When you factor in the dreaded per capita into this equation, you understand just how egregious the gun control debate is when race is left off the table...

This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The Racial Reality of Gun Crime in the USA in One Graph
Why can't we be honest about gun crime and race in America? [The disparities in how black and white men die in gun violence, state by state, CNN, April 24, 2018]
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Muh Table .
Blacks will forever choose to live in a cycle of violence and mediocrity . Continue to give them zero attention or support .
Stay Alert , Stay Alive .
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not too good with numbers.
If the Missouri rate for black deaths is at 59.42 per 100k, while YT is sitting pretty at a phenomenal 2.77 per 100k it should mean:
59.42/2.77 =21.68
That means the black death rate is over 21 times the rate for whites. That is freaking AMAZING! I'll do the rest of them tomorrow to find the most Negrodystopic state in the union!
I sometimes think that, in a perverse way, black criminality has actually helped preserve the 2nd Amendment. Sure, the inflated crime rates they cause are often given as a justification for “doing something” about guns. But the fear of being victimized by them is also a strong motivator for preserving gun ownership.
A lot of people who have never given serious thought to the 2nd Amendment before still instinctively realize that they are in danger from black criminality. They may have never read the Founders, studied the relevant statistics, researched past genocides, etc...but they know they live in a city with a >50% black population and the attendant dangers that brings. Even if they would never say it out loud...they know it.
And blacks have a habit of victimizing all other groups for various reasons (Colin Flaherty did multiple stories on this).
-They target whites because “Fuk YT!”.
- They target Asians because Asians tend to be successful and have money they can steal. Plus they resent Asians because Asian success in America gives lie to the oft-repeated black claim that “YT keeps everybody else down”.
-They attack Hispanics because many of them are day-laborers who are paid in cash. A lot of them are also illegals and thus can’t involve the police.
-And of course they victimize the law-abiding members of their own community as well.
So you end up with numerous people from every ethnic group who have a greater appreciation for the right to keep and bear arms than they might otherwise have.
There is nothing scientific about this analysis; it’s just something I’ve often pondered.
It's Chicano aliens versus Black predators. With whites in the middle.
God help us.
41 States on the list.
The largest contiguous firearms-free area (permitless carry and open carry both allowed) - Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont - didn't even make the list.
How can this be? With all those guns, and all those people allowed to possess them, carry them, and even show them off without government supervision - must be a mistake.
Was the top of the list cut off?
And how many of those categorized as white, were actually Hispanic?
Without blacks, Ohio would have a homicide rate by ANY method, of maybe 1 in 100,000. Maybe.
Stay alert, stay alive.
what they don't give you, Excel can: the ratios of B:W homicide. In my state of NJ, it's 48.75: Blacks commit more than 48 times as many homicides as do Whites in our state. Illinois is next, with 45.66 to 1 ratio. And we all know Blacks can't shoot very well, so the implication is that the number of people wounded by Blacks is astronomical.
And, of course, the anti 2nd amendment people will use these statistics to try to disarm....White People! because, if we didn't have all those guns for the blacks to steal, the black gun death rate would go down. I swear, I have literally heard that argument.
Further proof that the so called civil rights movement and considering blacks as fit to live in Western society are failures. If I was dictator for a day, despite all of the accompanying ooking and screeching, I would restrict the 2nd Amendment to whites and Asians.
OP for the comment at @ 5/1, 10:31pm. Did the arithmetic for the rest of the list. See where varied states stack up!
Michigan 32.32
Illinois 45.65
Indiana 22.03
Pennsylvania 29.46
Nebraska 29.26
Louisiana 10.56
Ohio 20.30
Wisconsin 36.44
New Jersey 48.75
Oklahoma 8.06
California 15.74
Tennessee 10.15
Maryland 22.84
Arkansas 7.6
Delaware 17.42
Alabama 7.38
US 13.86
Kansas 12.98
Florida 8.53
Mississippi 5.86
Kentucky 29.66
S. Carolina 6.47
Connecticut 24.93
Nevada 7.15
W. Virginia 5.7
N. Carolina 7.33
Georgia 7.41
New York 23.03
Virginia 10.59
Arizona 5.61
Massachusetts 26.73
Texas 5.39
Colorado 9.46
Minnesota 20.37
New Mexico 4.32
Iowa 13.86
Oregon 7.92
Washington 7.09
Alaska 3.79
Rhode Island 12.35
"The largest contiguous firearms-free area (permitless carry and open carry both allowed) - Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont - didn't even make the list."
