It's right there in front of you.
All you have to do is look.
All you have to do is open your eyes.
Sorry Barbara, but a population far worse than the zombies of Night of Living Dead have remade Detroit in their image: remember zombies don't eat their own like the black population has in America's most violent city, an 82.7 percent black third world nightmare. |
The city belongs to them, remade in every possible fashion in their image.
Black History Month should celebrate the greatest collective achievement of individual black people; the complete ruination of a 1st World City/Civilization (as The Great War started in Europe back in 1914, Detroit was 99 percent white) in less than forty years.
As of 2012, the city of just over
700,000 people is 82.7 percent black.
A third world people have remade The Paris of the West into a third world city. In spite of $25 million being invested annually by a multitude of foundations, 82.7 percent black Detroit has the highest infant mortality rate in America.
It's a reflection of the third world people who inhabit it. While MTV broadcasts shows like
Teen Mom in majority white areas, the epicenter of teenage pregnancy is in 82.7 percent black, where black women are never blamed for spreading their legs and ignoring the byproduct of this sexual encounter once its born. [
Infant mortality rate in Detroit rivals areas of Third World, Detroit News, 1-30-14]:
Infant mortality is the No. 1 killer of
Detroit children; violence is second. In 2011 alone, 130 of the 208
Detroit children who died that year had not yet marked their first
“It’s infuriating, because we
know we can change the trajectory of these numbers,” said Kristen
McDonald, vice president of program and policy for the Detroit-based
Skillman Foundation.
The News found that
Detroit has more babies born to moms who are under 20, like Gonville,
and to single women, than in any other major American city. And often,
those young women are not themselves in good health and otherwise
ill-equipped to have babies.
Only 100 years ago, Detroit was 99 percent white; only 60 years ago, Detroit was 84 percent white... today, Detroit is 82.7 percent black, with this population regressing the city to mean (the mean nature that rules Africa and Haiti)
The challenges of caring for an infant are
daunting in one of the nation’s poorest, most violent cities. Detroit’s
infant mortality rate is the worst among big U.S. cities, and worse than
some Third-World countries: 13.5 for every 1,000 live births in 2010,
the most recent year for which comprehensive data are available.
hospitals, social service and government agencies are attempting to
tackle the problem through nurse visits, parenting programs and even
special tests and treatment for physical conditions found more
frequently among black Detroit women. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation alone
invests $25 million annually in grants to projects that improve health
and well-being in Detroit.
The cocktail of
remedies can’t come fast enough: 2,300 Detroit babies died before their
first birthday between 2000 and 2011, the most recent year data are
available from the Michigan Department of Community Health.
Eighty percent of new Detroit mothers are unmarried, compared with 42
percent of all Michigan moms, which may mean they have less support —
financial as well as emotional — than women with husbands. Also, the
city has more teen moms than any other in America: 18 percent.
Doctor shortage
Exacerbating the situation: The city has a
shortage of primary care physicians, and not all accept Medicaid.
Pregnant women are challenged to find safe housing, healthy food and
Detroit’s high
concentration of African-Americans may also play a role in the city’s
infant mortality rate, because preterm births are more common in
African-Americans for reasons not fully understood.
African-American babies also face greater risks of death in their first days of life, according to Romero.
is an ethnic disparity,” Romero said. “If we look at the period from
birth to 28 days, African-Americans have a mortality rate that’s
approximately double of Caucasians.”
The entire pro-life debate is a non-starter: no one is forcing these black teenage women in Detroit to have unproducted sex, which produces unwanted, obviously neglected children. Though personal responsibility and self-reliance is an abstraction (according to the
New York Times) in our inverted world, the crisis of black dysfunction is somehow the shared problem of white people.
Sorry Obi-Wan Kenobi, but you aren't our only hope: according to the
Detroit News, the third world black population of Detroit can only be helped by white people.
Fitting that the culture of violence the 82.7 percent black population of Detroit create together is a reminder of the lack of social capital a nearly homogenous population of third world people produce. The Detroit News calls it a lack of "cohesiveness."[
Detroit children dying in culture of violence, Detroit News, 1-31-14]:
Nearly 500 Detroit children have died in homicides since 2000 — an average of nearly three dozen a year.
were gun-related, and most were among children 14-18. Many youngsters
just got in the way of a bullet intended for an adult, or for no one in
Names on the sad, memorial roll call are etched into the hearts of those who loved these children:
Smith, 5, whose burned body was found in an abandoned house in 2011,
the alleged victim of her aunt’s 22-year-old boyfriend; 9-month-old
Delric Waymon Miller, who died as he slept last February, when gunmen
armed with an AK-47 sprayed his home with bullets; Robert Mosby Jr., 14,
shot four times by an adult in a dispute over a bike; and Jamel
Witcher, 4, who was playing at his grandfather’s house this month when
his 4-year-old cousin found a loaded shotgun in a closet and the weapon
went off.
A Detroit News probe into what’s
killing Detroit children ages 18 and younger pinpointed violence —
including abusive caretakers and gun play between kids — as the No. 2
cause, behind infant mortality.
Guns 'very common'
Activists working to curb crime in the city
say kids like Je’Rean fall victim to a culture of violence that is out
of control, though they see glimmers of hope that change is underway.
White, an attorney with the Michigan Children’s Law Center and
executive director of Detroit’s Ark NonViolence Program, said many
Detroiters feel they must arm themselves — but often that leads to more
violence. Ark provides anger-management and conflict-resolution training
to Detroit Public schoolchildren starting in second grade, in an
attempt to equip them with skills to resolve conflicts peacefully.
may have a gun for protection, but if there’s a conflict that arises,
they use it in a completely inappropriate way,” White said.
“If you have a gun ... it emboldens you, so that if you started out
having it for protection and you become mad and someone else threatens
you, then you use it. And that is a big problem with the culture.”
