...

It would be a great opportunity to practice with the bean bag rounds they have for shotguns, or just open fire with birdshot.

Anonymous said...

"White flight is the first form of resistance ... "

The right would like this to be true, because if there's no resistance to aggression, it's hard to explain why it's anything other than cowardice.

But if I punch you, you don't resist me by running away. Resistance is punching back.
That's something that whites rarely do, and when it does happen, it's denounced, mainly by other whites, as racism.

Thus, seeing flight as resistance is just a way of framing the debate, setting up a false reality; a false reality designed to camouflage surrender.

Mr. Clean said...

Bud said... I am going to go out on a limb here, but I don't see many non-black employers attending these job fairs, except maybe to gather applications to update a do-not-hire list.

I doubt what few negro employers exist would attend these job fairs. They certainly know what hiring a negro means.

Non-negro employers might actually find a use for their affirmative action hires by having them represent the employer at this event for CYA or virtue signaling purposes. Or maybe the employer needs more affirmative action hires.

Anonymous said...

Mr Clean @ 6:39
I work at a PR firm.
The woman I was speaking with is a realist who, when she was younger, had to fight off blacks always looking to date her. She can't stand them. If I didn't trust her I would have said that I like you said.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 14, 2017 at 6:51 PM said... What kind of complete retard needs such highly controlled "things to do"?

Someone from a race which has a median IQ of, what, 85? Or lacks impulse control? Or can not orient themselves towards future time?

What all these programs demonstrate is that blacks, left to their own devices, can not maintain civilized behavior. When there are (as noted) strong authority figures, then blacks can perform in a manner congruent with civilization. This usually requires a system like colonialism, apartheid or segregation. These are all, alas, no longer in vogue.

So the lunatics get to run the asylum. No wonder streets go wrong!

Anonymous said...

non-black employers--how many black employers are there?

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, I was reading about some liberals who were wanting to flee Trump by moving to Canada or New Zealand. Well why don't these hypocrites flee to Mexico, they want the USA to become a brown country eventually have the USA run by brown people so why don't they flee to Mexico? No, they want to go to New Zealand, which is overwhelmingly White or Canada which is majority White and run by Whites.

Anonymous said...

"I read recently that at current birthrates worldwide that White babies are only about three percent. Can that be true?"

I don't know if that's true but Whites of all ages are only 8% of the world's population due to the population explosion of non-Whites due to medicines and aid from Whites.

Mr. Clean said...

Anonymous March 14, 2017 at 9:25 PM said...The woman I was speaking with is a realist who, when she was younger, had to fight off blacks always looking to date her. She can't stand them. If I didn't trust her I would have said that I like you said.

OK, working with a realist almost makes up for having to work with a negro.

Anonymous said...

The beat cops probably despise this nonsense. The diversity orders come down from on high. The last Republican mayor was a white man with a Filipina wife and two half-breed kids.

Mr. Rational said...

I visited Indy with my wife in '89, and even then I thought the downtown was not terribly safe.

InConJunction, the July 4th weekend SF convention in Indy, left the downtown and moved outside the beltway in the mid-90's.  I'm sure that was why.

Anonymous said...

"Support Trump; support King, support all folks who speak openly about race and are advocates for Whites."

“It’s the culture, not the blood … it’s never been about race.”
- Rep. Steve King on CNN

Anonymous said...

You guys and this IQ stuff, the easiest word you poor working class knuckleheads could spell!!!

Mr. Rational said...

the easiest word you poor working class knuckleheads could spell!!!

... says the clown who thinks multiple exclamation marks is proof of truth.

We know how to spell "intelligence quotient".  We abbreviate it for half-wits like you.

AnalogMan said...

Anonymous said...

You guys and this IQ stuff, the easiest word you poor working class knuckleheads could spell!!!

What the hell does that mean? Is it even a sentence?

Valkyrie said...

“I really feel the city needs to be more supervised and involved with children and the places that they go,” said Thompson. And what about the parent/s? These idiots fail to grasp where the real root of the problem lies EVERY time!