Coincidentally, outside of a few cities up here you can go weeks without seeing a single darkie.
Around blacks never relax. Come live around your own kind and relax, white man.
The unanswered question is - are blacks pathologically criminal because of their low IQs or is their criminality a co-existing but independent attribute? We know for example that white criminals are considerably less intelligent than normal law abiding citizens. The idea of the "criminal mastermind" is an oxymoron. Murderers are usually caught because they are so stupid. Watch that TV show "48 Hours" a couple times and you won't ever take the idea of a criminal mastermind seriously again. The cops don't seem very bright either which probably makes sense. It would be a waste for society to expend its best minds on catching stupid criminals.
So its plausible that the reason why blacks commit so many crimes is that they are so dumb. But the magnitudes seem to be off. Maybe stupidity might make blacks commit say 7% more robberies. But in fact they commit more like 700% more robberies. That big a difference seems to cry out for another explanation.
And it isn't anything like "the legacy of slavery" - blacks have suffered being slaves less than almost any other race. And it isn't "Jim Crow". It may be humiliating to drink from a separate water fountain or sitting in the back of the bus, but those practices were eliminated in America by the sixties. When Jim Crow was outlawed, black crime rose.
No, it seems likely that it is Homo africanus. Blacks seem to be deeply different from all the other races. Other minor races like the Papuans or the Andaman Negritoes are also violent. They look like black Africans but are not closely related. The major non-African continental races seem to be far less prone to crime, assault and murder than Africans or African descended people. That is why I have suggested that they be considered a separate species.
There is precedent for such a classification. There used to be four races of chimpanzee. But the ones that dwell on the south shore of the Congo River were reclassified as a separate species - the bonobos. To the untutored eye they look identical to chimps on the other side of the river (chimps can't swim). Bonobos are not considered to be a sub-species or race but a full separate species because of their behavior not their appearance.
Chimps are nasty and violent while bonobos are much more peaceful. Bonobos settle disputes with sex. Chimp sex is violent. Female chimps get beaten up as part of their mating. Those lady chimps that get beaten are more fertile. So if you know your Darwin you understand how beatings get reinforced in the chimp lineage and probably why humans (who descended from the same common ancestor) have so many males who spank females in a sexual context.
Black human males (Homo africanus) act a lot like chimps. Non-African humans (Homo sapiens) have evolved away from many of the more extreme types of our bestial ancestors. African Americans have rape rates also more than 700% of non-Africans (Caucasians and East Asians).
The unanswered question is - are blacks pathologically criminal because of their low IQs or is their criminality a co-existing but independent attribute?
It's already been answered. If everything was boiled down to intelligence then every racial group should have equal levels of criminality at lower parts of the spectrum. That isn't the case. Normally there are only a handful of murders committed by Whites in NYC and they make up 44% of the population. Basically there are plenty of White idiots in NYC and yet their crime rates are below average.
The numbers are already there. Apply simple stats and you will have to conclude that there are other variables at work.
Watch that TV show "48 Hours" a couple times and you won't ever take the idea of a criminal mastermind seriously again. The cops don't seem very bright either which probably makes sense. It would be a waste for society to expend its best minds on catching stupid criminals.
Well 48 hours mostly shows negro crime and not the criminals that get away with it. Anyone who has worked in a prison will tell you that there are in fact criminal masterminds.
Half the investigators in those shows are affirmative action hires. Police agencies with Black populations are rotting with political correctness. It's not like they are trying to find the best of the best with the budget they have. Every one of those departments has some type of diversity mandate. The Whites they hire have to play the game and pretend not to notice the stinking elephant in the room. Inspector Callahan would not get the job.