Children armed
Gun violence is so pervasive that some parents give guns to their children, White said.
work in the Wayne County Juvenile Court, and these children are
obtaining guns from adults,” White said. “They’re obtaining guns
illegally from people who are supposed to be responsible and people who
are supposed to protect them. And if that person who has a huge
influence in your life is giving you a gun, some of them tend to think
it’s OK to carry it. And they’re being told, ‘You need this for your
protection, you live in Detroit.’ ”
said nonprofits, churches, neighborhood organizations and school groups
work with the Detroit Police Department to end violence in the city, but
their efforts lack “cohesiveness.”
we’re not all working together, then nobody is, and these kids are
falling through the loophole and they become adults who have no
resources, no skills, no employment, and they do what they think they
need to do to survive.”
Open your eyes.
It's right there in front of you.
Black History Month shouldn't celebrate Harriet Tubman. It shouldn't celebrate Ben Carson. It shouldn't celebrate the Tuskegee Airmen.
It should be a month-long dissection of what a third world people did to the first world city/civilization that white people created in Detroit; for modern-day Detroit is a reminder of the uniquely black contribution that has been to America.
Detroit is Crap, it's a third world country in your own back yard. Don't visit there, give them nothing they deserve nothing but obliteration.
Well the good news is, things are about to hit rock bottom. After that the question is do we rise like a phoenix, or grind along the bottom in a modern day dark age. I suspect the latter. 2015 is the year we bottom out, I'll bet on it, any takers?
-One Pissed Off Irishman
Detroit has transformed from a world-class city into a living science experiment. Take a functioning, healthy, thriving metropolis, and gradually start adding blacks to it. Sit back, and see what happens.
The low IQ, short-sighted, aggressive, impulsive, and dysfunctional blacks push whites away, leaving a burned-out rotted corpse that will be a permanent ward of Michigan and the federal government.
Not even black apologists really believe that if GM, Chrysler, and Ford brought back the jobs and plants they used to have (including reviving Packard from the ashes), that these black savages who can't keep their pants up would be able to work them. They'll still say it because no one can state the obvious truth.
Blacks are simply a permanent underclass, even if they are the only race present.
I hate seeing the "doom porn" pics of Detroit. Old theaters, schools and hotels that were once humming with life are now crumbling, rotting crack houses for black detritus to congregate in.
Things have gotten so bad that blacks have temporarily been able to spark enough neurons to elect a white man as mayor, hoping his white juju will save them. Well, no dice Detroiters. You're too far gone.
“It’s infuriating, because we know we can change the trajectory of these numbers,” said Kristen McDonald
At what cost, Kristen? What will it take to fix this black problem? Are you willing to put the entirety of human civilization at risk to continue the failed experiment of making blacks to be anything but themselves?
These helpers are gambling away everything. It's like someone sitting at a slot machine saying "I have to win my rent money back." We don't have much else to lose.
The groid is an easy problem. Its enabler is overextending itself as we speak right now but I don't think the time is now to do anything. Let them truly expose themselves and their intentions a bit more clearly that even the visually impaired can see how they play their hand.
America survives only through a system of self-imposed self segregation. The white population sacrifices money and time to place barriers between them and destructive minorities. Without this self-imposed segregation, the productive part segment of America (read: “white”) would die, and that would be the death knell for this country.
I have a dream...that one day white people will quit voluntarily doing or giving anything to help blacks. Can you imagine if all this ghetto trash had to subsist on only their gubmint stuff? No cash from selling drugs to YT, no white guilt foundation cash, no secret Santa passing out $100 bills, no YT church food pantry freebies. Let the white doctors, nurses, teachers, police and firemen go take care of their own. Let blacks work all the Detroit jobs and see how long the lights stay on and the water runs.
And I don't even dare dream what would happen if Uncle Sam's money dried up - I expect the whites in a couple hundred mile ring would need some serious firepower though and the willingness to use it.
Why is it that whites "with no resources, no skills and no employment" do not knock eachother off at the rate that similarly (by their own admission) situated negroes do. I mean, I'm sure YT is to blame somehow......
L. Brooks Patterson refuses to apologize for remarks criticizing Detroit, attributed to him in a New York magazine.
The man has the audacity to speak about what his eyes plainly see. He was asked a question and answered it honestly. He is immediately called racist and expected to apologize.
He calls 'em like he sees 'em and doesn't care who doesn't like it. Personally, I love it. A man who refuses to knuckle under to political correctness. We need more like him.
Detroit will never get "fixed" because nobody will ever admit that the problem is black people's behavior.
"We need good schools, safe neighborhoods, grocery stores". Black behavior does not allow any of those things to be possible. Political correctness dictates that you have to pretend that something else is the problem, preferably something that YT did or did not do.
I'm getting a bad case of Negro Fatigue. Thank you for letting me vent.
Question for SBPDL readers.
Conservative INC still pretends that opposition to abortion is really important to white voters and a key to future election victories.
To me this is nonsense and today is anything but true with white voter under 40.
Here in Indianapolis when I go to the mall or the supermarket I rarely anymore see a bumper sticker with an anti-abortion message. And when I do the car belong to an older person.
25 years ago a fifth to a quarter of the cars in a supermarket parking lot would have anti-abortion sticker. Now I bet only one in 25 have an anti-abortion sticker.
To me it appears that conservative and independent voters unless the are hard core bible fundies or old school Catholics could care less about abortion.
Most whites just don't want to see run away population growth among the NAM underclass.
Instead most under 40 whites would rather stop all welfare support for birth and rearing of the children of the unmarried underclass especially the drug dependent.
What do you think????
I don't feel "emboldened" by any of the 15 guns I own. I could use any one of them for self defense, but using one of my guns to settle a score? That's the Negro way on full display in Detroit: Dey disrespeck me, om finna blow dey haid off. Blacks and guns are a lethal combination. No gun sales to blacks, especially from Whites. Aybah poda hep.
well they have been crying to have something of their own, they have it now and still don't know how to take care of it. SMH, an entire city at their leaser and still they need white peoples help.
This isn't news. In Brooklyn and Queens, many Black babies are born and left alone until they die in alleys, trash bins, dumpsters, etc. It's a huge problem.
As a people, Blacks have almost no respect for life. It's all about base desires; getting off, getting high or drunk, and being noticed by others.
Teachers notice Blacks don't care anything for learning, they only find each other fascinating.
