Nothing much to add here, save the black and Latino caucuses in the Maryland General Assembly are working to protect black and Latino criminals. When they become the majority in Maryland, they can just pass laws criminalizing whiteness once and for all, but for now, civilization is on life support in the state.
[Black, Latino caucuses of Maryland legislature oppose comprehensive crime bill, Baltimore Sun, 4-5-18]:
The black and Latino caucuses of the Maryland General Assembly took a stand Thursday against comprehensive crime bills pending in the final days of the legislative session.
The state capitol building in Annapolis, Maryland, where members of the black and Latino caucuses advocate for the rights of black and brown criminals to be free to commit crime without consequences |
The opposition comes after the House Judiciary Committee approved its version of a sweeping crime bill Wednesday night in response to legislation approved by the Senate. If the bill cannot be reconciled with a very different Senate bill by midnight Monday, it will fail despite the staunch support of Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, a Democrat.
The Legislative Black Caucus and its Latino counterpart have an especially strong influence in the House, where they make up almost half of the majority Democratic caucus. The House passed a bill that scales back many of the maximum sentences in the Senate bill but not enough to satisfy the two minority caucuses.
Members of the groups are concerned that any harsher sentences in the bill would fall disproportionately on minorities. Caucus members and their allies have vowed a House floor fight to prevent the bill from moving further.
In a letter to Del. Joseph F. Vallario Jr., who chairs the Judiciary committee, black caucus Chairman Darryl Barnes said the legislation would hurt the African-American community.
“Mass incarceration has plagued African-Americans for decades and it would be injudicious to pass legislation that will negatively affect our community,” said Barnes, a Prince George’s County Democrat.
Proponents insist the legislation is necessary to help combat a surge in violent crime, particularly homicides, in Baltimore last year.
The Maryland Republican Party put out a statement Thursday night demanding to know where Democrats stand on the bill.
“Violent crime and gangs are a major problem in Maryland, and it’s time to get tough with repeat violent offenders. However, most of the Democratic candidates for governor remain silent on this important state issue,” said party Chairman Dirk Haire. “As the legislature considers the bipartisan crime bill, voters deserve a clear answer from each Democratic candidate about where they stand."
Protecting black and brown criminals is the supreme role of black and brown elected officials. Ignoring black and brown criminals are behind virtually all the violent crime in the state of Maryland (and the entire United States) is the supreme role of white elected officials.
Can someone amend these bills so that ...
.... all the MS-13 members in suburban Maryland are indeed sentenced not to jail but to reside in the worst part of West Baltimore.
If LA is any guide, the Salvadoran gangs will clean that area up in a jiffy.
"he House passed a bill that scales back many of the maximum sentences in the Senate bill but not enough to satisfy the two minority caucuses".
Is anything but the total dismantling of our nation enough for any minority caucus? How can it be a caucus if it doesn't have Caucasians?
Having lived and worked in that "state" I can tell you that whatever Prince George might have stood for has been trampled. As much as I might have given Prince George crap, I can honestly say that I doubt he was a negro-loving craphat. Nowadays, the county named after the man who was likley a proud racist is falling to people who would pass the "brown bag test". The Maryland state song calls Abraham Lincoln a tyrant because they hated him and wanted to kill him. He had to hide when passing through Baltimore by rail. Look up "Maryland, my Maryland", a song made for different times.
So...this fucking asshole is alright with these feral animals attacking whites?
"Mass incarceration has plagued African-Americans for decades and it would be injudicious to pass legislation that will negatively affect our community,” said Barnes, a Prince George’s County Democrat."
GOOD! They are in prison for a reason Mr. Barnes! They committed crimes against humanity and deserve in many cases to have their life snuffed out of them, but bleeding heart liberals keep these animals alive and release them on other humans.
Without whites, the Democratic Republic of Maryland would be like the current Democratic Republic of Baltimore where negroes rule. What did the Mayor say: let them riot! Yes...she was for destroying her city over Freddie Gray who was a worthless feral animal who died because he was an idiot. All the cops were found INNOCENT! And after all this the liberals whined and wondered why the food deserts! Your state will become Selma, and all other places led by negroes will suffer the same fate.