CNN is playing the race deck again. Note they only show blacks as victims, but they don't show the perpetrators, which would show an even greater disparity between whites and blacks. But they would rather leave that part out, as it would answer their own damn question. - Luke
And how many of those categorized as white, were actually Hispanic?
Without blacks, Ohio would have a homicide rate by ANY method, of maybe 1 in 100,000. Maybe.
Yea I had no idea that America only consists of White and Black men.
Break out Whites from Hispanics and the non-Hispanic White rate gets below many Western European countries.
It used to be completely taboo to even discuss the FBI homicide stats in a forum. When I first heard about them I thought it was a wild exaggeration by WAYCISTS.
Now CNN is reporting them and they seem to not realize how much it destroys the liberal "blame da guns" argument. If the guns were indeed the problem then "gun crime" should be consistent with gun ownership rates which is not the case. What liberals refer to as "gun crime" is really negro crime once the numbers are broken out.
I sometimes think that, in a perverse way, black criminality has actually helped preserve the 2nd Amendment. Sure, the inflated crime rates they cause are often given as a justification for “doing something” about guns. But the fear of being victimized by them is also a strong motivator for preserving gun ownership.
I think it has boosted gun sales but at the same time the entire gun control movement depends on Black crime. If Blacks weren't in the US then it would be much harder for liberals to make the argument that guns are the problem.
Leftists in Canada have called for more gun control in response to "gun crime" which is really caused by Toronto Blacks.
So I think it is a mixed bag. But I would bet that the AR-15/tactical rifle market was initially driven by Black crime. If you have groups of Black criminals in the area then a semi-auto carbine with a red dot sight in the closet is the way to go. Once you hear a negro shoot off a volley of shots in the night you are going to want more than a basic pistol or shotgun, especially if you actually take guns to the range and know their limitations.
Liberals of course think we are all paranoid but in Black areas this happens all the time. I lived a nice part of a White liberal city and still had to call in shots fired by Bantu because they were coming in to use our park's basketball courts.
God bless you Pat Boyle!
"Break out Whites from Hispanics and the non-Hispanic White rate gets below many Western European countries"
After exluding Hispanics from non-Hispanic Whites blacks committed between 1980-2008 almost 65% of homicides and 70% of robberies. NATIONWIDE. [Source: Darrell Steffensmeier, Ben Feldmeyer, Casey T. Harris, Jeffery T. Ulmer, "Reassessing Trends in Black Violent Crime, 1980-2008: Sorting out the 'Hispanic Effect' in Uniform Crime Reports Arrests", Criminology, 2011]
As far as ratios are concerned, the average Black–White ratio for homicide was 7:1 using official FBI’s figures and jumped to almost 12:1 after adjusting (= after exluding Hispanics from non-Hispanic Whites). Same for robbery: ratio jumped from 10:1 to 15:1.
More here: https://www.hoplofobia.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Crime-in-the-United-States_eng.jpg
To be a successful criminal of any sort one has to evade detection and capture; so that your "business" is productive and profitable. You have to be able to plan, organise, research, wait for ideal conditions, make contingency decisions, and to work as quietly and secretly as possible. Yes, it also takes audacity and a cool hand. So most American Negroes are clearly shown to be failures in crime because they have few of these abilities and qualities.
The areas in which Negroes excel are singing, dancing, and threatening violence---they fail in everything else. They are even failures as parasites because a successful parasite doesn't kill the host.
Other News: Spook Lee is now saying he was robbed of the Palme d'Or thirty years ago for 'Doo Dee Rite Thing' and he is noisily making his way to Canne to demand racial justice by way of his recent film, "Dee Bl@ck Klansman'. They say it is the true story of a Negro who infiltrated the Klan and "fooled David Duke". I've seen the actor and there is no way he can pass for White unless he stayed under the Klan robes 24/7/365. I bet he will mau mau his way to a Palme d'Or.
Leftists in Canada have called for more gun control in response to "gun crime" which is really caused by Toronto Blacks.
Does anyone know a source for statistics on crime in Canada, broken down by race? I can use them in an ongoing debate I am having online.