No snitching, no real community, animosity towards authority, high murder rate and infant mortality.
Is this Lagos or Detroit? Same people, same problems.
Imagine yourself managing a production line for Pontiac back in 1972. All your assembly lines are manned by negroes. They can't read. They're high. They're angry. They drill through their hands on the drill press. Lacerate their skin each time they handle sheet metal. They start fires, spill chemicals, lose parts. They steal everything that is not nailed down. They are constantly fighting with one another, stabbing and beating each other. They leave early, arrive late. They're "sick" every Monday and each Friday. They walk slow, move slow and think even slower. Your product looks like shit, it doesn't function. You can't fire them, because they're "special".
Imagine facing that each and every day. That's what my deceased uncle described to me. That was the American auto manufacturing industry in the '70's.
P.K. as someone who lives in the shadow of mordor,oppps i mean detoilet i can say that after the riots of the 60,s the whites in the nearby suburbs bought many a gun & if they try to come to the burbs to rape,riot & destroy they are in for a rude awakening,sure many brainwashed libertards wont fight back but many like me are waiting for the day they try then it will be rabbit season no,duck season no,thug season ohhh yes ..royal oak dude..
History channel, or maybe Discovery channel, had a mini-series showing what would happen if human's disappeared.
They did "time lapse" computer graphics of decaying cities.
The episodes could have been exactly what has happened to Detroit.
Since the series showed the decay, as it has actually happened to Detroit, it does not take much to see that Whites are the only true humans.
If cities decay in a certain way, when there are "no more humans", as Detroit has decayed, because Whites have left.....then humans can only be Whites.
Facts don't matter. Figures don't matter. Even the hard reality of life and death don't matter. For the Crystal Methodist, all the matters is the feeling - of perfect self-righteous moral superiority. Pride on top of pride.
When the Crystal Methodist worships the negro, she is transformed into God herself: perfect, flawless, free from even the slightest taint of sin. Hence any and all facts, figures, reality and truth which work to contradict or undermine this critical propitiation are denounced at one as rayciss! - the sin for which there can be no forgiveness. The Crystal Methodists have killed God, and elevated the holy negro in his place. A Golden Calf in blackface.
One thing I have noticed being white and growing up in just about every ward and low income neighborhood in Houston is most black people that are productive and able to escape the welfare state of mind of their surroundings have a white relative within the last few generations of their family tree. I am beginning to shed my white guilt that has been shoved into my lap as a pupil of the inner city and see the situation for what it is. Most of them are animals and they continually behave as such. I have recently moved to a "white" area far far away, and life is much better here. There is a very low crime rate, jobs are easily found and the cheapest rentals are well kept. There is a difference, it is what it is. It's been 150 years, how long does it take to get your sh** together.
Detroit needs to dry up and blow away.
Jeez, Paul, can't you take at least one day off? Fuckin' Super Bowl's on tonight ... let loose, get down, party! Have some hot wings and a few beers! We live in America, the greatest country on earth! It's not so bad!
@ Irishman -
No, we're not going to bottom out any time real soon. They (" ") know what they're doing; they can keep this zombie up and lurching for awhile yet. Just feed it a little raw meat now and then.
No, first they'll legalize 30 million "undocumented guest workers", and that will give us a temporary economic shot in the arm. (These people will be paying taxes finally.) Also, these people will be a bulwark against the feral blacks. The collapse of this country will come, but it will be so gradual, most people won't even notice.
A nation within a nation, African-America. We send aid to blacks all over the world, I guess it's everyone's responsibility to help people who can't help themselves. The mere fact that blacks have to be supported cradle-to-grave by whitey is, in itself, an admission that blacks are inferior and lack any desire (or ability) to function in and contribute positively to a civilized society.
I firmly believe blacks are a unique hominid species (missing link) and the "experts" are suppressing the supporting data.
Just my conspiracy theory. :)
Legalizing the wetbacks means three things.
One, all the wetbacks who aren't already voting the straight Democrat ticket will join the rest in the voting booth, voting for Hussein and Hillary. "Yellowstain" Boehner thinks that if he just gives these new additions to the Free Shit Army enough free shit, robbing native-born working-class Whites to write welfare checks for the brown flood, he'll get more than a trivial number of them to vote for Republicans. He's delusional.
Two, all the wetbacks not already signed up for El Guelfare will sign up for it. That's why they come here. The Democrats know it, and that's why they do things like forbidding INS and the Border Patrol to do their jobs.
Three, 10%+ unemployment forever as the new normal, as the wetbacks flood an already overcrowded labor market and push native-born working-class White Americans' wages down, down, down, down, down. This is what hooknosed Chamber of Commerce types want; they're already rubbing their grubby little hands with glee at all the new minimum-wage workers they're going to be able to hire. They don't want to pay a living wage. They'd bring a billion wetbacks here if they could. They won't have to live in the stinking, festering Turd World maquiladoro slums that the Mestizo is genetically programmed to create wherever he goes. They live in gated communities and send their kids to all-white private schools. Diversity is good enough for us, but not for them.
The Lesser Breeds Without the Law do not pay taxes. They absorb taxes. In the aggregate they're net liabilities for the same reason that the niggers are. They commit crimes almost as frequently and enthusiastically as niggers do. They are preferentially given high-paying, do-nothing featherbed government jobs under Affirmative Action. They're continuously on El Guelfare and pumping out "anchor babies" ten at a time in between stretches in prison for armed robbery and dealing heroin.
If the Republican rank and file in the house actually allow "Yellowstain" Boehner to go forward with the amnesty plan, it's rather more likely to result in an economic collapse and another civil war in this country than "a shot in the arm."
I remember back in 1968 and 1969, the years I turned 14 and 15. I lived in an all white, blue collar, suburb of Boston. I followed MLB and the Detroit Tigers were quite good those years; they had both good pitching, Denny McClain and Mickey Lolich; and good hitting, Norm Cash and Willie Horten.
Whenever I would think of Detroit back then I used to think, "what a dump, I would never live there", and I thought the same of Cleveland.