Is there anyway we can separate from these idiots?
"Members of the groups are concerned that any harsher sentences in the bill would fall disproportionately on minorities".
So a less harsh bill would somehow affect minorities proportionately?
Civil/Cultural hot war is coming very fast, faster than we realize and when it does all the forces that have set their sights on destroying white america must be pummeled into the dust,and never allowed to exist again.
Anonymous Negro Antidote said...
Civil/Cultural hot war is coming very fast, faster than we realize and when it does all the forces that have set their sights on destroying white america must be pummeled into the dust,and never allowed to exist again.
It would have happened much later than when it will eventually happen but Liberal have pushed White conservative Americans to far, to long. From beginning to end will happen in a flash. I moved once. I'm not moving again.
OT but I just heard a story on BBC World Service that I had to share. It seems that the firefighters in Lukasa, the capital of Zambia have a problem. There is one fire station in the city, built in 1959 at the end of the colonial era. For some reason, since then they have not only been unable to build any new fire stations, but they're having trouble maintaining the one they have. To make matters worse, the city has grown to a population of 2 million. Paris, a city of similar size has 80 fire stations. As a result, the citizens don't feel like they're getting adequate fire protection. They express their displeasure by throwing rocks at the firefighters when they arrive, and torch a firetruck now and then. They now have an armed police escort.
Only in Africa
The Honourable Shanikwa Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore in the aftermath of the Great Frddy Grey Chimpout of April 2015:
"We had a balancing act to protect freedom of speech, and to protect the peeps from the cars and such....we also gave space to those who wished to destroy...."
It's hilarious that blacks and latinos have caucuses organized by RACE! Aren't we supposed to judge by character!?
Fuck this shit....time to organize as Whites. They are ganging up on us and killing us.
Man up.
ot: Wow! Graphic dead babies photo on NY Times front page. Blaming gas attack on Syria. This can only mean we about to go to war....
Don't do it Trump...we want OUT of the sandbox...let (((them)))fight their own battles.
This is your test...ignore those photos...
Fuck you, NY Times!
This is a surprise?
There was a day when there were no Black or Latino caucuses, because Blacks and Latinos were not allowed to vote. Among the other differences between then and now, crime was much lower. We need to restrict the franchise again, preferably to White property-owners only. Only people who own property have actual skin in the game and can be trusted to weigh all factors rather than just their own narrow, immediate interests.
Chittum >>> Civil War 2
this story is another check-mark on his list of predictions
he's filling the 'Hari Seldon' role as the 'Kwa imperium disintegrates
Protecting black and brown criminals is the supreme role of black and brown elected officials.
And the US continues to sink into just another shithole.
Is anyone local to College Park, Md.? I'd like to know if, after allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote, if those who voted in favor of that have been replaced by ILLEGAL ALIENS as I expect to happen.
Eh, who cares? It was a majority of white people who voted in these libtards, let 'em live with the consequences of their actions. If they want to suffer more crime under their pets, who are the rest of us to deny them that right?
Everyone who comments here knows that Civil War II is coming. What I don't understand is why many of you are still living behind enemy lines. Do you really think that you will have time to evacuate? If you're a single healthy male, perhaps, but encumbered by a family, probably not. The snowball grows in size, and picks up speed, as it rolls downhill...and it has been rolling for many years. Just saying.
We focus a lot on the depredations of blacks but the mestizos are no bargain either. In fact I consider them a bigger threat because the immigration flood of these creatures never seems to end, they multiply like rabbits, and whites, especially the men, are more inclined to intermarry with them. It's pathetic that some white men will throw their ancestry into the abyss just because some pretty Latina gives him the time of day.
Anonymous at 9:43 took a quote from the article:
"Members of the groups are concerned that any harsher sentences in the bill would fall disproportionately on minorities".
Lighter sentences in the bill WILL fall disproportionately on white people, or law abiding citizens. So...why are these idiots for protecting criminals over law abiding citizens? Aren't they being racist and shit themselves when they seek to free black criminals?
