“We’re going streaking!” The immortal words of Frank the Tank from Old School are routinely heard at parties on college campuses and at other millennial functions. A comedy about friends who aspire to never grow up, but remain in a perpetual state of adolescence, booze-filled evenings and loose women, the streaking scene with Will Ferrell is one that many young males have attempted to replicate.
Last week, a regrettably violent one for Black people across the United States, a young white male decided to take up the “Frank the Tank” challenge in the former capital of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia.
Three Black people found the “Frank the Tank” challenge being undertaken by the lone white guy a sight extremely unbecoming and decided severe intervention was necessary to dissuade anyone from ever attempting said challenge again:
RICHMOND - A naked man being attacked outside a Richmond bar, and it's caught on tape.
The video shows the naked man being assaulted in front of many witnesses. The woman, Cari Werz, says she decided to shoot video of the incident the minute she saw three large men approach the naked man thinking it was going to get ugly.
She also thought police might need the video for evidence, but she says they never asked for it.
"I get chills still watching it", says Werz.
"Two guys punched him…and then now three of them are kicking him, and he's laying helpless on the ground. Not trying to attack back, just trying to cover his face", she says.
It happened around 2 a.m. Sunday. The bars had just let out. 200 to 300 people were outside on the corner of Robinson and Main in Richmond's fan district, and a naked man, in his 20's, intoxicated, in the middle of the street.
"He was stumbling around not trying to fight anyone. He wasn't acting violent", she says.
The naked man approaches an SUV full of men, and a few seconds later, "three of the men jumped out. One of them punched the guy on the side of the face. He helplessly fell to the ground. Covered his face to protect himself, and the men continued to kick him from the front and from the back", says Werz.
Soon, police arrived and Werz shows two of the officers of the video.
"Both of them said they didn't need it, that they had what they needed", she says
Starlite Lounge bouncer Simon Coon also witnessed the attack. He says the naked man attempted attempted to get inside his bar just a few minutes before.
Coon says he was shocked at what happened next, and says that he and other bar patrons jumped in as soon as the first punch was thrown.
"[The naked man] was in no danger of hurting anyone, he was barely able to stand on his own", says Coon.
At the end, no charges were filed in this case.
"I honestly think it's appalling that three men can jump out of the car and maliciously attack someone and then get away with it…Having them still on the streets is just terrifying", says Werz.
Richmond Police Public Relations Manager, Gene Lepley released this statement:
"After viewing the video, speaking with eyewitnesses and interviewing the persons involved in the incident, none of whom wanted to press charges, the officers used their discretion not to file charges that night. They have filed a case report which will be used by a detective as the basis for a follow up investigation. Charges could still be filed in this case."
Whatever potent inebriate the naked man attempting the “Frank the Tank” challenge imbibed prior to his foray into streaking, we can only assume it felt so good when it touched his lips. The six Black fists that repeatedly pummeled his face couldn’t have felt the same.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that every major United States city is unsafe for streaking. When a white boy can’t walk down the street in his birthday suit – egged on by the five or six shots of liquor acting as liquid courage in his bloodstream – you know you have severe problems.
It’s not like he had a sign on with same message that John McClane had in Die Hard with a Vengeance, though the three Black people who attacked the white guy streaking might have taken the message Zeus (played by Samuel L. Jackson) espoused during the film literally.
Just reverse the races of all involved. This would probably be a huge story on the major networks not to mention Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the NAACP jumping in with both feet. When something like this, or far worse, happens to a white guy it's no big deal in BRA. The mainstream medias' work of instilling (false) white guilt chugs along, full steam ahead. Only by pressing the police on this issue will anything (maybe) be done. These are our tax-dollars at work, simply pathetic. I'll remember this the next time the various police charities call next year, and advise them of my refusal to contribute because of this incident, (although there are so many like it to choose from).
Anonymous 10:03 AM, good point re police charities. I've been stopped (no justification so no ticket, just warned) by a black cop with a massive chip on his shoulder and a real kick out of his power over white civilians. I also experienced the joys of D.C. black cops when I was mugged/robbed there years ago. While the right to be a drunk, white streaker is not something I particularly want to champion, I could not bring myself to watch this video. It would only further upset me and make we wish violent vengeance on those involved. BRA is something to avoid, not emulate. I just want them all GONE from this country.
I think the white man brought the beating on himself. Do you really think you can go out in public naked and not offend anyone? It don't matter if you're white, black, yellow, purple and such. You're going to upset somebody and more than likely you're going to go home with some injuries.