Couple thoughts here:
Goes to show the impact that Africans in America have on the country. It's not just the homicides, but the bigger picture: i.e., very difficult to have normalcy when every day you have to "duck and cover." And the homicides are just the tip of the iceberg, because they do not count all the wounded and traumatized, as well as the numerous other crime victims, and the destruction of social capital by "no snitch" culture.
There is the wider fraud where the infotainment-academia-civil-rights complex covers up black perpetrated criminality and, via the magic of "gun violence," transforms Africans in America into the victims.
This episode adds up to another example of how BRA corrupts everything.
The evidence is overwhelming and crystal clear as to who is responsible for the vast majority of gun crime but the simple fact is that nothing rational, sensible or logical will be done about it by the federal government because they're too afraid of doing anything that will result in a massive nationwide black chimpout. Face it- the cowardice is deeply entrenched and widespread. So, as others have pointed out, instead of dealing with those most responsible and making them suffer the consequences of their own behavior and actions, everyone must be made to pay the price. Mustn't call out darkie for his behavior or make darkie look bad-that just won't do. Otherwise, darkie will start screaming their community is under attack, being victimized, oppressed, done wrong and it has a "disparate impact."
The pattern is clear on many levels. If black teens are chimping out in malls, then all teens must be punished by having restrictions placed on their coming to the mall. If black "teens" are chimping in the streets, attacking people and committing flash mob and robs, then every teen (no matter what race) must suffer from a curfew. If blacks are chimping in schools, then everyone must be punished at an equal level. If blacks are showing their asses and committing crimes at public festivals, then the festivals are cancelled and everyone has to do without. If blacks are committing the vast majority of gun crimes then gun control for everyone becomes the cause of the day. All to prevent darkie from going berserk if they're held accountable for their own behaviors and actions and only they suffer the consequences.
Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves seeing what's become of this country and how our so called leaders are nothing but a lot of emasculated, ball-less, feminized, cowardly milquetoasts who haven't got the guts to do what's necessary. Hell, they won't even protect our borders and repel a mass invasion of mestizo parasites or expel the ones already here because they're too cowardly and afraid of a nationwide mestizo chimpout. Of course, one has to take into account all the traitors in government who intentionally obstruct any sensible action for their own corrupt purposes and who enable (at every level) all these problems to continue. Add to that list all the libtarded social justice warriors, moral preeners/ virtue signalers and other idiots who have their heads firmly inserted into their rectums and it becomes a toxic stew.
None of this is going to end well and bodes ill for the future unless something drastic changes.
I don't where this table came from, but it must be top secret. Black crime is about as taboo as it gets. Many times I wanted this information, and now here it is!
Canada does not break it down racially, for this very reason
In short, the Problem is:
Apart from Australopithecus welfarensis ("no homo") the only population with comparable prevalence of "warrior gene" (MAOA functional polymorphism; abnormally low levels of monoamineoxidase A, a neurotransmitter, predispose to violent reaction) are the
Maori - also noted for flowerchild behaviour. It must have conveyed some selective advantage.
C´mon - if YOU were a boy and raised by Queen Latifah you´d have a crack in the apricot too.
The very decided drop in criminality around age 25 (tentatively associated with maturation of the frontal lobes i.e. future time orientation) is present in Whites also, and at the same age (!); though black oldsters are still more criminal than White youngsters.
- Where the fun starts are per capita ratios (B/W vs W/B) for interracial violent crimes.
Murder, >20 (i.e. the avg. black is 20X more likely to murder a White than vice versa)
Gang assault, >300 (!! from the MSM one´d expect the opposite)
Rape, >1000 regularly
- Taking into account age and djenndah makes the numbers even more crass; the
Sons of O´Bongo are an itsy bitsy minority - if just the above were treated as the obvious hate crimes they are most of the Problem would be safely stowed away.
(not holding my breath)
Canada does not break it down racially, for this very reason.
It figures.
Remember if you like anything I write show your appreciation by sending some money to Paul Kersey.