I have an idea...why don't they move to the Congo!
As a result, the citizens don't feel like they're getting adequate fire protection. They express their displeasure by throwing rocks at the firefighters when they arrive, and torch a firetruck now and then. They now have an armed police escort.
Only in Africa
Alas, it is no longer only in Africa. Europeans are experiencing the same thing, as emergency services require police escort to enter the various No Go Zones in "their" cities. Turns out the immigrants, refugees and third world enrichment are not the poor widdle angels that too many Europeans hallucinated them to be. They throw rocks, they throw grenades, they drive vans into crowds on streets. All part of the joys of diversity, you understand.
Of course, Africans in America have been known to attack firemen who have tried to put out fires when those same Africans riot. "Space to destroy" is wherever the African trods.
Something to think about in the continuing chaos.
The real problem is that the "black and latino caucuses" undoubtedly had the support of whites in the assembly.
That is going to get us all killed. Just ask the Boer.
Stay alert, stay alive.
“Violent crime and gangs are a major problem in Maryland, and it’s time to get tough with repeat violent offenders. However, most of the Democratic candidates for governor remain silent on this important state issue,” said party Chairman Dirk Haire. “As the legislature considers the bipartisan crime bill, voters deserve a clear answer from each Democratic candidate about where they stand."
Ummm ,Yea,because "each Democratic candidate" is,was,knows somebody that is ,was part of this problem! Simple really. Just like when you have so called Good Blacks moving in your neighborhood they always bring along the extended degenerate family and they will defend and protect their loser degenerate family members or friends. FACT! Even if it's murder. HAPPENS ALL THE TiME EVERYTIME....
Members of the groups are concerned that any harsher sentences in the bill would fall disproportionately on minorities.
A new approach needs to be taken. For as long as these cretins kills each other. The humans need not worry. If they cause mayhem in the areas inhabited by humans. Swift and severe punishment should be meted. The paradigm needs to shift. Human laws are intended for other humans.
Violent crime and gangs are a major problem in Maryland, and it’s time to get tough with repeat violent offenders.
Yep. A couple of years back there was a move to soften the Federal minimum sentencing guidelines. This is the aftermath.
Anonymous at 846 wrote:
"It's pathetic that some white men will throw their ancestry into the abyss just because some pretty Latina gives him the time of day."
In the case of many white men, what you say is true. The Bush brothers are good examples of mixing Anglo and Mexican blood. It was during Bush Jr's reign that those people really flooded in like mad.
Some of the blame lies with white women who became feminists. They wished to become men, so they did. They abandoned their natural role as mother and became radicals. They did not have children; nor did they want them. They did not want a husband, so they did not marry.
In the 19th century, good intentioned white men gave slaves and women the right to vote. Suddenly people without property could use their vote to better themselves. Because the original Democratic Republic was based on white men, this new dynamic has not worked out well. We see the abysmal result today. Radical women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, and any other group that is not white male has destroyed what our ancestors built.
In the case of white feminists, it is funny how they will destroy themselves when they destroy their men. They just don't have the ability to view the future. They see things in the now. This is the same as negroes: they only see things in the moment without considering the future.
Let's say this idiot in Maryland has his way and he frees lots of negroes who committed crimes. Here is what they will get for their caring for the negro over the law abiding citizens: crime will become rampant. Those people are jailed for a reason...they are criminals.
I love white women as my mother was one, but they should have never been allowed to vote on issues of the nation; only things of local bearing. The blacks should have been repatriated to Africa, and never given the vote, or the ability to be a juror.
We have a royal mess now! Can we clean it up?
Since blacks don't want to live in the white man's civilization or obey the laws due to "disparate impact" on their criminal communities, I suggest all whites leave the cities and areas where blacks dominate. Then, pass a nationwide "You Made Your Bed Now Lie In It" law whereby they can't run to white areas to escape all their dysfunctions and the filthy, violent, corrupt and impoverished third world cesspits they create for themselves. Just as they don't want the white man's law and civilization, we don't want their primitive and dysfunctional behaviors infecting ours. At the same time, pass a law that no white tax money from white areas will be redistributed to black areas and they can damn well support and fund themselves.