Now don't get me wrong, those three black men shouldn't have beat up the white man. It was wrong of them to do. What I find ridiculous about this whole article is that you focus on how a white man who was naked got beat up by three black dudes. You don't even focus on the crime the white man committed, but focus on what the black man did. You guys are way too hypocritical and bias for my liking.
I used to feel sorry for whites because they're race was always targeted with insults on how racist, bias, prejudice, stereotypical, and discriminatory they were, but meeting whites like you makes all that sympathy vanish. You come on this blog to talk trash or the "truth" about blacks and whine about how you get ridiculed for being racist or bias when you brought it on yourself.
This whole site is proof of that. Now bring on the whining, complaints, and idiotic retorts you have for me. You'll just be wasting your pathetic time.
"they're race"
People and ideas can be biased, not "bias". Why not find another word, you have used it waaaay too much. What is this...ebonics? You are a dumbass, your writing and grammer suck. At least use a dictionary if you continue to post!
Sorry everyone, I had to say something.
"I think the white man brought the beating on himself."
Of course you do, you're a black racist.
Do you agree that if a black man acts foolishly in public, he deserves a beating from a group of whites?
"Of course you do, you're a black racist.
Do you agree that if a black man acts foolishly in public, he deserves a beating from a group of whites?"
If a black man did what that white man did, then it's not common that he would get beat up. I didn't even state the white man deserved the beating. I stated he brought it on himself. And if you weren't so arogant and hot-headed you would've saw that I went on to state that those three black dudes were in wrong and how they shouldn't have done what they did.
I would say the same thing about a black man that I said about the white man in this article. If you go stripping off in public, running around naked, you're going to offend people. And there are those who will beat on you for being naked whether your black or white. And again, I didn't say that the white man deserved the beating. He brought it on himself. So no, if a group of whites beat on a foolish black man, I'd say he didn't deserve it, just like this white man.
The only thing he'd deserve is punishment from the law, just like what this white man deserved.
So before you go and take things out of context, use logic and actually look at the entire post before you start accusing and insulting. The only racist I see here is you. In my post I was being fair and just. You on the other hand looked at the first statement and judged. People like you are why we have such racial problems. You judge a book by its cover, not by what's in it.
Anon @ 12:pm
Ha! It's funny that you pointed that out. Sorry for my grammar mistakes. My mind gets ahead of my fingers a lot. Thanks for the comment, it made me laugh.
"grammer" is spelled grammar. Don't be so hypocritical next time.
Black people have truly been on a tear these last few days. I think you may have to quit your job in order to fully document the savages destroying America. Keep up the good work.
Unfortunately, SBPDL would not only need to quit his job, but hire help to document it all. Here's another recent case that you probably didn't hear about unless you lived in Northern NJ:
"You don't even focus on the crime the white man committed"
Getting drunk and walking around naked? Wow...what a crime THAT is...how about the three THUGS who resorted to violence without the slightest provocation??? As the victim of mindless Black violence myself I can tell you it strikes without warning or reason...and in Black Run Cities like the one I live in it is ever present.
Get a grip, and learn some freaking standardized English you Cretin...too bad Blogs can't be segregated somehow...Someone should write software to sniff out Ebonic English. It wouldn't be too hard, the patterns are so typical and annoying.
Um, YEAH, three-on-one, that's totally a fair fight.
"Brought it on himself" because he "offended" people? Por favor. If I were to catch a glimpse of that scene, my first instinct would be to laugh my ASS off...mostly because it's FUNNY. It takes a true savage to "understand" the mentality behind this senseless beat-down. Congrats. Your posts are very revealing.
Oh, and p.s.- I thought you were "done" with this blog...or so you've promised on at least five separate occasions. What happened to that plan? It was a solid plan...
Robinson and Main in Richmond's fan district, eh? That puts it near Boulevard. The area is a mix of regular residents and college students from nearby Virginia Commonwealth Univerity. Main St. is kinda like the "railroad tracks" of the north/south area, along with Chamberlyne serving as the east / west line.
Had a few strange encounters in the fan.
Upon viewing the video, it looks like the cops gave the participants a choice: you press charges against the other guy, then we'll encourage him to press charges against you. Cops do that a lot in Richmond when everybody has a wrong against them. Of course everybody decided not to press charges.
To the above grammatically challenged moron: you just proved the inherent violence of blacks by saying that just by offending someone you deserve a violent beating. Your post offended me so should I hand you an ass whipping? I'd love to but being a rational white person I'll refrain and defer to my superior judgment skills.
Simon Coon? LOL, what an Ironic name.
You judge a book by its cover, not by what's in it.
No, black Anon, actually when someone shows me who they are, I believe them.