"And the homicides are just the tip of the iceberg, because they do not count all the wounded and traumatized"
This is a much overlooked issue. If you look at the killed/wounded of any one major urban groid shooting gallery, they have about a 1:6 ratio, or 1 death per 6 shootings, a little over 16% success rate. Unfortunately, you now have 5 other groid requiring surgery, hospital stays, rehabilitation, and possibly receiving disability for the rest of their useless lives. Going by the recent Heyjackass stats for Chicago (Shot & Killed: 126
Shot & Wounded: 629
Total Shot: 755
Total Homicides: 155), we have 629 that are getting medical treatment paid for either by medicare, or they just don't pay the bills at all, so the hospital spreads the cost out to paying customers to cover their loses. Now take that same equation and apply it to every high crime groid city, the costs must be in the billions every year.
- A quick back-of-the-napkin calculation shows that roughly 1% of the population commits between 60 and 100% of the crime - the more hideous the crime the higher the percentage (yes, Virginia, that has been established too). Yet we are not allowed to "profile" them, and de popo have to frisk Swedish grandmothers instead.
You see, those beautiful brilliant young black males only SEEM to be criminal because we BELIEVE they are - a clear case of da WAYCISS White Man´s JUJU again!
(at times I feel compelled to do my little bit to equalize the murder stats ;b)
This fits in nicely here:
An unwillingness to acknowledge the fact that blacks commit the great preponderance of violent crime has hampered police work for decades.
In the mid 1960s, rates of armed robbery on New York City’s small businesses were skyrocketing. These crimes were vicious affairs in which business owners were terrorized, beaten, and often cold-bloodedly executed even after they had given up their money. In April 1968, Police Commissioner Howard Leary created the Stakeout Unit (SOU), an elite 40-man squad of the NYPD’s finest marksmen. These officers were secreted in the back rooms of businesses that had been routinely victimized.
When robbers came in, the officers would pop out with guns drawn and make an arrest. If the robbers tried to fight it out, they were shot.
Though the program was very popular with storeowners, it was shutdown in June 1973. The New York Times wrote, “Although a department spokesman said that ‘efficiency’ was the only reason for disbanding the stakeout unit, it was criticized because of the large number of holdup men it killed and because so many of them were black.” (NYT, June 20, 1973, p. 89.)
There had never been a charge of unnecessary force or wrongful death against the SOU, but of 43 holdup men shot, only two were white. In other words, 95 percent of these predators were black, and most had lengthy criminal records. The unit’s CO, Lt. Jim Brady, pointed out quite logically that his officers were not seeking out black perpetrators. The perpetrators were coming to them. His officers had no choice in the matter.
SOU veteran Jim Cirillo said, “During that time all you heard on the radio was ‘Be on the lookout for two black males, with guns… three black males… Mutt and Jeff team, two black males.’ That was all that was pulling the robberies at that time! What the hell did they expect? We were dying for some Irish-Italian kid to come in, we’d have blown him right out of his socks to show we were equal opportunity shooters!”
Nevertheless, the highly effective unit was shut down rather than accept the racial reality.
Gun Control is just another wealth redistribution scam. The Liberals figure that since most criminals are poor Blacks that if they could make it easier for them to rob and steal it would help lower the income equality gap. So if they remove our means of self defense, life is easier for the crooks who still have the guns.
It looks like New Jersey is the winner. I think we may need some articles on this dystopia going on in the Garden State.
Hey, White People...........you are the stupid ones.
"The cops don't seem very bright either which probably makes sense. "
A federal court ruled that it's okay for police departments to discriminate in hiring on the basis of IQ -- at least, if your IQ is too high.
Such a tactic reinforces trends for Affirmative Action in police hiring, because by definition a large fraction of the white population would be too smart to get hired.
Unknown is how widespread this kind of discriminatory hiring is.
The ruling by the federal court above might seem to be hard to square with the ruling of the Supreme Court in Griggs v Duke Power. If IQ tests are relevant to job qualifications of police, and if a professionally developed IQ test is given to all applicants, then a very large fraction of black applicants would be excluded on the basis of low IQ. In other words, taking IQ seriously as a qualification would result in a disparate impact on a protected class. But as with so much in modern life, it no doubt boils down to one set of rules for whites, and another set for blacks.