The problem is, of course, that once they've destroyed an area and turned it into a hellhole, they look at the clean, safe, organized areas whites have and want to flee to them to escape themselves and then start all their crap all over again in the new place to destroy it as well. That's what needs to be stopped cold.
In any case, the blacks and browns are allied in their effort to defeat whitey's law but we all know what would happen if all the whites left. The black/brown coalition would immediately come to an end and they'd be fighting each other tooth and nail with the browns trying to drive out the blacks as they did in L.A. and other areas. Imagine if none of them could flee to our areas and they had to stay put and suffer the consequences of their own making! What a delicious revenge that would be! Those areas would enter into a racial civil war (blacks vs. browns) and browns would annihilate the blacks.
The only icing on the sh*t cake would be that all the white libtards and cucks who supported the blacks and browns in their efforts would have to stay there too. They'd last even less time than the blacks would. Again, delicious revenge. I'd have zero sympathy and simply tell them, "you wanted it, you got it, now suffer the consequences!"
No, it won't happen- but it needs to. Badly.
So Affirmative Action and points for race and skin color clearly isn't working (nor do they want it to)so let's just release and or let the animals run the zoo. I used to tell my older kids there'd be a race / class war in THEIR lifetime. Boy was I wrong! Coming soon to a theatre near you......
And they want our guns?!?! Yeah. OK!
Don't the crime if you can't do the time!
OK Mr. Kersey, what comes after this should the negro criminals be set free? I wonder if they should not start work on taking land from white people and giving it to negroes like they do in South Africa? That would seem to be the next logical step.
One place I worked at had a colony of nesting birds that would swoop down and shit on employees making their way to and from the building. The problem was that they were a protected species so the nests could not be disturbed. Somebody suggested leaving a ladder against the building that would allow raccoons to prey upon the birds’ eggs and let nature take its course. This was not done but it was a clever idea.
Perhaps MS-13 could clear up local negro problems. When the job is largely done, outrage at MS-13 violence would justify a crackdown and MS-13 would then be eradicated. While both species are violent, the edge in ruthlessness and intelligence goes to the mestizos.
I know that when this has been tried with other animal species it backfired when the introduced predator itself thrived and became a problem. However, these species were able to live off the land.
Scale back many of the maximum sentences.
"Skip A Rope."
"Gee, they were so much nicer and more reasonable when they were in the minority..."
You can apply this phrase to any non-white demographic, and I am sure this even applies to areas that become homogeneous Chinatowns that feel whites are only welcome as passing customers.
Gangs (Hispanic vs. Hispanic, black vs. black) inevitably sprout up where there was no major gang activity before and they focus on basically fighting and killing those of their own race over territory, drugs, women, respect, and other things the Einsteins of the future are known to partake in. Every single person that I've talked to whom was in a gang talks it about it the way smokers talk about cigarettes- that they regret ever being involved.
Muslims, of course, are the single biggest threat when it comes to them becoming a majority in any free or democratic system. You have only to read their "holy" book or watch how inherents force their ways of life on everyone once they seize grip of power. You could of built them 1000 bridges; they will just as well blow them all up and shove them up your @ss once they have the numbers.
It's sad but true, I had to abandon my liberal beliefs and then your just apply Occam's Razor and 'voila'!
Everything begins to make so much sense.
It would seem the democrats want crime as per this statement:
“Violent crime and gangs are a major problem in Maryland, and it’s time to get tough with repeat violent offenders. However, most of the Democratic candidates for governor remain silent on this important state issue,” said party Chairman Dirk Haire. “As the legislature considers the bipartisan crime bill, voters deserve a clear answer from each Democratic candidate about where they stand."
I can tell you where the democrats stand if it isn't abundantly clear yet: the democrats stand with the criminals, and non-whites. Do the republicans dare put those words to their lips, or do they cower like little babies afraid of their own shadow? That is the truth!
White democrat cucks had better wake up soon!