I won't bore everyone and list all of the points of dysfunction in the black community (you can read about it on this site...), but people are starting to wake up and listen to what blacks are saying with their unique behaviors. Blacks in America are a bunch of spoiled, angry fit-throwing brats. You don't see it because you identify with the black collective, and have been taught to defend your race no matter what. Whites are not taught this. Blacks in America have been babied and coddled and treated like children for far too long and are not able to function in our society with its harsh rules and laws. This will end once the gravy train is cut off and blacks are required to contribute to society rather than destroy it. You keep posting the same thing over and over again, why don't you stop talking back and start reading what is written here. The SPDL accounts posted are all real events that actually happened, and even you don't know how big the problem is because you choose to live in denial.
" If I were to catch a glimpse of that scene, my first instinct would be to laugh my ASS off...mostly because it's FUNNY."
For the people who "created" law you sure don't know it. Running around naked is a crime and you will get arrested by the law. But that's not what you cretins want to hear. You want to hear about what the bad thing the black man did. So let's talk about that. Out of all the horrible crimes out there you focus on three black dudes beating up a naked white guy. Poor stupid white guy.
I'll play by your game and say exactly what you want to hear.
Me(black dude): "Those black dudes are pathetic. They ganged up on one helpless, drunk, naked white guy and gave him a beating. Blacks do this way too much and they deserved to be punished. Blacks getting away with crimes in BRA and whites getting punished has gone on for way too long! It's time for segregation! Let's bring back segregation, racism, and discrimination back to America in full force! We must fight back, or die! Segregate us blacks once and for all!"
You: "Amen to that black brother!"
Go screw yourself and get over your pathetic, snobbish, ridiculous, idiotic attitude. We're not going anywhere and you can whine, complain, shout, argue, and stomp your feet all you want. It's not going to get you anything but stupidity which you guys sure seemed to be doing a good job at.
Anonymous at from 5:34
I actually did hear about this story on The Andrew Wilkow show. He is on at noon on Sirius Satellite's Patriot Channel. Just imagine white teens recording the beating death of an immigrant there would be a firestorm the DWL community would create and then never let anyone forget. When chimps attack they usually remember to get the wallet so they won't get a hate crime charge but these boys forgot, unfortunately.
"Oh, and p.s.- I thought you were "done" with this blog...or so you've promised on at least five separate occasions. What happened to that plan? It was a solid plan..."
You have shown your poor comprehension skills. Go back to elementary school. You'll be able to improve. If you actually had good comprehension skills you would've clearly undestood by me stating, "I'm done watching you guys say blacks aren't successful because they've failed to do what you've done." that I was taking a stand.
If you were truly smart and educated, you would've understood by that I was clearly stating that I'm taking a stand against those who do so. I wasn't stating I was done with this blog. Now for once in your pathetic life, use logic, reasoning, and the little amount of education you have. But do still plan on going back to school or finishing school, because even my ten year old son could understand what I meant by that.
Now how's that for a solid plan?
"you just proved the inherent violence of blacks by saying that just by offending someone you deserve a violent beating."
I really did? I wonder how????
I clearly stated this you idiotic, moronic, ill-logical buffoon.
"I think the white man brought the beating on himself. Do you really think you can go out in public naked and not offend anyone? It don't matter if you're white, black, yellow, purple and such. You're going to upset somebody and more than likely you're going to go home with some injuries."
In this statement I clearly was saying that it's no surprise that the white man got a beating for going around naked. If you go around naked, you will offend people, but that doesn't necessarily mean you deserve to get a beating. In this statement I never stated that the white man brought the beating on himself. I already had to correct one of your friends, and now I have to correct another idiot like you.
Please improve your comprehension. Do you have kids? I hope you're not helping them with L.A. homework.
During my argument with one of your friends who was very delusional and thought I was saying the white man deserved the beating also, I simply stated this,
"If a black man did what that white man did, then it's not common that he would get beat up. I didn't even state the white man deserved the beating. I stated he brought it on himself. And if you weren't so arrogant and hot-headed you would've saw that I went on to state that those three black dudes were in wrong and how they shouldn't have done what they did.
I would say the same thing about a black man that I said about the white man in this article. If you go stripping off in public, running around naked, you're going to offend people. And there are those who will beat on you for being naked whether your black or white. And again, I didn't say that the white man deserved the beating. He brought it on himself. So no, if a group of whites beat on a foolish black man, I'd say he didn't deserve it, just like this white man.
The only thing he'd deserve is punishment from the law, just like what this white man deserved.
So before you go and take things out of context, use logic and actually look at the entire post before you start accusing and insulting.".
Now tell me where in there does it state that "brought in on himself" means deserves? Sorry but I don't understand idiotic white language.