Pat, you had me with all of it except the"evolving from apes and sex spanking" jive. Other than that, nicely done.
Sometimes, knowing that all of this insanity is unsustainable and will end is one of the only things that gives me the will to keep living. It’s like watching a really bad movie just to see how it ends.
The unit’s CO, Lt. Jim Brady, pointed out quite logically that his officers were not seeking out black perpetrators. The perpetrators were coming to them. His officers had no choice in the matter....
Nevertheless, the highly effective unit was shut down rather than accept the racial reality.
Facts do not matter. Statistics do not matter. Reality does not matter.
In BRA, all that matters is conformance to egalitarian ideology. It's one big Potemkin Village, a false front, a facade propped up by the lying media and the the race hustling racketeers.
Can this system last long? Well, perhaps until the first real crisis hits, then it will come crashing down. The dilemma is that the crash can drag down the White world.
As always, YT, stay armed, stay alert.
RIP Jim Cirillo...
Back in the 1990’s, the Tulsa, OK Police Department changed their hiring qualifications to require that all applicants have a bachelor’s degree. They were quickly sued by the NAACP for “unfair hiring practices” or some such nonsense. “Disparate Impact”, you know...
I know how you feel...
"Does anyone know a source for statistics on crime in Canada, broken down by race? I can use them in an ongoing debate I am having online. "
I had read once about a year or two ago that 97% of the gun crime in Toronto is caused by Blacks with Asians doing 1% and Whites doing 1%.
As someone else pointed out, Blacks commit homicide against Whites at much higher rates. So if you look at the White on White gun violence only, then the stats in the USA would drop to around 1.7 per 100,000.
I've been saying it for years, there is no way 13% of the population is responsible for 70% of the violent crime. A much lower population percentage of the 13% and a much higher violent crime rate are the facts.
All white crime stats include every race except black. Even with blacks in their own little category all by they lonsomes, they far exceed the criminal propensity of all the other races.
Of the 13%, half are young and half are old. Half of those are male and the other half female. We know that younger males are the super predators, half of them are dead or in prison. The real stat is 2/3% of the population is responsible for 90% of all the violent crime.
Based on those stats, if you see more than 3 young black males together,there is a high percentage of chance that a crime has happened, is happening or will happen in the near future!
Getting gibs? No vote for you! ....... it's the only intelligent path.
Busy Hating in the ATL
I've been saying it for years, there is no way 13% of the population is responsible for 70% of the violent crime. A much lower population percentage of the 13% and a much higher violent crime rate are the facts.
/ I and others have noted--13% = all afros in USA [but since they dodge cencus, could be more].
7%= males
3% = prime testosterone males, age 15-45...
so 13=3.
I just did and have in the past donated to PK. Pat you are a major reason I donate. Thx
reply to May 2, 2018 at 7:25 PM -
2/3% of the population is responsible for 90% of all the violent crime
... and that is the 300lb gorilla in the room nobody is allowed to see. Although to be fair, plenty of those ghettopotamus sheboons are some nasty violent pieces of work too, and I'm certain that their statistics are "improving" all the time.
Funny sh#&, one of the first things to happen in my former hometown when the invasion began was the park district took all the rims down. Nothing but nonstop monkeyshines when they started to "assemble" there. Plus, they thought "Park closes at dusk" was a suggestion, not an ordinance, so they'd hang out late until the cops kicked them out.
But, of course, when the town had become black majority the concerned "parents" bitched that their keeds had nothing to do, so the rims went back up. And, yes, the hijinks resumed, but elevated now into the occasional shooting due to there being more hardcore ghetto rats residing in the area.
I estimate the black murder rate in the city of St. Louis last current year was 120 per 100k.
Its worth noting that almost all negroes getting "keelt" are on the north side of the city. Thats the black side of town and definitely a no-go for humans.
My southeastern suburb is almost all white and as peaceful as one could imagine.
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