Presently, when the black infection putrefies a city or neighborhood the whites move to other areas. Whites do this because it is the best available alternative. It is better for most whites to take a financial loss and start over in an unaffected geographical area than to remain in a shithole to battle the black hoard without help from the government. At some point the alternative of flight will not be available, and whites will change their strategy and the change will be very unpleasant for blacks.
The Filipinos were able to elect a President willing and able under their system of government to take necessary steps to effectively combat crime and corruption. It has been brutal for criminals and other swamp critters, but much progress has been made, and their President is strongly supported by the general population. In the U.S, it seems unlikely that the government will ever effectively deal with the problems associated with blacks and diversity. Once the white people no longer have the option of fleeing from shitholes, and if the government continues to ignore the problems causing the shitholes, whites will deal with the problem through methods unsupported by the government. It seems likely that widely distributed harsh corrective events will begin occurring at a grassroots level and local authorities will be unable to solve them. These events will become sufficiently numerous that Federal and State governmental agencies will be swamped and will solve very few of the events. Honestly, I don’t believe that it would even be practical to operate a prison in the U.S. without the approval of white people which would further complicate dealing with widespread white backlash.
The government must either solve the problem with blacks and diversity in general, or whites must be disarmed and made as helpless as possible. Unfortunately, the government appears to prefer the latter solution. This solution appears to be working in Europe as well as in South Africa so there is no reason to think that our government wouldn’t expect it to work in the U.S. The fact that the South African government worries about an armed white population consisting of only 8% of the total population speaks for the effectiveness of armed and determined white people. At least our numbers in the U.S. are far greater than those unfortunate whites in South Africa. We must never allow ourselves to be disarmed or made helpless by other means.
Wow! Graphic dead babies photo on NY Times front page. Blaming gas attack on Syria. This can only mean we about to go to war....
Let me know when the NY Times shows White children that are victims of Black violence.
White liberals in the media send their White children to private schools while poor Whites are expected to embrace diversity and any resulting medical bills.
Presently, when the black infection putrefies a city or neighborhood the whites move to other areas. Whites do this because it is the best available alternative..........
Metro Detroit.
If you are from Metro Detroit like I am, please heed this scenario:
I was at Twelve Oaks mall to purchase a gift for my niece and I was struck by how many of these creatures were out and about. In Novi.
Yes, Novi.
After most Whites have decamped into Harrison Township, Chesterfield, Oakland Township, Commerce Township, Milford, Canton Township, and Woodhaven. The black hordes will continue to follow us like rats looking for the next home to infest.
A time will come when we will no longer have anyplace to go. At one time, I advocated simply moving away from them, but have recently had an epiphany that they will follow us wherever we go.
Show up at your zoning board meetings and oppose affordable housing and apartment complexes. Circulate petitions to end school-of-choice for your district. Be standoffish to any black that shows up at the suburbs. Call the police every time they cause trouble. Get a concealed carry permit. Watch the actions of your city council.
Stop running.
OT but I'd like to share.
A black pastors house burns down in Lincoln Park,Mi. He blames racism. Folks should check out the response from Ed Zelanak city attorney. Whom I've met before.
Story @ News
Anonymous said ”Muslims, of course, are the single biggest threat when it comes to them becoming a majority in any free or democratic system. You have only to read their "holy" book or watch how inherents force their ways of life on everyone once they seize grip of power.”
The radical Muslims are definitely overtly energetic in achieving the goals and following the principles of their religion. The less radical Muslims are more restrained in that they refrain from highly visible actions against non-Muslims. The end goal of all Muslims is that non-Muslims (Infidels) must either be converted or destroyed. There is another religion, just as sinister as Islam, that considers the only goal to be the subjugation and/or destruction of anyone not a member of their religious group. This group doesn’t generally consider conversion a good option. This group has been kicked out of dozens of countries where it has taken root, and it is the group responsible for hellish conditions of Communist Russia where many millions perished.