Oh and the grammar retorts and insults are getting old. Sorry, but I'm human, and not perfect. I make grammar mistakes like anyone else. My grammar is as good as it should be, and I could care less what you have to say in response to that. Also, a mistake is a mistake. You whites are too sensitive and everything that a black guy does wrong, you jump on him for it and gang up on him like what these three black dudes did to the naked white guy.
"For the people who "created" law you sure don't know it. Running around naked is a crime and you will get arrested by the law."
Yep, streaking is a misdemeanor. Aggravated assault is a felony. But that's beside the point. The point is, the law should have been left to deal with this man - by arresting him for indecency, public drunkenness, and disturbing the peace. We do NOT take the law into our own hands here in a civilized society. Even if we DID live in a society that condoned vigilante justice, the punishment these men meted out in response to a harmless offense FAR exceeded what could be considered called for by any reasonable, civilized person.
But it wasn't about streaking. It wasn't even about being "offended" - I'm sure these three have seen worse. It was about three thugs who identified a target of opportunity, and decided to take out some of their inner frustrations. If the situation were reversed, three white men would be looking at federal hate crime charges. That's what outrages me about this whole situation - the hypocrisy.
8:21 Anon -
Wow, an ad hominem attack. The last refuge of someone with absolutely NO valid point to make. Bravo.
Saying that someone "brought something upon himself" is tantamount to saying he was "asking for it," which is an implicit claim that "he deserved it." As most people already know, no amount of mental gymnastics will change this.
The tactic of arguing semantics in order to avoid the actual issue at hand is a really crude one. But if you insist...he neither "brought it on himself," NOR "deserved it." What he "brought on himself" was police action, not vigilante justice (assuming you're correct that they did this because they were "offended." LOL).
"Wow, an ad hominem attack. The last refuge of someone with absolutely NO valid point to make. Bravo."
And you have a valid point to make by targeting another individual? Bravo for being hypocrite. Get real.
"It's time for segregation! Let's bring back segregation, racism, and discrimination back to America in full force! We must fight back, or die! Segregate us blacks once and for all!"
You missed the point with your sarcastic little remark here. I can safely conclude that most of us Whites on this blog don't want segregation--we want total geographical separation from you people. Get it? Once this is achieved, things like "discrimination", "racism", and your other whining points will be non-issues. No more whitey to blame! Of course no more welfare, affirmative action, and subsidies to fund your dysfunctional lifestyles either.
That's the only way we can be free.
@Anon@8:35 I know you are a mental midget but it was YOUR words that said "he brought the beating on himself" by appearing naked in public and upsetting someone. Don't you even know what you posted Mr. mouth breather? Also, find a dictionary as you are just embarrassing yourself with your semi-literate posts. Your pathetic attempts to try to retract your verbal blunder is obvious to all. First you stated that the white man brought the beating on himself then on a follow-up post you state that you didn't say that. Which is it? When you remarked that "he brought it on himself" you merely showed the inherent violence that lurks within your own warped psyche. Thanks for proving my point. Separation not segregation is the ONLY way to be rid of moronic and violent people like you.
I can safely conclude that most of us Whites on this blog don't want segregation--we want total geographical separation from you people.
Exactly right. And this is what blacks fear more than anything.
Ironically, some of the ground work is already being laid by "white flight." A sizable portion of whites can congregate to a certain part of the country, form a border, and seal it. The technology and ingenuity is already there. All it would take is an act of will.
The Die Hard clip is taken out of context. Sam Jackson asks "Who are the bad guys?" and his sons reply "Guys who sell drugs and guys who have guns." He then asks "Who do we not want to help us?" and his sons reply "White people."
>>> If you go stripping off in public, running around naked, you're going to offend people. And there are those who will beat on you for being naked whether your black or white. <<<
Not in Baltimore, they throw dollar bills and ciggies at you here! Oh wait, that's only if you're a fine shawtie... bit of a double standard. That's sexist!!!!!
What makes this White guy think that people want to see his ass?
He got what he deserved.
The police thought so too, since no charges were filed.
I cannot believe this! You people are so racist. Someone says black people should leave the country. Someone else says black people are spoiled brats. Are you serious? White people get their future handed to them on a silver platter because daddy owns the family business. There are some that work to get where they want to be. Also there are blacks that pay taxes just like everybody else. This is one incident and no, the white guy did not deserve to get beat up at all. I would have rather helped him wrap up in a towel than beat him up. (If my grammar is not correct,so what) Another thing, all you smart mouths that's talking about grammar need to know that America does not speak proper English. You have to go to England to learn that. America speaks broken English. The only one who has the right to say something about proper English is the English not the Americans.
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