Apparently I was quite aware of what reality was. I further remember some real liberals of my high school years referring to me as a racist. I guess my unspoken but well understood comprehension of the negro was obvious to a headhunting white liberal.
My guess is that those white liberals never proved me wrong by moving to Detroit, but I would not be surprised if it turned out that they moved to a whiteyville, such as Portland, and continue bashing me and my position all these years.
Yes sir, nothing like a courageous white liberal ready to walk the walk of the talk they talk.
Well now, nigh on 50 years later, I see what a wonderful transformation white liberals and the lowly negro have made to my America. America now looks like the town dump and wreaks of the city cesspool.
Yes sir, penitence is probably what I owe, and an exaltation is probably what is owed the white liberal and his friend, the lowly negro.
America, like all white man cultures the planet Earth over are doomed.
Think about secession, and dream of a new beginning. That's what I do.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
Somebody should inform MS13 that all they would need to do is violently expel the moolies from Detroit - which to them would be a cakewalk - and it's theirs for the taking. It's prime drug real estate, located at the end of the I-75 "Cocaine Corridor" which starts in Miami. They'd be able to smuggle cocaine and heroin into Canada via boat. Big money. Billions annually. All of a sudden they've cornered the lucrative Canadian recreational drug marketplace.
How many of those 30 million illegals granted amnesty do you suppose MS13 has? This might actually be Obama's goal, believe it or not (and whether it be intentional or not, this will inevitably be the end result). After all, if you want to get rid of invasive pests who do not have any natural predators (other than themselves), the best way to go about it is to introduce another more cunning species of invasive predator to decimate their numbers.
Exodus. Movement of Jah people.
Surely that should be "unprotected" rather than " unproductive" sex. Unfortunately ths sex is "productive" in the sense that it engenders new piccanins, if nothing else.
Jeez, Paul, can't you take at least one day off? Fuckin' Super Bowl's on tonight ... let loose, get down, party! Have some hot wings and a few beers! We live in America, the greatest country on earth! It's not so bad!
Mate, 1966 is back there.
You folks at SBPDL just don't get. Our black brothers and sisters in Detroit are merely complying with God's word in Genesis 1:28 which states " Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
They are multiplying, they have subdued the Earth by having dominion over its food through Government subsidies. Their dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth can be clearly seen by the violence perpetrated upon others, without consequences.
These folks are merely following the Good Book so show some tolerance.
For those of you from Rio Linda, I am using sarcasm.
Detroit is just the political equivalent of Hollywood's special effects. Not real. So much federal money has been funneled into that $hithole already and the money spigot will not be turned off. Consequently, Detroit is the political version of the 'bar scene' in Star Wars. As long as the movie is running the scene can be replayed as often as you want. As long as the money is flowing the fantasy of a city called Detroit will continue to play. If left to its natural evolution it would have been dead and buried years ago.
This nonsense is like trying to make concrete without cement.
Anyway, I think the solution does not necessarily require a contiguous homeland. Just allow every county in the US to decide if they want to continue this national death march. It would result in virtually every urban center belonging to the USSA and the rural parts the new country. THEN build the fences. Now that is cosmic justice.
Years ago there was an article in the Baltimore Sun about a black woman who gave birth to a child. Nothing unusual here except one thing. She failed to name the kid for two months. Go figure!
America, France, England and Netherland are full of blacks people and will all be like South Africa...ASia, Australia and Eastern Europe represent the future for Whhite people to escape this colonization except if there are civil wars or areas only for whites like blomfoutain.
How many negroes on the superbowl 's pitch tonight?
How will legalizing 30 million Mexicans help the US? 95% will collect more in government benefits than they pay in taxes. Their kids will be schooled, etc. If this is a good idea, look at California.
We had a 1986 amnesty. And? The notion of Mexicans paying taxes in a Republican "talking point". They will collect earned income credits, child credits, etc. They will not pay taxes.
White worship of the negro football hero is part of the problem. If you do watch the super bowl tonight,(I'm not) be sure to check out the Cheerios commercial with the coal burning mommy and black daddy about to squirt out another mulatto. They want to make real sure your kids see that its "OK".
Facts don't matter. Figures don't matter. Even the hard reality of life and death don't matter. For the Crystal Methodist, all the matters is the feeling - of perfect self-righteous moral superiority. Pride on top of pride.
When my home was burglarized by Blacks, the self-righteous folks at work scolded me for being upset.
"They probably needed food!" "Don't judge them, you don't know what they go through!"
Uh huh..
Blacks love the tears of the DWL. They beg pitifully for spare change, cry-on-cue in court for women judges, and suggest racism when White women turn them down for dates. Fairly often, the White women give in, just to prove their moral high ground.
The "crimes" of YT are so severe that no assault, no murder, no crime is unforgivable of the Black. The holy Negro, indeed.
I don't want to help anyone of any race that hates me for being YT. Leave them all for the Rats and Cockroaches to conquer.
Eddie Scholar
just like Mexico invited white settlers into their Texas territory to act as the buffer (victims) between the Comanches & Mexico - the US has been inviting in Mexicans-South Americans who will soon be the buffer between whites & feral negros. i'm betting the hispanics will rise up & protect themselves against feral negro aggression. history is rhyming again.
-- panjoomby
I watched Detroit recede from being a world-class city to the dysfunctional shell of itself. Yes, black-rule and occupation is the major factor in Detroit's demise, but there are other reasons that are not readily apparent.
Real-estate blockbusting was rampant. Real estate agents and companies would mail post cards to neighborhood residents stating "a new family is moving into your neighborhood. If you wish to sell your house, please contact me at xxx-xxxx". A "new family" was a euphemism for "black".
Another reason for Detroit's demise was the federal agency HUD. (Housing and Urban Development). I watched the best housing stock being bought by HUD speculators and razed while the "shacks" (substandard housing) was left standing. The third and final reason is the ascendency of mayor Coleman Young. This racist did more to alienate whites than anyone else. There was a successful anti-crime program called STRESS (Stop The Robberies Enjoy Safe Streets) that was implemented by Coleman Young's predecessor. This program involved disguising law enforcement officers as vulnerable people (old men and women) and was successful in putting criminals out-of-commission. As blacks were the primary criminals being "taken out", Coleman Young made a campaign promise to disband this program. The rest is history, as Coleman Young was elected mayor--the downhill slide continues to this day . . .