Of course these two groups with similar principles cannot coexist. The Muslims tend to openly kill members of the other religion while the other religion tends to leverage its influence in the governments of various countries to kill the Muslims. Neither of these religions is good for humanity. The guidance provided by the Koran can be evaluated by anyone willing to read and understand that religious book. The encyclopedic set of books setting out the laws to be followed by the other group is not readily available to non-members of that religion. In fact, that set of laws proscribes death for any non-member who might read the laws intended only for the members of that religion. The limited version of this set of laws that has leaked out is highly sanitized so as to not offend those who are not members of that group. This set of laws which remains in effect to this day is called the Talmud.
FYI - the fall of South Africa wasn't engineered by the Muslims.
Maybe allow Whites who pay more on taxes than they get in taxpayer funded benefits, by whites I mean white MEN of course.
I hear Wakanda has liberal immigration policies, so they could go there and please take their criminal friends that would be "disproportionately" affected with them.
Members of the groups are concerned that any harsher sentences in the bill would fall disproportionately on minorities.
It looks like we came to the same conclusion, I can only assume we read the same info:
Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
^This x1,000,000...
D-FENS: "One place I worked at had a colony of nesting birds that would swoop down and shit on employees making their way to and from the building. The problem was that they were a protected species so the nests could not be disturbed. Somebody suggested leaving a ladder against the building that would allow raccoons to prey upon the birds' eggs and let nature take its course. This was not done but it was a clever idea."
When I worked at a power plant, some sea gulls had built a nest atop a 6-foot wall that we had to walk past all day long. They weren't a protected specie, but since there were eggs we were forbidden to move the nest. All damn day, the fuckers would swoop down and squawk at anybody who got too close to their nest.
Nobody had a clever idea like your ladder trick, but we did have an old former sailor who got fed up, and knocked the nest over the other side of the wall. Old White Guy + ZFG = Problem Solved. It's amazing how simple life can be, if you just let it.
And merely pointing out such things will cause you to be shouted down, labeled “racist”, scorned and shunned...or worse.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell
How prescient was Orwell?
@ 8:44 anon
Funny, my story took place at the training center of a power plant.
In the U.S, it seems unlikely that the government will ever effectively deal with the problems associated with blacks and diversity. Once the white people no longer have the option of fleeing from shitholes, and if the government continues to ignore the problems causing the shitholes, whites will deal with the problem through methods unsupported by the government.
Sadly, it's worse than that already. MUCH worse. The government has a program of creating and expanding shitholes, and Trump's cancellation of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is only a hiatus. Unless and until all the court decisions behind AFFH and its antecedents are reversed and the enabling legislation is re-replaced with Jim Crow, the government is the enemy.
Whites will not just have to work without government support. Whites will have to work under government attack, and have to attack the government to halt its efforts to spread the NAM cancer and its predations.
How many ways are there to make the life of a government thug or academic shitlib utterly impossible, and prevent them from destroying any more of America? We need to start getting inventive here.
Story @ News
Don't be a worthless bastard. Post the URL.
“Mass incarceration has plagued African-Americans for decades and it would be injudicious to pass legislation that will negatively affect our community,” said Barnes
Shouldn't it be, "Our incarceration system has been disproportionately used by the black coonmunity for decades, which would lead a thinking person to question why? Given that the answer can only be blacks commit more crimes, isnt it time to face facts and increase sentences until this same ccommunity gets the idea?
Somewhat O/T
Wind blamed for cocaine in purse
Police say a Florida woman is blaming a windy day for the cocaine that police found in her purse.
WPLG reported Kennecia Posey was one of two passengers in a car stopped by Fort Pierce police in late March. Police say an officer found cocaine and marijuana in separate bags inside a purse Posey had on her lap.
Authorities say they questioned Posey about the drugs. According to the police report, Posey said: “It's a windy day. It must have flown through the window and into my purse.” Posey was charged with a felony count of cocaine possession and a misdemeanor count of marijuana possession.
Before I make an informal, open minded, fair, equal, decision, I suggest the Legislative White Caucus should submit their report so that the Legislative Black Caucus and Legislative Latino Caucus can honorably respect the opinions of ALL peoples of Maryland.
Coming soon to a city near you
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