Anonymous said...
I don't feel "emboldened" by any of the 15 guns I own. I could use any one of them for self defense, but using one of my guns to settle a score? That's the Negro way on full display in Detroit: Dey disrespeck me, om finna blow dey haid off. Blacks and guns are a lethal combination. No gun sales to blacks, especially from Whites. Aybah poda hep.
February 1, 2014 at 8:30 PM
Some blacks apparently think having a gun means you don't have to take any crap off people. When in reality, having a gu means you have to take even more crap off people (I'm talking minor annoyances that happen in everybody's day-to-day life, not criminal behavior). Why? because when you carry a weapon, it's always present, and it only belongs to whomever keeps control of it.
I've had two recent confrontations where I've had to call somebody on their rude behavior - one idiot who almost rammed me to get in front of my car in a drive-through lane, and another who thought that screaming at my wife over some trivial matter was acceptable. Both of them are still alive.
(Sad to say, both of them were also White. Individual blacks I've had to deal with lately have been civil and polite. Any explanations for that?)
White Homeland, Northwest Front.
The world is a reflection of the peoples upon it. The diversity is so great that thousands of years of history has proven how difficult it is for man to live together in peace. So one would think that remaining with ones own kind, and culture, and values, in view of our bloody history would be the most pragmatic thing to do. Yet the powers that be have marched headlong into a multi-cultural mix that has made a global catastrophy inevitable.
World wide breakdown will increase in its intensity until we are all fighting each other in our towns, cities, and streets. At a stroke, the world scene can change overnight, leading to essential services and foods and medicines becoming unavailable. Bringing all those old prejudices to the surface, as people look for scapegoats for their plight. Human nature never fails in its pattern of behaviour, as history testifies in blood to that behaviour, and our present generation, has proven to be the most bloodiest of all. All foreboding evidence of what is ahead.
There is no country that is exempt from such fears. All the evidence points to EVENTS that will dictate the coming anarchy, not politicians, for they are losing control, and leading many nations to seek their own interests, especially as their many social internal problems increase. Those disturbing global events that are yet to be, but which are evident in social disruption in scores of countries through all forms of terrorism, non more so than religious terrorism, will motivate the masses through desperation to act violently to preserve their lives.
Society is so fragmented in its beliefs, ideologies, and opinions, that we are all virtually each others enemy. What will it take to push us over the edge into violence. Not much.
The world is a reflection of the peoples upon it. The diversity is so great that thousands of years of history has proven how difficult it is for man to live together in peace. So one would think that remaining with ones own kind, and culture, and values, in view of our bloody history would be the most pragmatic thing to do. Yet the powers that be have marched headlong into a multi-cultural mix that has made a global catastrophy inevitable.
World wide breakdown will increase in its intensity until we are all fighting each other in our towns, cities, and streets. At a stroke, the world scene can change overnight, leading to essential services and foods and medicines becoming unavailable. Bringing all those old prejudices to the surface, as people look for scapegoats for their plight. Human nature never fails in its pattern of behaviour, as history testifies in blood to that behaviour, and our present generation, has proven to be the most bloodiest of all. All foreboding evidence of what is ahead.
There is no country that is exempt from such fears. All the evidence points to EVENTS that will dictate the coming anarchy, not politicians, for they are losing control, and leading many nations to seek their own interests, especially as their many social internal problems increase. Those disturbing global events that are yet to be, but which are evident in social disruption in scores of countries through all forms of terrorism, non more so than religious terrorism, will motivate the masses through desperation to act violently to preserve their lives.
Society is so fragmented in its beliefs, ideologies, and opinions, that we are all virtually each others enemy. What will it take to push us over the edge into violence. Not much.
"Helping" negroes is an utter waste of time. Do so and all you wind up with is more negroes demanding "help" as they breed out of control on your dime and turn neighborhoods and entire cities into third world shitholes.
In a way, that reminds me those insane individuals we've all read about who have cats or dogs and allow them to breed out of control until there are huge populations of feral cats and dogs running loose. Eventually, the authorities have to step in and put a stop to it. Cue the demented person going berserk and screeching about their "pets" and objecting to having their own irresponsible, destructive and idiotic behavior stopped.
Then, of course, there's another type~ the hoarder. The one who collects old magazines, newspapers and other junky items of little to no value and piles them ceiling high throughout every room of their house until it's a fire hazard, crawling with vermin and completely unfit for human habitation. Cue them screeching, crying and protesting as their house is condemned and all their "treasures" hauled off to the local garbage dump.
Now take these two types of mental defectives and turn their attention to the feeding and breeding of hordes of feral negroes and piling them up in neighborhoods and cities until those become completely unfit for human/civilized habitation.
There are names for these types of mental defectives as well. They're called "libtards" and "nigger lovers."
When you try to stop them, they go berserk and start screeching too.
"Anonymous said...
Question for SBPDL readers.
Conservative INC still pretends that opposition to abortion is really important to white voters and a key to future election victories.
To me this is nonsense and today is anything but true with white voter under 40.
Here in Indianapolis when I go to the mall or the supermarket I rarely anymore see a bumper sticker with an anti-abortion message. And when I do the car belong to an older person.
25 years ago a fifth to a quarter of the cars in a supermarket parking lot would have anti-abortion sticker. Now I bet only one in 25 have an anti-abortion sticker.
To me it appears that conservative and independent voters unless the are hard core bible fundies or old school Catholics could care less about abortion.
Most whites just don't want to see run away population growth among the NAM underclass.
Instead most under 40 whites would rather stop all welfare support for birth and rearing of the children of the unmarried underclass especially the drug dependent.
What do you think????"
Haven't posted in a while... Suffering from both acute and chronic strains of negro-fatigue...
I think you make an excellent point, Anon. Ad this to the growing pile evidence that, as Bogo routinely states, the Repukes are merely a controlled opposition party designed to lose to the leftist vanguardists.
The abortion issue gives the oldsters and bible thumpers a party to vote for. Simultaneously, it turns off far more people than it energizes, ensuring a leftist victory. It operates like a waste-gate in a turbocharger, the unnecessary gas pressure (oldster/thumper angst) is just vented off harmlessly into the atmosphere.
Also, don't think for a moment that "Bridge Gate" is going to keep the Repukes from nominating Lard Lad as their presidential candidate. His slimy, Jerseyesque shenanigans just make him an extra wobbly tomato-can for Hillary to knock out. Win-win for the vanguardists. think these fuckin Mexicans are gonna pay taxes?!?!?! They are going to be legal to suck up WAY MORE free shit.
All you people buying the crap you hear about how great these fkin Aztecs have been for our economy...jfc. They are a net DRAIN on it.
Check out Atlanta's most wanted for this week. Predictably, most of the suspects are black and are wanted for things like aggravated assault, armed robbery, and murder. But they are seeking a few white suspects too... for things like graffiti. No kidding:
Bravo. This is exactly why the auto manufacturers moved their factories far away from bantuville. The Pontiac was one of the best, most dependable cars made. Then came government equal opportunity laws and enforcement. Now, sadly the have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Because of niggers. The truth hurts, addison.
"Detroit’s high concentration of African-Americans may also play a role in the city’s infant mortality rate, because preterm births are more common in African-Americans for reasons not fully understood."
Yeah, "not fully understood." Mysteries abound!
Years ago my brother worked for a company that, every year at Christmas, would just give a new house to a poor (read: black. EVERY time.) family.
One year the house goes to a single black mom and 8 kids. The very next year the mom calls the company to see if she can get more free stuff that year too. A new house wasn't enough, will never be enough. They always want more.
If I had to pick between living in/near a hispanic community and a black ghetto I would (given my limited experience with hispanics) pick the hispanic community. Someone with more knowledge on the subject please (since the Mexicans are coming) enlighten me.
I call it 'cultural thermodynamics'. It has the same effect as dumping ice cubes into hot coffee. What was once a brilliant and innovative culture becomes something less that its former self.
Jim 4:43 am:
Perhaps the negress genuinely wanted to name the child after the father, the sperm donor, and was just waiting to see which one of the many guys, possible dads, he looked like.
You see, there is logic and intelligence to a negress's madness every time.Thanks.
Re: Abortion
I think abortion is the most important issue in our lives because when abortion is legal is nullifies the Constitution by removing the very elemental presumption in law necessary for a people to maintain a constitution:
The presumption of personal responsibility.
Its removal has sent shock waives all throughout our system and changed us as a people.
Among other things it puts women above men, the irrational over the rational and the guilty over the innocent.
I don't come at it from a Bible thumper's perspective, but a common law protection of the commons perspective. It's bad, bad, bad.
I am tired of reading all these posts besmirching and denying the accomplishments of my beloved majestic sun-people. If it weren't for us you would still be living in caves and flinging poo at each other for fun. Let me enlighten you about our contributions to civilization. Here is a small sampling of our inventions:
stop lights
peanut butter
the Sun
those little corn-cob holders so you don't burn your fingers
24 letters of the English alphabet (not y nor t)
God (Yeah, God. Top that, muthafuggas!)
and on and on and on...
Now, how would you feel if your people were responsible for all these things and yet every day you had to suffer insolence and condescension from minds that you know are inferior? The next time you see a black person, instead of steering clear, why don't you approach them and say "Thank you for cool breezes." or "Thank you for sunsets, they are beautiful!". All we want is the respect we deserve.
- Darkie Retardman
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I had to pick between living in/near a hispanic community and a black ghetto I would (given my limited experience with hispanics) pick the hispanic community. Someone with more knowledge on the subject please (since the Mexicans are coming) enlighten me.
Google The Color of Crime. The wetbacks are as bad as the blacks. One sentence says it all in The Color of Crime. The best indicator of crime in a community is the number of blacks and hispanics that reside there, or words to that effect.
Forty years ago Porter County Indiana was 99 percent white. Porter County neighbors Lake County which boasts the violent city of Gary. Below is an example of what happens after the inevitable spread of the plague into formerly safe, nearby civilized areas and the black population is a mere five percent.
Three teenage black thugs face felony charges for terrorizing white girls on school bus.
Question for SBPDL readers.
Conservative INC still pretends that opposition to abortion is really important to white voters and a key to future election victories.
To me this is nonsense and today is anything but true with white voter under 40.
Here in Indianapolis when I go to the mall or the supermarket I rarely anymore see a bumper sticker with an anti-abortion message. And when I do the car belong to an older person.
25 years ago a fifth to a quarter of the cars in a supermarket parking lot would have anti-abortion sticker. Now I bet only one in 25 have an anti-abortion sticker.
To me it appears that conservative and independent voters unless the are hard core bible fundies or old school Catholics could care less about abortion.
Most whites just don't want to see run away population growth among the NAM underclass.
Instead most under 40 whites would rather stop all welfare support for birth and rearing of the children of the unmarried underclass especially the drug dependent.
What do you think????
The Repukes have milked the pro-life crowd quite successfully for the last four decades. The Banksta Banana Republick remains a place where one can get an abortion up to the minute of birth, or any reason or no reason whatsoever, despite all the hoopla and huckstery. TWMNBN own and make billions off the abortion industry. The idiot Christians who worship TWMNBN (ignoring the traditional teaching about the Synagogue of Satan altogether) cannot face this because they want those tasty shit-sandwiches from Scheissgeld and Dormerde's Deli. Half or more of the feminist-indoctrinated wymyn of faith like having the option available in the event their negro worship leads to an unplanned mulatto.
I mentioned several weeks ago that on Vox Day's blog a commenter who also reads this site was ruthlessly attacked by two of the more ardent Christians there for his expression of being tired with the pro-life cause, as it was just assisting the regime in breeding more orcs to kill YT.
They condemned him as an apostate and Satanist on the spot - but not a word about the 97% of negroes - most professing "Christians" - who actively supported and continue to support the most ardently pro-abortion candidate ever to run for president. The John Doe known as B. Hussein Obama was so dedicated to the cause that one of the few votes he actually cast in the IL Senate was in opposition to a bill which would outlaw the practice of killing an unfortunate infant who came out alive in the wake of an abortion procedure.
Seeing that play out tells us much about just how completely negro-worship has infected that which calls itself Christianity - even the "conservative" part. Apart from a few remnants like Melanie, Harry in PA and the blogger CWNY (who has done an admirable job of defending the tradition), Christianity is a mortal enemy dedicated to our extermination and should be put to the torch - from Hi-fellatin' Frannie the Grand Pontiff of Poooftery to the smarmy Pastor Rick, his revolting negro-worshipping wife and their wannabes. Let them go on worship their golden calf in blackface. Even Musloids are more honorable.
I can't participate at Vox Day's blog. Everything I post gets marked as spam, according to VD himself. This is Blogger's filters. Short, long, no links... spammed right out the door.
"If I had to pick between living in/near a hispanic community and a black ghetto I would (given my limited experience with hispanics) pick the hispanic community. Someone with more knowledge on the subject please (since the Mexicans are coming) enlighten me."
I don't like them and don't want them. But I have never felt threatened around them the way I have felt around blacks.
obamas votes
from 'discover the networks'
[I found via 'how did obama vote in senate' search]
Obama has consistently, without a single exception, voted in favor of expanding abortion rights and the funding of abortion services with taxpayer dollars. In July 2006 he voted “No” to requiring physicians to notify parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. In March 2008 he voted “No” on a bill prohibiting minors from crossing state lines to gain access to abortion services. Also in March 2008, he voted "No" on defining an unborn child as eligible for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which was designed to cover the medical-care costs of uninsured children in families whose incomes were modest but too high to qualify for Medicaid.
When Obama was a state senator, two separate partial-birth abortion bans came up for vote in 1997. Obama voted "present" on both occasions, the functional equivalent of a vote against the ban. In The Audacity of Hope, he explained that his opposition to the ban was rooted in the fact that the bill contained no exception for cases where a mother's "health" might require the procedure.[2]
In 2000 Obama voted against a bill that would have ended state funding of partial-birth abortions.
In 2001 he voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act, which was intended to protect babies that survived late-term abortions from being permitted to die from intentional neglect. He explained his vote as follows:
"[W]henever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements in the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a -- a child, a nine-month-old -- child that was delivered to term. That determination, then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place.... For that reason, I think it would probably be found unconstitutional."
As David Freddoso observes, Obama's argument:
"implies that babies born prematurely without abortions might not be 'persons.' They might have to be 'nine months old' before they count.... [O]ne might even conclude from [his words] that he actually does think they are persons. But, he argues, we cannot legally recognize them as 'persons.' Because if we do, then somewhere down the road it might threaten someone's right to an abortion.... Barack Obama's actions indicate he thinks that before any other rights are granted to 'persons,' the Constitution exists to guarantee abortion rights."[3]
Though it did not in any way conflict with, or compromise, Roe v. Wade, Obama voted against this same legislation in 2003. As chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, he blocked another attempt to bring the bill to the floor of the Illinois Senate.
On April 4, 2002, Obama challenged the sponsor of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, a bill designed to protect infants who had been intended for abortion but had not died (prior to exiting the mother's body) as expected, as follows:
Anti-Abortion Ken - If government jurisdiction extends into the womb, what are its limits? Doesn't it then follow that the government can tell you what to eat or think?
As I understand the argument, abortion is killing a baby - murder. Why do most anti-abortion types make exceptions for cases of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is at risk. If the baby is innocent, don't these exceptions ignore that fact? Why don't they propose the death penalty for women who get abortions and the medical staff who perform them.
The reason is pure expediency since almost nobody would support abortion laws under those circumstances.
If a woman aborting her own child cheapens life, what the hell does Obama unleashing drones (with our tax dollars) say about the value of life?
It's time to stop the social conservatives from diverting us into a cul de sac with their pet causes. Aborted children were not destined to grow up to be Conservative Republicans. Get a few brain cells.
I have a theory about why American health and education statistics compare so poorly with those of Europe and East Asia. The theory is based on national racial composition and goes as follows: all of America's ethnic groups compare favorably to their homelands with respect to both health and education.
You must compare like with like: Sicilians to Sicily, Irish to Ireland, Poles to Poland, blacks to West Africa, and Mexicans to Mexico. On that basis, the US does very well. But Norway and Japan don't have a lot of Africans or Mexicans; they mostly have Norwegians, so they look good. QED.
When my home was burglarized by Blacks, the self-righteous folks at work scolded me for being upset. "They probably needed food!"
Let me guess... nothing in your kitchen was stolen, was it?
the Constitution exists to guarantee abortion rights."[3]
The Constitution exists to define and DELIMIT the power of government. That includes telling busybodies that they're not allowed to use the power of government to snoop into your private family decisions, let alone make them for you.
Government shouldn't be deciding you don't have enough of the right color of neighbors, either.
"Most whites just don't want to see run away population growth among the NAM underclass." (Anonymous at 8:21 PM)
We don't want to see run away population growth of Asians either. There is no such thing as "non-Asian minority", and Asians are a minority and ARE NOT WHITE like the rest of them. Any true White racialist who lives in an area with a significant Asian minority knows first hand that they are the other side of White disfranchisement and displacement from the top down.
They are voting for liberals en masse, taking away our high paying and white collar jobs, gentrifying our working class and middle class neighborhoods, highjacking our public school seats and college admissions all while their women are already aggressively miscegenating with us to improve their stock wherever they land in the US.
White genocide is not only taking place through the underclass, but through the upper class just the same, especially now that Asian immigrants surpass Hispanics and are on their way to secure all the elite institutions on the West Coast (430,000 legal Asians arrived in the US in 2010 alone !).
The "Tribe" has already shown us how easily it can be done and it's about time we start seeing the forest for the trees here. Our ancestors didn't pass the Chinese Exclusion Act back in 1882 for no good reason...
New Asian immigrants to US now surpass Hispanics:;_ylt=A0LEV1MQxe5SX2UALmpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzdXR0NW02BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDIyNl8x
"No respect for life" that's all you need to know. Just look at how they treat animals, much less people. My vet friend says it's a great field cause you will never be around blacks.
" One Pissed Off Irishman said...
...2015 is the year we bottom out, I'll bet on it, any takers?"
I'll take that bet. We haven't hit anywhere near the low we're headed towards. When the next bubble pops, there's no money for a bailout. Then you'll see the bottom drop out.
Inflation will skyrocket as the Fed prints more funny money trying to buy its way out of the crisis. Government programs across the board will shut down.
The day after the EBT and HUD funding is no longer there, then the real fun begins.
My dad saw that cereal commercial and asked if it was for Cheerios, or Oreos.
The great Liberal dream only works when the Fed's pump-priming convinces people there is no uncertainty; business expands, the economy grows quickly, and all the huge bills of liberalism can be paid.
In reality, business owners and entrepreneurs see uncertainty and high taxes coming. Lower revenues mean printing money is an obvious failure.
Liberals don't understand that you can do welfare in the forms of government employment and lots of welfare, but you have to have a booming economy to keep it rolling.
Kill the economy and all the fake money in the world won't be enough to feed, clothe and house all the useless people.
Question for SBPDL readers.
Conservative INC still pretends that opposition to abortion is really important to white voters and a key to future election victories.
I have some experience going way back when with the conservative movement. Here's my take:
Abortion was an issue which was "safe" for the Republicans. It brought in a lot of Christian conservatives without having to concede anything real. At the same time, the GOP knew the anti-abortion movement wouldn't gain any real traction, not in the face of the Supreme Court. Yeah, some local victories might be won by the anti-abortion movement, but there was zilch chance for a national level rescinding of abortion rights.
You have to see the anti-abortion movement as one big disinformation campaign. It moved politics away from the central issue of the late 20th century -- the explosion of black political power and marginalization of whites. For whatever perverse reason, the Gingrich wing of the GOP did not oppose affirmative action or third world migrations into the USA. But ah! By opposing abortion, conservatives could feel morally superior and believe they were saving America.
Well, here we are in the second decade of the 21st century. We have had 20 years of Reagan & Bush, plus the Moral Majority and the Contract with America. And where is the USA? Its white population is being displaced, and most conservatives do not have a clue.
If the Establishment objective was to create a New World Order -- a globalized system with a self-destructing middle class -- then they have largely succeeded.
"Anti-Abortion Ken - If government jurisdiction extends into the womb, what are its limits? Doesn't it then follow that the government can tell you what to eat or think?"
What are its' limits with regards to a populace who doesn't DEMAND it respect its own determination in law that they are PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE?
How do you coral a government that you've allowed to assume you are incapable of basic self control?
I have no objection to forced sterilization or or illegal abortion, safely obtained through prosecutorial discretion, but Constitutional abortion?
Might as well bend over and tell Big Government we're as bloody stupid as they think we are.
"The Constitution exists to define and DELIMIT the power of government. That includes telling busybodies that they're not allowed to use the power of government to snoop into your private family decisions, let alone make them for you.
Government shouldn't be deciding you don't have enough of the right color of neighbors, either."
But government will do whatever it wants to a people who don't respect themselves enough to force it to recognize the presumption of personal responsibility.
You're not personally responsible enough for your libido, you sure won't be found personally responsible enough to decide next to whom you live.
Government is more than happy to say "sure, do whatever you want." It's a foolish people who listen.
Bottom line is you can't force government to respect you unless you force it to recognize that you respect yourself. But it would be more than happy to leverage every gap between your perfect self and your actual self right into your own bondage.
You think Obama, Bush, Bush, Reagan, Obama, O'Connor, Souter, Ginsberg or Sotomayor give one flying duck?
Why should they? You don't.
Why don't the non English speaking Asians who emerge from the jungle ghettos of vietnam and come here with nothing thug and trap? Instead they open nail salons and prosper with mo education and no language skills, truely 3rd World. Blacks get jobs and start fights at the time clock, claim everybody is racist and they should be able to act however they want and be paid for doing nothing.
They rarely have pets or support humane causes. Selfish, narcisists.
And they act like you are not respecting them if you don't put up woth it.
They are locked in childish mindset with adult sex drives
They were polite because they were individuals. If it were a group you would have defended yourself with deadly force. Dont let your guard down!
Erie PA
The big problem with this argument is that is not Black, hispanic or muslim women having abortions - quite the opposite. It is white women who are systematically contributing/causing the genocide of white people demographically and a major reason white have gone from 32% of the world population to less than 9% today. It such a dire problem in Russia that the Government there offers all sorts of incentive/bribes to try and limit the mass extermination of white babies. I shudder to think of the democratic levels for whites in four or five decades from now. I am very anti abortion for this reason alone
The big problem with this argument is that is not Black, hispanic or muslim women having abortions - quite the opposite.
Sorry, wrong; the Black abortion rate in the USA is multiples of the White rate, approaching 4:1 per capita, and anti-abortion activists chronically complain about the "racist" nature of Black women's freely-chosen actions. I'd like to see that ratio higher, but that's certainly working in our favor.
The White birthrate is sub-replacement even in many countries where abortion is outlawed. The problem is a lack of affordable family formation and feminist/socialist destruction of the family, not abortion.
Anonymous on February 1, 2014 at 9:38 PM, thanks for posting that description. I've wondered about that--about blacks and the auto industry. Now I know. I like to read about others' experiences working with and living amongst blacks and what it's really like.
Jeff (February 1, 2014 at 9:24 PM):
In Brooklyn and Queens, many Black babies are born and left alone until they die in alleys, trash bins, dumpsters, etc. It's a huge problem.
That doesn't really sound like a problem at all. Rather beneficial.
Now, on the other hand, those who do not die as babies...
Anonymous (February 1, 2014 at 8:21 PM):
"Most whites just don't want to see run away population growth among the NAM underclass."
Or indeed any underclass.
Charles E. Winchester, III, that's because we know we'll have to work to support the useless and ne'er -do- wells
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